Y'all can' stop with the questions for Cs now! Session was done last night; we were only able to get in a few questions because the Cs gave a more extended insight on the origins and purpose of the virus which actually made most questions irrelevant. (Doesn't that always happen?) It was still a long session, timewise though I don't yet know page/word count because it is still being transcribed. We'll get it up asap. I can only say it is MOST interesting and SURPRISING considering all the conjectures we have all been making.

Thank you very much Laura and the whole team for the session but also for all the work done. A lot of people are already saying it but once again it is not too much especially as this period seems to be a real race against time !

In this regard, I wonder if in addition to what we do with our crystals on a daily basis, it could be used for other functions. If I remember well they are beacons too, it seems important to me to be in close relation with these "tools" especially now !

I had an interesting dream last night, I was in the middle of a street in broad daylight with a group of people who wanted to see the world of 4D (when I woke up I told myself that it was symbolic of the people in the forum) These people had a slide projector (it seems to me that in a session there is this reference in particular on the perpendicularity of realities) a closed metal conduit was at the exit of the projection lens and I could see a hot blower on it. A member of the group inserted in front of this duct, a sheet on which information was written in black and for some underlined. Once this paper was put in, the projection at the end of the street created a kind of portal where I could see a change in physicality as in the film "Inception" with the buildings changing shape, turning over and so on. There were undulations, like the ones that emanate from hot surfaces in summer on the hoods of cars, it was really strange.

This dream seems to show our perhaps collective desire to have the right information, to project it, to spread it, to finally be that conduit that allows us to see and experience 4D in a deeper way. It was a beautiful dream symbolic of our goal, to anchor the resonant frequency and make the right choices... This gave me some hope ! FWIW
Wanted to respond to this separatly.
There's mabye one element that help much the Japanese : their Kangen water.
It's apparently used in all hospitals in Japan, and one of the biggest effect/propriety of this water is to be alcaline, doing the same effect than using bicarbonate.
Then I remembered that when I "studied" the colloidal silver matter, my uncle much studied many similar subject about water, and he sent me a link to a very long & detailed page of someone analysing the effects and benefits of the Kangen water, adding that he passed all in review, re-doing the chemical formulas and attesting that he was right.
So I searched and found back this page, which was updated since I read it originally +/- 8y ago, 2 links, the french and english versions (note: french one has a summary more than the english one does not have) :

French : Eautarcie - Sur l'eau hydrogénée ou « eau Kangen »
English : Eautarcie - About Hydrogen water or « Kangen Water »

Here is the english conclusion :
Hydrogen water formed at the cathode is a highly reductive water (i.e. an antioxidant) whose therapeutic applications extend well beyond what its proponents have reported. Better knowledge of medical bioelectronics opens prospects that would excite the most daring physicians. Those who have practiced medical bioelectronics for the past 50 years have never had such powerful medicine (i.e. hydrogen water) at their disposal, to modify what they call « a patient’s bioelectronic terrain ».

What I want to point out here, in addition to try to explain why Japan is less suffering of this, is that it seems that this website, www.eautarcie.org, looks like a valuable source of information, and I did not find the word "eautarcie" on the whole forum, thus this may be good to introduce it (in other more specific threads) - the guy behind this site goes far in his explanations, like on this document in french where he visibly personally studied the redox and acid-base concepts

This remain anyway an expensive tool, around 3k euros to get one, but seems quite less than in 2010 where I spot a post from flash that the price was around 8k USD

Fast notice : on the other subject I'm testing, the CEF/Koltsov plate on which I gave a first feedback yesterday, the independant Russian I speak about, Dmitry, if you look well on his website about the plates, there's in fact a second topic he refers too, and guess what it is : Kangen water. Wonder if it's more connecting the dots or attracting the dots in order to be connected ?

I did some looking into the origin of Japan's mask wearing behavior.

It's linked to a terrible influenza outbreak and volcanic activity:


"The custom of facemask-wearing began in Japan during the early years of the 20th century, when a massive pandemic of influenza killed between 20 and 40 million people around the world—more than died in World War I. There were outbreaks of the disease on every inhabited continent, including Asia (where it devastated India, leading to the deaths of a full 5% of the population). Covering the face with scarves, veils and masks became a prevalent (if ineffective) means of warding off the disease in many parts of the world, until the epidemic finally faded at the end of 1919.


