It is and it is not a close replica.
AFIK the vaxx spike is made with an unnatural/unearthly type of DNA, nl XNA.
Would this feature enable modifiees to receive xeno-information?
Or would it force them to eat modified food?
If it doesn't what would be the point of using XNA
unassailability by the various proteases etc that would destabilize the standard biological base pairs, or/and bioengineering new behaviors into them, such as activating/deactivating specific gene expression at a distance, presumably making those base pairs more easily altered by 4d, etc...
If one lives in BC and has sensed that The Office of Human Rights Commissioner (others likely to follow suit) might side with ones right to refuse, well apparently not when it comes to the provincial herd. Minorities don't seem to count anymore (reading between the lines) in the case of vaccine refusal, only the colossal medical, political, scientific, media and corporate establishments matter. If you are a vaccine-refusenik minority, be it black, white, asian, latin American, native American exercising sound refusal principles, for get it - you don't matter, you have probably been misinformed, or so the HR commissioner, Kasari Govender said; who is incidentally not named in the report as the commissioner.

Thus, the report has much 'soft' and 'fuzzy' language, mixed messages, and stances that look to capitulation directed at the Duty Holders (a term used throughout) - with some cautions to them that will likely be meaningless once passports become the norm.

Commissioner Govender:

In my view, a person who chooses not to get vaccinated as a matter of personal preference—especially where that choice is based on misinformation or misunderstandings of scientific information—does not have grounds for a human rights complaint against a duty bearer implementing a vaccination status policy.

There is no doubt that Govender will be able to provide examples of what misinformation and misunderstandings are should the HR Commission even accept a case or when ruling. The bent will be to the so called settled science.

Softly said in conclusion:

Conclusion {bold - is in the commissioners report}

It is in challenging times that it is most critical to place human rights at the centre of our decision making. No one’s safety should be put at risk because of other people’s personal choices not to receive a vaccine, and no one should experience harassment or unjustified discrimination when there are effective alternatives to vaccination status policies.

We must all guard against the impulse to react out of fear, speculation and stereotyping. Restrictions imposed in the name of safety must be justified based on the most current public health recommendations reflecting the best available medical and scientific evidence, relevant to a specific setting.

Our actions as a society are essential to uphold human rights for all. Each of us has a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect, to lead with empathy and kindness and to do what we can to keep each other safe.

Anyway, that is that in BC, so keep an eye out on how the language reads in your location, assuming one has available an Office of Human Rights Commissioner who has written a report on vaccines.
Even though a real lab concocted virus escaped from Ft. Detrick and subsequently a major attack agenda by the psychopathic control cabal was launched, it's interesting to see how the no "isolated" virus assertion is playing out - and thinking it may very well not be the best way to take down the Covid agenda because there was a real virus involved with real illness and deaths:


[screenshot - vid 19:10]

BOMBSHELL: HHS documents admit the CDC has never isolated any “covid-19 virus” … PCR tests nothing but instrument NOISE … the global HOAX is rapidly unraveling

  • No isolated Certified Reference Materials for “covid-19” virus.
  • PCR tests that find “positive” results for covid merely the result of amplified instrument background.
  • FDA admits PCR tests were developed without any isolated covid-19 virus samples. So they simulated the virus.
  • Virologist Dr. Judy Mikovitz confirms common coronaviruses and monkey viruses fraudulently labeled “covid.”
  • Dr. Jane Ruby explains the lack of any viral isolate and why the pandemic is based on coordinated science fraud.
  • CDC FOIA documents reveal proof the CDC has never isolated covid-19.
  • The spike protein bioweapon is real, and covid “vaccines” are kill shots to achieve depopulation.
  • CDC Director Walensky admits the covid vaccine doesn’t stop covid infections.
  • Sen. Rand Paul calls for Americans to resist covid tyranny.

CovidHoax: Virus does NOT exist! – Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine!
Stew Peters interview with Canadian Patrick King who was fined $1200 for being in a group larger than 10 - 17:11 min.
CovidHoax: Virus does NOT exist! – Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine!
Stew Peters interview with Canadian Patrick King who was fined $1200 for being in a group larger than 10 - 17:11 min.
This "victory" has been walked back. King did not win the case. It seems he lost on procedural grounds. If I understand what I heard correctly, no evidence of the virus isolation was presented because the case was to be dismissed. Have a listen

While looking for some info I came across this presentation on unethical experimentation (just a few steps behind eugenics).

