Thanks C's,
@Andromeda and the Chateau Crew for the new Session! Here're a few answers I thought were particularly interesting:
A: Hat was sent as sign. 4D STS are required to declare themselves in some way.
Q: (Joe) Is that why in exorcisms the priest demands to know the name of the demon?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) They don't like declaring themselves. They're required to; like it's some kind of law?
A: Yes
I wonder if they need to declare themselves because attempting to influence free will via 4D technology requires making the target AWARE of something? Sort of like a magic trick where a diversion is required otherwise the audience notices what is happening?
(Pierre) As a group today, what percentage of knowledge do we hold compared to the average entry-level 4D entity?
(L) The average entry-level 4D entity? [laughter]
(Pierre) It's specific! [laughter]
A: 63 percent.
Q: (L) And that's as a group.
The Cassiopaean Experiment has been ongoing for nearly 30 years now. I wonder what the "knowledge increase" would look like plotted against time? Perhaps, if we learn on an "exponential curve", then the remaining 37% might only take a few years to learn, maybe even faster if others join the group effort and commit?
Q: (Ze Germans) How many years after Caesar's assassination happened did the eruption of Vesuvius occur which obliterated Pompeii?
A: About 100
This is consistent with the answer they gave about the year of Caesar's birth. There are 157 years between 379 AD and 536 AD, and Caesar is thought to have been approximately 56 years old at the time of his death. What makes most sense to me is if the "overlapping" of the Western and Eastern Roman empires occurred much earlier than previously thought, and that they were not necessarily part of the same "empire" but rather regional empires in competition with each other that were intentionally conflated together by later historians in order to remove all trace of the 536 AD catastrophe from recorded human history, while also securing a religious hegemony for Christianity in Europe as a political objective.
(Ze Germans) What is the true origin of Russophobia? Is there a hyperdimensional aspect to it?
A: Absolutely!!!
Q: (L) So, are many of the peoples of the Russian area or whatever their physical manifestation, are they because of their proximity and the probability that they have intermarried throughout centuries and centuries, that they carry some sort of partial human and partial... um, "angelic" (we're gonna call it "angelic" but we really mean some kind of 4D from other planets or whatever) that type of thing? Is that it?
A: Yes close enough.
This makes complete sense. Russophobia in the western halls of power today seems to defy any attempt to contextualise it with some form of logic. If the PTB were capable of applying the same form of cold calculation they use in wargames to the economic outcomes of fair trade and mutually-beneficial relations regarding Russia, they would see that it's actually in their own best interests to court Russia diplomatically. This lack of consideration for their own best interests seems to imply an external, controlling factor... ie. 4D STS, and their attempts to pollute the gene pool of humanity with the "master race".
(Pierre) Do the fractal patterns emitted by biophotons, emitted by proteins, enable a deeper access to the information field?
A: Yes
Q: (L) And is a fractal as we see and understand one in our reality... Ya know, we see it as a shape or pattern. Is that only representative of something that can't actually be otherwise represented in our reality in any other way - that it's far more complex?
A: Yes
As Laura would say: "Furiously interesting!"
Q: (Ze Germans) Was Kievan Rus and the Rurik dynasty founded by Scandinavian Vikings?
A: Close enough.
Ukraine really does seem to be one of those "convergence points" where all sorts of stuff was happening throughout history... the Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths, Khazars, Vikings, Kievan Rus, Slavs, Russians...
Q: (Joe) Remember you asked years ago about who burned the library at Alexandria? And they said Greek Enforcers. They said they were like our FBI. Who did they work for or pay allegiance to?
A: Secret society with allegiance to 4D STS.
The secret society in question was referred to as the "Sword keepers of 'the lock'":
Cs Session 16th Aug 1997 said:
Q: Which reminds me: who REALLY burned the library at Alexandria, since I have heard two stories, one that the Christians did it and the other that the Arabs did it. Which?
A: Neither.
Q: Who DID burn it?
A: Sword keepers of “the lock.”
Q: Who are the Sword Keepers of the Lock?
A: Has to do with Illuminati.
Q: What was their purpose in burning this library?
A: What is the purpose in burning ANY library?
Q: To destroy knowledge. Prevent other people from having access to it.
