Regarding mandatory vaccination, obviously that is the plan of the PTB, and they have had years of practice intimidating and shaming parents and making it extremely difficult (but not impossible) to avoid vaccinating their children. However, there has been a growing resistance by the anti vaccine/vaccine choice movement that was just at the point of starting to really raise awareness when the Covid stopped it in it's tracks. This group previously was pretty much restricted to parents of vaccine damaged children or the few aware individuals.

Now however, this is going to affect EVERYONE, so it is possible that all those who have sat on the sidelines of this battle, will now have a personal reason to get involved. So we may start seeing a lot more resistance, possibly in the form of legal challenges etc. I am definitely hearing from several people who had zero interest in the vaccine debate now expressing serious reservations about submitting to a vaccine, especially one that is fast tracked. Even those who were very pro vaccine are having second thoughts and there may well be a backlash.

Of course, we are still dealing with the multitude of people who will blindly accept whatever they are told to do by Gates and the PTB, and will try to force others to comply as well. Personally I am just as concerned as everyone else here about this happening, and if it comes to pass, yes we will have to explore as many options as we can find to avoid, or worst case scenario submit but try to mitigate vaccine affects with nutrition and supplements. And there is also the wild card factor that our consciousness may also play a role in how we are individually affected by a vaccine.

But we are not there yet, and this may be overly optimistic, but many things could happen that prevent this, such as earth changes, cosmic events that bring their plans to a dead stop, the virus causing an awakening and subsequent resistance by some people, and many other things that we probably couldn't even conceive of now.
"Gates takes over Germany" (Gates kapert Deutschland!) Ken Jepsen at KenFM has made a new video in which he explains why the thinks Bill Gates has so much power over Germany, and why the moves to implement forced vaccination violates the constitution. Ken Jebsen is furious, pretty much non-stop. It is understandable. He says that there is now no difference between the right and the left in politics, the politicians are controlled, the medias are controlled and they support the same totalitarian measures. What they do contradicts the constitutions, and therefor he encourages people to show up on the streets, unless they want to live in a medical dictatorship.
The articles that are sources for the German video are
(WHO initiative launched) Startschuss für WHO-Initiative
(Draft Second Law to protect the population in an epidemic situation of national scope ) Entwurf eines Zweiten Gesetzes zum Schutz der Bevölkerung bei einer epidemischen Lage von nationaler Tragweite https://www.bundesgesundheitsminister...
(Miscalculated by a third: Merkel and Spahn gave incorrect numbers of infections) Um ein Drittel verrechnet: Merkel und Spahn nannten falsche Infektionszahlen
(Independence of the World Health Organization at Risk Bill Gates determines what is healthy) Unabhängigkeit der Weltgesundheitsorganisation gefährdet Was gesund ist, bestimmt Bill Gates
(Gates' global vaccine plan) Gates' globaler Impfstoff-Plan
(The Gates Foundation's vaccination activism) Der Impfaktivismus der Gates-Stiftung
('If I was a citizen of Germany, I would be terribly proud' ) "Wäre ich Bürgerin von Deutschland, ich wäre schrecklich stolz"
(About vaccines for digital identity?) Über Impfstoffe zur digitalen Identität?
('Indians no longer want to be guinea pigs' ) "Inder wollen keine Versuchskaninchen mehr sein"
(Bill Gates with 20 of his most treacherous statements in 3 minutes! Vaccinations & population reduction) Bill Gates mit 20 seiner verräterischsten Aussagen in 3 Minuten! Impfungen & Bevölkerungsreduzierung
Machine learning could check if you’re social distancing properly at work
(Gates pays to SPIEGEL & ZEIT) Gates zahlt an SPIEGEL & ZEIT

Looking at how important the issue of the constitution is becoming, one can in the case of Germany with some sadness look back to the middle of April when Beate Bahner was surrounded with strange events and nothing came out of her objections.

