And now is few days after those elections. The turn out was 46% of total voters. And out of that 46% who voted 43% said that the RETARDS who are responsible for the IDIOTIC convid measures are the smartest politicians that Croatia can muster. Not a thing has changed here and it IS painfully obvious that an intelligent and smart individual is currently NOT WANTED in this country. Which makes complete sense when you know who is doing it and that the reason for it is that Croatia is being sold to foreigners.So, now is 2 weeks before new elections in Croatia
There is so much wrong with mandatory masks that I will not entertain supposed positive aspects of mandatory masks. Reducing oxygen to dangerous levels, increasing carbon dioxide to dangerous levels, impairing social engagement.There is ONE good thing about mask, and perhaps the bandana is the best. It keeps you from touching, scratching your nose, face while shopping. This face touching is truly a vector of contact from surface-to-you. The bandana that hangs loosely and you breath freely is best. Back before the fascist-woketards took over, they were urging constant handwashing, etc.
I don't think there is anything good about the masks, but I use a bandana. Mostly because I already use it on humid buggy days I go fishing. I refuse to make my child wear any sort of mask.There is ONE good thing about mask, and perhaps the bandana is the best. It keeps you from touching, scratching your nose, face while shopping. This face touching is truly a vector of contact from surface-to-you. The bandana that hangs loosely and you breath freely is best. Back before the fascist-woketards took over, they were urging constant handwashing, etc.
There is so much wrong with mandatory masks that I will not entertain supposed positive aspects of mandatory masks. Reducing oxygen to dangerous levels, increasing carbon dioxide to dangerous levels, impairing social engagement.
The fact that the lemmings are rushing towards the cliff and we stop to question things does not make us losers. Matter of perspective.Open minded I see. I think mask are particularly stupid hill to die on when so much other evil is being spread unchallenged. We were baited and fell for it. The cowardly, obedient type see the mask-droppers as foolish, not sound reasoning defenders of liberty. It is we who lost that game of chess, and now stand surprised and agog at the recent events. Perhaps a little game theory would have gone a long way. Right now look around, we are the losers in the game.
Question of forum protocol: I have awarded angry "likes" when the content has made me "angry," not the person posting. Is that correct usage?
Open minded I see. I think mask are particularly stupid hill to die on when so much other evil is being spread unchallenged. We were baited and fell for it. The cowardly, obedient type see the mask-droppers as foolish, not sound reasoning defenders of liberty. It is we who lost that game of chess, and now stand surprised and agog at the recent events. Perhaps a little game theory would have gone a long way. Right now look around, we are the losers in the game.
No, they are just conformists to whatever the flavour of the season is. There are still few normal people who see through the BS and not liking this lockdown one bit. Its funny that people who still have jobs are mostly the ones believing the govt. propaganda and blaming others for not maintaining social distancing etc.I have to wonder what on earth is going on in people's minds when I see a person getting into his car and putting on a mask prior to driving off in his vehicle, by himself..... with a mask on....and a person out exercising with a mask on. Are these people suffering from oxygen deprivation?
The Premier and his team are a bunch of idiots. But at least they have an excuse, they're politicians!
Thank you for this information.
Some countries are looking to FORCE treatment on people who test positive
Forced hospitalization: Italy could 'section' people who refuse treatment for Covid-19
Italy's health minister has proposed "sectioning" people who refuse hospital treatment for Covid-19 and has suspended flights from Bangladesh as the southern European country grapples with several new coronavirus outbreaks. The potential
So maybe when this monoclonal antibodies are introduced for covid in time for autumn, in a lot of places, people who test positive will be forced by law to take this drug and they won't have a choice.
So it doesn't matter if you refuse vaccine, they are coming up with multiple ways to get you with a Frankenstein drug.
They are getting desperate and doubling down on their efforts.
They are essentially creating a system where they are getting the public to accept that we don't own our own bodies.
This is a dystopian future they are making and we're sleep walking into it. We're being made to lose autonomy of our own bodies.
When asked why curfew was not introduced, she answered:
- This type of ban made sense at the moment of the first upward trend, when we wanted to protect the oldest and most endangered citizens. {and now they do not want to protect them?!} It is certain that the epidemic will last and that we will have to fight covid-19 for a long time. The disease has overcome health issues.
What, she believes, would give the most effect is if we were all quarantined for 14 days, but that is not sustainable.
When asked if there is a possibility to introduce a curfew, she states that any imprisonment under 14 days does not give results.
- Measures of isolated days in quarantine do not give long-term effects, short-term if you want to achieve something - get respirators and equipment, she states and explains that this was done at the beginning of the epidemic when that measure was necessary.
Doktorka Kisić dala objašnjenje: Ovo su glavni razlozi zašto u Beogradu NIJE UVEDEN policijski čas
Mere važe samo za teritoriju Beograda, ali odluke se, prema njenim rečima, donose u odnosu na aktuelnu epidemiološku situaciju, pa o merama odlučuju lokalne