Session 29 July 2023

Does this mean that they were built by the Native American Atlanteans alone with no Aryan involvement? This could well be the case since Richard Hoagland (before he went off track) put forward the argument that the Face on Mars was both human and feline in its design and this mirrored similar artistic imagery seen in later cultures like that of the Maya of Central America.

We were told that the Atlanteans began building pyramids on Mars 50,000 years ago, 30,000 years after the arrival of the Kantekkians. Hard to imagine that the K's would not have recovered (via channeling?) some of their former technologies by then.

That's why the K's might have been the technological driving force in the multi-racial federation that Atlantis seems to have been.
Maybe I've written it wrong, it's STO all right. We all know that it's war in Heaven and that we're each playing our part in creating this shift towards Goodness, Beauty and Love in the Platonic sense, which is why I think that each of us needs to rethink these issues.
We were told that the Atlanteans began building pyramids on Mars 50,000 years ago, 30,000 years after the arrival of the Kantekkians. Hard to imagine that the K's would not have recovered (via channeling?) some of their former technologies by then.

That's why the K's might have been the technological driving force in the multi-racial federation that Atlantis seems to have been.
I take your point. However, we don't know how cohesive that multi-racial federation was. We know, for example, that the Celts (Kantekkians) were at war with the Paranthas in India at one stage:
Q: As I understand it, Atlantis was already quite a developed civilization at that time, is that correct?
A: Yes, but regions change with waves of immigration, or conquest... witness your own lands.
Q: You also said once that there was a nuclear war in India and that this was what was being discussed in the Vedas when it talks about the 'blue-skinned' people who weren't really blue because they were Celts, and they were flying in aircraft, and they were engaged in this war, etc. Who were the Celts at war with?
A: The Paranthas.
Q: Now, wait a minute! Who are the Paranthas?! Do we have a new player here?
A: Not new.
Q: Do we know them by another name?
A: Choose.
Q: The Atlanteans? Were the Celts of India at war with the Atlanteans in the Atlantic?
A: Atlantis was merely a home base of an advanced civilisation of 3 races of humans occupying different sections of a huge Island empire, which, in itself, underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period as you would measure it.
Q: The 3 races were the Celts... and who were the second and third?
A: Or Kantekkians.
Q: Are the Kantekkians different from the Celts?
A: Only in the sense of long term racial and genetic blending.
Q: So, Atlantis had the Kantekkians and who else?
A: Race you would call "Native Americans," and a third, no longer existing race, somewhat resembling Australian or Guinean aborigines, only lighter in complexion.
Q: Was this third group destroyed by the other two?
A: One of the 3 cataclysms.
Q: So, the Paranthas were the antecedents of the Abos of Australia?
A: Yes, and compare to now existing peoples of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Guinea for similarities, bearing in mind genetic mixing and dilution.
Q: Were the Vedas written by the Paranthas or written by the Celts?
A: Descendants of Paranthas, as per "Divine guidance."
Q: [...] We have taken care of a couple of points; we have 3 races on Atlantis, Celts all over the place... did the Celts conquer the Atlanteans?
A: No.
Q: Did they just move in and hang out?
A: They took over the Northern section.

Do we know when that war in India took place? Was it pre-Deluge or post-Deluge? I would assume pre-Deluge because the C's say that the Paranthas were wiped out by one of the three cataclysms that convulsed the Atlantean archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. The C's tell us that the Kantekkians, who were originally located in the Caucuses, moved into the northern section of Atlantis but not when. Thus, it could have been many thousands of years after they arrived on Earth. Did they keep themselves to themselves or did they interbreed with the Native American stock (the red man) and/or the Paranthas? No doubt there was some intermixing, which might explain a people like the Basques in Europe, for example, but the fact that you had a strong Nordic/Aryan strain surviving the Deluge suggests it may not have been extensive. It might be instructive here to look at the United Sates of America today, which in many ways is the New Atlantis in a re-run of the Atlantean time loop. Although several races mix together in the USA today, there clearly is still marked antagonisms between the different racial groups, especially in the cities.

