Enforcement of VAX escalating

If I can add to this thread, I am one of those who had to get vaccinated. My wife and I refused it till the point it came onto our jobs i.e. no vaxx, no job which we could not afford. Therefore, we got the Astrazeneca jabs with the protocol and holding ok so far. There has been the usual reactions and weakening of the immune system but we are managing to build it back up just fine with the advice already available on the forum. The catch is not to dwell on it too much or one ends up "walking on the egg shells" all the time. This causes more anxiety than its worth. One doesn't loose anything if they are being forced into a vaccination. Are we going to die from the vaccine? Is death really a concern? The worst ones are those who line up willingly without questioning the narrative and they have already lost everything.
Thanks sid. I think it's important to not get too dragged into all of this; we're losing our rights on a global scale and it's easy for me to get angry at the lying and blatant abuse going on everywhere. I have to remind myself, however, that this is how things are supposed to go. This is a result of living in an STS world, I asked to be here for whatever reason, so I need to take these growing oppressive mandates not as obstacles, but challenges to learn from.
If look back at history, through times similar to now (but on a smaller scale) like nazi Germany, there were people that went along with the whole thing to reach prestigious positions and used their power to help people by smuggling those destined for the camps out of the country, or secretly supporting resistance movements.
Society is changing, and if we still want to be a part of society we'll have to change too. If we get to the point where there are clear cut divisions between vax and unvax similar to jews and non-jews in nazi Germany, then I think we'll have a choice to make. Do we resist till the end? or go along and fight it from the inside? or run into the woods and drop out of society altogether? Maybe I'm being too dramatic here, but I feel it's important to understand that getting vaxxed is not 'giving in', you can still be the same person regardless.
Just wanted to chim in and say thank you for all your inputs so far.

Agree with Joe, Jenn, Alejo and many other members who pointed out the fact that the main point of this thread is to prepare ourselves physically, emotionally, psychologically while being calm and wise as serpents in case some of us will be forced to take the jab one way or another.

To not be afraid or loose our marbles thus making hasty decisions (like resisting the jab till death) that may result in total disaster for ourselves and our loved ones.

If we gonna freak out because of a jab then it means we aren't properly grounded in life and that despite all the inspiration and information received from the C's and through the efforts of our network we are still doubting of who we really are, that is, immortal souls and not mere meat bags.

This jab business is just another trial that we have to face together, helping and supporting each other as a network, as a community and not allowing anyone to divide us thus rendering us weak and meek. I know it sounds as a cliché what I'm about to write but one fact is certain in this life, that is, united we stand against any challenges, divided we fall.

Resist till you're able to without compromising your ability to keep going further or compromising the well-being of your loved ones who depend upon you.

Keep your head straight, your feet on the ground, your inner peace while facing the unknown without blinking an eye while being aware that we are immortal souls thus not identifying ourselves with the mortal machines that we are temporarily inhabiting.
Original antigenic Sin (OAS)

Antigenic sin has been demonstrated to occur in several infectious diseases in both animals and humans, including human influenza infection and dengue fever. The basis of "original antigenic sin" requires immunological memory, and our immune system ability to autocorrect. In the context of viral infections, it is expected that if we are exposed to a native strain of a pathogen, we should be able to mount a secondary immune response on subsequent exposure to the same pathogen. "Original antigenic sin" will not contradict this well-established immunological process, as long as the subsequent infectious antigen is identical to the original one. But "original antigenic sin" implies that when the epitope varies slightly, then the immune system relies on memory of the earlier infection, rather than mount another primary or secondary response to the new epitope which would allow faster and stronger responses. The result is that the immunological response may be inadequate against the new strain, because the immune system does not adapt and instead relies on its memory to mount a response. In the case of vaccines, if we only immunize to a single strain or epitope, and if that strain/epitope changes over time, then the immune system is unable to mount an accurate secondary response. In addition, depending of the first viral exposure the secondary immune response can result in an antibody-dependent enhancement of the disease or at the opposite, it could induce anergy. Both of them triggering loss of pathogen control and inducing aberrant clinical consequences.
Need to think about the above in addition to adverse effects - adverse effects aren't the only "dragon" in town.

A lot of rumours floating around that Omicron may be taking advantage of this OAS. One to watch out for as the months go by and boosters are taken...

Speaking of boosters.... "Immune Exhaustion" is something I've heard mentioned in a few places but having said this, I haven't yet found out much about what it is.

