Search results for query: Genetic weapons

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  1. Persej

    Session 23 September 2023

    Thank you for the session! I wonder if the reason why this house survived the fire was in the metallic roof? Perhaps beam weapons cannot work on houses with metallic roofs? Perhaps it reflects the beams? Many of us are descendants of undergrounders who inherited their genetic tweaks and...
  2. Laura

    Session 23 September 2023

    23 September 2023 Laura and Andromeda at the board Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Niall, Chu, Scottie, Falkor FOTCM Members participating via Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, Ana Huitzil, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, annp, Ant22, Approaching...
  3. sbeaudry

    Coming Soon: More Forced Jabs, Are You Prepared? Dr. Mercola Global Takeover Advances to Final Stages Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola September 15, 2023 In this...
  4. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    And today: When I give the last link, I can see a preview when I load the forum page, but when I try to load...
  5. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    That was May 29, and much has happened. I tried to find other posts in this thread, later ones, I think someone posted, but looking up Kirrilov, presentation, biological, dual, dual-purpose did not give results. And since, even for the record the topic is important to the conflict and one of the...
  6. Approaching Infinity

    What happened in 1972?

    In February 1954, Eisenhower allegedly met with human-looking beings at Edwards AFB and came to an agreement or treaty of some sort with them. According to the Cs, the U.S. government was "tricked", the treaty was never in effect, and this was discovered around 19 years later in 1972 (probably...
  7. M

    Session 29 July 2023

    I take your point. However, we don't know how cohesive that multi-racial federation was. We know, for example, that the Celts (Kantekkians) were at war with the Paranthas in India at one stage: Q: As I understand it, Atlantis was already quite a developed civilization at that time, is that...
  8. Ðekel

    Session 29 July 2023

    If you watched babylon 5, basically the Vorlons (Noth pole) and the Shadows (South pole). Vorlons in the series are energy beings that help younger races evolve. They are in conflict only with the Shadows, and very seldom directly. The Shadows believe evolution is created through fomenting war...
  9. M

    Session 29 July 2023

    If Admiral Richard Byrd did actually meet with a leader of an STO 4D underground society as I posted about above, then what he recounts about his meeting does seem to reflect what you are saying about a truly advanced 4D STO individual “underground” striving to put forward his own understanding...
  10. Possibility of Being

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Very sad, devastating news. Just between Daria Dugina's (20 Aug) and Aleksander Zakharchenko's (31 Aug) assassination anniversaries. Even though the Wagner PMC has a long ago developed and approved mechanism of action in case of death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and/or Dmitry Utkin, I think many...
  11. iamthatis

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    I wonder if China has released anything similar? I have a vague memory but can’t remember. I just watched a popular Chinese Rambo style flick called Wolf Warrior. It made mention of genetic specific weapons, and was filmed in 2015, so the Chinese have likely known of similar evil as notes in...
  12. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia Part 3 Andrew Collins' Historic Research: Subsequent research by Andrew Collins revealed, unsurprisingly, that there was nothing to prove Phillips’ hypothesis or belief that nomadic tribesmen from a Megalithic culture from the Far West of Europe...
  13. aragorn

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    I don’t trust much of what ‘George Webb’ says anymore. He’s been ‘exposing’ many things in the past that have been proven to be wrong. I think he’s an opportunistic grifter.
  14. KJS

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Interview with dr Norman Pieniążek that he did in Polish media got translated into English. He was fighting with the mainstream narrative right from the start, criticizing scientists sometimes in a very blunt way. From 1989 till 2013, head of the first Molecular Reference Diagnostics Laboratory...
  15. Heather

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    Developing: 100 Envelopes with White Powder Sent to Kansas Republican Lawmakers, President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas By Jim Hoft Investigative journalist George...
  16. T

    Depopulation of a Planet

    From, articles by Laura, which contains depopulation. Below are excerpts with context that together illustrate a range of possibilities The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction The sequence of number one to three may not follow. It could be that overpopulation among...
  17. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    Meritaten, Hagar and Brigit Part 2 The Tuatha de Danann as the Shining Ones The Tuatha De Danann were called ‘Shining Ones’ and were described as being elegant, beautiful, and even shining with light. This suggests they may have been bi-density beings, i.e., 3rd and 4th density humanoids, like...
  18. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Thank you, that was very telling for what the West, their hyperdimensional overlords and the sub Puppet Master in Kiev have to offer: New briefing, with link to images and text were published on the TG channel of the Russian MoD. What the US has got itself and what Russia among others have...
  19. Peregrino

    Session 13 May 2023

    Thanks a lot for this session !
  20. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    Abraham, Moses, Akhenaten, Meritaten and the Cassiopaeans Part 2 The Ipuwer Papyrus Quoting below from the article by Marina Sohma: Does the Ipuwer Papyrus Provide Evidence for the Events of the Exodus? See: Does the Ipuwer Papyrus Provide Evidence for the Events of the Exodus? | Ancient...
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