Session 7 March 2009


FOTCM Member
Session Date: March 7th 2009

Laura, Ark, G**, Scottie, Ch**, Craig P**, Simon, Don D**, Ar**, An**, Joe

[Craig is playing the piano - a piece he composed entitled 'Cassiopaea'.]

Q: (L) Now, come sit. Tell me why did you decide to name it Cassiopaea? (Craig) Well, I'm not... maybe we could just ask the C's? (laughter) (Craig) What was in my mind as a man of 23 years old? Aspiring for knowledge? Why I chose that word, why I was so attracted to that word... I mean, that is my memory of it, it just came. As a composer you look for a name for a piece of music. For that sound it seemed appropriate.

A: To be amazed!

Q: (L) And who have we got with us here? Hello.

A: Hiperionia of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) And what does, "To be amazed" mean? What does that refer to?

A: Craig's question.

Q: (L) Is that the answer to why he chose that name?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Well, he asked what was in his mind as a 23-year-old, and asking about spiritual things? Wasn't that what you asked? (L) What was in the mind of a 23-year-old composer searching for... (Craig) That sound and that name... (L) Okay, so the answer was, "To be amazed".

A: Most amazing now considering all that has gone between, eh?

Q: (L) I guess they're asking you that. (Craig) Such a long gap that it's still amazing now? (L) Yeah I guess. (Craig) Maybe that connection was felt - that I'm here now - that connection was felt back...

A: Exactly!

Q: (L) Alright. We're here because people have pressing questions. Ask away. (Craig) So. This is a big one for me. Who was behind the attempted assassination of my first spiritual teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?

A: You aren't going to like the answer. Let's just say elements of secret services were involved.

Q: (L) Were any of those elements people that were known and that were not seen as being possibly secret service? What I'm trying to say is was there anybody who was well-known to the people involved and trusted who was involved?

A: Yes.

Q: (Craig) Was it because of his work establishing meditation groups to effect world peace?

A: Partly.

Q: (Craig) Any other reason that would be useful for me to know now?

A: Nothing of significance more than to divert attention and focus in the wrong direction. But isn't that always the case?

Q: (L) Okay, divert attention from what?

A: The concept of spirit.

Q: (L) And to focus on what?

A: Focus on the man.

Q: (L) When you say, "focus on the man" what do you mean? I feel like this is getting into a very touchy area. (Joe) I think they mean to focus on the man himself, like to create a martyr or deity out of him. We've talked about this a lot where basically people who propose an idea or a concept and it's got a following, but it maybe it's not really going anywhere. Well, then you kill that person and then suddenly, everyone says, "Oh! He was killed because he was onto something!" (Craig) So the implication is that this is to divert attention away from the concept of spirit?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) That would kind of suggest that the concept of spirit that he was promoting was not a correct concept, because attention was focused on him by attempting to kill him. That's how they create a false idea of spirituality... (Craig) Was his teaching in line with the consortium or any of the unpleasant or undesirable elements?

A: Not exactly the way to ask the question.

Q: (Simon) Yeah. You have to ask something like: Was what he was teaching beneficial to the increasing of knowledge?

A: No.

Q: (L) But that was your specific question: Was what he was teaching beneficial to the increasing of knowledge? (Craig) Is there any value in his particular angle, the revival of the ancient Vedic knowledge?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, obviously there's a little more to this than meets the eye. (Craig) Is this continued in the right direction by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar?

A: No.

Q: (Craig) Is there a whole new direction by the work of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar?

A: Could be...

Q: (L) So what's this Sri Sri guy into? (Craig) He's [teaching "Art of Living" breathing/meditation]. Is this a worthwhile program for the benefit of mankind?

A: In certain respects, yes. But it is lacking balance.

Q: (Craig) Which area does balance need to be improved?

A: Remember that nearly the entire world was against the war over sixty years ago and it came nonetheless. Meditation to calm the mind and commune with higher realms will do nothing to balance this realm.

Q: (L) Clearly from my experience, meditation to master yourself and your reactions is a very beneficial thing.

A: Yes. But then what does one do with that mastery?