All in all, lots to consider and think about when it comes to the vax mandates.
The bank that I work at has its headquarters in Illinois but they have some branches here in Florida. About a month ago , they send out a message that stated that they were enforcing the covid vaccine and for the people that didn't want to get it, they would have to get tested weekly. For the people that are vaccinated, they would have to upload their vaccination cards onto the banks system. At the beginning of this month, they sent out a message stating that they will not enforce the vaccine mandate because it violates OSHA. I just thought it was funny because they most likely knew that it violated OSHA in the beginning but they were just following protocol until there was a lot of pushback. There are some companies here in Florida ( mainly hospitals, clinic, etc) that have enforced the vaccine on their employees or have given the option of getting tested weekly. Other than that, there hasn't been anything forced down here for now, its mainly older people that are getting their booster shots or people that believe the MSM lies.

Best of luck to all! It looks like 2022 is going to be very interesting in terms of the pandemic and the crazy weather which means the psychopaths will get even more desperate and reveal themselves even more.
I think all of us here, or at least most of us, agree on one thing, that the whole "vaccine" story has nothing to do with stopping the spread of any virus, it is just an excuse to force a serious of jabs upon us. It is also an excuse to install the total control system, one of the tools to this end being the "green pass". The question is, why do they intend to jab each one of us on permanent basis, like every 3 or 6 months for years to come? For example why do they need 7 booster shots in Israel, we may say for now, because it does not necessarily mean, that they are going to stop here.

Or why do they need 280 million doses in Australia:

_Australia secures additional Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for 2022 and 2023 | Prime Minister of Australia
More than 280 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have now been secured to support the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.
In Australia, the country of almost 26 million people, it gives about 11 additional doses, boosters, per head, including infants. Basically they openly inform us, that they do not plan this "pandemic" to end any time soon, and by this they confirm, that they know, that their "vaccines" are not going to stop "spreading any virus". The "virus" is here to stay for as long as they want it to stay, and for some reason they want it to stay here for years to come.

The "vaccines" were designed to serve some purpose or purposes, to do some job in our bodies, and they know exactly what this job is. They do not disclose all ingredients in the jabs, we "officially" have no right to know, what they want to inject us with. The real purpose them of telling us about mRNA in the vial could even be to just mislead us. Because what we see happen to some vaxxed people is so unlike anything we saw in the past, that they needed something to blamed it on. So now all these unusual strange "side effects" can be explained to be caused by this experimental mRNA. I do not say, there is no genetic modification involved, but that it is not the whole and maybe not the main story here.

People in the know say, it is all about depopulation, and I agree, but only partly, I think it is a secondary goal. Since they plan to continue for years to come, they must know, there will still be people on the planet for them to be jabbed. Too many people dying at the moment or too many "side effects" only scare many others away and also it exposes them, so it acts against them for now. After making all people to accept the jabs and putting the control system in place, they would have all the time needed to depopulate any one they wished with no problem. Besides there was so much loud talking about depopulation plans, that everybody must have heard about it. It makes me suspect, that they could have advertised it on purpose, that they want those in the know to now believe that it is all about depopulation, so that they do not look too much in the direction they do not want them to look.

Deciding whether to accept the jab or not, people mostly concentrate on health issues, like what are the chances that I die or develop some serious health problems. But there seem to be other factors to take into consideration.

What I propose here is that the final target of PTB are those who stay alive after the who knows how many inoculations. It could imply, that the jabs contain something that they want to introduce into our bodies and it needs to be introduced slowly, gradually, maybe to get the body slowly accustom to it, accept it and perhaps to gradually accumulate it. Like they want to gradually saturate our bodies with something. And/or maybe this something also needs to be periodically renewed or reinforced.

And they also tell us, what exactly they are doing, they tell us what future they designed for us.

And the part of the future they designed for us is transhumanism. We all heard about it, there are threads about it on the forum. On the other hand there is a lot of information coming from many directions about strange things found in the jabs, like hydrogel, graphene oxide or hydroxide, nanotechnology, we hear about people getting magnetic, people emitting Bluetooth signal etc., all these do not come from nothing, we cannot just discard it all as non-existent. Add genetic modification to it and all ties together well.

Go to the website "Policy Horizons Canada"


which introduces itself as:

"We are a federal government organization that conducts foresight. Our mandate is to help the Government of Canada develop future-oriented policy and programs..."

