Yeah, people treat health staff like heroes these days. It should be creating cognitive dissonance in those who are used to working hundreds of times more than in the current situation.
We have this thing where people make noise from their balconies each night at 7pm. At first I thought what the heck is going on, so then I googled it. Supposedly it is to support the health care workers. Insane. But maybe they want to publicly glorify the health care workers, because they know that they are the ones that could possibly blow the lid off the narrative.

That may have been the understanding, but is that changing? This article explains why that may be so:
Thank you, but in this material your link says sheer nonsense. (this claim is not to you personally, but to the author of that material by reference)
What is the struggle between Mishustin and Sobyanin for power? Both of these people are Mr. Nobody in Russia. Two pocket officials of King Pu.
I know how power is organized in Moscow (I lived there for 10 years), municipal elections, elections to the Moscow Duma, all political life. I will not describe all this here, because it all does not matter to 99.9% of the people on the forum.
Sobyanin is a person who cannot connect two words in public (like Bush Jr.), an absolutely technical person. If he is fired tomorrow, then no one will notice this (as was the case with Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow).
Mishustin = zero, I won’t even write anything about him.
King Pu has not lost any power (this is not even close), he simply wants to become the head of state in the state (Russia + Belarus is the new union state) and wants to weaken the position of the future "elected" president of the Russian Federation in advance.
You can look at Kazakhstan and see how it will look approximately in Russia (+ Belarus). Nazarbayev left the government? No, he’s still there, only he no longer needs to be elected anywhere.

As for the current situation in Russia, I fully admit that King Pu is completely tired of the authorities and would like to leave, but he cannot. I admit that King Pu in all this situation with the coronovirus wants GOOD Russia (well, I see that he is completely SINCERELY at the moment talking with the people). But this does not justify it in my eyes, because a lot of bad deeds have been done by him over the past 20 years.
In addition, I do not approve of the introduction of the gulag on the territory of Russia (even if this gulag is mainly on PAPER at the moment)

PS Damn, I do not like politics and I am not at all glad that I had to devote as many as TWO posts to this on the forum. Forgive me, I will not talk about politics anymore.
I'm just trying to navigate the Coronavirus Act 2020- the UK's "emergency powers" that was mentioned a few pages back by Jones. Boy oh boy it looks terrible, we really are in strange times. I will try to summarize the key points and post them tomorrow. For now, there is this petition that has a rundown of the worst parts, bear in mind I haven't checked if it is all correct yet, bolding mine:

Forced detention and isolation can be of anyone, including children, and for any amount of time.

Authorities can FORCEABLY take biological samples from your body.
Your body becomes the property of the state.

There’s no clear access to legal rights from as-yet unidentified isolation facilities.

Powers last up to 2 years, with reviews every 6 mths

Lockdown powers could prevent protests against measures.

State surveillance safeguards weakened.

Protections from forced detainment and treatment under Mental Health Act lowered.

Cremations can be enforced against personal and religious wishes. (??)

Changes to the court system. Registration of deaths.

No inquests into suspicious deaths! No requirement for any medical certification for burials or cremations!

It also indeminfies the health service should they fail for what ever reason to provide care.

The most frightening part. Only one medical 'officer' is required to sign off COMPULSORY TREATMENT ORDER which means... in the real world you can be forced to accept medication. Or held down and injected with whatever is seen fit. THAT is the biggest and worst threat to your own freedoms. Schedule8 Pt1.

Local Authorities will now be exempted from compliance with their duties under The Care Act 2014. Schedule 11.

The BBC wont be telling you that bit.

So. If someone dies in police custody or any type of custody they can simply dispose of the body without any paperwork medical exam or certification or inquest.

There's also this video from parliament, where an MP is objecting to the "draconian" measures being taken.
Even two weeks ago, when this was just getting started in western Europe, my aunt said she got a text message from her local garbage/waste collection service to request that everyone please disinfect the handles of their bins/dumpsters before leaving them outside the house for collection. She giggled when she told me that, but I suspect that she - and probably most others - did it 😷

it's terrible, I never thought that one day we would get to this point and do something like this. It's really sad. One wonders what the next step is going to be ? Soon they will say that we all have to get a decontamination airlock at home and hazmat suits hanging on the coat rack (it's ironic of course but at the point we're at right now, I'm trying to laugh about it).
it sounds like such a vague piece of legislation that could really work in the hands of whoever wants to stop actual information from becoming widely available.
Or a genuine attempt to keep truly false information from being spread.