Q: (Craig) It serves to help people who don't know how to control their mind or their emotions.

A: Yes. And teach them when where and how to use those emotions for change. Overcoming emotions so that one is not affected by what is out there and inside is little more than becoming an automaton.

Q: (Craig) Can these breathing techniques help - Sudarshan Kriya?

A: Absolutely!!!!!!!

Q: (Craig) Is it one of the best tools we can use to revive people's humanity?

A: Yes. But don't forget the balance. Facing reality and mastering the self alternating with meditation for recovery.

Q: (Craig) Is there any chance for OPs to be rehabilitated?

A: Very likely not.

Q: (Craig) What percentage of prisoners are OPs?

A: Lower than you might expect in this present reality.

Q: (L) So that would suggest that more people with souls are in prisons. (Craig) That was my experience teaching breathing techniques in prisons. There was a lot of fantastic guys. Would showing these breathing techniques here in this household for the present company be beneficial?

A: Sure.

Q: (Craig) Can we do it soon?

A: Sure.

Q: (Craig) Should the present distinguished company give up smoking before we do it?

A: No.

Q: (laughter) (DD) Nice try, though! (Craig) Is that the full program - the five day course? (L) You're going to do the five day course? (Craig) Is that the right thing for this environment?

A: Sure.

Q: (An**) We don't have to give up garlic, do we? (laughter) (Craig) As long as you don't smoke during the sessions or eat garlic during the sessions. (L) How long are the sessions? (Craig) Two and half hours, two and half hours... (L) Well, we're going to have to cut them back to 45 minutes. (laughter) (Craig) So, the origins of this Sudarshan Kriya, is this from the ancient Vedic times - Kantekkian Civilization - or is it from modern times?

A: Modern.

Q: (Ark) What is it? (Craig) It's a technique with sound and breath to get rid of stress in the system, bring balance, joy, get more energy. Oh, relating back to my first question: If it was to divert attention against Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi, then why did they keep the assassination attempt secret?

A: It wasn't secret from those intended to be influenced.

Q: (Craig) Right... (L) I doubt it would have made any difference to the wider public at all I don't think. (Craig) Well, they kept it secret to keep the organization going, which was in the wrong direction... So, lastly, what is the relationship between Mahareshi Mahesh Yogi and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar?

A: 5th density pact.

Q: (Craig) Are they masters that work with 5th density?

A: Came from... with a mission here.

Q: (L) Well, everybody essentially comes from 5th density, but not everybody comes with a mission. (Craig) Will there be attempts by the consortium to stop Sri Sri Ravi Shankar?

A: Not too likely.

Q: (Craig) How can that be if he's doing world-changing work? How can that be?

A: It isn't balanced to be world changing alone.

Q: (L) If he added some elements into it then he'd have to go into hiding.

A: Remember what we have previously said: Life is religion...

Q: (Craig) Life is religion? [discussion of quote] (Joe) Life is religion. Those who pay attention to reality left and right become the future. (L) Those who seek to shut out life become a dream of the past. Something like that... Who's next?
(Simon) I'd like to know when Avebury was built?

A: 4233 BC

Q: (Simon) What was its original purpose?

A: Observation and calculation.

Q: (Simon) Of what?

A: The sky was rather busier than you have thus far known it.

Q: (Simon) So is it something to with observing the comets?

A: Yes.

Q: (Simon) Is there anything useful we can understand from it today?

A: Not really, except of course the abilities of the builders.

Q: (L) I think whatever they were observing or calculating is no longer there, so it's like a defunct machine. (DD) Which leads us to the Palomar observations that they said, with the 4th density occupation beneath the mountain. How long had Palomar been a base before the Rockefellers or the human aspect was added to it?

A: 200 years.

Q: (DD) So 4th density STS had been in the mountain for 200 years before. Were the Rockefeller faction the first humans that were brought into that particular operation?

A: Yes.

Q: (DD) Obviously 4th density STS didn't need an observatory on that mountain. What was their purpose?

A: Of course not, but their minions do. Keeps them in line.

