Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Can you maybe explain to me how it works and what I need to do it? I can not translate the video. Somewhere there was a note about oranges and lemons. Thanks:flowers:

I listened to that pod cast and this dr was saying this is a treatment for morgellians disease. That the nano fibers/bots would leave the body and be attracted to the alphalfa. And after a shower with dr bonners peppermint soap, one should wear gloves and bag up the alphalfa with attached nano particles and discard. I don't know about all that. I'd have to witness it.
I've hesitated posting this because it seems so over the top but it happened so I'll share.

My daughter and grandson just recently got their jabs and the side effects have been almost immediate. My daughter has been running a fever and is completely exhausted. She is extremely light headed and is white as a sheet. Now this is where it gets a bit weird but a stranger walked into our house and straight up to my room and tried to come in. We managed to help him find his way home as he was totally lost and confused. I have to wonder if he had the vaxx and that was causing his confusion although I don't know for sure. Then when my grandson found out this person had walked into our house without him noticing he came into my room and had a total meltdown. He was banging his head on the furniture and moaning and was extremely agitated. He has never behaved like this before. It took quite awhile to calm him down. It was all so unnerving.

Originally I had thought that staying isolated a bit more than usual would help me stay healthy enough to help this fall when I assumed things would get bad. Nope, it is happening now. Sometimes the DCM has to smack me upside the head to get my attention and this was one of those times. It's one thing to take the supplements and Ivermectin to protect myself but this other stuff is so odd and I was struggling with how to handle all of this. So, I started reading Laura's new book and almost immediately had the feeling that this book is a 'bridge'. A way out of this mess or through it. I was getting energy from it and feeling united in love with this group.

I know now that things will probably get a lot weirder but it is possible to navigate through all of this and I need to up my game and stay focused. And Paleochristianity and feeling connected with like-minded people is of immense help. Good medicine.
Hello Nachtweide,
I don’t remember they discussed about oranges and lemons.
But, somewhere there’s information about how to make natural homemade HCQ.
All you have to do is 3 organic grape fruit, or oranges, 3 organic lemons, “rinds” simmer for 3 hours.
Take 2 TBS 2 times per day.
Can you maybe explain to me how it works and what I need to do it? I can not translate the video. Somewhere there was a note about oranges and lemons.

But, somewhere there’s information about how to make natural homemade HCQ.
All you have to do is 3 organic grape fruit, or oranges, 3 organic lemons, “rinds” simmer for 3 hours.
Take 2 TBS 2 times per day.
Yup, this is what Dr Northrup mentioned in her interview with Mike Adams (i put it on the main Coronavirus thread);
Also interesting is that at 16:39 she mentions how to make your own form of HCQ or Quertecin to fortify the immune system by taking 3 oranic grapefruits and 3 organic lemons, take off the rinds, put them in a pot with a glass top and let it simmer for 3 hours (in water i suppose), then let it cool down, strain it and put in fridge or freezer. Take 2 tablespoons 2 x a day.
This consortium smacks of something rotten and wrong in Denmark.
At first glance, their research is rather instructive, but there is definitely something wrong.

Covid Human Genetic Effort
Their mission:
The COVID Human Genetic Effort is an international consortium aiming to discover the human genetic and immunological bases of the various clinical forms of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In particular, we search for:

(i) Monogenic or digenic inborn errors of immunity (IEI), rare or common, underlying severe forms of COVID-19 in previously healthy individuals, including severe pneumonia, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), Long COVID, COVID Toes, etc.

(ii) Phenocopies of these monogenic IEI, such as auto-antibodies neutralizing gene products of loci whose variants underlie these IEI (e.g. auto-antibodies to type I IFNs mimicking inborn errors of type I IFNs).

(iii) Single-gene variants, rare or common, which make certain individuals resistant to the infection by the SARS-CoV2 itself, despite repeated exposure, or resistant to the development of clinical manifestations despite infection.

With these three projects, the COVID Human Genetic Effort aims to discover truly causative genetic and/or immunological anomalies, rare or common, and decipher in depth the molecular, cellular, and immunological mechanisms by which they actually cause resistance to viral infection or disease, or predisposition to one or another form of severe disease (Casanova JL & Su HC Cell 2020).

We have already discovered the genetic and immunological basis of at least 10% of cases of critical COVID-19 pneumonia, due to inborn errors of type I IFNs or auto-antibodies to type I IFNs (Zhang Q et al. Science 2020; Bastard P et al. Science 2020; Zhang Qet al. Med (NY) 2020). These discoveries have already led to the development of therapeutic applications (Levy R et al. J Clin Immunol 2021; de Prost N et al. J Clin Immunol 2021; Bastard P et al. J Clin Immunol 2021).

