I've backed off a little from this thread and the GF thread as I felt too much energy was going into them. Plus, it's all so depressing. I know it's necessary to pay attention right and left (no pun intended), but it's hard to keep it all at arm's length so to speak. Intensive gardening has been most helpful until the never-ending battle against invasive/established weeds/vines/poison ivy brings me down - along with days of 90+ degree temperatures with no definite rain in sight which requires lots of watering by hand. And, just when you're ready to relish the lovely blooms about to emerge from daylilies and other perennials, a deer decides you've provided a tasty salad bar! So, frustration mounting and then:
Columbus Mayor Ginther orders masks in public

Masks will be required in all retail establishments by both employees and customers, including stores, hair salons, barber shops, nail salons, day cares and day camps by adults and children over age 6, on public transportation, and in restaurants by employees at all times and customers when not eating or drinking.

Joining an increasing number of cities, including Dayton and Bexley in Ohio, Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther on Thursday [July 2] announced that wearing a mask in certain locations and circumstances would become required in Columbus to stop the accelerating spread of coronavirus.

Ginther said he would sign an executive order Thursday afternoon, and the new mask requirement would start on Friday.

But police won’t be stopping anyone for not wearing a mask, nor would the city Health department go into restaurants and bars to enforce the measure, Ginther said at a news conference Thursday.

“We cannot enforce our way to success,” Ginther said, adding that the public needs to step up.

"Mask orders are coming from cities, not the state. Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther on Thursday followed Dayton’s Nan Whaley and Bexley Mayor Ben Kessler in making masks mandatory in public to help check the spread of coronavirus. Cincinnati and Cleveland followed on Friday."
So, several cities now and suburbs (Bexley, Dublin, Whitehall, Grandview Heights - not mine yet surprisingly) along with:
To reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Franklin County the Board of Commissioners convened an emergency meeting this evening and unanimously passed a resolution to uphold the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations to wear cloth face coverings in public settings.

By adopting this resolution, the Board of Commissioners support cities, townships and villages within Franklin County to pass local ordinances and emergency declarations, as allowable by law, to require residents in those communities to wear face coverings while visiting indoor settings like retail stores, restaurants and work settings.
My city, as are the other suburbs, is in Franklin County.

Before these announcements, I had a couple of mask encounters. My spouse had a colonoscopy last Monday (which had been rescheduled three times with location change for the last). It was similar to the vet appointment in that he had to call in from the parking lot to gain permission to enter the facility. When it was time to collect him, I was verbally pounced upon by the entrance monitor that I had to wear a mask. I said I couldn't wear one which resulted in a temperature check. No temp so could proceed, but I clearly got the impression that the monitor was displeased about my mask noncompliance.

My next encounter was at an outlet mall. The first store I entered had their designated person tell me masks were required. I simply answered I couldn't wear one and that was that. I wasn't confronted in any other store - even joked with one clerk that it was all nonsense - but majority of people were wearing masks. I've lost count of how many I've seen worn improperly or with nose exposed. :rolleyes: But, with these new "orders", pressure to comply has ramped up. I will continue to refuse based on it being detrimental to my own health to wear one. Thinking of putting the OSHA test vid on my phone to fortify my position if necessary.

Hubby goes back to work on site on the 20th (back to wearing pants) and will be required to wear a mask outside of his office. I just told him about the OSHA vid and think that he needs to bring up this problem with mask wearing. Maybe it's the Achilles Heel that can derail this whole ridiculous "safety" measure?! I've noticed a clear uptick in mask wearing promotion usually with the word 'believe' inserted to attest to its validity! And its goal is to 'slow down' the spread - not stop it! And yet, the people mindlessly go along because all the voices are telling them to.

