Session 22 October 2022


FOTCM Member
Session Date: October 22nd 2022

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog

FOTCM Members attending by Zoom:

3DStudent, 987baz, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, Ana Huitzil, Anamarija, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Beau, Bjorn, Bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Breton, cassandra, Chad, cinnamon, ClaudiaYG, Cosmos, Deliverance, Dirgni, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, Ennio, fabric, Fallen_735, Floetus, Gandalf, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, hlat, iamthatis, irjO, IronFloyd, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, Josi, Juba, Keit, Kenlee, keyhole, KINYASH, KJN, Konstantin, Korzik18, Lainey, laurentien2, Laurs, Learner, Liam1310, Lilou, logos5x5, loreta, LQB, Luc, lucius, Madara Horseman, Maiko, Manitoban, marek760, Mari, Mariama, Mark, Mark7, Martina, maxwell1110, Michal, Mikael, Mike, Mikkael, mimimari, MK Scarlett, mkrnhr, Mr.Cyan, msante, Nav, NewEngand Seeker, Nicholas, nicklebleu + his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha, Puma, Redrock12, Renaissance, Arwenn, Ryan, rylek, Ryu, Saman, seek10, seeker2seer, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Theodor, thorbiorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Turgon, Ursus Minor, vulcan59, warren, whitecoast, will01, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Zar

Q: (L) Is everybody feeling the torture of the external world going to hell in a handbasket and nothing we can do about it? Do ya'll feel tortured, horrified, disgusted, amazed, revolted, helpless... Just oh my god! And do you realize how FAST it happened? I mean, things were a little wonky since 9/11, but up until they started that color revolution in Ukraine, things were still kinda... normal. From then on, it just snowballed. That was 2014, and this is 2022. 8 years. It's CRAZY! I can't believe it. The insanity... They're letting transvestites or transgenders or whatever have drag queen shows for 3, 4, 5, 6-year-old kids. They're teaching them about sex, telling them about masturbating at 7 in front of the class is normal, states passing laws that allow minors to come to their state to have sex changing surgery, permanently defacing and deforming their bodies without permission from their parents... Do you realize how absolutely utterly freaking INSANE all of that is?? And the whole gender pronouns business: Oh my god... It's just... It's Sodom and Gomorrah, people - I mean really and truly. It's insane.

Ready? Now that I've worked myself up into a frenzy, let's go.

A: Hello people of Cassiopaea. Good evening from Lourtia of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Well, you're a little slow tonight. Is that because my energy is a little scattered?

A: Yes. Will settle soon.

Q: (L) So, I want to start out and ask a few questions, guys. Just let me have a few minutes here and then ya'll be thinking of questions. I had a dream the other night about jar. I wondered if that indicated that he has now kind of emerged from his hibernation or sleep state after passing?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is there any way you could communicate with him?

A: Yes

Q: (L) That is, I'll ask you to ask him the questions, and you can convey his answers?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. I think we'll... What was the symbology of this "meeting" I had? In my dream, we were at a meeting in a hall where there was going to be a lecture. He came in and smiled really big and waved his hand and he sat down three rows ahead of us. That's really kinda all there was to the dream. Was that symbolic of anything?

A: Yes. Jar was finally able to enjoy what he most loved without guilt or distraction.

Q: (L) Okay. What was this talk we were going to enjoy in this lecture hall?

A: Knowledge dispensation and soul family fellowship.

Q: (L) Is jar feeling better now?

A: Yes very much so.

Q: (L) Anything else I should ask about jar?

(Andromeda) Is there anything he would like to tell us?

(L) Yeah, is there any message jar would like to convey?

A: Not yet. He is still adjusting. But he would like for {jar's wife} to know that it is all true and she should have more faith.

Q: (L) Anything else?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, I'm sure that she will know what, "It's all true" refers to. That was the first thing on my mind. The second thing on my mind is that obviously my feeling of being a little scattered and feeling a little... I dunno, it's like... Well, like everybody else I just get really disturbed by what's going on. Sometimes I feel like if I don't have support, I can't keep going. I can't keep doing. I feel something like... I can't even begin to describe it. It's like there's something amiss. Well, let me ask this because this is something that did concern me: We had the Two Hats episode. I think we asked about the appearance of the two hats. Pierre, do you remember?

