Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Just to let people know, I am currently writing another article, which is taking up much of my time at the moment, since it has required a lot of research. However, it is an important article, as it ties together a lot of what has previously been said on this thread. Hopefully, it will raise a few surprises and may also finally establish a firm link between Alton Towers and the resurgent occult movement in 19th Century England. It may also help to explain the C's enigmatic quote, which I think relates to the Grail:

Session 26 July 1997:
Q: Why is this described as a Widow's son? This was the appellation of Perceval...

A: Perceval was knighted in the court of seven.

Q: The court of seven what?

A: Swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden.

Session 22 August 1998:

Q: (L) They also talk about the ‘Seven Sages.’ You once said that Perceval was ‘knighted in the Court of Seven and that the sword’s points signify ‘crystal transmitter of truth beholden.’ Do these seven sages relate to this ‘Court of Seven’ that you mentioned?

A: Close.

Q: (L) When you said ‘swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden,’ could you elaborate on that remark?

A: Has celestial meaning.

I am now convinced that the celestial meaning is the seven stars of the Great Bear (Ursa Major) or the Big Dipper/Plough. My article will try and demonstrate this.
You do a very important job looking for what is hidden.

I just wanted to tell you that being knighted in the court of the seven can be symbolic.

After correctly activating the seven energy centers of the body, the circuit is closed in the configuration of the shepherd (third eye) and you are knighted (you have the grail, you are a psychic), the authentic, complete man/woman.

I say this because I believe that in this matter the occult history is mixed with the symbolism of the search for the grail.

Just a note.
Sadly, Polanski's American actress wife, Sharon Tate, was brutally murdered whilst pregnant by the infamous (Charles) Manson Gang in 1969.​

Time to read Miles Mathis' magnum opus: The Tate Murders were a False Flag.

Of all the “conspiracy theories” I have run across over the years, amazingly this is not one of them.
Before I start, let me say two things.
One, we will have to study the crime scene photographs of Sharon Tate, but I will make it as easy on you as possible.
They aren't what you think anyway. … They aren't at all what we have been led to believe.
Even so, I will lead you in slowly, making a strong case that they are fake. ...
By the time we get there, you will already be pretty sure they aren't what they are supposed to be, and you won't be afraid to look at them.

Two, I will also prepare your mind and eyes by making it clear why the murders needed to be faked.
It will be much easier for a reader to understand how they were faked once he or she understands why they were faked.
It turns out that with this manufactured tragedy—as with all others—you have been getting disinformation from all sides.
Only after thoroughly investigating the Tate murders myself was I able to see that all the “dark theories” were also wrong and probably planted.
That is to say, the alternative theories for these major tragedies also seem to be written by the spooks.
They either sidetrack you into Satanism and Crowley and LaVey, for instance; or they lead you in with a few pieces of true information and proper speculation before they divert you to the desired belief nonetheless.

Once we see that Sharon is alive in that photo, that Paul Tate is a military intelligence colonel in hippie disguise, that Lookout Mountain Film Lab is in the background of Cielo Drive photos, and that Sharon has since been posing as her sister, all the rest falls into place...


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When it comes to 'vampires and occult organizations' (Bram Stoker/Dracula/Golden Dawn), there is also this:
Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (German: Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens) is a 1922 silent German Expressionist horror film ... a vampire who preys on the wife of his estate agent and brings the plague to their town.

Nosferatu was produced by Prana Film and is an unauthorized and unofficial adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula. Various names and other details were changed from the novel, including Count Dracula being renamed Count Orlok. Although these changes are often represented as a defense against copyright infringement, the original German intertitles acknowledged Dracula as the source. Film historian David Kalat states in his commentary track that since the film was "a low-budget film made by Germans for German audiences...setting it in Germany with German-named characters makes the story more tangible and immediate for German-speaking viewers".

Even with several details altered, Stoker's heirs sued over the adaptation, and a court ruling ordered all copies of the film to be destroyed. However, several prints of Nosferatu survived, and the film came to be regarded as an influential masterpiece of cinema and the horror genre.
The studio behind Nosferatu, Prana Film, was a short-lived silent-era German film studio founded in 1921 by Enrico Dieckmann and occultist artist Albin Grau, named after a Theosophical journal which was itself named for the Hindu concept of prana. Although the studio's intent was to produce occult- and supernatural-themed films, Nosferatu was its only production, as it declared bankruptcy shortly after the film's release. Nosferatu - Wikipedia
Albin Grau (December 22, 1884 in Leipzig-Schönefeld – March 27, 1971) was a German artist, architect and occultist, and the producer and production designer for F.W. Murnau's Nosferatu (1922). He was largely responsible for the look and spirit of the film, including the sets, costumes, storyboards and promotional materials.

A lifelong student of the occult and member of Fraternitas Saturni, under the magical name of Master Pacitius, Grau was able to imbue Nosferatu with hermetic and mystical undertones.
Before Grau and Murnau collaborated on Nosferatu, which was shot in 1921, Grau was planning to create several movies devoted to the occult and supernatural through his studio, Prana Film. Since Nosferatu was a loose and unauthorized translation of Bram Stoker's Dracula Prana had to declare bankruptcy in order to evade infringement lawsuits. This made Nosferatu its one and only release.

In 1925 Grau participated in the Weida Conference, an international meeting of occult leaders at Hohenleuben...

Pacitius (Grau) gave up all his lodge titles, refusing the invitation to head the new order, and left the Master's Chair of the Fraternitas Saturni, Orient Berlin, to Eugen Grosche, who would lead it as Master Gregorius into the new Aquarian/Saturnian age. Grau contributed fascinating, if mathematically obscure, articles on sacred geometry to Saturn Gnosis, the periodical of the Fraternitas Saturni (five issues between July 1928 and March 1930).

Albin Grau also wrote the Liber I - Das Buch der Nullstunde, a kind of a thelemic counterwork to Crowley's Liber Al vel Legis.

Another leading figure [of Fraternitas Saturni] was Albin Grau (Master Pacitius; 1884–1971), who worked as a set designer for the film industry in Berlin. In general there seems to have been a good deal of occult involvement among German filmmakers of the pre-1933 era; some of the mysteries of this milieu have yet to be completely unraveled.
Grau studied art at the Kunstakademie in Dresden and served in the German army on the eastern front in World War I. After the war he worked in the film industry in Berlin and as a commercial artist.
From early on he was interested in esotericism and established a group called the Lichtsuchende Brüder (Brothers Who Seek the Light).

In 1921 he founded a company called Prana-Film and, with F. W. Murnau as director, he produced Nosferatu: Eine Symphonie des Grauens (Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror), which was released in 1922. The film is full of references to occult knowledge. Legal actions brought forth by the widow of Bram Stoker on the basis of copyright infringement regarding her husband’s famous novel Dracula (1897) caused severe financial problems for Grau’s company. In 1921 Grau produced his masterpiece Schatten for his new company Pan-Film. This film was released in the English-speaking market as Warning Shadows. In 1924 the legal settlement with Mrs. Stoker mandated the destruction of all prints of Nosferatu. Thankfully some survived. The legal matters ruined Grau financially and he more or less retired from the film industry and devoted himself to esoteric matters.
In 1925 Grau became leader of the Lodge Pansophia and would later collaborate on the internal FS journal Saturn Gnosis (1928–1930).
He also wrote a Thelemic book called Liber I: Das Buch der Null-Stunde (The Book of the Zero-Hour).
During World War II, Grau was a technical draftsman and was involved in military transport. After the war he lived in Bayrischzell, a small town in Upper Bavaria, until his death in 1971. There he became well known for paintings of the spectacular local landscape. He entered the “Swiss” O.T.O. shortly before his death. Reports that he died in a concentration camp in 1942 or that he immigrated to Switzerland have been proven unreliable.

Flowers, Stephen E.. The Fraternitas Saturni: History, Doctrine, and Rituals of the Magical Order of the Brotherhood of Saturn (S.24-27). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle-Version.
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You do a very important job looking for what is hidden.

I just wanted to tell you that being knighted in the court of the seven can be symbolic.

After correctly activating the seven energy centers of the body, the circuit is closed in the configuration of the shepherd (third eye) and you are knighted (you have the grail, you are a psychic), the authentic, complete man/woman.

I say this because I believe that in this matter the occult history is mixed with the symbolism of the search for the grail.

Just a note.
Thank you for these insightful comments. I agree with your analysis save that I think the C's statement may be multifaceted, as with so many of their clues. Talk about occult symbolism mixed up with the search for the Grail and the closing of the circuit to create the authentic, complete man (an "illuminated" one), the C's made some very prescient comments on this theme of knighthood in the session dated 4 April 1998:
Q: Okay. Next question: the White Mare Goddess image that prefigured the Omega symbol, what is this related to?

A: Transcends.

Q: The White Mare transcends something?

A: Transcendental.

Q: What is the relationship of the White Mare to the symbolism of the knight? The knight on the horse is repeatedly used in alchemical symbolism.

A: Rites.

Q: One of the rites in question is that the making of the knight involves touching both shoulders with the end of a sword which is actually a symbolic beheading. Why is the knight symbolically beheaded?

A: Blast open limitations of encasing spirit in body.

It is curious to note then that a key alchemical motif the Knights Templar used on their official legal seal was that of two knights riding a single horse. This official legal seal that was used to authenticate all Templar documents.​


According to legend, Hugues de Payens (the first Grand-Master of the Templars) and Godfrey de Saint-Omer were so poor that between the two of them they had only one horse, and this gave rise to the famous image on the seal of the Templars. A similar contemporary legend also held that the symbol represented the initial poverty of the order; that they could afford only a single horse for every two men. However, this is very unlikely to be true since the Templars' Rule forbade two riders on the same beast.

Some claim that the single horse was a sign of the poverty of the Order, but the fact was most Knights were given three horses; one for battle, one for everyday riding and one to transport luggage and armour. Other historians claim the twin knights represent the duality of their fraternity; they were poor by their vows, yet rich beyond comprehension in assets; they were religious monks yet fierce warriors; somewhat introspective yet well versed in worldly matters.

It is more likely though to have had an alchemical meaning and, if we take the C's explanation, then it must have referred to some special alchemical rite or rites. Could it relate perhaps to our two-fold nature that of an unilluminated individual residing alongside a potential candidate for illumination (i.e., a person searching for the Grail)? If so, does this betray the Templars' great secret that they had discovered under the Temple Mount ancient and arcane esoteric knowledge relating to alchemy?

Any thoughts?​


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Could it relate perhaps to our two-fold nature that of an unilluminated individual residing alongside a potential candidate for illumination (i.e., a person searching for the Grail)? If so, does this betray the Templars' great secret that they had discovered under the Temple Mount ancient and arcane esoteric knowledge relating to alchemy?
I believe that in all this mess the symbolic of the grail is mixed with the discovery of the so-called Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer and the vicissitudes of its successive transfers and concealment, as well as its search by the group that wishes to possess it.

But it is all very confusing although certainly very interesting.
I believe that in all this mess the symbolic of the grail is mixed with the discovery of the so-called Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer and the vicissitudes of its successive transfers and concealment, as well as its search by the group that wishes to possess it.

But it is all very confusing although certainly very interesting.

Yes, I think you are correct. However, we may be looking at more than one TDARM in the mix here judging from what the C's said in the session dated 12 July 1997:

Q: Okay! I can accept that! What was Berenger Sauniere collecting all those rocks for?

A: What about conductor?

Q: What do you mean?

A: What conducts?

Q: Was he building a little Stonehenge?

A: Have you researched the power of Stonehenge, and how it relates... where it fits in?

Q: Yes, we are bit by bit collecting things...

A: Well? And crop circles? Amazing connections... And what of "The Rosy Cross?"

Q: Well, this is what we are looking at! I have even discovered that Sir Francis Bacon's name is even derived from "beech," and that his Latin signature has the gematria number of 17 - and January 17 is the feast day of St. Anthony, who replaced St. Augustine in this affair somewhat... and I have connected the Rosicrucians all over the blasted planet, for crying out loud! And, who is who here? Just who are the good guys?

A: Airports are used by both.

Q: Well, what is THAT supposed to mean?

A: Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer.

Q: You mean there is a TDARM at the Denver Airport?

A: Not that simple... and much, much deeper meaning.

I have not yet finished the third instalment on Abbe Berenger Sauniere's story. Let us just say though he was up to a lot more than just collecting rocks. However, it was the reference to "airports" that intrigues me here, particularly when they are linked by the C's to TDARMs. This seems to suggest that there are two opposing groups who use TDARMs for teleportation purposes, including the Rosicrucians (who through the figure of Sir Francis Bacon seemed to have had links to the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees close to where Sauniere was based in southern France). The C's have mentioned teleportation first in connection with those people possessing super powers who met for conventions at Chaco Canyon and secondly in connection with the mysterious statue known as the Virgin of Candelaria, which miraculously appeared to the Guanches in Tenerife, as discussed in the session dated 31 May 1997:​

Q: That is NOT friendly! I don't want to know things that are not friendly. Now, you have got me so startled that I don't even know if the path I am following in researching the history and the other things is even worthwhile or useful.

A: Oh, you bet it is!!!!!

Q: Is the historical research going to gradually bring me to this knowledge that would cause me to now 'die of shock?'

A: Maybe.

Q: In the information I now have on the Canaries, I found that a strange icon appeared on the island long before the conquest, long before any missionaries or Europeans arrived. The natives were the big, blond types. They said that they knew this icon was divine because following its appearance, there were processions of angels, or divine beings, up and down the beach where it appeared, lights, smells, chanting and singing and so forth. How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria arrive on the beach at Tenerife?

A: Teleportation

Q: Who teleported it there?

A: The "Celts".

Q: Celts in the sense of the Druids?

A: Or in the sense of Atlanteans.

Session dated 7 June 1997:

Q: Alright. I want to clear up some quick ones before I get into the more complicated subjects. Left from last week: We talked about the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria, and the mode of its appearance. But, I want to know what year it arrived on the Canaries?

A: No year was measured then.

Q: Well, I know the Guanches did not, but related to the Spaniards who arrived later and who learned about it, when was it?

A: Maybe 1198 would be good.

We may assume the C's meant 1198 AD here but there were no independent, purely Celtic kingdoms anymore in Europe in 1198 AD and with the victory of Christianity over paganism, including the Druids, this might suggest the C's could have meant 1198 BC, which would place us in the Late Bronze Age when Western Europe was predominantly Celtic. However, there is another possibility and that is teleportation can involve transporting something to the future from what, from our perspective, would be the past. I say this because in a book I have been reading recently, and from which I will liberally quote in an upcoming post that I am just putting the finishing touches to, two ancient objects mysteriously materialised (one being a caduceus and the other a Celtic cross) in the present day and were located by a gifted psychic of British Celtic stock. Such materialisations are known as "apports", which is close to the word "airports", which leads me to wonder whether the C's were making a slight pun on words here. An "apport" involves the supposed paranormal transference of an object from one place to another, or the appearance of an object from an unknown source, and is often associated with poltergeist activity and séances. However, the teleportation of the Virgin of Candelaria statue to Tenerife by the Celts can be considered to be an apport.

The C's linked the term "airport" with a "TDARM" above and said it had a much, much deeper meaning. However, they also linked TDARM's with powers of resurrection with no time limits involved when Laura discussed the treasure of Oak Island with them. My upcoming article will include what may have been a possible example of a TDARM crystal being used to effect a resurrection of a long dead person. This may seem far fetched but once you learn that the green crystal used to effect the resurrection concerned could well have been a small part of the Grail (which reputedly has the powers of resurrection and teleportation - think of the Kantek survivors transferred to Earth by the Grail as the Mother Stone or Merkabah*) as possessed by Pharaoh Akhenaten until Nefertiti stole it and gave it to Abraham/Moses.

The Merkabah was thought to be a divine light vehicle (a spiritual space ship of sorts) that transported people from one dimension to another and thus enabled people to access, connect with and communicate with beings of other dimensions. It is counter-rotating fields of light in the shape of two interlocked tetrahedra, where one point of the tetrahedra points up and the other points down, forming the shape of a star tetrahedron. This is why it is referred to as the chariot of ascension. When viewed, it looks like a three dimensional Star of David. The Merkabah became a secret doctrine known only to few learned rabbis, mystics and philosophers who preserved the knowledge within the Kabbalah.

Perhaps the Grail is a specially tuned crystal, which allows gifted psychic users of the right frequency (STO) or FRV to manifest such a light vehicle in the form of two interlocking tetrahedra (a star tetrahedra). Hence, I have recently become rather interested in the fairly new concept of "time crystals" (see upcoming post on this).

However, the Grail has also been linked to the Philosopher's Stone, which the C's said was an idea centre:

Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone?"

A: Idea center.

Q: (L) How can this idea center be accessed?

A: Many ways: meditation is the best.

Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?

A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

And, of course, a prism often takes the form of a triangular glass pyramid or tetrahedra. As you said: "it is all very confusing although certainly very interesting."
When it comes to 'vampires and occult organizations' (Bram Stoker/Dracula/Golden Dawn), there is also this:

Albin Grau also wrote the Liber I - Das Buch der Nullstunde, a kind of a thelemic counterwork to Crowley's Liber Al vel Legis.
Thank you for this information. My posts have tended to focus on the occult and esoteric societies based in Britain but, of course, there were and are many such groups in Continental Europe, particularly in France and Germany. Hence, it is interesting to learn that there seems to have been a good deal of occult involvement among German filmmakers of the pre-1933 era. From this we can see that occult groups quickly realised that the film industry would be a wonderful medium to promote their beliefs and shape impressionable minds through occult story lines and imagery, where before this was only possible through the medium of books, magazines and art. One only has to see how this process has worked in their favour with the rise of movements like the Goths in modern times. The C's have warned how dark imagery and symbolism in movies, TV and music videos can influence impressionable people, particularly the young. Like Laura, I have an aversion to slasher movies but I certainly used to enjoy the old Hammer horror films of the 1950's and 1960's, particularly those starring the likes of Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. In those films, the forces of light invariably triumphed over those of evil in the end. Today the converse seems to be true.

One thing my researches have revealed is that there has been a long-term, ongoing relationship between occult groups in Germany and Britain starting perhaps with the 17th Century Rosicrucians. Previously, I have mentioned the involvement of certain German aristocrats in the Orphic Circle and the supposed German links to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. However, another Germano-British occult or gnostic group that has come to my attention is the Knights of Seth.

The Knights of Seth were a 19th-century British-German Neo-Sethian group that attempted to resurrect medieval Gnostic and dualistic Christian ideas. While achieving a certain popularity among wealthy young Englishmen in the 1850s, the Knights never gained considerable influence and were by many considered a mere gentlemen's club rather than a religious movement. Apart from a handful of members in Edinburgh and Berlin, the group presently appears to be almost extinct. The group is sometimes referred to by its Latin name Ordo Equester Sethiani.​

Their Core beliefs

Like the Gnostics, the Knights of Seth believe that there is a true God and a false one. The latter is known as the demiurge. According to gnostic tradition the demiurge created the world. In doing so, the demiurge (Classical Greek for craftsman-creator) carried out an order of the true god. The malevolent demiurge, which sometimes goes by the name of Yaldabaoth, then usurped the true god's position.

According to the Ordo Equester, Adam’s third son Seth was a messiah who could get in touch with the true god and acted as his herald, thwarting the plans of the evil demiurge. The Knights believe that seven prophets will deliver various teachings to humanity. These will then enable men to experience the true, hidden god. This allegedly requires studying different religions and meditation, resulting in a process of recognition (gnosis, Greek language for knowledge).​


Stoyanov, Yuri (2004). The Other God. Dualist Religions from Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-08253-3.

Were you aware of this group? If so, did they die out as suggested or morph into another esoteric group or groups in the same way that the Golden Dawn did?​
Were you aware of this group? If so, did they die out as suggested or morph into another esoteric group or groups in the same way that the Golden Dawn did?​

No, I was not aware of this group before.
But another legendary 19th century group, -not mentioned here before-, is the infamous FOGC:

THE FOGC .: 99 :.

One of the most important of these shadowy lodges [moyal: which had a supposed influence on Fraternitas Saturni] —and certainly the most diabolically mysterious—was the Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurium (FOGC).
This order was supposedly founded in 1840 in Munich by a group of rich German industrialists and well-placed citizens.
The FOGC was an openly daemonological order that maintained magical contact with a tetrad of daemons: Barzabel (planetary daemonium of Mars), Astaroth, Belial, and Asmodeus. The service of these entities was to provide the initiates of the order with untold personal power, influence, and wealth.
The main avenues for our knowledge about the existence of the FOGC comes from certain members of the FS and from the writings of the Adonist Wilhelm Quintscher and Franz Bardon. Both certainly wrote about it in a negative light, but Quintscher also left traces in his writings that give the impression he was somehow connected with the FOGC. For example, the designation for his investigational association was the O.C.F.G., which seems to be a rearrangement of the letters of the order in question.

In essence the FOGC can be seen as a cult of human sacrifice. This would have been sacrifice of a Middle Eastern, or Semitic type, and not of the Indo-European kind.
The term centurium in the order’s name is Latin for a group or division of one hundred. Actually, the number of initiates in the lodge was limited to ninety-nine—the one-hundredth member of the order was the daemonium itself.
The whole affair was taken care of annually on the night of June 23, St. John’s Day. On that night the lodge members would convene, and if no brother had died in the course of the previous year, a “lodge sacrifice” had to be chosen. This was done by drawing lots. The initiate chosen for this honor would then drink a poison draught in order to complete the sacrificial act.
In the case of his refusal, this could be accomplished at a distance by means of the dreaded “Tepaphone” (German: Tepaphon)—a machine which, when coupled with the will of a magician, could kill a person no matter where they were. This machine is also mentioned and described in some FS documents.
The sinister FOGC plays a dominant role in the “magical autobiography” of Franz Bardon, Frabato, wherein dramatic instances of the application of the Tepaphone are portrayed.

Most of the material having to do with the FOGC seems quite legendary and fantastic in tone, but certain features of it are more practically treated in some FS archival materials.

Flowers, Stephen E.. The Fraternitas Saturni: History, Doctrine, and Rituals of the Magical Order of the Brotherhood of Saturn (S.13-14). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle-Version.
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I am posting a couple of articles I discovered on the Joseph Farrell website The Giza Death Star, which relate to what are called time crystals. I am doing so since they may be relevant to what we have been discussing about teleportation and time travel, since there is an aspect of quantum entanglement about these crystals. Let us not also forget that the C's told us that the Atlanteans were masters of crystallography and the production of artificially grown crystals. Could modern scientists be rediscovering in such crystals what our Atlantean forefathers already knew? I appreciate that this article may appeal more to those who have a scientific bent. Nevertheless, I am posting it on the basis that it may be relevant to the next post I will be uploading, which relates in great part to a special green crystal that seemingly had been existed from antiquity, a crystal that had been possessed at one stage by the Knights Templar before it passed into the hands of Mary Queen of Scots and was then lost to time until it was recovered in mysterious circumstances in England in 1980.

It's Official: Time Crystals Are a New State of Matter, And Now We Can Create Them

PHYSICS 09 March 2017



Earlier this year, physicists had put together a blueprint for how to make and measure time crystals - a bizarre state of matter with an atomic structure that repeats not just in space, but in time, allowing them to maintain constant oscillation without energy.

Two separate research teams managed to create what looked an awful lot like time crystals back in January, and now both experiments have successfully passed peer-review for the first time, putting the 'impossible' phenomenon squarely in the realm of reality.

"We've taken these theoretical ideas that we've been poking around for the last couple of years and actually built it in the laboratory," says one of the researchers, Andrew Potter from Texas University at Austin.

"Hopefully, this is just the first example of these, with many more to come."

Time crystals are one of the coolest things physics has dished up in recent months, because they point to a whole new world of 'non-equilibrium' phases that are entirely different from anything scientists have studied in the past.

For decades, we've been studying matter, such as metals and insulators, that's defined as being 'in equilibrium' - a state where all the atoms in a material have the same amount of heat.

Now it looks like time crystals are the first example of the hypothesised but unstudied 'non-equilibrium' state of matter, and they could revolutionise how we store and transfer information via quantum systems.

"It shows that the richness of the phases of matter is even broader [than we thought]," physicist Norman Yao from the University of California, Berkeley, who published the blueprint in January, told Gizmodo.

"One of the holy grails in physics is understanding what types of matter can exist in nature. [N]on-equilibrium phases represent a new avenue different from all the things we've studied in the past."

First proposed by Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist Frank Wilczek back in 2012, time crystals are hypothetical structures that appear to have movement even at their lowest energy state, known as a ground state.

Usually when a material enters its ground state - also referred to as the zero-point energy of a system - movement should theoretically be impossible, because it would require it to expend energy.

But Wilczek envisioned an object that could achieve everlasting movement while in its ground state by periodically switching the alignment of atoms inside the crystal over and over again - out of the ground state, back again, and repeat.

Let's be clear - this isn't a perpetual motion machine, because there's zero energy in the system. But the hypothesis did initially seem unlikely for another reason.

It hinted at a system that breaks one of the most fundamental assumptions of our current understanding of physics - time-translation symmetry, which states that the laws of physics are the same everywhere and at all times.

As Daniel Oberhaus explains for Motherboard, time-translation symmetry is the reason why it would be impossible to flip a coin at one moment and have the odds of heads or tails at 50/50, but then the next time you flip it, the odds are suddenly 70/30.

But certain objects can break this symmetry in their ground state without violating the laws of physics.

Consider a magnet with a north and a south end. It's unclear how a magnet 'decides' which end will be north and which will be south, but the fact that it has a north and a south end means it won't look the same on both ends - it's naturally asymmetrical.

Another example of a physical object with an asymmetrical ground state is a crystal.

Crystals are known for their repeating structural patterns, but the atoms inside them have 'preferred' positions within the lattice. So depending on where you observe a crystal in space, it will look different - the laws of physics are no longer symmetrical, because they don't apply equally to all points in space.

With this in mind, Wilczek proposed that it might be possible to create an object that achieves an asymmetrical ground state not across space, like ordinary crystals or magnets, but across time.

In other words, could atoms prefer different states at different intervals in time?

Fast-forward a few years, and American and Japanese researchers showed that this could be possible, with one major tweak to Wilczek's proposal - in order to get time crystals flipping their states over and again, they needed to be given a 'nudge' every once in a while.

In January this year, Norman Yao described how such a system could be built, describing it to Elizabeth Gibney at Nature as a "weaker" kind of symmetry violation than Wilczek had imagined.

"It's like playing with a jump rope, and somehow our arm goes around twice, but the rope only goes around once," he says, adding that in Wilczek's version, the rope would oscillate all by itself.

"It's less weird than the first idea, but it's still fricking weird."

Two separate teams of researchers, one led by the University of Maryland, and the other by Harvard University, took this blueprint and ran with it, creating two different versions of a time crystal that appeared equally viable.

"Both systems are really cool. They're kind of very different. I think they're extremely complementary," Yao told Gizmodo.

"I don't think one is better than the other. They look at two different regimes of the physics. The fact that you're seeing this similar phenomenology in very different systems is really amazing."