Trying to be mindful that one must strive to keep negative emotions at bay and stay as upbeat as possible - ride the Wave, don't be crushed by it! The latest session seems to indicate that it's going to be a while before things take a turn for the better, so patience is a must. Of course, it's obvious that the march to total mask compliance is just the conditioning of the populace to submissively go along with mandatory vaccination when that rears its ugly head. The other aspect is, I think, to bring in absentee voting because it will just be too unsafe to vote the usual way - and we know which party plans to benefit from that maneuver! Which brings this little event to focus:
Ohio GOP chief, Trump supporters disregard DeWine mask pleas

Some Ohio Republicans are more willing to follow the example of their mask-averse president than embrace the advice of their be-careful-out-there governor.

Disregarding Gov. Mike DeWine’s pleas to wear masks and practice social distancing, Ohio Republican Party Chairman Jane Timken and dozens of Donald Trump supporters gathered last week in a Delaware park.

A photo distributed by the president’s Ohio campaign showed at least 29 people gathered in a Mingo Park shelter with no sign of social distancing and only one woman wearing a face mask.

While declining to impose a statewide mask mandate, DeWine has increased his calls for face coverings and 6-foot social distancing to help check a spike as coronavirus cases continue to increase.

Timken and friends from Women for Trump and the Delaware County Republican Women’s Club apparently did not share the governor’s urgency at Wednesday evening’s “MAGA Meetup and Diaper Drive.”

A state ban on gatherings of more than 10 people (some business exceptions aside) was extended last week through Tuesday, but does not apply to First Amendment-covered activities such as political speech.

Neither the Trump Ohio campaign spokesman nor the Ohio Republican Party spokesman responded to reporter Randy Ludlow’s questions about the Delaware gathering amid ongoing COVID-19 concerns.

Geeze - I've been a life-long democrat, especially through the Bush years, and now I have to think positive thoughts about the party I've had nothing but contempt for since forever! :nuts: I didn't vote for Trump before (or any of the candidates), but he may be the only one I vote for assuming elections go forward this fall. Wait and see.
It's not short, yet it is as powerful as they come. Vernon Coleman provides Part 6 - in totality it's chilling, yet not new here.

More wise words from the old man in a chair. Part 6

Coleman seems to have had a friend from afar who composed a song "incorporating words" of his (from Bob Westfall posted Jun 25, 2020) - added here rather than the Music thread. Coleman himself said:

I had rather a surprise the other day when I came across a song incorporating words from my videos on YouTube. It’s a brilliant song and if you haven’t heard it then please do. Congratulations to Bob Westfall, the enormously talented composer and singer. I'm touched and honoured.

Yes, congratulations Mr. Westfall.

VERNON COLEMAN SONG (Stand Up For Truth) - b.w.m.p.

Was just watching the last vid of Ice Age Farmer channel on YT. And via him I - as a german - found out that a big supermarket chain (ALDI, I never go there, very rarely go to any supermarkets) is having signs installed that tell peeps that the consumption of dairy, meat and eggs are driving the pandemic! They advice peeps to stay with plant based foods! What? I wonder whether there is a law against stating pure nonsense, not proven right or wrong to direct people doing certain things ...?

Here in Canada, one of the big meat producers Maple Leaf foods introduced a line of products on June 13, ready for the BBQ season. Burgers, sausages and ground beef called 50/50 meat and plant based. I have seen them in the grocery stores, not sure how well received they are. Another attempt to convert the public to plant based diets.
We've all read, or at least glanced through, hundreds of Covid articles by now so I wouldn't post the following article if it wasn't absolutely terrific. It's written by immunology professor Beda M. Stadler, and he summarizes the whole thing, and the obvious holes in the narrative, in a very understandable way. One of the most important points he makes is the absolute unreliability of the tests and how ridiculous the idea of 'silent/asymptomatic carriers' is. At the very end, he makes a 'face saving' nod to the vaccine industry, but otherwise the text is pure gold.

I'll copy the whole thing here for archiving, in case it gets deleted.