On page 19 you will find a small summary of one of the first publicly acknowledged gene therapy experiment on a human.
THE STORY OF JESSE GELSINGER•On September 17, 1999, Jesse Gelsinger, a human subject in a Phase I gene therapy trial died at the age of 18 years old.•The virus which was used as the vector invaded the liver and surrounding tissue activating the immune system and an inflammatory response.•The next day, Jesse went into a coma followed by organ failure and ultimately death.
Slide Presentation
I looked for more info as the damage done by this "virus vector" seems similar to what we are observing today. The real surprise came in the next article that I found about Jesse case.
So when a doctor told Jesse that a clinical trial for a potential OTCD treatment was in the works, he was very interested. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia were developing a fix for the OTC gene, which produces an enzyme that prevents ammonia buildup. Patients would be injected with working copies of the gene that had been attached to an adenovirus, a type of cold virus. The virus, altered to be harmless, would infect the patients’ liver cells and integrate the added gene into their chromosomal DNA.
Those cold viruses are sure popular when it comes to experimenting in those Level 4 Bio Labs. Colds that people catch whether they like it or no.
One other thing to mention (not BC specifically) in a slightly different and yet related way to this, are the actions been taken in some places to replace covid business plans, with what is called the new Communicable Disease Plan (or similar language) for business:

The WHO laid out a template back in 2006 'Communicable disease surveillance and response systems - A guide to planning' with much of what can be seen today (i.e. focused on regulatory framework and strategic response), although given the time it was early-days framed around "EPIDEMIC AND PANDEMIC ALERT AND RESPONSE".

More recently, from EHA Daily Advisor, one sees "Could a Workplace Infectious Disease Standard Be on the Horizon?"

Herein (regarding OSHA), they are suggesting these things are covered in what is called a General Duty Clause, which is what they have used in some places for Covid to force draconian restrictions:

OSHA General Duty Clause Enforcement

As with earlier outbreaks, OSHA’s COVID-19 enforcement relies upon the General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Under the General Duty Clause, §5(a)(1), employers must provide a work environment “free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.”

In some places, workplace legislation around this subject uses General Duty Clauses (Canada is similar, possibly the EU). So when Covid first entered the picture, what many did was not write specified legislation (which can take years to enact), they knitted Covid Health law into General Duty Clauses for workplaces, backstopped by Public Health orders (whatever that looks like where you live) and held it up as a measure for employers with all the implications as are known. Thus, they are using General Duty clauses as a catch all for 'whatever we say it means' in the most absurd legal stitching. And that is what they are doing right now, in some locations with Communicable Disease plans that look exactly like Covid Plans (with employers told to support vaccinations - obviously some are making it mandatory with their respective governments, like France, the guiding green light; more to follow).

Now there are some good occupational lawyers that could (and should) argue against the use of GD clauses, because if they are allowed to continue to abuse them, then why would there be a need to write any specific occupational laws when a GD clause covers it. Specific laws are based on Standards (CSA, ISO and many others) and proofs are needed to support them, and employer, unions and worker must agree to them. It seems to be at this point that the ptb want to shy away from specific laws (although Biden is pushing - see below) that again, might likely take years to enact. Don't know, will have to see.

Here is Biden working to 'Revive OSHA’s Stalled Infectious Disease Rulemaking (1),' bypassing the GD clause, although it could be used and would be used if he (or whoever is behind him) is successful:

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration intends to offer a draft version of an infectious disease rule in fiscal year 2022 and seek public comment, according to an OSHA spending proposal released alongside the White House’s fiscal 2022 budget request last week. That means a proposal could be released as soon as October, when fiscal 2022 begins.

If enacted, the rule could require {call it what it is, it would be require not could} employers to protect workers from hazards such as tuberculosis, drug-resistant staph bacterial infections, and severe acute viral respiratory infections, according to OSHA’s summary of the rulemaking (RIN:1218-AC46).

General Duty clause (GD) are suppose to be a hierarchy to backstop specific issues when employers run afoul of regulatory laws to strengthen a case e.g. an employer may have a tower crane failure, bridge demolition or construction problem, lead paint or asbestos exposure - a thousand things to measure as hazards that result in serious outcomes. Regulatory laws are not supposed to be arbitrarily drawn up by governments alone, they are usually done through extensive processes of consultation, as said, between employers, unions and workers based on occupational historical evidence of serious injury and death (not PCR tested cases that inflate numbers). With communicable diseases, federal, provincial, and state Health system generally operate separately from occupational law, so in roping the latter in, business is controlled as is the public that interacts, while employers hold the burden and pay the costs for this type of redirected health system forced upon them (i.e. governments don't pay, employers pay). Thus, GD clauses were never designed to be used as they are now - you can read just a few of the arguments from the link above to get a sense.

Biden's actions, if successful, might make GD clauses moot as they will have their specific regulatory law for workplaces - and employers will pay, workers will pay and the public will always pay - society pays. Meanwhile, the vaccine makers and their supporters are raking in billions from global taxpayers, billions in stock transactions, while being completely immune to their product failures having been sheltered from legal suit (not news here).

Anyway, all this looks to the trajectory of where things seem headed; control all employers through occupational policy and law (use politicians, media, legal council and social media to help achieve), thus better to control the public and shift costs. This has been since day one (IMO).

