As promised, I have been working on a campaign over the past month with the non-profit, 501c4 organization Stand for Health Freedom I co-founded, to help empower citizens with a voice and bring rationality back into the present nationwide COVID-19 lockdown situation that is now live here and ready for you to use!
We surveyed you, and received hundreds of responses. In summary, our collective following is
strongly in favor of sending the message to elected officials and key decision-makers
that government orders restricting healthy citizens and keeping nonessential businesses closed are causing widespread emotional, physical and financial devastation -- far more harmful than the risk of COVID-19 itself. And that outcomes will continue to worsen, unless we use reopen our communities,
letting lawful, healthy citizens go back to work, school, church, and social gatherings.
If this indeed resonates with you, we've created a powerful campaign and action for you that you can engage in only
a few clicks here NOW, enabling you to email your major and governor your concerns!