My thoughts exactly and I sort of hinted at that in my latest post.I was at work today, first time in a month. Not many people were there, but I needed something in an office with two ladies, so I started talking to them, to check what they know and think.
I was again pleasantly surprised, for the most part. They knew the numbers were bullshit because they're counting everyone with CV. They knew the measures make no sense. They understood most people need to get infected before the virus stops. They understood the virus isn't really dangerous. One of them even said she thinks there's something else behind the lockdown. So I said, well yeah, now they have the police state they always wanted. She laughed in that kind of ironic manner, and neither of them disputed that.
So that was all good. But then... they put their masks on and continue with the 'new normal', and apparently it doesn't bother them. It doesn't make them mad or anything. So I thought about that.
I have to admit things in my country aren't that bad. It's pretty relaxed compared to most of what I've read here. If the mandatory masks weren't there, you'd notice little except the streets being strangely empty. So part of the lack of reaction is probably due to that.
But I realised something else. And this ties to what I mentioned yesterday - all of us here probably most of the time don't realise just how disconnected we really are from the average person and what they know. Why is it that even when these people agree on the covid facts, it doesn't seem to matter to them? They agree we have a police state, but they shrug it off?
And what I arrived at is that there's a huge difference between them and us in terms of the context we have for the events. And the result of that is that even if they know all the facts about this 'pandemic', they don't see much of a problem.
So let me mention some things that you take for granted but they don't.
When you look at this situation, you look at it in the context of...
- the ruling elite, who they are, what long-term goals they have, how long they've been planning all this,
- 4D and that whole mess,
- knowing what the WHO and IMF and other institutions really are,
- what kind of shit vaccinations are in general and what's been planned with those for a long time,
- police brutality and total lack of punishment for it,
- 9/11 and why it happened and who was behind it and that it was planned etc.,
- how exactly the media are controlled, by whom, and how that relates to other things,
- the whole spiritual connection and lessons and purpose and STO/STS,
and a host of other things.
The problem is that even if you explain all the facts about this 'pandemic' and people get it and agree on the facts, they know almost nothing about the things I just mentioned, and you can probably guess that without them a lot can be shrugged off.
I think they see this whole thing as kind of incidental... The governments will play police state for a while, and then we'll go back to normal. Or not normal but something slightly different, but no big deal. They don't get that this is a part of a plan that has been in place for... decades, centuries, millennia, depending how far you really want to go. They don't see the intent behind it. They don't see there's something really malicious going on. They have little sense of the danger. The event is disconnected from other things.
And it's really hard for me (and probably most of you) to imagine what their view of the situation really must be like. Spending several hours a day around this thread and sott, it's really hard to connect to the mindset of the average person. So little information, so little knowledge, so few dots connected. Any red flag they might see is just accidental. It's not connected to anything else.
And without a bigger picture, I think they just believe that it's not their problem at all. Which, I suppose, ties into another factor, and that is that they have unknowingly become convinced that they have no power. (Which, as we know, is no accident at all.) To them, all of this is for other people to sort out. So at best you get something like, "Yeah, it sucks, but what can we do?" Not my problem. I'm not a politician. I can't do anything.
I guess that's the 'the programming is complete' part.
It's like if we're under attack and you give somebody armour and weapons and tell them who the enemy is, and show them the enemy is running straight at them... and they nod and keep staring at you, weapon in hand, and wondering what you want from them. Because they have no clue what to do. Actually, they have no clue they can do something. (A few minutes later: "OH, I'm supposed to fight?? What?? Me??")
Honestly, I don't know what we can do about this, or if anything can be done about it. But for starters, we should definitely be aware of it.
At the very least, it can help us be more understanding about those people who don't even really know who or what they are. And like I mentioned earlier, if they need more lessons, then they need more lessons, and there's nothing we can do about that. Hence, 'enjoy the show'.
It's going to be frustrating, but maybe a better understanding of how little most people really have to work with can make it less frustrating for us. And we're going to need a lot of humour.
Also maybe I should to turn my co-workers into guinea pigs and run some experiments and see if I discover something interesting.
But I also think that people really don't want to see the bigger picture. I have people around me who have come across all of this information, more or less, but they literally refuse to connect the dots, to put two and two together. It's like you if ask someone "what's two and two" and their answer is "two and two". There is no connection happening.
I have a feeling that this is some sort of defense mechanism which doesn't allow the person to bring into their conscious minds ideas that would crush the very basis of their comfortable lives. Their worldview makes no allowances for evil in such down to earth and tangible form.
Also, I don't think the average person is capable of staying functional in the face of such terrible uncertainty like the possibility of this entire civilization falling to pieces before their very eyes. They don't want to believe it, because if they did, in their mind, they might as well commit suicide right then and there. Every time I have read or thought about 1984, I though about how this system could ever be put into place. I mean, people would have to notice that something was amiss. Well, now I have my answer. They wouldn't!