(Pierre) It was about splitting of realities. And I asked recently, and... I don't remember the answer.

(L) Well anyhow, the two hats have now disappeared - both of them.

(Andromeda) BOTH of them?

(L) Yes. I don't know how that happened. One day they were there, and now they're gone. During the time the two hats were in existence in our possession, it was a very, VERY trying time. That was when Ark got sick, he had chemotherapy, and there were all kinds of other things going on. So, I want to know just what the heck was going on?

A: Attempt on the part of 4D STS to split and then totally divert the reality of your mission.

Q: (Pierre) So, the two hats having disappeared, it means they failed to split the reality?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, they failed to split it, but they had a temporary loop.

(Pierre) But it's gone now.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Um... Well that's weird. So just exactly how does something like that work?

A: Alternate reality is created for manipulation purposes and then elements sent through the realm curtain which bleed into current reality with intent to overwhelm and replace. That was the hat.

Q: (L) So the hat was one of the elements that was sent. Is that because when this attempt to send things through the realm curtain was made, Ark was actually wearing the hat?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the hat got involved. Well, how come he didn't get a second shirt, second pair of pants, second bicycle? I mean... Geez! [laughter]

A: Hat was sent as sign. 4D STS are required to declare themselves in some way.

Q: (Joe) Is that why in exorcisms the priest demands to know the name of the demon?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They don't like declaring themselves. They're required to; like it's some kind of law?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Mm-kay. Um... So the hat was a sign, a declaration, and it came through the realm curtain... Obviously, if this is anything like the abduction scenario that was described for us where they say that in another realm or something they create a replica of a person's physical body and then they go and have like a virtual abduction. They abduct like the soul essence or whatever and then take it in and put it into this...

(Joe) They put it in the copy, then work on the copy, and then merge it back into the original.

(L) Yeah, is that what was happening here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And I assume that... Well, Ark was the one that got sick and all the things happened to him, so I assume he was the target?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Hmm. Can anybody think of anything else?

(Niall) Can this happen again?

A: Vigilance and unity!!

Q: (L) Alright.

(Pierre) As a group today, what percentage of knowledge do we hold compared to the average entry-level 4D entity?

(L) The average entry-level 4D entity? [laughter]

(Pierre) It's specific! [laughter]

A: 63 percent.

Q: (L) And that's as a group.

(Pierre) And it's not bad! Do you remember you asked years ago what knowledge do you hold compared to the illuminati. And it was 2 percent.

(L) Yeah, but that was individual - I wasn't asking for the group.

(Pierre) Yeah, but I'm pleased with this answer.

(L) Obviously, working as a group is highly desirable. What one doesn't see, the other one sees. What one doesn't think of, the other one thinks of.

(Chu) But obviously we're not done yet.

(L) Yeah, we're certainly not ready for entry-level 4D. [laughter] Okay, well, I guess we can move on now to group questions unless ya'll have some political questions you want to get out of the way?

(Joe) They'll probably ask them.

(L) Okay, we'll rely on ya'll to ask all the relevant questions that everybody wants to know. When you ask your question, think about it: Does everybody else in the group want to know it?

(Joe) Or would it be useful for everybody else?

(L) Yeah, will it be useful, or are you just satisfying your own jones?

(Niall) It's too late now - they've already asked!

(L) Okay, Chu is scrolling for me. (Referring to questions appearing onscreen.)

(Chu) Better be selective because as usual, there are a TON of questions...

(Ze Germans) What percentage of the inhabitants of Roman Italy had Latin as their mother tongue on the day of the Caesar’s assassination?

A: 3 percent.

Q: (L) So not that many.

(Ze Germans) Who are the "architects of human languages"?

A: The builders of genes!

Q: (Ze Germans) How many years after Caesar's assassination happened did the eruption of Vesuvius occur which obliterated Pompeii?

A: About 100

Q: (L) So what would that make it?

(Pierre) 60

(Niall) Officially 79.

(L) So that would make it 60 AD, and the official date is 79 or something. So, it's close. And they said ‘about’.

