Coming Attractions

On the topic of white blowback,I just came across a video by stefan moleneu called Wrath of the Awakened Saxon.In it he reads a poem by Rudyard Kipling in his usual fashion while staring at the camera.What was interesting to me were the comments on the video:

''The hatred boiling inside of my heart increases week on week. The lies, the blatant attempt to replace Europeans and whites, the Marxist manipulation of our young to make them hate themselves, the double talk and deceptive rhetoric used by the left where under the sound of "inclusivity, social justice and progress" they destroy meritocracy, the family and tradition, the unhinged consumerism and the celebration of our darkest, most selfish desires being let loose with no restraint...I am angry...''

And another : ''I am angry and no body knows. I laugh with the Pakistani members I train at my gym, I am polite to the Africans that infested every shop, street and public building, I am courteous to my Progressive, Leftist friends...yet I dream and work towards either my death in this land or theirs.''

So I had a thought.We have a unique opportunity to witness in real time how entire populations are manipulated and major wars are started over race and religion.I wonder if towards the decline of the Roman empire something similar happened.Well I mean obviously it did,but I mean the whole deep state aspect fomenting a war.Thing is,it's understandable ,these people have no idea about CIA involvement,they see a muslim terrorist attack and then they see the left's attempt to hide it going as far as to literally whiten the faces of the terrorists in pictures and their blood begins to boil.From their point of view,these invaders are killing everyone and the left preaches acceptance.Meanwhile pakistani rape gangs groom young white girls and the police do nothing for fear of being called racists and the public gets even angrier. I've been noticing this trend of people who were previously more centered drifting further and further into a ''kill em all'' mindset.Trouble is,if you begin to talk about deep state they either get angry or put you in the ''crazy'' pile.Meanwhile leftists in the media and government all over the west are demonizing men,boys and any semblance of masculinity and don't even want to hear about anything that doesn't fit with a feminist world view,which is quite fascist and has been for some time.So it's like being caught between two poles of insanity and you're just waiting for that spark of electricity to set off a lightning storm.

Though Stefan Moleneu seems like he held these opinions for a while and is just now sharing them when he knows more people will be receptive to them .
This exchange from 17 January 1997 seems like a hit:

A: We would very much like to "concentrate" on things of worldly/universal import. What do you suppose happens when the mantle stops, or slows, and the crust does not?

Q: (Laura) Frank had a dream about this the other night, too. (Terry) About the mantle slowing? Okay, if the mantle slows and the crust doesn't... (Laura) It's like walking around the room, carrying a bowl of soup, and then stopping... (Terry) It sloshes over because the crust keeps moving... water in all of the oceans is going to slosh...

A: No sloshing.

Q: (Laura) Okay, what happens when the... is it that there will be lots of earthquakes?

A: Maybe, but what is the bigger picture?

Q: (Laura) The bigger picture is that the earth changes its orbital position, velocity... (Terry) No. The bigger picture is that life on earth gets pretty well wiped out.

A: No.

Q: (Laura) It exchanges energy potentials with other bodies?

A: No.

Q: (Jan) Gravity changes...

A: Warmer...

Q: (Laura) Gravity changes, ok... gravity lessens...

A: What have we hinted about gravity.

Q: (Laura) Oh, gravity is the binder... (Terry) and is the one truth of the universe.

A: Element.

Q: (Terry) The element. Gravity is the one true element. This is what you're saying?

A: Close.

Q: (Laura) So, if gravity is lessened, and it is the binder, then, everything... ohhh, I see what you're getting at! (Jan) Yes, gravity is the binder. Without gravity, it just all fall s apart...

A: Not "Falls apart," my dear, it all "opens up!"

Q: (Laura) And when it opens up what happens?

A: Change. !

