100 years in the market is a good track record, you literally know what to expect.
A couple of big differences in the 100 years is the proliferation of glyphosate - named RoundUp (the cattle) for a reason. An article by Stephanie Seneff was posted earlier in the thread postulating a possible connection to Covid-19. Also, the health effects of EMF and possibly 5G as factors. That there could be a vaccine that is beneficial with little or no bad side effects is mind blowing at this point.
to use the precedent set during the Nuremberg trials that made it internationally illegal to use experimental medicines on the human population ever again.
The fight against Smart Meters used the precedent set by the Nuremberg trials and I even brought that point up when addressing City Council. All the frustration being voiced about the too many people not getting it is magnified many times over when dealing with local officials who love to wax long on how much they are doing for the benefit of the community and yet purposely fail to accept facts that show they aren't doing that at all.
'sit back' and 'enjoy the show'
When viewing "shows" on TV, I never hesitate to voice either my displeasure or statement of contradicting facts if lies are being perpetrated in the presentation itself or the very irritating commercials! Guess I need to work harder on that stoic thing - ha!

I've blistered the relatively few people I still venture to enlighten via email and a little on FB with as much factual/relevant info possible to get them to understand the gravity of this situation. I figured if nothing else, at least the Universe heard me.

Giving it a rest now, too, as I also came to the conclusion that if they are still brain dead at this point, there's nothing more I can do. I'll just keep hurling invectives at the TV!
I went for a walk again today, at night. Just down a couple of streets and back home. It became mandatory to wear masks. It was fascinating to see how people, when they saw me without one, would turn away from me, 50 meters in advance. I didn't avoid them, but they avoided me. They crossed the street. And now that I think about it, I felt almost invisible. Rejected, you say? No. Like an outcast? No. The difference in frequency was beginning to show. As I write this, I am thinking that maybe it is a misperception, but one thing I do feel was real when I remember the walk: I wasn't afraid, and I enjoyed it. And now that I think about it, that feeling of difference could have been so great that in the end I would be in another world, where I would notice them, but they wouldn't notice me...

I could be wrong, Bluegazer, but why would you take that risk going outdoors without a mask when it just became mandatory to wear them? As Laura said it's best to keep a low profile, to go along and get along with others. Now I don't like masks either, I do not agree with that 'social distancing' bit at all, but I play this game because I don't want to draw any unwanted attention to myself, which could result in very unpleasant situations. Dealing with authoritarian followers is very tricky! I had to deal with them myself and looking back I can clearly see what I did wrong. I didn't keep a low profile, because I was a bit of a rebel and therefore created unnecessary problems for me and my family.

IMO, this has nothing to do with a 'difference in frequency'.

But what we can do is to take part in this thread, and show we do not buy into the lies while protecting ourselves in real life. My two cents!
Very interesting: Coronavirus: Only 9% of Britons want life to return to 'normal' once lockdown is over
Only 9% of Britons want life to return to "normal" after the coronavirus outbreak is over, a survey suggests.

People have noticed significant changes during the lockdown, including cleaner air, more wildlife and stronger communities.

More than half (54%) of 4,343 people who took part in the YouGov poll hope they will make some changes in their own lives and for the country as a whole to learn from the crisis.

And 42% of participants said they value food and other essentials more since the pandemic, with 38% cooking from scratch more.

The survey found that 61% of people are spending less money and 51% noticed cleaner air outdoors, while 27% think there is more wildlife.

Two-fifths said there is a stronger sense of community in their area since the outbreak began and 39% say they are catching up with friends and family more.

From my own experience where I live: since the beginning of this lockdown the number of people walking or cycling in the nature is increasing on a daily basis. I also noticed that people are more friendly, chatty and overall, it's a pleasure to go out these days because you can see very happy and smiling people. Go figure.
I could be wrong, Bluegazer, but why would you take that risk going outdoors without a mask when it just became mandatory to wear them? As Laura said it's best to keep a low profile, to go along and get along with others. Now I don't like masks either, I do not agree with that 'social distancing' bit at all, but I play this game because I don't want to draw any unwanted attention to myself, which could result in very unpleasant situations. Dealing with authoritarian followers is very tricky! I had to deal with them myself and looking back I can clearly see what I did wrong. I didn't keep a low profile, because I was a bit of a rebel and therefore created unnecessary problems for me and my family.

IMO, this has nothing to do with a 'difference in frequency'.

But what we can do is to take part in this thread, and show we do not buy into the lies while protecting ourselves in real life. My two cents!