(Ursus Minor) Who blew up Nord Stream?

(L) Do you really need to ask that question? [laughter]

A: You know who!

Q: (L) Well we're just asking!

(Joe) They admitted it.

A: Your favorite alphabet soup.

Q: (L) CIA?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alone?

A: No

Q: (L) So they had help from military...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Brits?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Mossad?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Germany?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Poland?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) NATO did it. That's good enough.

A: Close enough. Best to have all guilty together.

Q: (L) In other words, if they're all guilty together, nobody's gonna snitch.

(Niall) It's what they've been doing since Caesar's assassination.

(Eboard10) Will Western governments enforce COVID restrictions this winter?

A: Will try.

Q: (Eboard10) Was Queen Elizabeth's death assisted in some way?

A: No.

Q: (L) I think she was ready to go.

(Eboard10) Astrologer Svetlana Dragan sees some rather dire economic and natural events transpire in the next 6 months. Is she onto something?

A: Close!

Q: (LQB) The IRAS-B satellite IR payload made a significant discovery (in the 1980s) that was promptly suppressed. What was detected?

A: Mothership in orbit.

Q: (L) Well, that's scary enough.

A: It is usually cloaked but occasionally is exposed due to EM anomalies around planet.

Q: (L) So it was uncloaked at some moment when this satellite caught a glimpse, is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And of course obviously if it was re-cloaked and they couldn't find it again, hmm... That would have been embarrassing.

(Rancho Relaxo) In the session of December 3rd of 1994 the C's gave a list of marker events connected to the Wave, including: Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear. Is this still on the menu, so to speak?

A: With minor modifications. Note floods in Africa.

Q: (L) I don't think floods in Africa were a part of that sequence. That was mentioned at another time.

A: Yes

Q: (L) They did give "floods in Africa" though as some kind of marker. There are some major ones now - worse than we've seen.

(Rancho Relaxo) We have seen very strange videos of people having fits, as if taken by a sudden attack. They turn around on their feet and then fall to the ground, raising their hands and sometimes shaking while on the floor. It has been said it is because of the vaccines, is this so? And if so, what type of reaction is this?

A: Brain seizures similar to epilepsy.

Q: (Joe) The problem with that is that people who have epilepsy and who have regular seizures could just be filmed and put up there...

(L) Yeah, so are these filmed events due to the vaccine?

A: Some.

Q: (L) And are some of them just people who have epilepsy?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I think epilepsy has a very characteristic onset.

(Gaby) I watched those videos, and they looked like partial epileptic seizures to me.

(L) I've witnessed full bore grand mal epileptic seizures.

(Pierre) Remember when I had that seizure and I was chasing an imaginary fly? It was like in those videos.

(Gaby) It was a partial seizure, yeah.

(Joe) It's the internet.

(L) Well, there are two factors: First of all, there is an extreme abundance of video cameras now in all kinds of places. Naturally, a lot more people who do have seizures are going to be caught on film simply because they happen.

(Joe) And also because people are claiming that vaccines are causing seizures, everybody who records a seizure puts it up as a "vaccine seizure".

(L) Right.

(Pierre) And there's a rise, maybe, in seizures because of the vaccine.

(L) There could be. There's certainly an increase in just about everything else because of the vaccine.

(Ze Germans) How does Putin deal with all the stress and pressure he is subjected to? Are there special methods he uses? If so, which ones?

A: Ask him!

Q: (Joe) Send him an e-mail.

(Andromeda) Is he gonna be visiting soon?

(Joe) Yes. Absolutely. [laughter]

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) I don't think... Maybe we'll visit him, I dunno...

(Ze Germans) What is the true origin of Russophobia? Is there a hyperdimensional aspect to it?

A: Absolutely!!!

Q: (L) Hmm.

(Joe) There's a book on it.

(Niall) There's a whole book on it. It's as old as the West. It's built in to our entire Western system.

(L) Why?

(Joe) Because of today.

A: Purity of soul genes.

Q: (L) Why do you say "soul genes"?

A: Because it is not connected to physical manifestations. It has a great deal to do with locator and resonance of same.