Described in pre-print papers in January, the University of Maryland's time crystals were created by taking a conga line of 10 ytterbium ions, all with entangled electron spins.


Chris Monroe, University of Maryland

As Fiona MacDonald reported for us at the time:

"The key to turning that set-up into a time crystal was to keep the ions out of equilibrium, and to do that the researchers alternately hit them with two lasers. One laser created a magnetic field and the second laser partially flipped the spins of the atoms."

Because the spins of all the atoms were entangled, the atoms settled into a stable, repetitive pattern of spin flipping that defines a crystal, but it did something truly strange to become a time crystal - the spin-flipping pattern in the system repeated only half as fast as the laser pulses.

"Wouldn't it be super weird if you jiggled the Jell-O and found that somehow it responded at a different period?" Yao explained.

The Harvard time crystal instead used diamonds that had been loaded with so many nitrogen impurities, they turned black.

The Harvard diamond. Credit: Georg Kucsko​

The spin of these impurities were able to be flipped back and forth like the spin of the ytterbium ions in the Maryland experiment.

It was an exciting moment for physics, but now things are finally official, because both experiments have passed peer-review, and now appear in separate papers in Nature, here and here.

And now that we know these things exist, it's time to make more of them, and put them to use.

One of the most promising applications for time crystals is quantum computing - they could allow physicists to create stable quantum systems at far higher temperatures than can be achieved right now, and that just might be the push we need to finally make quantum computing a reality.

We can't wait to see where the research will lead next.



May 22, 2023 / Joseph P. Farrell / Comments Offon

This is another one of those weeks that there has been such a surfeit of articles to blog about that it has once again been difficult to comb through everyone's emails and make selections, but there was one article shared by M.D. that contained something that caught my eye, and that something in turn generated all sorts of extreme octane speculations on my part, one of which is the subject of today's blog. So, with my apologies to any real scientists who may be in the readership, here is what M.D. spotted and passed along (with our thanks):

For those who have read my re-write of the weapon Hypothesis of the Great Pyramid in my Giza Death Star trilogy in The Giza Death Star Revisited, you'll be aware that I've been maintaining that it is not so much a weapon that is pointed and aimed at a target, and that hence it is not a directed energy weapon in that sense, like a gamma ray laser or a particle beam would be. Rather, I've been maintaining that it is rather a weapon that has to be tuned to a precise set of information contained in its target, and that, as such, one such subset of elements in that set are those having to do with the time of the target, i.e., it's location not only in space, but in time. To be able to target such objects and/or times, it must be an efficient oscillator of those elements in its set of information, or of their harmonics, and hence one has a (highly speculative) hypothesis of why the Great Pyramid contains so many dimensional analogues of local celestial space.​

With that in mind, something in this article jumped out at me:

For example, the creation of a new phase of matter called a “time crystal.” Just as a crystal’s structure repeats in space, a time crystal repeats in time and, importantly, does so infinitely and without any further input of energy – like a clock that runs forever without any batteries. The quest to realize this phase of matter has been a longstanding challenge in theory and experiment – one that has now finally come to fruition.​

Time-crystals are a striking example of a new type of non-equilibrium quantum phase of matter,” said Vedika Khemani, assistant professor of physics at Stanford and a senior author of the paper. “While much of our understanding of condensed matter physics is based on equilibrium systems, these new quantum devices are providing us a fascinating window into new non-equilibrium regimes in many-body physics.”

During her graduate school years, Khemani, her doctoral advisor Shivaji Sondhi, then at Princeton University, and Achilleas Lazarides and Roderich Moessner at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems stumbled upon this recipe for making time crystals unintentionally. They were studying non-equilibrium many-body localized systems – systems where the particles get “stuck” in the state in which they started and can never relax to an equilibrium state. They were interested in exploring phases that might develop in such systems when they are periodically “kicked” by a laser. Not only did they manage to find stable non-equilibrium phases, they found one where the spins of the particles flipped between patterns that repeat in time forever, at a period twice that of the driving period of the laser, thus making a time crystal.

The periodic kick of the laser establishes a specific rhythm to the dynamics. Normally the “dance” of the spins should sync up with this rhythm, but in a time crystal it doesn’t. Instead, the spins flip between two states, completing a cycle only after being kicked by the laser twice. This means that the system’s “time translation symmetry” is broken.

Again, for those familiar with my Giza Death Star books including their most recent iteration in The Giza Death Star Revisited, these "time crystals" will sound very much like my "phi" crystals* that I posited were the core of the machine, some time ago. Additionally, the sudden pulsing of a system driving it into a high state of non-equilibrium will also sound familiar, for it is a feature of Tesla's wireless power system, from which I borrowed certain concepts as a model to explain my thinking about the Great Pyramid. Even the hypothesis of British-American engineer Chris Dunn - that the "King's chamber" and particularly the "sarcophagus" constitute the optical cavity for a maser - is an element of the "time crystal" since masers are a form of cohered energy that could provide the necessary "kick" that the article is talking about. So effectively, all the elements are there: high non-equilibrium, materials with lattice structure (crystals), cohered energy and, for the cognoscenti, lots of non-linear material (plasma and crystal bearing rock) that might indicate phase conjugate mirror functions. How all those things combine and "work" is anyone's guess; it's their presence that is so suggestive, and once one rids oneself of the ridiculous propositions and dogmas of Egyptology, what one is looking at in the structure is a machine and in my opinion a weapon, and a very sophisticated one (not to mention very powerful one).
[*Farrell restates in The Giza Death Star Destroyed his speculations on the use of Phi (ϕ) or Black Crystals in the Great Pyramid and how they may have been gravitationally and acoustically, as well as optically, resonant, having a kind of Fibonacci spiralling or “rotating” lattice structure and refractive index, which would thus seem to take on some properties of superconductors as well. In The Giza Death Star Destroyed, Farrell proposes that sapphire (and other crystals for that matter) can exist in a monoatomic state provided that a technique can be discovered to spin polarise their lattice structure to the degree evident in a monoatomic structure.

However, a monatomic element is an element that does not chemically or molecularly bond with itself or any other element, precisely because of its high spin state. Farrell ponders whether there may be some lost technology of building monoatomic elements into such molecules. He states that:

Such a crystal would indeed be, to use the alchemist’s terms “most pure”, having little or no impurities or mixture with other substances, and it would posses a lattice structure lacking the ordinary Frenkel, Schottsky, screw and other types of defects of crystals one encounters in nature. Such crystals – if possible at all – would most likely have to be assembled from the atom up [
MJF: using nanotechnology?]. They are, after all, monoatomic.”]

But what caught my eye and got the "high octane motor" kicked into high gear was the simple statement of how time crystals "work", namely, that there are states of matter (or a target) that under special circumstances can repeat over time. Say, "state A" of a system will repeat in "x" amount of time, which could be picoseconds, a minute, a few minutes, or possibly even decades, or centuries, or even millennia or longer. Those states might even be slightly modulated by further information allowing for minute (and distinguishing) features or regions within a system. My point here is that these time crystals are, at least conceptually, very similar to what I have been thinking, and for those paying yet more close attention, they would appear in principle to corroborate Tesla's observation that his electro-acoustic impulses were zipping along at pi/2 the velocity of light, which some have interpreted as the phase velocity of his pulses. Again, in a fashion similar to my "time-of-target" tuning principle.

None of this, however, was the high octane rabbit hole I was chasing while reading this article. Rather, it was the idea that systems-states are phenomena that can either repeat in time or return to some "harmonic" of that state, i.e., a state that is a close or distant echo of the initial state (and therefore not an exact repetition of that state, which would seem to be implied by the second thermodynamic law) which would be its fundamental. This thought then led to the high octane speculation: what if this condition was the basis for, or a possible explanation of, why human observers experience time at different "rates"? Most of us are familiar with this phenomenon in some form or fashion. We might experience a performance of Beethoven's Emperor piano concerto in a kind of mystical state that seems both suspended in time and yet rushing by too quickly, while conversely, we might experience a performance of Arnold Schoenberg's piano concerto as a form of excrutiating torture as an interminably painful exercise in sonic ugliness that drags on for hours. Most of us have some form of experience where we seem to have the sense of a different flow of time, when "clock" time ticks along just as regularly as it always did, even in Einstein's famous thought experiments with clocks. These experiences, I am suggesting, are every bit as much "systems states" as "clock time", and the phenomena of time crystals might, indeed, upon further investigation, have something to do with them.​

And we're just beginning to investigate them...

By the way, while you're contemplating this time crystal extreme octane speculation, consider also these other articles also shared by M.D., with our thanks and appreciation:​

A New Era for Physics? With Creation of New Form of Matter, a Time Crystal, It Just Might Be

Oh... notice that plasmas are a good medium for this:

Carving a Space-Time Crystal in a Plasma

A Russian agrees:

Plasma Crystal as a Time Crystal

Emergent time crystals from phase-space noncommutative quantum mechanics

See you on the flip side...

Home of the Giza Community and Dr Joseph P. Farrell


June 2, 2023 / Joseph P. Farrell / Comments on DARPA, PYRAMIDS, TEMPORAL WARFARE, AND TIME CRYSTALS

One of our regular readers and contributors, M.D., spotted this article, and I knew why when I read it, and if you've been following my recent interviews with friend and colleague Walter Bosley or reading my latest Giza Death Star Revisited book, you'll want to read this article, because it seems that DARPA (The Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency) is tremendously interested in in "time crystals" for reasons that are "classified":

DARPA Is Researching Time Crystals, And Their Reasons Are 'Classified'

If one does not know what time crystals are, think of them as being just like a crystal in space, only the lattice property that is typical to a crystal in space now occurs as a property of an object that repeats a particular lattice structure at regular periods of time:

Put simply, time crystals are made up of atoms with constantly oscillating spins.

These atoms flip flop, or 'jiggle' in the presence of a regular force, such as an electric field keeping them ticking along - just think of it like a plate of Jell-O wobbling when you tap it.

The article points out that DARPA is researching these mysterious types of crystals, no doubt as part of the US military's effort to achieve "full spectrum dominance," including the ability to dominate time itself.

But what would such "temporal dominance" look like? The article goes into all sorts of speculations about why DARPA is interested in time crystals, including their possible use, as non-equilibrium systems, in detecting underground tunnels and such due to minute fluctuations in detectable energy returns, fluctuations that can only be measured by extremely precise temporal measurements. Whatever the reasons are, DARPA isn't discussing them because they're classified:​

... What could DARPA possibly want with these things?

Well, the answer isn't totally clear.

"There might be applications related to measuring things with exquisite sensitivity in time and magnetic field domains," Ale Lukaszew, DARPA program manager, told Ryan F. Mandelbaum over at Gizmodo.​

"Not a lot of these applications are open for discussion."

In other words - it's classified.

Now I must be quite honest folks. I think all of the above, while certainly possible, and certainly reasons why DARPA would keep its interest classified, is a colossal case of misdirection, because the most obvious use of such time crystals would be precisely for a kind of temporal warfare such as I suggested in recent interviews about The Giza Death Star Revisited. Indeed, the article itself suggests this usage, and I contend that this is the ultimate reason for DARPA's interest. Indeed, the following statement from the article puts the principle bluntly and clearly:

These atoms flip flop, or 'jiggle' in the presence of a regular force, such as an electric field keeping them ticking along - just think of it like a plate of Jell-O wobbling when you tap it.

But what's very odd about them is that the oscillation doesn't necessarily line up with the tick of the field. For example, the time crystals made last year flipped only half as fast as the tick driving them.​

"Wouldn't it be super weird if you jiggled the Jell-O and found that somehow it responded at a different period?" explained one of the researchers behind the discovery, Norman Yao, from the University of California, Berkeley. (emphasis added)

In other words, imagine creating a time crystal that allowed you to "thump" a bowl of Jell-O, and to determine the precise time that the thump would make the Jell0 wiggle? Suppose you could thump the bowl of Jello at lunch, and it only wiggled in response to that thump at dinner time?

By the same token, imagine hitting a target with a strong pressure wave pulse, like a particularly strong P-wave pulse in an earthquake, only that pulse, due to the mediation of a time crystal, only arrives at the target much much later (say, a decade, or a century, or even perhaps a millennium later)? And then imagine, just for real high octane speculation, that if you could figure out how to confect the lattice structure of a crystal to allow such things to happen, that you got really good at structuring a lattice structure, and discovered that it could be used to project such a pulse "in reverse", a kind of "phase conjugate time crystal", where the pulse occurs at a particular time, and then moves forward, and backward, from there....

It's that bowl of Jello, folks, that is the real basis of DARPA's interest. You can bet on it. And while we're on the subject, let's take a diving leap off the end of the high octane speculation cliff and plunge like Wile E. Coyote into the canyon below, and make a prediction: watch for renewed scientific interest and teams being sent to Giza, or for sudden interest in plasmas as time crystals...

See you on the flip side...

Kevin Ryan on June 4, 2023 at 7:15 pm

Time crystals as described could have a couple other applications. One would be to create a communication device to send and receive messages not in the present moment/timeframe but between now and the future. An intelligence agency could then begin sending intel from the future – volcanic eruptions, floods, assassination target locations, Russian troop movements in Ukraine, etc. – back to a time when its agents could take action based on info not available in their own timeframe. A second use could be with sensors that could detect objects in dimensions close to ours, such as UFOs moving through neighbouring dimensions and appearing in ours when necessary to their purpose, like a submarine surfacing momentarily and then disappearing below the surface back into its watery dimension. The device might act like radar or sonar but its use would be to detect objects in other dimensions than ours. It might open a window to detect not only UFOs but beings, buildings, and machines in neighbouring dimensions. If I had such a device, one of the first places i would want to look is the Trinity test site to see what was destroyed in neighbouring dimensions at that location when that atomic bomb shredded the fabric of reality.​


The comment by Kevin Ryan above that an intelligence agency could start sending intelligence from the future back in time may be highly relevant to us since the C's have said that certain events have been catered for including Laura's work:
A: Stop and think about the possibility that your work was known in advance and all the preparations were made in advance to make the charge of cult mean what it does today.

{Group nervous laughter and shock at concept.}

Q: (L) Was it done via time travel?

A: Not necessary. "Mass dreams of the future" anyone?

Q: (L) That's a book where people get progressed into the future and see the future. It's kind of like time travel in your head. (Johnno) Is that sort of like remote viewing?

A: Oh indeed!

Could time crystals have played a part in this? It also makes one think about the Illuminati acting as as "sword keepers of the [time] lock" when destroying the Great Library of Alexandria:​

Q: Which reminds me: who REALLY burned the library at Alexandria, since I have heard two stories, one that the Christians did it and the other that the Arabs did it. Which?

A: Neither.

Q: Who DID burn it?

A: Sword keepers of "the lock."

Q: Who are the Sword Keepers of the Lock?

A: Has to do with Illuminati.

Q: What was their purpose in burning this library?

A: What is the purpose in burning ANY library?

Q: To destroy knowledge. Prevent other people from having access to it.

And as to the many uses of the Great Pyramid at Giza, let us not forget that the C's once said that it was used as an oracle:

Q: Were the Egyptians using the Pyramids to travel in time?

A: Maybe in a crude sense, more like an oracle.

Again, we might ask whether this operation was facilitated by the Phi or time crystals Farrell is referring to above, which he believes were once to be found within the Great Pyramid.

The C's told us that the skull the Knights Templar venerated as Baphomet was of pure crystal. Could it have been grown and structured as one giant phi or time crystal, which allows it to work on a quantum level, not only allowing for the storage of vast amounts of information but for teleportation, manifestations, time travel and resurrections as well (as a TDARM)? Moreover, say if you could shave a small piece of this crystal off. Would it like a fractal or hologram retain the powers of the original whole?​

Please keep this thought in mind when reading my next post.
The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia

This article contains material primarily gathered from three books written by the English authors Graham Phillips and Andrew Collins called respectively The Green Stone, Strange Fate and The Seventh Sword. I have come to appreciate that these books contain a treasure trove of information that connects with many things the C’s have told us over the years. This article will concentrate principally though on the Megalithic monument builders of the British Isles and their putative links to the Order of Meonia and those inhabitants of the British Isles who possess what Phillips and Collins describe as “psygenic” abilities (i.e., psychic abilities such as ESP, telekinesis, prophetic powers, remote viewing etc. inherited through one’s genetics, but especially by those of Celtic heritage). These psygenic abilities may well link with what the C’s described as the secret “power centres” of those of Nordic heritage in the session dated 23 March 1996:​

A: The Nordic Covenant was a duality.

Q: (L) … 'Nordic Covenant was a duality' ... so, when you made mention of the Nordic Covenant, and the banking scandal, was that a double-layered statement to us?

A: Maybe, but you are missing the point! All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centres, can be of darkness, or of light..


Q: (L) So, this is something that's programmed genetically in a bloodline?

A: Not exactly, those that have the bloodline have the corresponding soul alignment.

Q: (L) We are talking about a genetic bloodline that activates certain abilities and genes that interface with the corresponding soul that has prepared for this manifestation of the bloodline?

A: Yes.

Subsequent articles will consider other aspects dealt with in the three books, including, inter alia, Templar and Rosicrucian related links and the web of connections between certain members of the Order of Meonia and other secret societies and esoteric/occult groups of the 19th Century.​

The Green Stone and the Order of Meonia

The Green Stone by Graham Phillips and The Seventh Sword by Andrew Collins contain the two authors’ respective accounts of a remarkable psychic quest for two artefacts, the Green Stone or Meonia Stone and a short steel sword dedicated with the strange inscription “Meonia fore Marye”. Strange Fate is Phillips’ recent sequel to The Green Stone where he and his American friend Jodi Russell (who had accompanied Phillips on an earlier quest for sacred artefacts, as described in his book The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant) went on a quest for an artefact called the Heart of the Rose, an artefact that may also date back to Akhenaten’s reign in Egypt in the 14th Century BC. During the quest for the Meonia Stone and the associated sword, Phillips and Collins were assisted by a small but dedicated team of gifted psychics. However, they also found themselves opposed by a shadowy group of black magicians who went by the name of “the Wheel”. It transpired that the Wheel had its modern roots in 18th Century and 19th Century occultist groups that sprang up all over Britain during that era and it continues to operate and pursue its dark agenda by insinuating itself into positions of power and influence throughout the western world and beyond. Phillips and Collins discovered that the Wheel had opposed another group of 19th Century British occultists who had tried to harness the power of the hidden Green Stone but had failed, with severe consequences for the members of the group. They were called the ‘Order of Meonia’ and were based on Biddulph Grange in Staffordshire, England.

In turn, this Victorian group appeared to be a recreation of an earlier Order of Meonia, which had existed in the late 16th and early 17th Centuries and counted prominent aristocrats amongst their number, including Sir Walter Raleigh and other members of his School of Night (see my earlier article) who Phillips believes were the proto-Rosicrucians. They had supported Mary Queen of Scots against her cousin Queen Elizabeth I who had imprisoned Mary after she had sought refuge in England when fleeing her realm of Scotland. It was Mary who had owned the fabled Green Stone, which may have come into her possession when she married the Dauphin and later King of Francis, Francis II. After Mary’s execution, the Order of Meonia seemed to have entered into an alliance with a group of recusant Catholics and had become embroiled in the ill-fated Gunpowder Plot of 1604, where the Plotters had sought to assassinate King James I and the members of his Parliament whilst it was sitting in London. The Plotters had planned to replace James with his 12-year-old daughter, Princess Elizabeth Stuart. The Plot was uncovered at the eleventh hour, resulting in the Plotters scattering all over the country as the forces of the King closed in on them. Some of the Plotters were based in Staffordshire and it was here that one of the people on the periphery of the group hid the Green Stone after it had been passed by Mary to a young Robert Catesby when he had visited her during her imprisonment. Catesby would subsequently become the ringleader of the Gunpowder Plotters. Thus, nearly 400 years later, it would fall to Phillips, Collins and their small team of intrepid helpers to find the Green Stone before the Wheel found it.

However, Phillips and Collins’ quest for these artefacts would represent more than just a search for long hidden artefacts, since it would bring to light incredible revelations about the Order of Meonia, associated groups like the Sphere and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the sinister Wheel. As the C’s once said:​

A: Want revelations? Prepare for "Treasure" Hunt.



The hunt for us starts with the word “Meonia”, which may link us with the strange words “Neorrm” and Odiem”, which the C’s referred to in the session dated 7 November 1998:​

Q: (L) Okay, I want to ask: what is the relationship between Neormm and Odiem?

A: Take the two and look for hidden words.

The C’s also told Laura that the strange name “Neormm” relates in some way to the concept of perpendicular realities. This is literally something Graham Phillips and Jodi Russell would discover during their hunt for an artefact called the Heart of the Rose, as they would experience amazing synchronicities and even timeline shifts, which they could not explain by any rational means.

You will notice straight away that the name ʺMeoniaʺ cannot be constructed from these two words since there is no letter “a” to be found in either of them. However, the root of “Meonia” is “Meon” and this is a real word in both English, old Irish (Gaelic) and Hebrew that can be created from the word “Neorrm” and therefore might possibly be one of those hidden words or names the C’s were referring to. Indeed, it was my search for such words and names that actually led me to “Meonia” from where I found the Collins’ material on the subject, some of which is available online.

In English, “meon” is a name meaning friendly, dedicator, elegant. It is also a boy’s name.​

It derives from Ancient Greek μῆον, probably from μεῖον ("lesser") for its small size.

In old Irish meon (masc.) (genitive singular meoin, nominative plural meonta) means mind, disposition, character and temperament. Meon is also the alternative form of mian meaning “desire” and the alternative form of méin meaning “mind”, “disposition”.

Alternatively, meon (genitive singular meoin, nominative plural meoin) can be an alternative form of meán meaning “middle; mean; medium; average; middle, waist; middle zone”.

In Hebrew the word “meon” derives from the word “maon” or “main” meaning dwelling or habitation as in Beth Baal Meon: "House of Baal of (the) habitation," a place East of the Jordan.

The name Baal-meon occurs three times in the Bible. It's the name of one of the cities which were built or fortified (and renamed) by the Israelite tribe of Rueben, which settled east of the Jordan (Numbers 32:38, 1 Chronicles 5:8). It was situated close to Nebo and Hesbbon and by the time of the prophet Ezekiel, Baal-meon had apparently fallen into the hands of the Moabites (Ezekiel 25:9).

In Joshua 13:15 mention is made of a Reubenite city called Beth-baal-meon (= House of Baal-meon), which is generally assumed to be the same place. In his sermon on the destruction of Moab, the prophet Jeremiah mentions a Beth-meon in close proximity to Nebo, and scholars again assume that it's the same place (Jeremiah 48:23).

The fact that “Meon” is a word in Hebrew and occurs in the name of at least one city in ancient Israel may be significant in some small measure in helping to establish a biblical link between the Hebrews or Israelites and the British Celts of the 2nd Millennium BC (more on this later).
Meon Hill Warwickshire

There are in fact various places in England called “Meon” including several villages and hills. Indeed, one of the most beautiful villages in southern England is East Meon located in the county of Hampshire. Another such place is Meon Hill in Warwickshire, which was part of the ancient kingdom of Mercia.

Meon Hill was a large fortress during the Iron Age and the earthworks and fortifications from that time are still very much visible. Meon Hill is a mysterious plateau that looks down on the villages of Lower Quinton, Mickleton and Ilmington. It has always had a reputation for witchcraft and hauntings with evidence of this persisting even to the present day.

Witches have long been associated with Meon Hill, and with its proximity to Stratford-on-Avon some have claimed that Shakespeare based his three witches in Macbeth on stories he had been told of a coven meeting on Meon Hill. This might explain why the big oak in the field on the summit is known as the Witch Tree, as nobody local can offer any other explanation for it. Every other place in England seems to claim that it was an inspiration on JRR Tolkien for one of his Middle earth locations, and Meon Hill is no exception. A cousin of the great man had a fruit and vegetable farm nearby and said the hill was definitely the real-life model for the hill of Weathertop. Both readers of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and fans of the Peter Jackson trilogy of films of the book will remember the flat-topped fortress as the scene of a dramatic confrontation between the Nazgul and the Hobbits led by Aragorn, where Frodo is pierced with the Witch King's blade.

Perhaps this is the root of the sinister tales that Meon Hill has spawned, that the tribe who lived inside the fortress before the coming of the Romans built a temple or shrine of some kind, the memory of which prevailed down the centuries like ripples? The Devil himself is said in one legend to have actual created Meon Hill by hurling a huge slab of earth in disgust at the newly built Evesham Abbey but the combined prayers of the monks and the visiting Bishop of Worcester repelled the missile, it fell short and became Meon Hill.
Iron Age Hillfort at Meon Hill, Quinton
However, in 1945 the Hill became known for the infamous ‘Witchcraft Murder’ of Charles Walton. Walton was a farm labourer in his 70s who, while still working, was found savagely murdered in the hedgerow he had been cutting on Valentine's Day 1945, on the lower slopes of Meon Hill. His head had been almost cut off and pinned to the ground with a pitchfork and large pools of blood soaked the ground thereabouts. A team of detectives came up from London led by Chief Inspector Robert Fabian, the self-styled “Fabian of the Yard” who, while never solving the case, claimed in his memoirs that Charles had been hacked to death in a pagan ritual because he was believed to be a warlock. Fabian went on to say he was certain a “witch cult” was still active and that they were behind the murder. The case remains unsolved to this day and continues to spawn various theories and ideas about the goings on in Lower Quinton at that time. Fabian often walked around the hill and claimed that he encountered a spectral “black dog” one evening which vanished once it had walked past him, and a local lad who Fabian asked about the hound went white with fear and ran off. Others have seen this Black Dog too, huge and red eyed, but one local old fellow I got chatting to told me he once saw a headless dog walking about! For more on this ritualistic murder, see: The murder of Charles Walton on Meon Hill in 1945 is linked with witchcraft. But what are the facts? (

Ironically, the popular children’s TV show Teletubbies was filmed at Meon Hill. When the BBC departed, they left the “tubby house” as it was, which became a mecca for groups of youths to hold parties and wild gatherings, even a rave was allegedly put on there. The farmer that owned the land could stand it no more and razed the mound flat, replacing it with a pond and a nature reserve.
The Witch Tree on Meon Hill
However, disturbing events as described by Andrew Collins in his book The Seventh Sword and Graham Phillips & Martin Keatman’s account of the same events in their book The Green Stone indicate that Meon Hill is still very much associated with witchcraft since, when they visited it during their research, they found a fresh witches’ garland left there with red ribbons tied on it. They surmised that this was connected in some way to the mysterious and sinister organisation known as the Wheel (see above), which seems to coordinate many witchcraft ceremonies conducted in England at various centres of power.
Transcripts of Graham Phillips’ Channelling of an Entity called Joanna

This channelling was carried out through Graham Phillips whist under hypnosis by Andrew Collins and the first session was witnessed by their colleague Martin Keatman. As a psychic investigator used to gathering witness testimony, Collins recorded these sessions, so he was able to prepare a transcript subsequently of what Phillips had said under hypnosis in the same way that Laura recorded her sessions with the C’s, as did the participants in the ‘Law of One’ sessions with the Ra entity. The following is the transcript of what Phillips said under hypnosis, with my own commentary added in red and important statements that I wish to draw to your attention bolded. As with all such material, one has to rely on the integrity and honesty of those who produce it, and it is therefore up to the reader to decide for themselves whether they are prepared to accept the veracity of what was said and what occurred. However, assuming they are an honest and true account of the trance medium sessions, the lucid dreams, remote viewing visions and apparitions Phillips and his fellow psychics (especially Gaynor Sunderland) who were involved in the quest experienced, it may help to consider what the Ra channel had to say about such matters in the ‘Law of One’ material:
53.6 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of various techniques used by the service-to-others or positively oriented Confederation contacts with the people of this planet, the various forms of and techniques of them making contact?

