Search results for query: Khazars

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  1. Ryan

    Session 22 October 2022

    ...seem to be one of those "convergence points" where all sorts of stuff was happening throughout history... the Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths, Khazars, Vikings, Kievan Rus, Slavs, Russians... The secret society in question was referred to as the "Sword keepers of 'the lock'": This presents...
  2. T

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...the Jews we should stop using the word Zionist which connects them to the Jews, if only by default, and instead call them what they are KHAZARS. They would then know we are aware of them and their ilk. This makes me think about the actions of Hungary in the present day and their stance...
  3. Mark7

    Julius Caesar and Mithraism

    I found an interesting mention of ritualistic regicide in "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler, possibly an ancient practice of the Khazarians from shamanic times. Koestler's main thesis that a considerable amount of Eastern European Jewry was Kahzarian rather than Ashkenazi or Semitic has...
  4. Laurentien2

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Thanks Mark7 for the link, will start reading it today.
  5. Mark7

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I don't think she's pointing a finger at the Jews, but rather the Khazars, who have great potential for good or evil. But yes, the hypersensitive Jews will take offense. Even when this info, if true, could assuage, to some extent, the perceived responsibility of Jews for many trespasses against...
  6. happyliza

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Thanks Cope. I think it was 72,000 years when Nephalim came to our planet. But maybe way before that even.
  7. Ina

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...Jews.) The R1a1 signature on the Y chromosome in the Levites appears to have originated in Central Asia and is thought to have come from the Khazars, a Turkic tribe whose king converted to Judaism in the eighth or ninth century. Modern-day descendants of these converts make up a large...
  8. ziutek

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    This is an article written based on the book by Jaroslaw Dudek " Khazars- politics, culture, religion". I would like to point out that I was not interested in and did not read much about Khazars. But based on the article and other books about Zionism, it seems to me that the kingdoms in the area...
  9. C

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...or bad. So as much as wanting to grow groups in evil, eradication of persons with big talents for good can be a priority for the evilists. But the Cs said that since WW2 the bloodlines watered down. Here we try to grow our talents for good. Thats more promising than fighting the Khazars. FWIW.
  10. Benjamin

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Edit: You beat me to it by 6 minutes @Tyomodachi! :-) The 'gold trident on a blue shield' is the coat of arms of Ukraine. It's known officially as the 'Emblem of the Royal State of Volodymyr the Great'. Trident/candelabra/3-tailed comet and blue shield/ocean/creation story, perhaps? Some...
  11. ApotheosisMMC.

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine the room approached Obama, apparently ignoring the US president : Talked about Khazars and the coat of arms of Ukraine (I'm going to get out of the central thread a bit) There are several interpretations of the trident, since it is a...
  12. Sol Logos

    Session 26 February 2022

    I’m curious about this too, I’d like to learn more about why the Kabar tribes rebelled against the other Khazars tribes. They lost this insurrection and appeared to disperse and resettle in various locations and directions. Transylvania was one, Caucasus mountains and Kiev potentially two other...
  13. Sol Logos

    Session 26 February 2022

    ...of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870), where the author talks about the Circassians being the same people and descendants of the Khazars and being also “white”. The Cossacks are also considered likewise. It also covers how the Kabari or Kabars were a predominant tribal group of...
  14. JEEP

    Session 26 February 2022

    ...Also - "a 1908 article in Good Housekeeping" - what a source for this kind of information! 😄 Maybe it slipped under the radar! And that the Khazars weren't the Ashkenazis: The surprising origins of Ashkenazi Jews So much of our history has been suppressed and obscured. Brings to mind one...
  15. Tyomodachi

    Session 26 February 2022

    ...questionable. Somewhere in the 6th century, the Slavs appear here, who will be conquered by the new nomads Alans, who will be defeated by the Khazars in a couple of centuries. Somewhere at this time, the ancient Finno-Ugric peoples split into Finns and Magyars. And of course, before coming to...
  16. H

    Were 460 years added to the official chronology?

    While checking St. Cyril's/Constantine's and St. Methodius'/Michael's early lives as described on Hrvatska enciklopedija of Croatian lexicographic institute Miroslav Krleža, empress Theodora appeared in the story which at first was confusing because with no other designation I thought of her to...
  17. Sol Logos


    Apologies accidentally hit post above. Wanted to say in title - a poem about the powers who believe themselves to be. It’s the start of a rap verses will maybe put to music. I censored the swearing - but I hope that’s enough for the forum guidelines?
  18. Sol Logos


    Serpents, quorum, Illuminati, Jesuits, khazars, anunnaki. 13 families, Venice black nobility, tales of bulls**t since antiquity. New world order, toilet water, Sh**t flushed down with your disorder, Mind virus, upside down fictions, Symbols can’t hide perverted addictions Think we’re all the...
  19. Benjamin

    What's Your Name's Meaning??? Etymology and history of Names

    ...of Benjamin". Looking on the Benjamin wikipedia: But then: Which, after reading a bit from Laura's 'Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?': And then: It makes me think that "Son of the right side" could mean 'son of an area in present day Ukraine' since 'an area' of Ukraine...
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