Q: (hesperides) When psychopaths die, do they reincarnate again?
A: No
Q: (hesperides) Do psychopaths automatically disintegrate through the 2nd death process?
A: Not exactly. A crystallized psychopath can become something akin to a demon.
This presents two main possibilities to me: that psychopaths do not return to 5D after death, or they do return to 5D and choose not to reincarnate. This would likely have consequences for their awareness/"information bodies" in 5D due to their alignment with the entropic Thought Centre of Non-Being.
It's possible that both scenarios play out - by "crystallising" as an "immortal thing" (as Gurdjieff put it), the psycho would then have a certain period of time existing semi-corporeally or incorporeally in either 4D or 3D, eventually following the STS pathway to it's inevitable conclusion as a 5D-only "demonic" entity that seeks to forestall entropy through the multidensity STS "feeding pyramid". This eventually fails in a spectacular "grand scale" STS implosion (reflected in the physical world as the life-cycle of a black hole) which recycles them as primal matter, to begin the Grand Cycle anew.
So, it seems that following the STS pathway beyond a certain point literally causes a being to "lose their soul".
(Mark7) Did Julius Caesar do something in a higher density to help mankind which did indeed help mankind?
A: Yes. See previous sessions discussing Jesus.
This is really cool! So Caesar is one of the high-level souls doing the "soul replication" process to help others! He'll be in 6D in no 'time!'
(Glenn) Is the coalition of countries that Putin is forming around the Ukranian SMO, countries that support him, and the idea of freedom and self determination, causing much hand wringing among the PTB?
A: They are too deep in denial to wring hands.
Q: (Glenn) Is this [their hand wringing] behind a lot of their actions right now?
A: No. They are driven by forces they do not understand for the most part.
Again, this makes a lot of sense considering the complete lack of rationality with which the PTB are approaching Russia. A sign of increasing levels of "hyperkinetic sensate?"
Q: (Joe) What did the Mithraic tauroctony symbolize?
A: Murder of the primal bull that then gave itself for humanity.
Q: (Andromeda) Murder, not sacrifice?
(L) Yeah. You could say that when Caesar was murdered, he gave his life for humanity. Jesus was murdered - being Caesar. He gave his life for humanity.
(Joe) Is it meant to represent an ethos that was against sacrificing for humanity? That whoever came up with the tauroctony didn't agree with or didn't like that idea of...
A: Yes
Interesting to contrast the tauroctony with the image of the Minotaur's slaying by Theseus.
(seeker2seer) On Oct. 9, 2022 Earth-orbiting satellites detected the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) in modern history: GRB221009A. It caused electrical currents to flow through the surface of our planet. Is this event related to what the Cs mean when the "current begins to flow" disrupting TPTB electronic control system?
A: Yes part of it.
Looks like the cosmos is warming up the band for "Hope and Glory!"
Cs Session 3rd December 1994 said:
Q: (V) I am just concerned about the previously mentioned “convention”...
A: Convention is because of realm border crossing.
Q: (L) And why is there a convention attending this realm border crossing? I mean, is it just a “reely big shew!”
A: It is an opportunity.
Q: (V) As in the windows are all opening at one time so that all these beings can get in at one time?
A: As in an opportunity to affect whole universe. Picture cosmic playing of “Pomp and Circumstance” AKA “Hope and Glory.”
Q: (Laura) How can a convention with slews of different kinds and races of people, converging on a single little pin- point planet on the outer edges of an insignificant galaxy, at the farthest reaches of this enormous universe, affect the whole thing?
A: That is your perception.
Q: (L) Well, what is the correct perception? Is the planet earth and the people thereon, and the things that are going on in this spot, the earth specifically, more important than maybe we would ordinarily have thought?
A: The Earth is a Convergence point.
Q: (L) Has it always been a convergence point? Was it designed to be a convergence point? Or, is it just
going to be a convergence point this once?
A: Too many questions at once.
Q: (L) Was it designed to be a convergence point from the beginning?
A: Natural function.
Q: (L) Has it been a convergence point all along? Is that why so many weird things happen here?
A: That is difficult to answer because you have no understanding of “time”.
Q: (V) Has this type of convention thing happened on other planets with other groups of beings?
A: Has, is, and will.