Are those people in the ICU with Delta variant vaccinated people, or unvaccinated people ?
The question to ask, for sure.

Best I can find on twitter thread to Dr. K's tweet is someone saying "Is it not working on vaccinated people in the ICU due to ADE ? India showed where nearly no one was vaccinated it worked well - lot's of stuff to find out."

A number of people on the thread asking vaxxed vs. unvaxxed, too, but no answer yet.

Here's what he said in case someone hasn't found it elsewhere.

Pierre Kory, MD MPA


I have experienced and am getting reports from FLCCC Alliance members that Delta variant patients crashing into ICU’s… are not showing responses to MATH+. We are demoralized and frightened. Early treatment is CRITICAL. Every household should take I-MASK+ upon first symptoms.

7:33 PM · Aug 9, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
I'm on several mailing list newsletters from people whose YouTube channels either have been suspended or are likely to be.

It's funny how we've come full circle. Back to depending on email for broad distribution of news and information.

Anyway, I just got this from RebelNews...


Couple SEGREGATED and FINED $25,000 at Toronto airport upon return from Florida work trip

Last month, William O’Kane and Kim Green packed their bags and flew down to Florida so that Kim could partake in a working interview at a potential new job.

It was an exciting opportunity for the couple and their family. Relocating to Florida would mean that they could escape Ontario, one of the most locked-down places in the world, and start a better life in Florida, where individual civil liberties are still respected and protected.

The difference between Ontario and Florida couldn’t be starker, and that difference was further punctuated by the couple’s experience arriving back in Canada.

Upon their arrival at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, William and Kim were immediately segregated and given a blue sticker indicating that they weren’t vaccinated.

It was a humiliating experience, but that was just the start of their long ordeal to get back home. William and Kim were then interrogated by public health workers about their quarantine plans and scolded for not submitting to a second PCR test.

They refused to comply every step of the way and were eventually permitted to go home, but not before receiving four tickets worth $6,255a grand total of $25,020!


There's nothing quite so cowardly and insufferable as a government levied fine.

From federal letters to notices from city hall, you know you might just well pay up. (I've had my bank account seized over this kind of thing). -There are many systems in place to enforce payment and penalty which are entirely made up of bureaucrats who don't personally mean you any harm, who are "just doing their jobs", so there's nobody you can justifiably get mad at or confront. And fighting fines is deliberately complicated and fraught with difficulty. -And in Canada, (as elsewhere) the law often comes down to a human judge who waves a hand and says, "Nah. I don't want to hear your case. I don't care if you are right."

What are you going to do?

But unlike Australia or France where it seems many people know they are being oppressed, most of the Canadians I know in Ontario are too well-programmed to realize the bleak reality of what is going on.

The vast bulk of the drones in Brave New World or THX-1138 never questioned for a moment the validity of their nightmare societies.

My own mother is a proponent of lockdowns even now. "So my safety isn't important?"

Jesus. When you flash on that Jordan Peterson "So what you're saying is..." interview, except it's with your own mother...

Life is bitter comedy sometimes.
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No doubt one would have a lot more clarity after having read all three of Judy's plague books regarding whether there ever was a "novel" virus identified as SARS-CoV-2. As David Martin has stated, the "virus" that's being used to justify the pandemic and all liberty destroying measures, is not novel and is a "computer code" manipulation of selected fragments. Again, not being a microbiologist or similar, it's difficult to exactly comprehend the specifics. I do remember that very early on that scientists from I think an Asian country declared they had discovered HIV inserts in the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Wouldn't that indicate that there was an isolated version of said virus?

It may help to remember that the original leak from Ft Detrick was out at least two years before PTB took any action, during which time the virus muted several times according to the Cs. I presume the original virus was being used to develop a spike protein vaccine bioweapon but was still a work in progress. Consequently, the premature release into the wild threw a wrench in the machinery so to speak, and the brain trusts decided that instead of being a calamity, it instead provided an opportunity to launch their already formulated plan ahead of schedule by five or more years! After all, 2030 is their magic target year!

