A good reason to lockdown any country is when 100 year old people win over this plague-like virus right? LOLZ

101-year-old Italian man released from hospital after recovering from coronavirus
Why would masks expire?

Stockpile of expired masks likely to be given to TSA workers
By Kenneth Garger
March 27, 2020 | 2:34am

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The various layers of a N95 respirator mask as shown.

The various layers of a N95 respirator mask as shown.Reuters

A stockpile of 1.5 million expired N95 respirator masks belonging to the US Customs and Border Protection agency is expected to be deployed to the Transportation Security Administration to aid its underequipped workforce, a report said.
[... more here ...]
oh man, reading all the entries of medical doctors and hospital staff here on the thread does tune down my good spirit I had and kept today for the whole day. This is no finger pointing, of course, what I want to say is that it is hard for me (and certainly for some of you) these times to keep the spirit for a whole day. Thank you all so much for your reports! And I am so thankful for the whole forum, from which I learned so much about health and food as well as conciousness. At the beginning of my journey I didn't get the "hightening the frequency" thing for example. I simply did not know how to do that. Now I know what it means, at least for me. It is the application of the learned into the daily life and living by what you are convinced of. This Corona stuff is just another test how far in the process you are and where to adjust more.

I just wanted to say thank you to you all.
This is like living in a twilight zone. Sometimes I ask myself am I ok, am I insane or they are?
I feel like in a bad dream and I can't wake up from it.

Yeah, this is all very surreal. I was walking today close to the beginning of the curfew, and the streets were quite empty. And it was still a daylight! And I was looking around me and wondering, if this is really happening, or I'm dreaming?

Well, it's only gonna get worse, so we better get used to it. They announced that they are ready to start doing mass testing here. And our President said that we will start having more infected people. First 500 per day, then 1000. And we will have dozens of deaths. Imagine how much the people will be freaking out then, when they are already freaking out now with such low numbers. They will be screaming for 24h curfew! In such situation you cannot expect from the PTB to stop with implementing new measures. This opportunity is just too good to be missed!
@Donjuan would this be also consistent with your observations? Did the cases you guys saw in Italy become increasingly more severe?

Is it possible that the virus is still mutating or that we are dealing with multiple strains?

Based upon what happened in our hospital i can tell that we see a esponential increase of total case the first 2 weeks and so increased also the severe/critical cases but i think with more or less the same proportion.
Altogether we see that in some area (or patient coming from some area) - especially Lombardia region- the case were most severe with more people in ICU and a high mortality rate. Many colleague who became seriously ill were handling patients with severe symptoms and /or a large number of patients (without necessary protection).
So in some area probably there are a more virulent type and / or patients with a greater viral load (this is a personal opinion).
From the upcoming MindMatters show:

Joseph Azize: How We Should Respond to the Current Worldwide Panic

With the current world panic in response to the spread of Covid-19, Father Joseph Azize shares some advice on what our internal response should be, based on the work of G.I. Gurdjieff. As Azize says, "Our reaction to what happens in the world - our response to it - makes the world." During these times, it is more important than ever not to be controlled by external influences, and to maintain our own inner balance. This clip is an excerpt from our upcoming interview with Father Azize, the first part of which will be published next week. In the meantime, read his blog post "Panic: An Elemental Force" here: Panic: An Elemental Force – Under the Sun

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A few of my friends and family members are still in the Emergency Response/Support areas of MainStream Medicine and Health Care.
Paramedics and Medevac Pilots mostly.
I received this report from one of them this morning.
It is mostly advice on what seems to work, dosages, drugs, yada, yada.
But, there are other bits of info, OBSERVATIONS made in the Field, those little BITS of INFO that are gonna MATTER, because there are smoking guns, and the answers have been there all along,at least, thats how I'm thinkin' at the moment.

Here is the report:

"I am an ER MD in New Orleans. Class of 98. Every one of my colleagues have now seen several hundred Covid 19 patients and this is what I think I know.

Clinical course is predictable.
2-11 days after exposure (day 5 on average) flu like symptoms start. Common are fever, headache, dry cough, myalgias(back pain), nausea without vomiting, abdominal discomfort with some diarrhea, loss of smell, anorexia, fatigue.

Day 5 of symptoms- increased SOB, and bilateral viral pneumonia from direct viral damage to lung parenchyma.

