Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Pepe Escobar


(a few excerpts for the telegram post) (A bit dodgy, but quite interesting if any of it is true.)

"A clause in the Papal Dictates gave the Pope the authority to excommunicate whomever was “not at peace with the Roman Church.” Michael brilliantly notes how US sanctions are the modern equivalent of excommunication."

"The other top date is 1054 - when Rome and Constantinople split for good. That is, Roman Catholic Church x Orthodoxy, which leads us to Russia, and Moscow as The Third Rome - and the centuries-old animosity of “the West” against Russia."

"Michael writes that Liver Sausage Chancellor Scholz is going to China this week to "demand that it dismantle its public sector and stops subsidizing its economy, or else Germany and Europe will impose sanctions on trade with China.”

"This “Council”, as correctly described by Michael, is "the neoliberal ‘libertarian’ arm of NATO demanding German de-industrialization and dependency” on the US."

"They tell me Scholz is going to China TO WORK OUT A PEACE DEAL WITH RUSSIA VIA BEIJING."

"According to one of my sources,”if this effort is successful, then Germany (EU), China and Russia can ally themselves together and drive the US out of Europe.”

"Another source provided the cherry on the cake: "Olaf Scholz is being accompanied on this trip by German industrialists who actually control Germany and are not going to sit back watching themselves being destroyed.”

"Fasten your seat belts. Once again, it ain’t over till the fat lady goes Gotterdammerung."

Full telegram below:

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For some time now, legal changes have been introduced in Poland and Ukraine to give special statuses to Polish citizens in Ukraine and vice versa such as PESEL numbers to Ukrainian citizens in Poland ( General Electronic System of Population Registration).
I would now like to analyze a certain situation, how Poland can be dragged into the war in Ukraine, whether the merger of Poland and Ukraine into a kind of union with one army and one government will lead to this, and whether this will also automatically result in the entry of Ukrainian territory into NATO and the EU ?

I have some feelings about this scenario, and it seems to me that they want to make it happen
UN Security Council votes against probe into US biolabs
The US, France, and Britain voted down Russia’s call to investigate “military-biological” activities in Ukraine

The UN Security Council has rejected Russia’s call for an international investigation into claims that the US used laboratories in Ukraine to develop biological weapons.

While China backed Russia’s proposal, the US, Britain, and France voted against it, and the ten rotating council members abstained.

Little wonder the probe was voted down:


West's WMD bioweapon war crimes can no longer be hidden by the Big Lie Propaganda Machine. All of humanity can see proof of its ongoing global genocide. JB West and JB East.

Dmitry Polyansky, Russia’s deputy envoy to the UN, meanwhile, said he was “deeply disappointed” by the vote. He said “the Western countries are simply afraid” of an international investigation into the issue.
How true.
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I think you are wrong there. Russians are very angry that Putin took so long to react (from what I've heard), and many in the West don't know what's really going on. That's because they listen to mainstream media and believe everything they hear.

It must be why the West supports Israel so much, right?
Couple of remarks. Russian people 20+ years wanted to return the country’s property from his friend's oligarchs and corrupted bureaucracy and it to work for the benefit of the whole country (trillions of bucks that were stolen from the country, could have been used to rebuild the whole country as UAE from the camels/desserts etc). But all those years, only the forbes list was flourishing fast. Russian mentality/soul orientation - is about justice, community, sto (so to say in our sts world, that’s why west wants us destroyed throughout the history).
We are the only country that for the last 20 years had the lowest economy growth (since 2011-started dawnfall). For instance, Morales without oil/gas for 5-6 years made it 400% gdp rise, as i remember, that’s why he was removed from power with a bunch of left anticapitalist leaders).
Then went steady decrease and degradation in all social spheres. The stats is all there in open sources.

Interesting conflict we are starting to have:
Yugene Prigozhin (head of Wagner) about Russian oligarchs ignoring SMO needs: Levers and mechanisms of total "destruction" of these people as businessmen should be included. Stalin's repressions are urgently needed in relation to them. Has something changed in the position of the rich people of the oligarchs in relation to the help of the belligerent part of the population? As far as I know, it has changed. They didn't give a fuck about anything at all. They see their impunity and continue to spit on those who shed blood.