As I have pointed out in previous posts, there also seems to have been a nuclear war on Mars too, although we don't know when this occurred. This case has been proven in Dr John Brandenburg's book Life and Death on Mars (2010). For those not familiar with his work, I attach a YouTube video on the subject:


Needless to say his theories have been debunked, as you would expect. However, assuming a nuclear war did take place on Mars at some stage, who was it fought between? It could, of course, have been aliens attacking humans, although from what the C's have said elsewhere, they tend to use EM weapons. However, since the C's have told us that the Celts fought a nuclear war against the Paranthas in India, it may be a fair bet to suggest that it was the Kantekkians/Celts who used nuclear weapons against the then occupants of Mars. Afterall, in our own age, it was a predominantly white United States of America that dropped two atomic bombs on the Asiatic Japanese, so the Celts may have history here. Curiously, Brandenburg shows that the region of Cydonia on Mars, where the famous face is located, was one of the epicentres for a nuclear blast. Could a nuclear war on Mars have been a continuation of a conflict on Earth between the Celts and the Paranthas and/or the Native Americans?

As to a Native American presence on Mars, I recall seeing images of stepped terraced landscapes on Mars from NASA photographs that reminded me of the terraced landscapes (usually indicative of farming) that you see on Earth, particularly in South America and Asia but not so much in Europe. One example is Machu Picchu in Peru:


Curiously, the original settlement at Machu Picchu would appear to have been a pre-Deluge city according to the C's:
Q: And that is why the Dark Ages are Dark. The Catholic Church destroyed everything that did not sharpen its own axe. Now, it says that this Professor Posnansky of the University of La Paz, and Professor Rolf Mueller, pushed the date of the building of Macchu Picchu back to 15,000 BC. Is this a correct date?

A: Close.

Can you tell us when Macchu Picchu was built?

A: 12009 BC.
Here's an extract from a little dialogue that I transcribed in my own notebook. It's here that I come to the subject of our path, to the question of how to get out of it, apart from the fact that they say: Knowledge protects, I think you've understood...

But one sentence in particular caught my attention :

R: think carefully about this, because it's very important: is there a limit to the concept covered by the word <knowledge>? If there isn't, what is the value of that word? Infinite.

Can you imagine how much this single concept, this single key, frees you from all constraints? Use your 6th sense to imagine the extent to which this word, this term, the meaning of knowledge, gives you absolutely everything you will ever need. If you just pay attention, you'll begin to see how true this is in a wider sense.
No necessarily, it sounded more like some underground people, developed this bi-density “ability” by hybridization, meaning there can be a lot of experimentation genetically speaking by STS forces down there. Just a thought; We could be bi-density in a sense as well, every time we are (assuming that we are) abducted, we could be taken to 4th density and then brought back to 3th density, moving between both densities although by external influences, just an idea. Coming back to the subject, to me their “bi-density” feature can be something more like psychic abilities, they could be capable of “sensing” “manipulate” or “perceive” a bit more than we do, and that’s about it.

That kind of gels with what the C's said about people of Nordic heritage:

Session 23 March 1996:

A: The Nordic Covenant was a duality.

Q: (L) SV comes from that area where that Nordic covenant, what is it, Minnesota, she's from Minnesota? Oh, I never made that connection! Holy Frijoles! 'Nordic Covenant was a duality' ... so, when you made mention of the Nordic Covenant, and the banking scandal, was that a double-layered statement to us?

A: Maybe, but you are missing the point! All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centres, can be of darkness, or of light.


Session 19 February 2000:

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Mediterranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.
Does C's gave locations for those underground Celtic / Aryan civilizations and the Nation of the Third Eye? Or better to ask, does they give any location of the entrances and exits where those hybrids could come to surface? I can't remember if the places like Antarctica were members speculations around their answers, or the C's pointed to certain Earth spots.
Yes, the C's did provide some information on this here:

Session 20 May 1995:

Q: (T) Is there some kind of underground base in Antarctica?

A: Yes. Eight.

Q: (T) Are they related to the tunnels in time?

A: Vague.


Q: (L) Lakeland is in the centre of the state. (T) Where does it go? Are these side tunnels to a main tunnel that runs along the East coast?

A: All are interconnected.