The Director General of Policy Horizons Canada is Kristel Van der Elst, who happen to be "the former Head of Strategic Foresight at the World Economic Forum".


And read what the agenda is in their own words. "Exploring Biodigital Convergence. What happens when biology and digital technology merge?" written in February 11, 2020.

I will quote just few more informative bits. I have already quoted some in another post, but I will repeat them here:

In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural."

[...] Digital technologies and biological systems are beginning to combine and merge in ways that could be profoundly disruptive to our assumptions about society, the economy, and our bodies. We call this the biodigital convergence.

Three ways biodigital convergence is emerging
1 Full physical integration of biological and digital entities
2 Coevolution of biological and digital technologies
3 Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems

Biodigital convergence is opening up striking new ways to:

Change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours

Change or create other organisms

What is biodigital convergence?
Biodigital convergence is the interactive combination, sometimes to the point of merging, of digital and biological technologies and systems. Policy Horizons is examining three ways in which this convergence is happening.

Full physical integration of biological and digital entities
Digital technology can be embedded in organisms,
and biological components can exist as parts of digital technologies. The physical meshing, manipulating, and merging of the biological and digital are creating new hybrid forms of life and technology, each functioning in the tangible world, often with heightened capabilities.

Robots with biological brains and biological bodies with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces. The medical use of digital devices in humans, as well as digitally manipulated insects such as drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts, are examples of digital technology being combined with biological entities. By tapping into the nervous system and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose. New human bodies and new senses of identity could arise as the convergence continues.

Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems
A third form of biodigital convergence involves a shift in perspective that could reshape our framing and approach to biological and digital realms, facilitating the blending of the two.

As we continue to better understand and control the mechanisms that underlie biology, we could see a shift away from vitalism – the idea that living and nonliving organisms are fundamentally different because they are thought to be governed by different principles. Instead, the idea of biology as having predictable and digitally manageable characteristics may become increasingly common as a result of living in a biodigital age.
How they envision our new world:
Good morning, biodigital.
Many factors could affect how biodigital convergence technologies could impact different societies, countries, cultures, environments, and people around the globe. The following is one of many possible narratives depicting some of the innovations in a future biodigital world.

I wake up to the sunlight and salty coastal air of the Adriatic sea. I don’t live anywhere near the Mediterranean, but my AI, which is also my health advisor, has prescribed a specific air quality, scent, and solar intensity to manage my energy levels in the morning, and has programmed my bedroom to mimic this climate.

The fresh bed sheets grown in my building from regenerating fungi are better than I imagined; I feel rested and ready for the day. I need to check a few things before I get up. I send a brain message to open the app that controls my insulin levels and make sure my pancreas is optimally supported. I can’t imagine having to inject myself with needles like my mother did when she was a child. Now it’s a microbe transplant that auto adjusts and reports on my levels.

Everything looks all right, so I check my brain’s digital interface to read the dream data that was recorded and processed in real time last night. My therapy app analyzes the emotional responses I expressed while I slept. It suggests I take time to be in nature this week to reflect on my recurring trapped-in-a-box dream and enhance helpful subconscious neural activity. My AI recommends a “forest day”. I think “okay”, and my AI and neural implant do the rest.

etc., etc.

James Corbet in his report discusses the subject more widely:
Your Guide to The Great Convergence (video) : The Corbett Report

This is happening now. This is the true purpose of this long series of jabs; they are gradually rebuilding our bodies, they are gradually turning us into these biodigital entities, kind of bio-robots or cyborgs, "new hybrid forms", controlled by AI. They are merging our bodies with technology. And probably also do some genetic modifications, to make it all work together. We can imagine, that it must be a gradual process, you cannot merge organic body with technology overnight. An inoculation every three months for many years looks much more reasonable. Some bodies cannot take it and drop dead. Others develop very strange symptoms, which cannot be treated, doctors do not know how. They have never seen anything like that.

I think that even though people talk about it, they do not give it attention, it deserves, maybe because it feels too far-fetched, more like science fiction, something maybe possible in the future but not now. Yet when we remember that it was some alien races, who created our physical bodies, and many prototypes, then we can easily assume, they are able to modify them and merge them with technology. The technology and the whole project comes from the aliens, of course. They are behind all this.

5G technology is being installed to be used not only for the smart cities but also, or more importantly, for the "smart humans", for controlling these robotized people. I do not think they will use it much, before they are satisfied with the amount of people being ready. But once they are satisfied, they can possibly activate them with perhaps 5G and other technologies, and we can possibly witness the real zombie apocalypse.