The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus. Stadler is an important medical professional in Switzerland, he also likes to use provoking language, which should not deter you from the extremely important points he makes. This article is about Switzerland and it does not suggest that the situation is exactly the same globally. I am advocating for local measures according to locale situations. And I advocate for looking at real data rather than abstract models. I also suggest to read to the end, because Stadler makes crucial points about testing for Sars-CoV-2.
Warum alle falsch lagen
Das Coronavirus verzieht sich allmählich. Was hat sich in den vergangenen Wochen eigentlich abgespielt? Die…


Why everyone was wrong
The coronavirus is slowly retreating. What actually happened in the past few weeks? The experts have missed basic connections. The immune response against the virus is much stronger than we thought.
By Beda M Stadler

This is not an accusation, but a ruthless taking stock [of the current situation]. I could slap myself, because I looked at Sars-CoV2- way too long with panic. I am also somewhat annoyed with many of my immunology colleagues who so far have left the discussion about Covid-19 to virologist and epidemiologist. I feel it is time to criticise some of the main and completely wrong public statements about this virus.

Firstly, it was wrong to claim that this virus was novel. Secondly, It was even more wrong to claim that the population would not already have some immunity against this virus. Thirdly, it was the crowning of stupidity to claim that someone could have Covid-19 without any symptoms at all or even to pass the disease along without showing any symptoms whatsoever.

But let’s look at this one by one.

1. A new virus?
At the end of 2019 a coronavirus, which was considered novel, was detected in China. When the gene sequence, i.e. the blueprint of this virus, was identified and was given a similar name to the 2002 identified Sars, i.e. Sars-CoV-2, we should have already asked ourselves then how far [this virus] is related to other coronaviri, which can make human beings sick. But no, instead we discussed from which animal as part of a Chinese menu the virus might have sprung. In the meantime, however, many more people believe the Chinese were so stupid as to release this virus upon themselves in their own country. Now that we’re talking about developing a vaccine against the virus, we suddenly see studies which show that this so-called novel virus is very strongly related to Sars-1 as well as other beta-coronaviri which make us suffer every year in the form of a colds. Apart from the pure homologies in the sequence between the various coronaviri which can make people sick, [scientists] currently work on identifying a number of areas on the virus in the same way as human immune cells identify them. This is no longer about the genetic relationship, but about how our immune system sees this virus, i.e. which parts of other coronaviri could potentially be used in a vaccine.

So: Sars-Cov-2 isn’t all that new, but merely a seasonal cold virus that mutated and disappears in summer, as all cold viri do — which is what we’re observing globally right now. Flu viri mutate significantly more, by the way, and nobody would ever claim that a new flu virus strain was completely novel. Many veterinary doctors where therefore annoyed by this claim of novelty, as they have been vaccinating cats, dogs, pigs, and cows for years against coronaviri.

2. The fairy tale of no immunity
From the World Health Organisation (WHO) to every Facebook-virologist, everyone claimed this virus was particularly dangerous, because there was no immunity against it, because it was a novel virus. Even Anthony Fauci, the most important advisor to the Trump administration noted at the beginning at every public appearance that the danger of the virus lay in the fact that there was no immunity against it. Tony and I often sat next to each other at immunology seminars at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda in the US, because we worked in related fields back then. So for a while I was pretty uncritical of his statements, since he was a respectable colleague of mine. The penny dropped only when I realised that the first commercially available antibody test [for Sars-CoV-2] was put together from an old antibody test that was meant to detect Sars-1. This kind of test evaluates if there are antibodies in someone’s blood and if they came about through an early fight against the virus. [Scientists] even extracted antibodies from a Lama that would detect Sars-1, Sars-CoV-2, and even the Mers virus. It also became known that Sars-CoV-2 had a less significant impact in areas in China where Sars-1 had previously raged. This is clear evidence urgently suggesting that our immune system considers Sars-1 and Sars-Cov-2 at least partially identical and that one virus could probably protect us from the other.

That’s when I realised that the entire world simply claimed that there was no immunity, but in reality, nobody had a test ready to prove such a statement. That wasn’t science, but pure speculation based on a gut feeling that was then parroted by everyone. To this day there isn’t a single antibody test that can describe all possible immunological situations, such as: if someone is immune, since when, what the neutralising antibodies are targeting and how many structures exist on other coronaviri that can equally lead to immunity.

