And maybe my awareness is a "field" of some kind and those who I'm around hear it too (very vaguely of course) and are not aware of it but still, it has an effect on them (and within their own mind) even though I'm not trying to convince them of anything but only respond when I'm asked something. And suppose these background thoughts leads them to ask questions and brings along with it in their mind some realizations of their own? And so it goes. This would not only apply to me of course but to anybody with expanding awareness because maybe it's the nature of knowledge and awareness itself? Just some thoughts!

I see where you are going with your thoughts on this. All good points. I had a thought that occurred to me that what you described above refers to the mass consciousness of humanity. We can compare the mass consciousness to the multi-cell organism and how it reacts to allergic agents. We know that even a very tiny amount of allergen can cause the entire body to react almost instantly. We know that even a few cells that come into contact with the allergen emit photons and communicate the presence of allergen to other cells with the speed of light. This way even a few cells (our group) can inform other cells (rest of humanity) and make them react the same way. Of course, the mass consciousness is a much more complex and bigger organism, but the mechanism seems to be the same. Once we learn something here or discover something like the truth of a situation we communicate it via the Internet (emitting the light) and this allows other people to gain access to this information (even if subconsciously) and allows them to expend their awareness and act accordingly. Naturally, it takes "time" for the information to reach other consciousness units since much higher complexity is involved, but nonetheless, eventually the light (or knowledge) will reach other people and the "allergic" reaction (the reaction of other people to stimulation they have not personally been exposed to) will ensue. This is the butterfly effect in action. So, keep flapping people!!!!!

PS. It seems to me that THIS particular thread is the antidote to the entire COVID-19 madness and we may not even be aware how important and how far-reaching effect it has on the mass consciousness of humanity. This is my gut feeling.
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I had an appointment today with a psychologist who is Chinese. Earlier in the year we had to reschedule appointments because he'd been home to China for a visit and had to go into quarantine when he returned. We were talking about the lockdowns and social isolation measures and he said that there had been discussions amongst his colleagues about that and they were advising of ways to circumvent the measures but still stay within the guidelines in case you really need to get out for purposes that they consider non essential. For example, they advise to keep some bags of groceries in your car like canned stuff so if you need to go out and are questioned, you can say that you are delivering groceries or a care package to a friend or relative - something that is allowed in Queensland. This is good, because it mean's that I might be able to vary the parks that I can go walking in.

In 1995, Laura had “pre-sleep states” that she saw one of possible future, the forces of 3rd and 4th density controlling economy to plunge...
I wonder, is it possible that things happening now? Or it was related to stock market crash in 2008.
Wow! I have totally forgotten about this session too. If that isn‘t a hit I don’t know what is. It pretty much follows the timeline of this Corona madness....

There's also the Nov 21, 2015 session that mentions Nazi practice run, and microbes, bacteria, viruses and a mirage over China.

A: Hello Kinder! Mineakaea of Cassiopaea calling! We see that your realm is rapidly changing. This is the time you have been preparing for. It will be difficult to navigate the turmoil coming. But it is possible and you should not lose sight of the fact that massive changes are coming. Remember what we said about cosmic biorhythms. It will be a bad time for the elite soon. And it will intensify for them according to their FRV.

Q: (Galatea) Does that mean that nice people are gonna have a better chance?

A: Something like that.

Q: (L) So I guess people want to ask some questions about this Paris deal. I would like to ask a general question about this. Well, they had this Paris bombing terrorist attack, and now all of a sudden it's being used to institute tighter controls over people and society in general in France. They're also warning that there are going to be more terror attacks. I hear that Anonymous is saying there are eight places that are possibly going to have terror attacks soon.

A: Some certainly will! But be aware that this is what we warned you about some time ago.

Q: (L) I guess that refers to the sessions that discussed mind programming and shooters going off all over the place at once. In other words, this is being done not so much by pure terrorists, but by the powers that be more or less? I mean, that they are ultimately behind the activity and it's being done with the intention of being able to institute tighter controls over the population?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So basically, it's a gigantic freaking false flag attack?

A: Somewhat. Though be aware that there are "real" terrorists.

Q: (L) So there are real terrorists, but I imagine the reason there are real terrorists is because they've been made to become terrorists by this long drawn-out social destabilization operation that's been going on for god knows how long to completely muck up the whole freaking world. I mean, Douglas Reed was right!

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Yes, everybody ought to read “Controversy of Zion” and understand that it’s not just about Zionism, it’s about psychopaths. Alright then. Anybody have any questions about that?

A: We told you that Nazi Germany was a "practice run".

Q: (L) Yes, you did. But we couldn’t even conceive of what that meant or how it would play out. You also told us about mass control by cops with stun guns and more. Everybody is being herded into finer and finer orders of control, and it just doesn't look very... it doesn't look very hopeful from any angle.

(Pierre) And there's a demonized population as well.

(L) Yeah, just like there was in Nazi Germany. Back then it was Jews, and now it's other Semites, i.e. Arabs and Muslims. They got rid of the Semitic Jews during the holocaust and most of what is left are the Khazarian Jews. Now, they are going after the Semitic Arabs.

(Chu) And they want to make "Retention Camps", or concentration camps.

(L) Yeah, now they're talking about building camps...

(Data) They don't call them concentration camps. They call them "hot spots".

(L) It's Nazi Germany all over again, only it's freakin' global!

(Andromeda) That's pretty depressing.

A: Yes. It will pass when the big changes come.

Q: (L) And I'm assuming you mean cosmic changes like Earth changes?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And we notice that the weather... I mean, you said that all of this stuff was going to manifest as weather first, and it certainly is manifesting as weather first. Just about everything that was said back in many of the early sessions is happening now. It took 20 years to get there, but it's here. It's now.

(Perceval) Does that mean that terrorism and terrorists will be the last thing on the authorities' minds?

A: Naturally so. But be aware that they have been misled too!

Q: (L) So even the PTB are running their operations based on wishful thinking; they think that they're setting things up to create their global empire, and they don't even know that earth changes or serious climate changes are going to happen that will knock their global empire off its foundation. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I mean, what else can you think when they built something like that seed bank in Svalbard, Norway? They actually think they're going to have access to it? Where are the firing neurons on that one?!

(Pierre) It means they see something coming if they made that seed bank. But obviously, they don't have the global picture; they don’t see what is REALLY coming.

(L) They don't have the whole picture.

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) So, what can we do, if anything?