Q: (T) So, it is like a subway or bus line? Is there a tunnel farther South of here?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) How far does the farthest South tunnel go?

A: Antarctica.

One of the strangest places in England is the Cheddar Gorge Caves system in Somerset - see Cheddar Gorge - Wikipedia.

I mention this because the caves could be a potential entrance to the underworld and may also hold evidence of alien hybridisation, as discussed in the thread for the Session Dated 22 October 2008 (see: Session 22 October 2008)
Q: (L) Anything else? (More discussion of answers and asking questions) (L) A****** also asks: Are there monsters in caves all over the world?

A: No, not every one. P4 P3 P2 monsters are most usual.

Q: (L) What is a P4 P3 P2 monster?

A: Species designation.

Q: (L) Species designation by whom? Maybe I don't want to know!

A: Their creators aka 4D.

Q: (L) Was this little monster that we got this picture of that was supposed to be in the Cheddar Caves, was that one of these P4 P3 P2 monsters?


A: P3

Q: (L) Aaah! Creepy! Are P3 or P4 worse or creepier?

A: Depends on your perspective.

Q: (A*****) Are there monsters in the caves in Malta too?

A: Oh, yes.

Q: (A****) Okay, we've got to go! (Chu) Was this bird sound flapping and hitting my door a creature?

A: Yes

Q: (A*****) Which caves do the monsters dwell in?

A: Research for answer.

This image certainly led to a lot of debate about the authenticity of the image on the 22 October 2008 thread, which I am not sure was resolved one way or the other.

For me the creature in the image looks just like the gargoyles you can find on numerous medieval churches in Europe and England (and at the English mansion houses of Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton [see earlier post on this] and the Rothschilds). Could there be a connection? These creatures may also be linked with the legends of elves with their distinctive bat-like ears. Moreover, it could also explain why so many legends of dragons have them dwelling in caves. The clincher for me though, as regards the authenticity of the image, was the closeness of the infant gargoyle creature to a preserved foetus of a hybrid lizard/human of an 18th Century German girl who had been raped by a Lizard being. The C's confirmed this here:
Session 22 January 2000:

Q: Now, that reminds me: we have this bizarre picture here of this absolutely strange creature in a museum in Germany. So, speaking of time travel and UFOs, what is this 265 year old creature kept in formaldehyde?

A: Hybridized conception/gestate.

Q: Was there hybridization and genetic manipulation going on almost 300 years ago?

A: Most done this way are miscarried.

Q: Did it live at all after birth?

A: No.

Q: Who was responsible for this experiment?

A: It was not an experiment. It was the result of Reptoid "rape."

Q: So, the mother was raped by a reptoid. Why do reptoids rape human women?

A: We have discussed motives.

Q: Yes. They feed on the fear, terror, or absorb some substance emitted by the sexual organs and chakra, and in some cases they are "changing the genetic program." But, in general, when we have discussed this, it has not included impregnating human women with Reptoid sperm. How often does this activity result in impregnation?

A: Rarely.

I am sure an image of that foetus was posted on the Forum somewhere, as I almost certainly recall seeing it, unless my memory is playing tricks. Can someone help in locating it? From what I recall, the foetus looked very much like a considerably younger version of the creature photographed at Cheddar Gorge, which led me to think both could have been human/lizard hybrids.


In the session dated 22 October 2008 referred to above, the C's confirmed that there were similar such monsters in the deep underground caves of Malta too, emphasising this by saying "Oh, yes". That could be because of the horrifying tale of the party of young girls who went missing with their teacher on a tour of the caves in the early 1940's. Although it is just meant to be an urban myth, many investigative researchers smell the whiff of a cover-up. For accounts of the story see here: Stranger things: the mystery of the lost children of Hal Saflieni Hypogeum and here: Inhabitants of the Subterranean Passageways of Malta -

It is interesting that Lois Jessop in her account spoke of seeing several giant humanoids with white hair covering their bodies. This could suggest they may have been Yeti or Big Foot, who the C's said originated from Mars. Malta has long been linked to giants though and local folklore holds that some of the Megalithic structures on the island were supposedly constructed by giants.

