Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Brain's analyses are top-notch

Ukraine is running out of manpower, material and ammunition and there is nothing the West can do to resupply them fast enough. Russia, on the other hand, has an industrial war machine that works around the clock.

US Sends Fewer Arms to Ukraine as Russia Prepares its Next Big Move

While it is not likely this U.S. debacle will end well in Ukraine (or for any other wars) it may be good to know how it got to this point. I watched what seems to be a concise and historically accurate point of view expressed by John Mearsheimer. It also mentions China's role in what may develop. It is refreshing to hear a reasonable view of how U.S. aggressive democracy creators are perceived by governments around the globe that fell victim to regime change. It is a little over 1 hour long but interesting if you have the "time" while eating the popcorn.

Dear Laura, Cs Team and forumites, lets take it back to the beginning of SMO. The purposes were - denazifying and demilitarizing Ukraine. As the thread is called. After a week the understanding came. No easy walk. Totally failed intel and planning. These aims are no longer proclaimed whatsoever. No beheading of ukrnazis gidra’s head. Oligarchs from both sides came to negotiating track. We withdrew from Kiev, Chernigov, Suma’s regions as a matter of said -deescalating. No deal was made because of false flag Bucha etc. Latter came summer-with no positive outcome for Russia. In September-miserable loss in Kharkov region, the same day as glorious opening of Moscow’s eye (bigger than the London’s one). With a masonic symbols all around. Two more ‘conspiracy’ facts - russian internal policy - controls Kirienko (Israitel - the real surname-deputy of Kremlin’s administration and Ron Habard’s scientology adept). Another-have anybody wondered why on russian military tech are the Z, V and O in the triangle symbols? Not russian letters-like За победу/For Victory etc. It turns out that these symbols - are of great importance in masonic/Illuminati cults. Yandex

Then ‘suddenly’ came an announcement of partial mobilization in Russia (which basically meant the failure of the operation by the professional Shoigu’s army).
After goes the grabbing of ordinary people, who never hold AK rifles in their hands. With NO training they are being sent to butchery. As long as ukr’s western provides arms are precise and more sophisticated. Now, the situation at the battlefront is dramatically against us and the initiative belongs to Ukrainians. It is simply said.
We are withdrawing from the parts of the returned republics (regions).
Now, the questions.
The Team is so diverted (for many years) by the Kremlin’s so called Sto narrative. Wishful thinking due to our propaganda. Imo. RT/Sputnik, and rest of kremlin’s paid bloggers were raised and promoted as the only ‘truth’. But how come then - all the ‘glorious’ plans become busted? Actualization of data/facts is always required.
Be just honest today with yourself, we are loosing the war on the land (a couple of last days we are withdrawing, follow Kadyrov’s statements etc). General Lapin - yesterday was sacked. You almost managed in summer session to ask Cs the question about our losses. But decided that you know more from the ‘trusted’ sources. (If everything was so fine and dandy, nobody would announce mobilization).
What is a real purpose of that illusionary war? We could have won within a month according to military experts, if only were fighting to the end (that is not happening whatsoever). Like Alexei Mozgovoy just before his assassination said - fight, rest, fight, rest - is the genocide of Russians from both sides. Utilization of deep Russians. (Surkov, also ‘strangely’ enough ashkenazi jew, Khazaria project follower, predecessor of Kirienko, last year wrote a program essay:

Social entropy is very toxic. It is not recommended to work with her at home. It needs to be taken somewhere else. Export for utilization on a foreign territory.
Exporting chaos is nothing new. Divide and Conquer is an ancient recipe. Separation is synonymous with chaos. Rally your own + divide others = you will rule both. Discharge of internal tension (which Lev Gumilyov vaguely called passionarity) through external expansion. The Romans did it. All empires do this.


In Russia now many people simply don’t understand what’s going on.

And now i come to the theory. The government/oligarchs in Russian/Ukraine - consists of jews/zionists by 80-90% since the fall of USSR (strange, is not it?). Most of them follow khabad/ashkenazi ‘current’. On the West-there are mostly sephard jews.

