Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Overall I find his analysis worth listening to.

However, I think he is repeating a certain myth that I have been hearing in Western media when he says the Poles wanted to reactivate the Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth (14:40 min mark). My question would be "Which Poles want this ?", "For whom do these Poles work for ?".
Just scratch below the surface of relations between Poles and Lithuanians in Lithuania over the last 20 yrs or so and you will see that there is nothing but negative relations. Exactly the same is true of the Poles living within the borders of Ukraine. These people get near ZERO support from Warsaw when it comes to problems they have with local governments when it comes to issues of maintaining their cultural identity in a foreign land. The signals I am picking up from discussions with people who know what is going on in Poland is that support for Ukraine and its government is sharply dropping as people start to sober up to the Reality and its effect on their Lives.

As a counter point to Mc Gregor's analysis have a listen to this,

Why to put a video with lies? I just hear the introduction and really, I am tired of lies.
Russia is starting investigation into Nord Stream explosions.

The Russian ship has been at the site of the blown-up Nord Stream gas pipelines for the fifth day


Putin mentions:

[Gazprom CEO Alexei] Miller told me this morning that they had inspected the site – incidentally, Gazprom has been allowed to examine the explosion site. There are two craters there, 3 and 5 metres deep; I do not know if Gazprom has published this information. The rupture in the pipes is 259 metres if I remember correctly, and 40 metres of pipe have been torn out. The torn-out part of the pipe was twisted at 90-degree angle and thrown 40 meters towards Nord Stream 2, which was damaged as well, probably by the same explosion and by the fragments of the pipe. Therefore, it was obviously a terrorist attack.

The 'Russian phone hack' was something that happened in summer.

Liz Truss’s phone ‘hacked by Russians’ – media

30 Oct, 2022 01:30

The opposition has raised questions about why the information was withheld until now

Suspected foreign hackers have allegedly obtained a year’s worth of former British prime minister Liz Truss’s “highly sensitive discussions,” according to the Mail on Sunday

The security breach was allegedly discovered back in summer when then foreign secretary Truss was fighting for the Tory leadership, and prompted Boris Johnson, the prime minister at the time, to order a complete media blackout due to the sensitivity of the matter, the Mail on Sunday reported, citing unnamed security sources.

The messages obtained by hackers reportedly included Truss’s “highly sensitive discussions with senior international foreign ministers about the war in Ukraine, including detailed discussions about arms shipments,” according to the paper.

While the details of the hack remain unclear, the culprits are believed to have downloaded up to a year’s worth of recordings, including private conversations in which Truss and her political ally Kwasi Kwarteng criticized Johnson.

The report pinned the blame on foreign state actors “presumed to be working for Vladimir Putin’s Russia,” although a cyber expert cited by the paper also named other usual suspects such as “China, North Korea and Iran who would have huge interest in knowing what the Foreign Secretary is communicating.”

Even though the incident triggered concerns of potential blackmail, a news blackout was ordered, because it was “not a great look for the intelligence services if the Foreign Secretary’s phone can be so easily plundered for embarrassing personal messages,” the Mail cited one source as saying.

A government spokesperson refused to comment on “individuals' security arrangements,” insisting that the British government has “robust systems in place to protect against cyber threats.”

British opposition parties have already demanded an urgent independent probe into the allegations.

Labour's shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said there are “serious security questions around why and how this information has been leaked or released right now which must also be urgently investigated.”

Meanwhile, Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesperson Layla Moran said: “if it turns out this information was withheld from the public to protect Liz Truss's leadership bid, that would be unforgivable.”

Truss replaced Johnson as Tory leader and became prime minister on September 6, only to resign 45 days later, becoming the shortest-serving premier in UK history.

This is the RT version of Pierre's post.