However, Jessup's description of the humanoids reminds me somewhat of the description of the subterranean Morlocks in H G Wells novel The Time Machine - "After thousands of generations of living without sunlight, the Morlocks have dull grey-to-white skin, chinless faces, large greyish-red eyes, and flaxen hair on the head and back". The Morlocks were, however, meant to be smaller and weaker than the surface Earth humans of our time and were meant to live in our far distant future. Was Wells' creation of the Morlocks just a work of his imagination or was it a bleed through or inspiration from the psychic projectors of Thor's Pantheum?​
Q: (A*****) Are there monsters in the caves in Malta too?

A: Oh, yes.
Oh wow, when I wrote this question, I also wrote about my Malta experience of visiting the Għar Dalam Cave, which made me ask the question indeed, but I deleted it ...

Now I understand better why I am so sensitive about caves. It is not the same kind of sensitivity for every cave.

Generally I feel as deep as I go that it is full of life ... but this cave in particular was terrifying.

It is not even a cave, but I simply couldn't even enter, not a step under the cave roof I feel chills in my spine and urge to run away ... I was so nervous, maybe it was a mini panic attack, I feel fear even now remembering it ... the same level of panic attack fear I had only in Budapest when I visited their underground tunnels and chambers at Budha.

I have also been to Hypogeum and yes it is a very surreal place, it is like an acoustic chamber, it is forbidden to talk inside.

But also how I ended up in Malta was surreal.

I started to plan to go to Turkey to the Derinkuyu and Kaymakli underground cities. And I almost booked the trip when all of a sudden, after a few days of planning it, I realized that the currency I calculated all prices in was in Hungarian Forints?!? … and when I recalculated back to Euro it turned out to be too expensive. But it didn’t take more than a few minutes to switch to Malta?!?! It was like it had been pre-planned to be like that. I remember also feeling deja vu while canceling Turkey and bookning Malta.

At that point, when I was booking Malta I had no idea about Temples and Giants in Malta, and knowledge about Templars and Saint Paul was very limited ... okay maybe I had some “Ancient ALiens” type of basic info, as that was a period when I used to fall asleep watching them on TV.

But when I came there I understood why Malta was on the list of “someone” who wanted me to go there, as that whole trip felt for me like "preplanned" ...

Thx for Cheddar Caves - They are in the area of the most reported crop circles, very interesting. Just a quick look at the images on wikipedia, and the countryside reminded me of the area where I spent my childhood. I will research more ...
And the picture of the creature P3, unbelievable. I spotted a few like that one when I was at Scotland hills with my Scottish "sister" a long time ago. When I spotted 1st sitting on a stone just a bit from the road, I was almost screaming, but comments where yes yes, you can see some strange small creatures nd kind of mini dragons, but don't get scared ... and the other one as soon as I spotted it washed so quick that it was impossible to see where it jumped, fly, just disappear, that one seems to be combination of humanoid lizard mini dragon. As I can recall now they were maybe 30cm tall or so, not big, but big enough to be spotted from a super slow moving car.

Do you think it will be good to try to map those places, and ask C's for each location what they think?

Also regarding the Vril-ya, I was thinking today how it was possible for Hitler to get the Vril, if Vril can be only operated by super moral and ethical beings?

It is also known for Tesla that he read a book and was inspired by the book … but he also spent 9 months in the area of the Velebit caves prior to leaving for Europe, just after the book was published. Many of his major patents regarding the use of free energy beams and devices were impossible to reconstruct just from reading his parents, as there was missing something that was part of him, which possibly enabled him to operate Vril.

Anyhow – ex Yugoslavia is very “Vril-yan territory” up and underground … I am not sure if it is worth trying to connect dots and present it more clearly for a broader audience .. but it is fascinating … the more I research, the more is obvious …

And this made me think now, are the Croats actually the guardians of the underworld and covert “suppliers” of vril-yans to the hands of 4D STO guys and their puppets on the surface? Is it possible that whole "tribe" is Egregore? For some reason Croats were then and now major Nazi assistants?
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Great stuff. Here is a max macro viewpoint. If time is “ongoing” and can be manipulated and we are in a time loop; then pouring over the “past” with a fine tooth comb in order to nail down exactly what happened and in what order, is…. Hm IDK how to phrase it delicately. You get it or you don’t. There is an aspect of the futility of Sisyphus to it all.

