Solar System anomalies & Earth Changes


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Lot of things is going on recently on our planet and in our planetary vicinity, let's mention couple of interesting anomalies:

There are at least four unexplained anomalies connected with astrometric data. Perhaps the most disturbing is the fact that when a spacecraft on a flyby trajectory approaches the Earth within 2000 km or less, it often experiences a change in total orbital energy per unit mass. Next, a secular change in the astronomical unit AU is definitely a concern. It is reportedly increasing by about 15 cm yr−1. The other two anomalies are perhaps less disturbing because of known sources of nongravitational acceleration. The first is an apparent slowing of the two Pioneer spacecraft as they exit the solar system in opposite directions. Some astronomers and physicists, including us, are convinced this effect is of concern, but many others are convinced it is produced by a nearly identical thermal emission from both spacecraft, in a direction away from the Sun, thereby producing acceleration toward the Sun. The fourth anomaly is a measured increase in the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit. Here again, an increase is expected from tidal friction in both the Earth and Moon. However, there is a reported unexplained increase that is significant at the three-sigma level. It is prudent to suspect that all four anomalies have mundane explanations, or that one or more anomalies are a result of systematic error. Yet they might eventually be explained by new physics. For example, a slightly modified theory of gravitation is not ruled out, perhaps analogous to Einstein's 1916 explanation for the excess precession of Mercury's perihelion.


The researchers looked at five deep-space probes — Galileo to Jupiter, the NEAR mission to the asteroid Eros, the Rosetta probe to a comet, Cassini to Saturn, and the MESSENGER craft to Mercury. Each spacecraft flew past the our planet to either gain or lose orbital energy in their quests to reach their eventual targets. (Galileo made two flybys.)

In five of the six flybys, the scientists have confirmed anomalies.

"I am feeling both humble and perplexed by this," said Anderson, who is now working as a retiree. "There is something very strange going on with spacecraft motions. We have no convincing explanation for either the Pioneer anomaly or the flyby anomaly."

In the one probe the researchers did not confirm a noticeable anomaly with, MESSENGER, the spacecraft approached the Earth at about latitude 31 degrees north and receded from the Earth at about latitude 32 degrees south. "This near-perfect symmetry about the equator seemed to result in a very small velocity change, in contrast to the five other flybys," Anderson explained — so small no anomaly could be confirmed.

The five other flybys involved flights whose incoming and outgoing trajectories were asymmetrical with each other in terms of their orientation with Earth's equator.

For instance, the NEAR mission approached Earth at about latitude 20 south and receded from the planet at about latitude 72 south. The spacecraft then seemed to fly 13 millimeters per second faster than expected. While this is just one-millionth of that probe's total velocity, the precision of the velocity measurements was 0.1 millimeters per second, carried out as they were using radio waves bounced off the craft. This suggests the anomaly seen is real — and one needing an explanation.

The fact this effect seems most evident with flybys most asymmetrical with respect to Earth's equator "suggests that the anomaly is related to Earth's rotation," Anderson said.

As to whether these new anomalies are linked with the Pioneer anomaly, "I would be very surprised if we have discovered two independent spacecraft anomalies," Anderson told "I suspect they are connected, but I really do not know."

Unbound idea

These anomalies might be effects we see with an object possessing a spacecraft's mass, between 660 and 2,200 lbs. (300 and 1,000 kg), Anderson speculated.

"Another thing in common between the Pioneer and these flybys is what you would call an unbound orbit around a central body," Anderson said. "For instance, the Pioneers are flying out of the solar system — they're not bound to their central body, the sun. For the other flybys, the Earth is the central body. These kinds of orbits just don't occur very often in nature — it could be when you get into an unbound orbit around a central body, something goes on that's not in our standard models."

The researchers are now collaborating with German colleagues to search for possible anomalies in the Rosetta probe's second flyby of the Earth on November 13.

