Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

Jordan Peterson did an almost 2-hour talk with Pierre Poilievre. I found it excellent. He has a monstrous mountain to climb whenever they manage to kick out Trudy Socks. The man is so articulate, and (gasp!!) he understands economics and can talk about it in an understandable way. 1hr. 41 min.
There is some speculation going around on Twitter/X that Justin Trudeau will be resigning sometime this week. Even the msm Globe and Mail have joined the chorus. Rumours similar to these have been around for a while, so I'm not going to hold my breath, better to wait and see what happens.

Even if Trudeau does decide to step down, pinning one's hopes on Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre to change things for the better seems like wishful thinking to me. Based on his past voting record and things he's said in the media, it becomes obvious that he is just another WEF sponsored globalist, who will do little, if anything, to reverse the path Canada is presently on.

He is Pro-Vaccine
He was Pro-Lockdown
He only voiced superficial support for the freedom convoy after it was over (bandwagon jumper)
He supports sending money to Ukraine
He supports sanctions against Russia
He believes in AGW (man made climate change) and is fully on board with the green agenda
He thinks Canada needs more immigrants and refugees
His solution to the immigration problem is to use taxpayer money to build thousands of tiny houses for people who are here illegally
He supports the LGBTQ agenda and the medical and surgical mutilation of children
He supports internet censorship
He (and every other MP) stood up in the HoC to give a standing ovation to a Ukrainian Nazi war criminal
He is staunchly pro-Israel

And being that he is being interviewed here by Shabbos Goy sellout Jordan Peterson, pretty much tells you all you need to know about his political "alignment".

In my opinion, Pierre Polievre is little more than a snake in a suit, a slick forked-tongue politician, acting as controlled opposition to the Liberals. I would like nothing better than to be wrong about PP, but I don't see any hope for change there, just more of the same nonsense propaganda, taking us to the same destination, only perhaps a little slower. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.
I read a substack article yesterday from Janice Fiamengo about Justin Trudeau and how he came to be who he is because of his toxic narcissist mother Margaret Trudeau.
True, but don't discount the father. He was educated by Jesuits. They are the most narcissist and fascist organization you will ever know. Both Margaret and Pierre were from very privileged households. All of these factors are to be considered. The more you live in these types of environments, the more you believe you are very special and your families won't let you forget it. And his education by the WEF refined the pot!
They were thought to pursue their own interests first. They've never known poverty, working for a small salary, making hands meet, living in a car or an RV, or borrowing on a line of credit to buy a car.

In this short biography, there is mention that P. Trudeau was studying in Montreal during the war. It was admitted that he had never served while thousands went to their death in France.

One thing you won't see there: while in Montreal in the 40s, his money helped him with food and lodging. My father and his parents (8 kids in all) lived in Montreal while he was studying. There was no food in those big cities during the war. Montreal was one of the worse suffering. A program was created to give any families who wanted to, to be given land in the Abitibi area (north-west), to clear it and make a living off the land for food and be self sufficient. It was a hard life. My grandfather and his brother were able to clear a bit but eventually my grandfather went back to Montreal to work as a taxi driver, visiting his family on weekends or vacation. The following Wiki won't mention that part. Mostly, it was a mining sector.

So yes, his mother's behavior did not help matters. But hey, he has a choice and he chose to be who he is. Remember his brother Kyle. He chose to not follow his family but benefits fully from being a rich kid. Who can forget that????
Trudeau has resigned!

What can I say... Program Change: Canadian Edition!
However, the suffering is not over. Canadians will need a lot more trucks 🛻🚚🚛 to deal with next WEF puppet.

The Trudeau Memes are getting brutal.
Trudeau has resigned but will stay on in an interim position until a new leader is chosen. In the JP interview with PP, it sounds like the earliest time a election can be held is in March. Is this the gap when Trump 'walks in' as Canada's 'saviour'?

