Search results for query: Weather modification

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  1. JEEP

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    The saga continues:
  2. JEEP

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    Still more even weirder images.
  3. JEEP

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    Seeing the above which was posted on the Re: Aaron McCollum - Stargate - Yemen thread, made me think about some other very unusual radar images that occurred near a HAARP type facility, the Boeing Systems Support and Operations, Australia's most sensitive Defence communication facilities. I...
  4. S

    Excluded from the Copenhagen Agenda:The manipulation of climate for military use

    ...destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, as part of strategic or tactical war." (Eco News) "[Weather modification] offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary... Weather modification will become a part of domestic and...
  5. Rabelais

    Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory

    ...Secret Team. It is interesting that one of Ventura's staff members is a Stanford boy and seemed to only want to focus on HAARP weather modification. Also of interest is the disclosure that HAARP can bring down airplanes, anytime, anywhere. Paul Wellstone, anyone? Even with its numerous warts...
  6. seek10

    Non GMO shopping guide.

    This article is a interesting compilation of all the GMO related stuff and one of the easy TO-DO list is at this link I haven't completely read the list yet, to see any other extra filtering needed. Any way, Non-GMO is only one...
  7. weasel3d

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    There are many good sites that provide information on the chemtrail, weather modification, geo-engineering, etc. Whatever you call them, there are about 65 documented aerosol programs on the DoD sites that are actually budgeted. Go to _ (read her 'Articles'...
  8. T

    Chapan'ya, Russia - more evidence of previous meteor storms?

    Criteria for determining if a structure is an impact crater Maybe one of the issues when discussing impacts on Earth of objects from deep space has to do with the criteria: The mineral types mentioned in the excerpt are explained in: _
  9. durabone

    Stanley Deyo and the "silent invasion" of the Space Brothers (1978)

    ...base(s) with super-computers & Hi-tech (In Pine Gap, Au) Radiant Genius - Nikola Tesla and “his suppressed & hidden final works” Weather modification and warfare The evolution of the “Illuminati” cum Adam Weishaupt & Benjamin Franklin The infiltration of the Kabbalistic tradition by the...
  10. iggy

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    ...of Legionairre's Disease! The only problem with that is that Legionairres is non-existent in California with such dry climate. I am convinced it is from one of the many chemicals they now know are in chemtrails. This isn't weather modification, it's weather biowarfare...
  11. GRiM

    Mind Control & HAARP

    Haarp and don't forget that they have to create a "alternative" explanation too; weather-modification with the help of chemtrails, but I´m sure they are researching high altitude Auroras. :) I thought about celltowers for a bit and could not remember any information about them so I did a...
  12. alwyn

    Adam Trombly

    HI. Came across this on the net today, searched the SOTT forum and didn't find anything, so here ya go: From— New Energy and Project Earth Radio Show with Adam Trombly Excerpts from the March 17th, 2008 Show on Questioning War-...
  13. Ryan

    Global cooling and weather manipulation

    She looks like an anti-nuclear researcher and activist from what I can see. Not much about electromagnetics, HAARP and weather control anywhere there. Her list of publications shows nothing that might indicate that she proposes weather-modification theories, except for the one book "Planet...
  14. Telperion

    Global cooling and weather manipulation

    If you are interested, you can find Dr. Rosalie Bertell's credentials and information about her "agenda" here - _ _ She is widely published and is far from the caliber of Dr. Suess lol, her theories merit at...
  15. Johnno

    The coming "food shortage"

    Yes we've already been through this downunder with this "drought" we've been having. It's been raining for the past two weeks and yet we're still on restrictions. Water restriction officers (a position for petty tyrants if ever there was) are still crawling the suburbs issuing fines. I'm pretty...
  16. Johnno

    Water Saving Crystals

    I have some water saving crystals which I have been using in my herbs to prevent them drying out. I'm not sure if anyone is aware of them but they are small crystals which look like coarse sugar. You add water and they swell to around 500 times their size. Seeing we have experienced periods of...
  17. henry

    Mind Control & HAARP

    Mind Control & HAARP - Comments from a reader of SOTT I received the following message from someone with whom I have been having a interesting email discussion. He was responding to our podcast on HAARP. He didn't want to post it himself, hoping to preserve some anonymity, so I am posting it in...
  18. C

    9/11 Madison Conference in August

    ...State University and his J.D. from The Moritz College of Law at Ohio State. He has published many books, including STAR WARS, WEATHER MODIFICATION, AND FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE. An expert on election fraud, he has received many awards for excellence in investigative journalism. FRANK...
  19. M

    Bees sense quantum fields, and that's why they are disappearing weapons systems to who knows. To me there is one use that stands out. Because I see it on a daily basis. It’s the weather. Weather modification has been going on since at least WW 2. and probably much longer. Sometimes I wonder if they screwed the weather up permanently with all this. Than...
  20. K

    Fire and Ice: The Day After Tomorrow

    ...reports of the sightings and, in many cases, the adverse health effects on people. It also discusses the military's ongoing weather modification experiments, and the part of the chemtrail program that is related to creating a "plasma" in the atmoshpere as part of the military's HAARP program...
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