Gov. DeWine has followed through: The governor and Ohio Director of Health Dr. Amy Acton issued a “stay-at-home” health order that will go into effect at 11:59 p.m. Monday.
Just finished reading the new session. I'm thinking that politicians like Gov. DeWine are acting on the belief that COVID-19 is actually quite lethal which justifies locking down the populace. Whereas, Trump, PM Boris, Macron, etc., were given a more accurate understanding and so, the real reason for lock down measures to be enacted. Exposure is the thing psychopaths fear the most - believe Cs said that. That Trump hasn't gone all-in evil is a hopeful sign that there is some resistance in play at his level. Meanwhile, it will be quite challenging with approximately two months of lockdown restrictions ahead and then things likely to get really interesting! It should be quite a show!
Assuming that this virus could be an amplifier that matches VRF and alignment, it will be beneficial if you are aligned to STO but it will be negative if you are aligned to SDS. (at least that's how I understood it) So regarding Merkel I will let you make your own decision. My 2 cts
I think you mean STS (service to self) for the underlined, and for Merkel. well, she is quarantined now. had contact with an infected. We'll see how that playes out, I bet my 2 cents on she will "worsen" (for Germans this will be hard to understand because she is already worst case). BUT I am also open for the opposite. we will see.
One interesting thing about all this is the almost total breakdown of political lines. Many right-wingers who formerly made so much more sense than the libtards are falling like flies and show their true authoritarian nature. As do many on the left of course. The dividing line seems to be crisscrossing all over the place. Funny how suddenly it's almost irrelevant whether you are a libertarian, conservative, lefty etc. People are showing their true colors left and right, literally.
Regarding the differences between some on the left and some on right as if vanishing, there is this excerpt from
(L) So in other words, this whole left attempt to take over our world is sort of what 2nd Thessalonians referred to as man attempting to take the seat of god in the temple, so to speak?

A: Yes. The Beast.

Q: (L) Okay, well that's pretty interesting; there’s a lot of beastliness in our world today. I was reminded when I was thinking about all of this postmodernism and this Jungian business about something that was said in a session back in 2002 or 2001 or whenever; it was about frequency resonance vibration. And then there were mentions in the transcripts about frequency resonance robots and frequency resonance pied pipers. Basically, then it was said that the plan was to get bodies to resonate in such a way that 4D STS could download directly - if only temporarily - into this reality. So, is that what is happening with a lot of these groups of leftists and postmodernists inspired by Jung and the postmodernist philosophers and sociologists?

A: Indeed. But do not get misled by labels because the right has similar tendencies.
I think you mean STS (service to self) for the underlined, and for Merkel. well, she is quarantined now. had contact with an infected. We'll see how that playes out, I bet my 2 cents on she will "worsen" (for Germans this will be hard to understand because she is already worst case). BUT I am also open for the opposite. we will see.

Indeed, wait and see and stay open ! I like surprise ! and thank you for correcting me, it's STS of course (SDS is for french)
У меня просто нет слов...

«Очень постыдная история»: Чехия украла партию китайских масок у Италии

22.03.2020 - 19:00

I just don't have the words...

" A very shameful story": Czech Republic stole a batch of Chinese masks from Italy
22.03.2020-19: 00

«Очень постыдная история»: Чехия украла партию китайских масок у Италии

Какая связь с короновирусом? Я чего-то не понимаю?

What's the connection to the coronavirus? Am I missing something?

Just sharing.
Maybe someone else experiences the same?
I already heard someone saying that the wind was blowing outside, and had a creepy noise, or something.
So mebay something is up with wind\airstream?

Maybe it has nothing to do with corona, but in general.
But I find it interesting.
But to make a new topic for it maybe exaggerated again.
That's why I'm sharing it here.
Because it is weird.
My daughter's boyfriend (you may still visit your partner) went to the petrol station to buy some choc and beer, which is a 10 minute walk.
He was stopped by police, asked for ID, and told to go straight home or face a €25.000 fine!
Update: My eldest daughter called the police to enquire why he was treated this way; they apologized, and said they saw a youth on the streets and were concerned he may be off to a party or something.
Looks like these senators were in the know and sold stocks before the market nosedived.