A: Help others to be ready.

Q: (L) Well the only thing I know to help others be ready is by informing them, letting them know what's going on, and trying to help them get ahold of their health. If they don't have their health, they aren't able to cope with anything. They're not able to cope with life as it is much less if it gets any weirder or worse. So, on that point, let me ask about this iodine therapy. I just read this iodine book by a David Brownstein: “Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It”. This guy talks about how iodine can kill fungi, bacteria, viruses, detox heavy metals from the body, even the ones that other detox methods don’t get, remove evil fluoride, and basically just has miraculous effects on all the body systems. He says that 96% of all people on the planet are iodine deficient. When people come to him, he generally starts them off at pretty high doses, like 50 to 100mg a day, and sometimes twice a day. This is supposed to not only replenish the body’s iodine, but also to detox bromines, fluorines, metals, etc. It can also kill off any microbes that have taken up residence because of the body’s weakened immune system due to all those toxins. But there is this other book that I read which says that you ought to start off slowly and build up because of detox side-effects or whatnot. So, some people have started slow and as soon as they have a few drops, they start having symptoms. What are these symptoms from? Is it detox or what?

A: Activation of microbes drawing on the enhanced energy.

Q: (L) We sort of wondered if that was the case. Several of us, as soon as we had been taking iodine a few days, old issues started coming up, like cold sores and such. Several of us started having pains and tiredness and activation of some kind of viral condition, stiff neck, and a bunch of other things. It was similar to the herx reactions we had with the anti-biotic protocol. On the other hand, it seemed more like the viruses got energized by the iodine. Chu even had an attack of her cocksackie virus that flares up in her pancreas about once or twice a year. That’s what made me think that instead of backing off and lowering the dose, the best thing would be to raise the dose and nuke the critters. So, Chu doubled the dose and then did it twice a day. You went from 5 drops a day to 10 drops twice a day?

(Chu) Yeah.

(L) So, Instead of backing off like this other book says you should do, she just went full bore whole hog and nuked 'em. Is that advisable?

A: Indeed. The battle is difficult to win if you keep supplying the "critters" with food and energy.

Q: (Chu) And before, they said people who get symptoms, it's activation of microbes drawing on the enhanced energy...

(L) So if you get energized by taking the iodine, that energizes your critters too, and they start getting more active. But you're not taking enough of a dose to kill them. You're just taking enough to energize yourself, which then feeds them because you're not taking a microbicidal dose.

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) Timótheos did the same thing and so did the rest of us. When we started getting symptoms, we just took it up to the doses that Brownstein talks about: 50 to 100 mg per day or more. Okay. One of the things that Brownstein says in the book is that many people's problems are not so much critters as it is heavy metals. The iodine removes cadmium, mercury, lead, all kinds of metals from the body. It even cleans them out of the endocrine systems, which they preferentially occupy – it even removes the fluoride out of the pineal gland which is where it likes to live. Is that true? Does it do that?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Galatea) One more...

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Cool. [laughter]

(L) In short, going by what Brownstein says, iodine is something that is antimicrobial and gets the heavy metals out of your body as long as your detox system is working, and it basically sounds like it's too good to be true? What's the downside?

A: Not many. But it can take months to years to get clean depending on how toxic the individual is.

Q: (L) I guess if you're having microbe die-off, you should just go ahead and nuke 'em. I guess what takes the longest is getting the metals out. If you kill microbes, you've gotta clean their bodies out of your system too which is what causes a herxheimer reaction.

(Andromeda) What about cofactors? Are there any other cofactors we should be taking?

A: What you are doing is good but you might want to increase the salted water and assist the liver.

Q: (Galatea) Oh dang! I was gonna ask if I could quit taking the salt water.

(L) I think the salt water is one of the most important things based on how it made me feel.

(Chu) Is it possible to overdose?

A: Very difficult.

Q: (L) Some websites are saying it's safe up to 6 grams or something like that per day. That's a whole helluva lot! I don't even know how you'd manage to take that much. Probably a gram a day is about the most you can take without being sick to your stomach. Is that...?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) That would be twice what I'm taking.

(L) And I don't even think that high a dose is necessary.

A: Not usually.

Q: (L) So, in some cases it might be. This Brownstein book says that iodine is an excellent antibiotic for all kinds of organisms including bacteria, tuberculosis, fungi, yeasts, molds, and viruses; that it has no side effects like pharmaceutical antibiotics, and there is no development of resistance against it. Apparently the only reason this is not being talked about is because they can’t patent it and make money. Well, of course, they want human beings weak and suffering: transmarginal inhibition and all that. People are more easily broken psychologically if they are sick or infected with something. So, let me ask you: Could iodine combat AIDS?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Ebola?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Plague?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galatea) Chicken Pox?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Measles?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, why the hell didn't you tell us about this before?! [laughter]

A: Would you have believed it? Also, it is a very good thing that you have gone through various programs already or you would have been one of those that takes years to normalize and you would have lost heart and quit too soon.

Q: (L) So it came at the right time.

(Galatea) Everything happens when it's meant to happen.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Is there any other miracle cure out there that you haven't told us about?

A: No.

Q: [laughter] (Galatea) Just making sure!

(nicklebleu) We've been doing different things, and we've researched a lot of different aspects of health. All the things help some people, but others don't see much benefit, like for example the ketogenic diet. I'm still trying to figure out what is the overarching problem in health or bad health in general. Does it in the end come down to toxicity, and everything else flows on from that? Like infection, autoimmune disease, inflammation, degenerative diseases... Is the final problem toxicity, and everything else only comes from that?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Toxicity. It's the terrain, not the microbe. I was reading that deficiency of iodine in any tissue can cause problems with that area of the body. If you are deficient you might have dry mouth, dry eyes, inability to sweat, brain fog, nodules in the skin like are common with arthritis, fibrosis and fibroids, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and on and on the list goes. The major thing is the failure of the immune system allowing so-called autoimmune conditions to develop.

(Chu) But Data for example, if he takes 4 or 5 drops...

(Data) I take 5 drops, and I feel like I had a very strong coffee.

(Chu) But maybe you're feeding your critters?

(Data) Maybe I have to nuke 'em!

(Scottie) Well, are you feeling bad in any way when you take it?

(Data) No.