Moscow raises concerns over alleged Truss message to Blinken

1 Nov, 2022 10:39

Russia asks whether the former British PM told the US secretary of state ‘it’s done’ after Nord Stream blasts

Russia's Foreign Ministry has weighed in on speculation that former British prime minister, Liz Truss sent a suspicious message to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken after the Nord Stream undersea pipelines were damaged.

London should officially comment on a claim that Truss messaged “It’s done” to America’s top diplomat right after powerful blasts disabled the gas pipelines that run between Russia and Germany, spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Tuesday.

She stated that “millions of people around the world have the right to know what happened to world energy security” and whether the US and UK had a role in the attack.

The claim appears to have originated from Finnish-German tech businessman and social media personality Kim Dotcom. Last week, he responded to reports in the British media about a possible hack of Truss’ phone, by alleging that Moscow based its accusations against London and Washington on information it obtained from the device.

Dotcom speculated that Truss messaged “It’s done” to Blinken “a minute after the pipeline blew up and before anybody else knew,” without offering any evidence of the scenario.

The story about the purported hack was printed by the Mail on Sunday based on anonymous security sources. The newspaper claimed that the culprits obtained a year’s worth of Truss’ highly sensitive communications with British and foreign officials and presumed that the hackers were working for Russia.

The Nord Stream pipelines were damaged by powerful explosions in late September when Truss was still serving her record-short tenure as the British prime minister. Moscow noted that the US was the party that obviously benefited most from the disruption, which undercut the EU’s ability to get supplies of natural gas from Russia. America is now selling its own more expensive liquified natural gas to Europe.

The claim that Britain had a hand in blowing up the pipelines was made by the Russian Defense Ministry last Saturday when it reported details about a drone attack on the Russian Black Sea fleet.

The ministry claimed that it was launched by Ukraine with the assistance of “British specialists” based in the city of Ochakov. Members of the same “unit of the Royal Navy took part in planning, supporting and executing” the attack on the pipelines, the Russian military explained.

The UK Ministry of Defence reacted to the allegation in a tweet that accused its Russian counterpart of “peddling false claims of an epic scale.”
Overall I find his analysis worth listening to.

However, I think he is repeating a certain myth that I have been hearing in Western media when he says the Poles wanted to reactivate the Lithuanian-Polish Commonwealth (14:40 min mark). My question would be "Which Poles want this ?", "For whom do these Poles work for ?".
Well, I guess not the common folk. Keep in mind that Poland aligned itself closely with Anglo-Saxons during the 90s and some mergers with Ukraine or other some Baltic countries will undoubtedly be according to Zbigniew Brzieński's plan of having a strong pivot area in the "Western" region. McGregor is for sure aware of that, and probably speaking only about politicians.
Zbigniew Brzeziński, former advisor to the American President Jimmy Carter, in his book The Great Chessboard [3], broadly referring to the concepts of classic geopolitical theorists - Mackinder and Spykman, laid out his vision of world leadership and key geostrategic problems of the modern world. Brzeziński is an advocate of the global hegemony of the United States. In his book, he wrote that the main arena of the globe, the title board, is currently Eurasia. He divided it into four regions, according to which, in his opinion, American policy should be conducted in order to maintain world domination. These areas are: Europe, Russia, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. The American analyst defined geostrategy as "the strategic implementation of geopolitical interests" [4]. Brzeziński listed the main factors that give the United States an advantage over other countries in the world, which make the USA the only superpower in the world. It is an advantage in four areas: military, economic, technological and cultural. Together, this makes for absolute political supremacy in the world [5]. Brzeziński often uses the term pivot area (geopolitical axis or pin), but not in the sense used by Halford Mackinder, but in relation to countries of special importance due to their geographic location. The possible instability of the geopolitical pivot states would have fatal consequences for geostrategic players. According to Brzeziński, such areas are, for example, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, South Korea, Turkey and Iran [6].

