Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

yes, it looks good, and it is good. what are the odds that they will 'conscripted' and sent right back to battle? Perhaps they would prefer to stay in Russia until the SMO is over?
In Russia is going more absurd and forcible. Just as an example:
A resident of Krasnodar was fined 40 thousand rubles (500$) for a discarded leaflet advertising a contract service. The Russian himself told the newspaper "Rise" about this.

The man explained that a protocol was drawn up against him on discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, since everything was done "demonstratively".
A resident of Krasnodar passed by the shopping center "Five Stars", where brochures were distributed. One of them was handed to him. The man threw the leaflet into the nearest trash can, after which police officers approached him.
"They said that I did it on purpose, in front of everyone, deliberately choosing a public place. I didn't do anything like that, I didn't attract attention. Honestly, for me, at least an advertisement for a sushi bar or something else, I would do the same," the Russian shared.

Lucky him, just a fine, no imprisonment....
In Russia is going more absurd and forcible. Just as an example:
A resident of Krasnodar was fined 40 thousand rubles (500$) for a discarded leaflet advertising a contract service. The Russian himself told the newspaper "Rise" about this.

The man explained that a protocol was drawn up against him on discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, since everything was done "demonstratively".
A resident of Krasnodar passed by the shopping center "Five Stars", where brochures were distributed. One of them was handed to him. The man threw the leaflet into the nearest trash can, after which police officers approached him.
"They said that I did it on purpose, in front of everyone, deliberately choosing a public place. I didn't do anything like that, I didn't attract attention. Honestly, for me, at least an advertisement for a sushi bar or something else, I would do the same," the Russian shared.

Lucky him, just a fine, no imprisonment....
The official channel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory

False information is being circulated on the Internet about the protocol, according to which a Krasnodar citizen was fined for throwing a leaflet advertising a contract service into the trash can!

According to the results of the check, this information was not confirmed.

“We recommend citizens not to trust information published in messenger groups and public social networks without official confirmation from government agencies. Administrators of such resources, as a rule, do not check the information received by them.

We urge media representatives and public administrators to carefully check incoming information about and prevent the spread of fakes that mislead the audience.

We remind you that the law provides for administrative and criminal liability for the dissemination of deliberately unreliable socially significant information under the guise of reliable messages," Alexander Runov, head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, explained.

I don't know if this protocol was actually issued to him or not. I think we will find out the truth.
But I know for sure that the CIPSO of Ukraine conducts similar operations on the territory of the Russian Federation, involving marginal elements in such activities.

In any case, Lenta.ru is a liberal garbage dump.
The official channel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory

False information is being circulated on the Internet about the protocol, according to which a Krasnodar citizen was fined for throwing a leaflet advertising a contract service into the trash can!

According to the results of the check, this information was not confirmed.

“We recommend citizens not to trust information published in messenger groups and public social networks without official confirmation from government agencies. Administrators of such resources, as a rule, do not check the information received by them.

We urge media representatives and public administrators to carefully check incoming information about and prevent the spread of fakes that mislead the audience.

We remind you that the law provides for administrative and criminal liability for the dissemination of deliberately unreliable socially significant information under the guise of reliable messages," Alexander Runov, head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, explained.

I don't know if this protocol was actually issued to him or not. I think we will find out the truth.
But I know for sure that the CIPSO of Ukraine conducts similar operations on the territory of the Russian Federation, involving marginal elements in such activities.

In any case, Lenta.ru is a liberal garbage dump.
F1esk, if you search similar sort of cases - there are precedents already. Passing fast recently that law for discreditation of the army without concrete definitions- was not done just for nothing. Censorship is considered easier that telling a hard truth. I am not saying that this particular case is 100% truth, i have read it yesterday in the news (it was not lenta).
By the way, if you consider lenta liberal rubbish bin, than all our mass media should be of that category:

The new owner Lenta.ru became a former top manager of Gazprom-Media Sberbank found a way to consolidate Rambler and not violate the law "On Mass Media"

Sberbank has found a way to issue online publications belonging to the Rambler group and not violate the law on mass media: Sergey Shishkin became their main owner. Former Gazprom-Media top manager may be appointed CEO of Rambler

more on rbc:
F1esk, if you search similar sort of cases - there are precedents already. Passing fast recently that law for discreditation of the army without concrete definitions- was not done just for nothing. Censorship is considered easier that telling a hard truth.
The times when it was possible to shit on the army with impunity are over. The Centers of Information and Psychological Operations of Ukraine are very fond of doing this. Now the Russian media will also be punished for fakes and disinformation, and this is wonderful.