Obsessing over the details of our mysterious past is super cool and fun but can be a distraction from the soul work to be done here and now. IOW what do the stories of the past tell us in a broader sense that helps the growth of the soul memory complex? What is the significance?

(And some magic: you can’t ever really figure it out until you let go of figuring it out and accept that it can’t all be figured out AND it doesn’t matter if you ever figure it all out, at which point the answers may finally come, unexpectedly out of the blue.)

What is perhaps a higher order of business is the 4th way type evolution of the soul, on an individual level, as well as some kind of group soul complex thing. IOW the Christ “within” plus the connecting body of Christ “without”, which will be compressed and juiced in the wine press of the 4DSTS Nazi manifestation, to bring it back to what’s happening in the ground in the ever present now.

To close, I think the key is to not lose the focus on who “we” as the human soul tribe are to become… and to stand for that future; for our own becoming.

Where we came from and how we got here only matters to the extent it helps us discover where we are going and helps us get there.
I am sure an image of that foetus was posted on the Forum somewhere, as I almost certainly recall seeing it, unless my memory is playing tricks. Can someone help in locating it? From what I recall, the foetus looked very much like a considerably younger version of the creature photographed at Cheddar Gorge, which led me to think both could have been human/lizard hybrids.

I think this is the picture:

Obsessing over the details of our mysterious past is super cool and fun but can be a distraction from the soul work to be done here and now.

You have expressed this view on several occasions by my reckoning. I would just ask why one cannot do both? Christian monks, for example, divide their time into three set divisions: 8 hours of sleep and rest, 8 hours of work and 8 hours of prayer and spiritual exercises.

Are you suggesting that Laura wasted her time doing enormous amounts of research for her books like Secret History of the World, which involved her following clues the C's had given her. If we followed your line of reasoning, we need to ask why the C's bothered to give us these clues in the first place. Should we just ignore them?

The C's have said "knowledge protects" but how do you get that knowledge without researching based on the C's clues and hints. What about building up the magnetic centre and thinking with the hammer?

By your reasoning, Is Ark wasting his precious time pursuing the Unified Field Theorem, which may lead to the secrets of free energy, rather than focusing purely on soul work? Are Forum members wasting their time continuing to pose history or scientific questions etc. during sessions with the C's? If so, why haven't the C's said so?

If I have misunderstood you, my apologies in advance.​

I think this is the picture:

View attachment 80694
Thank you for finding this. It proves it wasn't a figment of my imagination but then could your imagination dream up something as hideous as this?

I recall seeing ultrasound scans of my children in the womb. You could extrapolate (say at 20 weeks) what they might look like when fully grown in the womb and ready for birth. In my view, I thought that this foetus could eventually have turned into the young creature photographed at Cheddar Gorge. What do others think?​
Oh wow, when I wrote this question, I also wrote about my Malta experience of visiting the Għar Dalam Cave, which made me ask the question indeed, but I deleted it ...

Now I understand better why I am so sensitive about caves. It is not the same kind of sensitivity for every cave.

Generally I feel as deep as I go that it is full of life ... but this cave in particular was terrifying.

It is not even a cave, but I simply couldn't even enter, not a step under the cave roof I feel chills in my spine and urge to run away ... I was so nervous, maybe it was a mini panic attack, I feel fear even now remembering it ... the same level of panic attack fear I had only in Budapest when I visited their underground tunnels and chambers at Budha.

I have also been to Hypogeum and yes it is a very surreal place, it is like an acoustic chamber, it is forbidden to talk inside.

But also how I ended up in Malta was surreal.

I started to plan to go to Turkey to the Derinkuyu and Kaymakli underground cities. And I almost booked the trip when all of a sudden, after a few days of planning it, I realized that the currency I calculated all prices in was in Hungarian Forints?!? … and when I recalculated back to Euro it turned out to be too expensive. But it didn’t take more than a few minutes to switch to Malta?!?! It was like it had been pre-planned to be like that. I remember also feeling deja vu while canceling Turkey and bookning Malta.