At 10:52 this morning, Trump posted this:

Many people in Canada LOVE being the 51st State. The United States can no longer suffer the massive Trade Deficits and Subsidies that Canada needs to stay afloat. Justin Trudeau knew this, and resigned. If Canada merged with the U.S., there would be no Tariffs, taxes would go way down, and they would be TOTALLY SECURE from the threat of the Russian and Chinese Ships that are constantly surrounding them. Together, what a great Nation it would be!!!
Trudeau has resigned but will stay on in an interim position until a new leader is chosen. In the JP interview with PP, it sounds like the earliest time a election can be held is in March. Is this the gap when Trump 'walks in' as Canada's 'saviour'?

At 10:52 this morning, Trump posted this:

Many people in Canada LOVE being the 51st State. The United States can no longer suffer the massive Trade Deficits and Subsidies that Canada needs to stay afloat. Justin Trudeau knew this, and resigned. If Canada merged with the U.S., there would be no Tariffs, taxes would go way down, and they would be TOTALLY SECURE from the threat of the Russian and Chinese Ships that are constantly surrounding them. Together, what a great Nation it would be!!!

I find this statement stupid, irrelevant and completely false. No one I know want to be the 51st State. He mentions the Trade deficits: what about the trillions that the US has used to support Ukraine, Taiwan, and other countries just to ensure that they would follow him or his country? He should concentrate on that instead of making us the laughing stock of the world. (well, with JT, that certainly was a problem, wasn't it?)
He wants to be the strongest country in the world with the US $ as the forefront. He wants to achieve that but he has never emptied his own swamp! So who does he think he is to troll our country when his is even worse???? If we merged with his, they will keep complete control over "ALL" our resources and shortchanged us because they believe they are stronger and their $ is better and desecrate everything we own or hold dear. In that respect, they are just as bad as the Colonials of the past. Fracking, using GMO crops, getting our political picture to match theirs ( I don't like the way they do this, it is confusing and not that great), taking over our oil resources, control all that we produce for their benefits, forcing us to use Health Care Insurance that don't pay out anything at all, and the list goes on.

As far as China and Russia are concerned, as of now, neither are a threat. That is pure misinformation at it's best. He is becoming a real dictator and wants so bad to win that he sends out info that is incomplete and irrelevant.
The so called ships he is referring to is that a portion of the Arctic belongs to them. They have every right to monitor since the US make no effort to hide that they are trying to encroach on their territory.

China I don't like but if ever they are a threat, I hope we get the right picture soon. No one knows for sure if they really were interfering because the info is not clear. China wants to trade with BRICS and would probably welcome Canada as another partner. That may not be a bad idea. And remember that Canada has always followed the US in endeavor that did nothing for our benefits : remember Meng Wanzhoo? They wanted her so we had her arrested. For what? We are weak by design from our leaders in the past. Our leaders have never stood up for us. And that is now the results.
As for Russia, they are not a threat. They never were. They are simply defending what the US have been promoting: Ukraine in NATO
and at this moment the US and their affiliated companies are raping and destroying the beautiful and unique soil that Ukraine possesses to make people sick and getting richer by the day. Do we want to be affiliated with such a country? I don't think so. Yes, our political and administrative lives may certainly not be perfect. (which country is perfect?) It is never perfect to administer a country: look at Russia. He has a lot going for him but also a lot that the people don't like; and yet he is very successful and his acceptance rating is great. I would prefer we remain on our own and try to the best of our abilities to regain our foothold in the world. We don't need to be plundered by another bullying country.
As for Trump, he is a bully and abrasive would be dictator who will stop at nothing to get what he wants instead of going after what is definitely wrong in his own country. He will definitely be hated if he goes on like this. He puts everyone on the defensive whenever he speaks or write. He is not thinking like a president in his rambling. He is more like a stupid child who cannot keep his greediness in check. We will see what he does when he takes office. Until then, I'll simply try to ignore his inappropriate comments.
Here's a funny 2 min clip of a Quebec Humorist from the early 90's. The show was called "Taquinons la Planete" and the character played was named "Raymond Beaudoin". He would often show up unexpectedly and "bully" certain celebrities, but with others that would play the game, it ended up being a nice funny gag.