I believe it was said there are 11 of these reporting entities and a lot of doctors don't even know VAERS exists and if they do, it's very time consuming/complicated to input information. The CMS will only have Medicare/Medicaid entries and so, few children. It's a CMS whistleblower who reported the 45,000 deaths within 3 days to the Tom Renz group.

Keep in mind that the woman could be an "actor", enlisted for continued/unrelenting promotion and support of the deadly narrative. It finally hit me one day that people I see on tv or social media could be and probably are paid shills whether a large focus group or individuals that one would normally think are just regular folks - we're just taking for granted that they are who they present to be. And alternatively, beaming/mind control may be in play as well.
A great many children are enrolled in Medicaid and Medicaid-like programs in each state. These programs are being expanded to an unbelievable and complex degree, to the point that almost all providers have to participate. One of the requirements for provider participation (at least in my state) is real time EHR link up into their system. Lots of arm twisting to do it, which I won't get into here.
I hope this link works, I am using my IPad, and for me, it’s like trying to pick an eyelash out of a bowl of water.
It is a short clip of the CDC briefing with Fauci and, Walenski in the background looking like deer in the headlights in their zoom windows.
From what I hear in this clip, the terminology and language seems to be rolled back, and possibly toned down, due to the illegal demands for vaccine papers.
The catch word he stresses several times is “attest” to having been injected.
Definition of “attest” is generally taken as ‘giving your word” rather than an Order of show me your papers.
No words . . .

SAT666 - 30/12/2020

A picture is worth a thousand words.
In New Zealand, a perfect storm is brewing, guaranteeing another Level 4 lockdown. First, the government is falling dramatically in the polls. Second, Kiwis are getting complacent about scanning in to locations. Third, the vaccine rollout is encountering some resistance from parts of the community. Fourth, people are starting to see that an elimination strategy can never work, that the borders can never open. Fifth, people want all the border closures and MIQ rules to end. So what do we see? Suddenly the government and all their paid "health experts" are sounding ominous warnings. It's not IF we have another lockdown, its when, they are saying. The Health Minister said yesterday that if even a single case of Delta is detected in the community, it will be instant L4 lockdown - everything closed except supermarkets and pharmacies, only allowed 1 km from home etc. The PM is silly enough to think that once again, being seen as commanding during a lockdown, and parroting silly sayings like - be kind - and - we are in this together, the team of 5 million - will boost her popularity again. There is no doubt in my mind that the lockdown is imminent.
Gald that protesting of masks and vaccine mandates is occurring here in TN

Too bad that our governor - Bill Lee is onboard for some strange stuff...

Mike Adams of Health Ranger fame is referenced here. Just wanna say that Mike has a lot of ads for his own products and other 'prepper' products. My opinion, but I think that the 'denouement' is happening soon and we don't need to store food for years. Perspicacity folks. Take what you can as info, but be like the geese who could spit out the water and swallow the fat.

I read through the Executive Order, and it does indeed seem to authorize "personnel" to perform "testing" and "authorized nursing", as well as "operate permitted ambulance services." (Section 8).

Section 18 states that "temporary" isolation and quarantine "facilities" may be constructed, with inspections to "ensure safety, as necessary".

Right afterwards, in Section 19 it is stated that "inspections of mental health and substance abuse facilities are suspended."

Section 20 states that health care licensing is suspended - "licensee" is no longer required to be "inspected". Maybe this applies to guys who spawned the orcs that will be building the "facilities".

Section 21 states that inspection of health care facilities themselves is also suspended - pending some legal loopholes, of course.

It all looks pretty bad.
So sad to hear that. I understand that Australia was initially seeded by criminals from England, surprising then that most of the population is on board with authoritarian dictates. Australia is obviously a test tube for how totalitarian dictates will be successful in the New World Order. My heart goes out to you. I would say that autonomous local economies make autonomous local governments possible.
I thought it was real bad in Australia, but this is even worse than I thought. The video was embedded so I couldn't see the date, I imagine that's from the last few days?
This video was dated 9 days ago, and I agree with supporting local communities & economies. Many people from Sydney have been buying rural property, no doubt there’ll be more of an exodus out of major cities after these lockdowns. However, there may be hope yet. From my post on another thread, it looks like medical practitioners are speaking out against these ridiculous measures. I was contacted by this group of senior doctors who are extremely concerned about the covid situation here and how it’s being handled. Their website below:

And there are politicians also speaking out (whether that will achieve anything remains to be seen):
No Domestic Covid-19 Vaccine Passports Bill - proposed by MP Craig Kelly

Senator Malcolm Roberts on Freedom
It's been quite a while since the last time I got caught up on this thread, but I've been reading most of the articles on SOTT so I've been keeping up with the big picture. And it ain't very pretty for much of the world right now. I empathize with those of you in Europe and Australia dealing with what seems to be terminal madness for either the populace or the leaders, there doesn't seem to be any rectification possible there now between them without some kind of miracle occurring before things become violent. What happens there will most likely determine the course of events for the rest of the world. Those who are pushing these "vaccines" will not ever stop trying until they succeed or are stopped. And now what I'm reading about FEMA camps for the unvaccinated, and the dehumanization campaign against them going on all over the MSM...I fear that all those things that were once supposedly just fanciful "conspiracy theories" were indeed always part of the script, and it is one that the elites will carry out to the letter...

...or TRY, anyway. I read a few forums on some alt-news websites and almost every single post now is allied with truth and they are against these draconian COVID policies. And the level of knowledge of those posters leads me to believe quite a few of them must read these pages! It's not just a few, either; and many of them get banned only to be replaced with more posters who are even more brazen.

Until a few weeks ago I had been feeling down about it all, because I was still in California and I was surrounded by people who buy the whole scam completely, without question. In the city I was living in, I had only ONE friend who saw things as I did. I actually got mocked by people I thought were friends for my stances on COVID, even though they knew that I had done work on viruses and even some gain of function research. Not a single one of them even so much as looked at the titles of the piles of articles I had printed out about all of this madness. They are all programmed NPC's who may as well be repeater stations for the MSM drivel. I am starting to wonder if that is the true function of organic portals, that they are nothing more than fleshy robots the controllers use to deliver and enforce their messages.

I finally escaped CA on the 30th of July. I am now staying in eastern Washington with family while I look for another job and a place to live. I was fortunate; I was able to retire with exactly 20 years service and I will receive a pension which will be enough to survive on for awhile (*if* the dollar remains stable...which is questionable). I was able to move most of my supplies and about half my food reserves up here, and I even still have about two-thirds of my books! I'm staying in a cramped ten-by-ten bedroom though, and my books and boxes of articles are in storage so I won't be able to do much writing while I am here. But I managed to escape the bowels of hell, and if I can do it, then others can too.

I no longer feel down, because things here are just so different. Most people here still believe the COVID narrative, but there is a big difference: they mostly believe in personal choice to determine your own path, re: vaccines. And almost no one wears masks! Last weekend I visited the college town of Moscow, Idaho where they had a massive farmer's market with at least a few thousand people, and I saw maybe a couple dozen masks total. The only people I consistently see masked are store employees, and even then, not in every store (except all the major chains still require them for workers). It's amazing what a difference 800 miles makes.

I think that there are basically two Americas now: the major cities and the Pacific and Atlantic coasts versus the rest of the nation. The split is getting more obvious by the day. Having experienced living in both places, I feel it is inevitable that some kind of major incident will happen sparking a bifurcation of this country, if not a civil war, unless those who caused this split are exposed for who and what they are first. I'm not holding my breath for that one though. Even if that happened, too many people have invested too much of their being in what they believe about this country and their "leaders". The resulting cognitive dissonance will destroy many people mentally.
Many will never give up on their beliefs about COVID, masks, distancing, vaccines etc. Many more will never give up the socialist beliefs that have been drilled into their heads via the schools and MSM. There really HAS to be some kind of event to separate the two camps because they won't be able to coexist. And the collectivists will not leave the independents alone. Maybe that's where the earth changes come in, as the mechanical "change agent" to separate the two groups - as above, so look out below! I figure here at 1300 feet elevation, we at least have a chance if the mud floods come again...
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