At that point, when I was booking Malta I had no idea about Temples and Giants in Malta, and knowledge about Templars and Saint Paul was very limited ... okay maybe I had some “Ancient ALiens” type of basic info, as that was a period when I used to fall asleep watching them on TV.

But when I came there I understood why Malta was on the list of “someone” who wanted me to go there, as that whole trip felt for me like "preplanned" ...

Thx for Cheddar Caves - They are in the area of the most reported crop circles, very interesting. Just a quick look at the images on wikipedia, and the countryside reminded me of the area where I spent my childhood. I will research more ...
And the picture of the creature P3, unbelievable. I spotted a few like that one when I was at Scotland hills with my Scottish "sister" a long time ago. When I spotted 1st sitting on a stone just a bit from the road, I was almost screaming, but comments where yes yes, you can see some strange small creatures nd kind of mini dragons, but don't get scared ... and the other one as soon as I spotted it washed so quick that it was impossible to see where it jumped, fly, just disappear, that one seems to be combination of humanoid lizard mini dragon. As I can recall now they were maybe 30cm tall or so, not big, but big enough to be spotted from a super slow moving car.

Do you think it will be good to try to map those places, and ask C's for each location what they think?

Also regarding the Vril-ya, I was thinking today how it was possible for Hitler to get the Vril, if Vril can be only operated by super moral and ethical beings?

It is also known for Tesla that he read a book and was inspired by the book … but he also spent 9 months in the area of the Velebit caves prior to leaving for Europe, just after the book was published. Many of his major patents regarding the use of free energy beams and devices were impossible to reconstruct just from reading his parents, as there was missing something that was part of him, which possibly enabled him to operate Vril.

Anyhow – ex Yugoslavia is very “Vril-yan territory” up and underground … I am not sure if it is worth trying to connect dots and present it more clearly for a broader audience .. but it is fascinating … the more I research, the more is obvious …

And this made me think now, are the Croats actually the guardians of the underworld and covert “suppliers” of vril-yans to the hands of 4D STO guys and their puppets on the surface? Is it possible that whole "tribe" is Egregore? For some reason Croats were then and now major Nazi assistants?
You were obviously meant to go to Malta. I must confess that as someone who is highly claustrophobic, I really hate going into caves. I recall going into the famous Jenolan Caves in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales, Australia. At one point the guide switched the lights off. I was not happy until he put them back on again as it was pitch black and stuffy.​

Do you think it will be good to try to map those places, and ask C's for each location what they think?

Well, the C's did say to Laura to research into caves where monsters are alleged to dwell. I don't know if anyone ever did so. Did somebody start such a thread? Whether it would be a good idea at this point in time is open to debate. It could be that there is a correspondence between caves where such creatures dwell and entry points into the subterranean world that has formed a large part of this particular thread. Perhaps other Forum members have knowledge of such places and associated creatures in their locale?

Your experience in Scotland amazes me. I assume you had no time to photograph the creature? What you saw makes me think that many folklore accounts of the "little people" in the past (elves, leprechauns, trolls etc.) may have related to the kind of creature you saw. Who knows?

I recall reading a couple of years back that an American man running in the desert (it could have been Nevada or Arizona) encountered a small upright, bipedal lizard being running near to him. He tried to make contact with it but it just ignored him and kept running until he lost sight of it.
I was thinking today how it was possible for Hitler to get the Vril, if Vril can be only operated by super moral and ethical beings?

Vril is really just free energy and anyone who knows how to generate it can do so regardless of their moral state. You may be confusing this with the operation of the Grail or the Ark, where you needed to have the right disposition of heart (an STO FRV) to operate them. The C's have said that the PTB already know the secret of free energy and may therefore be making use of it in secret projects or applications.
It is also known for Tesla that he read a book and was inspired by the book … but he also spent 9 months in the area of the Velebit caves prior to leaving for Europe, just after the book was published.