I think 15 posts went up from when I starting composing this - holy mackerel!
BTW - my senior friend and I went walking in nature park today full of daffodils, blooming trees, etc. She said Big Lots has super ample supply of their own brand of TP and she got some for two of her friends in need. 12 roll package/limit 2.
Maybe... All I know is people in power don't voluntarily give up their power. The ptb are human, they are people who belong somewhere. They might hate their citizens but where they belong is their tribe.

I don't think of it as nations.... More like regions. The US and (western) Europe are one big tribe. The power center is here.

If the power center moves to China it won't be because of some grand plan, it's going to be as a result of a hard won battle.

Anyways, that's how I see it - The power struggle is within elements within the pre existing power center.
I agree, but they form alliances and double cross each other all the time, look at Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, or Clinton, Gorbachev, etc.

China has already implemented a solid system for control of the masses.

If the new financial paradigm goes into the cashless / universal guaranteed income direction, it is possible that the Chinese system will be replicated throughout. After the French Revolution the masters didn't disappear, they only took a step back and allowed another layer of the onion to be in front. The same could happen here, China might appear to be the winner, but be controlled from behind the scenes. Or look at the Russian Revolution and how that was hijacked by Wall Street.

If the new, emerging system is, de facto, One World Government, we might even see the disolution of borders and then it won't even be China, the Anglo-Saxon power centre that you describe maybe will take over the UN or simply form another version of it that will appear to the masses as the savior after this crisis period. Climate and Health Emergency and possibly Economic Disaster will pave the way.

I am thinking out loud here and would like to encourage everyone to try to imagine what the possibilities are, based on what happened before: what we were told was happening vs what really happened. Most likely it will be fairly close this time too, short of an overt alien invasion 👽.
Did anyone see satelite action? I was out in the garden last night for only six to seven minutes (my dog had to pee), and I watched the sky. I saw quite an amount of sattelites. In those minutes there were four satellites i saw. all going the same direction.

It just so happens that one of my son's texted me last evening, who lives in a different province than I do, in Manitoba. He told me to go outside and look at the sky because 'strange stuff was happening'. He said that he was visiting his younger brother (also my son, of course) and while they were standing outside having a smoke, the younger brother was looking up and suddenly exclaimed to look 'up', he had just seen a fireball. By the time my other son looked up, a second fireball streaked across the sky. He said the fireballs were in the northern sky traveling east. Right after that, they noticed many satellites, counting at least 40 of them in the span of about 10 minutes. He said that three of the satellites were in a triangular formation, and all the other satellites were following it!

I, of course, went out and sat on our front deck where the northern sky is exposed, with video cam in hand. After about 30 minutes (and 2 smokes) I didn't see anything but clouds (however, they did have a 'pinkish' glow to them, and it wasn't totally dark out yet where I live), so I figured that I missed a show and went back inside (which is ok because it was 'unseasonably' cold last night... again).
I admit that King Pu in all this situation with the coronovirus wants GOOD Russia (well, I see that he is completely SINCERELY at the moment talking with the people). But this does not justify it in my eyes, because a lot of bad deeds have been done by him over the past 20 years.

PS Damn, I do not like politics and I am not at all glad that I had to devote as many as TWO posts to this on the forum. Forgive me, I will not talk about politics anymore.


Personally, I think you are entitled to let us know how you see the situations where you live. Most of us I think have come to appreciate President Pu but our reasons may be from a more distant perspective. I kind of see a parallel between Putin's attempt to "clear the swamp" in Russia and President Trump. Neither is perfect but sometimes it is a case of dealing with human imperfections I think.
I try to be thankful for what little "GOOD" I can find in these turbulent times.

I hope you stay safe and balanced as you can through all these "bizarre" changes.
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Your reply Laura and biuta's very perceptive observations made me thing of V for Vendetta (2005).

The night before last I was very restless and not feeling great - weighed down and surprisingly tetchy (as others have noted themselves) and at after 3.00am I put the film on expecting to find it calming in its prescience - but I had to turn it off after an hour because it was making me increasingly stressed (very unlike me to have that kind of visceral reaction to a film I love). I've always had a deep instinct it was more than accurate - that it is as close indeed to prophecy as any film I've seen and this feeling was near overwhelming watching it again. Something about the pattern of events, the exact and highly original nature of the step by step plot mechanism by which pandemic (fake and real) are used, the nature of the psychopathic undertones, the Stockholm Syndrome and passive reaction of the populous after minor initial resistance is so violently crushed... it all feels too 'real' now.