Ra: I am Ra. We could.

53.7 Questioner: Would you do this please?

Ra: I am Ra. The most efficient mode of contact is that which you experience at this space/time. The infringement upon free will is greatly undesired. Therefore, those entities which are Wanderers upon your plane of illusion will be the only subjects for the thought projections which make up the so-called “close encounters” and meetings between positively oriented social memory complexes and Wanderers.

53.8 Questioner: Could you give me an example of one of these meetings between a Wanderer and a social memory complex as to what the Wanderer would experience?

Ra: I am Ra. One such example of which you are familiar is that of the one known as Morris. In this case the previous contact which other entities in this entity’s circle of friends experienced was negatively oriented. However, you will recall that the entity, Morris, was impervious to this contact and could not see, with the physical optical apparatus, this contact.

However, the inner voice alerted the one known as Morris to go by itself to another place and there an entity with the thought-form shape and appearance of the other contact appeared and gazed at this entity, thus awakening in it the desire to seek the truth of this occurrence and of the experiences of its incarnation in general.

The feeling of being awakened or activated is the goal of this type of contact. The duration and imagery used varies depending upon the subconscious expectations of the Wanderer which is experiencing this opportunity for activation.

It would be worth keeping these comments in mind as the story of the Green Stone, the Meonia Sword and the Megalithic builders unfolds below.​

The First Joanna Session dated 11 October 1979:

[Joanna] “… And they were all breaking out like chrysalises. They were breaking out in their minds, but their bodies were going wrong. Akhenaten was their leader. He was of the One. It was all meant to come to a head during his lifetime, but it went wrong. Those developed in mind within his culture had to leave and this was the tradition of the Exodus of Moses.”

MJF: This seems to suggest that a ‘butterfly-like’ mutation was occurring, which involved a transition from 3rd density to 4th density, save the participants’ bodies (through their DNA) were not changing in alignment with the alterations occurring to their minds.

Andrew Collins [hereafter referred to as “AC” in the transcripts] asked the whispering voice who it was.

[Joanna] “Joanna, I am one of you. Not a spirit as you would say. But that doesn’t matter. Ask Graham, he will know who I am. What’s more important is that it was no coincidence that you might Gaynor [a gifted teenage psychic who Phillips and Collins had interviewed for their paranormal magazine after she had had a UFO encounter], and that you and Graham were with her last weekend.

And all other things – the tooth falling out of thin air, the noise of the tape [recorder], Graham becoming psychic, the UFO on film, and the horses. Did you think it was all just coincidence?

I will try and speak to you again. I must go. Goodnight. Tell Graham what has happened, although he does not believe it. He will say it is just his unconscious mind

All these incidents had occurred but, as Joanna had suggested, Phillips had no recollection of what was said during the session. This is not unusual since Edgar Cayce had no recollection of his trance sessions afterwards and I believe that Carla Ruekert, the trance medium for the Ra material, similarly had no recollection of the Ra readings. It transpired that the only Joanna that Graham Phillips could recall knowing was a fellow student of his at Exeter Art College with whom he had lost contact long ago. At this point in time, Collins had no knowledge of the Pharaoh Akhenaten mentioned in the Joanna session and Phillips had only a vague recollection of his background story. As a result, the following day they went to their local public library (remember this was before the launch of the internet and the worldwide web) to read up on him. What they learned amongst other things was that over the years certain biblical scholars have suggested that those liberated from bondage by Moses during the biblical Exodus may have included the remnants of the Akhenaten community based at Akhet-aten, Akhenaten’s purpose-built capital, which is today known as Amarna.

Armed with their knew found knowledge about Akhenaten, they decided to hold another hypnosis session that evening, but this time in the presence of their UFO investigator colleague Martin Keatman.​

Joanna session dated 12 October 1979:

Andrew Collins [hereafter referred to as “AC”] first asked if it was the Joanna entity.

[Joanna] “Yes. Listen, it’s very important what I say as I may not have long with you.”

[AC] Was she the Joanna that Graham had known at Exter Art College in the early 1970’s?

[Joanna] “Yes. But I’m merely here to help you. You must listen.The race was dying out. As many of your ….” “Akhenaten was one of that race, but their bodies were unable to withstand the change of environment.”

[AC] What race? The Israelites?

[Joanna] “No. They were your people, your psygenic psychics. Moses was one of this race. But they were mutating. It was going wrong.”

MJF: This is a key statement, since it suggests that Moses, who the C’s said was a Hittite/Levite, was a member of this Megalithic builder race with psygenic DNA, a race which came originally from Britain and other parts of Northern Europe.

The reference to them being unable to withstand the change of environment may link with them having originally been giants who could not adjust to the changes in Earth’s gravity, which occurred during this period, as discussed with the C’s in recent sessions. The C’s made similar remarks about a change of cosmic environment in relation to the psygenic people who met at Chaco Canyon in Arizona, USA when they specifically said such changes were the result of changes to Earth’s gravity:

Session 4 July 2009:

(L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such change soon.

The C’s told us that Moses was a Hittite/Levite of Aryan stock with a 4th density genetic tweak in the session dated 20 August 2001:

Q: All right, first question is, what is the origin of the Levites?
A: Hittites Moon Worshippers.
Q: Well, before the Hittites became Hittites, what were they?
A: Indo-europeans.
Q: What was the source of the Indo-europeans?
A: Aryan sub-race.
Q: Is there any other group the Aryans mixed with to produce the Indo-Europeans?
A: Fourth Density genetic tweak.
Q: Was Abraham a Levite?
A: Yes.

Does this mean that the Megalithic builder race had the same 4th density genetic tweak made to them or was it just one particular sub-group?

[AC] The books on Egyptology suggested that Akhenaten was of foreign blood. Was this correct?

[Joanna] [She did not answer Collins question but said instead] “Some of Akhenaten’s followers left Egypt shortly before the Exodus and found their way to this country, and this is why Britain is so important.”

[AC] What? Egyptians came across to Britain after the fall of Akhenaten. Were they the first Celts?

[Joanna] “Yes, I think so,” she responded. “They came here and tried to use the powers held by the ley lines, the stone circles and other prehistoric monuments, like you are intending to do with your psychics. The most important ones came and settled in this area of the Midlands.”

[AC] Ancient Egyptians in the Midlands?

[Joanna] “That’s why you are here in the Midlands, and why you are here in Wolverhampton, as you will see. This country was advanced in these workings, with earth and stone monuments across the landscape. But the people who had originally erected these places had decayed and gone.

The new race built more circles, erected more standing stones, and constructed circular ditches and banks. This was to try and gain control over their minds. These people are the origins of your psychic race who possess these psygenic traits. Those who left Egypt with them eventually founded the kingdom of Israel* and became the Israelites of the Bible. Others continued their journey and after many generations became the first Celts and the first Gypsies, just two of the races you have already identified with your psygenic traits

*Collins later noted that this notion supported the ideas promulgated by the British Israelite movement of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.

[AC] Is this why so many psychics claim a strong affinity with ancient Egypt?

[Joanna] “Only a small number of Akhenaten’s followers of the Aten faith reached this country. However, they brought with them a very important magical talisman, which they left in what is now Staffordshire. Around it a large hillfort of ditches and banks was built and is still there today.”

[AC] What is it called?

[Joanna] “It is known as Berry Ring.” [See: Berry Ring - Wikipedia]

Many generations later the hillfort was occupied by a Celtic warrior queen who was descended from those original settlers. Her name was Gwevaraugh, and she was led to find this magical talisman.”

[AC] Was it still there now, at this Berry Ring?

[Joanna] The power is still there, but not the talisman. That later fell into the hands of the medieval Knights Templar.

The Exodus of Akhenaten’s people took place in 1307 BC and it is therefore a strange coincidence that the Templar order was suppressed in AD 1307 – and this is why tonight and tomorrow are so important. It is why you were with Gaynor [Gaynor Sunderland was a young teenage psychic Collins and Phillips had only recently met but who would become a key player in their quest, representing perhaps the archetypal role of the young maiden in Arthurian terms, with her mother, the now late Marion Sunderland, representing the mother figure. This just leaves the figure of the “Crone” who may have been the spectral figure of Mary Heath who would put in an appearance during the events narrated in Phillips and Russell’s book Strange Fate.] last weekend, and why these proofs have been given to you, and why more things will happen very shortly. For you must remember that tomorrow is the thirteenth of October, and it was on Friday, the thirteenth of October 1307, that the Templars were rounded up and arrested. It was the day they finally failed in what they were trying to achieve.”​

[AC] So what were we to do?

[Joanna] “You must find Berry Ring, now, tonight. Be there for midnight. Only then will you be able to gain the power you will need for what is to come. “

[AC] All we have to do is get to Berry Ring, nothing else?

[Joanna] “Be there for when tomorrow starts”.

End of communication.

Graham Phillips in his book The Green Stone, which was co-written with Martin Keatman, gave only broad outline details of this channelling session since he was under hypnosis and had no personal recollection of what had been said.​

In a footnote, Andrew Collins made the following statement about the session:

The text given by the Joanna personality has been tailored to make it easier to read and understand. I have deliberately left out a section which attempted to explain how the heroes of Celtic mythology, and much later Knights of the Round Table, had their roots in Gwevaraugh’s deeds of 900 BC. I find this difficult to comprehend, so have dropped it from the account.”

This is a great shame as it might have shed some light on the Arthurian ‘Knights of the Round Table’s origins, since Gwevaraugh would seem to have be the model for Queen Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur. Could this link with comments the C’s made about the legend of King Arthur being an offshoot of the Nordic Covenant in the session dated 15 August 1998:​

Q: (L) Okay, now: I would like to know if there was a real historic person behind the legend of King Arthur?
A: Close. Sorcerer’s coven. Secret pact of coven is covenant.
Q: (L) Was this the Nordic Covenant behind the legend of King Arthur?
A: Not really.
Q: (L) I think that implies that there might be a connection?
A: Maybe there is something more like an offshoot*.

*The Celtic warrior Queen Gwevaraugh, a possible model for King Arthur’s queen, Guinevere, may have been part of an offshoot of this new race descended from the Megalithic builders.
Q: (L) The Nordic Covenant is an offshoot of the Arthurian Covenant or vice versa?
A: King Arthur story based on an offshoot of the Nordic Covenant root.
Q: (L) Okay, now you say that the Nordic Covenant can be positive or negative. Would the Arthurian Cycle be of the Positive Offshoot?
A: Both.
Q: (L) What period of time did this Sorcerer’s Coven …
A: During the ‘Dark Ages’.
Q: (L) Can you get me closer to a year or period of years?
A: We will let you do that.

Q: (L) […] How many people were in this covenant?
A: Look for answers, trees will lead you to it?
[MJF: Which makes one think of the witches’ coven at Meon Hill, which is linked with the three witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the Witches Tree located there]
Q: (L) What literary source can I go to find the least distorted or corrupted information?
A: Trees

The next session with Graham Phillips and the Joanna entity revealed the existence of the Green Stone and a dangerous opposition who were searching for it:
Joanna Session dated 17 October 1979:

[Joanna] “Andrew. I’ve been trying to get through to you all afternoon. It’s of the upmost importance that I speak to you. I thought you would try before this …”

[AC] Yeah. Well, that was Graham. [MJF: the two men had tried a previous session that had not gone well, since the sparse, confused information they received had led them on a wild goose chase to a pub in Shrewsbury to meet someone who never showed up. This had led Phillips to lose enthusiasm for the whole business and he had also by this time thoroughly convinced himself that Joanna’s crazy ramblings were the product of his unconscious mind. Perhaps it was, as the C’s might say, a case of needing to groove the channel. However, Phillips had a change of heart when he started to experience an odd sensation building up inside his body, which had accompanied his previous sessions with the Joanna entity].​

[Joanna] “After today the whole picture will be much clearer as to why all this is taking place. There is now an extreme urgency. The opposite side is getting stronger and you have but a matter of two weeks to get something done, and if you don’t, the chances are you will fail.”

[AC] What opposite side? And fail what, may I ask?

[Joanna] “Yesterday you were talking about the Philosopher’s Stone* with Robert Turner. This conversation was strangely coincidental as the Egyptian talisman brought to this country by the followers of Akhenaten was the original source behind the Philosopher’s Stone.”

*The C’s commented on the Philosopher’s Stone in the session dated 15 August 1998:

Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone"?

A: Idea centre.

Q: (L) How can this idea centre be accessed?

A: Many ways: meditation is the best.

Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?

A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

AC acknowledged the truth of this conversation with Robert Turner as he and Graham Phillips had met Turner for a drink the previous day.​

[Joanna] Alan Beard is correct. It is a small, emerald-green stone, which was, and could still be, set within a ring. He also saw it in the forms it took before settling into its present size and shape. First it was a stone tablet and then an egg - the Philosopher’s Stone or, to give its other name, the Philosopher’s Egg.

I have already told you about the times most important to the Green Stone. Now I can give you the final part of the puzzle – why the Tudor period is so important to the story. To begin with you must remember that in Britain a great many of your psygenic psychic people are of Celtic descent with their roots in Cornwall, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

These places preserved the religious spirit far stronger than anywhere else in Britain and by Tudor times many Celts were strong adherents of the Roman Catholic Faith. Many had attained great positions of influence within the Church, the State and in many other things. Psychically aware people, like your psychics, help a race evolve through inspired actions and decisions. This allows the evolutionary progression of a race to move forward at a pre-determined pace.

But then something happened which was not bargained for in the evolutionary cycle. King Henry VIII decided to dissolve the monastic houses of Britain and break his ties with the Church of Rome. At the time many of the most important figures in positions of power were strong Catholics with Celtic roots, who were against the break with Rome and refused to give up their faith, and so were forced out and persecuted. This happened in all walks of life, and because the monasteries were the seats of spiritual and mental learning their absence severely stagnated the country’s progression. Developments in the arts, the sciences and in education were gradually slowed down over after the next century by this one act. [MJF: Some might debate this statement since the Elizabethan age would see a great flowering in English literature through the likes of Shakespeare and the influence of the Invisible College would spearhead the advance of science, which would eventually lead to the Royal Society’s creation in the mid-16th Century that would in turn become a catalyst for the Industrial Revolution. Moreover, the Catholic Church, particularly in Italy, had put the brakes on scientific advancement with the burning of Carlo Bruni at the stake for heresy and the imprisonment of Galileo under house arrest for promoting helio-centrism. On the credit side, the monks and friars of England had been the main educators and would found the great University of Oxford. They were instrumental in introducing many innovations in farming and land management and in men like St Dunstan and Roger Bacon (both of whom were alchemists), they also helped to advance scientific studies. Insofar as I am aware, Roger Bacon would be an inspiration for his later namesake, Sir Francis Bacon.].​

However, shortly after Henry’s Reformation a talented girl was born into a position of great power. Those who strove for change through subversive and subtle processes decided that they would engineer her life in the belief that she would one day overthrow Protestantism in England, and as its queen unite the country with both Scotland and France.

It was considered that the power of the Green Stone might help the situation and so it was given to her by those in France* who had been its custodians since the fall of the Templars.

*Knowledge that the Green Stone had returned to France shortly before the fall of the Templars in 1307 was not known by the authors until March 1980.

This child was Mary Stuart who is more popularly remembered as Mary Queen of Scots. It was she who had the Green Stone set into a finger-ring. She was aware of its powers and gave it the name Meonia. Mary had her chances, but because of circumstances beyond her control she failed to attempt to become queen of a united France [N.B. she was briefly Queen of France in 1559 until her husband Francis died in 1560], England and Scotland. When this was realised, other plans were then set in motion.

For more on Mary Stuart see: Mary, Queen of Scots - Wikipedia.

The Philosopher’s Stone was also known as the ‘One’ in alchemical tradition. If the emerald-green Meonia Stone really was considered to be the Philosopher’s Stone, then it was intriguing to think that the word “Meonia” was an anagram of “I am one”, and Mary Queen of Scots – who named the stone – seems to have loved anagrams.

During 1585, whilst imprisoned in Staffordshire**, not far from Berry Ring. Mary was visited by a fifteen-year-old boy Robert Catesby. He was escorted by his uncle, George Wyntour, who was a catholic supporter of the deposed queen. Whilst in her presence she gave him the Meonia Stone. At the time he had no idea of its importance, but as the years went by he learned of its history and began to understand its power and why it had been given to him.

**In January 1569, Mary had been moved to Tutbury Castle in Staffordshire and placed in the custody of George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury and his formidable wife Bess of Hardwick. Elizabeth considered Mary's designs on the English throne to be a serious threat to her and so confined her to the Earl of Shrewsbury's properties, including Tutbury, Sheffield Castle, Sheffield Manor Lodge, Wingfield Manor, and Chatsworth House, all located in the interior of England, halfway between Scotland and London and distant from the sea. Talbot also owned Alton Castle in Staffordshire, in whose grounds Alton Towers would be built in the early 19th Century. There is no evidence that she was ever incarcerated at Alton Castle for a short period of time, but this possibility cannot be entirely ruled out either. After Mary’s conviction for her role in the Babington Plot, Shrewsbury participated in her trial and was one of the official witnesses to her execution at Fotheringhay Castle on 8 February 1587.

Queen Elizabeth had continued to persecute the Catholics and when Mary Stuart’s son, James, took the throne of England in 1603, they hoped for emancipation. Yet he merely tightened the grip on Catholics, bringing them to the point of desperation.

Then in 1604, Robert Catesby, with his cousin Thomas Wynter, George Wyntour’s own son, devised a plan to destroy King James and his Protestant government once and for all – they decided to blow up the Houses of Parliament, with them inside. He believed the Meonia Stone would aid the conspiracy in its grim task so kept it with him for this purpose.

But the underground Catholic movement at that time had many enemies who were watching their every move. They knew something was happening. Then the government received a letter from Mary Habington, the wife of Thomas Habington of Hindlip Hall, giving away the details of the plot. She betrayed them for her own reasons, and in consequence Guy Fawkes was caught red-handed beneath the Houses of Parliament at midnight on the fourth of November 1605, and the entire Gunpowder Plot was aborted.

At this point I should add a personal interest in this story, since I am descended from Mary Queen of Scots though my paternal grandmother via Mary’s great grandson Charles II and his illegitimate son the Duke of Lennox. Thus, if Guy Fawkes had succeeded in killing James I, I would not be writing this article now. However, in a perverse irony of history, I was united to one of Fawkes’ modern-day kinsmen (it has been alleged that Guy Fawkes may have married and had a son, but no record exists of this, so it is more likely my Fawkes was descended from a cousin of Guy, since Guy’s surviving siblings were sisters) through the Boy Scouts where I was his patrol leader. I am glad to say that he didn’t try to blow me up, but he did manage whilst in a huff to kick over a guide rope stake in the ground, thereby causing our patrol tent to crash down in front of our scout leader. And guess who got the blame? Perhaps this minor incident could be viewed, I suppose, as a small karmic revenge for his ancestor’s failure to kill mine.

The conspirators returned to the Midlands, where many of them lived, and here, and here they tried in vain to rally support. They, like Mary, failed in their task and paid the price with their lives.

In the confusion, the Meonia Stone was lost. No one knows what happened to it. It could have been concealed by someone closely associated with the Gunpowder Plotters. Not even I can tell you where it is. All I can do is give you clues as to where you might begin your own search for this talisman.
[MJF: This reminds me somewhat of the clues the C’s have given Laura about the whereabouts of the Grail, e.g., “Buried in Galle]

The most likely person to have been given the Stone was Gertrude Wyntour of Badgecourt in Worcestershire. She was the wife of Robert Wyntour, George Wyntour’s oldest son. He lived at Huddington Court, near Worcester. Robert was, like your own Terry Shotton, very much a family man. He had been recruited into the plot almost against his good judgement by Robert Catesby and his own brother Thomas Wyntour.

Another likely person to have hidden the Stone was Humphrey Pakington of Harvington Hall, which is also near Worcester. Although he was not directly involved in the Gunpowder Plot, he knew the conspirators as friends and referred to their secret group as the Worthy Nine. There may be some clue for you at Harvington Hall. During the latter part of his life Humphrey became associated with the secret society known as the Rosicrucians, with whom the subversive Catholics had certain associations, despite the religious differences*.

*This statement shows that the Rosicrucians (as the ‘Philosophers of Dancar’ or Doncaster, which is in the county of Yorkshire where many of the Gunpowder Plotters came from) were already in existence in England at that time and had unlikely links with militant recusant Catholics. Indeed, Phillips thought the English Rosicrucians were the original Order of Meonia and one place they met was at the Tudor manor house known as Canons Ashby House near Daventry in Northamptonshire in the East Midlands, which was owned by Erasmus Dryden, a man who was fascinated by the occult. The name of the House is made up of ‘Ashby’ meaning ‘farmstead’ and ‘Canons’ from the group of canons who founded the Augustinian Priory there in the 12th century AD. So, yet again we encounter a group of Augustinian Canons, which reminds me of what the C’s once said – “A: And who was Saint Augustine/San Augustin... Augustus, Augustine Monks, etc?” For more see: Canons Ashby's history | Northamptonshire | National Trust.

Phillips believed that Sir Walter Raleigh may have led the group in secret until he was arrested in July 1603 and incarcerated in the Tower of London. He had been charged with treason for his involvement in the Main Plot against James I. Although convicted, King James spared his life. However, I have never read of anything which may implicate him in the later Gunpowder Plot, which occurred whilst he was still in prison in the Tower. The Meonia group may have been the same as, or overlapped with, Raleigh’s mysterious School of Night, mentioned in an earlier post on this thread. Phillips thought the Order had continued to meet at Canons Ashby House after Raleigh’s arrest. In 2013, a secret alcove was discovered at the House, which had painted L-shaped motifs and V-shaped figures on a fascia and wooden depictions of fluted pilasters joined by an arch. This alcove had been hidden for over 400 years. The pillar designs represented the two columns or pillars of Solomon’s Temple (Joachim and Boaz) and the L-shapes were squares and V-shapes compasses, all clearly identifiable symbols of Freemasonry, even though English Freemasonry is supposed to have emerged only in the early 18th Century.

The Worthy Nine believed that the Meonia Stone was the Philosopher’s Stone of the alchemists. They also organised their group in the style of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

You must find this stone as time is running out and you will need it for what is to come in the future. Unfortunately, others are also aware of its existence and may well try and stop you finding it first. Those groups and individuals who have fought for the cause of Meonia have always been opposed by an equal and opposite force whose forces have permeated themselves into every facet of society throughout Europe
[MJF: Think here of ‘Le Cercle’]. They operate as wheels within wheels [MJF: Cf. the C’s statement concerning ‘circles within circles’, as discussed in my recent article titled Circles within Circles], tiny but powerful cogs turning and operating other much larger concerns, a process which is reflected in the name they have used since the fall of the Templars [MJF: Did they call themselves ‘Ormus’ before this time and were they linked to the Illuminati?]. For they are known simply as the Wheel.

They are much more than an organisation as you would know it. They have been the power behind some of the most atrocious acts of mankind, and they still exist today. In years to come you will learn much of them. You will confront them face to face and they will oppose you.

One last thing before I must leave
. The Gunpowder Plotters had originally planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the thirty first of October, All Hallows’ Eve, Hallowe’en, when they believed the King would be secretly in sitting. Had they carried out their plans on or before this date then both fate and the power Stone would have been with them. After this time that same influence was no longer present and so the Stone was unable to help them in their task.

By this same token the power will be there to help you find the Meonia Stone before the thirty first of October. If you fail to find it by this date, then the cause will be lost, and you will no longer be guided in your quest.

And now I must go. I shall not return any more as it too dangerous for Graham [Phillips].”

Joanna Session dated 27th September 1980

By the time this session took place, the Meonia or Green Stone and the inscribed steel short sword had been found by Graham Phillips, Andrew Collins and their psychic friends and co-helpers. The two authors were now on a quest to find a brass dragon statue known as the Fire Phoenix. Andrew Collins found the statue, together with an old Masonic apron, in a private family mausoleum belonging to an English aristocratic family and had brought it back with him to Graham Phillip’s flat. However, Collins had found it just before a sinister group of men linked to the Wheel had been able to get their hands on it. This find would lead the two authors to open another psychic communication, with Phillips under hypnoses, with the entity who had previously called itself Joanna, with Andrew Collins again posing the questions:​

[Joanna] “Listen Andrew, this is important. The golden statue is not a dragon or a griffin, but the Fire Phoenix. It was the symbol originally used by Mary Heath’s Meonia group in Victorian times. For them it represented the dawning of the new millennium.

The original phoenix statue was their emblem of office and they themselves used the name Fire Phoenix. This was the title of the group who met at Biddulph Grange.

[AC] Collins had noted that Phillips’ psychic notes had referred to Mary Heath’s artist friend Arthur Hughes (one of the group or circle of English Victorian painters known as the Pre-Raphaelites) and contained the cryptic message: “Dove from egg. Phoenix from fire.” The phoenix was a Graeco-Egyptian symbol of death and rebirth. In ancient mythological tradition, it was said to return to its burning nest at the end of each age to be consumed within the flames. From the ashes of its funeral pyre the phoenix would then rise anew, its flight signalling the commencement of a new age for mankind.​

Curiously, the C’s gave a different provenance for the legend of the phoenix:

Q: (L) What is the source of the legend of the phoenix?
Ancient Indian destruction and rebuilding

[Joanna] The Masonic envelope belonged to one of is members and was worn as regalia of office during ceremonies. It is being used now by their descendants to make a psychic link with the original Fire Phoenix group.

Bricks Masons Masonic Master Mason Apron Blue with Radiant G
A “masonic envelope” is in fact another expression for a masonic apron, which appears in the form of a cloth envelope (see example above). Curiously, the C’s referred to an envelope in a masonic context in the session dated 12 December 1998:

Q: Now, I was preparing these genealogies to print for Christmas and, while waiting for them to print, I wondered who would be last if one started at the present and worked backward... not specifically in terms of time, but in terms of generations. I wondered WHO the tree would end with. Well, it ended with the Frankish King Clovis. So, I wondered about your use of the term 'cloverdale,' and how it might relate to Clovis. Is it a deliberate or accidental connection?

