strange sightings

On Aug 20, at around 04:30am, while doing fasted sprinting exercises at the edge of town, on the soccer field in the dark, while everything lit by large orange moon, I saw in the sky:

1. Strong blue-white light moving at least four times the speed of any airplane, probably supersonic, like some experimental craft. Light size & intensity was at least airplane lights.
2. Appeared to separate the light haze of clouds above and made a clear streak as it went.
3. Brightest stars were visible.
4. No sound. Should have heard sound booms, but not even engine sound. Completely still. Too fast for ISS or Starlink
5. Visible for about two seconds, then it disappeared, probably covered by the thin haze of near invisible clouds above
6. Came from South and blazed away toward North on stable aeronautical flight path
7. Compared to the thinly and brightly streaking and super-fast zipping shooting stars visible for less than a second and burning up at night, this was of course slower, appeared to have in hurry and completely stable. Maintaining height and light intensity.
8. I was worried about abduction, as I began training in the dark at ~04:00am, on an open field, big shadows everywhere, "strong" wind, so metal structures were GROANING with metallic sounds, wires flinging loudly inside metal poles... shadows... I was eyeing the sky warily all the time. :D I purposely did not watch the recent Valentich last transmission video (the previous night) to the end for this exact reason! :-/
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UFO Footage That Hasn't Been Seen For Nearly 21 Years Plus Eyewitness Account..
Aug 12, 2024
This awesome footage was captured nearly 21 years ago and was sighted at the now abandoned Plymouth City Airport in Plymouth, England.UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2024, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, UAP, UAPS, OVNI 2024, UAP 2024, GHOST, GHOST 2024, STRANGE LIGHTS

11:34, 4 AUG 2023
There have been ten UFO sightings recorded in the Plymouth area in the last two-and-a-half years. The ten reports are part of almost 1,000 documented sightings across the UK.

Our new map shows six sightings in Plymouth itself, with descriptions such as a 'star-like bright light similar to a satellite but much lower in the sky, moving West to East' to a "very, very dark triangular object stationary for five minutes" which then reportedly "moved off quite rapidly".

There were also two reports in South East Cornwall, one in Torpoint and Landrake. Tavistock also had one report of a "strange ball in the sky" which "suddenly vanished" and was followed by "fighter jets" in the area.

There was also a sighting of "two very bright lights just about the tree line" in South Brent, which "suddenly shot off at phenomenal speed".

The new map - which you can view below - comes after the US Congress heard from retired Major David Grusch, a former Air Force intelligence officer, about possible evidence of extraterrestrial contact.

In a highly anticipated testimony before a House Oversight sub-committee, Mr Grusch said the US is concealing a long-standing programme that retrieves and reverse-engineers unidentified flying objects. He said the US has likely been aware of “non-human” activity since the 1930s.

Although the testimony in Congress has created a media storm, many scientists remain sceptical that the US has secretly found evidence of extraterrestrial l life. That includes Professor Brian Cox who said “extraordinary” claims had been made, but without “extraordinary evidence” to back it up.

Nonetheless, UFO spotters in this country believe the British government has communicated with the US regarding its UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena - the official term used instead of UFO) programmes. And there has been plenty to see in the skies above the UK.

Between January 2021 and May this year, the UFO spotter website UFO Identified documented a total of 957 sightings. That includes 410 in 2021, 494 in 2022, and 53 as of May 20 this year.

Have you spotted a UFO in Plymouth? Get in touch via email at
This awesome footage was captured nearly 21 years ago and was sighted at the now abandoned Plymouth City Airport in Plymouth,
Would be a good question for the C's. Why was the guy filming this immediately not apprehended by soldiers in black uniforms and shot on scene on sight? If this was the military - signaling for their precious "Invisible Plane Experiment Pilot". Civilians cannot see such Area-51-Secret-grade landings.

If this is real, there are at least two Bright Light Egg Portals opening and humans stepping out of it.. This is some kind of a dimensional door out from the arriving bright-row-lights-wing craft? Understandable if they closed the airport down:
- Sorry peeps! Our highly esteeemed alien overlords decided they need your airport for landing. So PCA is closed and you can shut up and just continue going to your supermarkets and BUY - CONSUME - OBEY - MARRY AND REPRODUCE...
Google translated

Flights were canceled for two consecutive days at Tianjin Airport in China due to UFOs

Chinese media reported on the incidents recorded in photos and videos. UFO sightings occurred on the 11th and 12th of this month and were responsible for a large number of flight diversions and cancellations.

For two consecutive days, UFOs and UAPs were seen and filmed over Tianjin, disrupting the normal flight schedule. On the night of September 12, after 8 p.m., Tianjin Binhai Airport again recorded anomalies. No flights took off, and most of the arriving flights were waiting to be diverted or stuck in a circle.

