So it doesn't matter if you refuse vaccine, they are coming up with multiple ways to get you with a Frankenstein drug.

They are getting desperate and doubling down on their efforts.

They are essentially creating a system where they are getting the public to accept that we don't own our own bodies.

This is a dystopian future they are making and we're sleep walking into it. We're being made to lose autonomy of our own bodies.
Yesterday i listened to the latest Objective:Health show on SOTT, which deals with the PTB now being able to track any food (and put inot it god-knows-what) and how they would like to implement this for all foods all over the world and that there seems no escaping. At the end, i think it's Erika, she says that there will always be ways around those situations so one can escape them, that one has to be crafty and creative in order to avoid them. I think that goes for the vaccine - and frankendrugs-situation here too.

I came through an article from the AIMSIB (International Association for a Scientific Independent and Caring Medicine).
This one is interesting as it points out the decrease of infant death during lockdown.
They are precautious about their assumption but it seems that there is an evident correlation between vaccinations dropping during lock down and the decrease of infant death especially under one year old age.

Has Covid containment reduced the number of unexpected infant deaths? - AIMSIB

One can imagine, for example, that a more constant presence of adults around infants might have allowed more "catching up" of serious discomfort, as we must remember, on the other hand, that many voices have been raised to denounce the increase in intra-family violence against the most fragile of families during confinement, with babies (shaken) in mind, and who could have drawn the statistics in the opposite direction, then?

In France, it occurred that because of the lockdown, vaccines administrations have been considerably reduced.
In total around 167 000 doses of pediatric vaccines haven't been delivered in 9 weeks.

As you can imagine, during these 9 weeks of study, the distribution of medicines and health products was significantly disrupted for almost all therapeutic classes, but look at what corresponds to the two vaccines that we are primarily concerned with, hexa/pentavalent and MMR, strangely enough the case of the meningitis vaccines Pneumo-23© and Meningitec© is not mentioned here:

Translated :
Vaccine deliveries decreased in week 12, 13, 14 (first three weeks of lock down) and did not increase thereafter. In week 19 the drop was -5.6% for penta/hexavalent infant vaccines, -43% for HPV vaccines, -16% for MMR, -48% for tetanus vaccines (Figure 13); The number of vaccines not carried out over the entire 8 weeks of confinement and to be caught up reached respectively for these 4 products 44,000 infants for penta/hexavalent vaccines of 3 to 18 months of age, 90,000 people of all ages for HPV vaccines, 123,000 for MMR and 450,000 for tetanus vaccines intended for booster doses for children, adolescents and adults.

Translated with

As they concluded, if the phenomenon is highlighted in other locked down countries, it would be difficult not to see the evidence...
Again, as C's said "They will go too far as usual and all will come crashing down."
It's a matter of patience.

The source of this article comes from another one titled Lessons from the Lockdown ;-)
Full lockdown here in Melbourne from tonight for next 6 weeks. Back to stage 3 restrictions which means we can only be out for the usual 4 reasons - grabbing groceries, takeaways, going into work if remote work impossible, hospital visit and/or a quick jog nearby. Cannot have guests at home and gatherings limited to 2.
On a brighter note, plenty of people out and about right now trying to have their last minute of fun.
I have to wonder what on earth is going on in people's minds when I see a person getting into his car and putting on a mask prior to driving off in his vehicle, by himself..... with a mask on....and a person out exercising with a mask on. Are these people suffering from oxygen deprivation?

The Premier and his team are a bunch of idiots. But at least they have an excuse, they're politicians!
So on one hand they are pushing for making the vaccines mandatory, while setting it up to be a recurring theme, just the way they tried with the Flu vaccine:

Well, the 'protection' lasts until you get re-exposed, then the resulting cytokine storm (much like anaphylaxis) will kill you. I guess you could say that's how it's meant to work. Now, all they have to do is get people to line up for it!
@biuta just curious why you responded to this with an ‘angry’ emoji?
Because I think the post on Twitter was a setup to measure public opinion. I was not angry at you or your post, but at these types of scams. Interesting that Twitter might take down all kinds of messages for violation of guidelines, but they don't have a simple check for someone who tries to impersonate the President?
There is ONE good thing about mask, and perhaps the bandana is the best. It keeps you from touching, scratching your nose, face while shopping. This face touching is truly a vector of contact from surface-to-you. The bandana that hangs loosely and you breath freely is best. Back before the fascist-woketards took over, they were urging constant handwashing, etc.
Sheriff Calls Gov. Inslee An "Idiot," Declares "No crisis should ever violate a citizen’s liberty or God-given rights"
Klickitat County Washington Sheriff Bob Songer said:
Governor Inslee’s orders pertaining to public gatherings or businesses operating in violation of his orders in my opinion is a violation of our citizens’ constitutional rights under the First Amendment, Second Amendment, and other Amendments of the US Constitution and Washington State Constitution.

Not allowing citizens to attend church or firearm dealers to conduct business is a violation of the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, but the Governor has no problem allowing marijuana shops to stay open for business.

As Sheriff I will uphold our citizens’ constitutional rights and liberties and will NOT ENFORCE Governor Inslee’s COVID-19 Proclamation Orders on public gatherings and non-essential businesses.

No crisis should ever violate a citizen’s liberty or God-given rights under our US Constitution or Washington State Constitution.
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