A: Your quest is your own. We do not "steer
." [
MJF: A cryptic reference perhaps to the Nautonnier or Navigator, who is supposed to be the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion] We supply the mortar, you are the Masoness [MJF: A clear reference to Freemasonry which may have its modern roots in the Knights Templar Order].

Q: Well, I don't know how to take that! I mean, the Masons could be the most evil organization in existence! BRH thinks so.

A: Such judgements miss the point, if there are keys stored within the envelope

So, one might therefore ask what keys are stored within the masonic envelope/apron? We have, of course, examined the history and beliefs of the Freemasons in earlier posts on this thread and learned that their rites may stem from the ancient Egyptian Pilgrimage of Initiation culminating in the conferment of the seventh and final degree on the adept, which allowed them to join the exalted ranks of the Illuminati (which may equate today to the 33rd degree). If, as the C’s have told us, King Solomon, a central figure in Masonic doctrine, was really the Pharoah Narmer, this may help to solidify the links between the modern Masonic rites and those of the Egyptian adepts of antiquity.
Both items were to have been used in a ceremony at dawn tomorrow. Its purpose is to mark the eve of the feast of St Michael. It was Michael who cast out Satan, or Lucifer, from heaven in the form of a dragon at the time of the Fall. Now, once again, the eternal struggle between light and darkness will take place on his feast day.

The brass statue belonged to a man connected with Meonia. His family are linked with its past. He and a female colleague are to carry out the ritual at the mausoleum. These people know nothing of what is happening to you.

[AC] What were their names? Could she tell us?

[Joanna] The man is Simon Pennine and the girl’s name is Alison, that is all I can tell you at this time.

[AC] Who were the three men in the white Volvo [motor car]? And who was the man seen feeding his dog [Graham Phillips had previously seen him in a psychic dream]?

[Joanna] He is one of the most powerful Wheel representatives in this country. The three men are his henchmen, and they continue their eternal struggle with Meonia, of which you are now a part. They accosted Simon and forcibly persuaded him to leave without them realising that he had already unlocked and opened the door of the mausoleum and left the Fire Phoenix and Masonic envelope inside.

But they returned, as you saw, and would have taken the items now in your possession. In many ways they will be of more use to you now than they will be to Simon and Alison.

[AC] So, were we to return these items to the mausoleum, so that the ceremony could take place?

[Joanna] The ritual will take place at the mausoleum, regardless of what you do. If you want to return them, then they must be back by dawn.

[AC] I could speak to Graham, see what he thought. Was there any connection between Meonia and Freemasonry in Victorian times?

[Joanna] Many of the members of the Fire Phoenix were businessmen or industrialists who found it beneficial to be Freemasons. As you will find, a great many of the beliefs and traditions of the Freemasons correspond with Meonia’s principles because they both have common origins.

This is an intriguing response since, as we learned above, the Order of Meonia had its roots in 16/17th Century Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, which in turn claimed to have roots in Egyptian mysticism. The C’s also said that the Freemasons’ progenitors had been the Osirians who had first formed a society in 5,633 B.C. Does this mean that the Order of Meonia ultimately owed its provenance to the Osirians?

[Joanna] It is essential that you find the Temple of Aten at Biddulph Grange as soon as possible, tomorrow if you can, for this was the seat of power and it is important still. It will link you with its past because of what is happening at this time. Locate and you will know where to find your opposite number in the Wheel.

[AC] Who? The guy with the beard feeding his dogs?

[Joanna] Him, yes and many more like him. They are currently preparing for a dark ritual on Monday, the twenty-ninth, which is the feast of St Michael. This they corrupt by invoking the force of Lucifer who was cast out of heaven by Michael. Simon and Alison’s ritual will counteract its intended results.

[AC] How did they manage to get into the mausoleum? It was locked normally.

[Joanna] They are acquaintances of the aristocrats who own the mausoleum. They were given a key long ago, but do not use this site very often.

[AC] Could we meet them?

[Joanna] In time you will know who these people are. They are part of the family strain of Meonia which still exists today and operates separately and impulsively, unconnected to any occult group or society. They must be left alone for the time being.

I must go now. Find
Biddulph Grange.”

Continued in Part 2.


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The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia Part 2

Graham Phillips’ Dream of 21 November 1980

On Friday 21 November 1980, Graham Phillips had a dream of a beautiful tall woman in a long white robe [MJF: the archetypal ‘lady of the light’] who conveyed to him the following message in a smooth melodic voice, which was almost like singing:​

“You must listen Graham. It is important that you know of Meonia’s past. It will be necessary for your understanding of what is happening today, and what is shortly to take place.

In the mid-nineteenth century before Mary Heath took charge of Meonia, there were
others already preparing the way for the coming of the new millennium.

They believed that the
wisdom of Moses and Solomon in the Old Testament should be reintroduced to the world. They knew and accepted the power of Ancient Egypt and dimly perceived that these people had visited these lands and were associated with the high places of the Megalithic peoples, the stone circles, the standing stones and the earthen monuments. They could not entirely understand their beliefs, nor could they openly admit to them. All they could do was to express their views in ways which would satisfactorily justify their own inner yearnings.

They decided to educate the mass population with the wisdom of Moses as they saw it. Many articles were written by inspired people. Some of these contained important clues to their inner beliefs in the ancient places of power, the ways of ancient Egypt, the Old Testament and the ways of the
mystical sect known as the Essenes.”

Phillips wanted to know the woman’s name. She responded:

“I am she that is with the One.”

The reference to being with “the One” is reminiscent to me of the C’s numerous references to the One at seventh density. This might suggest that the woman was a 6th density being or group entity since the C’s have said that they sometimes appear in human form. Hence, this might have been just the sort of manifestation the Ra channel was speaking about in the extract I cited at the beginning of this article.
The Goddesses Elen and Car

Interestingly, a young psychic friend of Andrew Collins called Deborah would subsequently have apparitions of a beautiful female light being posing as a Celtic goddess on three occasions described in his book The Seventh Sword. This goddess was a primeval Celtic goddess called Elen, a White Goddess, who may be seen as an equivalent of the Tuatha de Danann goddess Brigid and the Cretan (Carian) goddess Car (as in the Rosicrucian “Philosophers of Dancar”), whose name may be cognate with that of Greek goddess Core (Maiden) and with the Semitic Q’re meaning Holy, who is in turn linked with Menat (meaning “Old-Woman” as in the “Crone”, the third figure of the Triple Goddess). Given that the C’s have connected Meritaten/Hagar with Kore, this link with the goddess Car or Kar may be quite significant.

Interestingly, Car was frequently depicted in the figure of a Queen-Bee - think here of what the C’s said about Laura: “A: You have other "true" children to create the defence. All should think of the "Queen Bee" and the goose and the golden egg. It is not over by a longshot.” Incidentally, the goose that laid the golden egg is derived from Aesop's Fables and the moral of the tale refers to the short-sighted destruction of a valuable resource or to an unprofitable action motivated by greed.

Car or Kar was the goddess of the Moon, wisdom, augury, poetic inspiration, life and death. A probable Greek variant of her name is Cer (meaning Doom, which may link her to the Nordic goddess Hellesee more below). In the plural form she was called Ceres (meaning Bringers-of-Death). A related English word is perhaps “cur” (slang term for a dog), as suggested by the Ceres, who were called 'the Dogs of Hades'. When thinking of Brigid or Bride, her Spanish equivalent is Brigantia from who the Celtic Brigantes tribe draw their name. It is interesting to learn, therefore, that Car’s or Cer’s Spanish equivalent is Cerdo, meaning Wily-One, and she is especially linked to the Pyrenees and the Cerdana Valley or Cerdanya (Catalan)/La Cerdanya, which is divided almost evenly between Spain and France. Historically it was one of the counties of Catalonia. In the first millennium BC, the Iberians coming up to Cerdanya from the south probably mixed with the native inhabitants, and the resulting people became known as the Kerretes, from the native word ker or kar, meaning rock, related to old Basque word “karri” meaning stone. The Kerretes were probably essentially of Basque and Aquitanian-related stock, as the Iberian clans who mixed with the native inhabitants comprised only small numbers of people. It is likely though that the Iberians occupied positions at the top of the Kerrete society. The name Cerdanya comes from Cerretania, itself coming from the old name of the inhabitants, the Kerretes. Curiously, there is theory that Meritaten was also known as the 'king's daughter' Akenkeres (Aken-Keres). If so, could this alternative form of Meritaten’s name betray a potential link between the goddess Car, Cer, Cerdo, the Kerretes and Kore and the Korahites ("the sons of Korah") of the Bible who the C’s linked to Hagar the Egyptian?

Cer’s name and that of the Welsh goddess Ceridwen (who possessed a sacred cauldron – a cypher for the Grail), meaning Inspirational-Whiteness, may also be cognate. Given that Andrew Collins’ quest would end at a Welsh waterfall, where an apparition of Elen occurred to Deborah, this may be highly relevant. Moreover, Car or Cer’s mother is taken to be Nyx (meaning Night) who I think may be linked to Nefertiti/Sarah. Nyx was the goddess of night and prophecy, the ‘Daughter of Chaos’. It is therefore curious that Helle and her twin brother Phrixus were the children of the half-nymph Nephele (suggesting a semi-divine hybrid), whose name is etymologically similar to Nefertiti. Nyx is also considered to be the mother of the Hesperides, the Western-Ones. The name “Hesperides” may establish a link with the Hebrides Islands off the west coast of Scotland (see more below on this) and in turn with Bride, Brigid’s Scottish equivalent.

Elen is also evidently a variant on the name Helen and may establish a potential link between Meritaten/Hagar, as the underlying real-life person behind the legendary Irish goddess Brigid. In the same way that Brigid or Brigit would eventually morph into the Christian saint Bridget, so the Celtic goddess Elen would in time become Saint Elen (Welsh: Elen Luyddog, lit. "Helen of the Hosts"), often anglicised as Helen, who was a late 4th-century founder of churches in Wales. Traditionally, she is said to have been a daughter of the Romano-British ruler Octavius / Eudaf Hen (and therefore sister of Conan Meriadoc) and the wife of Magnus Maximus/Macsen Wledig, the 4th-century emperor in Britain, Gaul, and Spain who was killed in battle in AD 388. Although never formally canonised by Rome, Elen is traditionally considered a saint in the Welsh Church; in English she is sometimes known as Saint Helen of Caernarfon to distinguish her from Saint Helena ("Helen of Constantinople") the mother of Constantine the Great, with whom she has often been confused. Alternatively, in Welsh mythology (ref. the Mabinogion) she is remembered as the daughter of a chieftain of north Wales named Eudaf or Eudwy, who probably lived somewhere near the Roman base of Segontium, now Caernarfon. She is remembered for having Macsen build roads across her country so that the soldiers could more easily defend it from attackers, thus earning her the name Elen Luyddog (Elen of the Hosts).

As to place names which are named after Elen or Helen, there is a good example at St. Helen’s Well in West Yorkshire, which is located at Thorpe Arch, a village near to Wetherby that is within the City of Leeds and is in turn near to the Chevin ridge on the south side of Wharfedale in Leeds, West Yorkshire on top of which the Romans built a road. Curiously, many Roman roads in Wales bear Saint Elen’s name (e.g., Llwybr Elen) and she is acknowledged as the patron saint of British roadbuilders. This part of Yorkshire was, however, dominated by the Celtic Brigantes tribe, named after the goddess Brigantia or Brigid/Bride. The reference to “Chevin” was first mentioned by the C’s in relation to a treasure hunt in the session dated 31 November 1998:

Q: I would like for you to give me a super-duper, hunky-dory, knock-me-off-my-socks clue to my treasure hunt.

A: Chevin.

Q: That's it?

A: Yes.

Session 7 November 1998:

Q: (L) In my little quest with my maps, I have come across the suggestion that the cities, Laon, Lyon, and Luxemburg are three cities named from the root of light. Also, there is Leiden. These four cities form an interesting geometric shape when related to one another, particularly the first three. My question would be: once one has constructed this arrow type triangle, what does one then do with it? [Could be a representation of a constellation as per geomancy]

A: Place upon the valley of the Clover Dale.

Andrew Collins would become involved in a treasure hunt involving the seven swords of Meonia, in which he enlisted the help of the young psychic called Deborah who just happened to have an apparition of the goddess Elen at St. Helen’s Well in West Yorkshire during their quest. If Elen is another variant of Brigid and can therefore be linked by extension to Meritaten/Hagar, then we should bear in mind that variants on the name Elen include “El” or “Elle”. Although “El” in Hebrew translates as “Lord” and is an alternative name for the Hebrew God Yahweh or Jehovah, in British place names, it seems to refer to “light”.

Elle is, of course, similar to Helle (or Hel in Norse mythology) who in Greek mythology played an important part in the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, along with her twin brother Phrixus. She was the daughter of Athamas, king of Boeotia, and Nephele, a cloud nymph and was the consort of the god Poseidon, with whom she had two children. The twins’ mother Nephele would send a flying golden ram to rescue her children from the evil designs of their stepmother Ino. However, while in the air, Helle lost her grasp and fell into the sea, which was named Hellespont after her. Phrixus managed to reach the mythical land of Colchis where he was accepted by King Aeetes; to show his gratitude, Phrixus gifted the golden fleece of the ram to the king, which later became the artifact of desire for Jason and the Argonauts. Laura touched upon this myth with the C’s in the session dated 2 February 2003:​

Q: (Galahad) Is the importance of Argos related to the myth of Jason and the Argonauts?

A: Yup.

Q: (Galahad) Does it have something to do with the individuals who flew away on the Ram?

A: Mmmmm .... And did she really drown?

Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.

And, of course, Elen is even more similar to Helen than Helle. Is it just a coincidence that St. Helen’s Well is close to the Chevin ridge on West Yorkshire?​

Session 28 November 1998:

Q: You later gave the clue ‘chevin,’ which means a variation of ‘horse,’ and there has been the clue of the arms of Rene D’Anjou in the book The Tomb of God, which had the vine growing out of the split tree topped by the rock, through the ‘handle’ of the grail, then there was the book The Horse of God. One of the mythical stories repeated about this Abbe Berenger Sauniere, was that, on his deathbed, he made his confession and the priest who heard it refused him absolution and the last rites, and apparently fled from the house horrified. I don’t know if that is true, but it is an interesting story in relation to this story about Tannhauser, particularly since Sauniere painted the decoration in his church of Mary Magdalene gazing at a stick with buds springing out of it, and she was depicted in a grotto, such as the Horselberg cave. Is this Horselberg something that we are looking for here?

A: Ever feel as if you are dancing around in circles?

It is therefore interesting to learn that in Neolithic art the body of the goddess Elen (El or Elle), who like Brigid was a triple goddess figure, was normally shown as concentric circles, which represented the physical land itself which gave birth to life. Later cultures adopted Elen as a mother-goddess. And, of course, the British Celts were reputed to dance around in circles at Stonehenge with the god Phoebus Apollo every 19 years. As to the ‘Horse of God’, in Greek mythology, the god Poseidon was meant to assume the shape of a horse on occasions and, as we saw above, Helle’s mother Nephele (Nefertiti/Sarah) was the consort of the god Poseidon, with whom she had two children. This would seem to equate Poseidon with Abraham/Moses who sired Ishmael by Meritaten/Hagar and Isaac by Sarah in the Biblical account. Helle’s father Athamus king of Boeotia would therefore be Akhenaten.

Deborah also had an apparition of the goddess Elen at a small lake called Eshton Tar, which in mediaeval times was owned by the monks of Furness Abbey, which curiously they used to raise baby eels called elvers. Collins discovered that the Eshton area had been widely occupied during the Bronze Age and the Iron Age by the warlike Celtic Brigantia tribe. At Eshton Tar, which had been dedicated to the goddess Elen, Deborah discovered a mysterious, turquoise-glazed caduceus artefact*. In the apparition, Elen, who had glided across the water, had strawberry-blonde long hair and pale face, wearing a white robe of thick flannel-lime material diagonally wrapped across her chest, just as a Celtic maiden would have done.

*As I mentioned in my previous post, the sudden materialisation of objects like this are known as an "apports", which is close to the word "airports", which leads me to wonder whether the C's were making a slight pun on words where they once said “A: Airports are used by both” in the context of TDARM’s. An "apport" involves the supposed paranormal transference of an object from one place to another, or the appearance of an object from an unknown source and is often associated with poltergeist activity and séances. The teleportation of the famous Virgin of Candelaria statue to Tenerife by the Celts can also be considered to be an apport for these purposes. Another example cited recently in the comments on the session dated 23 June 2023 is that of Ark’s two baseball caps, where an additional copy of the original cap mysteriously just appeared one day in 2019:

(L) So, I want to ask: How did he get two caps?!

Timeline merge.

Q: (L) So, when you have a timeline merge, it's like two different timelines that were going along... Is it like a timeline merge from this timeline to sometime in the past?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) When you have a timeline merge, does that mean that the timeline that has merged is now a stronger timeline than the two separate timelines?

A: Yes!

Q: (Ark) So it's good?

A: Yes

(Ark) I want to ask if this timeline merge was the result of something?

A: Current events of a positive nature.

In 2022 it seems the two baseball caps had just as mysteriously disappeared. On this occasion, the C’s added a further explanation as to the mechanics of the apport:

Q: (L) Um... Well that's weird. So just exactly how does something like that work?

A: Alternate reality is created for manipulation purposes and then
elements sent through the realm curtain
which bleed into current reality with intent to overwhelm and replace. That was the hat.

Hence, we have to ask here whether the appearance of the caduceus (and the later similar appearance of a Celtic cross at a Welsh waterfall) was an STS manipulation of the timeline as in Ark’s case or the actions of STO oriented higher density beings to effect a positive outcome? Given the circumstances surrounding the finding of both objects and what transpired afterwards when Deborah assisted in psychically countering evil energies that had built up in the areas where the objects were found (a form of ‘dragon slaying’ you might say), it would appear to have been the latter case and might therefore be indicative of what the C’s had said about airports being used by both sides. However, it is important to stress here that the C’s have said that STS forces need to use advanced technology (e.g., TDARM’s) to achieve what STO higher powers can do within the natural order of things. Hence, perhaps the pun on the reference to “airports”.

Elen would make a final appearance to Deborah in an apparition a week later at a sacred waterfall at Pistyll Rhaeadr in Wales. The waterfall flows into the river Rhaeadra below it see: Pistyll Rhaeadr - Wikipedia. Here, Deborah would see the goddess Elen in her triple aspect, as three spectral white maidens, before she merged into one single entity as a brilliant shimmering White Goddess with strawberry-blonde hair. In many ways, these three depictions seem to fulfil the poet, historian, and mythologist Robert Graves’ image of the mother goddess in his major work The White Goddess.


Antiquarian author, Harold Bayley, in his book The Lost Languages of London wrote of Elen and cited her as the patron goddess of London. This makes for a curious link if London really was the new Troy after the destruction of the old Troy in Cambridge by Homer’s Achaeans or the Greeks. Does this reference to Elen as the patron goddess of London create a connection between Meritaten/Hagar and Troy, as hinted at by the C’s above?

Collins tells us that Elen was aspected more with fire (as is Brigid and St Bridget) and solar imagery than with the moon (although compare Elen with the name of the Greek moon goddess Selene) . However, being female, she was associated with water sites, such as holy wells and waterfalls. Collins believes that Elen may therefore be a possible prototype for the Lady in the Lake, who presided over the sovereignty of the land in medieval Arthurian romances. The Lady in the Lake who rose out of the water holding the sword Excalibur, was the rival of the enchantress Morgana who battled with her for supremacy over Merlin’s magical power.

Collins also tells us that Elen was an intelligence, an embodiment of female creativity, inspiration and intuition. She was the mother of elemental forces and supernatural denizens, who aside from being referred to as the Little People (Leprechauns in Ireland and Tylwyth Tegs in Wales) , were also known as the Elle Folk.

Whether the reader chooses to believe what Collins recounts in his book about his friend Deborah’s apparitions of the goddess Elen, this does not in itself detract from there being a definite link between Elen and Brigid and by extension Meritaten, Hagar, Kore, Helle and Car or Cer.​

See: Elen the Celtic Goddess | Coven Cloud - Social Media for Spiritual Explorers

Continuing with Andrew Collins’ narrative:

Phillips then instinctively knew it was the woman he had seen before in his dreams. She had appeared to Gaynor Sunderland when she and Phillips had visited the sacred island of Iona in May of that year and had carried out a ritual meditation with the Meonia Sword and the Green Stone as they stood upon the rocky crag called Dun Bhuirg. She had appeared to Gaynor again at the Temple of the Aten at Biddulph Grange in September. Gaynor had referred to her as the Spirit of Meonia. Phillips had to know who she really was. However, she would only say that:​

I am she that is with you.”

Although Graham Phillips does not play up his own psychic abilities in his books, according to Andrew Collins, he is a highly psychic individual. One can dismiss these events, of course, (and I attach a sceptic’s views on both men’s books for balance) but Collins actually relates more about these episodes than Phillips does in his own books. In fairness, even Phillips questions whether what he saw in his dreams and in his trance medium sessions were a product of his own psyche in a Jungian sense. However, what Collins describes about Phillips’ dreams is not at variance with what the C’s have told us and may shed some light on the mysterious Hyperboreans from the northern reaches of Britain. Here to some extent, Collins is backed up by modern archaeology. Moreover, we should recall that Laura has also experienced lucid dreams of ancient Egypt, including a very strange dream involving some special mission on behalf of Pharaoh Akhenaten, who appeared to be a senior memeber of her family tree. Hence, what Phillips experienced in his dreams is not implausible by any means.

I am therefore setting out below Collins’ description of Phillips’ dreams and will leave the reader to make up their own mind as to the veracity of what Phillips claims to have seen in these dreams.​

Graham Phillips’ Dream on Saturday 27 December 1980.

In this dream, Phillips saw a tall, slim cross worn with age on an old stone base, which stood in a bleak churchyard. On the cross he saw a single carved rose at the centre of the fleury crosshead perched above a stone lantern box containing reliefs of frozen acts from the Gospels of Christ.

He then saw three women in white standing before the cross, translucent, radiant spirits, each with long flowing hair, blonde, red-brown and dark. It was her again, the ‘She that is with you’ woman. This time she came as three separate figures who merged to become one.

This imagery is intriguing since it involves an image of the Rosicrucian’s Rose Croix or rosey cross and secondly it provides us with a good description of the triple goddess of which the Tuatha de Danann (the people of the goddess Danu) goddess Brigid or Bride is a prime example, as is the Celtic goddess Elen (as seen in a triple aspect by the young psychic Deborah - see above). We should bear in mind here that the story of the Green Stone, as related by Phillips and Collins, is also tied up with the Bridestones, a Dark Age (built circa 500 AD) stone grave monument that was erected by Irish Brigantes immigrants to the Midlands of England in honour of the goddess Brigid or Bride.

Collins would admit later in his book that when Graham Phillips had enquired of the Joanna entity who she was and she had replied “I am she that is with the One”, she would finally reveal to him her identity in a dream Phillips had in January 1981 when she said: “I am Helen. She that is with you. High Lord of Descent, Lord High of Meonia.” Collins now realised that the Helen who had been guiding the development of Meonia was no doubt the Celtic goddess Elen. However, it might come as a shock to Collins to realise that Helen or Elen may have been a deified archetype of Akhenaten’s daughter, Meritaten, the Biblical Hagar and Kore and Brigid of the Tuatha de Danann, otherwise known as Brigantia or Bride. If so, does this suggest Meritaten eventually achieved the full transition to 4th density to become a shining one – recalling here that the Tuatha de Danann are known as the ‘Shining Ones’?

As Phillips then explains, over and above the constant wail of the wind came a single female voice proclaiming: “The reawakening has taken place, He that held the rod of Aaron, he knew. He knew …”

The dream gave way to total blackness, a sensation of intense heat and the sound of sweet, melodic music coming from an unknown musical instrument that he had never heard before. The tune was melodic and repetitive and seemed to come from somewhere underground, from the end of a long corridor. He then saw four people dressed in white robes who clearly looked like ancient Egyptians moving from a corridor into a chamber lit by a shaft of sunlight. They entered an inner chamber devoid of inscriptions or hieroglyphs where in the centre was a large stone sarcophagus on which rested a gilded coffin shaped like a human body with the face of a pharaoh on it.

The figures were three men and a woman. One of the males was tall with long fair hair, grey eyes, a high forehead and a long square jaw. He held a tall staff [MJF: the rod of Aaron?] and seemed to be in charge of the group. His name was Yuya-neb. The other males who both had dark hair and Egyptian features were named Pa-aten-em-heb and Mery-re. The woman was very dark with straight black hair, although her features were not Egyptian. They lifted the heavy lid from the coffin wherein lay the body of a robed king wearing a death mask of gold [MJF: Cf. with the golden death mask of Tutankhamun discovered by Howard Carter]. This too was then removed revealing the elongated facial features of Akhenaten, the first prophet of the Aten. They then reached down to something he wore around his forehead, a wide headband of pure gold with the uraeus snake rising up as if in a striking posture. They loosened the band away from the dead Pharaoh’s head giving it to Yuya-neb, who looked knowingly at the single green stone and nodded slowly.

Then he was plunged into darkness again as the images melted away only for light to emerge again with the sense of a cold, damp environment with fleeting images coming into view and passing away quickly. These images consisted of scenes of a verdant landscape, endless woods, undulating hills and valleys, flat open plains covered with thick undergrowth and more prominent hills. Figures began to emerge breaking through the dense undergrowth and spilling into a large clearing within a thickly wooded area. The figures wore brown leather and cloth bound around their bodies and had dark straggly hair, most of them being clean-shaven. Their leader had distinctive white hair who, with his stern face, tall stature and pole-like staff, was clearly the one who had removed the Green Stone from the body of Akhenaten and was known as Yuya-neb. With him were fifteen or so figures who had accompanied him on his long journey across the empty landscape.​

Leaving their homeland, they had travelled by land and sea to reach this island of their forefathers, known to them as Amenta, the Land in the West, where the souls of the departed lived in eternal peace.

Yuya-neb was leading them on, moving from place to place, stopping only to conduct intricate religious ceremonies at places of power and sanctity. He now raised aloft his long slim staff and stared at the dull sky. A low chant issued from his mouth which, as it increased with intensity and rhythm, was almost an unrecognisable form of the same melody Phillips had heard inside Akhenaten’s underground tomb. But then it suddenly stopped, and the imagery faded away again, as Phillips woke up.

This mention of a low chant increasing with intensity and rhythm is something that has been connected with the Druids, as recorded by Roman historians and contemporary commentators. It also reminds me of the following exchange concerning the melodic chanting of Egyptian priests between Laura and the C’s in the session dated 21 February 1998:

Q: Yes, I know, but he writes that someone described the chanting of these vowels in this particular order by Egyptian priests as being so melodic that it seemed as though musical instruments were being played. So, I remembered what you said about the 'melodic' sound that must be produced from the 'centre' of within, as you put it, and I thought that this series of vowels might be what could move objects with sound.

A: Then maybe you should attempt this?!?

Q: (A) Are you joking?