The rising incidences of sinkholes is a rather clear example of the Earth opening up.
I would like to thank you too for all you do Laura. Like others have said here, if it weren’t for you, I don’t know where I would be now. It’s been a struggle since I joined here 7 years or so ago but when I found this forum, a part of my search for knowledge ended – I just knew I’d found what/where I was looking for in order to become more my Self. I sensed in advance that the process of shattering illusions would be painful but it’s been so worth it. Although I’ve resisted time and time again, I’ve realised that this is the only place I feel like I belong; the only place where people talk and make sense in a holistic, wholesome way. When I think back to where I was before I joined here and where I might be if it weren’t for you and your tireless efforts, well it’s hard to find the words to express my gratitude. I’m glad to see you’re feeling better and wish you continued healing and health. I can’t wait to read the upcoming books! :hug2: :hug2: :flowers: :flowers:
Laura said:
In looking at the various things that we are apparently slated to "live through" before the big "change" and scanning the many clues given by Cs, I am reminded of one big one that we should always keep in mind:

The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, and they are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures. I am aware that the Cs being able to get things through at all is highly variable. It seems that it is even necessary that predictions be clothed in indistinct concepts. And then, there are things that may have been changed in probability because of our very actions in announcing them. Hard to tell.

The above brings to mind the connection between what we see (and how we see it), and what possibilities unfold then or unfold in a different because of that. The phrases "twist and turn" and "fool and discourage" stand out in that regard as there definitely seems to have been a pattern raising optimism which is then quashed. The temptation towards wishfully thinking that perhaps things are as bad as they are, or aren’t going to carry on down the line of chaos and get worse. Each time that wishful thinking (emotional thinking too) is exposed it seems to make folk want to withdraw from the fray.

But the Cs have pointed out that what’s important is "what we see", the quality of our observations of the system. Viewing reality as it is, rather than as we would wish it to be. Does that have an effect on the system, provide some kind of counter balance and/or change the course of events? That line of thought then highlights the importance of keeping on looking and of Seeing, without flinching or losing energy. To see reality as it is without being "fooled or discouraged".

On that line, maybe part of the reason why some predictions form the Cs are clothed in indistinct concepts is connected with the above, of trying to navigate around our assumptions and patternings so as not to sway or influence the quality of our observations. We’ve our own filters / wiring to take into consideration, plus the thought that the way events unfold and or interaction with same is way more complex than we know or can contain. And there’s free will to consider as well.

That so many folk have been enabled to come to a pretty accurate reading of reality and to send that signal back out into the system is not insignificant. A reminder perhaps that we may all be "more important than we know". And so we keep on keeping on, thank you Laura. :hug2:
lux said:
lux said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Laura said:
Maybe it's time for Approaching Infinity to write another "Hit List for the Cs" article with a broad overview. ?? And maybe some pointers to some of the things that are in process and could get worse, and point out the possible hopeful angles???

That's definitely doable! The previous series was really a group effort. All I did was compile it, research each topic to find extra support, and tie it all together. Maybe we forumites could do something similar this time? Basically, what we'll need this time around are quotes from the Cs alluding to future political situations, crises. There are some good ones throughout the past years about Russia and Putin, for example. And also the hopeful bits. Any forum members up for helping compile the quotes?

Oh yes. I will gather all interesting fragments (with sessions's date) and then you choose what you will need to write article. I saw Bear and Rhiannon also enjoyed that task, so we will can compare and complement fragments if one of us missed with something.

Okay, this is a part of my work (see attachment). Those are fragments mostly focused on the Russia and Putin. There are another interesting fragments not directly related to the Russia, but I will need a bit more time yet to go through session to find and collect them.

Okay, next package. The excerpts from the 2011-2013 sessions - about earth changes, politics...


On the one hand I benefit that things are slightly restrained to continue studying ... but on the other hand the suffering is still perpetuating for many ... sincerely more than the wave itself I am surprised the machinery that has mounted in this community. .. so time Will tell ... anyway it will be interesting.
Oxajil said:
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights, Laura. The turmoil is truly increasing, and I'm also very thankful for what the C's have shared, and also for all the work you have done that has helped us understand reality better, and has provided us with ways to shed light on the truth, which is the least we can do in a world that continues to get darker.

I hope you're feeling better with each day, and I look forward to read your next writings. :hug2: :flowers:
I totally second that. I'll never be enough thankful.
well it is official now

Where do we go from here? It's not hard to guess.
Merci pour le lien Z, je viens de le mettre sur ma page Facebook...

Thanks for the link Z, I just put it on my Facebook page ...
Thanks for the updates and sharing your thoughts Laura. Glad to hear you’re feeling better and wish you continued healing and health.
Without the C's, your work and the effort of the network navigating through the current time would have been pretty difficult.