"In Japan, a few years later, the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, triggered a massive inferno that consumed nearly 600,000 homes in the most populous part of the nation. After the quake, the sky was filled with smoke and ash for weeks, and air quality suffered for months afterward. Facemasks came out of storage and became a typical accessory on the streets of Tokyo and Yokohama. A second global flu epidemic in 1934 cemented Japan’s love affair with the facemask, which began to be worn with regularity during the winter months—primarily, given Japan’s obsession with social courtesy, by cough-and-cold victims seeking to avoid transmitting their germs to others, rather than healthy people looking to prevent the onset of illness.

"Then, in the 1950s, Japan’s rapid post-World War II industrialization led to rampant air pollution and booming growth of the pollen-rich Japanese cedar, which flourished due to rising ambient levels of carbon dioxide. Mask-wearing went from seasonal affectation to year-round habit. Today, Japanese consumers buy $230 million in surgical masks a year

end quote~~~~~~~~~~

It would seem that Japan suffered up front many of the lessons 100 years earlier than the rest of the world. -And let's not forget the Atom Bomb!

When you take the brunt of a series of graduate level course material ahead of the class, you get to reap the benefits later on while the rest of the world is left plugging through Jr. High.

I've often thought that different countries are classrooms suitable for different soul age groups. I wonder if Japan is a bit older than the rest of us.
Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.

Hello Laura, thank you for letting us ask questions to the Cs.

I haven't caught up with the whole thread yet, so I apologize if some questions were already asked. Here are mine:

- In previous sessions, the Cs said several times: "help is on the way". Could they specify what/who is this help?

- Does this virus trigger, awaken a part of our "junk DNA" that will be useful for our passage in 4D?

- Are we going to see the Sun's twin this year?

Also thank you so much for your work! I have no words to express how grateful I am to have found people who are willing to look for Truth, Beauty and Knowledge. It give meaning to this whole madness.
Thank you Laura and the team and all you dear people on the forum for all that you do right now.
Took me 2 days to catch up this thread due to all it's been happening here. And now this earthquake this morning.
Lots of things to manage with family members and stuff...
Thank you again so much.
Somehow after all those days of mixed feelings I have faith.
For the last 2 years my life was a miracle and I'm so deeply gratefull I'm even alive and here.
Thank you all <3
Hello Laura, thank you for letting us ask questions to the Cs.

I haven't caught up with the whole thread yet, so I apologize if some questions were already asked. Here are mine:

- In previous sessions, the Cs said several times: "help is on the way". Could they specify what/who is this help?

- Does this virus trigger, awaken a part of our "junk DNA" that will be useful for our passage in 4D?

- Are we going to see the Sun's twin this year?

Also thank you so much for your work! I have no words to express how grateful I am to have found people who are willing to look for Truth, Beauty and Knowledge. It give meaning to this whole madness.

I just saw that the session had already happened. Sorry for the unnecessary questions :-[
Just playing with some data sets I recently discovered on TradingView. Here is a visualisation of the COVID-19 confirmed cases in time, against the moon phases.

Not sure I see a pattern here yet (or that there is a pattern) but Full Moons seem to give energy to the growth of the case numbers. I will continue to watch this interesting albeit obscure correlation. The red area beneath the blue line, representing the number of cases, is Bollinger Bands.

In this context, it basically means that the global growth of confirmed cases is out of control.

How many times, insurance company rejected a medical claim and we end up going to the doctor and he/she will change the diagnostic code and procedure code and resubmit the claim to get reimbursed? This is all number business scam. Hospitals (and others) wants to be paid for the service, they will use what gets paid and force every body to fall in line.
It's a curious name, this virus - corona, being crown. The crown chakra is associated with the mind. So it could also be called - mind virus. How this pandemic is reported isn't without misinformation and disinformation. Much of that is likely intended too. It's also delivered with loads of fear. Another way to call those actions with that intent, is mind control or even brain washing.