Well, I find it riskier to stay indoors than to go out occasionally for fresh air and a walk. I actually need to walk, not just for my mental health. Then I can tell you I wasn't really the only one without a mask. After I also didn't go out walking in crowded places, and it wasn't daylight.

Clearly I understand your concern. I don't know what I said about it, since the thread goes on and on, but staying still, locked in one place, I think makes you an easier target. (EM vector)

What did I mean by difference in frequency? It's the fear, and the consent of the people. Do not you wonder if the simple fact of putting the mask to go out, even if you say that for example is not to draw attention, aware and accept this abduction? Yes, I say abduction because that's how the image is presented to me.

When I read in the time when the C's said that you have to learn to think in unlimited terms, that for me meant possibility. Since then I've learned to see the back of the plot. While they are all locked up out there there is a parade and no one will notice. You watch the news and read that mothers and children are dying because of this lockdown. You know that the longer the situation goes on, the more loosh is generated. I wouldn't be surprised to see or notice that for every family home that is quarantined, there is a straw over their heads.

Again, I understand your concern, and I appreciate it. But as the C's said, there's a new reality to explore.
I guess it's my turn to rant a bit...

I'm having a really hard time with "just sitting back and watch the show". Ever since this started, I've felt that I need, and I want, and that it's my 'mission' to fight these developments with every fiber I have in me. I'm angry at all of those lying and greedy bastards who are 'cooking the books' and cheating to further their evil agendas. I want my children to have the chance to grow up in a world that at least resembles how it was like before all this started (even if that wasn't perfect either). I'm reminded of the famous quote ""The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" and what Haffner described in his Defying Hitler.

There's of course not that much that I can do, but I devote a considerable amount of time every day to think deeply and theorize about the situation and the details, follow the developments, find good arguments and facts, and share those by tweeting from several accounts and translating SOTT-articles. We've been publishing on our local SOTT-page like never before, and we're slowly gaining new readers. I know that these things don't have much effect, and I sometimes wonder if it's worth the time, but as I said, I can't just sit and do nothing. Maybe I'm becoming too worked up and I should take it more easy?

Well, I've been trying to find some balance.

I'm reading a lot, of course. Nothing changed there.

I'm working my way through the last chapter of the new book. It's a real slog since I have to transcribe notes and do a lot of thinking.

I've decided that I have avoided my piano for too long, so I'm trying to settle my brain each morning after breakfast by doing exercises and trying some new pieces afterward. It really does force my brain to stop jumping around like popcorn and the effect lasts for hours.

I spend more time on FB and Twitter than I had been doing, but still not a lot compared to some people. I just get in there, post stuff and get out.

I spend more time reading the forum and seeing if my input is needed and try to provide it if necessary. I'm really impressed with the level of knowledge and understanding I see.

Of course, we are dealing with two cancer patients at the moment and our alpha dog has also recently been diagnosed with throat cancer so we are trying to prolong and enhance his life, while trying to figure out what to do if and when it becomes apparent that we cannot. Will the vet come to the house? Or will he provide us with the drug? It's very hurtful and stressful on a daily basis, but there it is; it's life - and death.

We try to get outside a bit each day (or nearly) just to walk around in the garden. The kids are planting flowers and such. Only one day in the past week was nice enough for swimming. I'm tired of the clouds blocking out the sun.

I keep remembering bits and pieces the Cs said in years past referring to this time - it seemed so impossible to imagine and now it is here. It scares me a little to imagine what more might happen. But more than that, it makes me sad to see how blind the majority of human beings really are and how hopeless it is to try to change that. I've been trying with all my might for over 20 years. I am so thankful that there is good fruit from my labors here, in this forum, and I just hope it is enough.

Well, enough musing. I've got to finish that book.
I realised some years ago since joining the forum that my most vulnerable part, my Achilles heel, is my love for my children. For STS forces to best undermine me would be via those I love most dearly, so I have tried to pass on what knowledge I can to them and be the best father I can be. But also accepting that they have their own lessons to learn, which may be very different to what I may ideally want for them. The best way I can protect them is keep myself healthy (on every level), focused on doing what I can do, acquiring more knowledge and strive to maintain a sense of humour.

I came across a comment by Laura from 22nd July 2012, which may have some relevance with regard to folk with angst issues. It has helped me in the past for sure. :-)

As I just wrote to someone privately, all you need to worry about is paying close attention to life and reality and doing the most life-affirming things you can every day. I still go out and work in my garden, play with the dogs, paint the woodwork, cook meals, and plan on making pickles. But I have my eye on the rest of the world all the time, and if I see something out of my metaphorical peripheral vision, I'll react to it as appropriate at the moment. That's all we can do. The Wise Virgins and the Parable of the Talents and all that.