Reflecting on the issue of the constitution in general there are at least two possible threats: 1) the judiciary is weak and can not protect the constitution or 2) the judiciary is strong to the extend that it can rule contrary to the constitution by bending the interpretations of the law so they appear legal. Below are first a couple of quotes that explain the judiciary within the separation of power followed by an excerpt that argues the constitution can be bend by a strong judiciary.
The judiciary and other branches of power:
In many societies one operates with a separation of powers to protect the constitution:
In Separation of powers - Wikipedia
The separation of powers is a representation for the governance of a state. Under this model, a state's government is divided into branches, each with separate, independent powers and responsibilities so that powers of one branch are not in conflict with those of the other branches. The typical division is into three branches: a legislature, an executive, and a judiciary, which is the trias politica model. It can be contrasted with the fusion of powers in parliamentary and semi-presidential systems, where the executive and legislative branches overlap.

Separation of powers, therefore, refers to the division of responsibilities into distinct branches of government by limiting any one branch from exercising the core functions of another. The intent of separation of powers is to prevent the concentration of power by providing for checks and balances.
The above structure should help to protect the constitution. There is about the origin of this perspective:
Montesquieu's separation of powers system
The term "tripartite system" is commonly ascribed to French Enlightenment political philosopher Baron de Montesquieu, although he did not use such a term but referred to "distribution" of powers. In The Spirit of the Laws (1748),[11] Montesquieu described the various forms of distribution of political power among a legislature, an executive, and a judiciary.
Montesquieu actually specified that the independence of the judiciary has to be real, and not merely apparent.[18] The judiciary was generally seen as the most important of the three powers, independent and unchecked.[19]
Perhaps it was considered the most important, or would it be better to say crucial. One can find examples in history where the judiciary did not or could not protect the constitution. One such example might be the revolution of the National Socialists in Germany in 1933. Another example might be the Maidan event in Ukraine in 2014. The opposite is also possible, where the interpretation of the constitution is changed so that it departs from its original meaning. This process is explained in the following excerpt:
Government by Judiciary is a 1977 book by constitutional scholar and law professor Raoul Berger which argues that the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution contrary to the original intent of the framers of this Amendment and that the U.S. Supreme Court has thus usurped the authority of the American people to govern themselves and decide their own destiny.[1]
For example - Nixon (US) and McMahon (Aus) declared the war on drugs (takeover of pharmaceuticals and pressure on natural therapies and practitioners), Bush (US) and Howard (Aus) declared the war on terror (increased security measures and tightening of gun/weapon control). Since then in Australia Prime Ministers have declared various 'wars' eg: The war on unemployment, increasing the bureaucratic hoops and waiting periods that the unemployed/disabled have to negotiate to get social security assistance, had nothing to do with creating more jobs. The war on idleness - people in hospital beds, mental health institutions and nursing homes are 'idle'. The war on 'waste' is also interesting because the legal definition of the term addresses what can be done with land, estates and trusts.

Wait a minute - are you saying that if a politician rhetorically "declares war" on something that has nothing to do with actual war, then he can literally enter a "state of war" legally? I mean, it's clear that such war rhetoric can be used to pass horrible laws that give more or less dictatorial powers, but do these statements themselves have any legal ramifications? Maybe I'm naive, but... WTH!?

As for the powers of Supreme Courts, I guess there are differences from country to country. Germany has one of strictest constitutions and laws in these areas, because they were written right after the Hitler experience. Not that this gives much protection these days, but I would think that some form of juridical control remains (?).

But I'm not under any illusions, as you say, it's extremely difficult to even bring a case before the Highest courts. There is the option to file a "constitutional complaint" though. An example of how the process works in Germany is the 2006 decision I mentioned, here's the press release by the court from back then [Basic Law means constitution here], which is in the context of the "war on terror" and 9/11:

Firing authorisation in the Aviation Security Act void

Press Release No. 11/2006 of 15 February 2006

Judgment of 15 February 2006
1 BvR 357/05

§ Article 14(3) of the Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG), which authorises the armed forces to shoot down aircraft intended to be used as weapons against human life, is incompatible with the Basic Law and void. This was decided by the First Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court in a ruling of 15 February 2006, which states that the federal government already lacks the legislative power to regulate this issue. Article 35.2 sentence 2 and 35.3 sentence 1 of the Basic Law, which regulates the deployment of the armed forces in combating natural disasters or particularly serious accidents, does not permit the Federation to deploy the armed forces with specifically military weapons. Furthermore, § 14, Subsection 3, LuftSiG, is not compatible with the fundamental right to life and with the guarantee of human dignity of the Basic Law, insofar as people on board the aircraft who are not involved in the use of armed force are affected by the use of armed force. These people are treated as mere objects because the state uses their killing as a means of saving others; they are thus denied the value that man has for his own sake.

