Henry Ford health study finds hydroxychloroquine to be effective against COVID-19
Published by the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan, the study used a large-scale retrospective analysis of patients examined between March 10 and May 2. It looked at more than 2,500 hospitalized patients across Henry Ford’s six area hospitals, evaluating how hydroxychloroquine affected patients.
The results don't show hydroxychloroquine to be a miracle cure. Whether or not that's due to the parameters used in treatment (e.g., no zinc), it still shows hydroxychloroquine to be useful. As people have gotten sick, and perhaps will in future waves, it's good to take stock of all possible beneficial treatments. The Vaccinators (cue horror music theme) are trying to discredit anything that will cut into their profits and control. Any little bit of news to counter that seems good.
What jumped out at me is that it seems quite advanced and expensive that it makes me question why essentially they are rolling out nuclear tech so to speak to deal with a pathogen that can easily be contained and controlled by cheaper stuff where adverse effects are better understood e.g. hydroxychloroquine etc.
You know that they're not interested in helping people.

What is it they call Australia again? The Lucky Country?
Prison colony?
Some interesting information on toxicity of monoclonic antibody therapy.

Adverse effects read like something off a horror movie and they all stem from injecting the body with a foreign protein.

I'd recommend listening to this, though the context is in the treatment of cancer.

Basically don't take anything Bill Gates recommends is what I'm finding.
New therapeutic on the way.... He name dropped monoclonal antibodies. These are synthetic man made antibodies injected into your body. He's super excited about them. Interviewer cut him short on this - watch at 8.08. WE NEED TO LOOK INTO THESE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES. What in the devil are they cooking up!?!?!?!? (these are coming in before the vaccine!!)
Monoclonal antibody-based drugs have been used since the late 1990s (Remicade and others). Now this is the main treatment for, for example, autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing arthritis, psoriasis and many others).
In short, such drugs are administered to the patient (injections or via a dropper) and they, when they enter the body, “Block” part of the human immune (protective) system (production of antibodies, T-lymphocytes). This is the main "minus" of such drugs: they make a person more vulnerable to many infections (tuberculosis and others), because your immune system does not work 100%, but 70% -80%.

  • States monoclonal technology has been around since the 80s.
  • Adverse effects not well known.
  • They can be used as a stop-gap until a vaccine is found
  • Various companies already in clinical trials - she says these drugs will most likely be used on vulnerable people i.e. health workers, old people etc.

Hello SOTTREADER, thanks for your information, the Monoclonal Antibodies, somehow alarm me for dangerous substance.
Maybe because the name is similar to Monoatomic gold that designed to make entire race of beings into hypnotic states.
And the question is why they like to uses on vulnerable people? That is more suspicious.
The Cs information below are, I had posted elsewhere but I am post here again.
Then more people likely to know and be aware that how dangerous to take any so-called miracle drugs.

September 12, 1995

Q: (L) OK, now, let's ask real quick, this David Hudson tape, about what he calls the Philosopher's Stone. What is this substance that David Hudson has discovered? We watched the video about it; I'm sure you guys watched it with us, so, what is this stuff?

A: Watch developments there only from a distance.

Q: (L) Is taking this substance [monoatomic gold] as he is talking about, is it dangerous, as I kind of think it is?

A: Possibly.

Q: (L) Did Adolph Hitler take this kind of powder, or something similar?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Could this powder be utilized to transform a person to a very positive entity doing great good? I just don't think it's right.

A: Or could it be utilized to transform an entire race of beings into hypnotic submission!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: April 25th 2010

Q: (Rabelais) Is there any medical benefit to taking MMS?

A: None. It is dangerous in the extreme.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there some reason this MMS is so popular in terms of controlling people, like with monoatomic gold, or does it just destroy their physiology?

A: Simple destruction and induced illness .

October 22, 2008
Q: (L) Well, what about his product that he markets, this "Magneurol", that's supposed to make you super-psychic? Is there anything to that?

A: Sure... It makes you susceptible to microwave and other transmissions and your brain can literally light up like landing lights!

Q: (L) Landing lights? Like something is going to land there?

A: You got it!

Q: (Simon) Does it make people identifiable to 4D or some alien race or species or...?

