NeuroFeedback, NeurOptimal and Electroencephalography

Prodigal Son said:
Nienna said:
... second session ...

One thing that I realized about last Friday is that my hands aren't shaking as much. I haven't told anyone about this shaking. It's usually minimal, ... I hope it lasts!

I do look forward to having more sessions.

I had my fifth session this afternoon, and at the end of it, talked with others about general progress, and the above post of Nienna's was mentioned, I instantly looked at my hands, (which have had mild shakes since a series of operations over the past year) and, lo and behold, they were still - no shakes!

I too, am looking forward to more sessions!

I am very happy for you, PS! Hopefully, things will get better and stay that way. :hug:
Chu said:
Prodigal Son said:
Nienna said:
... second session ...

One thing that I realized about last Friday is that my hands aren't shaking as much. I haven't told anyone about this shaking. It's usually minimal, ... I hope it lasts!

I do look forward to having more sessions.

I had my fifth session this afternoon, and at the end of it, talked with others about general progress, and the above post of Nienna's was mentioned, I instantly looked at my hands, (which have had mild shakes since a series of operations over the past year) and, lo and behold, they were still - no shakes!

I too, am looking forward to more sessions!

That is pretty amazing if you ask me, and for both of you! Maybe it is your sympathetic nervous system calming down in a more permanent basis? Or some "rewiring" going on? I wish neuroscientists knew about this before prescribing pills for this kind of issue.

Indeed! It will be interesting to see how things continue.
from Nienna: I was also cold for about 1/3 of the session even though I wore my jacket through the whole things.

We keep a blanket to cover up in when doing NO. I find it comforting and able to relax when doing NO when my body is warm.

One thing that I realized about last Friday is that my hands aren't shaking as much. I haven't told anyone about this shaking. It's usually minimal, but there are times when my hands shake so bad that it's quite noticeable, but it goes away after a couple of minutes. However, when using the mouse on my computer, my hand shakes so bad that I can't stop on buttons and such to click them without a lot of concentration. There are times when the shaking is better, though. But Friday, Saturday and today, I'm not having this problem. I hope it lasts!

from Prodigal Son: I had my fifth session this afternoon, and at the end of it, talked with others about general progress, and the above post of Nienna's was mentioned, I instantly looked at my hands, (which have had mild shakes since a series of operations over the past year) and, lo and behold, they were still - no shakes!

This is great news for both of you! Hopefully this will continue! :)

I still find my awareness sharpened and my sleep has deepened, sleeping a straight 8hrs. I'm really amazed how NO has especially helped with my sleep!
Gaby said:
I have to return the NeurOptimal equipment next week and did think about extending the rental. Since 40 sessions feels like too much, I'll just return the equipment. I have the impression that I need to work with what I have right now. In the worst case scenario, I'll just re-rent the equipment sooner rather than later. I still have 5 NeurOptimal sessions to go, so we'll see.

You could rent it again when they upgrade to the new version, and then compare the new one with the old one.
When it comes to shaking of hands or head, it probably is more of a psychological issue, stress, anxiety and trauma related, not so much a pure neurological issue, that is why NO had beneficial results, because if it was some sort of neurological damage I doubt results would be so beneficial.
Corvinus said:
When it comes to shaking of hands or head, it probably is more of a psychological issue, stress, anxiety and trauma related, not so much a pure neurological issue, that is why NO had beneficial results, because if it was some sort of neurological damage I doubt results would be so beneficial.