Concerning Israel, our elite are the best friends of them. As soon as it is of the same ‘blood’. Look how we back down before them on most of vital issues. And Ukraine’s are our counterparts again, as he again said recently. Strange?...
P.s. our mass ‘destruction’ media - sometimes is even more effective than the west’s fake propaganda.
GT Voice: US in no position to dictate China-Germany business cooperation

By Global TimesPublished: Nov 03, 2022 10:18 PM

"The US cautioned Germany against allowing Chinese shipping firm Cosco to obtain a controlling stake in a container port in Hamburg, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing "a senior US State Department official."

"The report comes days after the German government approved the sale of 24.9 percent of the terminal to Cosco last week and just days before German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is due to arrive in Beijing for his first visit to China, for which the German business community has high hopes to advance practical cooperation between the two countries. By making public the intervention in the deal at this time, US officials are clearly and bizarrely trying to boast their influence over Germany and seeking to dampen the vibe for the German Chancellor's trip."

"It's unclear whether the US' intervention played any role in Germany's decision to limit the deal to a 24.9 percent stake compared to its original agreement of a 35 percent stake."

"Whether the Hamburg deal was subject to US influence or not, it is important to note that the US is in no position to dictate normal business cooperation between China and Germany."

Another batch of monstrous figures.
Ukrainian and deserted: since 2014, "Nezalezhnaya" has lost 53.7% of the population
03.11.2022 20:44

It is possible to understand the severity of the current situation in Ukraine by a number of indicators characterizing both the economic and social climate in the state

But it is unlikely that such a deep analysis is needed in the current situation to realize the severity and depth of the crisis into which the current puppet regime has plunged the country.

Even if we do not take into account the decline in the level and quality of life of citizens, which was observed long before the start of the special military operation, and the rapid growth of external debt, the main factor characterizing the global degradation of Ukraine is the population loss rate. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account both the natural population decline, the difference between such indicators as "birth rate" and "mortality", and the artificial population decline that occurs due to the departure of citizens on the territory of other states. I am sure that it is obvious to everyone that people leave inhabited places not at all from a good life. That is why the population decline is one of the main factors characterizing the current state of affairs in the state.

"After the coup in 2014, Ukraine lost its sovereignty. It became a colony of the USA. During this time, more than 10.5 million people have fled Ukraine. Another 11.2 million residents of Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as Zaporozhye and Kherson regions have made their choice to be with Russia. Since 2014 Ukraine has lost 53.7% of the population," Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, wrote in his Telegram channel.

In the statistics published by Volodin, it is worth paying attention to each figure. More than 11 million citizens deliberately changed their citizenship, becoming part of the Russian Federation. Of course, we must proceed from the fact that they were looking for a better, more dignified and stable life for themselves and their relatives. Another 10 million citizens simply left the country, preferring "freedom and boundless prospects" to a calm and more or less stable life in a foreign land.

In any case, this indicator is the most qualitative characteristic of the activities of the post-Maidan government of Ukraine, both the Poroshenko regime and the Zelensky regime. By building a progressive European state, the Kiev regime has lost its population, which simply did not believe in the prospects of those plans that local politicians so emotionally declared. People ran to Europe, people ran to Russia.

And, probably, the most terrible thing for the current Ukrainian regime is that part of the inhabitants of central and western Ukraine fled to Russia. Ardent patriots who received summons for conscription into the ranks of the active army ran, and activists ran, just yesterday jumping on squares in embroidered shirts and calling for "recycling cotton wool." And running through the checkpoints, they did not ask the border guards "whose Crimea", but instead, furtively lowering their eyes to the ground, told them that they were going to visit elderly relatives whom they had not seen for many years.

The loss of most of the population is fatal for any state, especially considering the fact that today the remaining part of Ukrainians is going through a war that, like a sieve, excludes from the lists of living the most capable, reproducible part of the nation.

Even before the start of the special military operation, the demographic pit into which the criminal functionaries of the criminal regime plunged the country was global. Now it is simply insurmountable. Even if the military conflict suddenly comes to naught and Ukraine manages to preserve most of its territories, there will simply be no one to ensure the functionality of the national economy. No, of course, representatives of the elites will remain – political, economic and partly cultural, but they do not plow and sow by default, therefore, it is not worth waiting for miracles from them in the matter of restoring the national economy.

