Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

It is to be hoped that Mr. Duda remains in a wise ignorance of non-intervention in Ukraine. Because the belligerence of Poland in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict would be the spark of a generalized conflagration in Europe. For the moment Poland has been able to keep its neutrality "officially" by not providing the fighter planes that Zelinky had asked for at the beginning of the Russian intervention. It is to be hoped that this will last.
It is to be hoped that Mr. Duda remains in a wise ignorance of non-intervention in Ukraine. Because the belligerence of Poland in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict would be the spark of a generalized conflagration in Europe. For the moment Poland has been able to keep its neutrality "officially" by not providing the fighter planes that Zelinky had asked for at the beginning of the Russian intervention. It is to be hoped that this will last.
He is considered as not having an opinion of his own here in Poland. He even has a "Pen" nickname, because he signs everything the Ruling Party wants to... The Ruling Party is basically an extension of Anglo-Saxon politics at its core, clothed in whatever is needed for the objective. The problem they have is that there are parliamentary elections next year, so they need to maneuver with unpopular decisions. There are also multiple signals that the Polish army is in very bad shape, not having even missile defense systems (we will have a Patriot system in 2035 :whistle:). Out of curiosity, I've checked the availability of civilian bunkers in my city (with a USA military base nearby), and it covers about 15% of the population... So from what I know, Poland is not capable of any intervention, even when really pushed to do so. And even if, Russians can easily black out the whole country, because most of the country's power is generated just in a few regions, rich in coal deposits.
Il est considéré comme n'ayant pas sa propre opinion ici en Pologne. Il a même un surnom de "Pen", parce qu'il signe tout ce que le parti dirigeant veut... Le Parti dirigeant est essentiellement une extension de la politique anglo-saxonne à sa base, vêtue de tout ce qui est nécessaire pour l'objectif. Le problème qu'ils ont est qu'il y a des élections législatives l'année prochaine, ils doivent donc manœuvrer avec des décisions impopulaires. Il y a aussi de multiples signaux indiquant que l'armée polonaise est en très mauvaise forme, n'ayant même pas de systèmes de défense antimissile (nous aurons un système Patriot en 2035:whistle : ). Par curiosité, j'ai vérifié la disponibilité de bunkers civils dans ma ville (avec une base militaire américaine à proximité), et elle couvre environ 15 % de la population... Donc, d'après ce que je sais, la Pologne n'est capable d'aucune intervention, même si elle est vraiment poussée à le faire. Et même si, les Russes peuvent facilement noircir l'ensemble du pays, parce que la majeure partie de l'énergie du pays n'est produite que dans quelques régions, riches en gisements de charbon.
Thank you very much KS for the clarifications concerning the politoco-military situation of your country, rich in lessons. Like all other European countries, Poland will not be able to militarily counter an invasion from the Russian Federation. The danger for Europe may lie in Poland's departure from its neutrality. If the Americans decide to pull the strings of their puppets in power, the game of international alliances will do the rest and lead to a generalized conflict. This has already happened in the recent past and led to the outbreak of the Second World War.
As far as the bunkers near my home are concerned, I have not verified their existence or their availability. It might be wise for me to do so...;-)
Wow! Check out that picture! Someone put a halo over Putin's head! Was it an accident or deliberate?
Ceiling lamp base, which is circular, I think. Putin's head is before the ceiling light, so it appears he has a halo, which I think is a Symbolic Sign by the Universe, regards who is who on this planet.

Latest episode of Military Summary reports - at videotime 18:28 - that Zellery recently was forced to admit: Ukraine's National Energy Grid suffered 40% damage.
It still works as a single entity.. But Russian targeted attacks continue and [soon] at 45%-50% damage it will be split up to Western, Northern, Southern, Eastern localized energy grids, where these regions will have to fight it out by themselves:

At this [estimated near future] point the Ukrainian government will have to evacuate entire cities, since no electricity in winter means no heating and also no water! Nobody wishes to freeze, so the maker of above video series predicts that there will be abandoned cities in Ukraine soon.

Remember how in the past by the Saudis there were long car lines at gas stations, people had major problems filling up their gas tanks.. When at the same time Saudi Arabia is a major oil producer?

Same with Ukraine: coal is in abundance, gas is in abundance, nuclear power = electricity is in abundance in Ukraine and all are perfect to heat with.. but of course now all these heating fuels are being denied to the 'Glorious Death-Cultist Ukrainian government'.
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I don't think it's possible for Russia to be defeated militarily on its own soil or borders. I think if Russia's right of existence is essentially in a position where it won't exist due to some military action, they'll just unleash all the nukes.

They can only defeat Russia through other means and to me it appears that Russia has manoeuvred itself to remove or minimise these other options. I think China is also very aware that its existence and peace is dependant on Russia remaining "intact" and so they will surely be providing support to ensure Russia can withstand the assault. I dare say China would most likely ride to Russia's help if let's say a military situation escalated to the extent that Russia was being pushed to a position where the nukes would be unleashed.

America would do exactly the same - you can't defeat the US militarily on its own soil. Russia is no different.

So I don't know what this conflict is all about 🤷. I think the US / UK / EU are having some issues accepting that they have an equal and it seems to be some mental barrier.
I don't think it's possible for Russia to be defeated militarily on its own soil or borders. I think if Russia's right of existence is essentially in a position where it won't exist due to some military action, they'll just unleash all the nukes.

They can only defeat Russia through other means and to me it appears that Russia has manoeuvred itself to remove or minimise these other options. I think China is also very aware that its existence and peace is dependant on Russia remaining "intact" and so they will surely be providing support to ensure Russia can withstand the assault. I dare say China would most likely ride to Russia's help if let's say a military situation escalated to the extent that Russia was being pushed to a position where the nukes would be unleashed.