Just because you have a tornado cellar under your house doesn't mean that you are living in fear. It's there, you get in it when you see the weather change. Until then, you chop wood, carry water and make pickles.

Yes, those I love are my achilles heel. They are also what drive me to DO. And this drive to figure out the world for their sake has been with me all my life, I guess. Ultimately, it is the reason for everything. That's why I'm so darn careful about what I take onboard: it could have consequences for others.

And yup, what I wrote then still pretty much stands: chop wood and carry water and stay awake.
My thought is, when the "second wave hits" the start of the normal flu season in October, that the ones not wearing a mask will be singled out as dissenters and non believers, this could have repercussions from the rabid authoritarian follower types. My thought is go with the flow for self protection. Makes a mockery of this so called facial recognition technology, who needs it anyway when our names, all our personal information is know using technology available today.

I absolutely agree with this bolded statement. Here is Poland they introduced the regulation to wear masks since yesterday and they are penalizing people mercilessly for not wearing one. The Police now terrorizes people with 125USD tickets if they catch a poor soul without a mask. That's half of what I pay for food in a month. This is quickly escalating out of control and authoritarian followers crawl out of every hole to remind you to wear one. So, yeah, best way is to wear the mask to avoid getting singled out and tagged for future harassment.
The interesting thing about this is that the realization that corona is a hoax to further some agenda actually implies most of these things. Laura wrote about this in the Wave - we can do all sorts of mental gymnastics to protect our belief systems: we can just deny the facts, which many people do; but we can also accept the facts but deny the implications. We just stop thinking it through and go on living in a state of cognitive dissonance of sorts. Like "well, I just realized that all the governments in the world, the UN, and a bunch of leading scientists lied straight to my face unisono, trashed the economy and erected a police state. Nevermind, let's get back to work..." If they actually thought what this means, they would soon have some shocking realizations about our world, our place in it, even metaphysical questions etc.

Yes, I was thinking about what I wrote in The Wave about people making statements that reflect the fact that, at some level, they know the score; but then just blithely going on as though what they said wasn't really TRUE. I was sure baffled by that back then and it drove me to understand it.
I've been thinking about what we should or shouldn't do in the current situation, what's useful and what's dangerous, and what exactly our role is in this period of transformation. There's a lot of speculation in this, so I'm just putting forward some ideas. I definitely don't think I have it figured out. But my view of how things tie together is kind of evolving.

And this is also related to many people here feeling down from watching what's going on out there.

I think our role in this show can only be understood when we also consider the role of the masses that are mostly clueless but have potential for at least partial (even 10% or whatever) 'awakening'. All there is is lessons, and this time period on this planet is filled with them. And of course not everyone has the same lessons. The masses aren't here to learn the same lessons as we are. They just aren't in a place where they'd even have the tools for that. They may have the same external tools as us (like the Internet), but not the internal tools, so to speak. Those are only gained through countless lessons and experience that become ingrained in us through many incarnations, and people on Earth are at various stages of learning.

And I think the lessons of our time are perhaps more important or relevant for the masses than for us. I think for us, it's partly about figuring out as much as we can with the information that's available to us, so that we can be ready for the Wave and whatever it brings. And I think at this point we more or less have that covered. I mean, there's always plenty more to learn, and we're certainly still ignorant about many things that go on in the higher circles of our society, but that's fine. What matters is whether we are ready for the next step. And that's more about general attitude and ability to adapt than about specific knowledge. And even if I have little clue what things will look like in the near future, I am ready for it. The Universe can throw at me whatever it wants, and I'll deal with it. Maybe it will suck, but I don't see a problem with that. You don't learn much when things are just rainbows and unicorns.

The other part of our lessons is about assisting others, those from the masses. I will use the term masses for the large group of people who understand little but have the potential to understand more. There's also another large group that's just hopeless in that regard, and their lessons are on yet another level, perhaps to experience some suffering that will make them internally understand how bad it can get when certain things happen and are allowed to happen. Or whatever. I don't know what those guys are supposed to do. Point is, we can't do anything about that group, so when I talk about the masses, I mean the first group, the ones with some potential to figure out at least some basics and be able to actively fight against their oppressors.