Thus the constitutional complaint of four lawyers, one patent attorney and one aircraft captain, who had directly challenged § 14.3 LuftSiG, was successful (on the facts of the case see press release no. 101/2005 of 17 October 2005).

The decision is essentially based on the following considerations:

1. the federal government lacks the legislative power to enact the regulation of § 14 para. 3 LuftSiG. Admittedly, it does have the right to legislate directly under Article 35.2 sentence 2 and Article 35.3 sentence 1 of the Basic Law for regulations which determine the details of the deployment of the armed forces in combating natural disasters and particularly serious accidents in accordance with these provisions and of the cooperation with the participating Länder. However, the authorisation of the armed forces to act directly on an aircraft with armed force contained in § 14 (3) LuftSiG is not in conformity with Article 35 (2) sentence 2 and (3) GG.

a) However, the incompatibility of § 14 para. 3 LuftSiG with Article 35 para. 2 sentence 2 GG (regional disaster emergency) does not already result from the fact that the operational measure is to be ordered and carried out at a time when a significant air incident has already occurred (hijacking of an aircraft), but the particularly serious accident itself (intended aircraft crash) has not yet occurred. This is because the concept of a particularly serious accident within the meaning of Article 35.2 sentence 2 of the Basic Law also includes events which make it possible to expect the occurrence of a disaster with a probability bordering on certainty. However, the operational measure of direct action on an aircraft by force of arms does not preserve the framework of Article 35.2 sentence 2 of the Basic Law because this provision does not permit combat operations of the armed forces with specifically military weapons in the fight against natural disasters and particularly serious accidents. The "assistance" referred to in Article 35.2 sentence 2 of the Basic Law is granted to the Länder so that they can effectively fulfil the task of coping with natural disasters and particularly serious accidents that is incumbent upon them in the context of averting danger. The orientation towards this task within the area of responsibility of the danger prevention authorities of the Länder necessarily also determines the type of aids that may be used in the deployment of the armed forces for the purpose of providing assistance. They cannot be of a qualitatively different nature than those which are originally available to the police forces of the Länder for the performance of their tasks.

b) Article 14 (3) LuftSiG is also incompatible with Article 35 (3) sentence 1 of the Basic Law. According to this, in the case of a supraregional disaster emergency, only the Federal Government is expressly authorised to deploy the armed forces. The provisions of the Aviation Security Act do not do sufficient justice to this. They provide that the Minister of Defence decides in consultation with the Federal Minister of the Interior if a timely decision by the Federal Government is not possible. In view of the tight time budget, which is generally only available in the present context, the Federal Government is then replaced by an individual minister not only exceptionally but regularly when deciding on the deployment of the armed forces in the event of a supraregional disaster. This makes it clear that measures of the kind standardised in § 14 (3) LuftSiG cannot, as a rule, be dealt with in the way provided for in Article 35 (3) sentence 1 GG.
Moreover, the constitutional framework of Article 35.3 sentence 1 of the Basic Law on defence is exceeded above all because, even in the case of a supra-regional disaster emergency, the deployment of armed forces with typically military weapons is constitutionally not permitted.

2 § 14, paragraph 3 LuftSiG is also incompatible with the right to life (Article 2, paragraph 2, sentence 1 of the Basic Law) in conjunction with the guarantee of human dignity (Article 1, paragraph 1 of the Basic Law), insofar as people on board the aircraft who are not involved in the use of armed force are affected by the use of armed force.

The passengers and crew members exposed to such an operation are in a hopeless situation for them. They can no longer influence their living conditions independently of others in a self-determined manner. This makes them an object not only of the perpetrator. Even the state, which in such a situation resorts to the defensive measures of § 14 (3) LuftSiG, treats them as mere objects of its rescue operations for the protection of others. Such treatment disregards those affected as subjects with dignity and inalienable rights. By using their killing as a means of saving others, they are objectified and at the same time deprived of their rights; by unilaterally disposing of their lives by the state, the passengers of the aircraft, who are themselves in need of protection as victims, are denied the value that humans have for their own sake. Moreover, this happens under circumstances which do not allow us to expect that the actual situation can always be fully understood and correctly assessed at the moment when a decision is to be made on the implementation of an operational measure in accordance with § 14 para. 3 LuftSiG.