We are a group of friends and colleagues in the field of IEI, many of whom have successfully worked together on other challenges for years. We enthusiastically welcome the addition of new talents and look forward to making new friends in these dire times, for the benefit of humanity.​


These articles are more or less a year old.
Some Severe COVID-19 Cases Linked to Genetic Mutations or Antibodies that Attack the Body
Two new studies offer an explanation for why COVID-19 cases can be so variable. A subset of patients has mutations in key immunity genes; other patients have auto-antibodies that target the same components of the immune system. Both circumstances could contribute to severe forms of the disease.

Covid-19: first results of the genetic trail to explain severe forms not linked to age or comorbidities

In order to explain the variability of individual responses to SARS-CoV-2, the genetic pathway is being explored. Genetics could indeed explain why young and healthy patients develop severe forms of Covid-19.​

The involvement of HLA​

The American Microbiology Association has just published initial results in the Journal of Virology. The study looked at certain genes of the immune system, the human leukocyte antigens (HLA), which are involved in the recognition of pathogens. "Understanding how HLA variation may affect the course of Covid-19 infection could help identify individuals at higher risk of the disease," the authors say.​

In an in silico analysis, the researchers found that among the 145 HLA genotypes studied, some alleles, HLA-B*46:01, had fewer predicted binding peptides for SARS-CoV-2. These alleles could thus be associated with a severe form of Covid-19. A 2003 study found a similar result in SARS-CoV.​

The analysis also found that other alleles, HLA-B *15:03, were able to present highly conserved SARS-CoV-2 peptides, 'which are shared among common human coronaviruses', the authors point out. This finding suggests that these alleles may enable T-cell-based cross-immunity.​

According to the researchers, HLA typing, which is "rapid and inexpensive", could be performed at the same time as screening tests to "improve the assessment of viral severity". Similarly, when a vaccine becomes available, this typing could also be used to identify priority individuals.​

A similarity with the childhood vasculopathy associated with STING​

In France too, teams are exploring the genetic pathway. A team from the Imagine Institute, in collaboration with the Cochin Hospital (1), is looking into the similarity observed between the immune response observed in certain Covid + patients, i.e. the 'cytokine storm', and that at work in STING-associated childhood vasculopathy (SAVI), a rare genetic disease also responsible for pulmonary damage.​

"SAVI patients have an activating mutation in the STING gene that leads to the excess production of IFN and inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 [interleukin-6 ]. It also leads to an infiltration of immune cells, including B lymphocytes, into the lungs, mimicking a constant respiratory viral infection,' explains Frédéric Rieux-Laucat, head of the immunogenetics of autoimmune diseases laboratory at the Imagine Institute (INSERM/University of Paris).​

A signature of deregulated immune pathways​

His team is therefore working on characterising the immune cells of Covid+ patients using blood samples. "Within a few weeks, we may be able to establish a signature of deregulated pathways in the various immune cells, which would constitute a risk of complication. This could also lead to personalised therapeutic perspectives," continues Frédéric Rieux-Laucat.​

At the Imagine Institute, immunologist Jean-Laurent Casanova, a member of the scientific council that advises the authorities, and geneticist Laurent Abel have also launched research into the role of genetic variations in the various responses to Covid-19. As part of the "Covid Human Genetic Effort" consortium, they are going to participate in the sequencing of the genomes of at least 500 patients throughout the world, he explains in an interview published on 16 April in the daily newspaper "Le Monde".​

(1) Frédéric Rieux-Laucat's team (Imagine Institute, Paris) and the hospital departments of the Cochin Hospital in Paris, in particular with Benjamin Terrier in internal medicine and Solen Kernéis in infectiology.​

In french:

Covid-19 : premiers résultats de la piste génétique pour expliquer les formes graves non liées à l’âge ou aux comorbidités​