A: Maybe and maybe not.

Is this what Phillips was witnessing in his dream? The earlier reference Laura mentions about the 'melodic' sound that must be produced from the 'centre' of within may have been from the session dated 22 November 1997:​

Q: Raymond Lully was rumoured to have transformed a great deal of base metal into gold for Edward II of England. Did Raymond transmute for Edward in 1311 or 1312?

A: Only method which will accomplish this uses high pitched melodic sounds, brought forth while in a trance state.

Q: Brought forth from what, the human voice?

A: From the centre of within.
[The DNA Core?]

The C’s further elaborated on this use of sound in the session dated 7 November 1998:

A) You mentioned the term ‘pyramidal’ and I thought about putting prime numbers along a pyramid, around, higher and higher, but then, today, we discovered that Ulam was putting prime numbers along a spiral and there were funny patterns arising. So, I thought that maybe we should do something similar, but three dimensional rather than two. Is this the right track?

A: In prime numbers, you will find resonance.

Q: Resonance in prime numbers? Can you please elaborate a little bit on that?

A: Elaboration is not needed because the answers are there for you already in the texts, as with so much else. One needs only listen to the music to your ears.”

Q: Why didn’t you answer my question about putting prime numbers around a pyramid?

A: Mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements. Why do you think the pyramid became a pyramid?

Q: (A) It became a pyramid because it is a simple shape to build. (L) Did it become a pyramid because a sound shaped it? Determined its shape?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) And, what was the origin of this sound?

A: Those who heard it knew.

Q: (L) Who were those who heard it?

A: Those who knew how to convert math to sound. Why would the mystics reside there? Yahoo!


Q: Alright: ‘mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements.’ When we set up these figures...

A: Imagine an interlocking triangular mosaic in three dimensions.

Q: When one wishes to apply this, does one somehow... Is the sound inside one?

A: It is all around and through you.

Q: Is it a sound that can be perceived with the physical ears?

A: Yes.

Q: What frequency?

A: Not issue. Tone.

Q: Tone and...

A: Vibratory pitch.

Did Graham Phillips see an example of this chanting in action with his images of Yuya-neb, who could well have been a priest of the Aten?

The New Race

When Phillips discussed his dream the next morning, he noted that the small group of Egyptians he had seen in his dream had come to Britain for a specific reason. They were going from one Megalithic site to the next carrying out rituals. He felt that it was almost as if they knew where to go. And there may have been good reason for thinking this since for Phillips the story had not begun in Ancient Egypt, or in Sinai, or in Israel but in Britain, and more precisely in the Northern Isles of Scotland, nearly 7,000 years ago. This proposition reminds me of something Laura had said in the session dated 24 September 1995:​

Q: (L) I am curious about what I call the "Scottish Question." Why is it that every time I start a paper trail on any issue of conspiracy, there always seems to be a link to Scotland and Scots?

A: "Celtic," what does it mean?

Q: (L) Well, the word "kilt" comes from "Celtic," but no one seems to know where they originated... they just sort of appeared on the landscape, so to speak.

A: Exactly!

Q: (L) Are you going to tell us?

Q: (L) So, there is some interesting connection! (RC) Does it mean "warrior race?"

A: If you prefer! We have close affiliation with the "Northern Peoples." Why? Because we were in regular, direct contact with them on Kantek, before they were "lifted" to Earth by Orion STS.

Could Graham Phillips through his psychic dreams have finally found the answer to Laura’s Scottish Question?

Phillips, interpreting his dreams and psychic messages had come to believe that sometime between 5,000 and 4,000 BC, the genesis of a new race had taken place in the Shetland Isles off the east coast of Scotland. This race was fairly tall in stature, and they were mainly fish eaters. Over a period of hundreds of years, they gradually developed an understanding of the landscape around them that no other culture in Britain had achieved. Their religious beliefs centred upon their communication with their ancestors, who appeared to them as shining white figures and whose abode was the sea, the element which dominated their entire lifestyle. To them everything came from the sea, and everything would return to the sea. It was a simple philosophy.

This makes me wonder whether these people could have been special Aryan type hybrids produced by the alien Greys (i.e., the “LM’s” referred to by the three gypsy annotators of Morris K Jessup’s book The Case for the UFO) within their chain of undersea bases in the mid-Atlantic Ocean. Recall the story of Kaspar Hauser as recounted in my recent post. If so, could this new race have been the ancestors of the Hittite/Levites who the C’s said had been the subject of an STS 4th density genetic tweak by the Greys, as mentioned in the transcripts:
Q: All right, first question is, what is the origin of the Levites?
A: Hittites Moon Worshippers.
Q: Well, before the Hittites became Hittites, what were they?
A: Indo-europeans.
Q: What was the source of the Indo-europeans?
A: Aryan sub-race
Q: Is there any other group the Aryans mixed with to produce the Indo-Europeans?
A: Fourth Density genetic tweak.
Q: Was Abraham a Levite?
A: Yes.
Q: Was Sarah Nefertiti?
A: Yes.
Q What was the reason for the strange skull shape of Nefertiti and her family?
A: Genetic tweak.
Q: Was this 4th density genetic tweak done by STS or STO?

These shining white figures sound a bit like the fabled “Shining Ones”, as represented by the Tuatha de Danaan of Irish mythology. These figures could, of course, have been 6th density light beings, particularly as the C’s said in the extract above that they had close affiliation with the “Northern Peoples”. We should bear in mind here that the Shetland Islands are also close to Scandinavia, so there may have been some cross fertilisation with the people who would one day become the Vikings (the sons of Odin). However, this reference to white figures also reminds me of what the C’s had said about the original appearance of the Celts’ Kantekkian ancestors:​

Q: (L) If the Orion STS brought the Celts here, were the Celts, while they lived on Kantek, in the form they are in now?

A: They were lighter in appearance.

Phillips proceeded with his account of these Megalithic people by saying that their psychic communications with these spirit forms through dreams and visions resulted in them erecting stone and earthen structures, which were used for shamanic practices such as altered states, astral projection and healing [MJF: which reminds me somewhat of the practices the C’s had said were carried out by the people at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico]. They also used them to focus the natural energies which existed in the landscape and which they knew to be affected by the movements of celestial bodied such as the Sun, the Moon and the stars [MJF: Again, this reminds me of what the C’s said about who or what was worshipped by the people who built Stonehenge when the responded that it was complicated but gave Laura the following key words: “Spirits, stars, energy]. Creating these monuments in accordance with divine instruction allowed them to gain a state of absolute harmony with those energy patterns which governed the life cycles of nature.

Phillips explained that soon the Megalithic people spread their culture, first to the Orkney Islands (the original Arcadia perhaps given that Orkneymen are to this day known as “Orcadians”?) and then to the Scottish Western Isles. They expanded quickly, setting up new colonies and monuments on the Scottish mainland and in Ireland. Only then did they begin to move into England and Wales. All the time they integrated with the existing Mesolithic communities and continued to construct stone and earthen monuments. These included barrow, passages graves, stone circles, and standing stones, which they built at locations indicated by the divination of the land – geomancy as it was known [MJF: This could be a major clue as regards the members of original 16th Century members of the secret Order of Meonia and their links to the Rosicrucians, since Rosicrucians like Sir Francis Bacon were skilled practitioners of geomancy, as we have discovered in earlier articles on this thread. The same is equally true of the Knights Templar who seem to have aligned their churches and preceptories, as well as the medieval Cathedrals in France that they were responsible for building, in accordance with particular star systems like Virgo. Some researchers, like Travis Taylor, think geomancy may even hold the key to the mystery of Oak Island, as he has demonstrated that Nolan’s Cross is laid out on the basis of the constellation of Taurus the bull.]

To these Megalithic people the Earth was alive, possessing a network of points of natural energy, the regular pattern of which was determined by many factors, including fault lines, rock and mineral seams and the Earth’s overall magnetic field. As a result, the sites chosen for their monuments formed straight lines and geometric patterns such as circles and spirals. These were, in fact, a small part of a much greater energy matrix that covered the whole of the British Isles.

This, of course, mirrors what the C’s have said about the “World Electromagnetic Grid” in the transcripts – “A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.” Collins published his book in 1991 and he and Phillips might well have known by this time about former New Zealander airline pilot Bruce Cathie's world gridline theory, since Collins maintains a great interest in UFO’s and still does presentations to his local UFO club in Essex where he lives. Cathie wrote seven books related to flying saucers and a "World energy grid". His central thesis was that he could use mathematics to describe a grid-like pattern on Earth (i.e., the Electro-dynamic field on Earth) that powers flying saucers. The C’s seemed to provide some support for Cathie’s theory when in response to a question about Rennes-le-Chateau being built on one of six peaks that form a very regular pentagon they said: “Best to refer to the 1954 UFO study done over the French countryside.

Collins continues by telling us that their interaction with these sites not only created a harmony between them and their rhythmic cycles of nature, but it also taught them the nature of the ultimate source of creation. They learned in the end that nothing mattered but an understanding of the One, the omnipotent, omnipresent source of all creation that was the universe, the light of illumination, the giver of all life, and the point to which all life returned [MJF: which sounds like the philosophy of the ‘Law of One’, which was one of the two competing philosophies that had prevailed in Atlantis before the Deluge]. It was only visible to them in a physical sense in the light of the Sun, which they referred to as the “Arran” or “Arn” [MJF: which would be commensurate with the Egyptian deity of the Aten. Note also that there is an Isle of Arran off the west coast of Scotland, which may mean in the Brythonic Celtic language "high place", where there are numerous standing stones dating from prehistoric times, including six stone circles].

The culture reached its peak of success in the third millennium BC and by 2000 BC the race was on the decline, due to infection of Bronze Age cultures, which had begun trickling into the country from the Mediterranean around 1800 BC. According to Graham Phillips, something then happened between 1600 BC and 1450 BC, which made almost the entire Megalithic culture all but disappear in a matter of a couple of generations. From a warm temperate climate, Northern Europe was plunged into a virtual Arctic winter which led to starvation, anarchy, and tribal wars that severely reduced the number of individual tribes. They died out leaving the Megalithic sites unattended.

1600 BC takes us back 3,600 years ago, which would coincide with the last visitation of the cometary cluster, as borne out by the C’s in the session dated 23 August 2001:

Q: (L) Now, I have a little problem with my writing. First of all, did the eruption of Thera occur in 1627 BC or thereabouts?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What stimulated the eruption of Thera?
A: Venus.
{Here I think that "Venus" is a code for the giant comet described by Victor Clube}
Q: (L) Well, about 40 years after that there was the comet cluster, in 1588 BC, correct?
A: Yes.

The passage of the comet cluster and/or Venus, which triggered the eruption of the Thera volcano, could have caused the kind of nuclear winter that may have led to the virtual Arctic winter Collins speaks of above and the resulting starvation which would have ensued from crop failures, as well as plagues no doubt from comet borne viruses. What Phillips and Collins don’t take account of is that the ruling tribe in Britan circa 2,000 BC were most likely the Trojans. At some stage the disastrous Trojan War occurred in Britain that may have precipitated the rapid decline of what was left of the Megalithic race. One cannot rule out, however, that the Trojans may have been one group among many tribes of immigrants from mainland Europe who settled in Britain during the Bronze Age.

Collins tells us that some of the Megalithic people integrated with the Bronze Age tribes, whose culture and religion were entirely different to their own, whilst those who remained true to their heritage stayed in small, isolated communities at key points on the energy matrix of Britain. He then tells us that others became purely nomadic and travelled abroad. By 1400 BC [MJF: remember that the conventional dating here may be off by a couple of centuries, as Immanuel Velikovsky had proposed in his 1950 books Worlds in Collision and Ages in Chaos] some had ended up in flourishing Mediterranean civilisations such as the Egyptian empire. These refugees included important families of priest magicians (Druids/Sabian Stargazers/Levites?) who understood the British energy matrix and its principal sites.

Apparently, the Megalithic people adopted the Egyptian lifestyle, moved among their sacred temples and intermarried with Egyptians. Many ideas and philosophies were exchanged. They told the Egyptians about their concept of the Arran, the One and the process of illumination. They also told them about their great Land in the West, which had once been sacred but had now been lost to them through war [the Trojan War?] and famine.

According to Phillips, within a couple of generations of their integration into Egyptian culture, one of their bloodline had become Pharaoh and this was Akhenaten. He had listened to the holy men from the Land in the West, the land of the souls of their ancestors beyond the western horizon. He adopted their principle of the Arran, which he equated with the Egyptian sun-god Re (Ra) in his forms as the hawk-headed deity, Re-Harakhti and Atum-Re, the setting sun of the western horizon. Akhenaten updated the concept to form his own understanding of the Aten, whose physical manifestation was light (Shu) and whose sole image was the Sun, the giver of light. Henceforward, the only representation of the One would be the setting sun, which had given light and thus life, and which fell upon the horizon each day in the direction of Amenta (Britain), the Land in the West, the home of his own ancestors.

MJF: Since the C’s told is that Hagar/Meritaten was the last living member of the Perseid family, this suggests that Akhenaten was also of the Perseid bloodline (as her mother, Nefertiti, was a special subterranean hybrid), which would seem to have come through his mother Tiye’s line. Was Tiye therefore descended from the Megalithic builder race?

According to Phillips, Akhenaten looked upon himself as the first prophet of a new faith and believed that the ancient bloodline of the Megalithic people made them more psychically and spiritually aware than the average Egyptian. Because of this he believed that his foreign ancestors embodied the spirit of the Aten more completely and purely than did the Egyptian race. For his own part, he considered himself to be a divine channel for the force of the Aten, as reflected in his name, which meant ‘incarnation of the spirit of the Aten’. He also decided that the succession should always be from that same bloodline, which was to be both preserved and revered, for these people were the chosen ones of the Aten.

The priests of the Megalithic builder race who had reached Egypt from Northern Europe believed that one day a new golden age [the ‘Age of Aquarius’] would come, a time of the Reawakening, when man would once again understand the natural forces and the power of the energy matrix which had been marked by their stone and earthen sites and monuments. Akhenaten adopted this belief and felt that it should be enlightened Aten adherents who found this new age. However, the time was not yet right, and the priests urged that the ancient wisdom and knowledge of their culture be ritually sealed away until the time of the Reawakening.​

Could this sealing away of ancient wisdom and knowledge be what the C’s were referring to in the session dated 22 August 1998:

Q: They say that there is a subterranean chamber under the sphinx that leads to all the other pyramids. Is this correct?

A: Yes. But more importantly, there is a buried capsule of sorts.

Q: Has this buried capsule been found?

A: Not uncovered, but the evidence exists.

Q: Are those Egyptians over there who are banning all the other people from excavating aware of this?

A: They fear ramifications.

According to Phillips, the symbol they chose to represent this event is what we know today as the fire phoenix of rebirth, but what was then known to the Egyptians as the Bennu bird.

Collins then tells us (calling on Phillips’ psychic discoveries) that a magical talisman was also constructed, which would seal and hold in an astral form the energies and knowledge of a specific number of stone and earthen monuments in the British Isles (Amenta). For this they used a tiny fragment of a much larger artefact and fashioned it into a polished green stone.​

Could this tiny green fragment have been from the Grail, which we know Akhenaten possessed until Nefertiti/Sarah stole it and gave it to Abraham/Moses. I have reason to believe that the Grail has the capabilities of a TDARM (Trans Dimensional Atomic Re-molecularisation machine), which means it could resurrect a dead person (just as the fabled ‘Cauldron of the Dagda’ of the Tuatha Danann could do) as explained by the C’s in the session 14 dated October 1995:

Q: (L) Where does the new body coming from? (TK) Cloned, basically. (SV) I would think so...

A: It is duplicate of old body.

Q: (T) Where do they get the duplicate? (L) Where do they get the material for the duplicate? I know that's a dumb question, I know the answer.


Q: (L) OK, that's it. (J) It's in the air, same thing.
[TDARM is Trans Dimensional Atomic ReMolecularization] (T) Otherwise known in Star Trek as a 'Replicator'. (TK) Does somebody have to die in a certain way before they can do this?

A: No.

A: (TK): Is there a time limit on how long they can be dead?

It may come as a bit of a shock to learn then that in Collins’ book, he describes how a possessed Graham Phillips carried out a resurrection ceremony using the Green Stone, which he had by this time located with Collins, in order to resurrect a dead Egyptian Queen who called herself Sa-re. Collins later determined that Sa-re was Queen Sobek-nofru-re, usually shortened to Sobek-nofru, whose chosen name was Sat-re, daughter of the sun-god, which was the feminine form of Sa-re. She was also known as Meryt-re and Sobek-ka-re. For those with good memories, Sobek-nofru was the model for Bram Stoker’s Egyptian Queen Tera in his horror story The Jewel of the Seven Stars (see my earlier article by that name). Stoker, an associate of the Order of the Golden Dawn, had originally intended a full manifestation (resurrection) of the dead Queen Tera but was forced by his publisher to end the story by having the queen possess Margaret, the daughter of the Egyptologist who had discovered her tomb, instead. If Phillips’ story is to be believed (he had three witnesses who saw the manifestation first hand) he not only ended up being possessed by the spirit of Sa-re but accomplished for real what Stoker had intended his fictitious Egyptologist to do, that is physically resurrect a dead Egyptian queen. This may explain Collins’ great interest in this ancient Egyptian queen. I have recently bought his new book on Sobek-nofrure and will add an update once I have read and digested what he has to say about her.

I appreciate this requires readers to suspend all belief and sceptics have already had a field day at Phillips and Collins’ expense as regards this account, but, if we take the C’s at their word where TDARMs are concerned, then such a resurrection is certainly feasible if you happen to have a TDARM available. The resurrection event Collins depicts in his book took place in July 1981 and his book was published ten years later in 1991. This is four years before the C’s spoke of TDARMs. I suspect neither Phillips nor Collins have ever heard of a TDARM. We saw earlier in Phillips’ dream that Akhenaten had worn the Green Stone fragment in his tomb, which was set in a headband. If the Green Stone (a crystal) was a fragment, and thus a fractal, of a larger crystal artefact, could this artefact have been the Grail, which is renowned for its healing powers, for manifestations and even resurrections? Could it have been a fragment of Baphomet? Recall here that the medieval German grail author Wolfram von Eschenbach had described the Grail as being a green stone. Had he seen Baphomet, or the smaller Green Stone perhaps, whilst its was in the possession of the Knights Templar?

Akhenaten gave instructions to the effect that after his death, Yuya-neb – who was of the same bloodline - was to find the land on the western horizon and take with him the Green Stone. And so it was that Yuya-neb came to the British Isles and used the Green Stone to conduct the ceremony which would ‘seal’ the Megalithic sites in question. Collins tells us that it was accomplished by a religious ritual and, once achieved, a small colony was founded in what is now the Midlands of England.

In Part 3 of this article, I will concentrate on Andrew Collins' research into the Megalithic builder race and compare it with what the C's have told us and more recent archaeological findings to see if there is any merit in what the Joanna entity said and what Phillips claimed he had seen in his lucid dreams.​
The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia Part 3
Andrew Collins' Historic Research:

Subsequent research by Andrew Collins revealed, unsurprisingly, that there was nothing to prove Phillips’ hypothesis or belief that nomadic tribesmen from a Megalithic culture from the Far West of Europe had ever reached Egypt. It was undoubtedly true though that many foreigners from the Near East, Asia and the region of Palestine (Canaan) had flooded into Egypt in the age of the Pharaohs. Collins decided to concentrate, therefore, on Yuya-neb, who Phillips had said was one of the figures of the Megalithic bloodline.

Collins discovered that there had in fact been a figure named Yuya who was associated with the reign of Akhenaten who was born circa 1440 BC and died around 1370 BC. He had become the advisor to Pharaoh Thutmose IV (who you may recall had the extraordinary vision described on the Dream Stele at the foot of the Sphinx) and had married a lady called Tuya. Their daughter would become the ‘Great Royal Wife’ to Thutmose’s son and heir Amenhotep III, under whom Yuya retained his position as vizier, and he was also made the King’s Lieutenant of Chariotry and Master of the Horse – a position which was equated with the abilities of a priest magician. It is possible that Yuya lived to see his grandson Akhenaten become Pharaoh, although he may well have died around the time of his accession and was buried in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes (today Luxor). In 1905 his intact mummy was discovered and examined where his remains were found to have prominent features that were uncharacteristic of the Egyptian people. He was fairly tall with long, wavy white hair, a beaky nose and prominent lips and his well-preserved body also sported facial hair, which was highly unusual for that time. Yuya’s physiognomy and the various derivations of his name suggested to some scholars that he may have been of foreign origin. The same also seemed to be true of his daughter Tiya, who also possessed uncharacteristic features for an Egyptian woman of that period. If this were so, then Akhenaten would clearly have been of foreign descent as suggested by the Joanna entity.

It is evident that this Yuya could not have been the Yuya-neb that Graham Phillips saw in Akhenaten’s funerary chamber and later journeying through the British Isles, as he would have been long dead. I would add that insofar as I am aware, nobody has yet identified Akhenaten’s funerary chamber and discovered his remains. The C’s told us that he was deliberately drowned in the Nile but never mentioned whether his body was retrieved from the river and subsequently buried. Hence, there must be a question mark over Phillip’s vision of the events in the funerary chamber. There again, without positive proof to the contrary, we cannot rule out the veracity of what he saw in his vision either and archaeologists are still searching for Akhenaten’s tomb and mortal remains. If such an event did occur, then as Yuya was a family name with the suffix “neb” meaning simply “lord”, Yuya-neb may well have been a direct descendant of his namesake Yuya, perhaps even his grandson.

Collins was able more easily to identify other characters in Phillips’ vision. Mery-re was a high priest of Aten during Akhenaten’s reign and he also held the titles of Superintendent of the King’s Harem and Steward who had a rock-cut tomb cut reserved for him at Tell el-Amarna, although there is no sign it was ever occupied. It is not known when he died. Pa-aten-em-heb was also an historical figure who lived inn the reign of Akhenaten. He seemed to be associated with General Horemheb, with Phillips even thinking that he was the future pharaoh’s brother. However, Collins could not pin down who the fourth figure in the vision was. Collins had a sneaking suspicion it might have been Akhenaten’s mother Queen Tiya who was born around 1410 BC. Although it is not known when she died, she may still have been alive at the end of her son’s reign. That being said, Graham Phillips in his later book Act of God proposed that she had already died of plague before her son met his untimely death in the Nile.

Collins also found it difficult to find evidence supporting the concept of ancient Egyptians coming across to the British Isles over 3,000 years ago. As he points out, the only archeologically accepted evidence that links ancient Egypt to Bronze Age Britain is to be found in Egyptian faïence beads with their distinctive turquoise glaze. Many of these beads have been found at Bronze Age sites in Britain including some specifically belonging to Akhenaten’s era that were found beneath a fallen lintel at Stonehenge. Some archaeologists have proposed that they may have been imported into the British Isles from Minoan Crete, whose thriving sea going culture had strong, direct trading links with Akhenaten’s Egypt (at least before the eruption of Thera). We should also recall that in 1955, archaeologists made an interesting discovery during an excavation of the Mound of Hostages at Tara, the site of ancient kingship of Ireland when Bronze Age skeletal remains were found of what has been argued to be a young prince, still wearing a rare necklace of faience beads, made from a paste of minerals and plant extracts that had been fired. The skeleton was carbon dated to around 1350 BC. In 1956, J. F. Stone and L. C. Thomas reported that the faience beads were Egyptian: “In fact, when they were compared with Egyptian faience beads, they were found to be not only of identical manufacture but also of matching design. The famous boy-king Tutankhamun was entombed around the same time as the Tara skeleton and the priceless golden collar around his mummy’s neck was inlayed with matching conical, blue-green faience beads”. Interestingly, an almost identical necklace was found in a Bronze Age burial mound at North Molton in Devon, England.

Lorraine Evans in her 2001 book, Kingdom of the Ark, revealed also archaeological connections between Egypt and Ireland. Evans argues that the connections between the two distant lands were plausible and there is archaeological evidence to support the theory. In 1937 in North Ferriby, Yorkshire (in the Trent Estuary and thus well within Brigantes territory), the remains of an ancient boat were discovered (see my earlier articles on this). Whilst it was thought to be a Viking longship at first, continued excavation produced additional ships, wrecked in a storm. Further investigation showed that the boats were much older than Viking ships and were of a type found in the Mediterranean. It was concluded that these boats originated from 2000 years before the Viking age and were radiocarbon dated to around 1400 to 1350 BC. Evans then made connections to argue that these boats could have originated from Egypt, as the timeframe fits the dating of the faience beads. You will note that it also fits the era of Akhenaten too. While investigating the origins of the people of Scotland in the famous Bower manuscript, the Scotichronicon, Evans discovered the story of Scota, the Egyptian princess and daughter of a pharaoh who fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos with a large following of people who arrived in a fleet of ships. They settled in Scotland for a while amongst the natives (the Hebrides perhaps?), until they were forced to leave and landed in Ireland. Could the people on these ships have been the Tuatha de Danann and was Scota really Princess Meritaten/Hagar/Kore who would subsequently be deified and converted into the divine goddess figure Brigid, also known as Brigantia and Bride (and possibly Elen, Helle, Car and Ceridwen as well)? It seems that Evans thought so.

In her book*, Evans posited the questions: Was the Tara necklace a gift from the Egyptians to a local chieftain after their arrival or was the Tara prince actually Egyptian himself? According to Bower’s manuscript, Scota’s descendants were the high kings of Ireland. In her quest to discover the true identity of ‘Scota,’ as it was not an Egyptian name, she found within Bower’s manuscript that Scota’s father was actually named as being Achencres, a Greek version of an Egyptian name. In the work of Manetho, an Egyptian priest and historian, Evans discovered the translation of the name—the pharaoh Achencres was none other than Akhenaten, who reigned in the correct timeframe of 1350 BC. Evans thus believes that Scota was Meritaten, the eldest daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti and I would agree with her.​

*Please note that I have recently purchased Evans’ book and will comment further on this subject should it contain further pertinent information supporting this hypothesised connection.

As Heather Elizabeth Adams, a writer and researcher specialising in Goddess Mythology has pointed out, “Ta-ra” reversed becomes “Ra-Ta”, the priest from an Egyptian past-life of the American seer Edgar Cayce who assisted in building the pyramids. She also points out that the names of the Egyptian creator god Ptah and the sun god Ra combined become “Ptah-Ra”, which is phonetically very similar to Tara. Thus, she speculates whether the name of Tara herself, derived somehow from these Egyptian origins? Moreover, the making of the sun king or Ra was derived from the power of Tea, the Egyptian Goddess. However, an alternative alias for Scota in Irish folklore is Tea Tephi who was supposedly a surviving daughter of Zedekiah, the last King of Judah, who with the help of the Prophet Jeremiah had escaped and travelled to Ireland where she married a local High King of Ireland in the 6th century BC. Curiously, there is a queen called Tea in Irish mythology who appears in the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland. She is described as the wife of Érimón a Míl Espáine (Milesian) and dated to 1700 BC (Geoffrey Keating posited 1287 BC). Hence, it is more likely that this Queen Tea is our Princess Scota or Meritaten/Hagar, the daughter of Akhenaten, since the Milesians or Gaels are not thought to have arrived in Ireland much before the 6th Century BC.