Anyway, I have always been fascinated by the way it describes the US as having gone completely to the dogs in the aftermath - economic and societal collapse - I think a character calls it 'the worlds largest leper colony'! Totally isolated and left to eat itself alive. I have a sneaking hunch this is what awaits the great empire and in pretty short time to (our US brothers and sisters please beware). I hope I'm wrong - because it also 'predicts' in a strange almost throw away comment that the Brits will deliberately infect Ireland with a genocidal virus that they give the impression near wipes out the entire population! Considering the history between us, nothing would surprise me (a passing and grotesque act of 'and you thought you defeated us back in 1922!)

If there are forum members who have not yet watched the film I do strongly recommend it - but only if you are feeling in the right space. As close to a 'recommended watching' as we have here?

Might make a good new thread my the way??? Recommended films? Lots of hours at home all round...
I have to admit @Michael Barker-Caven that I have not yet seen the movie, I will watch it in the next few days and see what I can extract from it. Thanks for posting the link.
It just so happens that one of my son's texted me last evening, who lives in a different province than I do, in Manitoba. He told me to go outside and look at the sky because 'strange stuff was happening'. He said that he was visiting his younger brother (also my son, of course) and while they were standing outside having a smoke, the younger brother was looking up and suddenly exclaimed to look 'up', he had just seen a fireball. By the time my other son looked up, a second fireball streaked across the sky. He said the fireballs were in the northern sky traveling east. Right after that, they noticed many satellites, counting at least 40 of them in the span of about 10 minutes. He said that three of the satellites were in a triangular formation, and all the other satellites were following it!

I, of course, went out and sat on our front deck where the northern sky is exposed, with video cam in hand. After about 30 minutes (and 2 smokes) I didn't see anything but clouds (however, they did have a 'pinkish' glow to them, and it wasn't totally dark out yet where I live), so I figured that I missed a show and went back inside (which is ok because it was 'unseasonably' cold last night... again).
Maybe it was the same as described in this tread? UFO formation over Maryland or something else - 3/30/2020
Apparently a GP in Bridgend, Wales, UK has asked its most vulnerable patients "(such as incurable cancer, neurological conditions[...] untreatable heart and lung conditions" to agree to sign a DNACPR (Do Not Attempt CPR) if they find their health deteriorates after contracting coronavirus and for them to agree to be treated at home.

It lists the "several benefits" as:

- no one will call the emergency services
- resources will therefore be available to the young and healthy
- reduction of transmission

I've been following the Tweeter for a while and it all looks legit to me, unbelievable though it is. One would think receiving a message like this may actually lead to some dying sooner, knowing they're such an obstacle to peace in a time of crisis...

Bridgend is the place mentioned in a C's session with the spate of copycat suicides by hanging - 24 people in total. The C's said this was because: " A: Location amplifies the kinds of waves mentioned earlier leading to rapid disintegration."


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Same here, I went from being dizzy to anxious, I had the impression that "something from the sky" was going to harm us, like a electromagnetic eruption from the Sun or a comet blast... I don't know why I got these ideas, it scared me so much that I cried. I went on to meditate and then felt better, but that was weird!
I just got a group text from friends about a probable solar storm coming around midnight, EST. A warning to unplug all gear and get it out of sleeping chamber. Soon followed with a reply from someone in the group about it being a conspiracy theory, to pay no attention.
Yeah, people treat health staff like heroes these days. It should be creating cognitive dissonance in those who are used to working hundreds of times more than in the current situation.

Many people (us included) have been to their local hospitals (and others further away) and found them almost empty. There is a reason for this.

People are being told to 'self-isolate' at home and only venture out for real necessities in order to prevent the spread of the virus. That includes hospital visits. Hence the empty wards. BUT....

As part of the 'containment' process, individual hospitals are becoming 'centers' for treatment of people that are suspected of having coronavirus (many of them very likely have other seasonal flu-like illnesses, but that's another story) in order to, again, reduce the spread of the virus.

The result? A small number of massively overcrowded hospitals are being heavily mediatized, while others nearby are lying empty.
And it's all by design. Not as a result of some conspiracy, but for the plausible narrative of "slowing the spread of the virus".

The fact remains however, that the profile of this virus (infection and mortality rate and at-risk demographic) does NOT justify societal lock downs.
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