Because that is how people are treated here ... and I just told the sarcastically thinking of mee too to be a "little people" ... there is the hierarchy of us who are impossible to improve and always wrong, and them who are here always right and only one who can tell us what to do - can't you see the parallel with for example governments and other authorities around?
Cant, you see that you don't have the right image about yourself? Can you put yourself in other's shoes for a moment and try to see how others see you. Then you will understand what is going on.There's a world of a difference between a hierarchy and an organisation that has elders, and if solarmind hasn't managed to grasp that concept since 2015 then I'd risk a guess there's little hope for her to ever grasp it.
Nobody is treated badly here. We are networking and working on ourselves. This is the basic thing. Work on yourself.
You applied for private board years ago and you were not admitted. Have you asked why? Or the others are always wrong, or they treat you badly, or they hate you?
No, nothing from that. The problem is inside you. Search there and find the real reason.
Maybe I am a little more direct, sorry, but this is the shortest and simplest way to tell what I see.
If you have any problems and you want help, open a thread, ask for help, and see the responses from the forum members, think about them. They will give you just a better inside view of the problem, different perspectives on the same subject and maybe you will find a solution.