What's next? I am sure that the population decline will continue, because the Kiev regime, without hesitation, drives the most capable part of the nation to slaughter. Of course, many of them will remain lying in ditches and on the roadsides, as Kiev is in no hurry to bury its dead, realizing that in this way it will be forced to indicate the true scale of losses. There will also be those who will leave the country fleeing the war, which is quite logical. In any case, these losses are irreparable. The dead will not rise, and the escaped will not return, because returning to the ruins in order to restore and correct the mistakes of the current government is a decision that only a few are able to make.

Anticipating the inevitable collapse, the total destruction of the whole state, even if invented, artificially created, the destruction of its gene pool, I really want to understand to what point, what limit will the Kiev regime reach in its criminal endeavors? What will remain of Ukraine and its population in a year? Two years? Who and when will stop people destroying their people? When will the end finally be put in the most tragic, the stupidest part of the history of Ukraine?

Alexey Zotyev, Analytical Service of Donbass

And what about those who remain? No matter how crazy they are, they want to spend the winter in warmth and with light, but not everyone succeeds.
The ideological Ukrainian woman was not allowed into Russia, forcing her to return to the "nezalezhnaya" (VIDEO)
02.11.2022 - 9:58

A video shot at one of the checkpoints on the demarcation line in the Zaporozhye region has gained viral popularity on the Network. On it, a citizen of Ukraine is read a resolution stating that she is banned from entering the Russian Federation.

First you write about the "finished Rusnya", "invaders" and "dead orcs", and then you want to wait out the coming winter cold with light and heating, but for some reason they don't let you in.

This woman did not manage to enter the territory of the Zaporozhye region controlled by Russia: at the checkpoint, she was read a corresponding resolution, making it clear that her social networks had been read before.

The joy of the prospects of returning to Ukraine is not read on the woman's face.

Our "iron Dimon" drew us perspective in general terms. Basically nothing new. After the Great Patriotic War, the fight against Bandera gangs lasted for almost 10 years and in the most active phase it was a guerrilla war. This time, apparently, we should expect about the same with some differences. Last time, the social base of protest activity was the population of Western Ukraine, which was annexed to the USSR in 1939, in the current conditions, all those lunatics will become the social base for whom the ideas about "our father, Bandera" and "Ukraine over all" have become native and integral while preserving the former organizing centers in the United States and Great Britain.
The moratorium on the death penalty can be overcome: Medvedev warned saboteurs
02.11.2022 - 15:35

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev raised the topic of saboteurs, both foreigners and Russians, who have become more active on the territory of our country. In this regard, he recalled that in wartime punishments are tightened, and in Russia, if necessary, a moratorium on the death penalty can be overcome.

"On the territory of Russia began to operate a variety of zhovto-blakit saboteurs. Young foreign students who have recently reached the age of majority have disabled several railway facilities in Ufa. They say, because they do not agree with the policy of our country. That is, we took these freaks in, gave them the opportunity to get an education. In response — terrorist attacks and sabotage.

In the same row is what "our", if I may say so, citizens are doing, setting fire to military enlistment offices and destroying other state facilities. I'm not talking about the murder of our citizens by Ukrainian terrorists on our territory.

Thoroughly beaten brains are now, alas, a familiar thing. And the question is not even about specific scumbags, foreign and "their own".

We just need to remember that during the Great Patriotic War, no one messed with saboteurs who, on the orders of fascist murderers, carried out subversive work in the rear.

There was only one sentence for such scoundrels — execution without trial. Right at the crime scene. Because if you are a traitor who committed such a crime in wartime, then you have no age, no nationality, or even the right to protect your life.

In modern Russia, there is a moratorium on the death penalty. Very humane. Unlike, by the way, all the major countries with nuclear weapons (USA, China, India). Although I would like to emphasize once again that under the current Constitution, the moratorium on the death penalty can be overcome if necessary with a change in the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Russia. It is a matter of choosing the means to protect the interests of our people, the state and society."