Recording shows Senate intel chair warned of coronavirus disruption in private weeks ahead of time

In his comments to the Tar Heel Circle in North Carolina on Feb. 27, Burr gave attendees a chilling warning about the severity of the coronavirus at a time when there were only a little over a dozen reported confirmed cases in the U.S. and President Donald Trump was suggesting that number would drop down to zero in short order. Burr, too, had publicly declared confidence in the U.S. preparations for coronavirus, despite his darker assessment to the Tar Heel Circle.
Burr also authored the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, the 2006 law that formulated the federal response to outbreaks.
Those public declarations of confidence were featured in a separate ProPublica report on Thursday indicating that Burr — who has access to regular intelligence briefings — sold between $580,000 and $1.6 million in stock in the weeks before the market began to collapse under the strain of coronavirus. That decision probably spared Burr severe financial pain. Progressive groups quickly called for an investigation and even demanded that Burr step down.

Burr even forecast the mobilization of the military, something that has only begun to happen in recent days on a wider scale.

"We're going to send a military hospital there, it's going to be in tents and going to be set up on the ground somewhere," he predicted, noting that "It's going to be a decision the president and DoD make. And we're going to have medical professionals supplemented by local staff to treat the people that need treatment.”

Weeks Before Virus Panic, Intelligence Chairman Privately Raised Alarm, Sold Stocks

The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee warned a small group of well-connected constituents three weeks ago to prepare for dire economic and societal effects of the coronavirus, according to a secret recording obtained by NPR.

The luncheon had been organized by the Tar Heel Circle, a nonpartisan group whose membership consists of businesses and organizations in North Carolina, the state Burr represents. Membership to join the Tar Heel Circle costs between $500 and $10,000 and promises that members "enjoy interaction with top leaders and staff from Congress, the administration, and the private sector," according to the group's website.

On Saturday, U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer and Senate minority leader, said on MSNBC that there should be ethics investigation on Burr's transactions, as well as those involving Republican senators Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, David Perdue of Georgia, and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, and Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein of California.

Feinstein, a California Democrat, sold $500,001 to $1 million worth of stock in a company called Allogene Therapeutics on Jan. 31, less than a month before panic about the virus caused markets to plunge, Senate records show. Her husband sold $1,000,001 to $5 million worth of Allogene shares on Feb. 18, according to financial disclosures.

And Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, dumped as much as $400,000 worth of stock on Jan. 27, records show. He sold shares in five different companies including Apple, PayPal and Brookfield Asset Management, according to a disclosure report.

Over the next three weeks, through Feb. 14, Loeffler made 27 sales worth between $1,275,000 and $3,100,000, before the market nosedived and the values of her holdings tanked.

She also purchased stocks on Feb. 14 from two work-from-home-related companies
— Citrix, which specializes in teleworking software, and another tech firm, Oracle, according to the report.
I wish people (not here for the most part) would stop referring to the covid-19 situation in Italy as a reference. I keep hearing..."but look at Italy". There is ALWAYS a context for the kind of discrepancy we see in the numbers there compared to elsewhere. Here is that context, courtesy of Prof Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health (emphasis mine):

“The age of our patients in hospitals is substantially older - the median is 67, while in China it was 46,” Prof Ricciardi says. “So essentially the age distribution of our patients is squeezed to an older age and this is substantial in increasing the lethality.”

The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus."

A study in JAMA this week found that almost 40 per cent of infections and 87 per cent of deaths in the country have been in patients over 70 years old.

“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, ONLY 12 PERCENT OF DEATH CERTIFICATES HAVE SHOWN A DIRECT CAUSALITY FROM CORONAVIRUS, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three,” he says.

The official numbers for deaths in Italy is 5,476, but only 12% of that number show a direct causality from coronavirus. That gives us a real number of 657 people (AT MOST) who have died OF coronavirus In Italy.

The official number of infected is 59,138 which gives a true mortality rate of those infected of about 1%. But as many experts have pointed out, it is likely that MANY more people have contracted the virus without knowing (many of you reading this may be among them), which means that the mortality rate will likely drop A LOT.

Basically, we can, at this point, reasonably assume that the mortality rate of the coronavirus is not likely to be higher than the 0.1% that is given to the influenza virus. And that will likely be true for EVERY country that is currently be locked down. Please note, this does not mean I am saying that coronavirus is "just the flu" in the severity of its symptoms for those who become ill as a result of 'getting' it. But it IS very likely that it is "just the flu" in terms of its infection and mortality rate.

Looks like these senators were in the know and sold stocks before the market nosedived
If some Senators knew, beforehand, what was going to happen, it's likely that the ones at the top of the big banks knew as well. That might explain the big drops in shares prices all over the world (massive coordinated sales at the peak and/or massive future sale positions) while no major bank has gone belly up.
Thanks for posting a link to the whole thing - very interesting! Nice work. 👍

The context is very important here and the discussion was about China deliberately withholding emergent disease information from the rest of the world. This wasted precious time.