(L) Maybe you don't have a problem. Maybe the terrain is already clean. He did say that not everybody is deficient to the point of inducing a condition. But almost everybody needs more iodine than they are getting if for no other reason than to detox metals. Apparently we need at least 12.5 milligrams a day, NOT micrograms, and that is just for the body; no detox included in that amount! Apparently, it’s not just the thyroid that is hungry for iodine. It is also concentrated in the salivary glands, the lining of the stomach and small intestine, the breasts and ovaries, the eyes, the part of the brain where cerebro-spinal fluid is produced, and the part of the brain involved in Parkinson’s disease. So a lack of iodine might be involved in that condition too!

(Perceval) Taking iodine supposedly gives you energy, but that's from what? Killing critters?

(L) No, it gives you energy for other reasons. But it also kills critters and it also removes metals which could be interfering with energy. You gotta read the book.

(Perceval) How does it give you energy?

(Alana) It feeds your glands, basically.

(L) It feeds the thyroid gland which sets the rate of your metabolism; it needs iodine to do what it does to enable energy to be utilized by cells; something like that. It does all of these different things... read the book!

(nicklebleu) It feeds every cell.

(L) It has a profound effect also on your energy metabolism. Timótheos wants to ask: When is the best time to take the salt water in relation to your doses?

A: As you have learned it is good to start the day with a glass of warm salted water. Then you can take more a couple of hours after your iodine.

Q: (L) If you're taking 2 doses, you take 3 glass of salt water.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) I noticed it tasted good this morning, as well.

(Timótheos) I take the salt water and iodine at the same time first thing when I get up. Is that not right?

(Chu) No.

(Perceval) It's good to start the day with the salted water as soon as you get up. Then after breakfast, take your iodine.

(Alana) That's what I do.

(L) Yeah. So, is that good?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. And it is said that a person needs to take not only way more than the RDA, but even more than that to keep up with the ongoing toxicity that we are exposed to every single day. Clearly, we can’t get that level of iodine from our food so supplementing is the only option.

(Chu) So, could this be like the antidote to the effects of the frequency fence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So if you don't have any metals poisoning your body, and you don't have any critters colonizing your body, then the frequency beaming of the PTB can't get to you. Is that it?

A: Yes more or less.

Q: (Galatea) And also it blocks radiation in general.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) The frequency fence probably works on people because they're toxified and weak.

A: Yes absolutely. People will be amazed at how strong their will becomes!

Q: (Galatea) I wonder if it also works against skin cancer?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Yay! I can go outside.

(nicklebleu) It's usually said in terms of nuclear radiation or fallout that iodine is only good to protect the thyroid. Does it have other protective effects in this regard?

A: Protects all the glandular systems which are your interface with higher densities.

Q: (Galatea) YAY!

(L) Honey!

(Arky) Yes?

(L) You had questions last...

(Arky) No. [laughter]

(L) Why don't you want to ask your questions?

(Arky) Well, because... Well, alright. [laughter] Because I have now all this nice iodine energy, so I have to find what to do with it. [laughter] So, I want to have a good problem for exercising my brain, you know? Body is body, but brain also needs to be exercised. And then I realized that my quantum theory that I developed for like last 20 years is total crap...

A: Just go with what comes to you in dreams. We will communicate with you directly this way. You are about to begin the "Great Work". Hallelujah!

Q: (Arky) Dreams means in sleep?

A: Yes. And reverie.

Q: (Arky) Should I abandon coffee?

A: Not entirely.

Q: (Arky) Thank you very much. [laughter]

(Perceval) Arky? You want to ask about smoking?

(L) He quit.

(Arky) I quit.

(Perceval) If you're asking about vices...

(Chu) Should you smoke or not?

(L) Well, he was able to quit without it bothering him. If you can quit without it bothering you, you don't need to smoke as far as I can see.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Alright. Other questions?

(Approaching Infinity) Did any of these terrorists in the Paris attacks actually willingly blow themselves up?

A: No.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) There were various reports of how many people were involved in different cars, and people seeing different individuals. The official story is that there were nine people involved directly in the attacks... So, that means on the ground, shooting, and allegedly exploding bombs. But how many people were actually on the ground?

A: 25 including support and covert ops management.

Q: (Alana) I have a question on a different subject. When we did the health and wellness show on death, we talked about what's been reported that when people who have had a near death experience, afterwards they have these weird experiences with electricity. Their watches stop working, sometimes they blow lightbulbs when they walk through a room, and things like that. And I remember that when I read about...

A: Generally due to enhanced energy flow thanks to channels being opened by transit.

Q: (Alana) Is that why people who get abducted have the same electric...?

A: Yes

Q: (Alana) It's like what we said on the show: When you go to a different realm, it's kinda like more charged, and then you come back, you're kinda like...

(L) Not only have you transited through some kind of conduit, you've come back through it, and you've brought something with you, or made a connection or something. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Any other questions?

(Perceval) What were the heat signatures that were recorded inside the Giza pyramids?

A: Additional chambers that we have mentioned before.

Q: (Perceval) Those strange circular objects that fell in Spain, they said they were gas tanks from a satellite. Is that what they were?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Question is: How come they're falling?

(Perceval) Why did two of them fall in the same place in Spain?

A: Put there as message.

Q: (L) Are you saying that aliens in spaceships put them there?

A: Something like that.

Q: (L) And what about the satellites that they were attached to?

A: Gone. Poof. Part of the message.

Q: (L) Huh?

(Perceval) A message to who?

A: Who do you think? The people that put them in space!

Q: (Perceval) I think they're saying they were put there as part of the message. Directly placed. But the satellites were shot down, and that was part of the message. They were from American satellites?

A: Yes

Q: (Scottie) Of course, we don't know what kind of satellites they were. There are many kinds of satellites. Hmm...

A: The kind that were intended as "defense" against what is "out there".

Q: (Scottie) So they really ARE clueless then!

(L) Okay. Well then...

(Perceval) One more question. China mirage, remember that one a few weeks ago?

(Galatea) Oh yeah! The city in the sky!

(Perceval) Was it real?

A: A real mirage.

Q: (Perceval) That's kind of a bodacious mirage...

A: Yes expect more!

Q: (Perceval) Something to do with bleedthrough?

A: No. Atmospheric effects.

Q: (Pierre) Expect more because it's due to refraction, and refraction is proportional to the temperature gradient in the atmosphere. Since there's more cooling down of the higher atmosphere, you'll have more mirages.

(Perceval) And bigger.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) That's pretty cool. Why can't we see a city in the sky?