With regards to truth and precedents.
The court in the Kaluga region did not accept the protocol on discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in relation to the military surgeon Yevich, the case was returned without consideration - the file of the court. You can speak the truth. Spreading fake news is not.

“During the lecture, I said that the inhabitants of Sakhalin do not have the necessary military training to repel an invasion from the same Japan. I do not consider such a scenario to be something fantastic. The Japanese military budget is $250 billion. Why do they need such a military budget? Who are they going to fight against? Against China? No matter how! Against us, of course. I said that in the event of a Japanese invasion of Sakhalin, the Russian army would not be able to promptly come to the rescue, as it was stuck in Ukraine. Apparently, the phrase that our army was stuck in Ukraine became the reason for initiating the case.
Some Sakhalin officials were invited to the meeting. They came, but fled after the first theses were announced.
In particular, I drew the listeners' attention to the fact that local officials are doing nothing to prepare territorial defense. It probably hurt them a lot. They could complain to me, they say, I discredit the authorities. But they preferred to go the other way and accused me of discrediting the army "(c) Yuri Yevich

I think that each specific case will be dealt with, there will be high-profile cases, but everything will settle down over time.

By the way, if you consider lenta liberal rubbish bin, than all our mass media should be of that category:
That's how I feel about all the media. :lol:
All information must be verified. Time is like that.

My opinion is that this law was adopted late. How much stuffing and misinformation could have been avoided if it had been accepted earlier? Russia is fighting for its future against the collective West. This is a matter of survival, a matter of the future of our children. The authorities must protect society from buildup, from outside influence. And you know that now, before the Ukrainian counter-offensive, an information attack is being prepared on society and the army. Everyone who will contribute to this in Russia-will be punished. And it is right.

And at 43 they would have been shot at all! :lol:
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived in Kyiv. This was reported by the Ukrainian edition of "Strana".

The publication does not provide any details, however, a photograph has been published on the Strany Telegram channel, which shows the NATO Secretary General surrounded by the Ukrainian military. Officially, Stoltenberg's visit to the capital of Ukraine was not reported.

If you really came: everything is also on the agenda - pushing the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack and discussing additional supplies of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

Mikhail Khazin is not always wrong. Maybe you should listen.
Mikhail Khazin presented a new map of Europe. In his opinion, a large redistribution of territories is coming, within the framework of which not only Ukraine will be "uncovered". Countries such as Romania and Croatia may also lose parts of their lands.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke unflatteringly about Ukraine on April 14. In his opinion, this country does not actually exist, if you look at the situation from the point of view of finance, said the economic observer of the "First Russian" Yuri Pronko in the program "Tsargrad. The main thing."

The Hungarian leader is confident that when the Kiev regime stops receiving huge amounts of money from the EU and America, the armed confrontation will end instantly, as Ukrainian troops will immediately fall under the onslaught of the Russian army.

In Nezalezhnaya, they reacted with irritation to Orban's words, emphasizing that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are allegedly fulfilling a global mission today and deterring the "aggressor" threatening the whole of Europe.

Mikhail Khazin assessed the situation in the international arena on the air of the program. He admitted that he shares the position of the Hungarian Prime Minister.

Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye
According to the expert, it is difficult to argue with this assessment of Orban, no matter how Kiev tries to play the role of defender of the whole of Europe. Of course, in Ukraine they could not agree with the annoying truth for themselves and immediately took a defensive position.

And how, if you'll excuse me, can I put it here? Ukraine really lives on handouts. It does not exist at the expense of its own resources. And they can say anything there, but the reality is inexorable, and it is radically different from the Kiev rhetoric," the interlocutor of Tsargrad cut off.

He added that Budapest made such a statement for a reason. Observing what is happening today from the outside, he thinks strategically.