Day 10- Cytokine storm leading to acute ARDS and multiorgan failure. You can literally watch it happen in a matter of hours.

81% mild symptoms, 14% severe symptoms requiring hospitalization, 5% critical.

Patient presentation is varied. Patients are coming in hypoxic (even 75%) without dyspnea. I have seen Covid patients present with encephalopathy, renal failure from dehydration, DKA. I have seen the bilateral interstitial pneumonia on the xray of the asymptomatic shoulder dislocation or on the CT's of the (respiratory) asymptomatic polytrauma patient. Essentially if they are in my ER, they have it. Seen three positive flu swabs in 2 weeks and all three had Covid 19 as well. Somehow this ***** has told all other disease processes to get out of town.

China reported 15% cardiac involvement. I have seen covid 19 patients present with myocarditis, pericarditis, new onset CHF and new onset atrial fibrillation. I still order a troponin, but no cardiologist will treat no matter what the number in a suspected Covid 19 patient. Even our non covid 19 STEMIs at all of our facilities are getting TPA in the ED and rescue PCI at 60 minutes only if TPA fails.

CXR- bilateral interstitial pneumonia (anecdotally starts most often in the RLL so bilateral on CXR is not required). The hypoxia does not correlate with the CXR findings. Their lungs do not sound bad. Keep your stethoscope in your pocket and evaluate with your eyes and pulse ox.

Labs- WBC low, Lymphocytes low, platelets lower then their normal, Procalcitonin normal in 95%
CRP and Ferritin elevated most often. CPK, D-Dimer, LDH, Alk Phos/AST/ALT commonly elevated.
Notice D-Dimer- I would be very careful about CT PE these patients for their hypoxia. The patients receiving IV contrast are going into renal failure and on the vent sooner.

Basically, if you have a bilateral pneumonia with normal to low WBC, lymphopenia, normal procalcitonin, elevated CRP and ferritin- you have covid-19 and do not need a nasal swab to tell you that.

A ratio of absolute neutrophil count to absolute lymphocyte count greater than 3.5 may be the highest predictor of poor outcome. the UK is automatically intubating these patients for expected outcomes regardless of their clinical presentation.

An elevated Interleukin-6 (IL6) is an indicator of their cytokine storm. If this is elevated watch these patients closely with both eyes.

Other factors that appear to be predictive of poor outcomes are thrombocytopenia and LFTs 5x upper limit of normal.

I had never discharged multifocal pneumonia before. Now I personally do it 12-15 times a shift. 2 weeks ago we were admitting anyone who needed supplemental oxygen. Now we are discharging with oxygen if the patient is comfortable and oxygenating above 92% on nasal cannula. We have contracted with a company that sends a paramedic to their home twice daily to check on them and record a pulse ox. We know many of these patients will bounce back but if it saves a bed for a day we have accomplished something. Obviously we are fearful some won't make it back.

We are a small community hospital. Our 22 bed ICU and now a 4 bed Endoscopy suite are all Covid 19. All of these patients are intubated except one. 75% of our floor beds have been cohorted into covid 19 wards and are full. We are averaging 4 rescue intubations a day on the floor. We now have 9 vented patients in our ER transferred down from the floor after intubation.

Luckily we are part of a larger hospital group. Our main teaching hospital repurposed space to open 50 new Covid 19 ICU beds this past Sunday so these numbers are with significant decompression. Today those 50 beds are full. They are opening 30 more by Friday. But even with the "lockdown", our AI models are expecting a 200-400% increase in covid 19 patients by 4/4/2020.


worldwide 86% of covid 19 patients that go on a vent die. Seattle reporting 70%. Our hospital has had 5 deaths and one patient who was extubated. Extubation happens on day 10 per the Chinese and day 11 per Seattle.

Plaquenil which has weak ACE2 blockade doesn't appear to be a savior of any kind in our patient population. Theoretically, it may have some prophylactic properties but so far it is difficult to see the benefit to our hospitalized patients, but we are using it and the studies will tell. With Plaquenil's potential QT prolongation and liver toxic effects (both particularly problematic in covid 19 patients), I am not longer selectively prescribing this medication as I stated on a previous post.

We are also using Azithromycin, but are intermittently running out of IV.