Q: (Pierre) Didn't the C's say once that the true Semites were more difficult to control by 4D?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, are many of the peoples of the Russian area or whatever their physical manifestation, are they because of their proximity and the probability that they have intermarried throughout centuries and centuries, that they carry some sort of partial human and partial... um, "angelic" (we're gonna call it "angelic" but we really mean some kind of 4D from other planets or whatever) that type of thing? Is that it?

A: Yes close enough.

Q: (L) So that can apply to the different types because there are so many different types of Russians...

(Andromeda) It might have more to do with their location and culture and that kind of thing...

(Niall) Is this in part why Genghis Khan built such a large empire? Is it to do with locator as well?

A: That is stretching a bit.

Q: (L) I would say Genghis Khan was interested in building an empire because he was interested in building an empire.

(Niall) Yeah, but the largest ever known, and with horses.

(L) Yeah, but we don't know... Was that an STS or an STO-inspired campaign?


Q: (L) So they may have been trying to kill off some of the good guys - I dunno.

(Ellipse) Are modified mosquitoes used to vaccinate people with the COVID19 vaccine?

A: Not yet.

Q: (Ursus Minor) What did the Queen die of?

A: Broken heart helped along by vaccine.

Q: (Mike) Is antimatter consciousness, specifically 7D consciousness, that is aggregated from the Universal Information Field (UIF), and thus materialized to match matter, as energy is added in experiments or via energy from cosmic rays?


Q: (Andromeda) Nota?

(L) What does that mean?

A: None of the above.

Q: (loreta) Can a portal be closed?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) How?

(L) How do you close a portal?

(Ark) Withdrawing energy.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Take the energy away from it.

(Joe) So you'd have to do battle. Can we close portals with an electromagnetic beam weapon?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) How do we get one of those? [laughter]

A: Build one!

Q: (Ze Germans) In previous sessions it was alluded to that Putin has maybe something like a good team working with and/or for him. Are there members of that team that are not publicly well known and/or famous?

A: Yes

Q: (Ze Germans) Is Shoigu part of that team?

A: Yes

Q: (Ze Germans) If so, is he one of Putin's most trusted and aligned members of that team compared to others?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What about our good guy Lavrov?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I just LOVE Lavrov! He's so CUTE, he's like a teddy bear! [laughter]

(Chu) And Zakharova, too.

(irjO) Archeology related question: Teotihuacan, is known as "The city of the gods", is an ancient Mesoamerican city located in the valley area of Mexico, with pyramids and all that. It's impressive and nobody knows who built it. The Mayans occupied the city when it was already abandoned. There is the theory of the Olmecs, who were an ancient civilization, being the original builders. Were the Olmecs the original builders? If yes, what happened to them and the city?

A: Close enough. Died out due to famine and disease.

Q: (MK Scarlett) In the last session, the C's said about Joe's question "How correct are scientists' ideas about viruses?": "Close enough though there is a lot they do not know including the fact that a virus is a transdensity structure." What are the mechanisms/structures or other things they do not know about?

A: Ethereal for example. Do you know about such structures?

Q: (L) MK Scarlett?

(MK Scarlett) I didn't understand the question, sorry.

(L) They asked if you know about such structures.

(MK Scarlett) No, I asked about what they said: "They do not know." What don't we know? And: What do the scientists not know?

A: More than that would be highly technical and lengthy.

Q: (Joe) I think the idea is that when you ask a question like that, it obviously implies complicated details about the nature of viruses that unless you are already acquainted with that, the answer wouldn't really mean much to you. It's technical.

(L) You probably need a virologist to ask the right questions because they would know where to go.

(MK Scarlett) How accurate is Maurice Paléologue's book: Le crépuscule des Dieux (his diary about the three last years of Romanovs, as he was the French ambassador in Russia from 1914 to 1917)?

(L) Anybody know anything about this book?

(Pierre) I heard about it.

(L) Okay, she wants to know how accurate it is?

A: Close.

Q: (Rancho Relaxo) What happened to Jacobo Grinberg, the Mexican researcher that wrote The Syntergic Theory? He disappeared on December 8, 1994 just before making a research trip to Nepal. Was he onto something with his Syntergic Theory?