A footnote here might be that some 'big' multinational employers have known this and have early on taken the knee (in all things requested of them) and said yes we can, and we will lead by example. These players are also the ones being rewarded, while the backbone of society, small and moderate sized business (and their workers and families), takes the full brunt of it. Pick a country and it is the same.
This is a Natural News Mike Adams article that throws more light on the subject and containing two of his own audio recordings, an interview with Judy Mikovits, and a Stew Peters/ Dr. Jane Ruby interview. Excerpt [sentence color added]:

Dr. Judy Mikovitz, author of Ending Plague (, confirmed all this in a recent interview with me. Not only did she confirm that there is no isolated covid-19 virus that has been harvested and purified from a sick person and proven to cause disease in another person; she also confirmed that Dr. Fauci specifically chose a weaponized lab sample that was infected with a cocktail of coronaviruses to use as a basis for gain-of-function research via the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In other words, Dr. Fauci knew he was building a Frankensteinian viral stew that the fraudulent CDC and complicit scientific community would simply label “covid.” Augmented by mass media hysteria, they could drive most of the population into submitting to vaccines which were engineered to inoculate the population with spike protein bioweapons, also developed under Fauci’s guidance and funding directives.
Thus, the real story here is that Fauci and the CDC used common coronaviruses to fake the covid pandemic in order to inject people with a real bioweapon: The augmented spike protein.

Importantly, Dr. Mikovitz confirms this all originated under the United States military, which means both the U.S. and Chinese military institutions were involved in the development and deployment of this global depopulation bioweapon (the spike protein):
It's clear, the herd needs hard conditioning to accept full control over them so that The System will tell them what they can or can not do. Wristband, armband, chip or whatever, it is coming, and it will be normalized.

Quick means of ID-ing people has a long history going back centuries. Some were simply more creative than others.


What's coming I suspect will be even worst.
I went for a walk in Paris when I arrived yesterday evening to see how things were. Contrary to what I had thought, the restaurants and cafe's were fairly busy. I did not get the impression that there was a great change from 5 days earlier when I also went out to eat with a colleague in Paris. To be able to compare I mostly walked the same route. The atmosphere felt a bit more subdued, but that could be due to it being a Tuesday evening and not a Thursday evening.

This time, I noticed that a Covid pass was needed; some waiters I noticed were scanning the QR codes of people and a couple of places I asked if it was needed to eat or drink with the response that yes, it was. Having had an antigen test in the morning, I was in possession of a pass, but felt it wrong to support this segration regime, so ended up deciding on a fast with a cup of tea instead. Next week I will bring something from home to eat.
I went for a walk in Paris when I arrived yesterday evening to see how things were. Contrary to what I had thought, the restaurants and cafe's were fairly busy. I did not get the impression that there was a great change from 5 days earlier when I also went out to eat with a colleague in Paris. To be able to compare I mostly walked the same route. The atmosphere felt a bit more subdued, but that could be due to it being a Tuesday evening and not a Thursday evening.

This time, I noticed that a Covid pass was needed; some waiters I noticed were scanning the QR codes of people and a couple of places I asked if it was needed to eat or drink with the response that yes, it was. Having had an antigen test in the morning, I was in possession of a pass, but felt it wrong to support this segration regime, so ended up deciding on a fast with a cup of tea instead. Next week I will bring something from home to eat.
Paris has lived through so many ages of social upheaval and war.

It's an old dance. I'm sure all the moves are muscle memory at this point.
My mother just admitted she broke and got the jab. Kept it from me because she knew I wouldn't take it well.

Worst part is that she knows full well the whole thing is ridiculous, and hasn't at all succumbed to the hysteria. She did it because she wants to travel, bought into the narrative that travel would only be allowed for the vaxxed - and so preemptively complied before the laws were even passed.

Of course, now it's looking like travel will continue being impossible, regardless of vaccination status. So she went and compromised her health for nothing.

I'm not even angry at her. Just disappointed and sad and worried.
Very sorry to hear this. You must be feeling very sad at this point. As others have pointed out, the pressure people are under to toe the vaccination line is immense. People who vassilate and don't have access to the knowledge that we have on this forum will often be tipped over the edge and take the way of least resistance - the vaccination. I am not implying your mother was in that category. She sounds like she knew the situation. Ultimately it is an individual choice and she made it for herself.

I have now been furnished with my exit threat from my place of employment. It affects only three of the regular staff but we are all firmly on the side of common sense. So many of my colleagues have come up to me recently and said "why don't you just take the vaccination and you can keep your job"...oh if life were that simple. It became quite heated when one particular colleague (who can be very irritating sometimes) said the same. I had to say "do you honestly think that I am happy to lose my job, potential travel and potential inability to visit museums, galleries, theatres etc. If I would rather lose all this than take a vaccination shot- doesn't that give you an idea of just how much I distrust this vaccination. You can be pretty sure that if I trusted this shot I would have been the first one in the queue when they were dolled out back in March." She did not have a reply.
I travelled up to London on Sunday with my family. The first time since Covid madness struck. I used to visit London on a regular basis prior to that. The mask on the train was more or less dictated to me by my family who were casting glances my way if I moved it down a little. However, there were many people who were unmasked, despite it being a government "mandate" on public transport. If I had been on my own I would not have needed to succumb to family pressure. I was there by their invitation to join them however, so I toed that line! I noticed walking the streets that very few twits were walking around in the fresh air with masks on. In the restaurants and cafes people were about half and half. You were supposed to mask up until you reached your table and then remove it. No-one seemed particularly bothered about the situation and just seemed to be enjoying doing what they were doing. I am sure as time goes on things will change for the worse sadly.
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