Наш "железный Димон" нарисовал нам перспективу в общих чертах. В принципе ничего нового. После Великой Отечественной борьба с бандеровскими бандами продолжалась почти 10 лет и в самой активной фазе это была партизанская война. В этот раз, видимо, следует ожидать примерно того же с некоторыми отличиями. В прошлый раз социальной базой протестной активности являлось население Западной Украины, присоединенной к СССР в 1939 году, в нынешних условиях социальной базой станут все те умалишенные, которым идеи про "батьку нашего, Бандеру" и " Украина по над усе" стали родными и неотъемлемыми при сохранении прежних организующих центров в США и Великобритании.
And the hits just keep coming.....

Netanyahu wins Israeli election​

"The long-time prime minister ousted in 2021 has come back with a decisive Knesset majority"

"The State of Israel is above any political consideration,” Lapid said on Thursday. “I wish Netanyahu luck for the sake of the people of Israel and the State of Israel.” The administration has been instructed to prepare for an orderly transfer of power, he added."


IAEA finds no indications of undeclared nuclear activities at Ukrainian facilities​

"VIENNA, November 3. /TASS/. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) found no indications of undeclared nuclear activities at three Ukrainian facilities, the agency said in a statement on Twitter on Thursday."

"IAEA inspectors have completed in-field verification activities at three locations in Ukraine at the request of the Ukrainian government"

I would now like to analyze a certain situation, how Poland can be dragged into the war in Ukraine, whether the merger of Poland and Ukraine into a kind of union with one army and one government will lead to this, and whether this will also automatically result in the entry of Ukrainian territory into NATO and the EU ?
I've seen an interesting interview yesterday, that may shed some light on how this could be done. It seems that the Ruling Party is doing some bold, unconstitutional moves (the video is in Polish, I've translated the relevant part):
All these bills are "external", even though they are handled internally. The content of these legal acts clearly indicates, since at least 2016, that we are dealing with a gradual deprivation of our civil rights, which clearly accelerated during the COVID operation. [audio glitches] (...) We can clearly see that all these laws, especially those from this year, have stepped up in a very specific direction. First, the "Law on Defense of the Fatherland" expands the armed forces to 300,000, but it does not mention which soldiers and what nationality the expansion of the armed forces is to be about. Especially taking into account the demographic catastrophe and the lack of training, the pacifist policy from three decades, it is not possible to raise the operational readiness of the armed forces based solely on Poles to 300,000. And we know that there are about several hundred thousand trained Ukrainian recruits in our country. It must also be correlated with the fact that in 1988 the military oath was changed. Until now, the oath assumed fidelity to the Polish Nation, and in 88s the wording of the oath was changed in favor of the oath to "His Nation". So if we take into account the fact that these recruits may be Ukrainians, which is very likely, considering what civil rights they obtained at our expense after February this year. (...) On February 22, that is two days before the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Andrzej Duda [president] signed an ordinance authorizing NATO troops, especially Anglo-Saxon: Yankee, English, and Canadian troops to take preventive actions against civilians, strictly speaking [audio glitches]. This shows the unequivocal intentions and dictates of external forces. (...) However, considering the treaty, let us call it "UkroPolin treaty", which will probably finally formalize the existence of such a state entity, UkroPolin, which already exists in a rudimentary form, and here it will formalize it. And the so-called "Civil Protection Act", which is to enter January 1, where all our civil rights and our property is to be under the total control of bureaucracy [audio glitches]. (...) It is the Voivode who can decide on the new state, "state of alert," extending it indefinitely or the "state of emergency" that may be introduced by the Prime Minister. Under any pretext, without the approval of the President and Parliament, which is essential. This act may, for example, order us to demolish our house or give our apartment, or our company to new refugees. We can see that all this can correlate with this treaty.

I'm wondering how the EU will react when Poland will form a state chimera with Ukraine... Do we still be in the Schengen zone, especially when practically there's no border with Ukraine? How many "Russian agents" got through it? Some of the sources that I read are suggesting that Poland will be dumped from the EU, but with referendums on lands that are important for German industry like Silesia or Greater Poland. Something akin to Brexit and Northern Ireland. Will NATO defend this newly formed state chimera? Certainly not. What also could be significant, is the fact that Polish politicians are no longer fighting for blocked EU funds. The topic died down in the MSM... But makes sense when we consider that Poland will no longer be in the EU.
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