(L) What is this Syntergic Theory?

(logos5x5) He was a psychologist and he was very interested in consciousness. Many of his propositions are very new agey kind of things. He tried to do more research about it. He went to visit some so-called shamans around Mexico and in other countries to try to find out about phenomena like high strangeness kinds of things. One of those shamans here in Mexico became kind of famous because she made this kind of like miracle surgeries. But then he wrote about consciousness and how information is the basis for reality, basically. He termed a concept that is called a "lattice". He said all the information of the universe is contained in more minuscule spaces, so to speak. Just like this fractal idea, you know? The most basic point in space has the whole information that exists in the universe. And then consciousness interacts with that lattice to kind of manifest reality. So he says that it's a little bit like the idea that you proposed in Secret History and The Wave that the observer helps to shape reality, so to speak.

(L) Okay, so... That's good enough. Was he onto something with his Syntergic Theory?

A: Yes, but he missed a lot. His understanding of information as fractal did not take into account the field nature of the phenomenon.

Q: (L) So it's the field that contains all the information and not a tiny point?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And a fractal is... You get smaller and smaller and smaller, but...

(Pierre) I think true fractals like biophoton fractal patterns that you reach a deeper and deeper information...

(L) From our 3D reality you reach deeper and deeper into the information field. But...

(Pierre) It's just a hypothesis on my part.

(L) Okay, phrase the question.

(Pierre) Do the fractal patterns emitted by biophotons, emitted by proteins, enable a deeper access to the information field?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And is a fractal as we see and understand one in our reality... Ya know, we see it as a shape or pattern. Is that only representative of something that can't actually be otherwise represented in our reality in any other way - that it's far more complex?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What happened to Jacobo Grinberg who disappeared on December 8, 1994?

A: He was involved in iffy financial dealings to fund his work and fell afoul of money men.

Q: (Joe) Narcotraficantes!

(PoB) Was his wife involved in his disappearance?

A: No.

Q: (lainey) I was wondering what happened to the missing Scottish hiker Finn Creaney? Can we know where he can be found?

(L) Who is this hiker, and is that a really important question right now? I know it's important to Finn, but...

A: Fell.

Q: (Josi) Is Trump about to be arrested?

A: They may try but reaction will reverse that idea.

Q: (Ze Germans) Was Kievan Rus and the Rurik dynasty founded by Scandinavian Vikings?

A: Close enough.

Q: (Ryu) Enoch book question: why was it so bad of the "angels" to teach their wives about science, botanics, cosmetics?

A: It was an allusion to corrupting influences and behaviors.

Q: (JEEP) Will the US midterm elections be corrupted and rigged again with the significant losers actually declared the winners?

A: In some places.

Q: (Joe) Remember you asked years ago about who burned the library at Alexandria? And they said Greek Enforcers. They said they were like our FBI. Who did they work for or pay allegiance to?

A: Secret society with allegiance to 4D STS.

Q: (Alejo) Is the announcement that 4D STS are required to make because of free will? The reality shift they're attempting requires a choice?

A: Yes

Q: (Alejo) Was Ark's sickness because of his resistance or refusal?

A: It was more an effort to lower his resistance.

Q: (L) Kinda like transmarginal inhibition.

(Andrian) As regarding the answer given by the C's relative to the attempt by 4D STS forces in splitting the reality in order to attempt to sabotage our group's mission: What can we do to protect our group unity individually and as a group?

A: Your weekly performance of meditation for protection helps a lot. Also alertness, awareness, and networking. Networking helps you to know when application of extra effort is required.

Q: (Adobe) What percentage of the Russian elites are not with Putin and waiting for a time to cause problems or change Russia's direction?

A: 37 percent

Q: (Niall) That's not bad.

(Toronto Group) Are the nano operating systems in the jab transferable through shedding?

A: Yes

Q: (thorbiorn) Is it possible that souls exit some humans after the COVID vaccination, but their body continues and what remains is an OP?

A: No

Q: (thorbiorn) If an OP is vaccinated does it happen that some get damaged and become psychopaths?

A: Anything is possible, but not as a rule.