And I think this group, these masses, are at the core of what will ultimately happen and what lessons will be learned. Not us. I think it's more about them than us. We are a small group, and that's not going to change to any significant degree. So we won't be overthrowing any rulers or anything, any more than we have up to now. We just don't have the numbers for that. We may have the knowledge, but we don't have the means to change the system on our own. That's what the masses are here for, in my opinion, and we're here to assist them, to provide the information we have been collecting and analysing for years, even all our lives in many cases, and to help them avoid mistakes we can predict, and so on.

If anything is to change about the system, it will require many millions of people fighting for the change. Clearly not us because there's like 25 of us. (j/k) I thought about this in the context of some things the Cs said, like 'sit back and enjoy the show' or 'the programming is complete' that somebody mentioned here today, and 'continue to share truth in a careful way'.

In a way, it seems to me like there isn't really all that much more to be done than what we've been doing. I doubt there will really be an opportunity for us to collectively stand up and say or do something that would have a huge impact on anything. I think there will be such an opportunity for the masses (in which case, it can definitely include us). For the most part, it seems like our role might just be what we're already doing - planting seeds of truth wherever we can, and leaving it up to the masses whether they pick up on it. We can't force anyone into anything.

So in terms of putting ourselves in danger by what we're doing, I don't think the situation is too bad, at least not yet. And there probably won't be much need for most of us to put ourselves in serious danger. Most of the time, the result of that would be that we get somehow neutralised by the system, and nobody will really benefit from it. So like the Cs said, 'continue to share truth in a careful way', emphasis on careful.

There may occasionally come an opportunity to do something dangerous, even suicidal, that could be of benefit to others. If all cameras were on me and everyone was watching, and I could either send a loud NO to the system and get shot in the head, or back down, then I think that would be the time to say NO and let everyone see the result because the potential effect is worth more than one 'life'. But I don't think there will be many such opportunities.

I think it's more about whether we'll see sufficient numbers of people pushing against the system that the system won't have enough manpower to hold them back. Basically we can only 'win' by numbers because that's about all we can have, given how the system is set up. (Unless I guess the PTB sabotage themselves by hubris and stupidity, but I'm not betting on that on a large scale.)

So the 'sit back and enjoy the show' or 'the programming is complete' feel like, as far as we are concerned, the die is cast, so to speak, and we're waiting for how things that aren't under our control will turn out. If people at least partially wake up, we'll be here to assist them. If not, well, they will suffer a lot more than us because knowledge protects and they don't have it. We'll just make it through whatever we have to and emerge on the other side by whatever means available. It won't be our loss. It will be theirs.

I still can't really imagine what things will look like when we get closer to the 'endgame', whatever that may be, and I have no idea what to expect when 4D starts becoming the 'real deal' for us, whatever that means. But basically, whatever happens, it's gonna be fine for us, so sit back and enjoy the show. It's up to the millions of people out there to decide where things will go from here. We're offering information every day and will keep doing that. If they don't act on it, we alone won't be able to change much, I reckon.

So we now have a police state everywhere. Whatever. Talk about it as much you can, but don't put yourself in danger because that's probably not going to help anyone. Maybe the police state won't go away. Well, we know a lot more about how to deal with that than most people, so whatever. We'll adapt.

There has to be some balance between resisting and complying for the sake of safety. You have to look at the probable consequences of your decisions. If you do the 'right thing', get locked up, and nobody benefits, you won't be here later to benefit others when they need it. If by risking your safety you can set an example for others, though, then that's different, but you have to consider how much you should risk and weigh all the options. Maybe you can just say something loudly so that people know your position, and then back down to stay safe. You just have to weigh how much your actions will affect others and in what way, and how they'll affect you and in what way. Sometimes shouting is a good idea, sometimes it isn't. Often there's no right or wrong, just different paths with the same ultimate goal.

I think this ties well into what I'm saying here. We'll need some detachment if we want to stay sane and somewhat calm.

And this is relevant too. My mood keeps going up and down depending on what I'm reading at the moment. Some news are dire. And I'm sure most of you here are experiencing something similar.

We have to accept that our influence is limited. We will inevitably see things that will be sad, depressing, or scary, and we'll feel desperate because we won't be able to stop them despite knowing how they could be stopped. But that's OK. Some things are just other people's lessons. We are here when needed, but we're not expected to 'fix' everything on this planet, or even to decide what 'fixed' means.

If the people of Earth don't want to fight for their rights and want to experience more suffering before they 'get it', who are we to stop them? Who are we to decide what's right for them? If they need more lessons, let them. It's up to them what they want to do with their planet. We're just here, watching and waiting, ready to help if they ask, just like the Cs helped 'us' when 'we' asked.