According to FlightAware, between 20:10 and 21:46 on the 12th, Tianjin Binhai Airport had no inbound or outbound flights, while 18 inbound flights were waiting to be diverted. The airport has yet to publicly comment on the situation, but customer service reported that, due to public safety, more than a dozen flights scheduled to land between approximately 8 and 9 p.m. were unable to land.

This was the second consecutive day this week that Tianjin Binhai Airport experienced flight delays. On the evening of the 11th, the airport canceled and delayed many flights or diverted them to other airports due to UFOs flying over the region. According to the authorities, drones are to blame.

Although the authorities did not mention the drones this time, many netizens have noted the presence of UFOs and UAPs over Tianjin, New Tang dynasty television NTDTVreports .

Videos are in the article.
Well, I have no footage of it but a few weeks ago I saw a weird light in the sky at around 2 or 3am. It was a clear night and I was talking to a friend when I looked at the sky and saw a bright white light that had the same intensity as a white highway lamp and for a split second blended perfectly with the other lampposts in the vicinity, just higher and farther away. Except the moment I looked at it, it traveled downwards, curved and shot forward and away (to the right side of my field of view). The distance and speed it traveled at is not something I can find a resemblance to, but it was very smooth. Even weirder is the trail of light it left in its path.

This could be anything but it certainly isn’t anything I’ve ever seen before.
This awesome footage was captured nearly 21 years ago and was sighted at the now abandoned Plymouth City Airport in Plymouth, England.UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2024, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, UAP, UAPS, OVNI 2024, UAP 2024, GHOST, GHOST 2024, STRANGE LIGHTS
The first thought anyone would have seeing this on the sky: obviously an airplane. The ligths are shaped like wings, it appears to go down to land, and it even appears to wobble on the wind, in the same way actual passenger planes do.
Except... it does everything in slow motion, as if someone was playing a slowed down video, while everything around it "plays normally". And best part is: the lights aren't even connected, there is just empty space that does not obscure anything behind!

So, the question is: why are those lights behaving like an airplane? Are those military drones in a formation that mimicks an airplane? Are those "aliens" trying to be inconspicious to bystanders (or actually showing off? "look, we can pretend to be an airplane too, and you wouldn't even notice if we tried!")?

But I have a more interesting idea: it actually IS an airplane, but it not a physical one anymore. It is in another reality. Our perceptions of time simply do not apply to it anymore, as it might be able to "experience" time in a much broader manner, thus the unnatural slowdown.
And the strange disconnected lights that behave as if connected? They are "anchors" that keep the craft connected to our reality, and are as integral to its function as jet engines are to typical modern aircraft.

Well, even if it's not the case, this is still a great idea for a sci-fi setting and how secret military tech reverse-engineered from alien tech might work, so feel free to use it if you want. :-P
Not sure what to make of this. It doesn't look real. Has anyone seen it? I suppose it could be fake..... ?

The trails they leave behind are typical of aircraft engines and there are flashing warnings and signals typical of aircraft as well.

The synchronized right turn is typical of military fighter aircraft on their approach to the airport, to practice deceiving the radar since, being so close together, the radar operator does not know how many aircraft are attacking.

So I would bet on military aircraft on a night approach practice to the airport.

A maybe to the matter.
The trails they leave behind are typical of aircraft engines and there are flashing warnings and signals typical of aircraft as well.

The synchronized right turn is typical of military fighter aircraft on their approach to the airport, to practice deceiving the radar since, being so close together, the radar operator does not know how many aircraft are attacking.

So I would bet on military aircraft on a night approach practice to the airport.

A maybe to the matter.
I don,t know what those light are but, definitely not airplane on approach for landing. When landing, you use minimal engine regime, these look like they are on after burner. Strange sighting if real.
I don,t know what those light are but, definitely not airplane on approach for landing. When landing, you use minimal engine regime, these look like they are on after burner. Strange sighting if real.
Yes, I have enlarged the video and I do not believe it is a conventional aircraft.

Four visible points of light from which flames emanate on the sides and the line of smoke from each of them.

Falling asteroids perhaps.

The strange thing is the large light that is below the four points of light from which the apparent flames and smoke come out.

So it is difficult to know what it could be.
Not sure what to make of this. It doesn't look real. Has anyone seen it? I suppose it could be fake..... ?
I had seen several reports at X, of the 13th October event. In another video similar to yours is marked as such. At comments it is mentioned to be from another year, or that is old, though.

This guy addresses the issue Did Washington DC Just Witness A UFO Crash and shows other tik tok videos, but there is not much evidence, and even less information. Just reports of sounds, that something crash at NC, Maryland, New Jersey etc, with different times, of reports of crashing, sounds, sights, non video reports, etc.

I thought it might have been a fireball but, at the American Meteor Society website the last record is from October 10th.
According to the comments on X this is a discernment test.
We the sheeple. Constantly being fed new BS and vintage BS to make certain we’re not paying attention to the shenanigans of the PTB so they can continue their games. Too bad their house of cards will tumble when their masters decide they have outlived their usefulness.
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