Ukrainian and Western politics can be represented as a mass of reptiles, maggots, snakes that sit in the same jar and eat each other," Khazin said.

And everything would be fine, but there is a fire burning under this container. Hungary is well aware that those forces that sponsor Kiev today will no longer have the resources to provide further assistance tomorrow.

Europe is waiting for the section
When Ukraine remains alone, a number of its eastern territories may become part of Russia. The western regions, meanwhile, will become easy prey for neighboring countries. But Budapest probably won't stop there either.

That's what Orban is thinking about: it means, they say, it is possible to take over the Transcarpathian region of Ukrainians. Romania runs into Russia and tries to annex Moldova. So, against this background, it will be possible, having agreed with Moscow, to cut off Transylvania. And it would be nice to capture Croatia there as well. If Belgrade does not betray Russia, then it will be possible through [Russian President Vladimir] Putin agreed with Serbia, uncovered Croatia and reclaimed the seashore, — the interlocutor of the "First Russian" explained.

Will there be a third World War
Thus, "the movement has gone," the economist is sure. In addition to Hungary, Poland, which claims Western Ukraine, can also play a very active role in the global redistribution of Europe.

"Serious people are thinking about how to clean up something. And stupid people are thinking about how to preserve liberal values that no one needs anymore," the studio guest explained.

In this regard, Yuri Pronko asked whether this dynamic in the international arena could be called the beginning of the Third World War.

According to Khazin, despite all these processes, it is hardly possible to talk about a great threat of a global military clash. Today, this division of territories is already developing according to different laws.

The main event is not a fight between players A and B, not finding out who is stronger, but the collapse of the weak. Perhaps, when some countries fall apart, some local wars will begin. But, let's say Hungary will take and say that, they say, Transylvania is ours. Do you think the remnants of Romania will fight for these territories? I think not," the expert concluded.
Хазин представил новую карту Европы: "Расчекрыжат" не только Украину

Just as interesting facts
The AFU began using new tactical signs, as well as a few weeks before the offensive in the Kherson and Kharkiv regions
New tactical symbols were found on the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles transferred to the AFU: the white arrow

Russian military correspondents have published photos and videos depicting a foreign tank handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with a new tactical symbol - a white arrow. According to analysts, these symbols may indicate that the armored vehicles are intended for a possible Ukrainian counteroffensive.

In addition, similar symbols with numbers were seen on American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and Slovenian M-55S tanks belonging to the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The appearance of new tactical symbols raises questions about the plans of the Ukrainian army and possible changes in strategy.

This information highlights the growing military activity in the region and the continued support from foreign partners. It is noted that the details and reasons for the use of new tactical symbols on armored vehicles have not yet been disclosed, and their functional purpose remains the subject of discussion and speculation, however, the last time the appearance of tactical signs was observed on Ukrainian military equipment two weeks before the start of the offensive in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions
ВСУ начали использовать новые тактические знаки, как и за несколько недель до наступления в Херсонской и Харьковской областях

The Netherlands and Denmark postponed the delivery of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine for 2024
The Netherlands and Denmark will supply Ukraine with 14 Leopard 2 tanks in 2024.

In a statement, the Dutch Ministry of Defense reported that the Netherlands and Denmark will transfer 14 Leopard 2-A4 tanks to Ukraine in 2024. After the overhaul, the tanks will be quickly sent to Ukraine. The total cost of this batch of combat vehicles is about 165 million euros.

This is a continuation of the military assistance that began in February 2023, when the Netherlands, in cooperation with Germany and Denmark, announced the transfer of about 100 Leopard 1 tanks and related ammunition to Ukraine. According to estimates of the Kiel Institute of World Economy, Dutch military assistance to Ukraine amounts to 2.4 billion euros, and Danish — 800 million euros.

In 2022, the Netherlands has already sent armored personnel carriers, 200 Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems, three thousand helmets and two thousand bulletproof vests, 100 sniper rifles with ammunition, 400 grenade launchers and two diving boats to Kiev. In January of this year, it was announced its intention to supply two Patriot anti-aircraft missile launchers.