Q: (Niall) Is the war against Ukraine going to pull in Belarus anytime soon?

A: It already is.

Q: (Ryu) To go back to the genetics of Russian people: Does that mean that a greater proportion of their population have it in them to be 4D candidates?

A: Not necessarily the correct way to put the question.

Q: (L) Okay, well... Lemme think.

(Chu) Does she mean 4D STS?

(L) Well, the thing is that everybody in a sense is ultimately a 4D candidate - either STS or STO. But it doesn't necessarily mean they are 4D candidates in this lifetime or cycle. Even OPs have the potential for acquiring soul essences and ultimately after however many incarnations or whatever, to become 4D candidates.

(Joe) Is it more like a 3D thing with the Russians? They just tend to have a better functioning bullshit detector?

A: Yes. Also due to suffering.

Q: (Joe) Look at the history of the Russian people. It's gonna attract certain souls that have a certain profile to reincarnate into bodies in Russia. It's like a counterbalance to Americans who have had too much "good times".

(Michał) Was the flood of Ghengis Khan army on West inspired by Venice?

(L) So, is the question: Did Venice interact with Ghengis Khan and cause him to attack the West? Is that what you're asking?

(Michał) Yes.

(L) So you're asking if they were really after Venice because Venice was trading and messing around... I mean, come on! They stole noodles from China! What's up with that? [laughter]

A: No. But the Venetians did bring awareness to the Orient of what was on offer in the West.

Q: (Niall) Yeah. Marco Polo. There were lots of traders in the West.

(Aragorn) I believe you have said that the system of 7 densities, in other words all that is, has existed forever. That would mean that we have done an infinite number of Grand Cycles in the past and will do so also in the future. Is this correct?

A: Yes

Q: (hesperides) When psychopaths die, do they reincarnate again?

A: No

Q: (hesperides) Do psychopaths automatically disintegrate through the 2nd death process?

A: Not exactly. A crystallized psychopath can become something akin to a demon.

Q: (Tristan) In the event that Russia and its allies win this war, will humanity have more chance for a better outcome? A splitting reality will manifest perhaps?

A: Wishful thinking.

Q: (Joe) Is it more likely that this war is not going to be won one way or the other, but other events will intervene?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Other events may intervene.

(Mark7) Did Julius Caesar do something in a higher density to help mankind which did indeed help mankind?

A: Yes. See previous sessions discussing Jesus.

Q: (Madara Horseman) The C's have indicated that the HAARP system is trying to impose certain thought patterns that push towards violence. The C's have also indicated that there are links between thoughts and electromagnetism. So the question is: Are the PTB somehow recording a thought or just repeatedly amplifying someone's thought somehow by electromagnetism?

A: Projecting.

Q: (will01) Is the reason my cat lost her eyesight due to high blood pressure and is this more common/preventable than we know?

A: No.

Q: (L) Probably due to cataracts.

(Glenn) Is the coalition of countries that Putin is forming around the Ukranian SMO, countries that support him, and the idea of freedom and self determination, causing much hand wringing among the PTB?

A: They are too deep in denial to wring hands.

Q: (Glenn) Is this [their hand wringing] behind a lot of their actions right now?

A: No. They are driven by forces they do not understand for the most part.

Q: (Joe) What did the Mithraic tauroctony symbolize?

A: Murder of the primal bull that then gave itself for humanity.

Q: (Andromeda) Murder, not sacrifice?

(L) Yeah. You could say that when Caesar was murdered, he gave his life for humanity. Jesus was murdered - being Caesar. He gave his life for humanity.

(Joe) Is it meant to represent an ethos that was against sacrificing for humanity? That whoever came up with the tauroctony didn't agree with or didn't like that idea of...

A: Yes

Q: (JEEP) Will energy and food shortages be extreme for US and Europe thanks to bad guy manipulations already done and continuing to happen including rail strike in US?

A: Yes

Q: (L) It's gonna be bad. It's gonna be bad... Alright people, I gotta quit. Let me see if there's anything that I really can't resist...

(seeker2seer) On Oct. 9, 2022 Earth-orbiting satellites detected the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) in modern history: GRB221009A. It caused electrical currents to flow through the surface of our planet. Is this event related to what the Cs mean when the "current begins to flow" disrupting TPTB electronic control system?

