Search results for query: Ashkenazi

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  1. wodasi

    Clif High-

    ...did not write, nor edit, any of the several Talmuds. These originate with, and were completed by Khazarian peoples (some of whom became the Ashkenazi). In this current era of the Great Awakening, in which all of the world’s religions will be opened up, along with all human history, for a...
  2. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...auburn and one ginger), which shows that I have in my DNA the recessive gene that produces red hair. Red hair is also found amongst the Ashkenazi Jewish populations. In 1903, 5.6% of Polish Jews had red hair. Other studies have found that 3.69% of Jewish women overall were found to have red...
  3. Complexity

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    I don't avidly watch him, occasionally I might open his recommended videos to check in. As far as I'm concerned I've seen and heard enough. I recently started watching his daughters videos too, seems they both have the media bug. He "takes on huge societal and political issues in a major way"...
  4. Ruth

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I think you are wrong there. Russians are very angry that Putin took so long to react (from what I've heard), and many in the West don't know what's really going on. That's because they listen to mainstream media and believe everything they hear. It must be why the West supports Israel so...
  5. Antony

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...- fight, rest, fight, rest - is the genocide of Russians from both sides. Utilization of deep Russians. (Surkov, also ‘strangely’ enough ashkenazi jew, Khazaria project follower, predecessor of Kirienko, last year wrote a program essay: Social entropy is very toxic. It is not recommended to...
  6. M

    Queen Elizabeth II Dies - End of an Era sacrificed. [MJF: remember what the C's said about destroying Jews of the Abrahamic line - you should note here that the Rothschilds are Ashkenazi Jews.] Rothschild told the Apostles that the world map was being re-drawn and a World socialist government was coming, and those that helped...
  7. Mark7

    Julius Caesar and Mithraism

    ...the Khazarians from shamanic times. Koestler's main thesis that a considerable amount of Eastern European Jewry was Kahzarian rather than Ashkenazi or Semitic has apparently been largely disproven by a number of independent genetic studies. Be that as it may, this was rather strange from...
  8. Alix

    Their Blonde and Blue-Eyed Ancestors - The Origin of the Pre-Imperial Iranian Peoples

    ...the Old Testament; one of Gomer's (Gimmiri) three sons, in Genesis I.x.12, is called Ashkenaz, which has given us the modern Hebrew word, Ashkenazi [7]. The Scythians were known by the Achaemenians, as SAKA and SKUDRA, by the Greeks, SKغTHIA (سê?èéل), by the Romans, SCYTHIAE (pron...
  9. xahyr

    Sesión: 01 de diciembre de 2018

    ...R: No. P: (L) Vino del puente y del montículo de hierba. R: Sí. P: (Pierre) ¿Cuál es el porcentaje de psicopatía entre los judíos Ashkenazi hoy? R: 53. P: (L) Eso es más de la mitad. De acuerdo, ¿Algo más? (PdS) Tengo una pregunta sobre la locura de género y las cosas transgénero que...
  10. iscreamsandwish

    Sesión: 10 de agosto de 2019

    ...Así que es como el internet. Cuando todo el mundo duerme, Internet es más rápido. R: Sí. P: (Pierre) ¿Existe el perfil genético Ashkenazi? R: Sí, pero no es semita. P: (Pierre) ¡Sí! ¿Cuáles son los orígenes de este perfil genético? R: Pregunta en otro momento después de hacer la tarea...
  11. Ina

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...of Jacob. However, research has disclosed an unusual genetic signature called R1a1 on the Y chromosome in more than half of Levite males of Ashkenazi Jewish origin. (The Ashkenazi Jews, from whom most American Jews descend, are one of the two main branches of Jews.) The R1a1 signature on the...
  12. Sol Logos

    Session 26 February 2022

    I came across this - The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870), where the author talks about the Circassians being the same people and descendants of the Khazars and being also “white”. The Cossacks are also considered likewise. It also covers how the Kabari or Kabars were a...
  13. fifty_five

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    I agree that it is a world war that revolves around dna. very interesting is what they have tested and monitored and collected before and after vaccines, with the pcr test
  14. Laurentien2

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story? risk. Designed to impact us trough the ace2 pathway. More impacted are Caucasian and Black, less are the Asian and Finnish (10%) and the Ashkenazi and Hamish are at O%. 33:00 talk about different vaccine in research at the moment and how they a researching to vaccine trough GMO food...
  15. JEEP

    Session 26 February 2022 Good Housekeeping" - what a source for this kind of information! 😄 Maybe it slipped under the radar! And that the Khazars weren't the Ashkenazis: The surprising origins of Ashkenazi Jews So much of our history has been suppressed and obscured. Brings to mind one meaning of apocalypse -...
  16. T

    The Consortium, the Quorum, the alien interface, depicted in 'romantic' fiction - what the heck?!

    Abramovich is a family name commonly found among Ashkenazi Jews. Cs on Ashkenazis Interesting coincidence that another famous person with similar last name, Serbian performance artist Marina Abramovic, is linked to Tony Podesta, who is her friend and collector and has been invited to her...
  17. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...Levites who bore the ark... [and] David also wore an ephod of linen," [1 Chronicles, 15:27]. Today the Levites are integrated in Jewish (Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi) and Samaritan communities, but still keep a distinct status. There are an estimated 300,000 Levites among the Ashkenazi...
  18. Ocean

    Man Sends Lizard Saliva To 23andMe For DNA Testing, Exposing Total Fraud Of Company’s Claims Of Human Ancestry after three months of waiting, he received anomalous results suggesting that his pet lizard is 48 percent West Asian and 51 percent Ashkenazi Jewish. 23andMe also sent him a report explaining the lizard’s history and background, including what he supposedly likes to eat. “We were...
  19. avia

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Another point of interest "Put on your own oxygen mask first!" Strengthen your immune system, utilize the protocols, and be willing to let people go. You must engage in self care first. I learned this first as a single mother, later as a spousal caregiver.
  20. Adobe

    Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

    ...the agenda. Depopulation. Race/genetic specific targets: African black population 39%, white and non-African blacks 54%, Finnish 10%, and Ashkenazi and Amish 0% (not targeted) (obviously round about percentages, and some races left out?) Are the vax-refusers growing or lessening in numbers...
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