Do not give these patient's standard sepsis fluid resuscitation. Be very judicious with the fluids as it hastens their respiratory decompensation. Outside the DKA and renal failure dehydration, leave them dry.

Proning vented patients significantly helps oxygenation. Even self proning the ones on nasal cannula helps.

Vent settings- Usual ARDS stuff, low volume, permissive hypercapnia, etc. Except for Peep of 5 will not do. Start at 14 and you may go up to 25 if needed.

Do not use Bipap- it does not work well and is a significant exposure risk with high levels of aerosolized virus to you and your staff. Even after a cough or sneeze this virus can aerosolize up to 3 hours.

The same goes for nebulizer treatments. Use MDI. you can give 8-10 puffs at one time of an albuterol MDI. Use only if wheezing which isn't often with covid 19. If you have to give a nebulizer must be in a negative pressure room; and if you can, instruct the patient on how to start it after you leave the room.

Do not use steroids, it makes this worse. Push out to your urgent cares to stop their usual practice of steroid shots for their URI/bronchitis.

We are currently out of Versed, Fentanyl, and intermittently Propofol. Get the dosing of Precedex and Nimbex back in your heads.

One of my colleagues who is a 31 yo old female who graduated residency last may with no health problems and normal BMI is out with the symptoms and an SaO2 of 92%. She will be the first of many.

I PPE best I have. I do wear a MaxAir PAPR the entire shift. I do not take it off to eat or drink during the shift. I undress in the garage and go straight to the shower. My wife and kids fled to her parents outside Hattiesburg. The stress and exposure at work coupled with the isolation at home is trying. But everyone is going through something right now. Everyone is scared; patients and employees. But we are the leaders of that emergency room. Be nice to your nurses and staff. Show by example how to tackle this crisis head on. Good luck to us all."
A few of my friends and family members are still in the Emergency Response/Support areas of MainStream Medicine and Health Care.
Paramedics and Medevac Pilots mostly.
I received this report from one of them this morning.
It is mostly advice on what seems to work, dosages, drugs, yada, yada.
But, there are other bits of info, OBSERVATIONS made in the Field, those little BITS of INFO that are gonna MATTER, because there are smoking guns, and the answers have been there all along,at least, thats how I'm thinkin' at the moment.

Here is the report:

"I am an ER MD in New Orleans. Class of 98. Every one of my colleagues have now seen several hundred Covid 19 patients and this is what I think I know.

Clinical course is predictable.
2-11 days after exposure (day 5 on average) flu like symptoms start. Common are fever, headache, dry cough, myalgias(back pain), nausea without vomiting, abdominal discomfort with some diarrhea, loss of smell, anorexia, fatigue.

Day 5 of symptoms- increased SOB, and bilateral viral pneumonia from direct viral damage to lung parenchyma.

Day 10- Cytokine storm leading to acute ARDS and multiorgan failure. You can literally watch it happen in a matter of hours.

81% mild symptoms, 14% severe symptoms requiring hospitalization, 5% critical.

Patient presentation is varied. Patients are coming in hypoxic (even 75%) without dyspnea. I have seen Covid patients present with encephalopathy, renal failure from dehydration, DKA. I have seen the bilateral interstitial pneumonia on the xray of the asymptomatic shoulder dislocation or on the CT's of the (respiratory) asymptomatic polytrauma patient. Essentially if they are in my ER, they have it. Seen three positive flu swabs in 2 weeks and all three had Covid 19 as well. Somehow this ***** has told all other disease processes to get out of town.

China reported 15% cardiac involvement. I have seen covid 19 patients present with myocarditis, pericarditis, new onset CHF and new onset atrial fibrillation. I still order a troponin, but no cardiologist will treat no matter what the number in a suspected Covid 19 patient. Even our non covid 19 STEMIs at all of our facilities are getting TPA in the ED and rescue PCI at 60 minutes only if TPA fails.


I agree with all that (% more or less) is exactly the situation that are seeing in our hospital and in many other of Nothern Italy.
And the clinical characteristic iof patient is exactly the same.

