So, now is 2 weeks before new elections in Croatia
And now is few days after those elections. The turn out was 46% of total voters. And out of that 46% who voted 43% said that the RETARDS who are responsible for the IDIOTIC convid measures are the smartest politicians that Croatia can muster. Not a thing has changed here and it IS painfully obvious that an intelligent and smart individual is currently NOT WANTED in this country. Which makes complete sense when you know who is doing it and that the reason for it is that Croatia is being sold to foreigners.
Atleast we now know that I.Pernar is most probably controlled opposition... thankfully he didnt get his seat in the parliament for the second time. So sorry for posting videos with him at the begining of this thread.
The only guy that managed to surprise me was Nino Raspudic, a professor from The University of Philosophy who decided to get into politics. Whats funny is that he did it with his wife and she (she has completely different political agenda than him) got 1% more votes than him lolz...

So it is no wonder to now see that msm is almost 100% succesfull with managing brainwashing most of the population that wearing cancer inducing masks is necessary. Whats crazy I even "felt good" about it! Hows that possible you might ask?
Well, the other day when I had to go to the court-house for some crapy legal procedenig I have to endure, I saw how ALL the lawyers and judges (who are top agents of destruction of Croatia seeing as how they are doing their jobs) are wearing them for their entire working day or as long as they are in the court-house. I imagined all the judges and lawyers getting cancers and realising that they have been scamed into doing it to themselves. What a movie that would make... Or an excellent sketch in some dark comedy show.

I must add that the judge (60year old woman who barely has meat on her skeleton and very sunken eyes) spent more time talking about how bad this virus is, that she suspects bio-warfare and that some countries from middle east and Afghanistan are responsible because they have no corona infections (LOLZ!!!!) and how Americans have possibly done this and that and how Trump is actually the sheriff of America and that OH NO he could get elected again...... I was "slightly" surprised she was talking so much about it and kept quiet for 5 minutes while she talked it out with the lawyer opposite to me, who also seemed a bit surprised at her discourse. But she kept on with how the second wave will be 10times worse and its better that I make a private agreement with this lawyer if I want to have this issue resolved in this year because the courts will probably again be closed to public because of the 2nd wave that will surely come sooner than later (she struck me as mentally unstable and full of fear)... so the "devil" in me didnt want to stay silent (stupid I know) and at last I added that I have seen at least 5 reports that corona deaths were faked and even bought. And that Wuhan and north of Italy, where most deaths happened had 5G covering. And why hasnt she mentioned China at all hahah... It was when the procedure was already over and we were getting ready to exit so she droped her gaze to the mountain of un-resolved cases on her desk and for the first time fell completely silent, it almost seemed like the stuff I said switched her off... All in all quite disturbing what an average judge in Croatia is thinking like but not surprising when its a fact that vast majority of judges ARE the 5th column in Croatia. Lawyer association in Croatia is way worse than any illegal criminal syndicate you can imagine!

I was dealing with this awfull image and trying to eradicate the vile court-house energy for three full days after it. I thought that it would be easy but it turned out to be a hard task.

Im also starting to think that Hindus got it right and that we are living in a Kali Yuga time cycle.
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There is ONE good thing about mask, and perhaps the bandana is the best. It keeps you from touching, scratching your nose, face while shopping. This face touching is truly a vector of contact from surface-to-you. The bandana that hangs loosely and you breath freely is best. Back before the fascist-woketards took over, they were urging constant handwashing, etc.
There is so much wrong with mandatory masks that I will not entertain supposed positive aspects of mandatory masks. Reducing oxygen to dangerous levels, increasing carbon dioxide to dangerous levels, impairing social engagement.
There is ONE good thing about mask, and perhaps the bandana is the best. It keeps you from touching, scratching your nose, face while shopping. This face touching is truly a vector of contact from surface-to-you. The bandana that hangs loosely and you breath freely is best. Back before the fascist-woketards took over, they were urging constant handwashing, etc.
I don't think there is anything good about the masks, but I use a bandana. Mostly because I already use it on humid buggy days I go fishing. I refuse to make my child wear any sort of mask.

So I've been playing a stupid little game for two days now. I just wear the bandana around my neck. I pull it over my nose when I walk in somewhere and immediately back around the neck.

Half of the employees don't wear a mask around the nose it's very hot and humid here. So I go talk to these employees and put the mask over my nose.

They will immediately put their mask over their nose. After a minute I pull my bandana around my neck then they usually take it off their nose. I basically then try to get them to move their mask enough to take it off (without ever mentioning it). I've gotten some to take it off. No one has called me out on this yet (my wife says no one will because I look crazy lol). I guess I've been pretty bored lately.
There is so much wrong with mandatory masks that I will not entertain supposed positive aspects of mandatory masks. Reducing oxygen to dangerous levels, increasing carbon dioxide to dangerous levels, impairing social engagement.

Open minded I see. I think mask are particularly stupid hill to die on when so much other evil is being spread unchallenged. We were baited and fell for it. The cowardly, obedient type see the mask-droppers as foolish, not sound reasoning defenders of liberty. It is we who lost that game of chess, and now stand surprised and agog at the recent events. Perhaps a little game theory would have gone a long way. Right now look around, we are the losers in the game.
Open minded I see. I think mask are particularly stupid hill to die on when so much other evil is being spread unchallenged. We were baited and fell for it. The cowardly, obedient type see the mask-droppers as foolish, not sound reasoning defenders of liberty. It is we who lost that game of chess, and now stand surprised and agog at the recent events. Perhaps a little game theory would have gone a long way. Right now look around, we are the losers in the game.
The fact that the lemmings are rushing towards the cliff and we stop to question things does not make us losers. Matter of perspective.
Question of forum protocol: I have awarded angry "likes" when the content has made me "angry," not the person posting. Is that correct usage?

