Hey Konstantin
Is this ear ringing not going away? I had some ear ringing but it went away when I started using Magnesium oil (best absorption is on the stomach area). I also found info that Vicks vapo rub (vaseline, menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil) helps ... + this doc has some really incredible physical techniques for all sorts of ailments. Ive tried a few and they work.

Hope this will be helpfull.
Thank you. I am using Magnesium oil regullary. I will watch the video later.
I tried many things. It comes and goes on its own. I tried to clean it even with hydrogen peroxyde 3%, . Once , a few years ago in hospital, doctor cleaned my ear, because i have some inflamation, and told me that if regular cleaning is not working, i can try hydrogen peroxide because it desolves ear wax very well and kills microbes if there is an infection.
After all, liberals use the opportunity to criticize the government by saying that the medical system in Russia is failing and there are not enough masks and ventilators, so following this logic they should be happy to see more serious steps from the Russian government and the Ministry of Health. :-P They should get their story (read attack strategy) straight.

And then, there are also people like Mikhail Delyagin, who is also critical of the Russian government, and yet what he says is very similar to what we are discussing here. Since you know Russian, you can watch it here.

Obviously, I am not saying that it is alright, and many people are going to suffer dire financial consequences, and it already started.
In modern Russia there are no liberals, communists, democrats and others. There is King Pu, and all those clowns who call themselves “opposition” receive funding from the state. And this puppet "Opposition" has no real support in society.

Also, as we know, a group of Russian scientists and military went to Lombardia to assist with the crisis. But what the local analysts say, that beside assisting they also have an important role of learning everything they can about the virus, and why Lombardia has the highest mortality rate. Basically, they are conducting their own (outside of WHO's control) investigation. And that is very significant. Not sure if we will ever hear the results, but they surely will be doing their best to learn everything they can about this virus.
And why do not you ask yourself the question of what Russian military aircraft (and generally military) do in Italy? In Russia there is a ministry for emergency situations (this is not a military structure, they have their own doctors) - these guys are sent around the world when disasters happen. But the Russian military was sent to Italy, not the Ministry of Emergencies. What are our military doing in Lombaridia? Who are they fighting with there?

So clearly Powers That Be in Russia understand that it is a circus, and that this circus should be maintained to a degree, and for certain purposes. And also because there is still much uncertainty, until they get enough objective and unbiased data regarding the virus. At least that my take on the situation at the moment. Will see how it goes.
I do not want to participate in this circus. And I do not want to justify those who participate in it in my country. I see how people around me go crazy (every day is getting worse and worse), I see how the economy of my country is collapsing before my eyes.

Yes, in other countries the situation of people at the moment may be worse than in Russia. Is King Pu justified in my eyes? Not at all
In 1937, many justify Stalinism with us - look, but the Nazis in Germany, people there are even worse. This is not an excuse.
I've just read this article and decided to share a short extract just to demonstrate what high government officials have in their heads:
Secretary of State for Transport Shapps said there had been “one or two instances” of police being heavy-handed with enforcement measures on social distancing.

He told Sky News: “I am sure there are individual examples where perhaps you look at it and think that is perhaps a bit further than they should have gone but in general terms I think the case is that, if people help everybody out, including the police, by staying home and the rest of it, then there will be no problems.

Shapps also warned that the UK had to be careful to ensure that the “cure” wasn’t more harmful than the pandemic itself.

He said: “One of the things we need to be careful not to do is completely crash our economy to the point where it is impossible or very difficult to pick up again afterwards.

Otherwise, we will be in a position where we can’t re-start the economy and millions of people will be forced into a poverty situation that would do more harm than the virus itself. That’s really the balance.”
So what's the message here? Stay home and the rest of it, avoid the "cure" and avoid crashing our economy, otherwise re-starting it may fail and you'd be blamed for poverty of millions. Go figure :umm:
Not so sure that it was intentional. I think he was regurgitating talking points. And those talking points came down from "above". So the error is in those who are creating the talking points. One wonders if they are that stupid too? Or is it intentional on their part? It seems to me that this is the same message that all other doctors and hospitals are getting and they all seem to be buying into it.

Yes, that would be more likely.