Laura said:
As I convalesce and prepare my mind for upcoming major work, I have been thinking a lot about the Cs and what a blessing they have been for myself and so many others. Even though I suffer (like most others here) from something like PTSD due to the global situation, I know that it could be much worse if there were not a thought system that not only goes some way toward understanding it, but also predicted it years in advance so as to prepare me to be less shocked and less destabilized by it. Well, I'm still pretty shocked...

As you said, I am still pretty shocked by the global situation. However, thanks to the C's, the research and work associated with, there is at least some preparedness which attenuates it. Knowledge indeed protects...

Thanks Laura! I'll never be enough thankful. Looking forward the upcoming books!
Hindsight Man said:
On the topic of white blowback,I just came across a video by stefan moleneu called Wrath of the Awakened Saxon.In it he reads a poem by Rudyard Kipling in his usual fashion while staring at the camera.What was interesting to me were the comments on the video:

''The hatred boiling inside of my heart increases week on week. The lies, the blatant attempt to replace Europeans and whites, the Marxist manipulation of our young to make them hate themselves, the double talk and deceptive rhetoric used by the left where under the sound of "inclusivity, social justice and progress" they destroy meritocracy, the family and tradition, the unhinged consumerism and the celebration of our darkest, most selfish desires being let loose with no restraint...I am angry...''

And another : ''I am angry and no body knows. I laugh with the Pakistani members I train at my gym, I am polite to the Africans that infested every shop, street and public building, I am courteous to my Progressive, Leftist friends...yet I dream and work towards either my death in this land or theirs.''

So I had a thought.We have a unique opportunity to witness in real time how entire populations are manipulated and major wars are started over race and religion.I wonder if towards the decline of the Roman empire something similar happened.Well I mean obviously it did,but I mean the whole deep state aspect fomenting a war.Thing is,it's understandable ,these people have no idea about CIA involvement,they see a muslim terrorist attack and then they see the left's attempt to hide it going as far as to literally whiten the faces of the terrorists in pictures and their blood begins to boil.From their point of view,these invaders are killing everyone and the left preaches acceptance.Meanwhile pakistani rape gangs groom young white girls and the police do nothing for fear of being called racists and the public gets even angrier. I've been noticing this trend of people who were previously more centered drifting further and further into a ''kill em all'' mindset.Trouble is,if you begin to talk about deep state they either get angry or put you in the ''crazy'' pile.Meanwhile leftists in the media and government all over the west are demonizing men,boys and any semblance of masculinity and don't even want to hear about anything that doesn't fit with a feminist world view,which is quite fascist and has been for some time.So it's like being caught between two poles of insanity and you're just waiting for that spark of electricity to set off a lightning storm.

Though Stefan Moleneu seems like he held these opinions for a while and is just now sharing them when he knows more people will be receptive to them .

I can sort of see where Moleneu and people like him view is coming from. And I totally agree with you when you say that the left has an agenda and that if you don't follow this agenda, you're immediately demonized. Personally, I find the gender movement particularly annoying because there isn't any logic or sense to it. The thing with the left is that they want to turn the abnormal into normal which is really frustrating because it's like nobody can see it. However, my problem with people like Moleneu is that in my opinion they lack empathy or at least they're willfully blind. I was born in France. My parents are immigrants from West Africa from muslim faith and I am a woman. Frankly, being an immigrant in an Western country is not easy. And being a black immigrant is even harder. I think the whole "check your privilege" movement is ridiculous. However, whereas it is possible for white people to say "Oh, I'm colourblind", us black people are reminded every waking day of the colour of our skin. Nothing is freely handed to us. Obviously, you could argue that if people come to the West it is because the quality of life there is better, because there are more opportunities...etc. You could even go further, and say that if we're not happy we might as well just go back to our own country. What's missing from these narrative is an acknowledgement of the role the West played in this situation. For example, even till this day, Francophone Africa is literally France's little fiefdom.

