Search results for query: sargon

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  1. Persej

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    I don't know if this news belongs to this thread, but it reminds me of the bird language of the alchemists:
  2. Jacques

    📚 Séance du 21 juin 1997

    ...donc cela fera éventuellement partie du tableau. Bien, d’accord. Nous nous en occuperons quand cela se présentera. Ensuite : Je remarque que Sargon le Grand est en quelque sorte une personne inconnue en termes historiques. Il est le premier grand roi « Akkadien » de Sumer, mais personne ne...
  3. ZIA

    Session 13 January 2024

    Many Thanks for sharing this new session , a lot of work done on your side again and i feel so grateful for that We've got a lot to do still but step by step we'are moving forward Wish you all to keep strong and ready for the next Take care with love
  4. T


    In the previous post, there were excerpts about Sargon of Akkad, the first ruler of the Akkadian Empire. The official language was Akkadian, the earliest documented Semitic Language. In this post, there is more about a later Semetic languages, Aramaic, that appeared about a thousand years after...
  5. piliangie

    Session 13 January 2024

    Wow this session was 👍👍 txs to all of you ❤️ ..question, how BÓRAX helps?? ❓🌻
  6. T


    ...said that Hittites were Indo-Europeans, and in Session 23 August 2001, see further down, they are being related to the Scythians, as is also Sargon of Akkad. In this post, there are a few introductory comments about Sargon, before continuing with transcript excerpts that together give...
  7. Laurs

    Sessie van 13 januari 2024

    ...(Farmies) Wat veroorzaakte deze verschuiving? Was dit het resultaat van een ondergronds programma? A: Ja V: (L) Met andere woorden, Sargon kwam tevoorschijn, en omdat hij de Semitische taal kende of was het... Nou, was Sargon een Semiet? A: Nee V: (L) En toch was hij zogenaamd de stichter...
  8. Jacques

    📚 Séance du 13 janvier 2024

    ...(Farmies) Qu’est-ce qui a provoqué ce changement ? Était-ce le résultat d'un programme souterrain ? R : Oui. Q : (L) En d'autres termes, Sargon est apparu et, parce qu'il connaissait la langue sémitique ou ce qu'elle était... Sargon était-il sémite ? R : Non. Q : (L) Pourtant, il était...
  9. iscreamsandwish

    Sesión: 13 de enero de 2024

    Fecha de la sesión: 13 de enero de 2024 Laura y Andrómeda en el tablero Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being (PoB), Chu, Scottie, Leia, Falkor, Bella Miembros de la FOTCM que asisten a través de Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon...
  10. Bojan71

    The languages of the Ex-Yu Kasiopejski materijal

    ...nisu bili izvorni Semiti. (Farmies) Šta je prouzrokovalo ovu promenu? Je li to rezultat podzemnog programa? O: Da. P: (L) Drugim rečima, Sargon je došao i zato što je znao semitski jezik ili je bio ono što je bio... Pa, je li Sargon bio Semit? O: Ne. P: (L) Ipak je on navodno začetnik...
  11. tschai

    Session 13 January 2024

    Thank you for the new session. Whole lot of crazy coming our way, it seems.
  12. mantle

    Session 13 January 2024

    Excellent session. Thank you. Here we go.
  13. Laura

    Session 13 January 2024

    ...weren't the original Semites. (Farmies) What caused this shift? Was it as a result of an underground program? A: Yes Q: (L) In other words, Sargon came along and because he knew the Semitic language or was what it was... Well, was Sargon Semitic? A: No Q: (L) Yet he was supposedly the...
  14. Navigator

    Where Troy Once Stood

    Now, another thing caught my eye, in light of a recent session with the C's. Specifically about Nefertiti/Helen/Sarah. As background, in the following sessions the C's mention something interesting about her: session-20-august-2001 session-18-march-2000 session-17-august-2003 So...
  15. candasiri


    ...conquest is more difficult and less certain! Session 24 September 1995: As I've been researching this topic, I found it interesting the Sargon the Great, "a deep level punctuator" (i.e. a potentially quite evil human from one of the deep bases brought to the surface to make his "Mark"...
  16. M

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...Northern Iraq, were not only Semitic but also a Scythian Celtic tribe (like my own people the Irish Gaels), thus related to the Scythians of Sargon the Great's age who lived approximately a thousand years earlier. As Celts, they were clearly Aryans. One of their calling cards was the wearing...
  17. candasiri

    Session 28 November 1998

    Thank you for posting these sessions. They are literally a treasure trove of riddles leading to deeper truths but I haven't put all the pieces together yet obviously. And the pieces seem to keep on coming. Are the alchemists the inheritors of ancient stone technology that Thank you @Laura...
  18. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...of Egypt the "Joseph" of the Bible? A: Mainly. Q: Does that mean that Joseph was a composite story? A: Yes. Q: Was King Scorpion a son of Sargon the Great? A: Close. Q: Was he, as the Joseph story tells, kidnapped and sold into Egypt? A: No. Q: Was he sent to Egypt to have a hand in the...
  19. zak

    Programming is complete

    I've been renewing the draft for several weeks now so that my post doesn't get deleted, and I haven't had the time to develop it further, but I think the quotes will be clear on their own. Session 9 August 1997 Session 18 March 2000
  20. T

    Session 8 April 2023

    Continuation of the last post The next excerpt concerns the Skripal case. In the exchange, there is a question, with an interesting answer from the Cs: Is there anything that can stop this madness? - No there isn't nor would you want to stop it! Session 14 April 2018 Commenting on the...
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