A: Wait!

Q: (Galatea) YAY! We're gonna see one here!

(L) Alright. We're getting silly, so we'll say goodnight.

(Galatea) Getting silly is fun!

A: Relax now and enjoy the show. Goodbye.

(Galatea) Bubye! Thank you.

From the coronavirus time line the closest entry to that so far is the following:

USA Jul, 2015: Patent application lodged for attenuated coronavirus by The Pirbright Institute (UK), application granted November 2018. Pirbright Institute names WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as stakeholders.
and to add the last note:

We (as a group) got literally into contact with the allergen (the virus) and we reacted accordingly with our knowledge and started to inform others (emit the light) how to react to the entire situation in the most suitable way.
We (as a group) got literally into contact with the allergen (the virus) and we reacted accordingly with our knowledge and started to inform others (emit the light) how to react to the entire situation in the most suitable way.
Perhaps it is not unlike what we hear so much about, namely herd immunity. The knowledge collected works as immunity against the ponerological association and all its manifestations. As we keep planting seeds of knowledge, some of those seeds grow and mature and then the potential is there for a critical mass insuring 'herd' immunity. That means that humanity at that stage has become immune from the virus of lies and the pathocracy or at least has tools to make the lies ineffective.
I've been thinking about what we should or shouldn't do in the current situation, what's useful and what's dangerous, and what exactly our role is in this period of transformation. There's a lot of speculation in this, so I'm just putting forward some ideas. I definitely don't think I have it figured out. But my view of how things tie together is kind of evolving.

And this is also related to many people here feeling down from watching what's going on out there.

I think our role in this show can only be understood when we also consider the role of the masses that are mostly clueless but have potential for at least partial (even 10% or whatever) 'awakening'. All there is is lessons, and this time period on this planet is filled with them. And of course not everyone has the same lessons. The masses aren't here to learn the same lessons as we are. They just aren't in a place where they'd even have the tools for that. They may have the same external tools as us (like the Internet), but not the internal tools, so to speak. Those are only gained through countless lessons and experience that become ingrained in us through many incarnations, and people on Earth are at various stages of learning.

And I think the lessons of our time are perhaps more important or relevant for the masses than for us. I think for us, it's partly about figuring out as much as we can with the information that's available to us, so that we can be ready for the Wave and whatever it brings. And I think at this point we more or less have that covered. I mean, there's always plenty more to learn, and we're certainly still ignorant about many things that go on in the higher circles of our society, but that's fine. What matters is whether we are ready for the next step. And that's more about general attitude and ability to adapt than about specific knowledge. And even if I have little clue what things will look like in the near future, I am ready for it. The Universe can throw at me whatever it wants, and I'll deal with it. Maybe it will suck, but I don't see a problem with that. You don't learn much when things are just rainbows and unicorns.

The other part of our lessons is about assisting others, those from the masses. I will use the term masses for the large group of people who understand little but have the potential to understand more. There's also another large group that's just hopeless in that regard, and their lessons are on yet another level, perhaps to experience some suffering that will make them internally understand how bad it can get when certain things happen and are allowed to happen. Or whatever. I don't know what those guys are supposed to do. Point is, we can't do anything about that group, so when I talk about the masses, I mean the first group, the ones with some potential to figure out at least some basics and be able to actively fight against their oppressors.

And I think this group, these masses, are at the core of what will ultimately happen and what lessons will be learned. Not us. I think it's more about them than us. We are a small group, and that's not going to change to any significant degree. So we won't be overthrowing any rulers or anything, any more than we have up to now. We just don't have the numbers for that. We may have the knowledge, but we don't have the means to change the system on our own. That's what the masses are here for, in my opinion, and we're here to assist them, to provide the information we have been collecting and analysing for years, even all our lives in many cases, and to help them avoid mistakes we can predict, and so on.

If anything is to change about the system, it will require many millions of people fighting for the change. Clearly not us because there's like 25 of us. (j/k) I thought about this in the context of some things the Cs said, like 'sit back and enjoy the show' or 'the programming is complete' that somebody mentioned here today, and 'continue to share truth in a careful way'.

In a way, it seems to me like there isn't really all that much more to be done than what we've been doing. I doubt there will really be an opportunity for us to collectively stand up and say or do something that would have a huge impact on anything. I think there will be such an opportunity for the masses (in which case, it can definitely include us). For the most part, it seems like our role might just be what we're already doing - planting seeds of truth wherever we can, and leaving it up to the masses whether they pick up on it. We can't force anyone into anything.

So in terms of putting ourselves in danger by what we're doing, I don't think the situation is too bad, at least not yet. And there probably won't be much need for most of us to put ourselves in serious danger. Most of the time, the result of that would be that we get somehow neutralised by the system, and nobody will really benefit from it. So like the Cs said, 'continue to share truth in a careful way', emphasis on careful.

There may occasionally come an opportunity to do something dangerous, even suicidal, that could be of benefit to others. If all cameras were on me and everyone was watching, and I could either send a loud NO to the system and get shot in the head, or back down, then I think that would be the time to say NO and let everyone see the result because the potential effect is worth more than one 'life'. But I don't think there will be many such opportunities.

I think it's more about whether we'll see sufficient numbers of people pushing against the system that the system won't have enough manpower to hold them back. Basically we can only 'win' by numbers because that's about all we can have, given how the system is set up. (Unless I guess the PTB sabotage themselves by hubris and stupidity, but I'm not betting on that on a large scale.)

So the 'sit back and enjoy the show' or 'the programming is complete' feel like, as far as we are concerned, the die is cast, so to speak, and we're waiting for how things that aren't under our control will turn out. If people at least partially wake up, we'll be here to assist them. If not, well, they will suffer a lot more than us because knowledge protects and they don't have it. We'll just make it through whatever we have to and emerge on the other side by whatever means available. It won't be our loss. It will be theirs.

I still can't really imagine what things will look like when we get closer to the 'endgame', whatever that may be, and I have no idea what to expect when 4D starts becoming the 'real deal' for us, whatever that means. But basically, whatever happens, it's gonna be fine for us, so sit back and enjoy the show. It's up to the millions of people out there to decide where things will go from here. We're offering information every day and will keep doing that. If they don't act on it, we alone won't be able to change much, I reckon.

So we now have a police state everywhere. Whatever. Talk about it as much you can, but don't put yourself in danger because that's probably not going to help anyone. Maybe the police state won't go away. Well, we know a lot more about how to deal with that than most people, so whatever. We'll adapt.

