strange sightings

Well, to be honest, when I saw the second object my mind immediately went: UFO. It behaved a lot like your "typical" UFO does. While the other two sighting we've observed on the beach that day baffled me a bit.

But what what was interesting to me - aside from the sightings themselves - were two things. First, it was my friend's reaction. He is a devoted Catholic, although he accepts people of different faith and beliefs, and we can have open discussion about religion and so on, which is nice. That being said, he does not exactly believe in aliens, UFO and all the jazz, nor he is particularly interested in diving in these subjects even just out of curiosity. Still, he could not explain what we saw, and he was... maybe not shaken, but it got to him. All he could say was "what the heck" over and over again ;-)
Second interesting thing was the fact that we've actually discussed UFO, aliens and other dimensions the same day before our trip, and during our walk.

Amazing how the universe works.

I was like that before. I even used to purposefully look at the sky in search for possible UFOs (once, I even got lucky ). Then, life got in the way, I became more and more stressed and started to pay less and less attention not only to the sky, but to the world around me in general. Nowadays, I'm opening up again, but the chronic stress I was under for the last couple of years makes it a bit harder for me to see things like that as just a wonder :) I wasn't scared per se, but it gave me a sense of uneasiness as well. Especially after I saw that thing hovering above the building where I live.
I understand what you are saying completely! I had several years where I just had very little time for stargazing and it just got taken off the list of priorities and yet I have loved looking at the sky since I was a wee child. I have had my fair share of sightings and even got some photos that I will try to share here tomorrow......I even have an incident to recount when I worked in London in my early encounter with what I believe was a Human Hybrid Reptilian......I was going to write it up but I was not sure how and where to posts the new threads....although I have been a member since 2020....I have only been on here a few times perhaps 4 times in total and have not spent any time exploring....perhaps someone could tell me how to make a new thread as I would love to know what other members have encountered in their lives and perhaps have not really talked about it......I kept my incident to myself for years and only recently spoke about it to some friends. Not because I did not want to share it but because it is only recently that I have felt the time is right to speak about it. I have felt like a nut job since I was a small.....and soon found that talking about supernatural or spiritual subjects can get you into a lot of trouble.....thank God they don't burn folks like us anymore!
I know, what a funky looking wall. Anything else to report on the picture? the context or a feeling in the space? or could it be simply coincidence?
Sorry I meant to write Clown figure.....I am a visual/window merchandiser by trade and so I see a lot of details and get impressions of things pretty quickly! It almost looks know it could be that some of these creatures/beings might still be hanging around energetically but get caught on camera.....from what you hear within the truther community (which I feel there are a lot of hybrids or walk-ins like the C's were saying) I recently saw a video of Sacha Stone who I always felt was pretty legit.....but then one of my friends sent me a video with him and a woman who was the host....I noticed something about his eyes and his behaviour changed when his eyes started blinking and, I saw the change in his to get a better look I slowed it down and then saw the hosts eyes also change....I will try to find the video and post it to see if anyone else is seeing something funny going on with their eyes.
I know, what a funky looking wall. Anything else to report on the picture? the context or a feeling in the space? or could it be simply coincidence?
I don't know if your request is towards me, but just in case I will respond.

It's a photo taken with a cell phone of one of my wife's friends while she was walking down the street.

The photo is cropped (so that the woman in the photo cannot be seen), therefore it is enlarged.

There is no tweaking or trick.

The wall is marble and what you see is (or should be) part of the integrity of the marble. It is not drawn.

Finally, whatever it is, it is useful for those who have never seen a 'gray' of the little ones, so that they can have a rough idea.

I think that's all.
I don't know if your request is towards me, but just in case I will respond.

It's a photo taken with a cell phone of one of my wife's friends while she was walking down the street.

The photo is cropped (so that the woman in the photo cannot be seen), therefore it is enlarged.

There is no tweaking or trick.

The wall is marble and what you see is (or should be) part of the integrity of the marble. It is not drawn.

Finally, whatever it is, it is useful for those who have never seen a 'gray' of the little ones, so that they can have a rough idea.

I think that's all.

I guess what you are trying to say is that it looks like there is “a face“ within the “stain structure“ on that wall on the photo?

The first thing to do in such cases is asking obvious questions:

Where is the wall and can you take a look at it with your own eyes? Have you done that? If so, how does “the face on the wall“ look like when you stand infront of it and see it with your own eyes? Do you see the face then too? If not, have you tried to look at the wall in real live from the angle the photo was taken? Do you then see “the face“? If you can check the wall out yourself, can you make a better photo of “the anomaly“ and post it here? If possible from different angles, including the same angle the original photo was taken.
I guess what you are trying to say is that it looks like there is “a face“ within the “stain structure“ on that wall on the photo?