Q: (DD) We went up to the mountain after the Cassiopaean remarks about that - three times. We noticed that there were some very in-plain-site openings beneath the mountain and into the ground. What was the 10-12 foot diameter manhole with a big lid on it. It would take a crane to lift this lid. It looked like you could drop a truck down this hole. What was the purpose of that?

A: Leads to facilities which have another entrance. That entrance is actually an "exit" and opens easily from the inside.

Q: (DD) Okay. We noticed a couple of other smaller, similar manhole structures down there. And we also noticed what looked like a ventilator shaft. I got pretty close to it and listened and it sounded like there was some form of machinery. Was that some sort of life support for the human...

A: Not that. Remember that a large telescopic observatory requires a great deal of technological support, including its own power supply, etc.

Q: (DD) Ah, okay. Is that the purpose of the three buildings on rails that we saw that had the pipes that all came together and ran down the hill or underground?

A: Part of the observation apparatus.

Q: (DD) Okay. Why did 4D STS choose that particular location to build a base?

A: Ah! Now an interesting question! Perhaps you should research the history of the place and factor in the concept of windows between realities.

Q: (DD) I noticed that there were things that struck me as numerous underground operations when I was living on the West Coast in South Orange County. The first thing that caught my eye was the possible underground component of the ziggurat pyramid federal building on Laguna {???}. Was that building connected to any other subterranean works in that region?

A: Oh indeed. And it will be surprising to see how these things factor into the future police state.

Q: (DD) When we were involved in that El Toro airport fracas, it came to light that during World War II, they built a rather large underground component at the El Toro base ostensibly for weapons storage. Did that particular base operation link down toward Palomar or that federal building, or does it now?

A: Now you are catching on. There are a lot of linkages down there.

Q: (DD) Linkages meaning tunnel systems? So are most of the military bases on the West Coast linked that way?

A: Yes.

Q: (DD) Are they linked to the federal building systems?

A: In some cases.

Q: (DD) Back to Palomar. The juniper that you suggested we locate, I think we did. It stuck out like a sore thumb. It was an orange {colored} tree. Was that the tree that you were specifically referring to?

A: Yes.

Q: (DD) What significance was that tree?

A: Sign post and locater for entry controls.

Q: (Simon) If you pulled the right branch, Don... (laughter) (L) Enough on Palomar... (Simon) Can I just go back and ask why have I always been so attracted to Avebury?

A: Past life connection.

Q: (Joe) I have a question for A***. She was interested in asking a question about her niece. Her niece is the one who said that was in the tower on 9/11. Is this a case of her being reincarnated...

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And she's been talking about seeing dinosaurs at night. So is she having interactions with 4D STS lizard types?

A: Yes.

Q: (An***) Was A*** her grandfather in a past life?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Over the past couple of years there have been periodic reports of feet in shoes - disembodied feet - washing up on the shores. The most recent one was in February, last month, and it started this year. I just wondered where these are coming from?

A: Let us just say that some individuals have a very sick sense of humor.

Q: (An***) Are they real feet from real people? (L) Yes, is somebody being murdered to provide these feet?

A: No.

Q: (L) They're getting the feet from already dead bodies?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And tossing them over from boats?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Just to appear in the news?

A: Yes.

Q: (laughter) (DD) We were discussing this at dinner tonight. (L) Alright, if nobody has any other pressing questions... (Craig) Simon has a past life connection with Avebury. I'm so attracted to it, do I also have a past-life connection to Avebury?

A: Yes. Why do you think you are living there?

Q: (L) I mean, of all the places to live. What's the name of this place you live? M_____? [discussion of name and joking about its pronunciation] (L) Okay, anybody got anything pressing? (Ar****) Can I ask this one question? What causes this relaxing feeling I get when certain people talk? Like their voices mesmerize me and I feel relaxed. Why do I get that way?

A: Frequency match.

Q: (Craig) Like a resonance. (Joe) It resonates with your brain. (L) It resonates with the relaxing part. Just like my voice must resonate with the part that makes you irritable and angry. (laughter) (Ar***) It's just that occasionally even if I don't know them I just hear a person's voice and I start feeling calm and very relaxed.