"We should continue to monitor spacecraft during Earth flybys. We should look carefully at newly recovered Pioneer data for more evidence of the Pioneer anomaly," Anderson added. "We should think about launching a dedicated mission on an escape trajectory from the solar system, just to look for anomalies in its motion."

Montana State University physicist Ronald Hellings, who did not participate in this study, said, "There's definitely something going on. Whether that's because of new physics or some problem with the model we have is yet to be worked out, as far as I know. A lot of people are trying to look into this."

Anderson and his colleagues will detail their latest findings in an upcoming issue of the journal Physical Review Letters.


Than there are Gravity Anomalies via Solar Eclipse

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Ultra low frequency-ULF (1 Hz or lower), kHz and MHz electromagnetic (EM) anomalies were recorded prior to the L'Aquila catastrophic earthquake (EQ) that occurred on 6 April 2009. The detected anomalies followed this temporal scheme. (i) The MHz EM anomalies were detected on 26 March 2009 and 2 April 2009. The kHz EM anomalies were emerged on 4 April 2009. The ULF EM anomaly was appeared from 29 March 2009 up to 3 April 2009. The question effortlessly arises as to whether the observed anomalies before the L'Aquila EQ were seismogenic or not.

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Two electromagnetic (EM) anomalies have been detected in the VLF frequency band before the Athens earthquake (EQ) (Mw =5.9, Sept. 7, 1999) with the following characteristics: (i) The first and second anomaly lasted for 12 and 17 hours respectively with a cessation of 12 hours; (ii) The second anomaly ceased at about 9 hours before the EQ; (iii) The larger anomaly, the second one, contains approximately 80% of the total EM energy received; (iv) No EM disturbance has been recorded in the VHF frequency band unlike with other cases, e.g., the Kozani Grevena and Egion‐Eratini earthquakes.


Anomalies, in short in the Solar system:

Sun Reflective Anomalies around the sun recorded by STEREO this year

Large Changes in Solar-Flare Activity
The "Missing" Solar Neutrinos

SATURN anomalies
Sudden, Temporary Cessation of Radio Emissions

The Anomalous Acceleration of Phobos

Anomalous Ion Clouds Detected on the Lunar Surface

Infrared Anomalies
Transient Points of Light
Localized Color Phenomena
Transient, Large-Area Luminescence
Lightning-Like Phenomena on the Moon

Local Concentrations of Radioactivity
Young Lunar-Surface Ages

Discrepancies in the Moon's Ephemeris
Nongravitational Forces and Earth-Moon Acceleration Discrepancies
Earth-Moon Acceleration Incompatible with Moon's Origin in Earth Orbit

Cyclic Disturbances of Jupiter's Orbit

Extreme-Ultraviolet Emissions from Mercury
Ring of Light around Mercury's Dark Side
Mercury's Unexpected Magnetic Field

Periodic Changes in Earth's Brightness
Slow, Unexplained Descent of Satellites

Two-Dimensional Comet Tails
Unexplained Abundance of Short-Period Comets
The Anomalous Disappearance of Comets
Anomalous Brightening of Short-Period Comets
Anomalous Splitting of Comets

Pioneer anomaly
The Pioneer anomaly or Pioneer effect is the observed deviation from predicted trajectories and velocities of various unmanned spacecraft visiting the outer solar system, most notably Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11.

Both Pioneer spacecraft are escaping from the solar system, and are slowing down under the influence of the Sun's gravity. Upon very close examination, however, they are slowing down slightly more than expected. The effect can be modeled as a slight additional acceleration towards the Sun.

The anomaly has no universally accepted explanation. The explanation may be mundane, such as measurement error, thrust from gas leakage or uneven radiation of heat. However, it is also possible that current physical theory does not correctly explain the behaviour of the craft relative to the sun.