After reading Joe's comment, I realized how important it is to 'critically analyze' everything I read. For that matter, everything I hear, see, and 'feel' as well.
@Laura for a while now I had a feeling that the real virus, the one behind the curtain, has used its host, the US, to the max, it sucked out of it everything that it could, and now it is ready to abandon it and move on to a new host, I am thinking China. I kept thinking that Trump was pushed forward by a more nationalist faction to try and salvage what he can, much like Gorbachev did in the times of Perestroika. When any of these giants collapse, it is usually not pretty. Look at Russia in early 90s. And they planned the collapse for a minimum of 10 years, since the time of Andropov. And if this is the case, it means that the US $ will collapse as a fiat currency, which will also collapse a lot of other economies. As China and Russia (and other states) were building their Gold reserves for a while now, they knew this was coming. So we are to expect a new financial paradigm, to replace the Breton Woods / OPEC supported petro-dollar with something new. Then probably we will have some period of stabilization. This is how I see it. I think by now we all know that what we're witnessing is a show, in which, to be clear, a lot of innocent people are dying, but the show is directing everybody's attention from what is really going on. We should probably start talking more about what we think will happen next as I think we have a great advantage in this global community of ours, once we start collaborating we can hopefully map out part of the puzzle and maybe even match some of the pieces in it.

As much as I like to think this true, it doesn't fit one paradigm.... Tribal alliances. The power center has to remain in the Anglo-Saxon sphere, this is how it has always been.

China doesn't fit the bill I don't think.
In modern Russia there are no liberals, communists, democrats and others. There is King Pu, and all those clowns who call themselves “opposition” receive funding from the state. And this puppet "Opposition" has no real support in society.
That may have been the understanding, but is that changing? This article explains why that may be so:
Putin announcing anti-corona measures
This is not a question that figures in our Western commentary and analysis, since it is universally assumed that one man, Vladimir Putin, dominates Russian political life for a good reason: his unique ability to tame the contending factions at the center of power in Russia. He is the indispensable lynchpin.

However, I insist that this assumption may have become threadbare, and that there may well be a power struggle going on in the Kremlin today which Vladimir Vladimirovich no longer controls.

Indeed, it appears he is receiving his script now from the stronger of the contenders around him and is not comfortable with his lines.

I hinted at this three days ago in my analysis of his address to the nation on the coronavirus, saying that perhaps “Putin’s command of the situation is faltering.”

Mary Dejevsky, a shrewd and experienced journalist who served as foreign correspondent in Moscow of The Guardian, the next day posted the following in her Comment on my article:

“Agree. especially on putin’s decline in authority – I thought his actual demeanour during nationwide broadcast looked less ‘in command’ than usual.”

In what follows, I describe a set of developments, some interrelated, some coming from unrelated contexts, but all pointing to Putin’s loss of control of the political agenda in Russia starting from his annual state of the nation address to the bicameral legislature on 15 January 2020.
Aeneas wrote:

It made me wonder if we as a group would be able to direct the progression of the virus as the mutations haven't stopped yet. If so then perhaps by strengthening the FRV individually and as a group and/or through prayer.
Just a thought.

Not wanting to interrupt free will and not having specific knowledge of everything it is difficult to muster up the right words, but I try anyway.

I have been praying for sott and the Cassiopaea Forum that our FRV unite and help all dimensions bring about balance for this paradigm. Also, that we may be helped to live our destiny and fulfil our hearts desires.

Is it possible that there is a reserve of dimensional help, but its needful that they be asked?

Open for suggestion if anyone has better words.
As much as I like to think this true, it doesn't fit one paradigm.... Tribal alliances. The power center has to remain in the Anglo-Saxon sphere, this is how it has always been.

China doesn't fit the bill I don't think.
China can be the guy with the mask in the Time magazine cover, while the rest of the World is the dog on the leash. I don't think the tribe has too much to do with it anymore, we saw for quite some time now that things are a lot more cross-border when they want them to be, like for instance in the case of the refugees crisis when borders were open when convenient, then closed when convenient and clearly from an entity that was above states. And in general, in the last 30-40 years there has been a clear shift towards the east, that is why I think that's where the next Empire will rise. Do you see any other candidates? Or do you think we will go back to the status quo before this crisis was initiated, just with some re-alignments? Who else from the Anglo-Saxon sphere could fit the profile? Germany? Sweden? I am thinking more of a move towards the east, maybe a re-unification of Korea (something like the fall of the Berlin wall), maybe Taiwan returning to China...
Ryu, I have never seen nurses completely lost, even very young. Under the blow of emotion, your sister's words must have gone beyond her thought.

Hello mamibio74,

So I went on to ask her today for a bit more details about her shifts at the hospital. Apparently the first day, all her team was composed of students or of nurses from other services who never worked in reanimation. They were quickly briefed by the nurses of that service and then had to get things moving. The nurses from her team were completly stressed out and it stressed the students even more, making the shift way more difficult that it could have been.
She also told me that the emergency service was pretty quiet.
Just wanted to note here that yesterday was a totally weird day with several people here in the house feeling extremely dizzy and fairly frequently; headaches, extreme tiredness, anxiety. We talked about it only after it was realized that it wasn't just one person feeling this way. Either there was some strong "beaming" going on yesterday, or the planet frequency is doing weird things.

Today, all is fine. I'm able to work efficiently, and so is Ark.