There has to be some balance between resisting and complying for the sake of safety. You have to look at the probable consequences of your decisions. If you do the 'right thing', get locked up, and nobody benefits, you won't be here later to benefit others when they need it. If by risking your safety you can set an example for others, though, then that's different, but you have to consider how much you should risk and weigh all the options. Maybe you can just say something loudly so that people know your position, and then back down to stay safe. You just have to weigh how much your actions will affect others and in what way, and how they'll affect you and in what way. Sometimes shouting is a good idea, sometimes it isn't. Often there's no right or wrong, just different paths with the same ultimate goal.

I think this ties well into what I'm saying here. We'll need some detachment if we want to stay sane and somewhat calm.

And this is relevant too. My mood keeps going up and down depending on what I'm reading at the moment. Some news are dire. And I'm sure most of you here are experiencing something similar.

We have to accept that our influence is limited. We will inevitably see things that will be sad, depressing, or scary, and we'll feel desperate because we won't be able to stop them despite knowing how they could be stopped. But that's OK. Some things are just other people's lessons. We are here when needed, but we're not expected to 'fix' everything on this planet, or even to decide what 'fixed' means.

If the people of Earth don't want to fight for their rights and want to experience more suffering before they 'get it', who are we to stop them? Who are we to decide what's right for them? If they need more lessons, let them. It's up to them what they want to do with their planet. We're just here, watching and waiting, ready to help if they ask, just like the Cs helped 'us' when 'we' asked.

So whenever you see things get really bad, horrible, insane, sad, and you can't do anything, remember you can't 'save' those who aren't ready to move forward. Be an observer.

Remember some lessons are for other people. And remember what Bill Hicks said: "It's just a ride."
As I said in a previous post, this text helped me a lot and I sent a French version to some friends who have difficulties with English.
Here the text in French (thanks Gandalf for the suggestion :-) )

J'ai réfléchi à ce que nous devrions ou ne devrions pas faire dans la situation actuelle, ce qui est utile et ce qui est dangereux, et quel est exactement notre rôle dans cette période de transformation. Il y a beaucoup de spéculations à ce sujet, alors je ne fais qu'avancer quelques idées. Je ne pense pas avoir tout compris. Mais ma vision de la façon dont les choses s'articulent entre elles évolue en quelque sorte.

Et c'est aussi lié au fait que beaucoup de gens ici se sentent déprimés d'observer ce qui se passe à l'extérieur.

Je pense que notre rôle dans ce show ne peut être compris que si nous considérons également le rôle des masses qui sont pour la plupart ignorantes mais qui ont un potentiel d'éveil au moins partiel (même de 10 % ou autre). Il n'y a que des leçons, et cette période sur cette planète en est remplie. Et bien sûr, tout le monde n'a pas les mêmes leçons. Les masses ne sont pas là pour apprendre les mêmes leçons que nous. Elles ne sont tout simplement pas dans un endroit où elles ont les outils nécessaires pour cela. Ils ont peut-être les mêmes outils externes que nous (comme Internet), mais pas les outils internes, pour ainsi dire. Ces outils ne sont acquis qu'à travers d'innombrables leçons et expériences qui s'enracinent en nous à travers de nombreuses incarnations, et les gens sur Terre sont à différents stades d'apprentissage.

Et je pense que les leçons de notre époque sont peut-être plus importantes ou plus pertinentes pour les masses que pour nous. Je pense que pour nous, il s'agit en partie de comprendre le plus possible avec les informations dont nous disposons, afin d'être prêts pour l'Onde et tout ce qu'elle nous apportera. Et je pense qu'à ce stade, nous avons plus ou moins tout prévu. Je veux dire qu'il y a toujours beaucoup de choses à apprendre, et nous sommes certainement encore ignorants sur beaucoup de choses qui se passent dans les cercles supérieurs de notre société, mais c'est ok. Ce qui compte, c'est de savoir si nous sommes prêts pour la prochaine étape. Et c'est plus une question d'attitude générale et de capacité d'adaptation qu'une question de connaissances spécifiques. Et même si je n'ai pas la moindre idée de ce à quoi les choses ressembleront dans un avenir proche, je suis prêt pour cela. L'Univers peut me jeter tout ce qu'il veut, j'y ferais face. Peut-être que ça sera très dur, mais je n'y vois aucun problème. On n'apprend pas grand-chose quand les choses ne sont que des arcs-en-ciel et des licornes.

L'autre partie de nos leçons consiste à aider les autres, ceux qui sont issus de la masse. J'utiliserai le terme "masses" pour désigner le grand groupe de personnes qui comprennent peu de choses mais qui ont le potentiel pour en comprendre davantage. Il y a aussi un autre grand groupe qui est tout simplement sans espoir à cet égard, et leurs leçons se situent à un autre niveau, peut-être pour connaître une certaine souffrance qui leur fera comprendre intérieurement à quel point cela peut être mauvais lorsque certaines choses se produisent et qu'on les laisse se produire. Ou quoi que ce soit d'autre. Je ne sais pas ce que ces gars sont censés faire. Le fait est que nous ne pouvons rien faire pour ce groupe, donc quand je parle des masses, je veux dire le premier groupe, celui qui a le potentiel pour comprendre au moins quelques bases et être capable de lutter activement contre ses oppresseurs.

Et je pense que ce groupe, ces masses, sont au cœur de ce qui se passera en fin de compte et des leçons qui en seront tirées. Pas nous. Je pense qu'il s'agit plus d'eux que de nous. Nous sommes un petit groupe, et cela ne va pas changer de manière significative. Nous ne renverserons donc aucun dirigeant ou quoi que ce soit, pas plus que nous ne l'avons fait jusqu'à présent. Nous n'avons tout simplement pas le nombre nécessaire pour cela. Nous avons peut-être les connaissances, mais nous n'avons pas les moyens de changer le système par nous-mêmes. C'est pour cela que les masses sont là, à mon avis, et nous sommes là pour les aider, pour leur fournir les informations que nous avons recueillies et analysées pendant des années, voire toute notre vie dans de nombreux cas, et pour les aider à éviter les erreurs que nous pouvons prévoir, etc.