As a counter point to Mc Gregor's analysis have a listen to this,

Oh my, I guess you meant that this is a caricature of counterpoint. Duda's position reminds me of how my wife saw the conflict in the early days: "It's the same as raping a woman that puts on a short skirt and hangs out. Even in a dangerous neighborhood, nobody should do that!". No historical induction, no second thoughts, just shallow propaganda...
In Russia now many people simply don’t understand what’s going on.

And now i come to the theory. The government/oligarchs in Russian/Ukraine - consists of jews/zionists by 80-90% since the fall of USSR (strange, is not it?). Most of them follow khabad/ashkenazi ‘current’. On the West-there are mostly sephard jews.
I think you are wrong there. Russians are very angry that Putin took so long to react (from what I've heard), and many in the West don't know what's really going on. That's because they listen to mainstream media and believe everything they hear.

It must be why the West supports Israel so much, right?
Thanks Voyager 😘

After reading that great article, I noticed this:

"A new biography debunks many of the Western conspiracy theories about the Russian leader."
View attachment 66260
Making Sense of Vladimir Putin - a new biography by Philip Short

"Lies about Putin proliferate in the Western press. Short’s book refutes at least half a dozen conspiracy theories, all of which (as his footnotes demonstrate) circulate not just on the fringes but among mainstream journalists: that Putin was an illegitimate child from the Urals who was secretly adopted; that he ordered the assassinations of Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov, and others.

The assassinations are a particularly important part of the Putin persona that has been crafted in the Western press. They are presumably the basis for President Joe Biden calling Putin “a killer” in March 2021, a gaffe that deeply insulted the Russians for no tangible benefit.

The street in front of the Russian embassy in Washington, D.C., today bears the name “Boris Nemtsov Plaza,” thanks to an act of Congress and the D.C. City Council, implying that Putin’s government was responsible for Nemtsov’s death.

The problem is that none of these murders can be credibly linked to Putin, according to Short.
Short’s book is the best biography of Putin currently available. His view is evenhanded, and even on balance unfavorable to his subject. [...] For every conspiracy theory that Short debunks, there is a charge against Putin that he finds damning. But simply by offering Putin’s perspective in his own terms, as a counterpoint to the Western interpretation, Short puts himself ahead of the competition."

(emphasis mine)

I thought some may find this interesting reading.
Wow! Check out that picture! Someone put a halo over Putin's head! Was it an accident or deliberate?

"Stop provoking nuclear war with Russia!"
"You overthrew the legitimate [government in] Ukraine in 2014!"
Obama's speech is interrupted by anti-war protestors in Detroit.

By the way, has anyone else noticed how all the "Slava Ukraini" people are always pro-war, asking for more weapons, asking to nuke Russia and so on? And only the so-called "Russian agents" (such as yours truly and probably everyone else here, hehe) are thinking about ways to make peace? In fact, if you dare make a comment that leans towards peace, you'll get accused of being in Putin's pocket. Just ask Elon Musk!

Somehow they moved the Overton Window to make it so that wanting peace makes you a baaad Russian. The good and noble 'fellas' of the world want more war! Isn't that totally crazy? Well, of course it's crazy, but it's also very convenient to the NATO/US controllers who want to fight Russia to the last Ukranian. The amazing thing is that not even the Ukranian commentators on social media seem to notice that they are being lead on the path of destruction by their 'allies'. With friends like those...!

This also kind of proves that Russia is not hitting the Ukranian population too hard, or they haven't yet. Because if they had, surely they would not be asking for more of it! Or maybe the Ukranians who are really suffering simply don't have access to Twitter.
Wow! Check out that picture! Someone put a halo over Putin's head! Was it an accident or deliberate?
Actually the halo over his head was the first thing I noticed and was part of what made me read that next article. I felt the picture spoke volumes and I was curious about the article. Based on what the reviewer said about the book/author, it sounded as though it was researched honestly, and fairly objectively. Putin is definitely no 'angel', but as the C's say, he is the best we've got at this time. I think the book would be a very interesting read.
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