So whenever you see things get really bad, horrible, insane, sad, and you can't do anything, remember you can't 'save' those who aren't ready to move forward. Be an observer.

Remember some lessons are for other people. And remember what Bill Hicks said: "It's just a ride."
Thank you MI for this text. It helped me a lot to take a step back and find a more neutral and calm state again, as I was alternating between anger and deep sadness reactions in observing the outrageous manipulations and lies on one side and the credulity, sleepiness, fascist behaviour, panic, fear and suffering on the other. As others have already said, even if we know the right attitude we should have in front of all that, it's not always easy to put it into practice.
I even translated it in French and send to some friends who follows Laura's and Sott work but who have some difficulty with English.:-)
One question: Isn't it different that TB is a bacterium? What I mean is, the TB vaccine is for a bacterium, not a virus.

Yeah, it's not a virus to immunize against COVID. It's an attenuated live vaccine derived from mycobacterium bovis. It often leaves a scar.

The exact mechanisms are not known, but apparently it boosts the immune system when given to someone who is competent from an immunological point of view. That is, you can't give this vaccine to people who are too old, immunocompromised and to pregnant women.

Maybe the time frame when this is done is critical too. Better when given in childhood?

Here's more information:

Bacillus Calmette–Guérin, or BCG vaccine, is commonly used to inoculate against tuberculosis (TB). It works by delivering a boost to the immune system cells in the bone marrow, which are then released and respond to all sorts of pathogens. That helps to protect against TB, but also a host of other diseases. It is used to treat measles, malaria, bladder cancer, and it also decreases respiratory infections in older people. This general protective effect of BCG prompted the scientists to investigate whether it might work for Covid-19 as well.
I have a Rant.
It is about This mask thing..
On my outings, I am starting to see the odd Joe Sixpack and Suzy Soccer Mom, sporting homemade masks.
They are all fiddling, adjusting, pulling the damn thing up and down to talk, eat, sip their Tim Hortons Coffee, and looking OH so Trendy.
Disdainfully looking over the brim of their lovely crafted mask at anyone NOT wearing a mask.

They seem to be exuding that Hipster Millennial arrogance that we were blessedly given a break from, when this Corona farce interrupted the "How Dare YOU" pig tailed Re-Greta Green Machine and the Tranny Boys who wanted to be Girls(but just our clothes, make-up, and bathrooms. Not the many other areas of responsibility that REAL girls deal with) Carnival.
But, think back to a minute before that...
Here in Canada, it was immigration and fear of the Islamic extremist that our Liberal Government was open arming into our Country.
The Wahhabis and Salafis were going to have us living under Sharia law, remember that?

And all the Canadian Women would be forbidden to go outside without their faces covered.

Interesting fact, the face covering for women pre-dates the creepy religious fanatics by a few thousand years.
The reason is lost in antiquity, but the face coverings were a lot more decorative and appealing.
With sparkles and gems and danglers!
Come on Ladies, get out your craft kits and Bedazzlers!
If I consent to wearing the damn useless thing, it's gonna be AMAZING!!
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The origins of women being required to cover their faces, hair, body, appears to stem from ancient apocalyptic beliefs about "The Watchers" as described in the books of Enoch. A hint of this even made it into an editorial interpolation in 1st Corinthians:

1Co 11:4 Any man who prays or prophesies with something on his head disgraces his head,
1Co 11:5 but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head--it is one and the same thing as having her head shaved.
1Co 11:6 For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or to be shaved, she should wear a veil.
1Co 11:7 For a man ought not to have his head veiled, since he is the image and reflection of God; but woman is the reflection of man.
1Co 11:8 Indeed, man was not made from woman, but woman from man.
1Co 11:9 Neither was man created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man.
1Co 11:10 For this reason a woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.

The "angels" in question were The Watchers, angels who came to Earth and took human wives and taught humans "civilizing arts". The Jews had a horror of sexual union between gods and humans; it was contrary to Nature. The apocalyptic literature, with which Paul and his followers were quite familiar, presents this miscegenation as the origin of all evil.

Thus, women must be veiled and under the protection of a man so as not to attract "angels".
What will happen next, after the epidemic has gradually stabilized, western countries will demand compensation from China, which was initially considered a joke, and then slowly reached consensus.

Then there will be the war between these countries and China on the sea. The governments have successfully shifted the domestic contradictions. No politician cares who wins the war. No winners.
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