Afin d’expliquer la variabilité des réponses individuelles face au SARS-CoV-2, la piste génétique est actuellement explorée. La génétique pourrait en effet expliquer pourquoi des patients jeunes et en bonne santé développent des formes graves du Covid-19.
L'implication des HLA
L’Association américaine de microbiologie vient notamment de publier de premiers résultats dans « Journal of Virology ». L’étude s’est penchée sur certains gènes du système immunitaire, les antigènes des leucocytes humains (HLA pour human leukocyte antigen), qui sont impliqués dans la reconnaissance des agents pathogènes. « Comprendre comment la variation des HLA peut affecter le cours de l’infection par le Covid-19 pourrait aider à identifier les individus à risque plus élevé de la maladie », indiquent les auteurs.
Dans une analyse in silico, les chercheurs ont constaté que, parmi les 145 génotypes de HLA étudiés, certains allèles, les HLA-B*46 : 01, avaient moins de peptides de liaison prédits pour le SARS-CoV-2. Ces allèles pourraient ainsi être associés à une forme sévère de Covid-19. Une étude de 2003 avait abouti à un résultat similaire dans le SARS-CoV.
L’analyse a également permis de constater que d’autres allèles, les HLA-B *15:03, étaient en capacité de présenter des peptides SARS-CoV-2 hautement conservés, « qui sont partagés entre les coronavirus humains courants », soulignent les auteurs. Ce constat suggère que ces allèles pourraient permettre une immunité croisée basée sur les cellules T.
Selon les chercheurs, le typage HLA, « rapide et peu coûteux », pourrait être réalisé en même temps que les tests de dépistage en vue d’« améliorer l’évaluation de la gravité virale ». De même, quand un vaccin sera disponible, ce typage pourrait aussi être utilisé pour déterminer les individus prioritaires.
Une similitude avec la vasculopathie de l’enfant associée à STING
En France également, des équipes explorent la piste génétique. Une équipe de l’Institut Imagine, en collaboration avec l’hôpital Cochin (1), se penche sur la similitude observée entre la réponse immunitaire constatée chez certains patients Covid +, soit l’« orage cytokinique », et celle à l’œuvre dans la vasculopathie de l’enfant associée à STING (SAVI), une maladie génétique rare également responsable d’une atteinte pulmonaire.
« Les patients SAVI présentent une mutation activatrice du gène STING qui conduit à la production en excès d’IFN et de cytokines inflammatoires comme l’IL-6 [interleukine-6 ]. Elle conduit aussi à une infiltration de cellules immunitaires, dont des lymphocytes B, dans les poumons, mimant en quelque sorte une infection virale respiratoire constante », explique Frédéric Rieux-Laucat, chef du laboratoire d’immunogénétique des maladies auto-immunes de l’Institut Imagine (INSERM/Université de Paris).
Une signature des voies immunitaires dérégulées
Son équipe travaille donc à partir d’échantillons sanguins à la caractérisation des cellules immunitaires des patients Covid +. « D’ici quelques semaines, nous pourrions être en mesure d’établir une signature des voies dérégulées dans les différentes cellules immunitaires, qui constituerait un risque de complication. Cela pourrait aussi aboutir à des perspectives thérapeutiques personnalisées », poursuit Frédéric Rieux-Laucat.
Au sein de l’Institut Imagine, l’immunologiste Jean-Laurent Casanova, membre du conseil scientifique qui conseille les autorités, et le généticien Laurent Abel ont également lancé une recherche sur le rôle des variations génétiques dans les différentes réponses au Covid-19. Dans le cadre du consortium « Covid Human Genetic Effort », ils vont participer au séquençage des génomes d’au moins 500 malades, à travers le monde, explique-t-il dans une interview publiée le 16 avril dans le quotidien « Le Monde ».
(1) L’équipe de Frédéric Rieux-Laucat (Institut Imagine, Paris) et les services hospitaliers de l’hôpital Cochin à Paris, en particulier avec Benjamin Terrier en médecine interne et Solen Kernéis en infectiologie.
He also told me that they only jab people born 1971 or older, so it was not yet his turn ( i was unaware of that. I thought they released the jab to all people now according to “phase 4” - but this may differ from commune to commune here in Sweden).
The same in Italy, since the beginning of the vaccine campaign the first ones to subscribe for the jab were the elders, then those in their 40ies and 50ies, at the end of may those in their 30ies and in June the younger generations will be able to subscribe for the jab as well.

Today a coworker posted an article on whatsapp workgroup where it said that by the end of the current month those in their 30ies will be able to subscribe for the jab and she added "It's our turn next". While reading I thought well maybe it's your turn but not mine for sure. They are nice and decent guys and girls those with whom I work but most of them are sleeping with their eyes wide open. Not judging them though, they are where they are on their spiritual path, at some point everyone of us has been there, I mean being ignorant and sleeping zombies. As Laura was saying in the Wave series if I'm not mistaken, one is ignorant as long as needed, not a second longer not a second less.