well, maybe. Considering the brains plasticity is it not conceivable that if there were neurological damage that the brain to 'rewire' around the damage?
These are very heartening results for many people.
I have not started yet, I have been researching various rentals in my area, only 3 in the city, and a few outside that are not easily available to me.
Once I have rented a NO device, I will start experimenting. One thing I would like to try is doing a NO session, then a break for a day, then another NO session, followed the next day by a sensory deprivation float tank, and then another NO session the next day. and this study was funny as the sensory deprivation was trimming mouse whiskers! and brain plasticity
I want to do the NO sessions normally as others here have done them, and then try them with a float tank in between to see if I notice a difference.
Or I may rather do as many NO sessions as needed until I feel/see less change between pre and post baselines, before I do a float tank sensory deprivation.
I am interested in the float tank experience as it is reported that it is very good for relaxation, anxiety reduction, stress, etc. I am thinking that having my brain alone with itself after a NO session may give it a break, a relaxation period, perhaps especially worthwhile if I am faced with a contraction phase.
Any thoughts?
anarkist said:
These are very heartening results for many people.
I have not started yet, I have been researching various rentals in my area, only 3 in the city, and a few outside that are not easily available to me.
Once I have rented a NO device, I will start experimenting. One thing I would like to try is doing a NO session, then a break for a day, then another NO session, followed the next day by a sensory deprivation float tank, and then another NO session the next day. and this study was funny as the sensory deprivation was trimming mouse whiskers! and brain plasticity
I want to do the NO sessions normally as others here have done them, and then try them with a float tank in between to see if I notice a difference.
Or I may rather do as many NO sessions as needed until I feel/see less change between pre and post baselines, before I do a float tank sensory deprivation.
I am interested in the float tank experience as it is reported that it is very good for relaxation, anxiety reduction, stress, etc. I am thinking that having my brain alone with itself after a NO session may give it a break, a relaxation period, perhaps especially worthwhile if I am faced with a contraction phase.
Any thoughts?

Not sure the sensory deprivation is a good idea. Back in 1994 I asked about something related:

3Dec94 said:
Q: (L) I received an article from Piers about experiments by
a fellow named Persinger who has been trying to duplicate
the "abduction" experience by subjecting people to EM
fields in a sensory deprivation chamber. I would like
comments on that, and second...

A: Nonsense, some have closed mind inspired by fear.

Q: (L) My concern is that if he is doing this to people, and
we have talked about electromagnetic energy blowing holes
in the dimensional boundaries, my concern is that this
experimentation could be detrimental to the persons being
experimented on; is this a possibility?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What could be the results of subjecting someone to
these electromagnetic fields?

A: Cessation of body.

Q: (L) In other words, it could kill them?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Could it also open doors between dimensions and allow
other things to enter in?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Could they be subjected to spirit or demonic
possession by this method?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Could they also be subjected to further programming by
aliens through this method?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Anything else you wish to say on this?

A: Always keep open mind.
it depends on the damage, how serious it is, and it would take some longer time and more sessions to rewire it if damaged as mentioned.
I completed my first session today. I cant say that I feel in any way different but considering I slept less then 6 h last night I feel pretty energetic and positive.

I was impressed with the proficiency of administrator, she is highly qualified neuroscientist and it is obvious she is very dedicated and passionate about neurofeedback. She took a great length to explain the whole process and the science behind it. She is very much into quantum physics so it was fascinating to listen to her. She works mostly with audio and she explained in great detail why she thinks visual stimulation is inferior to auditory, at the time it made perfect sense but I am afraid i am not able to reproduce nuts and bolts of this theory now.

During the session I was at first irritated with sound stimuli but then I gradually relaxed and was in almost meditative state as these stimuli diminished.
Afterwards she explained the chart and I could clearly this.

She remarked that she rarely ever gets such a good response during the first session and that in these cases all is needed is maximum 4-5 sessions.
My alpha activity suggests that I am slightly "emotionally flat" as she put it and also have tendency to procrastinate - which is very true. On the other hand according to my Theta activity according to her I am blessed with extraordinary creative potential and ability to process information, albeit I am lacking in focus. She also remarked that I am highly intuitive person.

She suggested that we book another 4 sessions for now and then we see how it goes. She said if the training is completed during this time we can continue with guided meditation if I wish.
seek10 said:
Divide By Zero said:
Gaby said:
Lately, I've done only the NeurOptimal's music version with eyes closed. Prior to that, I did look at the graphics while listening to the music. From my qEEG sessions, I realized that visual feedback with a movie is easier in comparison to training with your eyes closed using an audio as neurofeedback. "Chaotic" activity with eyes closed (in posterior regions of the brain) is an indirect marker of pre-verbal hypervigilance. It has been practically impossible to work with my eyes closed in qEEG NF. However, since NeurOptimal works differently and progressively, I've been quite content to work with my eyes closed. Some people who are more auditory might have more difficulties with visual NF though, I'm not sure.

I have to return the NeurOptimal equipment next week and did think about extending the rental. Since 40 sessions feels like too much, I'll just return the equipment. I have the impression that I need to work with what I have right now. In the worst case scenario, I'll just re-rent the equipment sooner rather than later. I still have 5 NeurOptimal sessions to go, so we'll see.

The NO visual feedback is just the windows media player visualization. It doesn't seem to be linked to what skips/pops happen with the music- and technically I can't see how it would be possible anyway with that software.