The metaverse by Zuckerberg fits well here. Looks like they are already preparing the virtual reality for biodigital "humans" to live in. I will not go into it, but you might want to watch James Corbet addressing this topic.

What is the Trans Agenda? – Questions For Corbett (video) : The Corbett Report

Can we even come close to understanding the position of the soul which would still in some way be attached into this kind of biodigital construct? Would it be able to communicate with us? Would it even want to? And this appears to be the whole point of these alien races; to separate us from any influence of our souls, so that they can be sure, we will never be able to get our freedom back. They literally attempt to imprison us in virtual reality. All they need is our consent.

One of the reasons they tell us, as humanity, what they are doing, is because they must do it, if they want to avoid karmic retribution. It is like: they told us the truth, we consented, it was our free will choice, no free will violated. It is a great simplification, but this is what the whole game is all about. They must play in accordance with the rules of the law of free will, which they know well and understand it, and we do not. This gives them great advantage over us, and allows them to cheat upon the law of free will, without cheating upon it. It sounds like it makes no sense, but it does. The second reason they tell us the truth would be predictive programming. So, we all know all the plans they have for us, all about great reset, "you will have nothing and be happy", etc., etc., and most importantly we were told about transhumanism. But we have to pay attention and take it seriously, and act accordingly.

It now becomes more understandable, why PTB so crazily try to coerce all of humanity to accept the vaxxes and all following "boosters". The aim is to transform all of us, otherwise, if a meaningful part of us refuse to comply, finally we would see two different kinds of humanity on the planet, and the "elites" would find themselves in a very uncomfortable position. And dangerous for them.

By saying all this I did not mean to say, I believe it will all happen, actually I do not think so. I hope I added some food for thought and added some factors to take into consideration while making the decision, whether to consent to "vaccines" or not.
The bank that I work at has its headquarters in Illinois but they have some branches here in Florida. About a month ago , they send out a message that stated that they were enforcing the covid vaccine and for the people that didn't want to get it, they would have to get tested weekly. For the people that are vaccinated, they would have to upload their vaccination cards onto the banks system. At the beginning of this month, they sent out a message stating that they will not enforce the vaccine mandate because it violates OSHA. I just thought it was funny because they most likely knew that it violated OSHA in the beginning but they were just following protocol until there was a lot of pushback. There are some companies here in Florida ( mainly hospitals, clinic, etc) that have enforced the vaccine on their employees or have given the option of getting tested weekly. Other than that, there hasn't been anything forced down here for now, its mainly older people that are getting their booster shots or people that believe the MSM lies.

Best of luck to all! It looks like 2022 is going to be very interesting in terms of the pandemic and the crazy weather which means the psychopaths will get even more desperate and reveal themselves even more.
Thanks Ghazi!
Even more interesting is seeing the changes in those you knew for a lifetime, those "around the psychopaths" or those now following anything the MM tells them through their big screens and speakers. Those that were once crying for freedom and pointing their fingers at any sort of dictatorship or fascism, now are cheering at more and more strict laws against those who do not comply. Really a separating wheat from the chaff live show in terms of will and programming.
It does amaze me that we have reached this point in less than 2 years time. It's jaw dropping really. I realize that preparation work has been going on for a long time to get the population at large ready and programmed for this moment. But it is still amazing.

The propaganda coming out of the media has been like a tidal wave.

Still, it is heartening to know that not all are taken in, and many are resisting. I guess at some level, it is necessary, and just part of some natural process. At least, that is what I keep reminding myself of. Getting a pretty good view of how STS works, if that is any conciliation. Front row, no less. :scared:
@SOTTREADER, We are not in UK but the location is probably irrelevant as the vaccines are getting forced everywhere. My approach at the moment is to not think too much about what hasn't manifested yet. We will cross that bridge when we get there. In saying that, I am exploring a few options to see if the next round of enforcement can be avoided and at the same time, stocking up on supplements.
If I can add to this thread, I am one of those who had to get vaccinated. My wife and I refused it till the point it came onto our jobs i.e. no vaxx, no job which we could not afford. Therefore, we got the Astrazeneca jabs with the protocol and holding ok so far. There has been the usual reactions and weakening of the immune system but we are managing to build it back up just fine with the advice already available on the forum. The catch is not to dwell on it too much or one ends up "walking on the egg shells" all the time. This causes more anxiety than its worth. One doesn't loose anything if they are being forced into a vaccination. Are we going to die from the vaccine? Is death really a concern? The worst ones are those who line up willingly without questioning the narrative and they have already lost everything.