It would be interesting to learn if Tesla ever visited these caves. One man who did visit a cave during a missing two year gap in his life story is Leonardo da Vinci who seems to have had some sort of personal cave experience in 1481 but nobody to this day knows which cave this occurred in. It may even have played a part in one of his most mysterious works the Virgin of the Rocks, in which the infant Jesus finds himself in a shadowy cave with a baby John the Baptist. He painted the scene twice in fact. The version below is the one hanging today in the Louvre.​


There are a lot of conspiracy theories around these two works including Dan Brown's sensational claim, in his novel The Da Vinci Code, that in the version above, the Archangel Uriel’s finger isn’t pointing to St John but slicing the neck of an invisible figure, whose phantom head Mary grips like a bowling ball in the splayed fingers of her outstretched left hand. However, other experts feel the painting may include a very subtle nod to evolution theory, which would have been viewed as a dangerous heresy at that time - see Virgin of the Rocks: A subversive message hidden by Da Vinci. I can buy into that one.
Q: You also said once that there was a nuclear war in India and that this was what was being discussed in the Vedas when it talks about the 'blue-skinned' people who weren't really blue because they were Celts, and they were flying in aircraft, and they were engaged in this war, etc. Who were the Celts at war with?
A: The Paranthas.
Q: Now, wait a minute! Who are the Paranthas?! Do we have a new player here?
A: Not new.
Q: Do we know them by another name?
A: Choose.
Q: The Atlanteans? Were the Celts of India at war with the Atlanteans in the Atlantic?
A: Atlantis was merely a home base of an advanced civilisation of 3 races of humans occupying different sections of a huge Island empire, which, in itself, underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period as you would measure it.
Q: The 3 races were the Celts... and who were the second and third?
A: Or Kantekkians.
Q: Are the Kantekkians different from the Celts?
A: Only in the sense of long term racial and genetic blending.
Q: So, Atlantis had the Kantekkians and who else?
A: Race you would call "Native Americans," and a third, no longer existing race, somewhat resembling Australian or Guinean aborigines, only lighter in complexion.
Q: Was this third group destroyed by the other two?
A: One of the 3 cataclysms.
Q: So, the Paranthas were the antecedents of the Abos of Australia?
A: Yes, and compare to now existing peoples of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Guinea for similarities, bearing in mind genetic mixing and dilution.
Q: Were the Vedas written by the Paranthas or written by the Celts?
A: Descendants of Paranthas, as per "Divine guidance."
Q: [...] We have taken care of a couple of points; we have 3 races on Atlantis, Celts all over the place... did the Celts conquer the Atlanteans?
A: No.
Q: Did they just move in and hang out?
A: They took over the Northern section.

Do we know when that war in India took place?
If it is war between celts (aka kantekanians) and Paranthas, it is 50,000 years ago. You may also want to see this post.
Was it pre-Deluge or post-Deluge? I would assume pre-Deluge because the C's say that the Paranthas were wiped out by one of the three cataclysms that convulsed the Atlantean archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean.​
I think war between Celts (aka kantekanians) and Paranthas is NOT related to one of 3 cataclysm that destroyed Paranthas around approx. 12,000 years ago. C's also mentioned that Atlantis is like modern day NATO. Not all NATO countries are at the same location next to each other. i.e. there are non NATO block nations (( communist, Non Aligned countries etc.) around the world during that period.
Q: (L) When the Aryans were brought here, were they brought to Atlantis?

A: No. The Aryans were different from the Atlanteans.
Obsessing over the details of our mysterious past is super cool and fun but can be a distraction from the soul work to be done here and now.
I agree that "Obsession" of any kind is not good. "Mysterious Past" is one carrot that is used to propagate the lies (small example: WW II Aryan purity, myriad new age versions etc.) as every body wants to know the past. One of the main aim of propaganda is wear down the people with all sorts of stories and divert public from truth. Knowing the past helps to discern what is lie and what is truth leaving more energy for discernment. Every body has a past, has a temperament to know it, sharing helps to make connections. I think that is also part of Soul development.
IOW what do the stories of the past tell us in a broader sense that helps the growth of the soul memory complex? What is the significance?
What is the point of "soul" decision to incarnate? I think it is to learn and build its knowledge base (and make proper decisions) for its own growth. I think past stories helps in the process, if properly discerned.
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