Under the validity of Article 1 para. 1 of the Basic Law (guarantee of human dignity), it is simply unimaginable to deliberately kill innocent people who are in such a helpless situation on the basis of a legal authorisation. The assumption that the person who boards an aircraft as a crew member or passenger presumably consents to its being shot down and thus to his or her own killing if it becomes involved in an air incident is an extrinsic fiction. Even the assessment that the people concerned are doomed to death anyway cannot take away the character of an offence against the dignity of these people in the situation described. Human life and human dignity enjoy equal constitutional protection regardless of the duration of the physical existence of the individual human being. The view sometimes expressed that the persons held on board have become part of a weapon and must be treated as such, expresses almost openly the fact that the victims of such an act are no longer perceived as human beings. The idea that the individual is obliged to sacrifice his or her life in the interest of the state as a whole, if only in this way it is possible to protect the legally constituted community from attacks aimed at its collapse and destruction, also leads to no other result. This is because the scope of application of § 14 Para. 3 LuftSiG does not deal with the defence against attacks aimed at the elimination of the community and the destruction of the state legal and civil order. Finally, § 14 para. 3 LuftSiG cannot be justified by the state's duty to protect those against whose lives the aircraft misused as a weapon is to be used. Only such means may be used to fulfil the state's duty to protect that are in accordance with the constitution. This is lacking in the present case.

3 By contrast, § 14, Subsection 3, LuftSiG is compatible with Article 2, Subsection 2, Sentence 1 in conjunction with Article 1, Subsection 1, GG, in so far as the direct effect by force of arms is directed against an unmanned aircraft or exclusively against persons who want to use the aircraft as a weapon against the lives of people on earth. It corresponds to the subject position of the aggressor if the consequences of his self-determined behaviour are personally attributed to him and he is held responsible for the events set in motion by him. The principle of proportionality is also respected. The goal of saving human lives pursued by § 14, Subsection 3, LuftSiG is of such weight that it can justify the serious encroachment on the basic right to life of the offender. The severity of the encroachment on the fundamental right directed against them is further reduced by the fact that the perpetrators themselves have brought about the necessity of state intervention and can avert this intervention at any time by refraining from implementing their criminal plan. Nevertheless, the provision is not valid in this respect either, since the federal government already lacks the legislative competence.

Translated with (free version)
Guys, I'm sorry but my panic levels are starting to elevate. I just need to get all this out!

A few other things

  • Mr Vaccine is now calling this pandemic, Pandemic 1. He expects Pandemic 2 to show up.
  • Mr Vaccine was asked to make a prediction for the next couple of years. He said we will have a bioterrorist attack.
  • I'm starting to get worried a false flag will be initiated relating to covid-19 in the run up to the release of the vaccine.
  • I'm worried by the scenario games that surely must have taken place in all the top think tanks on how to ensure maximum take up on Vaccine. The psychological games are now at an all time high of being effective.
  • Obviously worried about what plans they have with regards us and the economy.
  • At what point will they institute the depopulation plan? You know the climate and environmental freaks amongst the elites are hot on getting population numbers down.
I'm worried we're moving into another defining moment in human history where mass suffering and possibly deaths is about to be unleashed on the citizenry of the planet.

Also obviously there was the weirdness of the UFO declassification video from the US gov.

There's too many volcanoes going off right now.

There's way to many weather events right now.

Plus last but not least there are the rocks in space to think about.

All these stuff doesn't bode well to a peaceful and quiet life!
I don't think it is the bats' 'fault'. They remain flying rodents, and they are not much into genetic engineering. I don't know of any bats that run laboratories. They are more into flying (at night) and doing what ever they do.... Humans, on the other hand.... Well, that's a different kettle of fish.

