So much for people waking up. They don't care. You show them they're completely wrong, which changes the whole situation, and they just shrug like it makes no difference. Is the flu 3 times worse than covid, or is covid 60 times worse than the flu? Who cares. Let's lock everything down.

Let's hope she does
i was been sarcastic
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As MI said above, the only epidemic we are facing is on of stupidity. What they are saying and telling us to do stretches their credibility. Take the 2 metre distancing nonsense. As somebody mentioned above, a sneeze or cough propels particles up to 8 metres. But nobody would put up with being told to stand 8 metres apart, so they go hard on 2 metres. Why? For no good reason.

Now they are hinting that everybody has to wear a mask when they go out, but you can't buy masks for love nor money, even if you wanted to wear on of those ridiculous things.

In NZ, the government keeps saying that they have heaps of PPE for essential services. The people in ES keep saying that they can't get it, and they are being told by the suppliers that there is none. Somebody is lying and it clearly is the government, but they keep saying it and the press keep repeating it. Insane.

Our Health Minister soiled himself yesterday by showing he clearly thinks the restrictions are just rubbish. He drove 2 Km to a mountain bike park, (in an electoral van with a huge picture of him on the side, so he clearly is an idiot if he was trying to do it in stealth mode), rode a 5 Km course and then drove home again. Gasp, horror - how dare he. He must be sacked, disgusting behaviour. Now you may ask, why is that "disgusting behaviour"? Well, the government has justified shutting down almost all activities outside on the basis that if you for example go hunting or fishing, swimming, boating, sailing or mountain bike riding, and you get injured, you put the rescue personnel at risk as they have to risk touching you to rescue you. Therefore, nobody can do anything that might be even remotely construed as "risky" or "dangerous". Doing so is "selfish" and risking the lives of thousands of Kiwis. I mean who can believe this crap. The attempts at social shaming are just grotesque. And of course social media was full of people screaming for the Health Minister to be imprisoned, fined, dismissed, shamed - you name it, people want to do it to him. Truly surreal.

To date 890 cases, 120 people recovered, 13 people in hospital, one person in ICU but stable and 1 death which was clearly a case of flu and there was a DNR order in place anyway so they only provided palliative care until she died.
Yet, if we do anything risky, don't social distance, don't behave as though we have OCD, thousands of our fellow citizens will die and it will all be OUR FAULT.

I'm thinking we are locked up thanks to the incoming asteroid, because we will all be much more easily controlled when and if the country suffers a consequent catastrophe.
O.k the first case i saw just now, in a street next to mine, i could watch it perfectly from my bedroom window.
2 police cars and 1 ambulance.
A foreign man was placed in the ambulance.
He was shouting and screaming (I think in Turkish) so nothing was wrong with his lung capacity, i think.
This man unfortunately could not handle the situation anymore i think.
I'm just thinking of something...

Are we getting confined because, if we would be outside, there is something, something else than the virus, that can affect us and give us some gain? Solar or cosmic radiations for example? Or the virus associated with radiations?

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Stupidity continues, testing how much people can tolerate in Poland continues, today the Ministry of the Environment informed that in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, a ban on access to forests and National Parks is being introduced from now on.

Landscape Parks as well, from what i heard. The fact that Landscape Parks overlap with areas inhabited by people doesn't matter. Why should it? Common sense doesn't restrict us anymore after all. Incidentally, another Hero has been announced today by the main sewage stream media: a guy who decided to spent his quarantine alone in his car in the middle of a forest, in order to save his family from becoming like him - an infected person. Guy is like 60 years old and the temperature outside went down to like -8 C at nights. He lived like that for 2 weeks and is now in perfect health. The fact that if he'd went down with usual flu, he likely wouldn''t have survived at all in such conditions doesn't seem to matter as well.
I'm just thinking of something...

Are we getting confined because, if we would be outside, there is something, something else than the virus, that can affect us and give some gain to us? Solar or cosmic radiations for example? Or the virus associated with radiations?
Or maybe the other way round: when you leave home, you're too far away from your TV and other propaganda emitters.
I'm just thinking of something...

Are we getting confined because, if we would be outside, there is something, something else than the virus, that can affect us and give us some gain? Solar or cosmic radiations for example? Or the virus associated with radiations?


Ye light codes from the sun.
These have always been there.
But they are always different upgrades.
And the light codes that are now available are very strong.
I couldn't find this in English, so here is a translation:

Luca Viscardi, a radio journalist heard throughout Italy and who is now in a hospital in Bergamo, has a message for Serbian citizens.

"I've been in the hospital for almost a month. Being 50 years old, playing sports means I'm in good physical shape and, no matter what, the experience with coronavirus has been terribly difficult for me. The first two weeks were terribly difficult to tolerate because the drugs they use have a devastating effect on your body, "said Luke Viscardi.

It sounds like the guy is more complaining about the drugs than a virus. I also found on FB some other complaints from Italians about the treatment for Corona, like this one:

Today I would like to tell you a true event from February that happened in Liguria.

"A 68-year-old man, healthy and symptom-free, received a call from ASL (local ZZJZ unit) based on information he received from his hairdresser's daughter (he was 75 and died after complications of a respiratory tract infection and was positive to the coronavirus). Given that they had been in contact a week earlier, they had taken a swab from him according to established practice. The first was negative, but the second was positive. Although he was feeling well and had no symptoms or mild symptoms, they immediately came to him by ambulance (with staff in protective suits and masks) and took him DIRECTLY to the intensive care unit. The man believed he was in danger, so he agreed to leave and take the medical protocol prescribed for coronavirus, that is, to take HIV treatment (8 tablets in the morning and 8 in the evening).