The first thing to do in such cases is asking obvious questions:

Where is the wall and can you take a look at it with your own eyes? Have you done that? If so, how does “the face on the wall“ look like when you stand infront of it and see it with your own eyes? Do you see the face then too? If not, have you tried to look at the wall in real live from the angle the photo was taken? Do you then see “the face“? If you can check the wall out yourself, can you make a better photo of “the anomaly“ and post it here? If possible from different angles, including the same angle the original photo was taken.
Not to everything.

And I won't do it.

You're right, this whole thing is nonsense.
Is this an okay thread to post a recent otherworldly experience?

My partner and I see creepy stuff quite often.
The most recent event was perhaps the creepiest. We were out for a walk in the evening, catching the last few minutes of sunlight. The sky was a dark rosy purple.

A star caught my eye. A big star, perhaps the biggest i’ve ever seen.

It seemed far away and high up, like a star.

I drew my partner’s attention to it; he said it was a plane (it was clearly moving at this point).

I wasn’t convinced and decided to keep watching it.

The “plane” changed course, so we started walking in its direction. We followed it for maybe 15-20 metres then stopped and watched.

The light faded as it went behind a cloud. My partner said firmly, “Let’s keep watching.” We stood still and kept watching.

Within moments, from the clouds where the light had disappeared, emerged a blackish object. It was moving downward.

I said to my partner, “Is it just me or is that thing coming towards us?”.

Within moments, it was very clearly moving in our direction, getting lower and lower, closer and closer.

I was frightened. My partner reminded me not to get consumed by fear. I calmed down a little.

At one point, it looked like the object was spinning. As it got closer, my partner said, “It’s a garbage bag”. To me, it looked more like a piece of dark-coloured rectangular fabric, perhaps the span of two outstretched arms in size (or that of an extra large bin liner).

It kind of gently billowed down at this point. It landed on a tree right in front of us. And I mean RIGHT IN FRONT OF US - the tree was maybe 3 metres away. We both heard a noise as it made contact with the tree. We watched as the tree kind of… swallowed the fabric-like object. It quickly disappeared into the tree without a trace.

We walked under the tree and looked up, expecting to see or hear the object. The tree was dense in branches and leaves; we didn’t see anything or hear any movement.

Did the object fall into the dense tree and get stuck somewhere out of sight? Maybe. But if the tree was so dense, why did the object so smoothly, effortlessly melt into it without a trace? #shudder

(Side note - the tree is not climbable and you’d need one of a hell of a tall ladder to inspect where the object disappeared. Even then, the tree’s density would have made inspecting very difficult.)

I’m gonna go with… ‘the giant moving star/plane that hit a cloud and turned into a spinning black shape that hurtled towards us before morphing into a garbage bag and getting swallowed whole by a tree directly in front us’ was probably not a starlink satellite. :-/

Has anyone seen anything like this or does anyone have any commentary or insights on this? I think the most unsettling part was realising it was coming at us. Of all the directions it could have gone!

This all happened in maybe 1-2 minutes in total, from the point I noticed the giant star to the moment the tree ‘ate’ it.

Not sure if this is relevant, but it’s not uncommon for my partner and I to encounter unsettling things in the sky, especially when we’re together.

I was wearing my Fellowship protection crystal - big beautiful clear quartz. <3
I would say it could have been a garbage bag or something like that. You would kind of expect that it is not easy to see it again in a dense and high tree from your vantage point after it landed there. It probably wrapped itself around some branches making it rather “small“ and/or hidden to see.

Having said that, in connection with the star thing, the cloud and that thing coming directly towards you, I would say, yes, that sounds kinda weird. Can you describe the sound that thing made when it hit the tree?

My partner and I see creepy stuff quite often.

Not sure if this is relevant, but it’s not uncommon for my partner and I to encounter unsettling things in the sky, especially when we’re together.

Was it always that way? Have you noticed patterns or signs in regards to that and how would you describe your personal relationship and approach toward paranormal things? How is that for your husband?
Is this an okay thread to post a recent otherworldly experience?

My partner and I see creepy stuff quite often.
The most recent event was perhaps the creepiest. We were out for a walk in the evening, catching the last few minutes of sunlight. The sky was a dark rosy purple.

A star caught my eye. A big star, perhaps the biggest i’ve ever seen.

It seemed far away and high up, like a star.

I drew my partner’s attention to it; he said it was a plane (it was clearly moving at this point).

I wasn’t convinced and decided to keep watching it.

The “plane” changed course, so we started walking in its direction. We followed it for maybe 15-20 metres then stopped and watched.

The light faded as it went behind a cloud. My partner said firmly, “Let’s keep watching.” We stood still and kept watching.

Within moments, from the clouds where the light had disappeared, emerged a blackish object. It was moving downward.