Following this line of thought, it seems Meritaten/Hagar/Kore/Helle fled Egypt and Canaan for the British Isles, possibly via Northern Spain and Southern France, where she took on the personae of Scota and eventually became deified as the Tuatha de Danann goddess Brigid or Bride, who became inextricably linked with the Brigantes tribe, and later as the Celtic goddess Elen or Helen in Wales and what today is England. It is worth noting here Graham Phillip’s finding that Irish members of the Brigantes tribe would leave Ireland to seek sanctuary from the encroaching Christian missionaries in the English county of Staffordshire that was then in the old kingdom of Mercia in central England. There they would build a Dark Age monument around the year 500 AD, which in its name of the Bridestones evidently recalls the goddess Brigid or Bride.​

For more on this see Atlantis, Egypt, and Ireland? (

More Evidence of the Megalithic Builders

Andrew Collins started his analysis of Graham Phillip’s channelled ‘Heritage account’ by pointing out that the Megalithic builders were supposed to have established themselves in the Scottish Northern Isles during the 5th to 6th Millenium BC and gradually spread their influence through the Western Isles into mainland Scotland, Ireland and finally England and Wales.

He notes, however, that this contradicts the commonly held Diffusionist theory, whereby archaeologists assert that the Megalithic builders spread from the Mediterranean during the 5th Millenium BC, first colonising Western Europe before eventually entering the British Isles. Collins points to the grandeur of the Megalithic temple complexes in Corsica, Crete, Malta, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands, which demonstrate the sophistication of the Megalithic culture in contrast to comparative sites in the British Isles, which seem to be no aesthetic match for their design. However, as Collins points out, recent archaeological discoveries in the British Isles have brought the traditional Diffusionist model into question. Radiocarbon dating techniques employed at prehistoric sites across the country have conclusively shown an even distribution of early Neolithic settlements and stone monuments. Intriguingly, Collins tells us that the oldest dates to have been established anywhere in the British Isles have come from sites in the Western Isles of Scotland and in particular the Isle of Arran (see my earlier comments).

It had generally been accepted by archaeologists that the Western Isles of Scotland were unoccupied until Neolithic times, but exhaustive excavations on the Western Isle of Rhum by archaeologist Caroline Wickham-Jones confirmed the existence of Mesolithic settlements as early as the 7th Millennium BC. Her belief is that Mesolithic man may have migrated across the land belt which existed between Norway and the Northern Isles of the Shetland and the Orkneys until its final submergence in the 7th Millennium. This was at the time when there was still a large landmass in the North Sea called Dogger Land.​

Skara Brae

On the Orkneys we find today the sunken stone village of Skara Brae and the stone chamber tomb of Maeshowe. Wickham-Jones proposed that the village evolved from indigenous Mesolithic settlements during the 4th Millennium BC. I would point out that archaeological digs are still on going at Skara Brae in the Orkneys and I have recently watched some fascinating documentaries on the site presented by the likes of the excellent Scottish television presenter, archaeologist, historian and author Neil Oliver, which includes his programme Britain's Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney. Indeed, archaelogists are still making amazing discoveries at the site, which are changing archaeological perceptions about the people who lived there. For a 3D presentation of Skara Brae see: New digital model of Skara Brae | Historic Environment Scotland.​

See also: Visitor's Guide To Skara Brae: The Scottish Pompeii - The Geographical Cure

Euan Mackie in his 1977 book The Megalithic Builders also points out that archaeologists have discovered at Skara Brae flat-based, groove-decorated pottery with very distinctive reliefs. Similar pottery was also found on the submerged land surface at Clacton on the Essex coast in 1936, which was essentially the same as pottery found at Woodhenge and Durrington Walls in Wiltshire (which form part of the huge Megalithic complex of sites centred on Stonehenge). Moreover, Professor Gordon Childe in 1930 had suggested there were links between the pottery found at Skara Brae and pottery ware found in Iberia. He noticed that late Chalcolithic potsherds found at the cave at St. Joan d’Os in Cataluña were remarkably similar to the decorative patterns on the Skara Brae sherds and the techniques of making them seemed to be the same. It is now known that the primary occupation of Skara Brae was before 3000 BC (Radiocarbon dating puts it at 3180 BC) and grooved pottery ware was used in the first occupation at the village. Pottery found at the nearby Stennes Stone Circle on Orkney has also been carbon dated to 3000 BC. But the fact that similar grooved pottery ware found at Vila Nova de Sao Pedro in Portugal has also been dated to around 3000 BC suggests this was one and the same culture.

Collins finds further support for Phillips’ Heritage account when he notes that in the early 1980’s two adjoining pieces of a Megalithic stone were unearthed in the Orkney Islands, each one being engraved with ornate and complex spiral patterns of a type only found in abundance in the passage graves of the Boyne Valley culture in Ireland, which is thought to date to the last quarter of the 4th Millenium BC. In particular, the designs closely resemble the kerbstone patterns of the Valley’s huge stone and earthen mound known as Newgrange. Due to the immense spread and technology of the Boyne Valley culture in Ireland, it had been presupposed by archaeologists that the Orkney spiral stones were carved by incoming Neolithic settlers from Ireland. However, if Caroline Wickham-Jones’s theories are correct, it implies that the Orkneys’ indigenous culture may have exported its art via the Western Isles of Scotland into Ireland.

Collins also tells us that in 1990, a dig under the direction of Edinburgh University archaeologist John Barber discovered a stone coffin or cist about a mile from Skara Brae. Within it they found the undisturbed remains of a teenager and a child in an urn but also woven reed, something not previously associated with the Orkney’s Neolithic culture of the first quarter of the 4th Millennium BC. The reed fibres were taken away for radiocarbon dating. At the date of Collins book, the results of the preliminary tests had not yet been released pending further tests. However, Collins alleges that the preliminary results had dumbfounded the Scottish archaeological community with a rumoured date for the woven reed being as early as 4,500 BC. I have looked for subsequent verification of this particular date but without success. If this date should be proven correct, it means that the Orkney Isles may have possessed the earliest and most advanced Megalithic culture in the British Isles. As Collins points out this would substantiate Phillips’s psychic information that suggested the Orcadian (Arcadian?) culture spread both its religious and pastoral knowledge southwards into the Western Isles before it fanned out to encompass the rest of Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales.​

Skara Brae Abandoned

There is evidence that suggests the village of Skara Brae was uninhabited by 2500 BC. Intriguingly, valuables and other possessions were left behind, suggesting the site was abandoned in a hurry. For example, the remains of choice meat joints were discovered in some of the beds, presumably forming part of the villagers' last supper. The reasons why Skara Brae was abandoned are still unclear. Some experts think there was some sort of apocalyptic event, possibly a huge storm that flooded the village with sand. That would certainly explain the abandoned valuables. Others think that the society was slowly breaking up. The inhabitants moved from communal living to individual farm units over the course of 20-30 years. However, around 2500 BC the climate definitely appears to have changed with conditions becoming much colder and wetter.

Archaeologists know that the site was farther from the sea than it is today, and it is possible that Skara Brae was built adjacent to a freshwater lagoon protected by dunes. Although the visible buildings give an impression of an organic whole, it is certain that an unknown quantity of additional structures had already been lost to sea erosion before the site's rediscovery and subsequent protection by a seawall. Uncovered remains are known to exist immediately adjacent to the ancient monument in areas presently covered by fields, and others, of uncertain date, can be seen eroding out of the cliff edge a little to the south of the enclosed area.

Is it possible that there was a cometary shower in the region circa 2500 BC, which brought in its wake famine and disease, including potentially plague? In a previous post, I pointed out that there is now hard evidence to show that plague had been present in England as far back as 2000 BC. Could there have been even earlier episodes of such plague outbreaks? We should bear in mind here that the Joanna entity had said “But the people who had originally erected these places had decayed and gone.”​

Other possibilities include another close flyby of the planet Venus since the C’s had said in the session dated 30 July 1994:

Q: (L) What year did the Exodus occur counting backward from now according to our calendrical system?

A: 4670.
[MJF: This was not the Exodus of Abraham/Moses for that occurred later in the reign of Akhenaten but most probably an Exodus in 2676 BC linked to the Scythian Semites who had settled in Mesopotamia when it was dominated by the Sumerian civilisation.]

Q: (L) At that time did a cometary Venus pass close to the earth and cause disruption?

A: Yes.


Q: (L) Was Velikovsky correct when he said Venus was on a 52-year orbit during a certain period in our history?

A: Close.

Q: (L) How many passes did Venus make through the solar system before it was precipitated into a regular planetary orbit?

A: 7

As Laura herself commented on this excerpt: “The fact is, there was some sort of discontinuity of many ancient cultures which occurred at both these periods: 3100-2500 BC and 1600 BC.”

The C’s followed these comments on Venus up in the session dated 5 October 1994:

Q: (L) You said the Exodus occurred in 2676 B.C., is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was that the
last passage of the cometary Venus?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was this activity of Venus interactive with the close passing of the cluster of comets you have mentioned?

A: Close. One of three cataclysms close together

Indeed, the C’s also mentioned that the planet Venus was responsible for the halting of the building of the city of Baalbek during its first appearance and close fly-past of the Earth in the session dated 20 October 1994:

Q: What happened to interrupt or halt the building of this city?

A: Venus first appearance and pass.

Q: What year was this project brought to a halt?

A: 3218 B.C.

Since the C’s said Venus’s last close passage was in 2676 BC, this is close enough to the 2500 BC date (allowing for errors in radiocarbon dating) for the abandonment of Skara Brae.

Another more sinister and speculative reason for the settlement’s abandonment is that the Megalithic builder race may have come under attack from alien or inner earth beings, given what the C’s said about Stonehenge in the session dated 19 February 2000:​

(A) You asked about these missing stones, and the answer was the multiple shocks registered. (L) Right. What about these multiple shocks. What, in particular?

A: Some were earthquakes; mini-cataclysmic in nature. Some were EM generated smashes, when terran forces clashed with outside "forces".

Q: Are you suggesting that some of these rocks were vaporized, as it were, by some sort of particle beam weaponry?

A: EM activity.

However, I appreciate this damage to Stonehenge may have occurred earlier in time or possibly even later. The presence of mysterious vitrified stone forts in parts of Scotland and Northern England may though testify to the fact that such battles did occur throughout Britain, especially as the C’s once said that Stonehenge was an energy director for all things, being a vector of energy. Indeed, the Cs likened Stonehenge to an energy coil:​

Session 9 November 1994:

Q: (L) In many ancient ruins there are found certain symbols which interest me, specifically the coil or spiral which seems to be ubiquitous throughout the world. This is also very similar to one of the Reiki symbols. What is the origin and meaning of this symbol?

A: Energy collector translevel; Stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at Stonehenge.

What the C’s have said in support of the Heritage Account

Let us recall when considering the evidence adduced above that the C’s have in fact given support to aspects of Graham Phillips’ Heritage account when they confirmed that civilisation had indeed been transmitted from Northern Europe (including the British Isles) to Southern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean in the following extracts:​

Session dated 19 February 2000:

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Meditteranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

Session dated 8 April 2000:

Q: Now, I have this book entitled "Arktos." He says something here that echoes a remark you once made. He says:

"It is a very remarkable thing that enlightenment seems to have come from the North against the common prejudice that the Earth was enlightened as it was populated from South to North. The Scythians are one of the most ancient nations; the Chinese descend from them. The Atlanteans themselves, more ancient than the Egyptians, descend from them."

You said that the civilizing influence came from the North to the South. Of course, all the standard texts claim that civilization came from South to North, starting in Mesopotamia. Now, getting...

A: Okay, just a minute here. Thinking Mesopotamia is the beginning is like thinking that the beginning starts at the 12th chapter.

For further reading see:

What Is Meonia? - Its Philosophy And Role In Psychic Questing (

Meonia (

For a critical view of Graham Phillips and Andrew Collins psychic quests see:
Phillips & Keatman, Questers Extraordinaire – Jumbled Thoughts of a Fake Geek Boy (

Britain The Key to World History

Another person to advocate the role of the British Isles in civilising the ancient world was the maverick British historian, William Comyns Beaumont (hereafter referred to as “Beaumont”). In his book Britain the Key to World History, which was a companion work to his ‘The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain, Beaumont endeavoured to prove by evidence, gathered over a wide field from ancient and modern sources, that the British Isles were highly civilized from the earliest times, and that Britain was the original mother civilisation. His evidence to support this proposition was derived from various geographical, geological, astronomical, historical, and legendary sources. One reason why we should take Beaumont’s theories seriously is that he seems to have been the inspiration for Immanuel Velikovsky’s works Worlds in Collision and Ages in Chaos, which may have been inspired by Beaumont’s astronomical theories as discussed in another of his works `The Mysterious Comet'. As the researcher Charles Kos (author of “In Search of the Origin of Pyramids and the Lost Gods of Giza”) notes, Beaumont's major legacy is not in history but in the catastrophism of some of his other works. Much of his style was thus a precursor to Velikovsky.

As Professor Mike Baillie writing in his book `Exodus to Arthur' nballparkumont seems to have been a man before his time in his suggestion that the catastrophic event of c.2350 BC, later associated with the Biblical Flood, immortalises the collision of a cometary body with earth [MJF: This date you will note brings this cometary event (Venus?) into the ballpark of the abandonment of Skara Brae].

Beaumont considered that many historical events did not happen in the Middle East, but instead in Britain. Among his many original ideas he claimed that:​

* Frisians (North Netherlands) were Phrygians (Western Asia Minor, in conventional theories) [MJF: Entirely plausible if we follow Iman Wilkens theories’ on where the siege of Troy really occurred and the homelands of the Celtic tribes who fought in it]
* The river Avon, to Bath, is the ditch which circumscribed the Atlantis capital
* Mythical King Sil of Salisbury is Saul of the Bible.
* The year was originally 360 days but cometary impact slowed the rotation of the earth, thence 365. [MJF: Highly plausible]
* Avaris of the Hyksos = Avebury
* Saxons are Saka (Scythians). [MJF: Again entirely plausible]
* Continental Europe used to be known as Asia. Sesostris' conquest of Asia was really Europe.

According to Charles Kos, several of Beaumont's more moderate theories do seem to have merit. For example, did the Phoenicians have colonies in the north? The Viking Runes appear to be derived from Phoenician characters, and the legend of Odin is likewise partly Mediterranean. Thence his idea that the Belgae derive their name from Baal (Bel) does not seem an unreasonable suggestion, at first glance, even if there is probably a better explanation.

So, what did Beaumont have to say about Britain? Here is what he said in the forward to his book - with my own added comments in red within paranthesis and key points bolded:

These islands, I showed, were the true Hesperides or Happy Islands of yore, and are known to have been inhabited from the earliest Palaeolithic (or Old Stone) Age onwards and were the original domicile of the sons of Adam, who were the Titans or Giants of classic fame, as well as being the Atlanteans of Plato [MJF: Notice they are giants like the Nephilim, the Mesopotamian Anunnaki and the biblical Sons of Anak, whilst English Folklore has always associated the building of Stonehenge with giants].

My object, may I point out, was far greater than any mere academic effort, as some critics seemed to imagine, to identify Atlantis. The disaster to Atlantis was only indirectly my theme, for what matters is what lay and still lies behind these facts, as facts I claim they are, on the evidence. For if it were the Flood of the Scriptures, it thereby brings into the orbit of Northern Europe the nations related to that event directly or indirectly, such as the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Israelites, Hellenes or Greeks, and many others. It cannot be isolated as such, for it challenges the long-accepted beliefs and dogma that the Flood occurred in the Middle East the supposedly original Chaldea, as to which incidentally, in spite of most careful investigations even within recent, years, there exists not a tittle of solid geological or other evidence to support such a calamity in those regions. Inferentially if correct, it must undermine the long-accepted claims in relation to the lands we term Assyria, Egypt, and Palestine, and I fear necessarily disputes the accuracy of many modernist interpretations from inscribed stones or papyri.

But, let me say, if the further claims I advance in this work are sustained, it must logically signify that the segregation of Bible history as a thing apart from equivalent classic peoples has piled up completely false conceptions and valuations regarding the history of nations in past times. For example, I produce evidence to show that the Uranids of Crete, which Crete was accepted by the Greeks at least as the γετρις or motherland of the original race of mankind, were the equivalent of the people called Ur-of-the Chaldees [
MJF: Ur was reputedly the birthplace of Abraham] in the Book of Genesis, and that they dwelt not in the Orient or Mediterranean, but in the British Isles.

If I prove correct in determining that such roads lead originally to that very ancient group of islands, the Shetland-Orkneys, which straddle both Scandinavia and Britain, and that these were largely shattered by a violent natural catastrophe, we begin to perceive that the Gnostics and Curetes of Crete [
MJF: see my earlier references in this article to Car, Cer and the Ceretes], close kindred to the Chaldeans, were the sons of Seth or Sheth, the son of Adam from whom apparently Shet-land or Seth-land acquired its name, in the regions of Caledonia, again only a variation of Chaldea, whose sons are probably the most ancient existing race of civilised man.

The account of the last days of Atlantis is particularly valuable in research where we are told by Plato of a great war between the Atlanteans and their blood relations who crossed the sea to reach them, a war lasting thirteen years, and in the fourteenth year, when the Atlanteans were at the point of exhaustion, the city of Athens held out and defeated the enemy, but that all her warriors, like those opposed to her, were drowned. Leaving aside the statement that the original Athens held out and alone defeated the invaders it was, according to Plato, an Atlantean city, situated on that island, and thus, we must assume, the mother city of the later Athens in the Mediterranean Greece, like other early Hellenic sites. Can we, however, synchronise Plato with the Bible references to the Flood? The actual events of these dramatic thirteen years, culminating in the Great Catastrophe, is the main theme of this book.

The true arena of this veiled yet historic event, as I endeavour to show, was the clash between nations known in the Scriptures, including Gog and Magog, in which the invasion and slavery of other Bible peoples in the British Isles was the aim of the invaders [MJF: which Iman Wilkens in his book Where Once Stood Troy viewed as the Trojan War fought at today’s Cambridge in eastern England]. It culminated in extraordinary events both in the celestial spaces and on this unhappy earth. The final celestial disaster itself, as I described fully in my previous work, was on such an immense and concentrated scale, and at the same time so irregular in its distribution, that certain parts were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable for a long period, while yet others escaped with only comparative sufferings. Among its permanent effects were a variation in the earth’s axis, a lengthening of the solar year and a consequent change in climate whereby many nations in the north were forced to emigrate to obtain the means of subsistence [
MJF: you will note that this accords with the diffusion of the Northern European Celts in the Balkans, Turkey/Anatolia and the Middle East and also with Graham Phillips’ Heritage account of the Megalithic builder race’s diaspora and eventual settlement in Egypt. Was it the intervention of the planet Venus or a large comet that changed Earth’s previous orbit, length of solar year and Northern Europe’s climate?].

The myth of Phaeton describes how the ill-fated son of Helios, having stolen his father’s steeds, tried to drive the chariot of the sun, but they bolted, whereby they threatened the earth’s extinction, and Zeus, seeing the whole world was thus in imminent danger of destruction, hurled Phaeton into the river Eridanus in the country of the Cimmerians. The explanation of the myth, as Plato himself records it, was the declination of celestial bodies, actually, it would seem, a twin or tandem comet, which struck the earth in the Cimmerian lands. This disastrous event is recorded on certain prehistoric Scottish zodiacs as I showed in my previous work, in which the “chariot” of Phaeton is represented symbolically as wheels with a connecting axle, described by Scottish archaeologists as “spectacles”, they being naturally innocent of the intention of these stones probably erected by the sons of Seth, or, say, Chaldeans, in the Caledonian lands.

The Cimmerians, in whose country this disaster happened, and where flowed the river Eridanus, converts the mythological into reality. They agree with the Cymry of Britain [
MJF: today the people of Wales], the Cimbri of Scandinavian lands, the people known to classic poets as the Hyperboreans, dwellers beyond the north wind, the Galatai of Pausanias, the Gauls or Gaels, or Celts, always the tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed Men of the north. So, Phaeton must compel us to understand the myth by making us look to the north of Europe, where he was thrown to earth. In a true revision of the prehistoric past the Mediterranean becomes only a very secondary settlement of the ruling races of mankind from the beginning [MJF: which seems to accord with what the C’s have said].

Britain’s remote ancestors through many centuries erected an advanced civilization, built walled cities, with towns, villages, and ports, and sailed ocean-going ships, being a maritime people of great fame. They erected also chains of powerful fortresses [
MJF: Hill Forts] some of which have survived the vicissitudes caused by man and the elements for well over three thousand years, laid long, straight roads, and constructed canals which transported goods from one end of Britain to the other. Her sons faced hazardous voyages, long before deep-sea soundings were undertaken, to the most distant parts of the earth, and established trading centres and commerce while their main search was ever for gold. They manufactured jewels employing gold, silver and bronze, besides precious stones. At an early date they mastered the science of how to manufacture bronze, designed weapons of warfare, and discovered the secret art of how to make and use firearms, otherwise “black magic.”

Solomon [MJF: Who the C’s linked with the Egyptian Pharoah Narmer] built up his wealth and made the Israelites in his age the dominating people by his knowledge of “magic,” an art described by Josephus in these words, “God also enabled him to learn that skill which expels demons, which is a skill useful and sanative to man.” Incidentally, Solomon was a Grand Master of prehistoric Freemasonry a very ancient fraternity earlier known as the Cabiri gods [
MJF: The C’s told us the Osirians were the progenitors of Freemasonry who were also the origin of the Rosicrucians in the form of the Rosteem? I have also linked the Cabiri gods to the alien Greys – see my earlier posts on this] — its origin often attributed to him, and some of the mystic ceremonies used in the Masonic cult are probably derived from his epoch, yet how many present-day Masons can understand the inner meaning of the two hollow pillars Joachim and Boaz, which they are so fond of symbolising?

In the great migration, induced largely by pre-knowledge of what was about to happen owing to celestial phenomena, judging from certain passages of Jeremiah, the Israelites in their Exodus [
MJF: Not the Mosaic Exodus but that of the Aryans – Phillips and Collins’ Megalithic builder race] were led through dark, arctic wastes, “where no man dwelt,” the Siberian lands. Many emigrants found their way to the shores of the Mediterranean, others went by the rivers Volga, Vistula, Dneiper and Dneister to the Crimea, onwards into Asia Minor and thence to the Middle East where we find in Irak [MJF: Mesopotamia – thus accords with Phillips’ Heritage account relating to the Megalithic builder race] what appear to be prehistoric Gothic inscriptions and occult designs as to which much might be said. In a totally different direction, across the North’ Atlantic, others made hazardous voyages and endured terrible privations in search of the sun, and settled finally in America, mostly in Mexico, ages before Columbus discovered that continent. Many again went south-west into France, Spain and Portugal, hugging the Atlantic, or migrating into North Africa.

The land we now call Egypt was colonised then or not much earlier as shown by astronomical evidence and was originally peopled by fair Celts from the shores of Britain. This was the Exodus of the Aryans, some of whom returned later to their primeval homes, and about a century after, perhaps in some cases in less time, when earlier fears had been dissipated — for humanity rarely learns from the past — and the fertile British lands invited newcomers, these islands were again occupied by nations crossing the narrow seas, including especially those whom Geoffrey of Monmouth names the Trojans, and, our modern anthropologists, the Goidels
[MJF: The Gaels, Milesians or Hibernians].

Panic and a change of climate in the northern lands were the main inspiration which sent these peoples on their long and sad treks in search of new domiciles. The edifices and religion of Egypt speak eloquently of the instinct of terror as their guiding motive, as I also showed in my previous work. The famous Egyptian Book of the Dead, influenced completely by the epic of the Flood and composed in the name of Thoth (Hermes), in its ritual caused the souls of the dead to undergo a fanciful, final, gloomy pilgrimage to the sacred west, indeed, I contend, to the very scene of the former shambles in Western Scotland, to the legendary Amenta, identified as the tiny island of Staffa, near Iona, in the Hebrides [
MJF: the Joanna entity had also identified Britain with Amenta but could the Isle of the Dead have been Arran, not Staffa – which you will note bears a name very similar to Stafford or Staffordshire], where the wandering spirits were supposed to be judged by Osiris, and were rewarded or consumed according to their lives on earth. Staffa lay in the very vortex of the greatest area of destruction at the time of the Floodwater being but one element concerned—and later became the Underworld of the Celts as it was of the Hellenes.

The Flood, to the world generally a vague and nebulous tradition, really conceals the most appalling visitation mankind has ever experienced, as he may experience again, and its ravages in the British Isles and Scandinavian lands may be retraced to some considerable extent by the effects of what geologists term the “Drift” Age. It was no mere ice drift. It was sudden and terribly swift and violent.

My present volume, as I mentioned, traces the course of the thirteen-years’ war to its origin and source and elucidates the main arena of that dramatic Conflict which stares us in the face in the Scriptures if we know where to seek for it. To be enabled to accomplish this it has necessitated the identification of the most important regions overrun by the invaders from the furthermost north and from the direction of the Baltic and Low Countries. Much attention has been directed to the lands of the west, mainly Somerset and Wiltshire, so important for various reasons, where I have claimed to identify sites known to readers of the Scriptures, some of which survive and flourish to this day. The complete annihilation of cities by man is not so easy as it may seem. Jerusalem was said to be destroyed stone by stone by Hadrian and yet it still exists as a most important capital!

In the arrangement I have found it advisable to devote the opening part to the consideration of Crete—the original Crete of Homer —because of its former great importance in the world of prehistory. The third section describes in detail the scene and action of the thirteen-years’ war and especially the part enacted in it by Jerusalem. When this is understood it will be apparent how advanced, wealthy, and highly civilised Britain was up to the Roman occupation, and thereby to reflect how sad it is that Roman ignorance, tyranny, and censorship have for long centuries presented an utterly false impression of the courage, genius, and enterprise of the various states of the island they so coveted, robbed and left in a condition of chaos.

One further important point needs to be emphasised. The history of the civilised world in the past had little or nothing in common with Asia or Africa, and to get to the truth we must raise the latitude of Europe to the lands mainly prominent, and even largely forget the Mediterranean Sea. The Aryan or white race, with fair or red hair and blue eyes, never had any racial connection with the Oriental peoples, the brown-skinned, dark-eyed, and dark-haired races [
MJF: Beaumont overlooks the fact that the Scythians, including the Hittites, were Indo-Europeans as the C’s have confirmed. He would not have been aware of the Tamim Mummies, for example, at this time and ethnological studies by means of DNA lay far in the future]. The law of Latitude forbids it, just as the northern Aryans who invaded India and settled there as rulers and princes, despite the rigid law of caste they formulated, in the course of a few generations became absorbed in the native population, as also happened in Mexico. Indeed, the world’s civilisation owes less than nothing to the Asiatic peoples. Even the Persians, who tyrannised for centuries over the West, through treachery and the use of “magic,” can really be traced to Russia and the Russians, their characteristics throughout the centuries scarcely if at all changed other than in name, and who in their decadence were overthrown and driven back to their oriental bounds by Alexander the Great.