In mid-April work was published by the group of Andreas Thiel at the Charité Berlin. A paper with 30 authors, amongst them the virologist Christian Drosten. It showed that in 34 % of people in Berlin who had never been in contact with the Sars-CoV-2 virus showed nonetheless T-cell immunity against it (T-cell immunity is a different kind of immune reaction, see below). This means that our T-cells, i.e. white blood cells, detect common structures appearing on Sars-CoV-2 and regular cold viri and therefore combat both of them.

A study by John P A Ioannidis of Stanford University — according to the Einstein Foundation in Berlin one of the world’s ten most cited scientists — showed that immunity against Sars-Cov-2, measured in the form of antibodies, is much higher than previously thought. Ioannidis is certainly not a conspiracy theorist who just wants to swim against the stream; nontheless he is now being criticised, because the antibody tests used were not extremely precise. With that, his critics admit that they do not have such tests yet. And aside, John P A Ioannidis is such a scientific heavy-weight that all German virologists combined area a light-weight in comparison.

3. The failure of modellers
Epidemiologist also fell for the myth that there was no immunity in the population. They also didn’t want to believe that coronaviri were seasonal cold viri that would disappear in summer. Otherwise their curve models would have looked differently. When the initial worst case scenarios didn’t come true anywhere, some now still cling to models predicting a second wave. Let’s leave them their hopes — I’ve never seen a scientific branch that manoeuvred itself so much into the offside. I have also not yet understood why epidemiologists were so much more interested in the number of deaths, rather than in the numbers that could be saved.

4. Immunology of common sense
As an immunologist I trust a biological model, namely that of the human organism, which has built a tried and tested, adaptive immune system. At the end of February, driving home from the recording of [a Swiss political TV debate show], I mentioned to Daniel Koch [former head of the Swiss federal section “Communicable Diseases” of the Federal Office of Public Health] that I suspected there was a general immunity in the population against Sars-Cov-2. He argued against my view. I later defended him anyway, when he said that children were not a driving factor in the spread of the pandemic. He suspected that children didn’t have a receptor for the virus, which is of course nonsense. Still, we had to admit that his observations were correct. But the fact that every scientist attacked him afterwards and asked for studies to prove his point, was somewhat ironic. Nobody asked for studies to prove that people in certain at-risk groups were dying. When the first statistics from China and later worldwide data showed the same trend, that is to say that almost no children under ten years old got sick, everyone should have made the argument that children clearly have to be immune. For every other disease that doesn’t afflict a certain group of people, we would come to the conclusion that that group is immune. When people are sadly dying in a retirement home, but in the same place other pensioners with the same risk factors are left entirely unharmed, we should also conclude that they were presumably immune.

But this common sense seems to have eluded many, let’s call them “immunity deniers” just for fun. This new breed of deniers had to observe that the majority of people who tested positive for this virus, i.e. the virus was present in their throats, did not get sick. The term “silent carriers” was conjured out of a hat and it was claimed that one could be sick without having symptoms. Wouldn’t that be something! If this principle from now on gets naturalised into the realm of medicine, health insurers would really have a problem, but also teachers whose students could now claim to have whatever disease to skip school, if at the end of the day one didn’t need symptoms anymore to be sick.

The next joke that some virologists shared was the claim that those who were sick without symptoms could still spread the virus to other people. The “healthy” sick would have so much of the virus in their throats that a normal conversation between two people would be enough for the “healthy one” to infect the other healthy one. At this point we have to dissect what is happening here: If a virus is growing anywhere in the body, also in the throat, it means that human cells decease. When [human] cells decease, the immune system is alerted immediately and an infection is caused. One of five cardinal symptoms of an infection is pain. It is understandable that those afflicted by Covid-19 might not remember that initial scratchy throat and then go on to claim that they didn’t have any symptoms just a few days ago. But for doctors and virologists to twist this into a story of “healthy” sick people, which stokes panic and was often given as a reason for stricter lockdown measures, just shows how bad the joke really is. At least the WHO didn’t accept the claim of asymptomatic infections and even challenges this claim on its website.