I said to my partner, “Is it just me or is that thing coming towards us?”.

Within moments, it was very clearly moving in our direction, getting lower and lower, closer and closer.

I was frightened. My partner reminded me not to get consumed by fear. I calmed down a little.

At one point, it looked like the object was spinning. As it got closer, my partner said, “It’s a garbage bag”. To me, it looked more like a piece of dark-coloured rectangular fabric, perhaps the span of two outstretched arms in size (or that of an extra large bin liner).

It kind of gently billowed down at this point. It landed on a tree right in front of us. And I mean RIGHT IN FRONT OF US - the tree was maybe 3 metres away. We both heard a noise as it made contact with the tree. We watched as the tree kind of… swallowed the fabric-like object. It quickly disappeared into the tree without a trace.

We walked under the tree and looked up, expecting to see or hear the object. The tree was dense in branches and leaves; we didn’t see anything or hear any movement.

Did the object fall into the dense tree and get stuck somewhere out of sight? Maybe. But if the tree was so dense, why did the object so smoothly, effortlessly melt into it without a trace? #shudder

(Side note - the tree is not climbable and you’d need one of a hell of a tall ladder to inspect where the object disappeared. Even then, the tree’s density would have made inspecting very difficult.)

I’m gonna go with… ‘the giant moving star/plane that hit a cloud and turned into a spinning black shape that hurtled towards us before morphing into a garbage bag and getting swallowed whole by a tree directly in front us’ was probably not a starlink satellite. :-/

Has anyone seen anything like this or does anyone have any commentary or insights on this? I think the most unsettling part was realising it was coming at us. Of all the directions it could have gone!

This all happened in maybe 1-2 minutes in total, from the point I noticed the giant star to the moment the tree ‘ate’ it.

Not sure if this is relevant, but it’s not uncommon for my partner and I to encounter unsettling things in the sky, especially when we’re together.

I was wearing my Fellowship protection crystal - big beautiful clear quartz. <3
At dusk in different places each day the international space station is sometimes observed.

It is a moving star the size of Venus and is quite impressive to see.

If the movement is continuous and there are no sudden changes in luminosity, that may be the explanation.

Although you talk about a change of direction, so there may be an intelligence behind the light.

You define these experiences as creepy, when they seem quite fascinating.

It all depends on perspective and what each person perhaps anticipates.
I would say it could have been a garbage bag or something like that. You would kind of expect that it is not easy to see it again in a dense and high tree from your vantage point after it landed there. It probably wrapped itself around some branches making it rather “small“ and/or hidden to see.

Having said that, in connection with the star thing, the cloud and that thing coming directly towards you, I would say, yes, that sounds kinda weird. Can you describe the sound that thing made when it hit the tree?

Was it always that way? Have you noticed patterns or signs in regards to that and how would you describe your personal relationship and approach toward paranormal things? How is that for your husband?
Hey there :) I don’t really remember exactly how it sounded as it gently landed on the tree. All I remember is the sound was quite soft and short-lived. It wasn’t loud or harsh sounding.

My partner says it made a “doink” sound (it’s hard to translate his sound effects!). He remembers it landing on the tree and getting “sucked” into it. That’s how he recalls those moments.

Neither myself or my partner feels it was a garbage bag or piece of fabric though, in hindsight.

As for my partner and I always encountering strange things - it’s been this way for a few years. My response is generally panic and fear. My partner’s is always fascination. He’s pretty fearless - zero fear of death. But his fearlessness frightens me sometimes. We’re not invincible. Perhaps a healthy approach is somewhere between my fear based response and his sense of invincibility?

My fear based response could relate to a time (I think) I was abducted. I’d woken up at night, and walked out of the bungalow where we sleep as I needed to pee and the toilet is inside the main house. As I closed the bungalow door, I saw a huge light in the backyard. Red. It was silent. I thought it was a big helicopter hovering in the backyard with a spotlight shining down on me. I ran, absolutely terrified, into the main house (I don’t know why I ran in the opposite direction of my boyfriend!) and just sat there, on the toilet, in debilitating fear. I didn’t tell anyone about this for months. This happened at my partner’s home. Most (not all) of our creepy/fascinating experiences take place at or near his home when we’re together.

We tend to see the strange things at night when we’re on walks or outside the house having a smoke.

At one stage I got so fed up of seeing creepy sh#t so often I “demanded” that I see no more. I think I asked (screamed at) the Cs and banned creepy encounters. I’d had ENOUGH! I didn’t see anything for months. But then my brother reminded me not seeing what’s out there - not seeing the truth - is no way to live. So I asked for the self-imposed ban on creepy sh#t to be lifted. And the encounters began again.

It’s a little embarrassing sharing this. :-/
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