If we are led to believe this is purely a physical cause, i.e. this virus, we must be devoid of spiritual and emotional natures. These also affect our wellbeing, health and immunity. The belief we are only subject to physical causes, would prime our minds to be controlled.

This contagion could be anywhere too. It's not visible to us and it could be carried by anyone. Even those in our communities we would ordinarily trust most, could be carriers. Shelves are empty and essentials for survival are also becoming much more scarce. All this and more is no doubt traumating. That also would prime our minds to be controlled.

The world is increasingly being locked down now as well. We are forced to remain in isolation. I've heard that some authorities are looking at removing people from their homes to external quarantines. It may have already occurred. In these conditions, we would be forgiven for believing we have next to no free will. That also would prime our minds to be controlled.

Likewise, I've noticed that many in the "alternative" media, have dramatically changed their tune. Those who doubted any "authoritative" sources of information, don't as much anymore. They repeat the same narrative as if 911 had always only been carried out by a few men with box cutters. What I mean is the pattern of lies, looks to be forgotten. It's as if memories have been erased. That would be a sign that our minds are being controlled.

Many may be beginning to disassociate the trauma from those responsible for the trauma. Many may be beginning to suppress the past and instead depend on the traumatizers. I mean the so-called authorities with their so-called authorised narratives. Those would be signs that our minds are being controlled.

If this fear, panic and terror triggers us to do their bidding unquestionably, our minds would be controlled. Getting infected by this virus of the mind could be far more devastating, than anything purely physical.

I know little about Pascal. I'm not entirely sure why too, but I came across these quotes from him and they seemed apt.

"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it".

"It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the truth."

"If we submit everything to reason our religion will be left with nothing mysterious or supernatural. If we offend the principles of reason our religion will be absurd and ridiculous . . . There are two equally dangerous extremes: to exclude reason, to admit nothing but reason."

Blaise Pascal
While reading Jones post in the other thread, it felt how accurate Gurdjieff was (also written in FOTCM principles), when he said
Again, Gurdjieff on this subject:
There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the beginning of the fall of cultures and civilizations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by centuries and millenniums of culture. Such periods of mass madness, often coinciding with geological cataclysms, climatic changes, and similar phenomena of a planetary character, release a very great quantity of the matter of knowledge
. This, in its turn, necessitates the work of collecting this matter of knowledge which would otherwise be lost. Thus the work of collecting scattered matter of knowledge frequently coincides with the beginning of the destruction and fall of cultures and civilizations.

This aspect of the question is clear. The crowd neither wants nor seeks knowledge, and the leaders of the crowd, in their own interests, try to strengthen its fear and dislike of everything new and unknown. The slavery in which mankind lives is based upon this fear. It is even difficult to imagine all the horror of this slavery. We do not understand what people are losing. But in order to understand the cause of this slavery it is enough to see how people live, what constitutes the aim of their existence, the object of their desires, passions, and aspirations, of what they think, of what they talk, what they serve and what they worship.
By now you've seen the headlines:

"Italy reports RECORD NUMBER of Coronavirus deaths in one day."

"Coronavirus live updates: 627 killed in a single day in Italy"

"Rise in Coronavirus Deaths Spurs Calls for Tighter Lockdown"

"Italy's coronavirus death toll rises by more than 600 in a single day"

And you conclude, reasonably enough, that coronavirus killed 627 Italians today, and you're shocked, you're scared, you're horrified perhaps.

The problem is, you're being lied to, by the media and by omission, by your government (what's new).

The source for the 627 figure comes from today's press conference given by Italian health authorities. The video is below.

In the video, at the 3.34 minute mark, the speaker says:

"Today we registered 627 new deaths. And I want to remind you that these are people who died WITH Coronavirus, not people who died BECAUSE of Coronavirus."

And therein lies that essence of the problem with the scurrilous, fearmongering BS being proffered about this virus.

Why do you think the speaker stressed that point? Because the vast majority of people who are dying are people with SERIOUS HEALTH CONDITIONS who most likely died due to those serious health conditions, NOT due to Coronavirus.