Moscow has repeatedly warned Western countries that arms supplies to Ukraine do not change anything and only prolong the confrontation. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that the United States and NATO are directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine not only through the supply of weapons, but also by training military personnel.
Нидерланды и Дания перенесли поставку Украине танков Leopard 2 на 2024 год

A particularly piquant fact. Interestingly, in almost all combat videos, the Ukrainian military call the Russians "faggots". In our slang, in addition to denoting a certain sexual orientation, this is a serious insult, but having such units in their armed forces, it's funny enough to always hear it
Soldiers of the Ukrainian LGBT battalion were spotted on the Kremen front line
A Russian fighter spoke about the soldiers of the Ukrainian LGBT battalion in the Kremen direction
KREMENNAYA (LNR), Apr 20 — RIA Novosti. Representatives of the Ukrainian LGBT battalion were found in the Kremen direction, the Russian military told RIA Novosti.
The published footage shows the deceased fighter, whose chevron depicts a unicorn.
We took one dill (fortified area. — Editor's note) — we look, and there one has this chevron. I heard, of course, that they have such a unit, but I thought it was a lie. I've been in a special operation for a year, but I haven't seen this in person yet," the source told RIA Novosti.

In his opinion, such a compound can hardly be considered combat-ready.
На Кременском участке фронта заметили солдат украинского ЛГБТ-батальона

Михаил Хазин не всегда бывает неправ. Может стоит прислушаться.
Особо пикантный факт. Интересно, что практически на всех боевых видео украинские военные называют русских "пидорами". На нашем сленге, помимо обозначения определенной сексуальной ориентации, это является серьезным оскорблением, но имея в составе своих вооруженных сил подобные подразделения, достаточно смешно всегда это слышать
On March 8 and 9 Russia launched retaliatory hypersonic missiles on Ukraine in response to Ukraines attack on Russia March 2. According to this report a bunker headquarters, 400 ft below ground was destroyed near Kyiv and dozens of top UN and Ukraine commanders where killed, 300 people total where said to have died. If this is true it would explain much of what has happened since as this was a devastating blow to NATO. The news was hidden from the public for fear of demands for escalation of attacks on Russia is speculated.

Scott Ritter gives his description on the March 2 attack and at 50:33 an international affairs analyst describes the event above which was reported yesterday.

Report begins at 39:00.

Last edited:
Mikhail Khazin is not always wrong. Maybe you should listen.

Хазин представил новую карту Европы: "Расчекрыжат" не только Украину

Just as interesting facts

ВСУ начали использовать новые тактические знаки, как и за несколько недель до наступления в Херсонской и Харьковской областях

Нидерланды и Дания перенесли поставку Украине танков Leopard 2 на 2024 год

A particularly piquant fact. Interestingly, in almost all combat videos, the Ukrainian military call the Russians "faggots". In our slang, in addition to denoting a certain sexual orientation, this is a serious insult, but having such units in their armed forces, it's funny enough to always hear it

На Кременском участке фронта заметили солдат украинского ЛГБТ-батальона

Михаил Хазин не всегда бывает неправ. Может стоит прислушаться.
Особо пикантный факт. Интересно, что практически на всех боевых видео украинские военные называют русских "пидорами". На нашем сленге, помимо обозначения определенной сексуальной ориентации, это является серьезным оскорблением, но имея в составе своих вооруженных сил подобные подразделения, достаточно смешно всегда это слышать
In case of russian military operation from the teritory of Serbia, Belgrade would betray Moscow for sure. Because government of Serbia are West's puppets.

But there is no need for that anyway. It is enough for Serbia to have contact with Russia through Transcarpathia and Hungary, and Russians will have Montenegro's Adriatic coast. Plus Black Sea's coast in Bulgaria which would turn coat at first occasion (as usuall). In that way Russia would govern the whole Black Sea, and influence southern and midlle Europe. In such case Serbia would for sure attack Kosovo. Greece would stay NATO.

There is a problem with Croatian coast. Croatians really love to live there, and most of them dont want to be under russian influence (be it good or bad for them), so no one around them wants to fight for it. Second thing, NATO would defend that coast fiercely, because if you take croatian Adriatic you take Italy too. For the continental part of Croatia is diferent, its not important to NATO , but also no one around it doesnt want it either. Serbs, Hungarians, Slovenians, Austrians really dont want more land.