Here a succinct and brief summary, especially for the immunity deniers, of how humans are attacked by germs and how we react to them: If there are pathogenic viri in our environment, then all humans — whether immune or not — are attacked by this virus. If someone is immune, the battle with the virus begins. First we try to prevent the virus from binding to our own cells with the help of antibodies. This normally works only partially, not all are blocked and some viri will attach to the appropriate cells. That doesn’t need to lead to symptoms, but it’s also not a disease. Because the second guard of the immune system is now called into action. That’s the above mentioned T-cells, white blood cells, which can determine from the outside in which other cells the virus is now hiding to multiply. These cells, which are now incubating the virus, are searched throughout the entire body and killed by the T-cells until the last virus is dead.

So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left. Correct: Even if the infectious viri are long dead, a corona test can come back positive, because the PCR method multiplies even a tiny fraction of the viral genetic material enough [to be detected]. That’s exactly what happened, when there was the global news, even shared by the WHO, that 200 Koreans who already went through Covid-19 were infected a second time and that there was therefore probably no immunity against this virus. The explanation of what really happened and an apology came only later, when it was clear that the immune Koreans were perfectly healthy and only had a short battle with the virus. The crux was that the virus debris registered with the overly sensitive test and therefore came back as “positive”. It is likely that a large number of the daily reported infection numbers are purely due to viral debris.

The PCR test with its extreme sensitivity was initially perfect to find out where the virus could be. But this test can not identify whether the virus is still alive, i.e. still infectous. Unfortunately, this also led some virologists to equate the strength of a test result with viral load, i.e. the amount of virus someone can breathe out. Luckily, our day care centres stayed open nontheless. Since German virologist missed that part, because, out of principle, they do not look at what other countries are doing, even if other countries’ case numbers are falling more rapidly.

5. The problem with corona immunity
What does this all mean in real life? The extremely long incubation time of two to 14 days — and reports of 22 to 27 days — should wake up any immunologist. As well as the claim that most patients would no longer secrete the virus after five days. Both [claims] in turn actually lead to the conclusion that there is — sort of in the background — a base immunity that contorts the events, compared to an expected cycle [of a viral infection] — i.e. leads to a long incubation period and quick immunity. This immunity also seems to be the problem for patients with a sever course of the disease. Our antibody titre, i.e. the accuracy of our defence system, is reduced the older we get. But also people with a bad diet or who are malnourished may have a weakened immune system, which is why this virus does not only reveal the medical problems of a country, but also social issues.

If an infected person does not have enough antibodies, i.e. a weak immune response, the virus slowly spreads out across the entire body. Now that there are not enough antibodies, there is only the second, supporting leg of our immune response left: The T-cells beginn to attack the virus-infested cells all over the body. This can lead to an exaggerated immune response, basically to a massive slaughter; this is called a Cytokine Storm. Very rarely this can also happen in small children, in that case called Kawasaki Syndrome. This very rare occurrence in children was also used in our country to stoke panic. It’s interesting, however, that this syndrome is very easily cured. The [affected] children get antibodies from healthy blood donors, i.e. people who went through coronavirus colds. This means that the hushed-up [supposedly non-existent] immunity in the population is in fact used therapeutically.

What now?
The virus is gone for now. It will probably come back in winter, but it won’t be a second wave, but just a cold. Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19.

If we observe a significant rise in infections in 14 days [after the Swiss relaxed the lockdown], we’d at least know that one of the measures was useful. Other than that I recommend reading John P A Ioannidis’ latest work in which he describes the global situation based on data on May 1st 2020: People below 65 years old make up only 0.6 to 2.6 % of all fatal Covid cases. To get on top of the pandemic, we need a strategy merely concentrating on the protection of at-risk people over 65. If that’s the opinion of a top expert, a second lockdown is simply a no-go.