Virile races do not die out without a trace. We are told by historians that the Thracians disappeared from their lands by the Hellespont and yet Herodotus says that they were the most powerful people in Europe who dissipated their strength by tribal quarrels. They did not disappear from Balkan lands, for they were never there. Transfer Pontus or the Euxine Sea, or the Hellespont, to where they really belonged geographically, namely the Baltic and Skagerrak, and you will find the ‘Thracians readily enough. They were the Scandinavians, and were apparently settled from primeval times also in Northern Scotland, close kindred of the Caledonians, who like them held wives in common, tattooed themselves, buried wives alive with their husbands, adored single combat, claimed descent from Hermes, worshipped Dionysus as their principal deity, raised mounds over the graves of their great chiefs and held funeral games, all of which were also the characteristics of Odin’s followers. It suffices to add that the country beyond their northern frontiers was uninhabitable by reason of the icy cold, for it lay under the Bear—the North Pole.

[MJF: In his book Where Once Stood Troy, Iman Wilkens argued that the Thracians originally hailed from western Brittany in France rather than Thrace or Thessaly in today’s Greece. Like the Dardanians, the Thracians were allies of the Trojans during the Trojan War according to Homer. In contract to Beaumont, Wilkens placed the original Crete in Scandinavia, so the Scandinavians, as the followers or sons of Odin, were the Cretans not the Thracians. However, Beaumont’s observation about the Hellespont being geographically in the Baltic and Skagerrak is very interesting as it comes close to Wilkens own ideas, although Helle’s Hellespont arguably was the English Channel or La Manche rather than the Skagerrak.]

Take again the Trojans of classic fame. They were a very brave and fine nation, advanced in civilisation, who offered sacrifices to the dead of bowls of warm milk, goblets of wine, and also raised funeral mounds. Where do you find such mounds or barrows? All over the Scandinavian lands and in Denmark as in Britain, but never in the Near East. They shook hands with one another, and anyone who knows the East is aware that such was never an Oriental custom. How can we explain Virgil’s statement of King Priam, slain and mutilated by Pyrrhus, as he sat on his “sacred throne,” that he had been “proud monarch over so many countries and nations”? But this we can say. The Trojans, after the Great Catastrophe, settled in great numbers in Britain known as the Brigantes, whose history I trace, showing incidentally that Rome was founded by men of this very nation, and that they became the ruling people in Britain south of the Clyde and Forth. They never originated in Asia Minor, but as will be seen from Ascania, Denmark and the Low Countries, from the regions later known as Freesia.

MJF: As mentioned above, the Celtic Brigantes tribe may have been an offshoot of the fabled Tuatha de Danann, the Biblical tribe of Dan or the Dardanians and may also have been the remnant of the Megalithic builder race who returned to Britain, settling initially in Staffordshire, as Graham Phillips believes. They became worshippers of the triple goddess Brigid or Bride also known to them as Elen or Helen, who may in reality have been a deified persona of Princess Meritaten/Hagar/Kore/Scota or even Tea Tephi.

The Macedonians? Well, Thracians, Cretans, Caledonians, and Macedonians were all of one kindred, and they can be tracked down to their habitat in Scotland and Scandinavia, having many areas in England as well. Illyria? Why does Jerusalem appear to have been regarded as in Illyria? It was not originally by the Adriatic Sea in the Mediterranean area. Transfer the Greek or Latin name to its British rendering, Siluria, and we begin to recognise how the history of the Hebrews—the Iberes of Britain—was so largely played out in this island [MJF: According to Graham Phillips’ Heritage account, the remnants of the Megalithic builder race who returned to the British Isles were indeed kinsmen of Moses’s Hebrews or Israelites]. How few appreciate the true history of the risings of the Silures against the Romans, and who fought with such fatal gallantry in a succession of wars opposing them especially in the region south of the Forth, yet thus shall we be getting nearer to the truth. It will be apparent, in short, that Armageddon was the same event as the Great Catastrophe and that Jerusalem lay—and still stands a great and noble city — in Britain. If this sounds a stupendous claim to make it nevertheless fits in with the rest. [MJF: Armageddon was probably in reality the Siege of Troy, which may have been conflated by Plato with the war between the Atlanteans and the Athenians]

How many persons are aware that in A.D. 134, after Hadrian had defeated the Jews under Bar Cocheba, their proclaimed Messiah, and had captured their stronghold of Bathars, he caused Jerusalem to be utterly destroyed and the land devastated, with the result that it was full of graves, the markets with slaves, and towns given over to wolves and wild beasts? How many more realise that the site of Jerusalem was completely forgotten for over two hundred years until Constantine the Great caused it to be “discovered” for political motives in the present Palestine?

As I show in the following pages, the Palestine of today fails to correspond in any way to the Old Testament or, come to that, of the New. A writer, Mr. H. D. Daunt, several years ago in a work entitled The Centre of Ancient Civilisation, denied that Palestine was the Biblical Holy Land for definite reasons. He claimed that (a) the assumption is based on Hebrew documents alone; (b) the account of the Israelites being made slaves and fleeing from the Egyptian Pharaoh, is not borne out by any other evidence, but the contrary – an exodus in the region of Sinai for forty years with 600,000 warriors is an impossible story; (d) Palestine, despite the accounts of its fertility and wealth, is perhaps the poorest land in West Asia apart from the deserts; (e) such a civilisation with its many cities must have left its traces in the records of the neighbouring countries, but “Palestine yields only the evidence derived from names that have been scattered industriously about the land in various later centuries”; (f) there is frequent mention by scribes, archives, etc., so the art of writing must have been well known; and, moreover, princes and scribes seem to have possessed strong literary proclivities, yet, “notwithstanding all this, not a single inscription has been found in Palestine which can be identified with the Hebrew kingdom”; (g) Jerusalem has failed to, produce any trace of David and Solomon, any tablet or inscription or even foundation memorial [
MJF: Unfortunately for Beaumont, there is enough archaeological evidence to establish a Hebrew Kingdom of Israel in Canaan/Palestine under the kingship of David – see my earlier articles. Indeed, Beaumont seems to ignore or overlook the Merneptah Stele also known as the Israel Stele or the Victory Stele dating to the early 13th Century BC, as discovered by Flinders Petrie at Thebes in 1896. The last three of the 28 lines on the stele deal with a separate campaign by the Pharoah Merneptah in Canaan, then part of Egypt's imperial possessions, which later became the land of Israel, Judea and Palestine. However, Solomon is altogether another story]. It might be added that the city entirely fails to conform topographically with its full descriptions given by Josephus and Nehemiah.

The name of “Europe” was originally limited to a part of western England, and continental Europe was Asia. To study a map of Europe so late as at the height of the Roman Empire, as prepared from the conventional acceptation of ancient geography, is a pathetic vision of emptiness. Except for Southern Italy, Greece, and Asia Minor, it contains Celtica, a vast and vague region stretching from the Atlantic to Venetia, and above it, east of the Rhine, “Germania” stretches far to the east with a few vague names. Dacia, Moesia, and Thrace occupy the Balkan lands, and the Ister is interpreted as the Danube, whereas it should be the Rhine, similarly as the Halys River is placed in Asia Minor but was the later Alvis or Albis, now the Elbe. These are a few names chosen at haphazard.

If I am right in these statements, the question may well be asked how it all came about. The answer lies probably in the fact that the historians of the past on whom we have to rely were mostly the Greeks, and more especially Herodotus. But these Greeks were themselves very circumscribed in their knowledge of the world. They were unacquainted with geography because foreign travel was not in their purview, and mostly they derived their knowledge from the Phoenicians whose purpose was by no means necessarily served by widening Greek knowledge. They wrote their history from records or traditions, but their geography was vague. I first realised such shortcomings when I attempted to trace the detailed march of Xerxes from Persia to Athens along accepted lines, but before long I realised that his history simply could not possibly fit in with modern conceptions and compelled me to follow out fresh investigations with surprising results.

As far as Bible geography is concerned it appears that the main person responsible for its misinterpretation was Constantine the Great, who had definite motives for transferring the arena of Jewish history and that of Christ to another region altogether. He used Christianity as a valuable political asset, selected the East as his Empire, and with the aid of Eusebius, Jerome and others, invented the present Palestine. I cannot explore this very important and fascinating theme now, but hope to undertake it in the not very, distant future, in a life of that remarkable monarch who was born in York, in the Bedern. If this be correct the present-day Jews, who make a historical claim to Palestine, are utterly wide of the mark.

My aim throughout, as I hope the reader will appreciate, is to reconstruct the past history of the world in which it appears that Britain, or, more properly, the British Islands, played so prominent a part. But one cannot correctly report history unless the geography is also accurate, and so the position of countries and historic cities becomes of major importance [
MJF: This point was also true for Iman Wilkens as regards Homer’s account of the Siege of Troy in the Iliad and the Odyssey where Homer’s description of the local geography, winds, tides and sea conditions etc. did not fit the presumed locations]. In my former book as in this I have seemingly taken great liberties with geography and I have to confess that in a subject so confusing and big, it is difficult to be always accurate. It means much research.

Plato’s famous Atlantis, as a matter of fact, knocks conventional geography, and all the history or traditions attached to it, sky-high. Ignatius Donnelly, in his work Atlantis, said truly that “the history of Atlantis is the key to Greek mythology,” as, indeed, is the case. Yet that mythology all points unhesitatingly to the earliest civilisation as occurring in the Atlantic regions and not at all in the Mediterranean or in Asia-Minor. Above all, the history of the Old Testament is the history of Atlantis [
MJF: Actually, it is more a history of the post Atlantis age]. That these truths will be accepted is more than I would dare to believe. The world is misled to-day about the past and the truth lies at the bottom of a very deep well. I can only presume to be a humble pioneer but hope that I may be able to hew a rough track which others may widen into a great artery for the enlightenment of future generations.


Beaumont’s work really deserves a post of its own. However, points that he makes in the forward to his book do tend to bear out things both the C’s and Laura have said and to a large extent Graham Phillips’ Heritage account as well. I do not know if Phillips and Andrew Collins were familiar with his work when they wrote their books The Green Stone and The Seventh Sword. I have never seen his work quoted in any of their books. I also do not know whether Iman Wilkens was familiar with Beaumont’s works either, although he seems to have followed something of Beaumont’s deductive reasoning when placing the Trojan War in England and viewing it as a war between the competing Celtic tribes of Northern Europe. Moreover, we already know that Immanuel Velikovsky used Beaumont’s ideas as a basis for his own comet-based catastrophe theories, some of which have been supported by the C’s and Laura. All in all, Beaumont may have been wrong about many things but some of his ideas do seem to have been right on the money.

As an interesting side note, for those not aware, Beaumont is a Norman name, as is my own surname. My brother has done extensive research into our family line and history. One thing he has noted is that my family seemed to share a close relationship or alliance with the Beaumont family in Normandy, and the two families often intermarried to preserve land ownership within their common feudal areas of control in the Duchy of Normandy.
The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia

This article contains material primarily gathered from three books written by the English authors Graham Phillips and Andrew Collins called respectively The Green Stone, Strange Fate and The Seventh Sword. I have come to appreciate that these books contain a treasure trove of information that connects with many things the C’s have told us over the years. This article will concentrate principally though on the Megalithic monument builders of the British Isles and their putative links to the Order of Meonia and those inhabitants of the British Isles who possess what Phillips and Collins describe as “psygenic” abilities (i.e., psychic abilities such as ESP, telekinesis, prophetic powers, remote viewing etc. inherited through one’s genetics, but especially by those of Celtic heritage). These psygenic abilities may well link with what the C’s described as the secret “power centres” of those of Nordic heritage in the session dated 23 March 1996:​

A: The Nordic Covenant was a duality.

Q: (L) … 'Nordic Covenant was a duality' ... so, when you made mention of the Nordic Covenant, and the banking scandal, was that a double-layered statement to us?

A: Maybe, but you are missing the point! All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centres, can be of darkness, or of light..


Q: (L) So, this is something that's programmed genetically in a bloodline?

A: Not exactly, those that have the bloodline have the corresponding soul alignment.

Q: (L) We are talking about a genetic bloodline that activates certain abilities and genes that interface with the corresponding soul that has prepared for this manifestation of the bloodline?

A: Yes.

Subsequent articles will consider other aspects dealt with in the three books, including, inter alia, Templar and Rosicrucian related links and the web of connections between certain members of the Order of Meonia and other secret societies and esoteric/occult groups of the 19th Century.​

The Green Stone and the Order of Meonia

The Green Stone by Graham Phillips and The Seventh Sword by Andrew Collins contain the two authors’ respective accounts of a remarkable psychic quest for two artefacts, the Green Stone or Meonia Stone and a short steel sword dedicated with the strange inscription “Meonia fore Marye”. Strange Fate is Phillips’ recent sequel to The Green Stone where he and his American friend Jodi Russell (who had accompanied Phillips on an earlier quest for sacred artefacts, as described in his book The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant) went on a quest for an artefact called the Heart of the Rose, an artefact that may also date back to Akhenaten’s reign in Egypt in the 14th Century BC. During the quest for the Meonia Stone and the associated sword, Phillips and Collins were assisted by a small but dedicated team of gifted psychics. However, they also found themselves opposed by a shadowy group of black magicians who went by the name of “the Wheel”. It transpired that the Wheel had its modern roots in 18th Century and 19th Century occultist groups that sprang up all over Britain during that era and it continues to operate and pursue its dark agenda by insinuating itself into positions of power and influence throughout the western world and beyond. Phillips and Collins discovered that the Wheel had opposed another group of 19th Century British occultists who had tried to harness the power of the hidden Green Stone but had failed, with severe consequences for the members of the group. They were called the ‘Order of Meonia’ and were based on Biddulph Grange in Staffordshire, England.

In turn, this Victorian group appeared to be a recreation of an earlier Order of Meonia, which had existed in the late 16th and early 17th Centuries and counted prominent aristocrats amongst their number, including Sir Walter Raleigh and other members of his School of Night (see my earlier article) who Phillips believes were the proto-Rosicrucians. They had supported Mary Queen of Scots against her cousin Queen Elizabeth I who had imprisoned Mary after she had sought refuge in England when fleeing her realm of Scotland. It was Mary who had owned the fabled Green Stone, which may have come into her possession when she married the Dauphin and later King of Francis, Francis II. After Mary’s execution, the Order of Meonia seemed to have entered into an alliance with a group of recusant Catholics and had become embroiled in the ill-fated Gunpowder Plot of 1604, where the Plotters had sought to assassinate King James I and the members of his Parliament whilst it was sitting in London. The Plotters had planned to replace James with his 12-year-old daughter, Princess Elizabeth Stuart. The Plot was uncovered at the eleventh hour, resulting in the Plotters scattering all over the country as the forces of the King closed in on them. Some of the Plotters were based in Staffordshire and it was here that one of the people on the periphery of the group hid the Green Stone after it had been passed by Mary to a young Robert Catesby when he had visited her during her imprisonment. Catesby would subsequently become the ringleader of the Gunpowder Plotters. Thus, nearly 400 years later, it would fall to Phillips, Collins and their small team of intrepid helpers to find the Green Stone before the Wheel found it.

However, Phillips and Collins’ quest for these artefacts would represent more than just a search for long hidden artefacts, since it would bring to light incredible revelations about the Order of Meonia, associated groups like the Sphere and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the sinister Wheel. As the C’s once said:​

A: Want revelations? Prepare for "Treasure" Hunt.



The hunt for us starts with the word “Meonia”, which may link us with the strange words “Neorrm” and Odiem”, which the C’s referred to in the session dated 7 November 1998:​

Q: (L) Okay, I want to ask: what is the relationship between Neormm and Odiem?

A: Take the two and look for hidden words.

The C’s also told Laura that the strange name “Neormm” relates in some way to the concept of perpendicular realities. This is literally something Graham Phillips and Jodi Russell would discover during their hunt for an artefact called the Heart of the Rose, as they would experience amazing synchronicities and even timeline shifts, which they could not explain by any rational means.

You will notice straight away that the name ʺMeoniaʺ cannot be constructed from these two words since there is no letter “a” to be found in either of them. However, the root of “Meonia” is “Meon” and this is a real word in both English, old Irish (Gaelic) and Hebrew that can be created from the word “Neorrm” and therefore might possibly be one of those hidden words or names the C’s were referring to. Indeed, it was my search for such words and names that actually led me to “Meonia” from where I found the Collins’ material on the subject, some of which is available online.

In English, “meon” is a name meaning friendly, dedicator, elegant. It is also a boy’s name.​

It derives from Ancient Greek μῆον, probably from μεῖον ("lesser") for its small size.

In old Irish meon (masc.) (genitive singular meoin, nominative plural meonta) means mind, disposition, character and temperament. Meon is also the alternative form of mian meaning “desire” and the alternative form of méin meaning “mind”, “disposition”.

Alternatively, meon (genitive singular meoin, nominative plural meoin) can be an alternative form of meán meaning “middle; mean; medium; average; middle, waist; middle zone”.

In Hebrew the word “meon” derives from the word “maon” or “main” meaning dwelling or habitation as in Beth Baal Meon: "House of Baal of (the) habitation," a place East of the Jordan.

The name Baal-meon occurs three times in the Bible. It's the name of one of the cities which were built or fortified (and renamed) by the Israelite tribe of Rueben, which settled east of the Jordan (Numbers 32:38, 1 Chronicles 5:8). It was situated close to Nebo and Hesbbon and by the time of the prophet Ezekiel, Baal-meon had apparently fallen into the hands of the Moabites (Ezekiel 25:9).

In Joshua 13:15 mention is made of a Reubenite city called Beth-baal-meon (= House of Baal-meon), which is generally assumed to be the same place. In his sermon on the destruction of Moab, the prophet Jeremiah mentions a Beth-meon in close proximity to Nebo, and scholars again assume that it's the same place (Jeremiah 48:23).

The fact that “Meon” is a word in Hebrew and occurs in the name of at least one city in ancient Israel may be significant in some small measure in helping to establish a biblical link between the Hebrews or Israelites and the British Celts of the 2nd Millennium BC (more on this later).
Meon Hill Warwickshire

There are in fact various places in England called “Meon” including several villages and hills. Indeed, one of the most beautiful villages in southern England is East Meon located in the county of Hampshire. Another such place is Meon Hill in Warwickshire, which was part of the ancient kingdom of Mercia.

Meon Hill was a large fortress during the Iron Age and the earthworks and fortifications from that time are still very much visible. Meon Hill is a mysterious plateau that looks down on the villages of Lower Quinton, Mickleton and Ilmington. It has always had a reputation for witchcraft and hauntings with evidence of this persisting even to the present day.

Witches have long been associated with Meon Hill, and with its proximity to Stratford-on-Avon some have claimed that Shakespeare based his three witches in Macbeth on stories he had been told of a coven meeting on Meon Hill. This might explain why the big oak in the field on the summit is known as the Witch Tree, as nobody local can offer any other explanation for it. Every other place in England seems to claim that it was an inspiration on JRR Tolkien for one of his Middle earth locations, and Meon Hill is no exception. A cousin of the great man had a fruit and vegetable farm nearby and said the hill was definitely the real-life model for the hill of Weathertop. Both readers of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and fans of the Peter Jackson trilogy of films of the book will remember the flat-topped fortress as the scene of a dramatic confrontation between the Nazgul and the Hobbits led by Aragorn, where Frodo is pierced with the Witch King's blade.

Perhaps this is the root of the sinister tales that Meon Hill has spawned, that the tribe who lived inside the fortress before the coming of the Romans built a temple or shrine of some kind, the memory of which prevailed down the centuries like ripples? The Devil himself is said in one legend to have actual created Meon Hill by hurling a huge slab of earth in disgust at the newly built Evesham Abbey but the combined prayers of the monks and the visiting Bishop of Worcester repelled the missile, it fell short and became Meon Hill.
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Iron Age Hillfort at Meon Hill, Quinton
However, in 1945 the Hill became known for the infamous ‘Witchcraft Murder’ of Charles Walton. Walton was a farm labourer in his 70s who, while still working, was found savagely murdered in the hedgerow he had been cutting on Valentine's Day 1945, on the lower slopes of Meon Hill. His head had been almost cut off and pinned to the ground with a pitchfork and large pools of blood soaked the ground thereabouts. A team of detectives came up from London led by Chief Inspector Robert Fabian, the self-styled “Fabian of the Yard” who, while never solving the case, claimed in his memoirs that Charles had been hacked to death in a pagan ritual because he was believed to be a warlock. Fabian went on to say he was certain a “witch cult” was still active and that they were behind the murder. The case remains unsolved to this day and continues to spawn various theories and ideas about the goings on in Lower Quinton at that time. Fabian often walked around the hill and claimed that he encountered a spectral “black dog” one evening which vanished once it had walked past him, and a local lad who Fabian asked about the hound went white with fear and ran off. Others have seen this Black Dog too, huge and red eyed, but one local old fellow I got chatting to told me he once saw a headless dog walking about! For more on this ritualistic murder, see: The murder of Charles Walton on Meon Hill in 1945 is linked with witchcraft. But what are the facts? (

Ironically, the popular children’s TV show Teletubbies was filmed at Meon Hill. When the BBC departed, they left the “tubby house” as it was, which became a mecca for groups of youths to hold parties and wild gatherings, even a rave was allegedly put on there. The farmer that owned the land could stand it no more and razed the mound flat, replacing it with a pond and a nature reserve.
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The Witch Tree on Meon Hill
However, disturbing events as described by Andrew Collins in his book The Seventh Sword and Graham Phillips & Martin Keatman’s account of the same events in their book The Green Stone indicate that Meon Hill is still very much associated with witchcraft since, when they visited it during their research, they found a fresh witches’ garland left there with red ribbons tied on it. They surmised that this was connected in some way to the mysterious and sinister organisation known as the Wheel (see above), which seems to coordinate many witchcraft ceremonies conducted in England at various centres of power.
Transcripts of Graham Phillips’ Channelling of an Entity called Joanna

This channelling was carried out through Graham Phillips whist under hypnosis by Andrew Collins and the first session was witnessed by their colleague Martin Keatman. As a psychic investigator used to gathering witness testimony, Collins recorded these sessions, so he was able to prepare a transcript subsequently of what Phillips had said under hypnosis in the same way that Laura recorded her sessions with the C’s, as did the participants in the ‘Law of One’ sessions with the Ra entity. The following is the transcript of what Phillips said under hypnosis, with my own commentary added in red and important statements that I wish to draw to your attention bolded. As with all such material, one has to rely on the integrity and honesty of those who produce it, and it is therefore up to the reader to decide for themselves whether they are prepared to accept the veracity of what was said and what occurred. However, assuming they are an honest and true account of the trance medium sessions, the lucid dreams, remote viewing visions and apparitions Phillips and his fellow psychics (especially Gaynor Sunderland) who were involved in the quest experienced, it may help to consider what the Ra channel had to say about such matters in the ‘Law of One’ material:
53.6 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of various techniques used by the service-to-others or positively oriented Confederation contacts with the people of this planet, the various forms of and techniques of them making contact?

Ra: I am Ra. We could.

53.7 Questioner: Would you do this please?

Ra: I am Ra. The most efficient mode of contact is that which you experience at this space/time. The infringement upon free will is greatly undesired. Therefore, those entities which are Wanderers upon your plane of illusion will be the only subjects for the thought projections which make up the so-called “close encounters” and meetings between positively oriented social memory complexes and Wanderers.

53.8 Questioner: Could you give me an example of one of these meetings between a Wanderer and a social memory complex as to what the Wanderer would experience?

Ra: I am Ra. One such example of which you are familiar is that of the one known as Morris. In this case the previous contact which other entities in this entity’s circle of friends experienced was negatively oriented. However, you will recall that the entity, Morris, was impervious to this contact and could not see, with the physical optical apparatus, this contact.

However, the inner voice alerted the one known as Morris to go by itself to another place and there an entity with the thought-form shape and appearance of the other contact appeared and gazed at this entity, thus awakening in it the desire to seek the truth of this occurrence and of the experiences of its incarnation in general.

The feeling of being awakened or activated is the goal of this type of contact. The duration and imagery used varies depending upon the subconscious expectations of the Wanderer which is experiencing this opportunity for activation.

It would be worth keeping these comments in mind as the story of the Green Stone, the Meonia Sword and the Megalithic builders unfolds below.​

The First Joanna Session dated 11 October 1979:

[Joanna] “… And they were all breaking out like chrysalises. They were breaking out in their minds, but their bodies were going wrong. Akhenaten was their leader. He was of the One. It was all meant to come to a head during his lifetime, but it went wrong. Those developed in mind within his culture had to leave and this was the tradition of the Exodus of Moses.”

MJF: This seems to suggest that a ‘butterfly-like’ mutation was occurring, which involved a transition from 3rd density to 4th density, save the participants’ bodies (through their DNA) were not changing in alignment with the alterations occurring to their minds.

Andrew Collins [hereafter referred to as “AC” in the transcripts] asked the whispering voice who it was.

[Joanna] “Joanna, I am one of you. Not a spirit as you would say. But that doesn’t matter. Ask Graham, he will know who I am. What’s more important is that it was no coincidence that you might Gaynor [a gifted teenage psychic who Phillips and Collins had interviewed for their paranormal magazine after she had had a UFO encounter], and that you and Graham were with her last weekend.

And all other things – the tooth falling out of thin air, the noise of the tape [recorder], Graham becoming psychic, the UFO on film, and the horses. Did you think it was all just coincidence?

I will try and speak to you again. I must go. Goodnight. Tell Graham what has happened, although he does not believe it. He will say it is just his unconscious mind

All these incidents had occurred but, as Joanna had suggested, Phillips had no recollection of what was said during the session. This is not unusual since Edgar Cayce had no recollection of his trance sessions afterwards and I believe that Carla Ruekert, the trance medium for the Ra material, similarly had no recollection of the Ra readings. It transpired that the only Joanna that Graham Phillips could recall knowing was a fellow student of his at Exeter Art College with whom he had lost contact long ago. At this point in time, Collins had no knowledge of the Pharaoh Akhenaten mentioned in the Joanna session and Phillips had only a vague recollection of his background story. As a result, the following day they went to their local public library (remember this was before the launch of the internet and the worldwide web) to read up on him. What they learned amongst other things was that over the years certain biblical scholars have suggested that those liberated from bondage by Moses during the biblical Exodus may have included the remnants of the Akhenaten community based at Akhet-aten, Akhenaten’s purpose-built capital, which is today known as Amarna.

Armed with their knew found knowledge about Akhenaten, they decided to hold another hypnosis session that evening, but this time in the presence of their UFO investigator colleague Martin Keatman.​

Joanna session dated 12 October 1979:

Andrew Collins [hereafter referred to as “AC”] first asked if it was the Joanna entity.