A: That is not the main purpose. It attracts those entities that seek certain "experiences."

Q: (L) In other words, say earth-bound spirits "land" on these people or connect to them because of this Magneurol and induce them to seek out or desire or want the kinds of activities that Pepin promotes behind the scenes? Is that what you're suggesting?

A: Pretty much
Monoclonal antibody-based drugs have been used since the late 1990s (Remicade and others). Now this is the main treatment for, for example, autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing arthritis, psoriasis and many others).
In short, such drugs are administered to the patient (injections or via a dropper) and they, when they enter the body, “Block” part of the human immune (protective) system (production of antibodies, T-lymphocytes). This is the main "minus" of such drugs: they make a person more vulnerable to many infections (tuberculosis and others), because your immune system does not work 100%, but 70% -80%.
From treatments for cancer to the flu, it seems the goal is to destroy our immune systems. Might as well put nutrition in there too. There also are the assaults on our minds. I think that Blavatsky once referred to Earth itself as Avīci.
Australian immunologist, Sir Gustav Nossal discovered monoclonal antibodies - he was knighted for that discovery. His description is that "one cell of the human body always manufactures only one antibody", and I found that odd at the time since he was also promoting polyvalent vaccines like MMR. If a cell can only produce one antibody at a time, why would you think it's a good idea to introduce more than one immune challenge at a time? He admit in this 2011 interview that he was working for [drum roll] Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther on Thursday followed Dayton’s Nan Whaley and Bexley Mayor Ben Kessler in making masks mandatory in public to help check the spread of coronavirus.
The morons on City Council have upped the stakes for noncompliance:
The Columbus City Council unanimously added fines to Mayor Andrew J. Ginther’s mask mandate that took effect Friday.

After first getting a warning, individuals not wearing masks while inside businesses and in certain outdoor circumstances will face a $25 fine for each infraction. Businesses will face fines of $500 for a second violation and then $1,000 for each subsequent violation.

“This is to signal the seriousness of this issue to our public,” council President Shannon Hardin said after the unanimous vote Monday evening. “To the folks that may think these are slight suggestions, that’s not what this is.

“If you are out in public and you cannot stay within 6 feet from another person, then you must have a mask on,” Hardin said. “This legislation will give the Health Department the authority that they need to keep us all safe.”
The Columbus City Council added a requirement to Ginther’s mask order to wear them in “any outdoor space or outdoor place where or when a person is unable to maintain or does not maintain physical separation of not less than 6 feet” from others who are not members of their household.
Ginther, in announcing his mask order last week, said police wouldn’t stop anyone violating his order, nor would the city Health Department go into restaurants or bars to enforce it, saying, “We cannot enforce our way to success.”

George Speaks, deputy Public Safety director, told council members that police officers would work to enforce the “intent and the letter” of the new ordinance. The ordinance “directed” the Health Department to enforce the new rules.

What a bunch of petty tyrants i.e. sh*ts! I wonder how Dr. Pam Popper will respond to these fines - don't think she'll be fine with them!
Interesting that the Health Dept. has been tasked with enforcement - are they going to troll the malls and parks for offenders? Or are they too busy following up on remdesivir outcomes?
COLUMBUS – The Ohio Department of Health (ODH), and the Ohio Hospital Association (OHA), have worked together to distribute remdesivir across Ohio that was received from the federal government on Tuesday, May 12.

The Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA), has issued an Emergency Use Authorization for remdesivir to allow it to be administered to patients. It is currently being studied in treatment of COVID-19 in clinical trials and has been found to shorten the duration of disease from 15 to 11 days in patients being treated in-patient hospital settings.

Ohio has received an allotment of 20 cases of remdesivir which is estimated for about 100 patients. How to distribute the drug was decided by the clinical leaders of the geographic zones that were created to help Ohio with this pandemic response. (link to map) The decision makers within each zone consisted of clinicians, pharmacists, public health officials, policymakers, ethicists and other health disciplines that helped with the allocation amount to specific hospitals. The decision was based on the percentage of mechanically ventilated patients; which deems them to have the highest severity level.
Individual hospitals will be responsible for using clinical justification on distribution of the medication to specific patients. Whenever, the number of patients in need of remdesivir exceeds the supply of the medication, hospitals will use internal processes appropriate for the allocation of scarce resources.