So, I guess that the whole Balkan peninsula would be tampon zone with mixed influences, with russian army in Bulgaria and stronger Serbian army as its ally.

(Serbs actually have a problem with foreign armies on their teritory, be it even some friendly country's army)
From Winter Watch:

Leopard 2 tanks were unable to penetrate Russian tanks protected by dynamic protection Contact-5

Russian tanks, protected by dynamic protection “Contact-5”, proved to be impenetrable for the German “Leopards”.

An accurate hit by a German Leopard 2 tank causes absolutely no damage to any Russian tank equipped with Kontakt-5 dynamic protection elements. The main damage is muted by the armor, however, the integrity of the tank’s structure is not violated. This fact indicates that German tanks of this type will not become a serious problem for Russian combat vehicles protected by such means of dynamic defense as the Contact-5.

Today, in the NMD zone, Russia is actively using modern-style tanks equipped, among other things, with Kontakt-5 dynamic protection elements. This provides a high level of protection for the crews of Russian tanks.

However, experts note that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already received Challenger 2 tanks and ammunition with depleted uranium for them, the armor penetration of which is much higher.
From Winter Watch:

Leopard 2 tanks were unable to penetrate Russian tanks protected by dynamic protection Contact-5

Russian tanks, protected by dynamic protection “Contact-5”, proved to be impenetrable for the German “Leopards”.

An accurate hit by a German Leopard 2 tank causes absolutely no damage to any Russian tank equipped with Kontakt-5 dynamic protection elements. The main damage is muted by the armor, however, the integrity of the tank’s structure is not violated. This fact indicates that German tanks of this type will not become a serious problem for Russian combat vehicles protected by such means of dynamic defense as the Contact-5.

Today, in the NMD zone, Russia is actively using modern-style tanks equipped, among other things, with Kontakt-5 dynamic protection elements. This provides a high level of protection for the crews of Russian tanks.

However, experts note that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already received Challenger 2 tanks and ammunition with depleted uranium for them, the armor penetration of which is much higher.
And with just one charge of those shells you can say goodbuy to hectars and hectars of soil. Really nice "defence" by Ukrainian side.
It seemed to be the last road for supplies.
PMCs "Wagner" cut the "road of life" of the AFU in Bakhmut, expands the bridgehead and reflects counterattacks (MAP)

This is reported in the daily summary by Ukrainian military analysts.

In the Bakhmut direction, the situation for the AFU is extremely difficult.

In the area of the O-0506 highway, as reported yesterday, there are battles in the forest belt adjacent to the highway and crossing it. Heavy fighting is going on right next to the track.

In the center of the city, the Wagnerians seized the Transit hotel.

In the north of the gray zone of Bakhmut, the Russians are conducting offensive operations along Pobedy, Levonevsky, Gleb Slobodin and Dachnaya streets.

In the Elevator area, shooting battles continue along sections of Alexandra Kolpakova and Veselaya streets.

How well various high-tech "pieces" work with us.
Russian electronic warfare system "Tobol" suppressed "Starlink" in Ukraine
The Russian army has a secret weapon that disrupts the operation of American Starlink satellites on Ukrainian territory.

According to the publication, the "secret system" of electronic warfare creates big problems for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) when using Starlink. As the journalists explained, referring to the Pentagon files that got into the Network, we are talking about the Russian electronic warfare system "Tobol".

"Moscow has been experimenting with its Tobol electronic warfare systems for several months, trying to disrupt the operation of Starlink in Ukraine," the US Department of Defense documents say.

The article emphasizes that earlier Western observers had no idea about the use of EW "Tobol" against Starlink satellites, which are important equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The disrupted operation of the satellite Internet, thanks to Russian electronic warfare systems, is also reported in Ukraine itself. It is noted that this does not affect data transmission in any way, however, there is a GPS module in the Starlink system that is responsible for the synchronized operation of the terminal and spacecraft, and it is he who is subject to attacks by electronic warfare systems. It is emphasized that the suppression is not carried out by satellites, namely terminals.