For the first time last week I felt the need to lie about my vaccine status. At work lots of people are now taking the jab, younger and younger. I've noticed more sick leaves but of course the reason is never mentioned.

In any case I've been in calls where people are talking about having taken the jab or how excited they are to have received an offer. I tend to keep my mouth shut and give very political answers that say nothing definitive, perhaps imply I agree with what is being said and shields my true view of the situation.

Last week one person I work closely with got their 1st jab. It was evident they were scared because he made it known he had the jab and also warned he may need time off if he gets side effects. In any case I was in a call with him and others and this came up. For some reason he decided to ask me directly if I received the jab. My answer was that I had not received an offer to have a jab - my answer stopped there. I was also on a one to one talk with my direct manager and she was telling me how excited she was that she was soon to receive an offer. Incidentally, I noticed this manager joined telegram a few months ago so not sure what's going on there. In any case, whilst she was mentioning the vaccine to me, I kept my position hidden. I did not engage in this conversation. I just said, oh interesting, so the government rollout is continuing okay.

I think at some point after everyone has officially received an offer in the UK I may have to either lie or just state my position that this jab isn't for me. I don't know if employers of office workers will require actual proof of vaccination from employees at some point. I know for so called front-line workers employers could require this?

I know for sure I will not be the only one shielding their true view of this situation at work. I notice it's the pro-vax who are confident to speak out. Makes me wonder how many are indeed keeping their position in the shadows and letting those who talk, talk.

I'm not a lawyer nor I live in UK though logically speaking if the jab is not mandatory then no one has the right to demand to know other's vaccinated status.

In my case, here in Italy the jab is not mandatory for almost everybody except those that are working in the Healthcare field and even for them, the decree that will make the jab mandatory for Healthcare workers is still pending and currently is being discussed at the deputy chamber of the parliament, though I'm not holding my breath on this one unfortunately.
If the company for whom I work for will demand to know my vaccinated status presuming that the job won't be mandatory then I'll politely will invite them to bugger off, they have no legal right to do that.

If I'm wrong or wishfully thinking please correct anyone. There is the law, there are still some personal rights left to us that one ought to exercise wisely and fiercely according to the law of course and not succumb to intimidation tactics and obediently following the blind crowd.
BTW, i would like to ask some advice to @Gaby or someone from Italy who managed to buy ivermectin, I'm struggling finding a way to buy it since here the ivermectin is prohibited for human use and one could buy at the drug store but only with a doctor prescription and it's kind of complicated for mebto do that. So I was wondering if someone had managed to find a way how to purchase ivermectin in Italy or if there are ivermectin based drugs for animals that can be used safely?

Thank you for assistance.
BTW, i would like to ask some advice to @Gaby or someone from Italy who managed to buy ivermectin, I'm struggling finding a way to buy it since here the ivermectin is prohibited for human use and one could buy at the drug store but only with a doctor prescription and it's kind of complicated for mebto do that. So I was wondering if someone had managed to find a way how to purchase ivermectin in Italy or if there are ivermectin based drugs for animals that can be used safely?

Thank you for assistance.

Sorry for the above written post, by looking more carefully on Health Protocol thread I've managed to find a way to purchase ivermectin thanks to @Mari post. Will see if it will arrive safely from China, fingers crossed. :-)
With AZ, I am aware of at least 2 that come to mind right away that felt terrible after the second shot for a few days.

I read somewhere on a national news site, I'd have to search where (might be on forum already), that UK A&E's where being inundated with adverse drug reaction cases.

Thank you everyone sharing their experiences.
With AZ, I am aware of at least 2 that come to mind right away that felt terrible after the second shot for a few days.

I read somewhere on a national news site, I'd have to search where (might be on forum already), that UK A&E's where being inundated with adverse drug reaction cases.

Thank you everyone sharing their experiences.
I've read in the last few weeks, via a Google news feed that comes up everyday, that multiple hospitals are urging people not to come to A & E unless necessary. ..from memory, Falmouth, Northampton, Stamford, Berkshire, Nottingham, Plymouth. Never do the articles say why!
I've read in the last few weeks, via a Google news feed that comes up everyday, that multiple hospitals are urging people not to come to A & E unless necessary. ..from memory, Falmouth, Northampton, Stamford, Berkshire, Nottingham, Plymouth. Never do the articles say why!
Yes, there's a number of hospitals under pressure now. Thing is it's the A&E departments that are seeing a sharp uptick indicating vaccine reactions