I don't think it is the bats' fault either. The PTB are just looking for something to blame the COVID-1984 on besides Fort Detrick's biolab.
[QUOTE = "etezete, post: 862414, member: 10676"]
Ich habe es zuerst auf Oliver Janichs Kanal auf YT gehört:
[MEDIA = youtube] -U3OCrHWn2g: 757 [/ MEDIA]

Hier ist ein zusätzliches Dokument aus Oliver Janichs Telegrammkonto. Leider ist das PDF nur in deutscher Sprache. Mein Englisch ist zu schlecht zum Übersetzen. Ich denke, es wäre wichtig, dieses Dokument auch auf Englisch zu lesen. Hier ein kurzer Überblick über das Inhaltsverzeichnis:

Corona Lüge und die biologische Waffe ............................................ ...........................

1. Impfgesetz ............................................. ................................
2. Es gibt kein krankheitsverursachendes Covid-19-Virus
2.1. Existiert das Corona-Virus? Von David Crowe
2.2. Exosomen (Mikrovesikel) anstelle von krankheitsverursachenden Viren
2.3. ViaVetoTV - Corona - Eine epidemische Massenhysterie
2.4. Fehlinterpretationsvirus - Dr. Stefan Lanka (Molekularbiologe und Virologe)
2.5. Spectrum-Magazin - verbreitet sich Covid-19 in der Luft? Es gibt keinerlei Beweis!
2.6. ZDF Markus Lanz (Virologe Streeck kritisiert Maßnahmen von Lanz Corona)
2.7. Die WHO bestätigt keine nachgewiesenen Hinweise auf eine Aerosolübertragung
2.8. Prof. Streeck und Teampilotstudie Heinsberg (keine Übertragung durch Aerosole)
2.9. Warum alles, was Sie über Viren gelernt haben, FALSCH ist
3. Der PCR-Test und seine Fehler
3.1. Der Fluch der PCR-Methode
3.2. Das Geschäft mit den Tests
3.3. Bis zu 80,33 Prozent falsch positive Ergebnisse (unter massivem Druck zurückgezogen)
3.4. PCR-Test (positiv, negativ, wieder positiv - Verwirrung)
3.5. SARS-CoV-2-Assay (Panther Fusion®-System)
3.6. Creative Diagnostics RT-qPCR-Kit
3.7. Corona: Durch diagnostische Tests die Illusion einer Pandemie erzeugen
3.8. International verwendete Corona-Virustests sind instabil
3.9. Covid-19 - Die Plage eines neuen Tests
3.10. Was misst der Test tatsächlich?
3.11. Einige Aussagen aus der Mainstream-Presse
3.12. Der Corona-Virus-Test - Ein pseudowissenschaftliches Roulette?
3.13. Christian Drosten legt seinen eigenen PCR-Test vor
3.14. NewsletterDr.StefanLanka
3.15. Bildbeispiel für PCR
4. Die obligatorische Impfung von Bill Gates
4.1. Bill Gates will Zwangsimpfungen und Biosensoren
4.2. Bill Gates - No longer normal without vaccinations
4.3. ID2020 Alliance: The path to full control
4.4. Bill Gates: we will vaccinate 7 billion people!
5. The new RNA vaccine and the nanoparticles (biological weapon)
5.1. Gene changes due to the new RNA vaccine
5.2. Dangers of the tool CHRISPR (gene changes)
5.3. The change in DNA with the new MRNA vaccine
5.4. The introduction of genetically modified THEN into the body (Dr. Stefan Lanka)
5.5. Another bioweapon would be anthrax
5.6. The dangers of nanoparticles
5.6.1. Nanoparticles: Cute little killers from Vlad Georgescu
5.6.2. Spiegel - Federal Environment Agency warns of nanotechnology
5.6.3. mdr - nanoparticles can cause cancer
5.6.4. Vaccines contaminated with nanoparticles
5.6.5. Gene Drive Files (Scandal)
5.6.6. HELMHOLTZ Center - Vaccination without syringe using nanoparticles 5.6.7. Strong destructive power of cells through nanoparticles
6. Antibody fraud
6.1. The antibody was cheating
6.2. Meaningfulness of a blood test for antibodies
6.3. Circulating antibodies offer no protection from
6.4. Poisoning Increases in Titer - Antibody Error
7. Antibody tests cannot give clear results
7.1. Do circulating antibodies really provide protection? NO!
7.2. Antibody rapid tests only show a sensitivity of 30%
7.3. Immunity questionable? - SARS-CoV-2 antibodies after COVID-19 not always detectable
7.4. Positive test (infected) or (immune) or none at all
7.5. WHO: no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 antibodies mean immunity to COVID-19
7.6. False positive results and other inconsistencies
7.7. 50-85 times more antibodies in humans than expected
7.8. WER: Gültiger positiver Test, obwohl die falsche Sequenz gefunden wurde!
7.9. Zehntausende fehlgeschlagene Tests: peinlicher Rückschlag für Spanien
7.10. Laborärzte warnen vor Schnelltests auf Coronavirus1
7.11. Antikörpertests sind vor Gebrauch kontaminiert