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and anomalus interstellar cloud on:

and all kind of anomalies in the Gluf stream:



or El Nino anomalies:

or global temperatures anomalies:

or on:

or on:

Increased floods:

Increased extreme weather:

Increased meteor showers:


Increased volcanic activity


or on:

or on:

Increased earthquake frequency:

read on:

Increased number of suicides:

even in US army:

same as homicides become even more frequently:,_D.C.



or on:

number of serial murders increased as well:

Increased cases of mental illnes:

or on:



or on:

or on:

Although list of the anomalies might seems long, you could easily detect much more of them all around the globe and in our Solar system.....,... Please be free to add them.
Last addition to our Solar system would be Eris (photo attached), Eris, the largest dwarf planet known, was discovered in an ongoing survey at Palomar Observatory's Samuel Oschin telescope by astronomers Mike Brown (Caltech), Chad Trujillo (Gemini Observatory), and David Rabinowitz (Yale University). The name was officially suggested on 6 September 2006, and it was accepted and announced on 13 September 2006. In Greek mythology, Eris is the goddess of warfare and strife. She stirs up jealousy and envy to cause fighting and anger among men. At the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, the parents of the Greek hero Achilles, all the gods with the exception of Eris were invited, and, enraged at her exclusion, she spitefully caused a quarrel among the goddesses that led to the Trojan war. In the astronomical world, Eris stirred up a great deal of trouble among the international astronomical community when the question of its proper designation led to a raucous meeting of the IAU in Prague. At the end of the conference, IAU members voted to demote Pluto and Eris to dwarf-planet status, leaving the solar system with only eight planets.

The satellite of Eris has received the offical name Dysnomia, who in Greek mythology is Eris' daughter and the demon spirit of lawlessness.

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  • Eris 2003 small pic.jpg
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One of the interesting changes connected to our planet are changes in the Earth gravity field, as stated in the article on:

Satellites Reveal Mystery Of Large Change In Earth's Gravity Field
cienceDaily (Aug. 7, 2002) — Satellite data collected since 1998 from the U.S./French ocean-observing satellite Topex/Poseidon, managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., indicate the bulge in Earth's gravity field at the equator is growing, and scientists think that the ocean may hold the answer to the mystery of how the changes in the trend of Earth's gravity are occurring.

Before 1998, Earth's equatorial bulge in the gravity field was getting smaller because of post-glacial rebound that occurred as a result of the melting of the ice sheets after the last Ice Age. When the ice sheets melted, land that was underneath the ice started rising. As the ground rebounded in this fashion, the gravity field changed.

"The Earth behaved much like putting your finger into a sponge ball and watching it slowly bounce back," said Christopher Cox, a research scientist supporting the Space Geodesy Branch at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Currently, Earth has a significant upward bulge at the equator, and a downward bulge at the poles. "Observations of the Earth's gravity field show that some phenomena are counteracting the gravitational effects of post-glacial rebound. Whereas the rebound has been decreasing the bulge in the Earth's gravity field at the equator, this recent phenomena is causing the bulge to increase," Cox said. Such changes in the gravity field can be sensed using ultra precise laser tracking of satellites to observe tiny changes in the orbits of those satellites and by tracking changes in the length of day or rotation of the Earth.

Scientists believe movements of mass cause this recent change from the high latitudes to the equator. Such large changes may be caused by climate change, but could also be part of normal long-period climatic variation. "The three areas that can trigger large changes in the Earth's gravitational field are oceans, polar and glacial ice, and atmosphere," Cox said.

Cox and colleague Dr. Benjamin Chao, also of Goddard, have ruled out the atmosphere as the cause. Instead, they suggest a significant amount of ice or water must be moving from high latitude regions to the equator, and oceans could be the vehicles of this movement.

Estimates of today's glacier and polar ice melting are too small to explain the recent changes in the gravity field. If melting ice were the cause of the recent changes in the gravitational field, it would require melting a block of ice 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) on each side by 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) high every year since 1997 and pouring it into the oceans.

"The recent reports of large icebergs calving in Antarctica can't explain this, because they were already floating in the ocean," Cox said. Further, radar altimeter observations of the average sea level rise provided by Topex/Poseidon show no corresponding change in the rate of the global sea level increase.