Just a recent example:

Berl Lazar, commenting on the article by the Assistant Secretary of the Security Council, pointed out that the Lubavitcher Hasidim and the Khabad religious movement are not a sect, but a legitimate school of Judaism. He noted that he himself belongs to this trend, as well as "90% of the rabbis working in the Jewish communities of Russia." The ideology of Chabad "postulates respect for all religions that preach faith in one God, for all peoples and for every person," the rabbi emphasized.

Berl Lazar's statement says that Pavlov's words "could be called vulgar anti-Semitic nonsense and squeamishly pass by," but the post of chief rabbi of Russia does not allow this. He called on society and the Russian authorities to respond to "new rehashings of old bloody libels on behalf of an employee of the Russian Security Council."

Главный раввин России назвал оскорбительной статью помощника Патрушева

In a day Patrushev personally had to apologize for his deputy.

So, basically so to say different religion ‘stream’ - it is still the same to ordinary people-Viper’s nest.
That would explain, as i have mentioned in last session thread, why Russia was/is seen by Cs as feet of the beast. Kabbalist exactly follow their course of the end of the world final battle. Also known as Solomon’s plan-the need to re-create the New Khazaria state (Kissinger is in the know and supports it). I would suggest, that when VVP was appointed by Eltsin’s family/oligarch gang, he was told about that kabbalistic plan about ‘illusionary’ war with Ukraine. That would answer why Cs answered, that he/russia was preparing for it for 20 years. (During those times-the economy, social, demographic, educational etc etc policies were compromised, still following World Bank, IMF, WHO, Schwab’s agenda-Yes, just dig the info!!! Not the propaganda leaflets).

My point is, that the Cs Forum is a highly advanced spiritually society, always striving for truth, may
Try to dig into the real aims of SMO without prejudice, of vvp personality and his real motives, where might be the hidden truth which may help us all to overcome in a better way this drastic period without missing the whole narrative just before the historical/metaphysical turning point.

Yesterday on tv caught the ending of Truman’s Show-when he is already standing on the ladder with the door named Exit opened. There is a whole unknown world for him there and the producer of the show is ‘begging’ him to stay in illusion.
We all would like to trust in smth or SMBD who may help and save us but in the end it is us who are able to do this and more in case we don't anticipate and all listen/compliment each other as a group of like minded truth seakers🙏 🙏🙏
This Colonel MacGregor sounds like a very interesting guy.

Overall I find his analysis worth listening to.

However, I think he is repeating a certain myth that I have been hearing in Western media when he says the Poles wanted to reactivate the Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth (14:40 min mark). My question would be "Which Poles want this ?", "For whom do these Poles work for ?".
Just scratch below the surface of relations between Poles and Lithuanians in Lithuania over the last 20 yrs or so and you will see that there is nothing but negative relations. Exactly the same is true of the Poles living within the borders of Ukraine. These people get near ZERO support from Warsaw when it comes to problems they have with local governments when it comes to issues of maintaining their cultural identity in a foreign land. The signals I am picking up from discussions with people who know what is going on in Poland is that support for Ukraine and its government is sharply dropping as people start to sober up to the Reality and its effect on their Lives.

As a counter point to Mc Gregor's analysis have a listen to this,

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This Colonel MacGregor sounds like a very interesting guy.

That was brilliant. Made my day to hear that analysis.
Thank heavens his grandfather had 'eyes to see' and made him aware of things that it seems many others were unable to acknowledge. I feel it has crystallised an awareness within Colonel MacGregor that has been a powerful foundation of his knowledge base. Thank God for sane / rational souled beings like this who are willing to speak so honestly.
Doubt we will ever see the Colonel on MSM but at least we can share this info with others.
Thankyou Ruth :flowers:
That was brilliant. Made my day to hear that analysis.