I think this is one of those points that ought to be remembered particularly, as it has been said previously, there's always the three forces at play in our reality, the good the bad and the specific context, in this case getting the jab within a context of understanding the risks and the not falling for the lies makes the world of a difference, not only in an abstract way or mental/emotional, but in very real terms, in practical terms, i.e. preparation.

And I have been thinking about it lately, specially with those around me and the people of notoriety that I've learned about (JPB or Eric Clapton for instance), and I remembered that it has also been discussed how lying or believing lies can damage your brain, and if I had to speculate, I would say that at a subconscious level you are aware of the lie going unquestioned and this can have a detrimental effect on your psyche, your world view and your body, via stress and inflammation. Traumatic events, for which the person has no recollection, say if they happened before or right after birth can have an effect on the rest of their lives and even determine the state of their health.

So, I would think that the detrimental effect of these shots can be exacerbated by the act of willfully believing the lie being told about them, and I think that's one of the biggest factors that one ought to keep in mind when considering the situation that has started to manifest itself everywhere.

Not only that but, I think there's a reason why the push for the jab has not been forcefully imposed, I think that in order for whatever large global program they have in mind to take hold, they need for humanity to willfully walk in and accept the measures, the programing is a lot more effective if you have people who are now emotionally invested in their choices defending their position and their obedience.

And there's also a reason or them not forcing things to the ultimate degree, if they keep a chunk of the population unvaccinated, they can always blame them for the new variants and have the whole thing going on for as long as they can.

Perhaps a shorter way to say it would be, there's a difference between being pushed through a door and willingly walking through it, superficially it may look the same, someone going through a door, but there's the unseen that actually makes a difference.
@SOTTREADER, We are not in UK but the location is probably irrelevant as the vaccines are getting forced everywhere. My approach at the moment is to not think too much about what hasn't manifested yet. We will cross that bridge when we get there. In saying that, I am exploring a few options to see if the next round of enforcement can be avoided and at the same time, stocking up on supplements.
Thank you @sid, I can understand it can be quite stressful. Wishing you and your wife the best.
I think this is one of those points that ought to be remembered particularly, as it has been said previously, there's always the three forces at play in our reality, the good the bad and the specific context, in this case getting the jab within a context of understanding the risks and the not falling for the lies makes the world of a difference, not only in an abstract way or mental/emotional, but in very real terms, in practical terms, i.e. preparation.

And I have been thinking about it lately, specially with those around me and the people of notoriety that I've learned about (JPB or Eric Clapton for instance), and I remembered that it has also been discussed how lying or believing lies can damage your brain, and if I had to speculate, I would say that at a subconscious level you are aware of the lie going unquestioned and this can have a detrimental effect on your psyche, your world view and your body, via stress and inflammation. Traumatic events, for which the person has no recollection, say if they happened before or right after birth can have an effect on the rest of their lives and even determine the state of their health.

So, I would think that the detrimental effect of these shots can be exacerbated by the act of willfully believing the lie being told about them, and I think that's one of the biggest factors that one ought to keep in mind when considering the situation that has started to manifest itself everywhere.

Not only that but, I think there's a reason why the push for the jab has not been forcefully imposed, I think that in order for whatever large global program they have in mind to take hold, they need for humanity to willfully walk in and accept the measures, the programing is a lot more effective if you have people who are now emotionally invested in their choices defending their position and their obedience.

And there's also a reason or them not forcing things to the ultimate degree, if they keep a chunk of the population unvaccinated, they can always blame them for the new variants and have the whole thing going on for as long as they can.

Perhaps a shorter way to say it would be, there's a difference between being pushed through a door and willingly walking through it, superficially it may look the same, someone going through a door, but there's the unseen that actually makes a difference.
Also worth remembering not all vials are the same. It appears some are harmless as they rarely produce any reports of adverse effects. This is a good explanation for why the adverse effects aren't causing widespread devastation though they are causing widespread susceptibility in the way of time bombs. I heard someone describe it as the "advocate approach".