On our way back to normal, it would be good for us citizens if a few scaremongers apologised. Such as doctors who wanted a triage of over 80 year old Covid patients in order to stop ventilating them. Also media that kept showing alarmist videos of Italian hospitals to illustrate a situation that as such didn’t exist. All politicians calling for “testing, testing, testing” without even knowing what the test actually measures. And the federal government for an app they’ll never get to work and will warn me if someone near me is positive, even if they’re not infectious.

In winter, when the flu and other colds make the rounds again, we can then go back to kissing each other a little less, and we should wash our hands even without a virus present. And people who’ll get sick nonetheless can then don their masks to show others what they have learned from this pandemic. And if we still haven’t learned to protect our at-risk groups, we’ll have to wait for a vaccine that will hopefully also be effective in at-risk people.

I thought about whether it would be better to put it in the comic section, sometimes it's better to laugh. This BS will pass, eventually. I keep repeating my self.

Down Town of Mexico City opened, for shops and so on, and... Ay!... I don't know if they are stupid enough or are made in the process! There were surprised, so many people went, as if they didn't know how the historic center is, it is also known as the hysterical center because of the overwhelming number of people who usually go there. Whether to buy for resale, since a significant number of shops handle very low prices, so thousands of people from the city, neighboring states and not so nearby, go for supplies.

As well as thousands and thousands of people who are going to visir, to walk around, to recreate. The metropolitan area, the great urban spot, includes Mexico City and part of the State of Mexico, + - 20 million people. The authorities insist on separating them - when it suits them.

So last week, the media, the people, the authorities shouted in the sky for the "enormous" amount of people what went and, put more hilarious measures... Stricter, so they say.

Next week, for Down Town Center:
1 Make proper use of pedestrian streets.

2 Subway stations Allende, Zócalo and Merced are closed. (More than the 70% reached down town center by public transportation, if not more).

3 Collaborate with the access filters. (collaboration is synonymn of mandatory)

4 Only one person per family is invited. (invited is synonymn of mandatory)

5 Take into account that only 50% of the business are open according to their number. Funny, usually the pairs numbers are in the right side and the none ones in front, wonder how will work.

6 If it is possible (mandarory most probably), come according to the first letter of the surname. From A to L, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. From M to Z, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 😂. Riight! On the other hand, police will be asking for an ID at the street filters.

Let's be responsible, the color orange is closer to red. Go to the Historical Center for essential activities and not for recreation.... 😂 Here, the yellow color of the traffic light means that you can/may pass with precaution, though. Why the country decided to use it as a symbol of the coronavirus open phases, it's beyond me.

Besides, there will be:
-- Sanitary filters at streets (everyone should be wearing masks and have their temperature taken).

-- The streets will be closed where 30% do not comply with sanitary measures.

-- Closure of 15 days shops/business that do not comply with the rules.
Bill & Melinda Gates Giggle & Smirk Over 2nd Wave of Pandemic

Had caught this on Bombards. And not to overplay what has been said by so many others here, said by people like James Corbert, or any number of others on Gates's rise of seeming to be the face of the overlord in name of this current Covid-ops, the Bombard clip, slowed down as it was to a still, brings it badly home for any not aware (present company excluded). If it does not for many people out there, which is obvious, well don't know what to say to people not ready to hear, and they will in time know something is horribly wrong.

The really hard part, and y'all have said it in your words in this thread of life around you, is of our loved ones; grandparents, parents, a spouse, bf or gf perhaps, children and friends, colleagues and the community divided - by design, is not easy to deal with. It hurts, it is frustrating and the move is to amplify hate in each other. This cannot be allowed to happen any longer - can't give up on each other, and there is a paralysis of what to do.

Nothing new, just an overview while looking behind the Gates face, there are many employees:

In 2010 "The fast- expanding foundation staff (presently around 850 employees)"

That was then.

The "foundation is led by CEO Mark Suzman and Co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett."