Now, going back to topic. I'm very grateful for all the work Laura and the team has done. However, I must admit that I'm absolutly terrified by what may come. I'm always been guided by my family thoughout my life and I must admit that I'm freaked out that people I consider way smarter than I am can't see what is happening and have no interest. Personally, I was one of those who didn't expect anything particularly good to come up from Trump's presidential win. Though, I hoped that I would be proved wrong. And now, I don't know, it's kind of like knowing that a plane is going to crash but being unable to do anything about it. Also, what's even more frightening to me is that most people can't see it. I feel like the world has sort of reached a point of implosion. It's not only the political world who is going crazy, even in completely unrelated field (i.e fashion, pop culture, sport, academia...etc) I feel like people are losing the plot.
The next pack. The excerpts from the 2014 and 2015 sessions. The C's comments about world affairs, earth changes, unordinary events and some predictions. Here and there I bolded text to revive a bit, usual text.


Hindsight Man said:
On the topic of white blowback,I just came across a video by stefan moleneu called Wrath of the Awakened Saxon.In it he reads a poem by Rudyard Kipling in his usual fashion while staring at the camera.What was interesting to me were the comments on the video:

''The hatred boiling inside of my heart increases week on week. The lies, the blatant attempt to replace Europeans and whites, the Marxist manipulation of our young to make them hate themselves, the double talk and deceptive rhetoric used by the left where under the sound of "inclusivity, social justice and progress" they destroy meritocracy, the family and tradition, the unhinged consumerism and the celebration of our darkest, most selfish desires being let loose with no restraint...I am angry...''

And another : ''I am angry and no body knows. I laugh with the Pakistani members I train at my gym, I am polite to the Africans that infested every shop, street and public building, I am courteous to my Progressive, Leftist friends...yet I dream and work towards either my death in this land or theirs.''

So I had a thought.We have a unique opportunity to witness in real time how entire populations are manipulated and major wars are started over race and religion.I wonder if towards the decline of the Roman empire something similar happened.Well I mean obviously it did,but I mean the whole deep state aspect fomenting a war.

Those comments are to be expected I think. As the 'left' swings to its extreme, so does the 'right', and some people can't keep their heads. How many will lose it and how many will stay balanced? Hard to say, have to wait and see.

On the deep state thing, I don't think such types are responsible for the growing divisions in society, I think that is a function of something much larger than any human agency, like a dynamic of the 'living system' itself, although the human agency aspect in the form of the 'authorities' serve their purpose by making the situation worse and trying to personally profit from it.
DianaRose94 said:
Now, going back to topic. I'm very grateful for all the work Laura and the team has done. However, I must admit that I'm absolutly terrified by what may come. I'm always been guided by my family thoughout my life and I must admit that I'm freaked out that people I consider way smarter than I am can't see what is happening and have no interest. Personally, I was one of those who didn't expect anything particularly good to come up from Trump's presidential win. Though, I hoped that I would be proved wrong. And now, I don't know, it's kind of like knowing that a plane is going to crash but being unable to do anything about it. Also, what's even more frightening to me is that most people can't see it. I feel like the world has sort of reached a point of implosion. It's not only the political world who is going crazy, even in completely unrelated field (i.e fashion, pop culture, sport, academia...etc) I feel like people are losing the plot.

In regard to what you wrote above, as we mentioned in the recent session, one very good thing that the Trump election has done is expose the Deep State for what it really is. And it reminds me of this from way back in 2003:

18 Jan 2003 said:
Q:.... (L) And then meanwhile, there is the North Korean guy - the mirror image of George Bush; everything he says and does is modeled from George Bush. It is actually comical to watch them. "I'm going to blow up the world!" "No you're not, I'm going to blow it up first! I'm going to turn America into a sea of fire." And Bush is saying "I'm going to bomb Iraq back to the stone age." "No you're not! We're going to bomb YOU back to before the Stone Age!" They are like two identical characters! Crazy! We are in a hell of a mess. Any comments?
A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.
Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?
A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."
Q: So, we just keep doing what we are doing. And just like Bridges, they will make a mistake and reveal themselves for what they are. Is there anything else we need to know that we haven't asked?
A: Just keep on the path. You are doing well!

I would say that the election of Trump was about the biggest miscalculation the Deep State has ever made. They didn't realize that they really needed to rig a LOT more votes than they did. And Hillary, of course, miscalculated BIG TIME, as did her whole gang.

It's worth reading the entire session because the question above came at the end of a long commentary on the state of the world at that moment in time. It was just as we were getting ready to leave the US.
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