[Joanna] “Yes. Listen, it’s very important what I say as I may not have long with you.”

[AC] Was she the Joanna that Graham had known at Exter Art College in the early 1970’s?

[Joanna] “Yes. But I’m merely here to help you. You must listen.The race was dying out. As many of your ….” “Akhenaten was one of that race, but their bodies were unable to withstand the change of environment.”

[AC] What race? The Israelites?

[Joanna] “No. They were your people, your psygenic psychics. Moses was one of this race. But they were mutating. It was going wrong.”

MJF: This is a key statement, since it suggests that Moses, who the C’s said was a Hittite/Levite, was a member of this Megalithic builder race with psygenic DNA, a race which came originally from Britain and other parts of Northern Europe.

The reference to them being unable to withstand the change of environment may link with them having originally been giants who could not adjust to the changes in Earth’s gravity, which occurred during this period, as discussed with the C’s in recent sessions. The C’s made similar remarks about a change of cosmic environment in relation to the psygenic people who met at Chaco Canyon in Arizona, USA when they specifically said such changes were the result of changes to Earth’s gravity:

Session 4 July 2009:

(L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such change soon.

The C’s told us that Moses was a Hittite/Levite of Aryan stock with a 4th density genetic tweak in the session dated 20 August 2001:

Q: All right, first question is, what is the origin of the Levites?
A: Hittites Moon Worshippers.
Q: Well, before the Hittites became Hittites, what were they?
A: Indo-europeans.
Q: What was the source of the Indo-europeans?
A: Aryan sub-race.
Q: Is there any other group the Aryans mixed with to produce the Indo-Europeans?
A: Fourth Density genetic tweak.
Q: Was Abraham a Levite?
A: Yes.

Does this mean that the Megalithic builder race had the same 4th density genetic tweak made to them or was it just one particular sub-group?

[AC] The books on Egyptology suggested that Akhenaten was of foreign blood. Was this correct?

[Joanna] [She did not answer Collins question but said instead] “Some of Akhenaten’s followers left Egypt shortly before the Exodus and found their way to this country, and this is why Britain is so important.”

[AC] What? Egyptians came across to Britain after the fall of Akhenaten. Were they the first Celts?

[Joanna] “Yes, I think so,” she responded. “They came here and tried to use the powers held by the ley lines, the stone circles and other prehistoric monuments, like you are intending to do with your psychics. The most important ones came and settled in this area of the Midlands.”

[AC] Ancient Egyptians in the Midlands?

[Joanna] “That’s why you are here in the Midlands, and why you are here in Wolverhampton, as you will see. This country was advanced in these workings, with earth and stone monuments across the landscape. But the people who had originally erected these places had decayed and gone.

The new race built more circles, erected more standing stones, and constructed circular ditches and banks. This was to try and gain control over their minds. These people are the origins of your psychic race who possess these psygenic traits. Those who left Egypt with them eventually founded the kingdom of Israel* and became the Israelites of the Bible. Others continued their journey and after many generations became the first Celts and the first Gypsies, just two of the races you have already identified with your psygenic traits

*Collins later noted that this notion supported the ideas promulgated by the British Israelite movement of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.

[AC] Is this why so many psychics claim a strong affinity with ancient Egypt?

[Joanna] “Only a small number of Akhenaten’s followers of the Aten faith reached this country. However, they brought with them a very important magical talisman, which they left in what is now Staffordshire. Around it a large hillfort of ditches and banks was built and is still there today.”

[AC] What is it called?

[Joanna] “It is known as Berry Ring.” [See: Berry Ring - Wikipedia]

Many generations later the hillfort was occupied by a Celtic warrior queen who was descended from those original settlers. Her name was Gwevaraugh, and she was led to find this magical talisman.”

[AC] Was it still there now, at this Berry Ring?

[Joanna] The power is still there, but not the talisman. That later fell into the hands of the medieval Knights Templar.

The Exodus of Akhenaten’s people took place in 1307 BC and it is therefore a strange coincidence that the Templar order was suppressed in AD 1307 – and this is why tonight and tomorrow are so important. It is why you were with Gaynor [Gaynor Sunderland was a young teenage psychic Collins and Phillips had only recently met but who would become a key player in their quest, representing perhaps the archetypal role of the young maiden in Arthurian terms, with her mother, the now late Marion Sunderland, representing the mother figure. This just leaves the figure of the “Crone” who may have been the spectral figure of Mary Heath who would put in an appearance during the events narrated in Phillips and Russell’s book Strange Fate.] last weekend, and why these proofs have been given to you, and why more things will happen very shortly. For you must remember that tomorrow is the thirteenth of October, and it was on Friday, the thirteenth of October 1307, that the Templars were rounded up and arrested. It was the day they finally failed in what they were trying to achieve.”​

[AC] So what were we to do?

[Joanna] “You must find Berry Ring, now, tonight. Be there for midnight. Only then will you be able to gain the power you will need for what is to come. “

[AC] All we have to do is get to Berry Ring, nothing else?

[Joanna] “Be there for when tomorrow starts”.

End of communication.

Graham Phillips in his book The Green Stone, which was co-written with Martin Keatman, gave only broad outline details of this channelling session since he was under hypnosis and had no personal recollection of what had been said.​

In a footnote, Andrew Collins made the following statement about the session:

The text given by the Joanna personality has been tailored to make it easier to read and understand. I have deliberately left out a section which attempted to explain how the heroes of Celtic mythology, and much later Knights of the Round Table, had their roots in Gwevaraugh’s deeds of 900 BC. I find this difficult to comprehend, so have dropped it from the account.”

This is a great shame as it might have shed some light on the Arthurian ‘Knights of the Round Table’s origins, since Gwevaraugh would seem to have be the model for Queen Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur. Could this link with comments the C’s made about the legend of King Arthur being an offshoot of the Nordic Covenant in the session dated 15 August 1998:​

Q: (L) Okay, now: I would like to know if there was a real historic person behind the legend of King Arthur?
A: Close. Sorcerer’s coven. Secret pact of coven is covenant.
Q: (L) Was this the Nordic Covenant behind the legend of King Arthur?
A: Not really.
Q: (L) I think that implies that there might be a connection?
A: Maybe there is something more like an offshoot*.

*The Celtic warrior Queen Gwevaraugh, a possible model for King Arthur’s queen, Guinevere, may have been part of an offshoot of this new race descended from the Megalithic builders.
Q: (L) The Nordic Covenant is an offshoot of the Arthurian Covenant or vice versa?
A: King Arthur story based on an offshoot of the Nordic Covenant root.
Q: (L) Okay, now you say that the Nordic Covenant can be positive or negative. Would the Arthurian Cycle be of the Positive Offshoot?
A: Both.
Q: (L) What period of time did this Sorcerer’s Coven …
A: During the ‘Dark Ages’.
Q: (L) Can you get me closer to a year or period of years?
A: We will let you do that.

Q: (L) […] How many people were in this covenant?
A: Look for answers, trees will lead you to it?
[MJF: Which makes one think of the witches’ coven at Meon Hill, which is linked with the three witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the Witches Tree located there]
Q: (L) What literary source can I go to find the least distorted or corrupted information?
A: Trees

The next session with Graham Phillips and the Joanna entity revealed the existence of the Green Stone and a dangerous opposition who were searching for it:
Joanna Session dated 17 October 1979:

[Joanna] “Andrew. I’ve been trying to get through to you all afternoon. It’s of the upmost importance that I speak to you. I thought you would try before this …”

[AC] Yeah. Well, that was Graham. [MJF: the two men had tried a previous session that had not gone well, since the sparse, confused information they received had led them on a wild goose chase to a pub in Shrewsbury to meet someone who never showed up. This had led Phillips to lose enthusiasm for the whole business and he had also by this time thoroughly convinced himself that Joanna’s crazy ramblings were the product of his unconscious mind. Perhaps it was, as the C’s might say, a case of needing to groove the channel. However, Phillips had a change of heart when he started to experience an odd sensation building up inside his body, which had accompanied his previous sessions with the Joanna entity].​

[Joanna] “After today the whole picture will be much clearer as to why all this is taking place. There is now an extreme urgency. The opposite side is getting stronger and you have but a matter of two weeks to get something done, and if you don’t, the chances are you will fail.”

[AC] What opposite side? And fail what, may I ask?

[Joanna] “Yesterday you were talking about the Philosopher’s Stone* with Robert Turner. This conversation was strangely coincidental as the Egyptian talisman brought to this country by the followers of Akhenaten was the original source behind the Philosopher’s Stone.”

*The C’s commented on the Philosopher’s Stone in the session dated 15 August 1998:

Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone"?

A: Idea centre.

Q: (L) How can this idea centre be accessed?

A: Many ways: meditation is the best.

Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?

A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

AC acknowledged the truth of this conversation with Robert Turner as he and Graham Phillips had met Turner for a drink the previous day.​

[Joanna] Alan Beard is correct. It is a small, emerald-green stone, which was, and could still be, set within a ring. He also saw it in the forms it took before settling into its present size and shape. First it was a stone tablet and then an egg - the Philosopher’s Stone or, to give its other name, the Philosopher’s Egg.

I have already told you about the times most important to the Green Stone. Now I can give you the final part of the puzzle – why the Tudor period is so important to the story. To begin with you must remember that in Britain a great many of your psygenic psychic people are of Celtic descent with their roots in Cornwall, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

These places preserved the religious spirit far stronger than anywhere else in Britain and by Tudor times many Celts were strong adherents of the Roman Catholic Faith. Many had attained great positions of influence within the Church, the State and in many other things. Psychically aware people, like your psychics, help a race evolve through inspired actions and decisions. This allows the evolutionary progression of a race to move forward at a pre-determined pace.

But then something happened which was not bargained for in the evolutionary cycle. King Henry VIII decided to dissolve the monastic houses of Britain and break his ties with the Church of Rome. At the time many of the most important figures in positions of power were strong Catholics with Celtic roots, who were against the break with Rome and refused to give up their faith, and so were forced out and persecuted. This happened in all walks of life, and because the monasteries were the seats of spiritual and mental learning their absence severely stagnated the country’s progression. Developments in the arts, the sciences and in education were gradually slowed down over after the next century by this one act. [MJF: Some might debate this statement since the Elizabethan age would see a great flowering in English literature through the likes of Shakespeare and the influence of the Invisible College would spearhead the advance of science, which would eventually lead to the Royal Society’s creation in the mid-16th Century that would in turn become a catalyst for the Industrial Revolution. Moreover, the Catholic Church, particularly in Italy, had put the brakes on scientific advancement with the burning of Carlo Bruni at the stake for heresy and the imprisonment of Galileo under house arrest for promoting helio-centrism. On the credit side, the monks and friars of England had been the main educators and would found the great University of Oxford. They were instrumental in introducing many innovations in farming and land management and in men like St Dunstan and Roger Bacon (both of whom were alchemists), they also helped to advance scientific studies. Insofar as I am aware, Roger Bacon would be an inspiration for his later namesake, Sir Francis Bacon.].​

However, shortly after Henry’s Reformation a talented girl was born into a position of great power. Those who strove for change through subversive and subtle processes decided that they would engineer her life in the belief that she would one day overthrow Protestantism in England, and as its queen unite the country with both Scotland and France.

It was considered that the power of the Green Stone might help the situation and so it was given to her by those in France* who had been its custodians since the fall of the Templars.

*Knowledge that the Green Stone had returned to France shortly before the fall of the Templars in 1307 was not known by the authors until March 1980.

This child was Mary Stuart who is more popularly remembered as Mary Queen of Scots. It was she who had the Green Stone set into a finger-ring. She was aware of its powers and gave it the name Meonia. Mary had her chances, but because of circumstances beyond her control she failed to attempt to become queen of a united France [N.B. she was briefly Queen of France in 1559 until her husband Francis died in 1560], England and Scotland. When this was realised, other plans were then set in motion.

For more on Mary Stuart see: Mary, Queen of Scots - Wikipedia.

The Philosopher’s Stone was also known as the ‘One’ in alchemical tradition. If the emerald-green Meonia Stone really was considered to be the Philosopher’s Stone, then it was intriguing to think that the word “Meonia” was an anagram of “I am one”, and Mary Queen of Scots – who named the stone – seems to have loved anagrams.

During 1585, whilst imprisoned in Staffordshire**, not far from Berry Ring. Mary was visited by a fifteen-year-old boy Robert Catesby. He was escorted by his uncle, George Wyntour, who was a catholic supporter of the deposed queen. Whilst in her presence she gave him the Meonia Stone. At the time he had no idea of its importance, but as the years went by he learned of its history and began to understand its power and why it had been given to him.

**In January 1569, Mary had been moved to Tutbury Castle in Staffordshire and placed in the custody of George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury and his formidable wife Bess of Hardwick. Elizabeth considered Mary's designs on the English throne to be a serious threat to her and so confined her to the Earl of Shrewsbury's properties, including Tutbury, Sheffield Castle, Sheffield Manor Lodge, Wingfield Manor, and Chatsworth House, all located in the interior of England, halfway between Scotland and London and distant from the sea. Talbot also owned Alton Castle in Staffordshire, in whose grounds Alton Towers would be built in the early 19th Century. There is no evidence that she was ever incarcerated at Alton Castle for a short period of time, but this possibility cannot be entirely ruled out either. After Mary’s conviction for her role in the Babington Plot, Shrewsbury participated in her trial and was one of the official witnesses to her execution at Fotheringhay Castle on 8 February 1587.

Queen Elizabeth had continued to persecute the Catholics and when Mary Stuart’s son, James, took the throne of England in 1603, they hoped for emancipation. Yet he merely tightened the grip on Catholics, bringing them to the point of desperation.

Then in 1604, Robert Catesby, with his cousin Thomas Wynter, George Wyntour’s own son, devised a plan to destroy King James and his Protestant government once and for all – they decided to blow up the Houses of Parliament, with them inside. He believed the Meonia Stone would aid the conspiracy in its grim task so kept it with him for this purpose.

But the underground Catholic movement at that time had many enemies who were watching their every move. They knew something was happening. Then the government received a letter from Mary Habington, the wife of Thomas Habington of Hindlip Hall, giving away the details of the plot. She betrayed them for her own reasons, and in consequence Guy Fawkes was caught red-handed beneath the Houses of Parliament at midnight on the fourth of November 1605, and the entire Gunpowder Plot was aborted.

At this point I should add a personal interest in this story, since I am descended from Mary Queen of Scots though my paternal grandmother via Mary’s great grandson Charles II and his illegitimate son the Duke of Lennox. Thus, if Guy Fawkes had succeeded in killing James I, I would not be writing this article now. However, in a perverse irony of history, I was united to one of Fawkes’ modern-day kinsmen (it has been alleged that Guy Fawkes may have married and had a son, but no record exists of this, so it is more likely my Fawkes was descended from a cousin of Guy, since Guy’s surviving siblings were sisters) through the Boy Scouts where I was his patrol leader. I am glad to say that he didn’t try to blow me up, but he did manage whilst in a huff to kick over a guide rope stake in the ground, thereby causing our patrol tent to crash down in front of our scout leader. And guess who got the blame? Perhaps this minor incident could be viewed, I suppose, as a small karmic revenge for his ancestor’s failure to kill mine.

The conspirators returned to the Midlands, where many of them lived, and here, and here they tried in vain to rally support. They, like Mary, failed in their task and paid the price with their lives.

In the confusion, the Meonia Stone was lost. No one knows what happened to it. It could have been concealed by someone closely associated with the Gunpowder Plotters. Not even I can tell you where it is. All I can do is give you clues as to where you might begin your own search for this talisman.
[MJF: This reminds me somewhat of the clues the C’s have given Laura about the whereabouts of the Grail, e.g., “Buried in Galle]

The most likely person to have been given the Stone was Gertrude Wyntour of Badgecourt in Worcestershire. She was the wife of Robert Wyntour, George Wyntour’s oldest son. He lived at Huddington Court, near Worcester. Robert was, like your own Terry Shotton, very much a family man. He had been recruited into the plot almost against his good judgement by Robert Catesby and his own brother Thomas Wyntour.

Another likely person to have hidden the Stone was Humphrey Pakington of Harvington Hall, which is also near Worcester. Although he was not directly involved in the Gunpowder Plot, he knew the conspirators as friends and referred to their secret group as the Worthy Nine. There may be some clue for you at Harvington Hall. During the latter part of his life Humphrey became associated with the secret society known as the Rosicrucians, with whom the subversive Catholics had certain associations, despite the religious differences*.

*This statement shows that the Rosicrucians (as the ‘Philosophers of Dancar’ or Doncaster, which is in the county of Yorkshire where many of the Gunpowder Plotters came from) were already in existence in England at that time and had unlikely links with militant recusant Catholics. Indeed, Phillips thought the English Rosicrucians were the original Order of Meonia and one place they met was at the Tudor manor house known as Canons Ashby House near Daventry in Northamptonshire in the East Midlands, which was owned by Erasmus Dryden, a man who was fascinated by the occult. The name of the House is made up of ‘Ashby’ meaning ‘farmstead’ and ‘Canons’ from the group of canons who founded the Augustinian Priory there in the 12th century AD. So, yet again we encounter a group of Augustinian Canons, which reminds me of what the C’s once said – “A: And who was Saint Augustine/San Augustin... Augustus, Augustine Monks, etc?” For more see: Canons Ashby's history | Northamptonshire | National Trust.

Phillips believed that Sir Walter Raleigh may have led the group in secret until he was arrested in July 1603 and incarcerated in the Tower of London. He had been charged with treason for his involvement in the Main Plot against James I. Although convicted, King James spared his life. However, I have never read of anything which may implicate him in the later Gunpowder Plot, which occurred whilst he was still in prison in the Tower. The Meonia group may have been the same as, or overlapped with, Raleigh’s mysterious School of Night, mentioned in an earlier post on this thread. Phillips thought the Order had continued to meet at Canons Ashby House after Raleigh’s arrest. In 2013, a secret alcove was discovered at the House, which had painted L-shaped motifs and V-shaped figures on a fascia and wooden depictions of fluted pilasters joined by an arch. This alcove had been hidden for over 400 years. The pillar designs represented the two columns or pillars of Solomon’s Temple (Joachim and Boaz) and the L-shapes were squares and V-shapes compasses, all clearly identifiable symbols of Freemasonry, even though English Freemasonry is supposed to have emerged only in the early 18th Century.

The Worthy Nine believed that the Meonia Stone was the Philosopher’s Stone of the alchemists. They also organised their group in the style of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

You must find this stone as time is running out and you will need it for what is to come in the future. Unfortunately, others are also aware of its existence and may well try and stop you finding it first. Those groups and individuals who have fought for the cause of Meonia have always been opposed by an equal and opposite force whose forces have permeated themselves into every facet of society throughout Europe
[MJF: Think here of ‘Le Cercle’]. They operate as wheels within wheels [MJF: Cf. the C’s statement concerning ‘circles within circles’, as discussed in my recent article titled Circles within Circles], tiny but powerful cogs turning and operating other much larger concerns, a process which is reflected in the name they have used since the fall of the Templars [MJF: Did they call themselves ‘Ormus’ before this time and were they linked to the Illuminati?]. For they are known simply as the Wheel.

They are much more than an organisation as you would know it. They have been the power behind some of the most atrocious acts of mankind, and they still exist today. In years to come you will learn much of them. You will confront them face to face and they will oppose you.

One last thing before I must leave
. The Gunpowder Plotters had originally planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the thirty first of October, All Hallows’ Eve, Hallowe’en, when they believed the King would be secretly in sitting. Had they carried out their plans on or before this date then both fate and the power Stone would have been with them. After this time that same influence was no longer present and so the Stone was unable to help them in their task.

By this same token the power will be there to help you find the Meonia Stone before the thirty first of October. If you fail to find it by this date, then the cause will be lost, and you will no longer be guided in your quest.

And now I must go. I shall not return any more as it too dangerous for Graham [Phillips].”

Joanna Session dated 27th September 1980

By the time this session took place, the Meonia or Green Stone and the inscribed steel short sword had been found by Graham Phillips, Andrew Collins and their psychic friends and co-helpers. The two authors were now on a quest to find a brass dragon statue known as the Fire Phoenix. Andrew Collins found the statue, together with an old Masonic apron, in a private family mausoleum belonging to an English aristocratic family and had brought it back with him to Graham Phillip’s flat. However, Collins had found it just before a sinister group of men linked to the Wheel had been able to get their hands on it. This find would lead the two authors to open another psychic communication, with Phillips under hypnoses, with the entity who had previously called itself Joanna, with Andrew Collins again posing the questions:​

[Joanna] “Listen Andrew, this is important. The golden statue is not a dragon or a griffin, but the Fire Phoenix. It was the symbol originally used by Mary Heath’s Meonia group in Victorian times. For them it represented the dawning of the new millennium.

The original phoenix statue was their emblem of office and they themselves used the name Fire Phoenix. This was the title of the group who met at Biddulph Grange.

[AC] Collins had noted that Phillips’ psychic notes had referred to Mary Heath’s artist friend Arthur Hughes (one of the group or circle of English Victorian painters known as the Pre-Raphaelites) and contained the cryptic message: “Dove from egg. Phoenix from fire.” The phoenix was a Graeco-Egyptian symbol of death and rebirth. In ancient mythological tradition, it was said to return to its burning nest at the end of each age to be consumed within the flames. From the ashes of its funeral pyre the phoenix would then rise anew, its flight signalling the commencement of a new age for mankind.​

Curiously, the C’s gave a different provenance for the legend of the phoenix:

Q: (L) What is the source of the legend of the phoenix?
Ancient Indian destruction and rebuilding

[Joanna] The Masonic envelope belonged to one of is members and was worn as regalia of office during ceremonies. It is being used now by their descendants to make a psychic link with the original Fire Phoenix group.

View attachment 78900
Bricks Masons Masonic Master Mason Apron Blue with Radiant G
A “masonic envelope” is in fact another expression for a masonic apron, which appears in the form of a cloth envelope (see example above). Curiously, the C’s referred to an envelope in a masonic context in the session dated 12 December 1998:

Q: Now, I was preparing these genealogies to print for Christmas and, while waiting for them to print, I wondered who would be last if one started at the present and worked backward... not specifically in terms of time, but in terms of generations. I wondered WHO the tree would end with. Well, it ended with the Frankish King Clovis. So, I wondered about your use of the term 'cloverdale,' and how it might relate to Clovis. Is it a deliberate or accidental connection?

A: Your quest is your own. We do not "steer
." [
MJF: A cryptic reference perhaps to the Nautonnier or Navigator, who is supposed to be the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion] We supply the mortar, you are the Masoness [MJF: A clear reference to Freemasonry which may have its modern roots in the Knights Templar Order].

Q: Well, I don't know how to take that! I mean, the Masons could be the most evil organization in existence! BRH thinks so.

A: Such judgements miss the point, if there are keys stored within the envelope

So, one might therefore ask what keys are stored within the masonic envelope/apron? We have, of course, examined the history and beliefs of the Freemasons in earlier posts on this thread and learned that their rites may stem from the ancient Egyptian Pilgrimage of Initiation culminating in the conferment of the seventh and final degree on the adept, which allowed them to join the exalted ranks of the Illuminati (which may equate today to the 33rd degree). If, as the C’s have told us, King Solomon, a central figure in Masonic doctrine, was really the Pharoah Narmer, this may help to solidify the links between the modern Masonic rites and those of the Egyptian adepts of antiquity.
Both items were to have been used in a ceremony at dawn tomorrow. Its purpose is to mark the eve of the feast of St Michael. It was Michael who cast out Satan, or Lucifer, from heaven in the form of a dragon at the time of the Fall. Now, once again, the eternal struggle between light and darkness will take place on his feast day.

The brass statue belonged to a man connected with Meonia. His family are linked with its past. He and a female colleague are to carry out the ritual at the mausoleum. These people know nothing of what is happening to you.

[AC] What were their names? Could she tell us?

[Joanna] The man is Simon Pennine and the girl’s name is Alison, that is all I can tell you at this time.

[AC] Who were the three men in the white Volvo [motor car]? And who was the man seen feeding his dog [Graham Phillips had previously seen him in a psychic dream]?

[Joanna] He is one of the most powerful Wheel representatives in this country. The three men are his henchmen, and they continue their eternal struggle with Meonia, of which you are now a part. They accosted Simon and forcibly persuaded him to leave without them realising that he had already unlocked and opened the door of the mausoleum and left the Fire Phoenix and Masonic envelope inside.

But they returned, as you saw, and would have taken the items now in your possession. In many ways they will be of more use to you now than they will be to Simon and Alison.

[AC] So, were we to return these items to the mausoleum, so that the ceremony could take place?

[Joanna] The ritual will take place at the mausoleum, regardless of what you do. If you want to return them, then they must be back by dawn.

[AC] I could speak to Graham, see what he thought. Was there any connection between Meonia and Freemasonry in Victorian times?

[Joanna] Many of the members of the Fire Phoenix were businessmen or industrialists who found it beneficial to be Freemasons. As you will find, a great many of the beliefs and traditions of the Freemasons correspond with Meonia’s principles because they both have common origins.

This is an intriguing response since, as we learned above, the Order of Meonia had its roots in 16/17th Century Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, which in turn claimed to have roots in Egyptian mysticism. The C’s also said that the Freemasons’ progenitors had been the Osirians who had first formed a society in 5,633 B.C. Does this mean that the Order of Meonia ultimately owed its provenance to the Osirians?

[Joanna] It is essential that you find the Temple of Aten at Biddulph Grange as soon as possible, tomorrow if you can, for this was the seat of power and it is important still. It will link you with its past because of what is happening at this time. Locate and you will know where to find your opposite number in the Wheel.

[AC] Who? The guy with the beard feeding his dogs?

[Joanna] Him, yes and many more like him. They are currently preparing for a dark ritual on Monday, the twenty-ninth, which is the feast of St Michael. This they corrupt by invoking the force of Lucifer who was cast out of heaven by Michael. Simon and Alison’s ritual will counteract its intended results.

[AC] How did they manage to get into the mausoleum? It was locked normally.

[Joanna] They are acquaintances of the aristocrats who own the mausoleum. They were given a key long ago, but do not use this site very often.

[AC] Could we meet them?

[Joanna] In time you will know who these people are. They are part of the family strain of Meonia which still exists today and operates separately and impulsively, unconnected to any occult group or society. They must be left alone for the time being.

I must go now. Find
Biddulph Grange.”

Continued in Part 2.

merci. this was very detailed and very interesting...
As a curiosity for this thread, today I have seen a reproduction of the statue "La dama de Elche".

Seeing it up close really looks like an Atlantean lady with a war helmet or similar.

The lateral "wheels" are notched on their surface and with inner blades that could be folded.

The back is or appears rigid, like a metal helmet or other strong material.

So I believe that the helmet has an open visor and the side wheels would fold down the rest of the helmet, completely covering the face.

The braids that end in metallic beads could be a power source for the helmet.

Just a curiosity.IMG_20230730_112754.jpgIMG_20230730_112738.jpgIMG_20230730_112719.jpgIMG_20230730_112729.jpg
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