In this episode, we can see a young Trudeau Jr sitting next to Daddy. The most interesting part is near the end when Trudeau Senior starts behaving violently towards the humorist whilst laughing about it.

Many people in Canada LOVE being the 51st State. The United States can no longer suffer the massive Trade Deficits and Subsidies that Canada needs to stay afloat. Justin Trudeau knew this, and resigned. If Canada merged with the U.S., there would be no Tariffs, taxes would go way down, and they would be TOTALLY SECURE from the threat of the Russian and Chinese Ships that are constantly surrounding them. Together, what a great Nation it would be!!!

I find this statement stupid, irrelevant and completely false. No one I know want to be the 51st State. He mentions the Trade deficits: what about the trillions that the US has used to support Ukraine, Taiwan, and other countries just to ensure that they would follow him or his country? He should concentrate on that instead of making us the laughing stock of the world. (well, with JT, that certainly was a problem, wasn't it?)
He wants to be the strongest country in the world with the US $ as the forefront. He wants to achieve that but he has never emptied his own swamp! So who does he think he is to troll our country when his is even worse???? If we merged with his, they will keep complete control over "ALL" our resources and shortchanged us because they believe they are stronger and their $ is better and desecrate everything we own or hold dear. In that respect, they are just as bad as the Colonials of the past. Fracking, using GMO crops, getting our political picture to match theirs ( I don't like the way they do this, it is confusing and not that great), taking over our oil resources, control all that we produce for their benefits, forcing us to use Health Care Insurance that don't pay out anything at all, and the list goes on.

As far as China and Russia are concerned, as of now, neither are a threat. That is pure misinformation at it's best. He is becoming a real dictator and wants so bad to win that he sends out info that is incomplete and irrelevant.
The so called ships he is referring to is that a portion of the Arctic belongs to them. They have every right to monitor since the US make no effort to hide that they are trying to encroach on their territory.

China I don't like but if ever they are a threat, I hope we get the right picture soon. No one knows for sure if they really were interfering because the info is not clear. China wants to trade with BRICS and would probably welcome Canada as another partner. That may not be a bad idea. And remember that Canada has always followed the US in endeavor that did nothing for our benefits : remember Meng Wanzhoo? They wanted her so we had her arrested. For what? We are weak by design from our leaders in the past. Our leaders have never stood up for us. And that is now the results.
As for Russia, they are not a threat. They never were. They are simply defending what the US have been promoting: Ukraine in NATO
and at this moment the US and their affiliated companies are raping and destroying the beautiful and unique soil that Ukraine possesses to make people sick and getting richer by the day. Do we want to be affiliated with such a country? I don't think so. Yes, our political and administrative lives may certainly not be perfect. (which country is perfect?) It is never perfect to administer a country: look at Russia. He has a lot going for him but also a lot that the people don't like; and yet he is very successful and his acceptance rating is great. I would prefer we remain on our own and try to the best of our abilities to regain our foothold in the world. We don't need to be plundered by another bullying country.
As for Trump, he is a bully and abrasive would be dictator who will stop at nothing to get what he wants instead of going after what is definitely wrong in his own country. He will definitely be hated if he goes on like this. He puts everyone on the defensive whenever he speaks or write. He is not thinking like a president in his rambling. He is more like a stupid child who cannot keep his greediness in check. We will see what he does when he takes office. Until then, I'll simply try to ignore his inappropriate comments.

I think you're overreacting a bit. The US as global Empire does haveseriously bad karma, etc., and no one wants to jump on a sinking ship. But us CDNs don't have much moral high ground to stand on - our nation has participated in plenty of globalist brutality, first at the behest of Britain, then 'independently' AKA at the behest of America. Check out Yves Engler's The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy for some of the details of CDN crimes.

Anyways, the US is an Empire, but Trump is not really representative of those globalist interests. His recent campaign and history in politics is more aligned against them and in line with the American people. He's more of a populist than a globalist, and a threat to the Empire. That's why they tried to kill him after using every dirty trick they could to take him down otherwise didn't work.