Remdesivir is an investigational medication. While clinical trials indicate that the use of remdesivir has shortened the recovery time for some coronavirus patients, it has not yet been approved by the FDA as a treatment for COVID-19. The EUA and use of remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19 is only due to the nature of the pandemic, the impact it has had on the population, and the fact that there is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the emergency use of remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19.

The online Dispatch had this as the lead article which makes me think that maybe the Council's action was overstepping:
Local law-enforcement officials don’t anticipate major crackdown on maskless central Ohioans

Local officials said enforcement of such mandates likely will focus more on educating residents about the importance of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Technically, you could be cited, fined and maybe even arrested, depending on the circumstances, for refusing to wear a mask in Franklin County and other areas where state or local orders require facial coverings.

But local officials said enforcement of such mandates likely will focus more on educating residents about the importance of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“We’re not going to solely arrest somebody because of a mask issue,” Chief Deputy Jim Gilbert of the Franklin County sheriff’s office said Wednesday, hours before state orders requiring facial coverings in public settings in Franklin County took effect.

“But we’re going to ask for compliance verbally. We’re going to do all that we can do to de-escalate the situation and hopefully just educate the person and send them on their way (and) possibly provide them with a mask that they can take with them.”

Oh, I don't know - maybe if we all start wearing these, we can totally defeat the Covid menace:


I'm seriously contemplating making one of these but with more clever commentary -
  • John Hopkins approved?
  • Stupid is as stupid does?
  • Official Columbus City Council member?
  • Why be a brown shirt when you can be a brown bag?
  • The greener choice in paper masks even though it's brown?
  • Nine out of ten doctors approve paper bag over paper mask?
  • Dr. Fauci unapproved as he doesn't own the patent?
  • Sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?
  • Breathable brown bag beats suffocation?
  • Secret Virtue Signaling Celebrity?
  • Brown Lives Matter?
  • If you can't beat 'em, join 'em?
  • I'd Social Distance, but I can hardly see?
  • I wouldn't get near me either?
I wonder if I should show up to the next Westerville Tea Party meeting in one of these sporting M.A.G.A.?

I can imagine a large group in these mounting a protest against freedom restricting/liberty killing health mandates. If only.
Monoclonal antibody-based drugs have been used since the late 1990s (Remicade and others). Now this is the main treatment for, for example, autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing arthritis, psoriasis and many others).
In short, such drugs are administered to the patient (injections or via a dropper) and they, when they enter the body, “Block” part of the human immune (protective) system (production of antibodies, T-lymphocytes). This is the main "minus" of such drugs: they make a person more vulnerable to many infections (tuberculosis and others), because your immune system does not work 100%, but 70% -80%.

Thank you for this information.

Some countries are looking to FORCE treatment on people who test positive

So maybe when this monoclonal antibodies are introduced for covid in time for autumn, in a lot of places, people who test positive will be forced by law to take this drug and they won't have a choice.

So it doesn't matter if you refuse vaccine, they are coming up with multiple ways to get you with a Frankenstein drug.

They are getting desperate and doubling down on their efforts.

They are essentially creating a system where they are getting the public to accept that we don't own our own bodies.

This is a dystopian future they are making and we're sleep walking into it. We're being made to lose autonomy of our own bodies.
In this video, this guy states that 95% of covid cases are self-healing i.e. don't require medical intervention.

He says that testing for covid before clinical symptoms show up has no advantage because we don't yet know if the case will progress to show clinical features or if they'll self heal.

Tying this up with the above post, they could possibly end up forcing people to be medicated by potentially dangerous drugs when their case of covid would never have developed to a point where they had clinical symptoms and needed medical intervention. I guess their justification is that you're still contagious!!!

In addition, in a lot of expert opinion, they say the vaccine won't necessarily stop people from getting infected with covid but it'll decrease or stop people from getting clinical symptoms.

That means that people who get vaccinated will probably still test positive for corona as they'd still get infected. So are they going to say that people are still contagious if they test positive if they've had a vaccine? What then?

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