Pour que le système change, il faudra que plusieurs millions de personnes se battent pour le changement. Il est clair que ce n'est pas nous, car nous sommes très peu nombreux. J'ai pensé à cela dans le contexte de certaines choses que les C's ont dites, comme "asseyez-vous et profitez du spectacle" ou "la programmation est complète" que quelqu'un a mentionné ici aujourd'hui, et "continuez à partager la vérité de manière prudente".

D'une certaine manière, il me semble qu'il n'y a pas vraiment beaucoup plus à faire que ce que nous avons fait. Je doute qu'il y ait vraiment une occasion pour nous de nous lever collectivement et de dire ou de faire quelque chose qui aurait un impact énorme sur quoi que ce soit. Je pense qu'il y aura une telle opportunité pour les masses (dans ce cas, elle peut certainement nous inclure). Dans l'ensemble, il semble que notre rôle soit simplement ce que nous faisons déjà : semer les graines de la vérité partout où nous le pouvons et laisser les masses s'en emparer. Nous ne pouvons forcer personne à faire quoi que ce soit.

Donc, pour ce qui est de nous mettre en danger par ce que nous faisons, je ne pense pas que la situation soit trop mauvaise, du moins pas encore. Et il ne sera probablement pas nécessaire pour la plupart d'entre nous de nous mettre en danger. La plupart du temps, le résultat serait que nous serions en quelque sorte neutralisés par le système, et personne n'en profiterait vraiment. Donc, comme les C's l'ont dit, "continuez à partager la vérité avec prudence", en mettant l'accent sur la prudence.

Il peut arriver qu'une occasion se présente de faire quelque chose de dangereux, voire de suicidaire, qui pourrait profiter à d'autres. Si toutes les caméras étaient braquées sur moi et que tout le monde regardait, et que je pouvais soit envoyer un NON fort au système et me faire tirer dans la tête, soit reculer, alors je pense que ce serait le moment de dire NON et de laisser tout le monde voir le résultat parce que l'effet potentiel vaut plus qu'une "vie". Mais je ne pense pas que de telles opportunités se présenteront souvent.

Je pense qu'il s'agit plutôt de savoir si nous verrons un nombre suffisant de personnes pousser contre le système pour que celui-ci n'ait pas assez de contingent pour les retenir. En fait, nous ne pouvons "gagner" que par le nombre car c'est à peu près tout ce que nous pouvons avoir, étant donné la façon dont le système est mis en place. (À moins que je ne suppose que les pouvoirs publiques se sabotent par orgueil et stupidité, mais je ne parie pas là-dessus à grande échelle).

Ainsi, les expressions "asseyez-vous et profitez du spectacle" ou "la programmation est complète" donnent l'impression qu'en ce qui nous concerne, les dés sont jetés, pour ainsi dire, et nous attendons de voir comment vont se dérouler les choses qui ne sont pas sous notre contrôle. Si les gens se réveillent au moins partiellement, nous serons là pour les aider. Sinon, eh bien, ils souffriront beaucoup plus que nous parce que le savoir protège et qu'ils ne l'ont pas. Nous ferons tout ce qu'il faut pour nous en sortir et nous émergerons de l'autre côté par tous les moyens disponibles. Ce ne sera pas notre perte. Ce sera la leur.

Je ne peux toujours pas vraiment imaginer à quoi ressembleront les choses lorsque nous nous rapprocherons de la "fin de la partie", quelle qu'elle soit, et je ne sais pas à quoi m'attendre lorsque la 4D commencera à devenir la "vraie affaire" pour nous, quoi que cela signifie. Mais en fait, quoi qu'il arrive, tout ira bien pour nous, alors asseyez-vous et profitez du spectacle. C'est aux millions de personnes qui sont là dehors de décider de la direction que prendront les choses à partir de maintenant. Nous offrons des informations tous les jours et nous continuerons à le faire. S'ils n'agissent pas, nous ne pourrons pas changer grand-chose, à nous seuls, je pense.

Nous avons donc maintenant un État policier partout. Peu importe. Parlez-en autant que vous le pouvez, mais ne vous mettez pas en danger, car cela n'aidera probablement personne. Peut-être que l'État policier ne disparaîtra pas. Eh bien, nous en savons beaucoup plus sur la façon de gérer cela que la plupart des gens, donc peu importe. Nous nous adapterons.

Il doit y avoir un certain équilibre entre la résistance et le respect des règles pour des raisons de sécurité. Vous devez examiner les conséquences probables de vos décisions. Si vous faites ce qu'il faut, que vous vous faites enfermer et que personne n'en profite, vous ne serez pas là plus tard pour aider les autres quand ils en auront besoin. Si, en risquant votre sécurité, vous pouvez donner l'exemple aux autres, alors c'est différent, mais vous devez réfléchir aux risques que vous prenez et peser toutes les options. Peut-être pouvez-vous simplement dire quelque chose à voix haute pour que les gens connaissent votre position, puis vous retirer pour rester en sécurité. Vous devez juste évaluer dans quelle mesure et de quelle manière vos actions affecteront les autres, et comment elles vous affecteront. Parfois, crier est une bonne idée, parfois non. Souvent, il n'y a pas de bien ou de mal, juste des chemins différents avec le même but ultime.

Michael B-C a dit :
« C'est pourquoi je pense que nous devons faire attention à ne pas être aspirés par le "bruit" quotidien de la négativité 3D de ce processus. Cela convient en fait aux pouvoirs SDS parce que cela nous rend encore plus savoureux ! Nous devons plutôt trouver une distance critique, "s'asseoir" et "profiter du spectacle", en profiter pour pratiquer le détachement sans réprimer nos émotions... nous devrions utiliser ce temps comme une occasion de vraiment observer comment notre machine réagit et d'observer en temps réel les efforts de l'esprit de nos prédateurs pour toujours nous ramener à cette seule réalité. »

Je pense que cela correspond bien à ce que je dis ici. Nous aurons besoin d'un certain détachement si nous voulons rester sains d'esprit et quelque peu calmes.

Luc a dit :
« C'est drôle, mais je suis très déprimé depuis deux jours. Je ne sais pas, peut-être que certaines énergies travaillent en arrière-plan ou quelque chose comme ça, mais c'est aussi trop dur, parfois, d'être témoin de ce qui se passe. À ce stade, je ne peux pas m'empêcher de souhaiter que la punition et l'enfer règnent sur ces bâtards autoritaires, les mettant en pièces pour tous les mensonges et la cruauté, y compris ces idiots qui deviennent de vrais partisans des SS. »

Et c'est également pertinent. Mon humeur varie en fonction de ce que je lis en ce moment. Certaines nouvelles sont terribles. Et je suis sûr que la plupart d'entre vous vivent quelque chose de similaire.