Consequently, mass must have been redistributed within the oceans. That's where the ocean circulation theory comes in. Ocean currents can redistribute mass quickly, such as the 5-year time frame that these changes were first observed. The Topex/Poseidon observations of sea level height do show an increase in the equatorial bulge of the oceans corresponding to the observed gravity changes, but the data are not yet conclusive. One critical factor is the temperature of the world's oceans, and its salinity, for which detailed data are not yet available.

In 2002, NASA launched the JPL-managed Grace and Jason Missions, which will help to more precisely track and explain these sorts of changes in the Earth, and will launch the Icesat mission this winter. Aquarius, a JPL-managed mission that is part of NASA's Earth System Science Pathfinder small-satellite program and is proposed for launch in 2007, will provide the first-ever global maps of salt concentration in the ocean surface needed to understand heat transport and storage in the ocean.

An article on this NASA-funded study appears in the August 2 issue of the journal Science.

For more information and images on Topex/Poseidon and Jason, please see:

or from:

PASAENA, Calif., Dec. 6 (AScribe Newswire) -- A team of researchers from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., and the Royal Observatory of Belgium has apparently solved a recently observed mystery regarding changes to the physical shape of Earth and its gravity field. The answer, they found, appears to lie in the melting of sub-polar glaciers and mass shifts in the Southern, Pacific and Indian Oceans associated with global- scale climate changes.

The team of researchers sought to find a climatic reason for the dramatic changes in Earth's gravity field observed since 1997. These changes have resulted from large …

as some changes in earth shape, more on:

Most changes in Earth's shape are due to changes in climate
Scientists using NASA satellite data found the shape of the Earth appears to be influenced by big climate events that cause changes in the mass of water stored in oceans, continents and atmosphere.

The study's principal researchers are Minkang Cheng and Byron D. Tapley, of the Center for Space Research
, University of Texas at Austin. They reviewed climate events like El Ni�o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) that affect the amount of water moving in the oceans, atmosphere and continents.

The study shows significant variations in the shape of the Earth, defined by the Earth's gravity field, or geoid, during the past 28 years might be partially linked to climate events. The study examined Earth's oblateness, how much its rounded shape flattens at the poles and widens at the equator. Scientists measured the distance from ground stations to satellites by using Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data that are accurate within one millimeter.

The data reflected mass changes as water redistributed in oceans, atmosphere, and in soil. The redistribution resulted in slight changes of the Earth's gravity field, detectable with geodetic satellites, those that study of the size and shape of the Earth.

The researchers found over the past 28 years, two large variations in the Earth's oblateness were connected to strong ENSO events. Variations in mass distribution, which caused the change in the gravity field, were predominantly over the continents, with a smaller contribution due to changes over the ocean. The cause of a variation in the Earth's mass over the 21-year period between 1978 and 2001, however, still remains a mystery.

The scientists also found that another change in mass distribution may have started in late 2002, which coincides with the moderate El Ni�o that developed at that time.

"The main idea, however, is that the Earth's large scale transport of mass is related to the long-term global climate changes," said Cheng.

Cheng and Tapley's research relied on NASA's SLR data to measure changes in the longest wavelengths of the Earth's gravity field in order to see how the global-scale mass was redistributed around the world.

The Earth's gravity is an invisible force of attraction that pulls masses together. The relative motion of a small lighter object, such as a spacecraft, to a large heavy object such as the Earth, depends on how much mass each object has and how that mass is distributed. Scientists can measure the changes in Earth's gravitational pull using instruments on the ground to track satellites in space. So, water mass shifts on Earth and the changes in shape of the Earth can be detected.

The long-term history of the SLR measurements make it possible for scientists to see the changes over time in melting glaciers and polar ice sheets and the associated sea level change. The SLR data have also been used to detect the motion of global tectonic plates on which landmasses rest, the deformation of the Earth's crusts near plate boundaries, and the orientation and rate of spin of the Earth.