"Although Starlink seems to be immune to electronic warfare at satellite frequencies, GPS is present in its structure, which, unfortunately, is vulnerable to electronic interference. In the case of GPS signal suppression, Starlink is not able to register, and even after successful registration, its speed decreases to complete loss of communication. For tech-savvy readers, I will explain that the reason for Starlink's failure is not a problem in determining the location of the terminal, but a loss of synchronization associated with GPS," said Ukrainian journalist Konstantin Ryzhenko.

In fact, the Russian military managed to successfully suppress wireless Internet, which is actively used by the Ukrainian army, including for attacks on Russian territory.
Российская система РЭБ "Тобол" подавила "Starlink" на Украине

The Russian complex "Penicillin" successfully worked on the Ukrainian artillery
The Vostok group of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a Ukrainian howitzer with the help of the Penicillin complex.

Servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the Vostok group discovered and destroyed a Ukrainian howitzer using the Penicillin artillery reconnaissance complex and the Msta self-propelled artillery installation (ACS). Information on this subject is provided in a statement by the head of the press center of the Vostok group, Alexandra Gordeeva.

According to the press center, the Ukrainian artillery crew was detected using the "Penicillin" counter-battery warfare complex near the settlement of Novoselovka. The target was destroyed by an accurate hit from the Msta self-propelled gun of the Russian Armed Forces.

The Penicillin electronic warfare system is a modern Russian counter-battery warfare system designed to detect, determine coordinates and counter enemy artillery. It is capable of detecting artillery pieces, mortars and rocket launchers at a distance of up to 50 km, as well as determining their coordinates with high accuracy. Penicillin uses radar and optoelectronic means to conduct reconnaissance and is capable of operating in all weather conditions. Thanks to these capabilities, the Penicillin complex allows you to quickly and accurately neutralize threats from enemy artillery.
Российский комплекс "Пеницилин" успешно отработал по украинской артиллерии

And with all these high-tech "things", where can we go from our traditional sloppiness.
Russian Defense Ministry: ammunition from the Su-34 plane fell on Belgorod, damaging residential buildings
As a result of the incident with an emergency descent of aviation ammunition in Belgorod, there are no victims, an investigation is underway.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported an incident that took place in the evening on April 20 over the city of Belgorod. During the flight of the Su-34 aircraft of the Aerospace Forces (VKS), an abnormal descent of an aviation munition occurred. As a result of the incident, residential buildings were damaged, but there were no casualties among the population.

Rescue services and representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry were immediately sent to the scene to assess the destruction and ensure the safety of the local population. As a result of the incident, several residential buildings received damage of varying severity. Currently, work is underway to eliminate the consequences of the incident and provide assistance to the affected houses and their residents.

The Russian Defense Ministry is investigating the incident and is studying the causes of an abnormal descent of an aviation munition from the Su-34 aircraft. During the investigation, the responsible persons will be identified, and the necessary measures will be taken to prevent similar situations in the future.
Минобороны России: боеприпас с самолета Су-34 нештатно упал на Белгород, повредив жилые строения

Вроде бы была последняя дорога для снабжения.
Как хорошо работают у нас различные высокотехнологичные "штуки".
И при всех этих высокотехнологичных "штуках" куда же деваться от традиционного нашего раздолбайства.
Putin on attempts to isolate Russia: This trend in the world towards multipolarity is inevitable. The trend will only get stronger. And those who do not follow this trend will lose. This fact is absolutely obvious. It's as obvious as the rising of the sun. There's nothing to be done about it! Those who try to prevent this, they will only face additional problems, which they already have enough. Well, God be with them. We go our own way and demonstrate good results.

Путин – о попытках изолировать Россию: Эта тенденция в мире к многополярности – она неизбежна. Тренд будет только усиливаться. И те, кто это не будут следовать в этом тренде, будут проигрывать. Этот факт абсолютно очевидный. Это так же очевидно, как подъем солнца. С этим ничего не поделать! Те, кто пытаются воспрепятствовать этому, они только столкнутся с дополнительными проблемами, которых у них и так хватает. Ну бог с ними. Мы идем своей дорогой и демонстрируем хорошие результаты.
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