I'll repeat what I've said dozens of times already. Last year in Italy, 43,000 people "died from the flu". Now, why do you think this wasn't shouted from the media rooftops at the time? Why were there no "lock downs" in Italy or elsewhere? Why no "pandemic" declared? Why no "self-isolation"?

Because health authorities around the world KNOW VERY WELL that they cannot attribute those 43,000 deaths (or the other ESTIMATED 600,000 deaths EVERY YEAR around the world) to "the flu" because they know that the large majority of people who "die from the flu" every year are the elderly who have one, or two or three existing chronic illnesses, and no responsible health authority would EVER claim that "the flu killed them".

And yet, this is PRECISELY what health authorities, the media and governments around the world are doing when it comes to coronavirus. WHY?

By the way, on average over the past 10 years, 1,800 people in Italy have died EVERY DAY. There are no statistics that I can find that break that number down, but you can bet that a lot of them occur in winter, and a lot of them are elderly with existing serious health issues.

How much lie and why… I wouldn’t be surprised if soon they will tell us that there was a car accident but people died because of COVID-19. Good movie scenario for Monty Python)

Pure scientist, I feel sorry for them, the one that made actually accurate data about this virus.
It would seem that Japan suffered up front many of the lessons 100 years earlier than the rest of the world. -And let's not forget the Atom Bomb!

When you take the brunt of a series of graduate level course material ahead of the class, you get to reap the benefits later on while the rest of the world is left plugging through Jr. High.

Maybe the real difference is that they actually LEARNED something from their trials. Everybody went through Hell at some point or another during the 20th century. And we, the other peoples could have learned from their experience, but most think it only happen to others.

I've often thought that different countries are classrooms suitable for different soul age groups. I wonder if Japan is a bit older than the rest of us.

I don't remember in which session the Cs told this, but it seems that Asian bodies are reserved for the most advanced souls. Half the world being Asian, who knows, maybe we're not in such a bad situation! But yeah, the "japanese soul" gives this air of wisdom, dignity and inner peace.
I have had a doctor acquaintance too who countered any argument with "you should walk around our ICUs". It's very hard to resist such claims, and such emotional videos for that matter. It is one giant mind control operation, like a "hypnosis ray" or something. It's crucial to keep a cool head and keep absorbing truthful information and building an internal core based on that. Truth is, stories of full ICUs don't count, neither do images of hospitals. What counts is the science and the numbers, and as of yet, these speak loud and clear. My acquaintance is simply hypnotized by the authorities and has no clue, period. And yes, doctors have a rough job and all that, but I'm sure many doctors (and other healthcare workers) are on an epic self-importance spree these days as well. Can't take that from them using facts. Can't question their authority. It's all very difficult at the moment to keep sane.
Yes, this is a big problem with them (self importance, thus believing they know everything, thus they are unable to see the correct knowledge, to see other things outside what they learn.
Yes they have a rough job, but it's pity it's lots of energy going in the bad path. here, Energy put in nothing-burger. What a waste!
How many times, insurance company rejected a medical claim and we end up going to the doctor and he/she will change the diagnostic code and procedure code and resubmit the claim to get reimbursed? This is all number business scam. Hospitals (and others) wants to be paid for the service, they will use what gets paid and force every body to fall in line.

I don't know about the big hospitals but FWIW as a small practitioner who takes insurance and is caught up in the system, I have made mistakes before and resubmitted claims so that I can get paid and I've had many claims that were initially rejected only to be approved when resubmitted without any changes. IMO an argument could be made that the big insurance companies have an incentive to deny claims and delay payment to hold on to money as long as possible. It may be that some hospitals (and others) are defrauding the insurance companies and engaging in business scams but the vast majority of practitioners that I know in person seem to be good people who want the best for their patients and want to be reasonably reimbursed for their services. Likewise when I have had occasion to call provider relations at an insurance company the reps I speak with invariably seem to do do their best to help me.

I don't mean to be contrarian, I just think that the whole system is so complicated and labyrinthine that mistakes are bound to be made on both sides, or maybe all three sides? (practitioner, insurance & large healthcare organization). This kind of environment is perfect for unscrupulous types throughout the system to take advantage. Just my two cents.
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