A: Now have fun!!!!! Goodbye.

Interesting session. I've been thinking about doing the Art of Living course and learning some breathing techniques but not very sure after reading this. Though I believe that as long as one is aware of his/her surroundings and has good control over their emotions; all courses, techniques etc are irrelevant?
We'll be doing the Art of Living course in June and I'll report back after. Craig is just really a great guy and a fantastic musician. We had a really good time with him here - a lot of music was going on. He's a super cook too, and we enjoyed his big pot of Dahl for two days after he had gone home.
Laura said:
Q: (L) I guess they're asking you that. (Craig) Such a long gap that it's still amazing now? (L) Yeah I guess. (Craig) Maybe that connection was felt - that I'm here now - that connection was felt back...

A: Exactly!

Does this happen, because Time is not linear? I have these experiences too, like I feel a connection to something, that hasn't happend yet, but I somehow know it will, in the 'future' or in the 'past'.
That everything happens all at once, and not linear, was my own explanation of that phenomenon anyway. I remember a drawn picture of cyclical time from one of Lauras books I read way back, but I can't find that ecaxt picture right now.

This to me seem important :

A: Remember that nearly the entire world was against the war over sixty years ago and it came nonetheless. Meditation to calm the mind and commune with higher realms will do nothing to balance this realm.

Q: (L) Clearly from my experience, meditation to master yourself and your reactions is a very beneficial thing.

A: Yes. But then what does one do with that mastery?

Q: (Craig) It serves to help people who don't know how to control their mind or their emotions.

A: Yes. And teach them when where and how to use those emotions for change. Overcoming emotions so that one is not affected by what is out there and inside is little more than becoming an automaton.
A: Yes. But don't forget the balance. Facing reality and mastering the self alternating with meditation for recovery.

To be able to keep the balance!
Meditating for World Peace and sending out love and light just ain't gonna cut it.
Facing the reality is much much harder I think.

I'm looking forward to hearing how the Art of Living course went.
Is always wonderfull to know more about the cassiopeans

they lightmark interesting new topics or get deeper with the old ones sometimes with a twist
why it take 2 months before the transciption came out?

i just cant wait ;)
We've been pretty busy for one thing... so the session didn't even get transcribed for a couple of weeks. Then, I was waiting for the correct spelling of some of the terms used. I just got that yesterday so I'll go in and fill in some of the brackets and generic terms that I replaced the specific terms with.
Q:[...]  (Craig) So, the origins of this [breathing technique], is this from the ancient Vedic times -  or is it from modern times?

A: Modern.

Q: (Ark) What is it? (Craig) It's a technique with sound and breath to get rid of stress in the system, bring balance, joy, get more energy. Oh, relating back to my first question: If it was to divert attention against Maharesh Mahesh Yogi, then why did they keep the assassination attempt secret?

This maybe old news, but I wanted to share some info on this:

Just the past few weeks I've been reading books by Alexander Lowen and his Bioenergetic Analysis. Lowen was a student and patient of W.Reich and was, so far as I know, one of the pioneers and developers of bioenergetics - a form of therapy where one learns to "surrender to the body" and be free of traumas/tensions. In his "body therapy"/Bioenergetic Analysis one of the key elements is the use of breathing and sound. In his therapy sessions Lowen used a "bioneregetic stool" on which the patient laid on his back then breathing deeply and uttering sounds. This often, according to Lowen, leads to the patient "letting go" and start crying etc.

I've had the chance of trying this with an expert in the field and all I can say is that this stuff really works! Or maybe it would be more correct to state, that exploring and releasing the tensions in the body is very beneficial for ones psychological health. And analysing your (most probably) false breathing pattern can reveal many unpleasant traumas/feelings.

There's so much more to bioenergetics and Mr. Lowen that I can write about just now. Just wanted to recommend reading his books and maybe try some of his techniques. And if in luck, maybe you can find a good "body therapist" who knows how to "set you free" :)

Apropos, in some of A.Lowens texts there's a slight "religious undertone" which can be slightly annoying. But otherwise I highly recommend to read him.