Since my kids are feeling bored with the default music and visual, I called renter for options. The unit came with almost 20 popular Hollywood movies in digital format. She told me how to change the settings to play the movie with the movie soundtrack. If you set it to a movie, you can see red stop button on the speaker icon of the windows media player that is playing the movie, when music prompts happen. The renter mentioned that the effectiveness with Hollywood movies is 95% compared to the default visual. As Laura mentioned, feeling the painful incidents while doing has maximum benefit. So, I was alternating the default video and the movies for the kids.

When NO is started, 3 windows open, one is 'brain frequency display' window, "soundtrack selection" window and the windows media player window. In the soundtrack selection windows, you see "media" list box, there you can select the "Movies" and select the movies from the tablet hard disk.

Yesterday I asked the lady from whom I rented NeurOptimal device about usefulness of video sessions and she didn't recommend it for adults. She said that it's mostly for children and that it's less effective than audio because "the optical signal is slower and our eyes are more sluggish". Besides due to absence of sound in some scenes there would be missing audio feedback.
Altair said:

Yesterday I asked the lady from whom I rented NeurOptimal device about usefulness of video sessions and she didn't recommend it for adults. She said that it's mostly for children and that it's less effective than audio because "the optical signal is slower and our eyes are more sluggish". Besides due to absence of sound in some scenes there would be missing audio feedback.

That makes sense. Another thing I thought about was that hearing is one of the first senses to come 'online' when waking and one of the last to go when sleeping. It seems to have a quicker response in terms of how we interact with our environment. Although, I am curious to try a video session, since I tend towards learning through seeing more than hearing.
I have completed 8 NO sessions, the first five with baseline measurements and the last three without. I haven't noticed any changes. Sleep habits remained the same. Anxiety levels were the same. My tinnitus hasn't changed.

When I had baseline measurements, the second reading was always lower than the first. I experimented with keeping my eyes open during the whole session or keeping them closed but didn't see a measurable difference to the baseline measurements.

It was an interesting experiment. However I am not seeing a need for more sessions.

I am happy that it seems to help some people and wish them great success. :flowers:
On the day of my first session I went to the gym first, so my mind was already a little worked out by the time that rolled around. My therapist preferred to use audio since it is less distracting for some people. I heard the clicks periodically, and they would increase when my mind began to wander or become less organized. About two thirds through I actually started gulping spontaneously, but then stopped abruptly. After the first session by baseline divergence went from 19 to 15. I felt immensely calm afterward. The night after I had a somewhat upsetting dream about my mother dying soon, so I needed to speak with her more. It feels like this could be past-life related, since I'm pretty sure I carry some grief over losing my parents during a past life. The day after I drove for the first time in a long time, and althought I was nervous my thinking brain was actually quite suprised at how calm my unconscious mind was, and how little anxiety my conscious mind had to regulate during driving.

The next session (a week later) there were very few clicks in the music, and when I started reading the number increased drastically, although there were times I had to put it down and just close my eyes. I ended with a higher baseline than the one I stated with, which according to the therapist meant that this was more of a clearing session. On the neurofeedback maps it was also apparent my higher brain was less active than before the session (the opposite of the relaxing sessions). My aggression level immediately after and over the next few days was much higher, with me listening to a ton of loud music and exercising more.

I had to wait 2 weeks for my next appointment. This was another relaxing session, with baseline divergence going down from 35ish to 13. My music listening dwindled down to almost nothing for the 48 hour window. For some reason halfway through the session my mind kept drifting to an online argument I was having with someone at the time. I've been feeling a little emotional over the last few days as well. Some emotions I thought I made peace with (or at least tricked into leaving?) came up again; mostly related to inadequacy. I'm not sure if it's related to the NO therapy or if it's due to having won a few hurdles and needing to psych myself up to overcome others. We'll see I guess.
Corvinus said:
it depends on the damage, how serious it is, and it would take some longer time and more sessions to rewire it if damaged as mentioned.

When it comes to damage I think Laura's point was that the session answers given by the C's caution us about the effects of "sensory depravation".

Why would you want to subject yourself to sensory depravation thinking of it as a way to relax or calm yourself when actually you might open yourself to negative influences by shutting down your natural defenses.

The idea that this is just a way to clear yourself or give you a clean slate to evaluate NO results may not be such a good idea if you think about it with an "open mind".
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