Through a mathematical formula, enough vials are made so as to not produce debilitating adverse effects. People who received these vials (who are the majority) then act as "advocates" for the jabs. This then pushes more people to get the jabs. It remains to be seen what these means for boosters as the approach is used to "lure" more people in. It's unclear what then happens when the majority are lured in.
Not only that but, I think there's a reason why the push for the jab has not been forcefully imposed, I think that in order for whatever large global program they have in mind to take hold, they need for humanity to willfully walk in and accept the measures, the programing is a lot more effective if you have people who are now emotionally invested in their choices defending their position and their obedience.
Yes, I think preferred would be if people buy the lies and follow the agenda willfully, as that could mean that 'programming is complete', but I also think the PTB don't really care whether it's imposed or not or whether they're violating the free will of the people. Things appear to be accelerating, and the lies are becoming so obvious that it has come to such a point that even some fully vaccinated people are refusing to participate in a 2G/3G society and are starting to see the ridiculousness of it all. For example, recently, the three major political parties in the Netherlands voted against increasing the salary of hospital personnel, yet money is made available to finance people who check people's Covid certificates. I think the PTB are getting more arrogant by the day, which may lead to their downfall. And as was discussed here:

28 November 2009 said:
(L) I mean, people that believe lies against all evidence are the ones that really baffle me. I mean, they don't baffle me in the sense that I don't understand why they do it, because I understand the psychological and brain mechanism, and I understand that's it been thousands of years, little by little, gradually, pathologically encroaching until now we live in this world where it's just literally -everything is dirty - it's just really horrible. And I can't imagine what... I mean, what about a psychopath? What about a psychopath who doesn't have emotions? How is a hyperkinetic sensate {wave} going to affect a psychopath?

A: They do have a sort of "emotion". Hunger for darkness.

Q: (L) So what it is an amplified hunger for darkness?

(A******) More darkness.

(L) But what would it do if it were amplified in that way?

(Allen) Ravenous!

(L) They'd devour themselves, wouldn't they?

A: More or less. What do you do when at your center there is a big empty hole?

Q: (Ark) But I can see how it's gonna happen. You see separately, there are these psychopaths. At the same time, there are a lot of people who are becoming very unstable. There are a lot of people who go completely crazy, that psychopaths can see something is happening - new opportunity, right? So, new victims. "They're mine!" "No, they're MINE!" And so psychopaths will start to fight with each other.

(L) Because they're more and more hungry. And then their masks will fall away, and people will see them for what they are.

A: Yes

Q: (L) It's gonna be ugly. But, we are embarked upon a new world.

The Wave is here, and I think psychopaths are getting hungrier by the day and desperate to increase their control over the people. In the process they may expose themselves more and more. They think they know what to expect (referring to Schwab's 'we need to prepare for an angrier world') but they may be a little too confident in thinking they will succeed, plus they may not have considered possible cosmic factors. FWIW 🧐
Not only that but, I think there's a reason why the push for the jab has not been forcefully imposed, I think that in order for whatever large global program they have in mind to take hold, they need for humanity to willfully walk in and accept the measures, the programing is a lot more effective if you have people who are now emotionally invested in their choices defending their position and their obedience.

Very true IMO. We know the idea that "they" like people to willingly comply with their schemes because it gives them satisfaction, but there's also the much more practical aspect to that which you mention: when people comply with a scheme, they will actually defend that decision. Kind of like the "sunk cost fallacy", where once you've bought into something, there's a natural/emotional resistance to accepting that you may have made a big mistake. Those who do this effectively become 'agents' of the schemers.
Very true IMO. We know the idea that "they" like people to willingly comply with their schemes because it gives them satisfaction, but there's also the much more practical aspect to that which you mention: when people comply with a scheme, they will actually defend that decision. Kind of like the "sunk cost fallacy", where once you've bought into something, there's a natural/emotional resistance to accepting that you may have made a big mistake. Those who do this effectively become 'agents' of the schemers.
Yes, and considering how emotionally invested people get in their narratives, or rather how we cal all get deeply invested in our narratives, and how quick we seek to find relief for mental stress, people will naturally seek to find ways to avoid any form of cognitive dissonance, going to severe extreme in some cases.

It reminded me about an article I read a long time ago on SOTT about the role that the SS had in Nazi Germany, and how from the outside it would seem as though the SS was everywhere, but the article explored the role of regular citizens supporting the system, telling on each other and maintaining it. I think this is how ponerization manifests in most people perhaps, the need to defend a choice made against one's own conscience could eventually lead you to seek to "destroy" all the reminders of that "self betrayal" in the outside world.
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