I can only add that many mild cases have only anosmia with dysgeusia (like my case.. or at least i hope.) with out fever and without rhinitis (very unusual).
thank you Aeneas for bringing this up! I can only say that from my personal experience this analysis is spot on. People are in shock. At our shop in Bavaria Germany when I talked to people today, most of them were very grave and serious about the situation, but when I asked them whether they think these measurements are right or wrong or anything in between, only four peeps today said that they are very concerned about the loss of basic rights and liberties. The rest was all like 'oh they won't use those rights against us, it is just to stop the virus spreading and then we go back to normal'. This was the majority opinion of my customers today. I was in a mild shock, so to say. How will we go back to normal with people already losing their jobs, their businesses and so on? What about the psychological effects that this thing will have on us all? Yes, I definitely see a kind of a split here, a split between those who start connecting, sharing information, caring and helping each other, and those who comply and somehow think that they can close the eyes and when they open them again it is gone.

I also live in Bavaria. I saw a few more wearing masks, looking worried and concerned; others seem quite nonchalant.

My downstairs neighbour runs a small fruit and veg shop. Customers may now only go in one at a time, and she stands behind a huge screen, but remains polite and friendly. Most stores now have these screens in place at the cash desk, the cashiers all wore gloves.

I could see a lot of people making a real effort to stay calm and civil whilst out shopping; friendly, cheerful even. The warmer temperature helped, and it was a beautiful, sunny day! Baked beans, kidney beans sell out quickly, the bread had almost sold out at the bakery.

I had a nice chat with a couple of other neighbours, but we spoke about the school system and the affect of many workers either losing jobs or working only 50-60 % for fewer wages.

No mention of the actual virus itself, however, which seems taboo.

On a positive note, I mentioned Vitamin C as a very effective treatment to friends (sent them the article from NY Post) and we discussed Vitamin C, which greatly interested them. I've started taking it as well, and I'm getting up to speed on the subject.

One of the friends said there were people in the US wearing T-Rex costumes for protective use!!

All in all though, it is quite chilling to read about the Orwellian measures being put in place, but EE has also greatly aided me in remaining calm, but alert.

How, how, how did the majority of humans possibly manage to become that stupid?? It's all so damn obvious what is going on!!
At least now we know what they were building and testing those emergency alert systems for.

And guess when it was tested: November 27, 2019:

Emergency alert system to be tested across Canada today
Posted November 27, 2019 11:14 am
Updated November 27, 2019 4:01 pm

WATCH: Amber Alerts may wake you up, but they save kids' lives

Wireless devices, radio and TV stations will issue emergency messages today, but there isn’t anything to be alarmed about.
The squawky signals from provincial and territorial emergency management systems across the country — except in Nunavut — will be transmitted to test the national public alert system.
The alerts are designed to warn of imminent threats or emergencies, such as floods, tornadoes, fires or Amber Alerts.
For those of you who are into homeopathy this site has interesting articles like this one. We may not feel fear about the coronavirus per se but, the outcoming of social unrest and economic recession ... I had been calm, is weird, knowing my self I would had been beyond anxious and worry about the economic issue, me and coworkers income depend on sales, and ...buf!, so far so good we were able to pay salaries and nothing more, nothing left- and we are able to open business still,-, seeing how the world develops like a movie with the popcorn ...l its becoming difficult, homeopathy had helped me a lot too to be calm... fwiw
_https://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/the-fear-that-makes-us-sick-and-homeopathy-that-cures-us/ said:
The Fear That Makes Us Sick And Homeopathy That Cures Us
March 11, 2020
by Guillermo Basaur

Dr. Guillermo Basauri discusses how fear manifests itself and affects people differently. He describes the fears that respond to Aconitum, Causticum, Gelsemium, Arsenicoum, Lycopodium and Pulsatilla.

“Nobody reaches the top with the fear.”
~ Publio Siro

“It is impossible to found a civilization on fear and hatred and cruelty. It would never endure. ”
~ George Orwell

Dr. Kent already said it long ago: The reason why ACONITUM is so often a children’s remedy is because children are often sick with fear.”

Fear is a common experience of all human beings. We feel fear when we experience any situation that makes us believe that we are in danger. It is a basic emotion of self-protection that is activated when we feel that something or someone can cause us some harm.