Nous devons accepter que notre influence est limitée. Nous verrons inévitablement des choses qui seront tristes, déprimantes ou effrayantes, et nous nous sentirons désespérés parce que nous ne pourrons pas les arrêter alors que nous savons comment les arrêter. Mais ce n'est pas grave. Certaines choses ne sont que les leçons d'autres personnes. Nous sommes là quand il le faut, mais nous ne sommes pas censés "réparer" tout ce qui se passe sur cette planète, ni même décider de ce que "réparer" signifie.

Si les habitants de la Terre ne veulent pas se battre pour leurs droits et veulent connaître davantage de souffrances avant d'être "fixés", qui sommes-nous pour les arrêter ? Qui sommes-nous pour décider de ce qui est bon pour eux ? S'ils ont besoin de plus de leçons, qu'ils le fassent. C'est à eux de décider ce qu'ils veulent faire de leur planète. Nous sommes juste là, à regarder et à attendre, prêts à aider s'ils le demandent, tout comme les C's nous ont aidés quand "nous" l'avons demandé.

Donc, chaque fois que vous voyez que les choses deviennent vraiment mauvaises, horribles, folles, tristes et que vous ne pouvez rien faire, rappelez-vous que vous ne pouvez pas "sauver" ceux qui ne sont pas prêts à aller de l'avant. Soyez un observateur.

N'oubliez pas que certaines leçons sont destinées à d'autres personnes. Et rappelez-vous ce que Bill Hicks a dit : "Ce n'est qu'un tour de manège."
Well, I've been trying to find some balance.

I'm reading a lot, of course. Nothing changed there.

I'm working my way through the last chapter of the new book. It's a real slog since I have to transcribe notes and do a lot of thinking.

I've decided that I have avoided my piano for too long, so I'm trying to settle my brain each morning after breakfast by doing exercises and trying some new pieces afterward. It really does force my brain to stop jumping around like popcorn and the effect lasts for hours.

I spend more time on FB and Twitter than I had been doing, but still not a lot compared to some people. I just get in there, post stuff and get out.

I spend more time reading the forum and seeing if my input is needed and try to provide it if necessary. I'm really impressed with the level of knowledge and understanding I see.

Of course, we are dealing with two cancer patients at the moment and our alpha dog has also recently been diagnosed with throat cancer so we are trying to prolong and enhance his life, while trying to figure out what to do if and when it becomes apparent that we cannot. Will the vet come to the house? Or will he provide us with the drug? It's very hurtful and stressful on a daily basis, but there it is; it's life - and death.

We try to get outside a bit each day (or nearly) just to walk around in the garden. The kids are planting flowers and such. Only one day in the past week was nice enough for swimming. I'm tired of the clouds blocking out the sun.

I keep remembering bits and pieces the Cs said in years past referring to this time - it seemed so impossible to imagine and now it is here. It scares me a little to imagine what more might happen. But more than that, it makes me sad to see how blind the majority of human beings really are and how hopeless it is to try to change that. I've been trying with all my might for over 20 years. I am so thankful that there is good fruit from my labors here, in this forum, and I just hope it is enough.

Well, enough musing. I've got to finish that book.
Thank you Laura for your "musing" It is really good to hear about how things are going for you. I am so sorry for your dog, it made me cry. It is very sad.

Thank you to be here.:hug2:
Well, there is a bizarre development to this story. After her hearing (remember she was accused of encouraging people to break the law, this had nothing to do with her being put in the psychiartry), she made a speech in front of her supporters who were bravely demonstrating in front of the police station:

In it, she says she was NOT mistreated by the police in any way but "fell from a bicycle drunk". The whole thing is really confused and doesn't make sense, she also says she hasn't time after that because she has to go to a coffee shop with friends (what? they are closed) and a couple of other strange things. She also said the "lying right-wing press has made all this up", never mind that she posted this audio file, which she now seems to be denying as well (?). Here's someone's take on it for the German speakers:

The net result of all this: her brave supporters and followers look completely ridiculous and stupid. All the haters are vindicated. Notice also that the police has not dispensed the little demonstration. So my conspiracy thinking sees different scenarios here:

a) She was threatened or bullied during her hearing into making this statement. (However, she doesn't seem very tense of nervous in the video?)
b) She really IS a bit off the rockers. Or they made her kind of crazy and confused by whatever means. After all, she was in a psychiatry...
c) She herself is part of an elaborate plot to discredit all criticism of the corona madness, making look everyone completely crazy who asks questions.

In any event, this story is BIZARRE.

I've watched lawyer Beate Bahner's speech (see luc's post above) after she was released from the psychiatric ward. For those who speak German, watch it closely and in full length, because from what she's saying and how she is saying it, it's crystal clear that she hasn't changed her mind and her behaviour isn't bizarre either.

Rather, the most probable explanation is that had she - behind closed doors - not consented to changing her official outward story of what happened, they would've kept her locked down in psychiatry. They've probably told her 'Change your story in public and you'll get out. If you don't, we'll keep you locked up and we have our ways to concoct any type of official psychiatric and court document we like so as to keep you in here forever'.

So, she decided to get free again, and 'change her story' - but how did she change her story? She became creative and used exaggerations, certain words and formulations, humor and a short story at the end of her speech, which was full of indirect hinting, where it's glaringly clear that what she had reported happening surrounding the circumstances of her arresst in her audio file did happen and she thinks the same of it as she did before, when she went to court for the violation of basic law in Germany.

I think all she did was to outwardly comply so they'd let her out of psychiatry and at the same time she used her speech for conveying messages between the lines so as to let others know that her stance still stands. It actually reminded me of how, through the ages, people, artists, alchemists, great thinkers communicated in 'veiled language' so that on the surface it seemed like they weren't saying anything particularly important or revolutionary (i.e. against the PTB's status quo), but those able to see and read between the lines, would at once see what was being communicated.

As it happens, I stumpled upon the following song. It's supposed to be from the Middle Ages, a rebel song against oppression. Quite similar to Bahner's strategy, the message is not as direct and in-your-face, since on the surface it simply talks about a wild birdie, right? But it's a powerful, touching and beautiful song, and very apropos for our times - listen to it:

Here's the text in English:

There sat a small wild bird
on a green twig.
It sang the whole winter night,
the voice must sound to him.