In March 2002, NASA and the German Aerospace Center launched the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to sense small-scale variations in Earth's gravitational pull from local changes in Earth's mass. GRACE data will assist with future studies similar to Cheng and Tapley's research. The GRACE satellite, together with 18 other NASA research satellites, have opened new windows to exploring Earth and to understanding the intricate processes that support life.

The study was published in a recent issue of the Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth.

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes
Perhaps this is another anomaly.

This came out in the local newspaper yesterday:

The strange thing is, it was reported that "Many of the 500 residents claimed that clogged drains had caused the sea-level to reach the wooden walkways."

I'm not quite sure if clogged drains can have any effect on the sea-level or unusual tide rising? :/
Just finished an interesting book that may be related to all of these things. "Lost Star of Myth and Time" by Walter Cruttenden. His interpretations of the data may not be perfect, but the data he does present, and the main idea about precession is quite compelling.
Laura said:
Just finished an interesting book that may be related to all of these things. "Lost Star of Myth and Time" by Walter Cruttenden. His interpretations of the data may not be perfect, but the data he does present, and the main idea about precession is quite compelling.

Thanks Laura, just glanced at the reviews of the book and Cruttenden's articles related to same, binary star could be an answer to many anomalies in our solar system and probable cause to lot of damages in ancient past (together with cometary passages and of course the Wave - C's explained it nicely, but it would be great to connect all dots and make full picture of what is, what will and what was going on during influence of external cosmical factors via contemporary science). Looking forward to read the whole book :).
Bjarne said:

Are you still here

Hi Bjarne,

Welcome to our forum. :)

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May I ask you why do you want to know if Ljibica is still here ?

This sums a lot of things at once!

I still can't beleive how much there is though and especially how we are/have been kept in ignorance so much about these things and what they might represent.

Anyhow, many thanks!
Gandalf said:
Bjarne said:

Are you still here
May I ask you why do you want to know if Ljibica is still here ?

I want to know more aboyt this

Discrepancies in the Moon's Ephemeris
Nongravitational Forces and Earth-Moon Acceleration Discrepancies
Earth-Moon Acceleration Incompatible with Moon's Origin in Earth Orbit
Bjarne said:
Gandalf said:
Bjarne said:

Are you still here
May I ask you why do you want to know if Ljibica is still here ?

I want to know more aboyt this

Discrepancies in the Moon's Ephemeris
Nongravitational Forces and Earth-Moon Acceleration Discrepancies
Earth-Moon Acceleration Incompatible with Moon's Origin in Earth Orbit

What has NASA's Cassini seen during its Grand Finale?
Sep 13, 2017

Edit: Included Bjarne's query
Just wanted to mention that on 15th of October 2017, Putin spoke with International Youth Festival participants in Sochi, Russia. And one of the participats from Jamaika raised the issue of global Earth Changes (read Global Warming caused by humans). Putin's reply was very interesting AND revealing. Although he gave his support toward the efforts of the international community to fight the changes, and said that Russia is going to do its part, he also curiously remarked that there are all kind of theories, including theories that there are deeper reasons for the climate change, and that these changes don't originate on Earth, but that entire Solar system goes through them as well. That these are changes on the cosmic scale!

Listen to it here, starting from 31 min.

Keit said:
Just wanted to mention that on 15th of October 2017, Putin spoke with International Youth Festival participants in Sochi, Russia. And one of the participats from Jamaika raised the issue of global Earth Changes (read Global Warming caused by humans). Putin's reply was very interesting AND revealing. Although he gave his support toward the efforts of the international community to fight the changes, and said that Russia is going to do its part, he also curiously remarked that there are all kind of theories, including theories that there are deeper reasons for the climate change, and that these changes don't originate on Earth, but that entire Solar system goes through them as well. That these are changes on the cosmic scale!

Listen to it here, starting from 31 min.