Same here - strong headache, and practicaly never have those. And felt anxious, for no obvious reason.
Just wanted to note here that yesterday was a totally weird day with several people here in the house feeling extremely dizzy and fairly frequently; headaches, extreme tiredness, anxiety. We talked about it only after it was realized that it wasn't just one person feeling this way. Either there was some strong "beaming" going on yesterday, or the planet frequency is doing weird things.

Today, all is fine. I'm able to work efficiently, and so is Ark.

It struck me awhile ago that this thread is pretty much a manifestation of all of us "sitting back and watching the show." Here we are, discussing it furiously just as though we were at some kind of party, having drinks and snacks. And so many good points being raised!

Same here, I went from being dizzy to anxious, I had the impression that "something from the sky" was going to harm us, like a electromagnetic eruption from the Sun or a comet blast... I don't know why I got these ideas, it scared me so much that I cried. I went on to meditate and then felt better, but that was weird!
It's very interesting to observe where various 'influencers' stand on this so-called pandemic. It turns out that many 'anti-govt' or 'alt-media' skeptics are actually authoritarian followers.
On Twitter there has been a monopolization on Hashtags, and when I looked up some possibilities this morning like: #Covide-19Lie #COVidLie #COVIDSanctionsLie #covidfalsehood #covidscam #covidtruth #covid19lie these, which in the past might have meant something, were almost exclusively about proving that the virus is worse than reported, or that not enough is being done etc.
The following two were a mix: #coronavirus #COVID19 And this one was better: #StopThisMadness
One Tweet from JohnFliss contained some that he said had smelled a rat from the beginning. He mentions :
Some more who who at present observe something bizarre: @VanessaBeeley @WinterOakPress (maybe) @elleprovocateur @wodarg @BrilliantShes @99freemind @drbairdonline @JamesOKeefeIII For German try: @KoeppelRoger @Stahlzart @Thomas_Binder @scienceoc @TheWarOnYou
I just totally randomly came across something weird.

Have you seen the Disney movie 'Tangled'? I found an article on it that points out that in the movie, "Rapunzel is being shielded from a village named Corona and is locked away in ‘quarantine’ for the first 18 years of her life".

Of course people online are talking about Disney 'predicting' and 'knowing' stuff 10 years ago. I wouldn't go that far, but you have to admit it's pretty funny.
On page 293 since I gave up marathon thread-reading all-nighters. A come from behind share:

In regards to Amazing Polly's vid exposing WHO's Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus - not an MD, but a Communist revolutionary guilty of crimes against humanity/genocide. This is the first comment to that vid:

"In the natural world, this is a Communist take over... in the spirit world it is a Satanic coup..."

Ain't it the truth! This is the vid:

Revisited Agenda 21/2030 and came across this:

In clear and concise words we were warned of what Agenda 21 was designed to do. Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse? Isn’t it out responsibility to bring that about? The voice belonged to Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Chairman of the Earth Summit as he delivered an official statement.

Was it not the UK's Imperial College that recommended a global lockdown of 18 months until a vaccine could be produced - the same who proclaimed this:

Imperial College -
"half a million Brits would die in the pandemic and 2 million Americans would perish"
After: "20,000 UK citizens may die"

As the economist on Del Bigtree's March 26 Highwire livestream indicated, an 18 month lockdown would collapse the industrialized nations of the planet.

Agenda 21/2030's other goals are depopulation camouflaged as Global Warming/Climate Change and Communist takeover disguised as Sustainability. Overpopulation, War on Terror, Climate Change weren't getting it done, but pandemic - pay dirt!!

30 Population Control Quotes That Show That The Elite Truly Believe That Humans Are A Plague Upon The Earth
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Wanted to add regarding Climate Change and depopulation:
The paper, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency,” was published in early November on the 40th anniversary of the first world climate conference. It rightfully warns of “untold suffering” without “major transformations in the ways our global society functions.”

Reducing population growth is one of six steps the authors say would slow carbon dioxide emissions. They also argue that to decrease the birthrate, family planning services and primary and secondary education need to be more available and accessible.

The group’s website goes a big step further. It says families must be encouraged to have fewer children and sounds the overpopulation alarm. A startling graph shows a dramatic world population spike beginning in the 19th century. The accompanying text refers to people giving birth as “adding more carbon emitters to the planet.” This presents a troubling and unfair picture and promotes the scapegoating of women.

[...] Just four years ago, Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich, who wrote the 1968 book “The Population Bomb,” said he would endorse “various forms of coercion” to keep people from having more children.
And so, global pandemic and Medical Martial Law! You WILL do as we say!

“All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, WILL implement this plan.” - the 2030 Agenda

"U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World must be Extermination" - Henry Kissinger, 1974 pt 1

And, yes, Henry Kissinger is still alive - 96 yrs old. David Rockefeller lived to 101.

For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
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