Ignorance is bliss, right? I have never seen this to be more true than these days.
Looking at this from the perspective of the control system, it's like they're preparing for the harvest. There have never been so many people so completely misinformed about reality and so hopelessly holding on to this mortal coil, so afraid of death. They will still drive their cars and fly in planes and use power tools, at least until the media tells them how dangerous it is. We are being treated like children, but at least children misbehave a lot of the time. If we are so afraid of this virus, we are afraid of life and reality itself, and this is the very essence of STS, IMO. We are being corralled into the control matrix's feeding machine and people are just lining up to get consumed soul, mind and all.
I wonder about that Luc. I mean you're right - logic would suggest that as an inevitable next step. But if you think about all the jump starts on your own road, all the pet beliefs you had to shed for years along the way - even unconsciously - in preparation before you maybe had some big 'Eureka!' moment, either at first finding Laura's work or something else that pushed you close enough to be ready for it... so even if the world population does get to see a massive, naked, all singing all dancing version of the man behind the curtain's behind stuck up in the air the colour of rhubarb... does that mean they will then be ready to awaken? Spiritually? Mentally? Psychologically to all the implications that flows from that? I mean - one of my favorite moments in the early Wave is Laura - I mean this is Laura - describing how she spent a time fervently explaining to anyone who would listen that that huge carrier-sized UFO that flew over her swimming pool (so low they felt they could touch it) was really a flock of geese! The implications of her own senses were so massive her mind did everything it could not to go there. Over her dead body!
That's why I sadly suspect political skulduggery on even this monumental scale revealed will not necessarily lead to any kind of follow on metaphysical thinking. There'd still be so much stripping away of chinkle-chankle chains and joined up dot making that would have to go on thereafter, even were they to irefutably know they were surrounded by nothing but lies, all it would take is a bit of programming to explain it all away and they'd be safe back in their pen - bruised and angry no doubt, but ready to wake up...????
Materialism has so stripped that space out of the inner lives of so many people's consciousness I just don't know how they could ever make that jump of imagination and realization. I look at say James Corbett - a man who I have the utmost respect for, whose work is impeccable, whose logic and lucidity is near miraculous. He has got just about everything there is to get about the surface illusion of the 3D matrix right down to the fact that our world is run by psychopaths... yet there is next to zero chance you would ever find him on this forum. Aliens? A joke to be constantly debunked! 4th Density? I think he would smile in your face, try to hide that patronizing comment that arose in his mind, and simply walk away... I sometimes think what does he put it all down to in the end... Evolution? Bad luck? Just the way things are... ? I notice he never goes near anything beyond modern history... no apparent interest in the ancient world... the electric universe... comets... is that it? If you don't get the 300,000 year journey of it you just don't get it. If the Fall doesn't resonate with you at all, then how or where do you get to enter the arch of the truth of everything...?
It maybe just comes down to a matter of what's encoded in your DNA. Either you've got the potential to truly awaken when your re-born here or you don't... I wouldn't wait around betting my life on folk growing it suddenly because they realize they've been conned all their lives...
Though of course I forget what the C's have just told us about that... hhmmmh![]()
I keep thinking of how what is really happens behind the scenes was actually revealed, obviously in a ridiculed and childish way, in Pixar's Monsters Inc. cartoon. We are all now locked inside the house, behind a door that is on the scare floor, so the harvesting can commence.
My thoughts exactly and I sort of hinted at that in my latest post.
But I also think that people really don't want to see the bigger picture. I have people around me who have come across all of this information, more or less, but they literally refuse to connect the dots, to put two and two together. It's like you if ask someone "what's two and two" and their answer is "two and two". There is no connection happening.
I have a feeling that this is some sort of defense mechanism which doesn't allow the person to bring into their conscious minds ideas that would crush the very basis of their comfortable lives. Their worldview makes no allowances for evil in such down to earth and tangible form.
Also, I don't think the average person is capable of staying functional in the face of such terrible uncertainty like the possibility of this entire civilization falling to pieces before their very eyes. They don't want to believe it, because if they did, in their mind, they might as well commit suicide right then and there. Every time I have read or thought about 1984, I though about how this system could ever be put into place. I mean, people would have to notice that something was amiss. Well, now I have my answer. They wouldn't!
Ignorance is bliss, right? I have never seen this to be more true than these days.
Looking at this from the perspective of the control system, it's like they're preparing for the harvest. There have never been so many people so completely misinformed about reality and so hopelessly holding on to this mortal coil, so afraid of death. They will still drive their cars and fly in planes and use power tools, at least until the media tells them how dangerous it is. We are being treated like children, but at least children misbehave a lot of the time. If we are so afraid of this virus, we are afraid of life and reality itself, and this is the very essence of STS, IMO. We are being corralled into the control matrix's feeding machine and people are just lining up to get consumed soul, mind and all.