The books I've been reading are:
- A.Lowen: The way to vibrant health: A manual of bionenergetic exercises
- A.Lowen: Joy - The surrender to the Body and to life
Thank you for the post Laura.

I found the sections about South Orange County very interesting, being that they are very close to me currently. What is more important is what the C's said about the locations role in an upcoming "Police State". It is as if time is quickly ticking away for us to move from our current location. Is anyplace in the US better then others, in terms of pursuing the Work, and not being caught up in verious negitive events that might happen in the future? Or is a transition out of the US entirely a better option for survival?
That was the most grasping part to me, Palomar mountains, the history there of, a "population " as in regards not of 3rd density. 200 years ago, which reminds me of "the nation of the third eye" which might have something to do with the mason's and the "illuminati"(and who manages the us's money system). If memory serves me correct the C's said that thus was a part of a 4th density to 3rd density transfer experiment by the lizard race on the human race, which has been since abandoned. This stuff amaze me!
GMFaudio said:
Is anyplace in the US better then others, in terms of pursuing the Work, and not being caught up in verious negitive events that might happen in the future? Or is a transition out of the US entirely a better option for survival?

The quote that answers this is "it's not where you are but who you are that counts". There really isn't any way to definitely predict that any one place is safer or more dangerous than another, in fact, the whole world may well be a danger zone, so what do we do then? The idea is to increase your knowledge and awareness of objective reality, both internally and externally. In this way you become a good "worker in the field", you become a good servant of the creative side of the universe and in that way way become useful. The "universe" takes care of those who are useful, "useful" being the idea that you are aware of reality as it is, as the universe sees it rather than mired in your own subjective illusions
Laura said:
Q: (DD) Okay. Why did 4D STS choose that particular location to build a base?
A: Ah! Now an interesting question! Perhaps you should research the history of the place and factor in the concept of windows between realities.

I notice once again, we see something significant situated near 33 degrees North. said:
Coordinates 33°21′48″N 116°50′08″W

For example the Great Pyramid of Giza is stated to be 29° 58′ 45.03″ N and I think a lot of other places near 30 degrees N has seen some significant structures and bases?

C's session August 16 said:
Q: Alright. Let me just say: I notice that Giza, the Canary Islands, Mt.
Everest, and right here where we are sitting, are all along the same
parallel - rather close, in fact. The same line of latitude.
A: Good observation.
Q: Anything else about that?
A: Any pyramids on the same latitude as Wroclaw?
Q: Well, I don't know! Are there? Never mind, you are gonna say
A: Yup.
dant said:
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Hi Dant, if by the above you mean you wanted to have a check mark on this topic so you would recognise it when you visit the forum, perhaps a better way to keep tabs on any thread is to click on the "notify" button at the top of the page. By doing so you will be sent an email every time a new reply to this thread is posted (with a link)
Perceval said:
The quote that answers this is "it's not where you are but who you are that counts". There really isn't any way to definitely predict that any one place is safer or more dangerous than another, in fact, the whole world may well be a danger zone, so what do we do then? The idea is to increase your knowledge and awareness of objective reality, both internally and externally. In this way you become a good "worker in the field", you become a good servant of the creative side of the universe and in that way way become useful. The "universe" takes care of those who are useful, "useful" being the idea that you are aware of reality as it is, as the universe sees it rather than mired in your own subjective illusions

Thank you for that. When it is said
Perceval said:
dant said:
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Hi Dant, if by the above you mean you wanted to have a check mark on this topic so you would recognise it when you visit the forum, perhaps a better way to keep tabs on any thread is to click on the "notify" button at the top of the page. By doing so you will be sent an email every time a new reply to this thread is posted (with a link)

I think it would be best if there was a "watch" button so that it brings
items of interest to the top of the login-user's list. I noticed that others
would post an empty post for the same reason, but I thought to add a
comment as to my intent. I get tons of emails per day to my mailbox
and I just don't want to add more to my mailbox, which is why I did it
this way in the first place. But thanks for letting me know about the
notify button! :)

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