My reading here is that Trump is agreeing with Pompeo and says, "They should have let us know." I also get the distinct impression that while the relationship between the two is tense, it is not antagonistic - they work as a team. Trump even pokes fun at Pompeo and refers to the Deep State Department!

It is also interesting that when Trump speaks of his deep respect for China, Pompeo's face turns as if he was chewing on a Wuhan bat. Clearly, he does not share Trump's sentiments on this topic.

I apologize if this is just 'noise', but it's been a while since I had a good laugh. :lol:
I was thinking the same yesterday. Numerous posters on this forum mentioned the very useful Internal Voice during the past decades. This 'I' must be basically clairvoyant, because it usually tells me basic things:
- Your meal is well cooked now, its time to turn off the stove.
- Your package has arrived.
- Other people are finished.. you are next!

I was pondering the idea if contracting a virus is a good idea for getting newly rewritten DNA? This internal voice suddenly developed a head and upper body [to my minds eye] and began nodding enthusiastically: YES!

So I pondered:

1. Our DNA are like TV-antennae through which we receive new data from the Universe / from higher densities.

2. Viruses are rewriting our DNA so we become able to receive new data from the Universe. Viruses are performing the same action, like when a viewer grabs the TV remote and starts pushing buttons on it to switch to another station.

3. New viruses come in, we become infected = per our Lesson Profile, usually, I think, our Soul gives full write access to the new viruses, so the decision is already made: our body becomes infected, the virus rewrites our DNA ==> as a result now our new DNA antennae are turned toward a new Cosmic Data Broadcast TV-Station. We begin to receive new data "watch the new broadcast" = we download new data from the Universe into our bodies through the course of the viral infection. Takes weeks at most probably or 10 days or less.

4. As a final result our DNA is now NEW and rewritten! We have the new blueprint to make new cells. We start to replace all our old cells according to the new DNA blueprint received and we gradually acquire Body version 2.0. Fat cells are slowest to replace: 8 years, every other cells replace way faster [taking only physical biological processes into account] Neurons require a lifetime according to public doctors, but I think they are very mistaken!!

5. With our new Body v2.0 [containing a large amount of new cells built according to our new DNA blueprint], we now start to have new life experiences in our new environment - which I think must be [feel] changed too and possibly we also change into a new timeline after healing from the sickness, so everything - us and our environment - reflects the new cycle in our soul development. Our soul is happy, because it drives now a Cadillac, a new body v2.0!

6. We start learning new lessons with this new virus-data-boosted Body v2.0. Then when we learned all the lessons for this virus cycle, a new viral infection will be needed, so we can contract that too, get our DNA rewritten again, so we can start replacing all our v2.0 body cells again and acquire Body v3.0, so we can progress even further, starting to learn stronger lessons.

The link below has the regular cell-renewal cycles. I think with strong Stem Cell Therapies / ancient Jogi techniques / EE / "Qi Gong"-type activities and similar techniques, I think, we CAN make our cells renew way faster than poor scientists in the below article ever imagined. :D
Does the Human Body Really Replace Itself Every 7 Years? | Live Science

How quickly do different cells in the body replace themselves?

After reading the latest transcript, I hustled back this post of yours.

It looks like you were plugged in for this one! I felt the instinct pulse as well when reading what you wrote, but didn't quite trust myself to know what to do with it. Didn't have enough knowledge. -It sure is nice to have extra details now thanks to the C's! There's only so far one can travel alone in the 3D rat maze.

So that excited little thing your body does, (sings? vibrates?) which you felt when you decided to write that post.., I'd say that's the etheric muscle group worth cultivating! It's a tough one; I find for me it's like trying to practice playing the piano, but without a piano, sheet music or fingers.

Anyway, I just wanted to say, "Good call!"
Exposure is the thing psychopaths fear the most - believe Cs said that. That Trump hasn't gone all-in evil is a hopeful sign that there is some resistance in play at his level. Meanwhile, it will be quite challenging with approximately two months of lockdown restrictions ahead and then things likely to get really interesting! It should be quite a show!

I was quite surprised by the recently proposed financial aid that the Trump administration announced the other day. On the one hand, it amounts to merely throwing the public a bone since $1,200 - 3k is not all that much money (especially given the greater looming economic problems that are staring most Americans in the face). But, on the other hand, it is providing some very needed aid at just the right time, considering that most people in the US live paycheck to paycheck. So it seems rather well intentioned to me. I just can't imagine most other presidents and their administrations even considering such basically helpful assistance for some reason. Rather, as with most of these pathological leaders, I can just see them saying or thinking "tough luck!"
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