That said, he does have to pander to the globalists, as high level politics always entails compromise. Especially when there are alien demons at the top of the hierarchy. So that's why some of his policies, including Israel stance, are just plain bad - politics is basically the art of compromise. At least that's how I see it.

His joking/not joking about taking over Canada - I still don't fully get it, personally. Is it part of his pandering to the globalists? My best guess is that he's just trolling. The actuality of integrating Canada into America - politically, financially, and culturally - without causing major unrest would be so complex it sort of boggles the mind.

But then, the C's material, as well as scientific analyses of sun cycles and social unrest/armed conflict suggests our world is in for mass suffering and major unrest. Not to mention Earth changes. Borders have a greater likelihood of being redrawn in such times. So our normalcy bias will be challenged in the times ahead as the changes roll through. Best get ready for that now and not hold too tight to our current reality.

I don't think he's a dictator and he's definitely not a stupid child. He is pretty full of himself, yeah, but nobody's perfect. And whose to say that becoming the 51st State wouldn't actually be great for Canada? Maybe even save millions of lives in the times to come? It all depends on when, why and how it might happen. It's a vastly complex idea, and I don't think we can state outright that it's a terrible one. After all these woke years of Trudeau, a Trump-style MAGA reboot might actually be in our best interests.

So better to wait and see, IMO, and keep an open mind.
True, but don't discount the father. He was educated by Jesuits. They are the most narcissist and fascist organization you will ever know. Both Margaret and Pierre were from very privileged households. All of these factors are to be considered. The more you live in these types of environments, the more you believe you are very special and your families won't let you forget it. And his education by the WEF refined the pot!
They were thought to pursue their own interests first. They've never known poverty, working for a small salary, making hands meet, living in a car or an RV, or borrowing on a line of credit to buy a car.

In this short biography, there is mention that P. Trudeau was studying in Montreal during the war. It was admitted that he had never served while thousands went to their death in France.

One thing you won't see there: while in Montreal in the 40s, his money helped him with food and lodging. My father and his parents (8 kids in all) lived in Montreal while he was studying. There was no food in those big cities during the war. Montreal was one of the worse suffering. A program was created to give any families who wanted to, to be given land in the Abitibi area (north-west), to clear it and make a living off the land for food and be self sufficient. It was a hard life. My grandfather and his brother were able to clear a bit but eventually my grandfather went back to Montreal to work as a taxi driver, visiting his family on weekends or vacation. The following Wiki won't mention that part. Mostly, it was a mining sector.

So yes, his mother's behavior did not help matters. But hey, he has a choice and he chose to be who he is. Remember his brother Kyle. He chose to not follow his family but benefits fully from being a rich kid. Who can forget that????
There is also the possibility of Pierre Trudeau being enmeshed in child trafficking. I can't speak to the veracity of this woman, but it rings true.
I think you're overreacting a bit. The US as global Empire does have seriously bad karma, etc., and no one wants to jump on a sinking ship. But us CDNs don't have much moral high ground to stand on - our nation has participated in plenty of globalist brutality, first at the behest of Britain, then 'independently' AKA at the behest of America. Check out Yves Engler's The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy for some of the details of CDN crimes.

So better to wait and see, IMO, and keep an open mind.
As you said, let's keep an open mind.
He may be gifted in the "Art of the Deal" but to me, he'll always be a child. He loves to shock with his antics and as a person, I cannot like his style or mannerism, particularly when he gives out misinformation that is inaccurate. No matter how "gifted" some people think of him.
But as any good leader, he needs a good back up to council him in his dealings. Let's hope that will be the case.
As for us, I'm fully aware we may have many years of hardships ahead of us re the situation with our planet, the sun and other factors. In the political arena, as you state, we are not "white lilies" when it comes to our past and what our governments have done. As a people, we've been too complacent with them and we are now paying the price. So hopefully, in the near future we have an intelligent leader who can swim this country through the changes that are irrefutably coming our way. Not looking for a hero, looking and hoping for a good outcome involving all of us in the right way. Is that possible? Only time will tell.
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