There are two arms of the foundation.

Their vaccine statement points out they are providing 10 Billion over 10 years:


The money is irresistible, it is grease, blood money.

Foundation Fact Sheet

In developing countries, it focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Mark Suzman and Co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

Right, fat chance.

As for Warren, he came 'all in' to the foundation with his billions - and can image he has quite the oversight, among others.

From their Climate Change Q&A:

Q. What is the foundation doing about climate change?

The foundation believes that climate change is a major issue facing all of us, particularly poor people in developing countries, and we applaud the work that others are doing to help find solutions in this area. While we do not fund efforts specifically aimed at reducing carbon emissions, many of our global health and development grants directly address problems that climate change creates or exacerbates. For example, our Agricultural Development initiative works to help small farmers who live on less than $1 per day adapt to increased drought and flooding through the development of drought and flood resistant crops, improved irrigation efficiency, and other means.

Helping farmers seems to only resemble decimating farmers, which looks to be part of their Malthusian endgame.

So, Greenbaumed or not, both shown here in the context of what they had just said, among the human carnage that has only begun, provides a look at what might be thought of as empty souls, vessels who may smile and mimic, who shine their faces to the screen for all to see only to reflect those who have helped animated them for their role. If they, or one of them were subjected to mind/mental programing modifications, it's was damn effective and damn sad.

Covid-Ops wave 2.0

...will have to prepare for the next one, that will get attention this time.

As Bombards said, exactly as timed as this frame was stilled, oh the “giddiness,’ indeed. It’s sick, they are obviously sick, and it is a massive machine of sickness moving their strings, and many working inside the foundations think it all benign (it is understandable), all for the good of humanity, a foundation that operates by the will of others.


wiki sums up with who the gates have in play (on the surface):

Trust investments

Company# SharesValue
($ thousands)
Arcos Dorados Holdings3,060,500$19,128
Berkshire Hathaway Class B62,078,974$13,291,729
Canadian National Railway17,126,874$1,537,993
Caterpillar Inc.11,260,857$1,717,168
Crown Castle5,332,900$593,712
Liberty Global Class A2,119,515$61,318
Liberty Global Class C3,639,349$102,484
Liberty Global Latin America Class A370,424$7,720
Liberty Global Latin America Class C636,044$13,122
United Parcel Service4,525,329$528,332
Walgreens Boots Alliance3,475,398$253,357
Waste Management18,633,672$1,683,739
and much more....

To be angry with them, of course, and yet they are a symptom, window dressed faces in front of the big shop of horrors to make it look all nice and respectable, a false veil of humanitarianism. It has been going on for so long.

The C's bring up the ptb's Achilles Heel often enough, and it is obvious they are a sick, emboldened and yet frightened; albeit a dangerous kind, and will underestimate everything they touch because they cannot understand that their kind will not survive the light of people; they never do. They will indeed do much damage, perhaps take many down, yet in the end they are cowards.

JFK said:

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

Finding love in ones heart for our fellow human beings requires a measure of truth in our voices for those willing to hear. Right now they don't like truth, it is not understood, and yet it is deep in them - as yet untouched, and they know something is very wrong and can't yet find the words. What can one Do? The little one can Do is perhaps to carefully foster and reestablish a healthy 'open market' of adult voices. Is it still possible (the sixty four thousand dollar question)? I'm not going to give up as there are people asking more and more, it is loud and subtle, they want to know and are scared because everything they know and have worked for seems to be on a precipice, and it is.


Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.

- Albert Einstein

History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

The silence 'out there' is currently deafening and it needs to start to rise and resonate somehow. However, it is more than encouraging to read how so many of you have dealt with things, and some have had it very hard, and we're with you in thoughts. So thanks all!
We've all read, or at least glanced through, hundreds of Covid articles by now so I wouldn't post the following article if it wasn't absolutely terrific. It's written by immunology professor Beda M. Stadler, and he summarizes the whole thing, and the obvious holes in the narrative, in a very understandable way. One of the most important points he makes is the absolute unreliability of the tests and how ridiculous the idea of 'silent/asymptomatic carriers' is. At the very end, he makes a 'face saving' nod to the vaccine industry, but otherwise the text is pure gold.

