Theoretical basis of monoclonic antibodies

Little interview from a company developing a drug based on this technology

On the face of it, doesn't sound like this technology is as insidious as the DNA or mRNA ones however, haven't seen the side effects expounded on.

What jumped out at me is that it seems quite advanced and expensive that it makes me question why essentially they are rolling out nuclear tech so to speak to deal with a pathogen that can easily be contained and controlled by cheaper stuff where adverse effects are better understood e.g. hydroxychloroquine etc.

  • States monoclonal technology has been around since the 80s.
  • Adverse effects not well known.
  • They can be used as a stop-gap until a vaccine is found
  • Various companies already in clinical trials - she says these drugs will most likely be used on vulnerable people i.e. health workers, old people etc.
Sounds like they are too impatient to wait to get the vaccine out there, so while they’re waiting they’ll sell/force this other kind of dangerous junk to people, and make even more money. As they say in the video they don’t have to use time consuming trials as with vaccines, how wonderful!
Extreme, sadistic, pointless measures taken in Melbourne, Australia. :-( I'm not sure how recent this is though.

That's happened within the last week. There are stories of the residents of the towers being given sausage rolls in plastic bags and not enough to last them for one day. Mothers trying to get milk for their children, and others looking after the elderly running out of supplies. Another mother who has a premature baby in hospital can't get out to see it. Community members organised food donations, only to have them taken away by the State Emergency Service. It's all just so freaking cruel.

Then there's Pauline Hansons rant about it that saw her axed from Channel 9's Today Show after comments like:

“They are actually getting paid extra money. Why are they getting paid extra money? For what? They are not leaving the premises.”

Senator Hanson went on to say that an inability to speak English had led to the led to the towers being shut down.

“A lot of these people are from non-English speaking back grounds, probably English is their second language who haven’t adhered to the rules of social distancing. They all used a lot of the same laundry,” she said.

When it was suggested that perhaps they could have been warned in their own language, Hanson replied that they should have learned English.

“The fact is that we’re sick and tired of people bleeding bloody hearts out there,” she said. “This is a shutdown because the rest of the state has been locked off from the rest of the country.

An Australian Lawyer went down to the towers on Saturday to see if he could get some human rights advocates in to talk to the people and let them know about their legal rights. He interviewed some people outside, including a member of the public who has family in the towers and police officers. He seems to have a fair idea about the scam that the virus is and mentions the hypocrisy in the arbitrariness of the choice of locations to lock down when their are high rise towers where more wealthy people live that haven't been locked down.

I've been following the trail from the Amnesty International Report on Torture mentioned earlier and there's this from the UN Convention Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Article 1

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

2. This article is without prejudice to any international instrument or national legislation which does or may contain provisions of wider application.

Article 2

1. Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction.

2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.

3. An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture.

Article 3

1. No State Party shall expel, return ("refouler") or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture.

2. For the purpose of determining whether there are such grounds, the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights.

Article 4

1. Each State Party shall ensure that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law. The same shall apply to an attempt to commit torture and to an act by any person which constitutes complicity or participation in torture. 2. Each State Party shall make these offences punishable by appropriate penalties which take into account their grave nature.

All member states of the UN are supposed to have these articles encoded into law, so the police are acting on directives, guidelines and under orders outside of the law - which doesn't protect them when the outcomes of the Nuremberg Trials are taken into consideration.

There are also issues at the NSW/VIC border where residents on one side rely on services or work on the other side.

Take care Victorians.

Take care Victorians.

Take care indeed!

