Beate_Bahner, [17.04.20 16:56]
So, you birds from Berlin....... Now it's over with funny. 5 weeks we have had to do without a lot, many of you have been bankrupt. For 5 weeks you spread an unimaginable panic and told us that contact ban was the only way to fight the virus. For 5 weeks you told us that we only had to do this so that the health system would not be overloaded. For 5 weeks we tried to believe you, but now we are no longer willing to accept that and there are more reasons for that than you can imagine.
Let's start with all the scientists, virologists and other pompous people you get advice from. There is not one of them who can answer even one question with 100% certainty. Worst of all is the ' We assume' virologist Wieler from the Robert Koch Institute. At press conferences he answers almost all questions with 'We assume'.
Mr Wieler, let me tell you something... I assume that means: It could be, I don't know, maybe, possibly, possibly and and and and. In other words: You have no idea. But what is much worse, with your incompetence you are spreading panic among the population, which should actually be punished. It was you and your colleagues who, five weeks ago, told us that we might have to reckon with a million deaths. If things were a little milder, it would still be around 100,000 deaths. You told us that 80% of the population could be infected. It was you who said that our health system must be relieved. After five weeks of panic, we have occupied no less than 9% of intensive care beds in the hospitals in Bonn and in the Rhein Sieg district. In other hospitals it is not much different. There are also patients who were flown in from Italy. Respect Mr. Wieler and you scientists. That is what I call a hit rate. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
And now I will give you some arguments, which do not justify this action in any way.
- It is clear that the death rate is about 0.37%. You, Mr 'I assume from Wieler', have talked us into a 10% rate.
- Every influenza in the world has so far been more dramatic than this corona virus
- Professors who have performed autopsies have found that many died with Corona but not from Corona. In addition, all of them had considerable pre-existing conditions.
- even if one would have saved 2000 or 3000 lives by these devastating measures (maybe only for a short time) it is in no relation to destroy hundreds of thousands of existences.
- during the influenza 2018 you have reported 338.000 infected persons with 45.000 hospital treatments and 25.000 dead. There was not one hospital overloaded. Even in 2019 there were 180,000 infected with 18,000 hospital treatments. These are figures from you, Mr. 'I assume' Wieler, and nothing was done about it. Those who can calculate a little bit must have noticed that the numbers sound like scorn in the current Corona Virus.
- There is dramatic talk about the fact that you can temporarily lose your sense of taste and smell. Are you okay? With every cold or flu, my sense of taste and smell is gone. So what are you trying to tell us with this nonsense?
- In Sweden everything is open, and the rate is not insignificantly higher than here. Weird, huh? But exactly you clever scientists and politicians wanted to make them feel guilty, so that you could act as fatally wrong as you do.
What happens actually with the next influenza (which will definitely come) here in the country. Will you close the shop again?
Mrs. Merkel, now to you. You were the one who told us 5 weeks ago that if we doubled the number of days, we could slowly return to normality. We are today at a doubling of 25 days and nothing happened. You know what I think of you and your other busybodies? Absolutely nothing. Oh, before it's forgotten. Your bird from Bavaria, named Söder, who's now playing the tough guy in his country. He was the one who chased his people to the ballot box on March 16, 2020, only to announce disaster one day later. Unbelievable!!!! They allow 80.000 Eastern Europeans to come to our country to save the harvest and they forbid their own people to meet with their own families. Absolutely embarrassing and humiliating. I don't even want to talk about the refugee policy, but you are the ones who are constantly handing out slaves to your own people.