Interesting. And it also reminds me of Putin's comments when Trump decided to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement in June (!) this year:

“It’s about preventing temperature changes of two degrees,” he reminded the audience, noting that “we here [at the forum] somehow do not yet feel that the temperature is rising.”

"In Moscow it’s raining and cold and even, they say, some snow."
Siberia said:
Keit said:
Just wanted to mention that on 15th of October 2017, Putin spoke with International Youth Festival participants in Sochi, Russia. And one of the participats from Jamaika raised the issue of global Earth Changes (read Global Warming caused by humans). Putin's reply was very interesting AND revealing. Although he gave his support toward the efforts of the international community to fight the changes, and said that Russia is going to do its part, he also curiously remarked that there are all kind of theories, including theories that there are deeper reasons for the climate change, and that these changes don't originate on Earth, but that entire Solar system goes through them as well. That these are changes on the cosmic scale!

Listen to it here, starting from 31 min.

Interesting. And it also reminds me of Putin's comments when Trump decided to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement in June (!) this year:

“It’s about preventing temperature changes of two degrees,” he reminded the audience, noting that “we here [at the forum] somehow do not yet feel that the temperature is rising.”

"In Moscow it’s raining and cold and even, they say, some snow."

Here is the full quote and context of what Putin said back in June:

Pashalis said:
It is finished now and here is the official translation of what he said there:

Vladimir Putin: I do not belong to the category of European leaders, at any rate they do not think I do (laughter, applause), but of course we, I mean Russia, have our own viewpoint. Have you read the Paris Agreement? No, you have not, as I can see.

In general, the Paris Agreement is a good, logical document aimed at resolving one of today’s global problems – preventing climate change. The question is whether we are in a position to avert climate change. What does it do? The goal is to prevent a two-degree rise in temperature.

So far, we do not get the sense here that the temperature is going up rapidly. Actually, we should be grateful to President Trump. I heard it was actually snowing in Moscow today, while here it is raining and quite chilly. Now we can blame everything on him and US imperialism, and say it is all their fault. But we will not.


Incidentally, this agreement has not even entered into force yet. It should come into force in 2021, so we still have time. If we work constructively, we will still be able to agree on something. Don’t worry, be happy! [last four words said in English]

And here what Putin said back in march:

Pashalis said:
Today Putin attended the "Internationale Arktis-Forum" in Archangelsk and made a couple of interesting statements about "global warming".

It starts at minute 57:01

Paraphasing here:

Basically he says that he will say something that is probably unpopular, namely that the warming already started at a point where it could hardly be blamed on humans, and that he believes the people who think that it is probably related more to global cycles or greater cosmic cycles. Further he basically says it is about "how we can adjust us to those cycles" and that we need more research on that and how people and local communities get adjusted and accustomed to the new things. And at the end he says "So probably those people who are not in agreement with the opponents, may not be at all silly" and that we should be able to listen to one another and find solutions.

Then at 01:03:39 Putin mentions that the datas on the ground show clearly that what is happening now in regards to carbohydrate concentrations, was happening thousand and even millions years ago, at a time when there were no humans. And finally he says "be aware that the eruption of several Vulcanos would be greater then man made impact on the environment, so we need to study these things".

My guess is that Putin and co. know much more about it, then they can admit at this point.
In the Youtube still shot of Putin, who is that a picture of looking over his shoulder? Just curious.

Also, Pashalis wrote in reference to video:
Then at 01:03:39 Putin mentions that the datas on the ground show clearly that what is happening now in regards to carbohydrate concentrations, was happening thousand and even millions years ago, at a time when there were no humans. And finally he says "be aware that the eruption of several Vulcanos would be greater then man made impact on the environment, so we need to study these things".

Did you mean carbon? rather than carbohydrate?

It's great to see that some of the observations the forum has been noting for years is being acknowledged by Putin and his colleagues, still the moderator seems to keep returning to the same global warming/climate change dogma.

Thank you Pashalis for sharing this and bringing forward. Missed it in March.
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