Its interesting it seems to me the more incompetent and inexperienced a leader is the more they have to overcompensate for it. It’s almost as if someone knew exactly the psyche of these child leaders and how they would react to such planed “events”. :rolleyes:

Take the New Zealand prime minister shrew for example. Holy Moly! :shock:
I found this 17 minute clip to be quite interesting. Basically it discusses the slight of hand symbolism being used but this time coming from the good side and the clip highlights Ricky Gervais’ hosting of the Golden Globes. Link here for those interested:

Much of this is very tenuous but I stopped after five minutes as I just don't find the video credible. He is conflating hand gestures that are not identical at all whilst claiming they are. Also, some of them are hand positions that people naturally adopt without any messaging agenda behind them. I expect some of them are hand signals to let others know that 'hey, I'm in the secret club, just like you', whether it's the golden dawn or the Illuminati or any of these groups that the elite are members of which leads them to delude themselves into thinking that they are at the top of the world hierarchy. They are useful idiot pawns of 4D STS and shall get a rude awakening before long according to the C's.
Much of this is very tenuous but I stopped after five minutes as I just don't find the video credible. He is conflating hand gestures that are not identical at all whilst claiming they are. Also, some of them are hand positions that people naturally adopt without any messaging agenda behind them. I expect some of them are hand signals to let others know that 'hey, I'm in the secret club, just like you', whether it's the golden dawn or the Illuminati or any of these groups that the elite are members of which leads them to delude themselves into thinking that they are at the top of the world hierarchy. They are useful idiot pawns of 4D STS and shall get a rude awakening before long according to the C's.

Agreed to some extent, they are stretching. But stage-trained actors and performers (dancers, thespians, talk show host, you name it) are trained to hit marks and follow cues. It can ruin concert for you if you pay too much attention. A lot of the leader singer "spontaneousness" can be see in nods, hand signals and other gestures. Go to a basketball game and sit near the goals where you can see the behind the back signals. Humans are very, very good at this. Actors are trained to respond to cues, even "improv" ones. I've seen talks by lectures in which the same spontaneous, sympathy-generating "accident" occurs twice, thrice again on youtube clips at different places. Jennifer Lawrence stumbles on the stairs to pick up her awards -- more than once, just saying. The science of manipulating audiences is well-studied and practiced now. Things we think are "embarassing" are often sympathy-generating and humanizing to a mechanical performance. Not a secret either, plenty of training material out there. Magicians are trained to appear to "fail" or "flub" early on to generate tension, then "over deliver" in the finale. Yes, our spontaneous showman world is anything but.
New Jersey driver crashes car after passing out from wearing N95 mask
How much more of this might we see? Darwin moment or not, people are afraid and confused.
Denis Rancourtan Ontario Civil Liberties Association
2 Std.
UPDATE : A large constitutional claim against government actors for their actions in COVID-19, has just been filed at the Superior Court, in Toronto, Canada.
A press conference will be held tomorrow morning (Thursday, July 9th) giving the details.
An urgent injunction motion will likely follow to stop the mandatory masking laws and by-laws in Ontario.

[I am only one small player. This is a large effort by many people and associations. Details will come out tomorrow.]

Cannot find any confirming articles as of yet but hope constitutional claims will gain speed and spread like a pandemic.
Just got this meme from a friend who is currently on leave from her position as a paramedic.
The FEAR got her.
I previously helped her (4 years ago) clear and heal a lifetime cycle of anger issues, so, when this corona thing happened, I shared some science stuff with her, we have had a few loving discussions, and she is doing amazingly well now.
She is seeing behind the curtain.
Extreme, sadistic, pointless measures taken in Melbourne, Australia. :-( I'm not sure how recent this is though.

It is a few days old now. And it's utterly disgusting. Zero notice of lockdown for the residents. Just immediate police presence the second our fascist premier announced it. No food for some people for 24 hours. And when they did finally get food a lot of it was expired.

They've issued an apology now, but big woop quite frankly.

And all of Melbourne are in lockdown for at least six week now. Operation Sentinel (no joke - that's what they call it) are patrolling the streets again. $1,652 fines for daring to see a friend or a family member.

What is it they call Australia again? The Lucky Country?
What do the UK people think about the governments recent announcement on the different schemes they'll be undertaking to kick start the economy.


Or they are scrapping stamp duty for new house purchases upto £500k


Or cutting VAT for certain businesses.

The government is basically giving out a tonne of free money in my opinion... There's also talk of a £500 shopping voucher for everyone.

What do we think... Will all these fix the economy?
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