Colonel MacGregor mentions his recent Op-ed, and here it is:

MacGregor rightly discusses the military failures over the last 40 years, however failures does not compute if you are Raytheon et cetera et cetera, it has all been a big win.
Colonel MacGregor mentions his recent Op-ed, and here it is:

MacGregor rightly discusses the military failures over the last 40 years, however failures does not compute if you are Raytheon et cetera et cetera, it has all been a big win.
Thanks Voyager 😘

After reading that great article, I noticed this:

"A new biography debunks many of the Western conspiracy theories about the Russian leader."
Making Sense of Putin.png
Making Sense of Vladimir Putin - a new biography by Philip Short

"Lies about Putin proliferate in the Western press. Short’s book refutes at least half a dozen conspiracy theories, all of which (as his footnotes demonstrate) circulate not just on the fringes but among mainstream journalists: that Putin was an illegitimate child from the Urals who was secretly adopted; that he ordered the assassinations of Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov, and others.

The assassinations are a particularly important part of the Putin persona that has been crafted in the Western press. They are presumably the basis for President Joe Biden calling Putin “a killer” in March 2021, a gaffe that deeply insulted the Russians for no tangible benefit.

The street in front of the Russian embassy in Washington, D.C., today bears the name “Boris Nemtsov Plaza,” thanks to an act of Congress and the D.C. City Council, implying that Putin’s government was responsible for Nemtsov’s death.

The problem is that none of these murders can be credibly linked to Putin, according to Short.
Short’s book is the best biography of Putin currently available. His view is evenhanded, and even on balance unfavorable to his subject. [...] For every conspiracy theory that Short debunks, there is a charge against Putin that he finds damning. But simply by offering Putin’s perspective in his own terms, as a counterpoint to the Western interpretation, Short puts himself ahead of the competition."

(emphasis mine)

I thought some may find this interesting reading.
Overall I find his analysis worth listening to.

However, I think he is repeating a certain myth that I have been hearing in Western media when he says the Poles wanted to reactivate the Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth (14:40 min mark). My question would be "Which Poles want this ?", "For whom do these Poles work for ?".
Just scratch below the surface of relations between Poles and Lithuanians in Lithuania over the last 20 yrs or so and you will see that there is nothing but negative relations. Exactly the same is true of the Poles living within the borders of Ukraine. These people get near ZERO support from Warsaw when it comes to problems they have with local governments when it comes to issues of maintaining their cultural identity in a foreign land. The signals I am picking up from discussions with people who know what is going on in Poland is that support for Ukraine and its government is sharply dropping as people start to sober up to the Reality and its effect on their Lives.

As a counter point to Mc Gregor's analysis have a listen to this,

I wouldn't come anywhere close to defining this interview as a counterpoint,so-called,to MacGregor's analysis. No comparison between the two. All the Polish pres is doing is repeating the west/Nato propaganda narrative, ie Russia bad, Ukraine good. You know, the big lie. Whereas the colonel is laying out historical legitimate facts as to WHY Russia had to do this SMO.
That was brilliant. Made my day to hear that analysis.
Thank heavens his grandfather had 'eyes to see' and made him aware of things that it seems many others were unable to acknowledge. I feel it has crystallised an awareness within Colonel MacGregor that has been a powerful foundation of his knowledge base. Thank God for sane / rational souled beings like this who are willing to speak so honestly.
Doubt we will ever see the Colonel on MSM but at least we can share this info with others.
Thankyou Ruth :flowers:
Kudos @Ruth. That interview/analysis was a breath of fresh air in a sea of western lies.
Here's another two well-earned bouquets. Well done.:flowers::flowers:

There is some evidence Britons' support of economic sanctions against Russia could wane if there are further energy price rises according to an Ipsos poll for Sky News.



Look at the difference between April and October of this year on the question of energy prices. Since all the things in the second chart are already happening, and will continue to happen, and that winter has not even started, I think it's safe to predict that support will decrease further.

Airstrikes on critical infrastructure reported across Ukraine​

"Officials in Ukraine reported Russian attacks on critical infrastructure on Monday, with one claiming that some 40 missiles had been detected in the air. Moscow insisted that all targets had been successfully hit."

"All Ukrainian regions sounded the alarm in the morning, with the media reporting explosions in several parts of the country, including the capital Kiev. "

"Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko reported that strikes on the capital had caused a partial blackout and disrupted the water supply. He said that due to damage to energy infrastructure, some 350,000 apartments were without power, while around 80% of consumers didn’t have water."

"Kharkov Mayor Igor Terekhov, said there were two airstrikes, which targeted a “critical infrastructure site."

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