Yes, there's a number of hospitals under pressure now. Thing is it's the A&E departments that are seeing a sharp uptick indicating vaccine reactions

Yes, I wonder how many are vaccine related....we knew that those who were discouraged from attending hospital last year would flood in this year...all those untreated conditions will probably be far worse now. It would make sense for the Nightingale Hospitals to be used for the vaccine injured, but of course, they haven't enough staff to man them, they never did, what with furloughed medical and administration staff! No wonder Hancock is pushing to have euthanasia made legal. I can't even begin to imagine the landscape in 6 months from now..... :huh:
Just a note for Europe residents, that apparently you can go to San Marino for a short visit, book 3 nights in the local hotel, and get vaccinated with Sputnik V. Apparently "Sputnik V Covid vaccine holiday package" is gaining popularity, and it indeed sounds like a good solution in case you are forced to vaccinate.

Then you can go home and after three weeks come back for the second jab.

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Neuroscientist Steve Ramirez of Harvard University, who uses optogenetics to manipulate memories in the brains of mice, says the mind control study is “badass.’’

Optogenetics, previously looked at as cutting edge, seems already to have given way to something else…

It’s also worth pointing out that Canadian theology professor Dr. Pierre Gilbert during a lecture in 1995 warned of a coming mandatory vaccine containing liquid crystals that, when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into “zombies.”

“In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields,” Gilbert said. “What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections.”

“This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory,” he continued. “And these vaccines will make possible to control people.”

“The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent.”

“And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie.”

“Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda,” he added, suggesting this technology was behind the 1994 Rwandan genocide

It seems the spectre of Rwanda has reared its head again just recently:

Mind Control: Scientists Engineer ‘Magneto’ Protein Capable Of Remotely Controlling Brain & Behavior

Mind Control: Scientists Engineer ‘Magneto’ Protein Capable Of Remotely Controlling Brain & Behavior​

In a 2016 experiment, synthesized proteins were inserted into a VIRUS, where they were injected into brains of mice to ultimately control the reward/motivation centers of brain using magnetic fields.

Theology professor in 1995 warned of mandatory vaccines containing magnetized particles that would turn recipients "into zombies."

Scientists developed a new method of controlling certain nerve cells of the brain to manipulate behaviors — and it’s delivered via viral injection.

In 2016, researchers at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville genetically engineered a magnetized protein, called Magneto, which is inserted into a virus that’s injected into an animal’s brain to manipulate neural activity under the remote influence of magnetic fields.

From The Guardian:

Next, the researchers inserted the Magneto DNA sequence into the genome of a virus, together with the gene encoding green fluorescent protein, and regulatory DNA sequences that cause the construct to be expressed only in specified types of neurons. They then injected the virus into the brains of mice, targeting the entorhinal cortex, and dissected the animals’ brains to identify the cells that emitted green fluorescence. Using microelectrodes, they then showed that applying a magnetic field to the brain slices activated Magneto so that the cells produce nervous impulses.
In one final experiment, the researchers injected Magneto into the striatum of freely behaving mice, a deep brain structure containing dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation, and then placed the animals into an apparatus split into magnetised a non-magnetised sections. Mice expressing Magneto spent far more time in the magnetised areas than mice that did not, because activation of the protein caused the striatal neurons expressing it to release dopamine, so that the mice found being in those areas rewarding. This shows that Magneto can remotely control the firing of neurons deep within the brain, and also control complex behaviours.
Neuroscientist Steve Ramirez of Harvard University, who uses optogenetics to manipulate memories in the brains of mice, says the mind control study is “badass”.

“Previous attempts [using magnets to control neuronal activity] needed multiple components for the system to work – injecting magnetic particles, injecting a virus that expresses a heat-sensitive channel, [or] head-fixing the animal so that a coil could induce changes in magnetism,” he explains. “The problem with having a multi-component system is that there’s so much room for each individual piece to break down.”

This remarkable study is notable given anecdotally reported strange side effects with the COVID-19 vaccine involving magnetism.

It’s also worth pointing out that Canadian theology professor Dr. Pierre Gilbert during a lecture in 1995 warned of a coming mandatory vaccine containing liquid crystals that, when exposed to magnetic frequencies, turn vaccine recipients into “zombies.”

“In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields,” Gilbert said. “What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections.”

“This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory,” he continued. “And these vaccines will make possible to control people.”

“The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent.”

“And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie.”

“Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda,” he added, suggesting this technology was behind the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
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