Shortly afterwards he experienced side effects (daily vomiting and diarrhea) and began to feel so bad that he feared he would die not of the virus but of therapy, all the more because he was convinced that he had come to the hospital quite healthy.

Two weeks later, without any improvement, his daughter, a nurse at his request to take him home, took responsibility and signed a consent to leave the hospital, provided he was kept in house quarantine. The man, therefore, came to the hospital completely healthy, came out in very poor health, and after two weeks' stay at home he fully recovered."

Note: This testimony does not provide answers, but it does raise a lot of questions. To each his own. If this is true, then we have a key problem.

Or this one from the same FB post:

"Look, I'm not going to deny your case, but ... (my experience) a lady of 84 in Vicentino died last night. She was not recovering from any respiratory illness or the like, and was to be discharged from the hospital the next morning. Everything was all right, a letter of release ready, relatives waiting for her. But ... we take the swab and take the test out of precaution, and the finding, obviously because she was in the hospital for 10 days, turns out positive. The woman feels good, indeed !!! They put her on the same afternoon for intensive treatment ... healthy ... she dies the same night !!! The relatives are furious and we will see how it goes on. And this is not the first case. Let us ask ourselves some questions not about the dead, but about the therapies, why they are burned and not allowed for autopsies, etc., etc. There are many stories and little truth… ”

Other complaints are about people falsely reported as died from Corona. So we have people who really died from Corona, people who died from too aggressive treatments for Corona, and also people who died from other diseases but are reported as died from Corona.

I also watched this evening one of our, now famous, doctor speaking about Corona. He said that the reason why Croatians have such a low number is because they are lying. They separately report numbers for a flue and for Corona. He said that our doctors don't do that because there is no flu anymore. The flu season was over a long time ago. So everything that now looks like a flue is Corona.

So if you see a country that has a low number of Corona cases/deaths, you can be sure that they are lying and you can't trust them. You can only trust countries that have big numbers. I already saw many comments on the web that Germans and Chinese are certainly lying about their numbers, because their real numbers must be much higher than reported.
Also just because I submit something doesn't mean it has to be published, so I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Sorry for the delay. Done! Great job.

I'm reading Sebastian Haffner's Defying Hitler and, as others have noted, there are a number of parallels detailed in the book with events right now. For those that haven't yet read the book, the short paragraph below just struck me as worth highlighting. We've been bombarded with the propaganda, seen hysteria reach new heights, been subject to changing laws and the loss of liberty through their rapid enforcement, and what is likely to follow is a period of normalisation amongst the general population who in turn will castigate those that dare defy the new convention; excepting any unforeseen events, of course.

He notes the date as April 1st (1933).
I was also thinking of Haffner today and the whole thing that the C's said about Nazi Germany being a test run. Where are we on the timescale compared to Nazi Germany? 1933 or before? Considering the speed with which things happen in 2020 compared to 1933, not least information, transport and general communication, then what back then took 7 years to develop might now just take 7 months or 7 weeks.

I came back from work today after having been made to had to reduce my overtime hours due to a lack of work the last few days and I was struck by how things have changed so incredibly fast in just a few weeks. 3 weeks ago, Friday the 13th of March, I arrived with the train from CH to Paris and went out to eat with colleagues. No social distancing and normal chatting about things. Things were already about to change not least in France as Macron had just given a major speech the day before, thus the restaurant had the closed the kitchen already at 10:30pm when normally the restaurants are the busiest. Anyway, in the morning having breakfast at the hotel lobby, we were just a handful of people. One of whom was a woman around 60+ from Grenoble, who had come to participate in the Gilet Jaunes and who was down to earth about the flu virus. She didn't believe the hype and also wanted to make the point that the Gilet Jaunes had support from many areas of the French society.

Fast forward 3 weeks, and the atmosphere at the workplace is tense. Social distancing rules and some are pretty OCD about it. People are mostly in favour of a shutdown and are angry at the fact that elderly people are on the trains or at the station instead of being locked up inside. :headbash: Many have the misguided belief, that if only people would stay indoors, then this quarantine would quickly finish and things will go back to the good old days. Deluded! It is also clear that those who choose to go outside are being singled out as being the scapegoats for any prolonging of the quarantine. Pretty depressing, especially when one sees that coming from people who just weeks ago acted normally and who were able to see through the governments manipulation of the Gilet Jaunes movement to take an example. In the end I have found myself to be mostly surrounded by open portals or people with only a withered soul seed. Having a partner who is on the same wavelength is truly a relief :-)
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IF ANYONE IS OUT THERE: let's use the Gurdjieff morning and daily example, and cut the trend. IF ALL OF US go for a walk say at NOON, then 3PM, then 6PM, everyday starting now. Down your street, up the alley... It will be NOON in Qc in 2 minutes, I got my boots on, join me?!
10 minutes minimum, ok? And let your kites fly!

Could be a problem where I live, we have bylaw officers, little men with a tin badge and a uniform, on foot patrolling the streets, to ensure people are following social distance rules and non-compliance to isolation.
Yesterday there was 27 complaints from the community regarding social distances and 2 complaints of people not self isolating when requested to do so.
Sorry for the delay. Done! Great job.

Awesome! Thanks.

So you guys get two stories today!

And seriously, the networking in this thread is pretty amazing. Everyone bringing in so much useful information.
It feels like this whole "wearing a mask" thing is morphing into a psychological warfare. I just came across this article here where people put masks on statues all over the world. For me this this conveys the message "be silent", "don't say anything" and enforces censorship.

Quote from the article:
"From Queen Victoria to Manneken Pis to the “Fearless Girl”: around the world, famous statues have been put on protective masks in the coronavirus pandemic. To cheer you up, but also as an appeal for the best possible protection of everyone in the crisis."
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