You sing me more, you sing me more,
you wild little birdie!
I want to take your feathers...
twine gold and silk into them.

Keep your gold, keep your silk
I don't want to sing to you ever.
I'm a wild little birdie,
and nobody can force me.

You come up from the deep valley,
the hoarfrost will pinch you too!

If the hoarfrost presses me, the hoarfrost so cold,
Then Mrs. Sun will refresh me.

Text and music: unknown author, from Siebenbürgen - before 1516
compare the similar song from Bonn "Conversation with the nightingale
in Zupfgeigenhansl (1908) - German Lute Song (1914) - Alpenrose (1924) -
And with technology impeding their power to abuse

Metrist, I agree with your whole argument and various points but I not sure what you had in mind when you said the above. I can see how technology can assist them greatly because they have the monies and ownership of those technologies. What am I missing.
The climate change folks, DO think this is a good thing the lockdown etc yeah to save lives etc but also because less pollution less Co2, the way we were living had to change in order to save the planet so this might be the good that will come from this.This is the angle some are coming at this from that I've spoke to, one is a Greta fan. Didn't the Cs say the whole climate change thing helped to complete the programming. Sorry still catching up, miles behind.

In the park yesterday 😂😂

Hello everyone,

I've been following this thread for a while, and just wanted to say thank you all for your tremendous efforts in exposing the lies, reading between the lines, keeping yours and others spirits up by facing this "show" and grounding/comforting each other :hug2:

I also wanted to share a new video that was posted by Dr. Shiva, explaining the terms of Obvious establishments, the Not-So-Obvious establishments and Big Pharma, and why they are pushing for vaccines more than ever:

Now here we go again, Dr. Shiva in is video really try to explain the mechanism by wich the obvious establishement use figure and talking head for promoting or for damage control, what he call the no-so-obvious establishments to wich Robert Kennedy Jr is part. So yesterday I posted this:

I don't know if Bill Gates is under arrest but it look like some opposition is forming again Fauci. IS Trump ready to move. I will listen to the podcast now, curious to see how deep Kennedy as dig.

Kennedy is shooting with both barrel, an all out war. Conspiracy it is and they are all in it, big pharma, gates, clinton and mass media. This guy is on CRUSADE, will he be heard. Worth listening.

but here goes Dr,Shiva explaining that this guy (Kennedy) is working hand in hand with these same Gate and Clinton and he does prove it. So don't see his action today as a crusade but as a tactic of the establishment to control in the near future the narrative and maybe, like Dr.Shiva explain, in the case of Sander how he funnelled the left opposition again Walls Street in the hand of Clinton in 2016 and again in 2020 to Biden in the hands of those promoting Walls Street. What a show we are witnessing, I will finish Dr.Shiva video now, it is interresting to listen to his point of view even if he doesn't know who sit at the top of the piramide but, his insight in regard of the of the bolts and nuts are inspiring.
Nearly choked on my coffee listening to the news on the way to work this morning 🤢

Lifting of Australian lockdown mooted to be dependent upon minimum 40% uptake of tracking Apps by the population 😷

“Mobile phone tracking software could be compulsory if not enough Australians voluntarily download the application to help in coronaviruscase tracing.”

Ahhh they are now discussing the lab origin angle in the main British propaganda outlet - BBC. Of course, here the angle is whether it was the Chinese who created this in the US - Of course, the US being such an angelic country whose elite are nothing short of divine and pure could never do such a thing :rolleyes:

Then I can begin to talk to them rationally about what has happened and perhaps next time they may react differently, with more critical thought and less fear driven panic. We are already planning a family holiday to Ireland (which could be the last time if international travel restrictions are implemented based on vaccination records!) to see my mum and rest of my family as soon as we can and generally enjoying quality time together. Recent events has certainly made me realise more acutely who and what are most meaningful in my life.

These crazy times we are in are only going to get worst, so this a great opportunity to reflect on how we are feeling and what we are doing, so as to be better prepared for the next time. But this too shall pass....

Thank you Gary. Your ideas, thoughts and actions are what I have been trying to do lately. Like I said in a previous post they have their lessons and we have ours. Where we once thought the family was one unit, this virus has in a way separated the family into individual units and as parents we have to accept that. The family unit hasn't changed really but our perception has. The quote from Laura lets us see that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. This in turn confirms the C's suggestion to "sit back and watch the show". For the life of me I can't think of any better examples to follow.
Here a summary of the interview with Luc Montagnier (French virologist, Nobel Prize for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus A long-time researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, he currently works as a full-time professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China.)

The Wuhan laboratory has been specialising in this type of virus for a long time, since the 2000s.

Luc Montagnier and a mathematician friend analyzed the genome and concluded that the genome of this new coronavirus had sequences from another virus, oh surprise, from the HIV virus.
(but they were not the first to see this, he cites a group of Indian researchers who came to the same conclusion but were forced to retract their study)
He says this cannot be a natural mutation caused by hiv patients affected by CV19, as such a mutation requires molecular tools, i.e. it is an alteration made in the laboratory.

The reporter then asks whether this was done intentionally to create a biological weapon or is the consequence of a problem that arose in the attempt to create an HIV vaccine.

Luc M. wants to believe that it is rather the second hypothesis. Humans like to play sorcerer's apprentice but nature doesn't like these disharmonizations and tries to eliminate "foreign bodies" from the coronavirus genome through a very rapid mutation as the virus passes from one person to another. It has been found that the virus of the last infected people, such as the west coast of the US for example, contains much less of these intrusive sequences.

All this will resolve itself naturally, but to avoid further deaths, patients could be treated with waves interfering with the waves behind these RNA sequences, he suggests.

You're not in danger of being called a conspirator? Asks the reporter.

No, the conspirators are on the other side, the ones who's hiding the truth from you, he answers.

He thinks that the vaccine "slip up" was done in China and hopes that China will recognize it.
In any case, he says, what is important is to really work to find the truth and not to hide it from people, which discredits science.
What my friend noticed today is that this virologist is being invited on many mainstream TV sets and you find pages of articles about his theory in the mainstream news websites. They mainly put the emphasis on the CV19 coming out of the Wuhan laboratory.
What is behind this? Do they want, here in France, to draws attention to this in order to distract people from others things or to turn people against China? Both probably
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