In face of a dangerous situation our body is put on alert globally. We feel fear, our muscles tense, we prepare to respond to the threat, and our mind seeks the most effective way to deal with that situation. If we are in a position to flee or to ward off that threat we will do that, but this scenario is not always possible. If it is not possible to get rid of that threatening experience, the tension will increase and our psychic mechanisms will look for ways to adapt to the situation with the least emotional damage. And that is what happens on many occasions.

The possibilities that we humans have to defend ourselves against a threat are not unlimited. They depend on the characteristics of our own circumstances (there are situations in which we will find ourselves hopelessly helpless) but also on the characteristics of the person who has to face them. Depending on the vital moment and our developmental stage at which that event happens, that same event can be faced with very different guarantees of success. The ability to respond to a threat differentiates very much for a baby, a teenager or an adult, and also the impact that a threat can have for the individual.

It happens many times to us adults that we feel fear and don’t know why. This fear usually manifests as a constant state of anxiety, nervousness, various phobias, irritability and hyperexcitation. It can also generate physical symptoms such as sleep disturbances, muscle aches and tensions, digestive problems, skin eruptions, headaches, among many other forms of somatization.

The tension that fear generates in our whole being is very beneficial when that situation is punctual and temporary. We feel a threat, we tense and resolve it. Perfect. But when the fear becomes a permanent state of mind, then the tension begins to wear us out and to make us sick.

Sometimes the feeling of fear that we adults experience has to do with a vital situation that we have to go through like a disease, a desperate economic situation, war or any real and tangible threat. At other times that fear finds a place in our heart and mind in the form of insecurity, anxiety and anguish without being able to link it to any circumstance in our life that deserves those feelings. Many times, the fear becomes enmeshed with our life.

It must be understood that when a baby is afraid
, it cannot fight or move away, or even reflect on what is happening. All it can do is to contract himself and wait for that feeling to disappear. And when a baby feels fear frequently and has to solve it by himself in this way, it will generate in himself the experience that the world is a hostile place from which there is no escape but to tense and wait for that horrible experience to pass by. Thus anxiety, anguish and tension are installed as a state of being.

You have to consider that a baby can be scared by being shouted at, when being looked at with hostility, when being caught abruptly, by cold, pain, unpleasant body sensations, hunger … And when all these situations are not constantly addressed suitably the baby can grow up internalizing a constant tension in life, which is the only way to respond to anguish when being such a dependent and helpless individual. It is also possible that it is not the accumulation of microtrauma but a single brutal event that can mark our being with the stigma of fear.

We develop and grow throughout our lives, but it is in the first years when we consolidate our basic character structure based on our congenital temperament. If these first experiences have been traumatic, they can certainly be sweetened throughout life with other experiences that make us feel love, security, kindness and tenderness, all of which life is also full of, so that we may solve that vital problem that a life of fear constitutes. But if the experiences that follow our childhood are not reparative, all that fear will add up more and more until we get sick. In this way, fear can be an emotion that protects us or makes us sick.

From the Perspective of Homeopathy
When we look at a patient with the eyes of homeopathy we are interested in knowing what happened to him (his current illness), why it happened to him (his etiology, the cause) and to whom it happened (the person’s terrain). And I say this because we know that fear, as a causing element of pathology, will develop a particular mode of ailment according to the terrain of the person it affects.

We have many remedies that relate to fear depending on the origin of the patient’s conflict. Fear is the common element in all of them but not all of those people protect themselves from their fear in the same way nor will they decompensate in the same manner. I’ll give you some examples so that you can see what I want to tell you:

ACONITUM is the remedy for people who live in a permanent state of maximum alert. They are agitated, nervous and impatient. They want to anticipate and to know everything in advance to be prepared and to be able to face any adversity. They live as if they were permanently in mortal danger. It is the great remedy to help with acute panic attacks.

Patients sensitive to CAUSTICUM have, on the other hand, the fearful perception that has more to do with the feeling that something bad is going to happen to them or their loved ones. They are usually people with a great sense of justice and dignity and end up being filled with negative feelings and phobias.

GELSEMIUM is another remedy related to fear, but this time the fear paralyzes people. They want to speak in public but remain silent or their mind goes blank in exams for which they have prepared well. It is a fear of anticipation, a fear of facing the situations of life. They can be trembling or suffer from acute diarrhoea before any unusual event like a trip, an interview or a romantic date. It is a great remedy for those people with fear of being on an airplane.