It is. I have done the same thing and I have seen others do it as well! For instance when I post an article reporting what kind of draconian and totalitarian measures have been implemented in the Netherlands I attract angry "likes". We use it in the same way we award hearts or laughing and shocked "likes".

It's not the same as the 'dislike' thingy!
Open minded I see. I think mask are particularly stupid hill to die on when so much other evil is being spread unchallenged. We were baited and fell for it. The cowardly, obedient type see the mask-droppers as foolish, not sound reasoning defenders of liberty. It is we who lost that game of chess, and now stand surprised and agog at the recent events. Perhaps a little game theory would have gone a long way. Right now look around, we are the losers in the game.

I know that I cannot convince the mask wearers of anything. They either believe the BS (or don't, but are going along for convenience). I could go along for convenience, but that doesn't sit well with me. If I wear the mask now and people see it, then when the next thing comes along (like a vaccine), they'll say, "Hey, you wore the mask with no problem, so just take the vaccine. It's for everyone's good!"

I admit I do have the advantage of being able to work from home, so I am not forced to wear a mask for work. Not wearing a mask for other purposes such as shopping, is an easy choice for me. But for those who want to , that's each person's choice. No problem for me.
I have to wonder what on earth is going on in people's minds when I see a person getting into his car and putting on a mask prior to driving off in his vehicle, by himself..... with a mask on....and a person out exercising with a mask on. Are these people suffering from oxygen deprivation?

The Premier and his team are a bunch of idiots. But at least they have an excuse, they're politicians!
No, they are just conformists to whatever the flavour of the season is. There are still few normal people who see through the BS and not liking this lockdown one bit. Its funny that people who still have jobs are mostly the ones believing the govt. propaganda and blaming others for not maintaining social distancing etc.

This new lockdown is going to destroy a lot of small businesses such as cafes and restaurants which had somehow survived the main lockdown and now re-stocked supplies to cater for demand. There is also the lockdown fatigue which is making everyone very angsty and there are statements being heard in courts no less that covid is fake or a govt conspiracy, lockdowns are illegal etc. Things are getting very interesting in this part of world and we are keeping our eyes and ears to the ground.
Thank you for this information.

Some countries are looking to FORCE treatment on people who test positive

So maybe when this monoclonal antibodies are introduced for covid in time for autumn, in a lot of places, people who test positive will be forced by law to take this drug and they won't have a choice.

So it doesn't matter if you refuse vaccine, they are coming up with multiple ways to get you with a Frankenstein drug.

They are getting desperate and doubling down on their efforts.

They are essentially creating a system where they are getting the public to accept that we don't own our own bodies.

This is a dystopian future they are making and we're sleep walking into it. We're being made to lose autonomy of our own bodies.

There is a lot of incomprehensibility with this "vaccine" on antibodies. The existing drugs on monoclonal antibodies are quite expensive ($ 300-500 $ per injection) and they need to be injected REGULAR (once every 2 weeks, once every 1-2 months - the scheme depends on the drug) for SEVERAL YEARS. If you stop injecting, then the immune system will again begin to work at 100% (to produce antibodies, T-lymphocytes). Even if injections are done regularly, sooner or later the immune system will realize (adapt) that it is being "tricked". And then the medicine will cease to function. Then they take a new drug (there are already several dozen of them on the market) with a slightly different mechanism of action, and everything starts anew (a new course of treatment) until the immune system again "understands" that it was deceived.

In fact, all these drugs with monoclonal antibodies do not cure the disease, they only give a small remission while you are taking them. This is a kind of legalized drug addiction, which is beneficial only to pharmaceutical companies. They sell you a "dose."
It's interesting how only after a couple of months after the lockdowns our experts have started to say some common sense facts:

When asked why curfew was not introduced, she answered:

- This type of ban made sense at the moment of the first upward trend, when we wanted to protect the oldest and most endangered citizens. {and now they do not want to protect them?!} It is certain that the epidemic will last and that we will have to fight covid-19 for a long time. The disease has overcome health issues.

What, she believes, would give the most effect is if we were all quarantined for 14 days, but that is not sustainable.

When asked if there is a possibility to introduce a curfew, she states that any imprisonment under 14 days does not give results.

- Measures of isolated days in quarantine do not give long-term effects, short-term if you want to achieve something - get respirators and equipment, she states and explains that this was done at the beginning of the epidemic when that measure was necessary.

Trust the experts, they say. :rolleyes:

I am no expert, but I'll say this again: You cannot stop this virus. Not with lockdowns, not with testing, not with masks.
Really good video. Shows how this whole pandemic has been planned and executed by the WHO. Gives a lot of detail on the Global Preparedness treaty that was signed by most countries in 2005, and created the infrastructure in all the countries to do what they are doing now. It's long, but informative IMHO

I killed this virus astrally - looked/looks like a purpley snowflakey 2dimensional thing - sorry for running off guys - sometimes you don't know who is a demon and who isn't. So I destroyed it and it blew up like a "firework". That was like 2 months ago (4th of july!?)! Deep-state cabal has/had to go down and now I know it's disappeared! (2008-2020 - COVID = A SEASONAL FLU FOR NON-ADRENOCHROME JUNKIES)
This video went viral in Germany, and has been deleted on various channels, but this version alone has half a million views - plus countless views on other platforms, of the deleted vids etc.

No wonder, it's the absolute best, most comprehensive and eloquent refutation of the whole Covid nonsense I've seen so far. Not surprisingly, the guy was attacked and his university was pressured into excluding him (he is a student) - thankfully, this hasn't happened yet. It's in German unfortunately, but I hope it will be translated eventually:

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