Ich denke, hier in diesem Forum wurde bereits viel aufgedeckt und diskutiert. Trotzdem finde ich dieses Dokument eine gute Zusammenfassung.


  • Corona-Inszenierung – Die Impfung ist die Biowaffe.pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 16
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Attached is courtesy of Google Translate. I do not speak German, so have no clue how accurate this might be.


Please note that the links that make up the table of contents do not work.


  • CoronaProductionGoogleTranslate.docx
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Now however, this is going to affect EVERYONE, so it is possible that all those who have sat on the sidelines of this battle, will now have a personal reason to get involved. So we may start seeing a lot more resistance, possibly in the form of legal challenges etc. I am definitely hearing from several people who had zero interest in the vaccine debate now expressing serious reservations about submitting to a vaccine, especially one that is fast tracked. Even those who were very pro vaccine are having second thoughts and there may well be a backlash.

After we have been at home for 3 weeks and now we are back to work I was shocked how people changed while being locked up.
We never had any deeper conversation about vaccination or something similar ( I work with 14 people ) although one of
my friend knows my 13 yr doughter is unvaccinated .. They used to make stupid fun of me as health fanatic etc..

But for the last few days they started to talk how they saw documentaries about vaccinations (and many other topics that until now were reserved only for us - conspiracy theorist ) while being at home and how that is obviusly complete dissaster.
And now they are so shocked and scared for what they did to their children.
And that there is no way they would vaccinate further more and especcialy for Covid.
One girl even started to cry while we were having coffe - said 'I would rather die then let them put that vaccine and chip in me'..
So.... I think this all informations we share on Fb and elsewhere still do make some change. Maybe even bigger then we think
This was a stunning video. They developed a plan years ago for worldwide quarantines, curfews, masks, temperature checks. And their plan called for continuing the control over people even after the pandemic faded. The report was titled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Below are links to the documents they refer to:
The Scenarios for the Future of Technology ...
National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974
The patent related to the Ebola virus
The patent publication is from a page, War On We The People, #1 News Resource This pages promotes the work on Dr. Leonard Horowitz

In the Rockefeller think tank scenario from 2010. The text about scenario reads like a movie script and talks about 2012 as being in the past. In the video they refer to page 18. From reading that, one has a very good idea of what this is about and it is clear what the expectations are - more control. One notices that in this scenario 8 million die in seven months, 300,000 per week, but still they take the strict measures that bring about a collapse of the world society as if not minding that in the same time there would be a net growth of at least 1 million per week. Today, there is a net growth of 1.5 million per week and if 300,000 extra would die per week this would still mean 1.2 million more people.
LOCK STEP Scenario Narratives
A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain—originating from wild geese—was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.

The pandemic blanketed the planet—though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter postpandemic recovery.

China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems—from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty—leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.

At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth. [...]
By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them.
In the scenarios they only expect serious push back in developing countries to happen after more than ten years. Is that realistic? That speaks a lot for the opinion the script writers have of the docility of the common people.
I'm 8 pages behind but i wanted to share something.

Someone from this forum posted this video today on facebook:

This is a video worth sharing in my opinion. Not all of my FB friends speak or understand english so i tranlated the video into german.
Here is the english transcript in case you want to translate it into your language and share it with others.
Maybe a native speaker can take a look at it and make corrections to the grammar.


The german translation is not very good although i tried it with deepl but it is better than nothing.

Thank you
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