America would do exactly the same - you can't defeat the US militarily on its own soil. Russia is no different.

So I don't know what this conflict is all about 🤷. I think the US / UK / EU are having some issues accepting that they have an equal and it seems to be some mental barrier.

Yeah, there's definitely a mental barrier - wishful thinking to the max!

My view as to what it's all about comes from Putin's words - Russia is engaged in a battle against Satanic forces who seek to run (ie. destroy) the world. I think it's really that simple. And it's not just the threat of gender ideology being exported to threaten domestic cultures. In geopolitical terms, NATO was continuing to encroach on Russia's sphere of influence contrary to agreements made decades ago, in line with Mackinder and Brzezinski's theories for unipolar domination. Add to that US bioweapons facilities in Ukraine, the impending possibility of Ukraine joining NATO, the vocal discussions of Ukraine obtaining nuclear weapons, and the 8 years of horror in the Donbas, and it all seems pretty justifiable to me.
Actually the halo over his head was the first thing I noticed and was part of what made me read that next article. I felt the picture spoke volumes and I was curious about the article. Based on what the reviewer said about the book/author, it sounded as though it was researched honestly, and fairly objectively. Putin is definitely no 'angel', but as the C's say, he is the best we've got at this time. I think the book would be a very interesting read.
Regarding Putins character, I immediately thought of him watching the end of the movie “Spooks”. The ex head of MI5 is on the run as the organisation had been infiltrated by CIA. He says to the agent he recruited and trusted to help expose the traitor: “The Good ones [agents] don’t survive”. The agent asks, “Who does?”.
The answer was,
“Those that can do what’s necessary, the ones like me.”
That to me exemplifies Putin.
Shoigu says that NATO has 30,000 troops in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, which is 2.5 times more than before February 2022.

MOSCOW, November 2. /TASS/. NATO has more than doubled the number of troops deployed to Eastern and Central Europe to over 30,000, Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergey Shoigu said at a joint board meeting of the Russian and Belarusian defense ministries on Wednesday.

"Troops from non-regional NATO countries have been deployed to Eastern and Central Europe, as well as to the Baltic states. New multinational battalion tactical groups are being formed in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. The number of these forces has risen by 2.5 times since February 2022, exceeding 30,000, and may increase further in the near future," Shoigu noted.

The Russian defense chief emphasized that the surge in NATO troops "will put Russia’s allies in danger, first and foremost, our brotherly country of Belarus."

Shoigu stated that given this situation, the Russian Defense Ministry considered prioritizing the military security of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.
The initial premises of his remarks were so ignorant I just couldn't do it...
Unfortunately, in our country there is only one narrative: pro ukr, nato & usa. It is very simple, we have programmed historical Russophobia. People don't think objectively. the funniest thing is that politicians accuse themselves of being Russia's agents (divide and rule) and all are executing the Anglo-Saxon plan at the same time. Putin is considered a psychopath by 90% of people, they don't see how wrong they are. Many people are disturbed by the influx of Ukrainian population, but their hatred of Russia is greater. They are blind ...
Oh my, I guess you meant that this is a caricature of counterpoint.
You caught on !!!!

Infiltration of nations by England has been going on for ages. The Moskovy Company was one such early venture into Russia. John Dee was doing his good deeds for Albion. Then there is this patriot from Poland who did so much for Poland (sarc) in that he was placed at the head of creating this good deed organization

He had a big hand in the Warsaw Uprising (which shouldn't have happened from a MILITARY POINT OF VIEW, emotions have no place in politics)
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You caught on !!!!

Infiltration of nations by England has been going on for ages. The Moskovy Company was one such early venture into Russia. John Dee was doing his good deeds for Albion. Then there is this patriot from Poland who did so much for Poland (sarc) in that he was placed at the head of creating this good deed organization

He had a big hand in the Warsaw Uprising (which shouldn't have happened from a MILITARY POINT OF VIEW, emotions have no place in politics)
Sorry, couldn't sense the sarcasm. A brilliant short summary of Polish politics that I've heard in one of the podcasts: "Polish homeostat is certainly not located in their geographic location". There are numerous British intelligence involvements in Polish history, for example, James Douglas, an intelligence asset that was seemingly helping Dmowski and Piłsudski in Japan. I've dug deep recently into the non-mainstream Polish history sources in the context of years after the fall of communism, and as expected, it was a battleground between German and UK-USA-Israel intelligence agencies (with, of course, our good guy Soros involved in Balcerowicz economic reforms that costed lives of many)... I guess that this state of things is still relevant today, if Anglo-Saxons will weaken their involvement, Germany will for sure try to take over, and for most Poles, it doesn't matter if there is warm water and something to eat (which can not be the case in the coming years).
if Anglo-Saxons will weaken their involvement,
In Poland, in Ukraine, in US .... the "termites" are everywhere. Think, Big house made of wood. What can you do ?
I don't see a way you could get them out without "shutting down the House" and "fumigating" the place.
In an Open Society this is next to impossible. Then you have the Big Question, "Who will do it ?".

PS: Don't forget this "little helper" who also helped Russia in nearly falling into Economic Hell.

The 'shock therapy' was a phrase embraced both by its critics and its proponents. It referred to the
plan of radical economic reforms authored jointly by Leszek Balcerowicz, the Harvard economist Jeffrey
Sachs, the World Bank and many others. The first day of January in 1990 was the first day in Poland since
September 1939 that prices could be freely set, employees freely hired and fired, foreign currency freely
obtained without administrative permission and foreign products freely imported.

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