Once I heard a phrase that seemed to me to define very well the state in which people sensitive to ARSENICUM ALBUM live. These patients feel like sheep among wolves. For them, the world is a hostile and threatening place and because of their sense of helplessness they develop the compensatory response of controlling reality absolutely. They become organized people, organized to mania, and detail-oriented meticulous. Anxious in general, and in particular about their health, they are also very dependent on others and tend to accumulate possessions with the idea to be better prepared for anything horrible that this life may hold for them.

In people sensitive to LYCOPODIUM, the dominating feelings are insecurity, the feeling of inferiority and fear of challenges and responsibilities. But to compensate for this perception of themselves and for no one to notice it, they usually create a compensatory image of pride and arrogance. “Tell me what you boast of and I‘ll tell you what you are missing,” could very well define the personality and behavior of these people. They are often harsh and critical with those who they feel may submit but submissive and complacent to those whom they feel to be powerful. Behind a facade of arrogance and haughtiness they hide their insecurity, fear and cowardice.

Another great remedy for fear, this time fear of abandonment, is PULSATILLA. They are people who have not been able to solve the feeling of fusional love that unites the baby with their mother and who live relationships with a maximum degree of dependence. They find it very difficult to live if not through dependency relationships and tend to please others to not to lose them. Their theme might be: “How do you want me to be for you to love me?

And these are just some of the many homeopathic remedies related to fear, because there are as many remedies as there are ways we humans relate to this emotion and attempt to survive it.

Fear makes our mind and body sick. It contracts us, it exhausts and debilitates us. Homeopathy provides us with remedies capable of increasing our capacity to adapt to these disturbing internal circumstances and to be able to face life with greater and better resources.

It touches me deeply to see how a child, who does nothing but getting sick since it has started going to school for the simple reason of not being able to stand his mother’s separation, improves and stops being sick from the moment he begins to take “his PULSATILLA”. Or how a person who used to feel blocked before any challenge can begin to face them thanks to GELSEMIUM, or how ACONITUM helps us to overcome a panic attack.

I want to tell you a story, a very short one, to end for today.

The disciple approaches his teacher and asks him:

-Master, of all those beings that inhabit this universe, which do I have to fear more.

-You only have to fear one thing: that love never settles in your heart and light never in your mind. Because Light and Love are the sources of Wisdom, and Wisdom dissolves fear as heat and sunlight do with cold and hard ice.

And the disciple understood.
Very far behind with thread, so jumping in again. Was compiling info relevant to current situation:

  1. a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.

  2. the foremost part of an advancing army or naval force.
Repeatedly, our leaders have said the current CoronavirusTM is a battle - a war! Are we witnessing the first volleys of the battle of Good vs Evil? How coincidental regarding Easter in the timing of this outbreak:

Text previously posted from this link: Trump's Easter goal in war on virus a nod to faith, business
Trump’s Easter goal in war on virus a nod to faith, business
“Easter’s a very special day for me. Wouldn’t it be great to have all of the churches full?” Trump later told Fox. “You’ll have packed churches all over our country. I think it would be a beautiful time.”

But for conservative evangelicals who remain among Trump’s most ardent supporters, the president’s choice of the holiest date on their faith’s calendar was meaningful even as a purely aspirational goal to reboot American life.
Think - "symbolic communication".

Read text of this image:

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 4: Covert use of Abortion-causing Vaccines Around the World
April 16, 2019
The above from www.vaccinesandchristianity.org

Defining an “apocalypse”
A standard Greek-English dictionary of the New Testament and early Christian literature defines ἀποκάλυψις (apokalypsis) as “of revelations of a particular kind, through visions, etc.”
An apocalypse is fundamentally a revelation of truths previously hidden.
It can be and often is about the end of the world as we know it, but is not necessarily so.

The above from:
Voices: COVID-19 and the Apocalypse: Not what you think
MARCH 18, 2020

Regarding “of revelations of a particular kind, through visions, etc.- I think we all know what the etc. is! It's just been going on since 1994! The Feb. 22, 2020 session was the "eureka" moment long strived for! "A: Yes. We can retire now!"

And I recall there was past discussion regarding vanguard. "Onward Christian Soldiers"! Somehow, I think "sword" is still in play here.

This is a work in progress. 🤔
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