I'll copy the whole thing here for archiving, in case it gets deleted.

Unfortunately, I don't agree with the main points in this article.
The basic principle in the investigation of a murder crime is: "to find the body of a murdered person." Please show where in this text the author points to the link to the scientific article about isolating SARS-COV-2 according to Koch's postulates. If there is no body, there is no crime, so the rest of the text is speculation.
And now something absolutely normal:

Last week I went to my dental lab for some minor adjustments. The owner greeted me and offered a handshake. We shook hands as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Of course it was my first handshake in months. It still feels good after a week.

Have a normal day!
Unfortunately, I don't agree with the main points in this article.
The basic principle in the investigation of a murder crime is: "to find the body of a murdered person." Please show where in this text the author points to the link to the scientific article about isolating SARS-COV-2 according to Koch's postulates. If there is no body, there is no crime, so the rest of the text is speculation.

Yes, the author could naturally go deeper in questioning the whole thing, like...does this virus even exist according to the correct postulates. Why, however, I thought this was a good article was that the author is, at least according to his credentials, a seasoned and well known immunologist. And for him to point out the obvious holes in the narrative, even if the truth is probably even more horrific, could have a positive effect.
He plays by the ‘rules’ but is in my opinion still quite rebellious in his views. At least, that’s what I thought.
From the article aragorn posted:
But this common sense seems to have eluded many, let’s call them “immunity deniers” just for fun. This new breed of deniers had to observe that the majority of people who tested positive for this virus, i.e. the virus was present in their throats, did not get sick. The term “silent carriers” was conjured out of a hat and it was claimed that one could be sick without having symptoms. Wouldn’t that be something! If this principle from now on gets naturalised into the realm of medicine, health insurers would really have a problem, but also teachers whose students could now claim to have whatever disease to skip school, if at the end of the day one didn’t need symptoms anymore to be sick.
Priceless. This shows the nonsense for what it is using just plain old common sense. This orwellian "health is sickness" line is so dumb it would be funny if it wasn't for the havoc it's been wreaking on the society.

The “healthy” sick would have so much of the virus in their throats that a normal conversation between two people would be enough for the “healthy one” to infect the other healthy one.
I guess not knowing whether to laugh or cry is a common feeling these days. At least for those of us still capable of thinking.

Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19.
The funny thing is that right now everybody would look at such people as crazy whereas they look at the masked ones as doing the right thing.

* * *

The posts about wearing underwear on your face made me think of the madness everywhere and I came up with a new thing to write on your mask:

This is MADNESS!
Along with the other odd things happening in Victoria mentioned earlier, increased cases from increased dodgy testing, border closures continuing, closing down of area's by postcode, and the isolation of a high rise apartment living in Flemington, they have now set up an emergency field hospital at the Showgrounds to deal with COVID cases. I wonder if this is being done to keep the reality of the situation out of the eyes of the medical staff at hospitals?

In the comments below the above article, there is only one person questioning the legitimacy of reporting cases and not deaths.

Victoria seems to be playing the COVID drama to the max and taking things further than the rest of Australia and there has been mention of people attempting to avoid door knock testing and post code lockdowns by changing their address (I'm assuming without actually moving) so that their ID's show addresses other than locked down postcodes.
The blatant hypocrisy is stunning.

1300 experts condemned protests against lockdown as “rooted in white nationalism.” But protests against racism “vital to the national public health.”

The blatant hypocrisy is stunning.

1300 experts condemned protests against lockdown as “rooted in white nationalism.” But protests against racism “vital to the national public health.”

If the propaganda rag New Times is writing about, they know they are losing the narrative in election polling. BTW ,the supreme court ruled the NYTimes and WSJ are official propaganda organs of the US government, and "shared" secrets need not be given to other journalist.
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