Session 10 October 2020

There is a brilliant book, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter.
It might not directly answer your questions but maybe it will give you the perspective to find answers.
did J S Bach hide the scientific knowledge of music in his works while he was being persecuted? ( All music theory books are devoid of any true understanding of his method. Why Harmonic major? Only after ii V i etc,etc,etc)


Thanks to Nighhillaea and the rest of the good people.

I hope that Ark has a speedy recovery and that the road is as good as possible.

Now it is in my knowledge and conscience what happens to you.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

A hug.
If Trump wins I expected Soros to recruit protesters. I also expect lots of Greenbaumers to be triggered. I’m just wandering if they will actually arrest anyone in the Hilary/Obama camp
I keep forgetting about the Greenbaumers, though I am reminded regularly (dots to connect pop up sometimes). As far as October surprises go, IMO, arrests don't make sense to convince anyone of anything, since they will simply outrage Trump opponents, foment denials and media spin, go over most heads, and not be resolved until trials. Unfortunately, most of the candidates for October surprise seem to fit in this category. If a surprise is to work, I think it will need to be something extremely unexpected, emotional, and understandable across the range of cognitive abilities out there.

If true, a contender might be whistleblower exposure of the Bin Laden/Seal Team Six/Benghazi continuum of scandals, which has regained attention recently due to Allen Harrow Perrot/Nick Noe/Charles Woods/Anna Khait, and others claiming to have or have seen the evidence, etc. Everyone can understand murder.


Where do I apply for a crystal? I'm making a request on the forum ... Thank you for directing me to the right session. Marc.
Hello maguenette, in this session Chu comments on how to apply. Greetings

Page 3,#38
Quoted here as well for convenience:
For those of you who haven't read the Cassiopaean Session from May 7th, 2016, we invite you to do so. In there you will find out about what the purpose of these crystals is, and you can learn about the process.

After having done that, if you wish to make a request, you can write to, with:

a) Your full name
b) Your date of birth
c) Your shipping address
d) Your current location (city and country) IF different from your shipping address.
e) Any special remarks or requests you may wish to be charged into your crystals (e.g. a specific health issue)
f) Your forum name

We would also appreciate it if you could send a donation together with your request, for the amount that is comfortable to you and at least enough to cover shipping costs and the purchasing of the crystals (20.00 USD). We hope that those who are comfortable with it, can donate a little extra in order to cover for those who aren't in a financial position to help us with funds. We don't want anyone who is interested to go without crystals! So, if you are in that category, don't hesitate to request your crystals too.

For donations, you can go here and select either the French Facility or the US one (for tax-exemption if you are in the US).

We want to see that everyone gets:

- A water charging crystal which can also act for health issues.
- Personal protection crystal for carrying in pocket or pouch
- One to set on a table in a room for space protection.
- A dream stone for under the pillow.

So, the basic "package" includes four pieces. The main difference for the healing requests are that the water charging and personal protection crystals will be taken aside and additional, personal charging done with them. But please read the session thread for more details.

In the hopes that this project will strengthen our connection with each of you, and protect you and help you in your path, we would appreciate it if those of you who are interested could place their request sooner rather than later, so that we can know how many crystals are needed. The entire process takes about a month to complete.
Thank you very much for the session.

It is curious that I had been thinking for last days that the US elections, far from clarifying the picture, could be the beginning of a real civil war. Whatever the result, the opposing side will not accept it and everything will be suspected of fraud.

I will remember Ark in my prayers, and I will do so with my crystal.
Thank you so much for another information packed session :wizard::flowers: I'll be praying for a joyous outcome of Arky's health situation, the C's comments were very encouraging and hopeful :hug2:It's a relief to learn that Ark has the internal make up to withstand such attacks but I think I'd prefer it if it wasn't tested in such a nasty manner.

No shock about Biden and Trump really, although I do wonder if Trump will benefit positively from the virus. He does have a heart and although I can't say I'm a big fan of his I do feel for him. It must be really tough and taxing to be where he is right now.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been in a funny mood, regretting not finding the forum and Laura's work earlier. The core group has been preparing for the upcoming mayhem for a decade, or even decades, and I've only been around for a few short years. It feels like there's still so much work to be done and so little time. But at the same time the 2020 sessions have been pretty useful wake up calls becuase there definitely is no time left to waste.
(Joe) Why did Sweden not act in lockstep with pretty much everyone else in terms of lockdown and the fear mongering and controls? Why did they get a pass? Why were they ABLE to not follow the mandate?

A: Just wait!

Q: (Joe) Really?!

(L) Oh dear...

I have a good friend that lives in Florida (the governor vowed to never lockdown again) and I was thinking about moving there just so in the least I could work a job without having to wear a mask and live under a state government that "gets it" so to speak rather than where I live now in Virginia where the governor has already declared that the vaccine will be mandatory. But on second thought like @3DStudent I get the foreboding feeling that Sweden and Florida will be, "made an example of" with some sort of sick and twisted punishment.

I was wondering about Sweden too. Whether they will be punished somehow, or will continue to be a rebel and have more good things coming from their country. I guess we'll see when and if a second wave comes.

I don't think they made the Miami and Orlando underground bases for no reason!

Q: Okay, we are paying attention. What are you trying to tell us?
A: Denver new airport big, big, big, big scandal.
Q: (L) What kind of scandal?
A: Government.
Q: (L) Specifically what?
A: You will see. Dallas airport is secret base; Orlando too; Miami Too.
Reading the session yesterday morning brought so much relief. Since ark condition deteriorates a few week ago, I realise now that I was kind of holding my breath. Praying for him and sending energy was all I could do. The satellite beaming crossed my mind often and I kind of felt some frustration that they can use their technology unobstructed on us without having a chance to pay them back but, that may change soon. So yesterday, Thanksgiving Day here in Canada, was a joyous day for me and my family.

I was surprise of the number of people in France that realise that covid is a lie. If the number are similar everywhere, I’m neither surprise that they brought the UFO file out. They have to keep up the fear factor and people listening to and following the authority but if the C’s are correct, they won’t have time to play that card. Interesting time ahead for sure. As for Trump winning the election I have no doubt for many week now. I sometime think that the lefties are doing everything they can to give it to him. Really, Joe Biden.

Anyway, I will continue praying for you Arky and will send energy to you both. I include in my prayer the fellowship member, all truth seeker and free thinker of this world. We got a new world coming and will need all the help that we can get to build it.

Love you all, take care and remember, specially member in the U.S.A, be as wise as a serpent and as gentle as a dove.

Oh I forgot, THANK YOU for the session, I can breath more easily now.:flowers:
(L) I don't think Trump is inclined to be a dictator, but he'd do what needs to be done to restore order.

(Joe) He threatened it once already during the Black Lives Matter protests. He's already set the scene.

(L) But think that whatever he does, he's not gonna get the USA out of the karmic hole it's already in.

(Pierre) Too far gone.

A: Yes
It would be very easy for me to agree with all of the above. However, there could be a long shot scenario that we're just not seeing. In so speaking, my question has to do with whether there is enough objectivity being offered in the above question to the C's. After all, their saying "yes" is in agreement with a consensus being offered. It's not in answer to an objective question being raised, free of prejudice, as it were. In other words, you are receiving the answer you've already determined to be the case.

I'm not blaming any of you, actually, as I can see this could very easily happen since your questions arise in the flow of conversation. But that's also why I'm bringing it up, since it would be far more helpful if in the future such questions could be phrased more cleanly, and without such prejudice. Otherwise, you may be foreclosing on other possibilities. Or, at least, that is my understanding of how all this works -- that your desire for/belief in a certain answer or outcome determines the answer, which, for that very reason lacks the necessary objectivity.
Thank you for this new session. I'm glad to hear that Ark will have a total recovery ! I wonder if the new virus planned for this fall will be released in Sweden because this is the only country that was not in lockdown, so they could say " You see, if you don't put mask and a quarantine, disaster will be there " another big lie of course.. and it's a way to rise and create a lot of fear to the european people
So happy that Ark is back on his feet.
Will have a conscious attention that Ark will recover well and quietly, and may use his Arky-jutsu next time to give back to Caesar what is Caesar's.
So happy also that Artemis is back behind the board.
Thank you very much.
I am very happy.

The Post It of the moment on my fridge!
A: Lesson number 1: Always expect attack. Lesson number 2: Know the modes of same. Lesson number 3: Know how to counteract same.

A: When you are under attack, expect the unexpected, if it is going to cause problems...

Q: So, if there is something that can cause problems, expect it to happen.

A: But, if you expect it, you learn how to "head it off," thus neutralizing it. This is called vigilance, which is rooted in knowledge. And, what does knowledge do?
Session 3 May 1997
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