A: Yes part of it.

Q: (L) Alright, I gotta quit. Is there anything that we should have asked that we didn't ask, consider it asked.

A: No. You are exhausted. Goodbye.

Thanks to all involved for holding the session and sharing it with us!

The second thing on my mind is that obviously my feeling of being a little scattered and feeling a little... I dunno, it's like... Well, like everybody else I just get really disturbed by what's going on. Sometimes I feel like if I don't have support, I can't keep going. I can't keep doing. I feel something like... I can't even begin to describe it. It's like there's something amiss.

It’s upsetting to read this quote from Laura. Please let us forumites know if there’s anything else we can do to help more regarding this.
Thank y'all for the session. It was great being able to sit in on the call and follow along as the letters were coming in. Always a pleasure!

Q: (hesperides) Do psychopaths automatically disintegrate through the 2nd death process?

A: Not exactly. A crystallized psychopath can become something akin to a demon.

Well, that's both interesting and quite scary. So, the crystallized ones, like Dick Cheney perhaps, die and their "essence" lives on in some "Operators and Things" kind of way?

This touches on something that I wondered about with regard to 4D STS and demons. I had it in my head at one point that the two were very close to the same thing. However, it seems that the two, while there may be some overlap in various ways, are distinctly different.

Q: (Joe) Is it more likely that this war is not going to be won one way or the other, but other events will intervene?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Other events may intervene.

"Other events" could be a couple of things. None of them pleasant. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!
What a session, covered so much ground! Thank you!

(Pierre) As a group today, what percentage of knowledge do we hold compared to the average entry-level 4D entity?

(L) The average entry-level 4D entity? [laughter]

(Pierre) It's specific! [laughter]

A: 63 percent.

Q: (L) And that's as a group.

(Pierre) And it's not bad! Do you remember you asked years ago what knowledge do you hold compared to the illuminati. And it was 2 percent.

(L) Yeah, but that was individual - I wasn't asking for the group.

(Pierre) Yeah, but I'm pleased with this answer.

(L) Obviously, working as a group is highly desirable. What one doesn't see, the other one sees. What one doesn't think of, the other one thinks of.

(Chu) But obviously we're not done yet.

(L) Yeah, we're certainly not ready for entry-level 4D. [laughter]
Now this was a very interesting question, I really wouldn't have had any idea what the percentage was. This really emphasizes how the group working together can and is making progress. We're not there yet, and there is still work to be done, but I found this very encouraging.
Thank you all for another captivating and informative session.

(Pierre) As a group today, what percentage of knowledge do we hold compared to the average entry-level 4D entity?

(L) The average entry-level 4D entity? [laughter]

(Pierre) It's specific! [laughter]

A: 63 percent.

Q: (L) And that's as a group.

(Pierre) And it's not bad! Do you remember you asked years ago what knowledge do you hold compared to the illuminati. And it was 2 percent.

(L) Yeah, but that was individual - I wasn't asking for the group.

(Pierre) Yeah, but I'm pleased with this answer.

(L) Obviously, working as a group is highly desirable. What one doesn't see, the other one sees. What one doesn't think of, the other one thinks of.

(Chu) But obviously we're not done yet.

(L) Yeah, we're certainly not ready for entry-level 4D. [laughter]

If the group as a whole is at 63% of the average of those who can achieve entry-level for 4D then that obviously suggests that if the group is seen as a single 4D candidate, then entry remains possible for it at a level below 100% of the average... so maybe the 63% knowledge of that 100% average already achieved is much closer to that required to squeeze in past the post than one might think at first glance... so lets keep on learning.

Q: (L) So the hat got involved. Well, how come he didn't get a second shirt, second pair of pants, second bicycle? I mean... Geez! [laughter]

A: Hat was sent as sign. 4D STS are required to declare themselves in some way.

Q: (Joe) Is that why in exorcisms the priest demands to know the name of the demon?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They don't like declaring themselves. They're required to; like it's some kind of law?

A: Yes

I suspect that this law of our realm - one that is laid out in the ancient Indian rules of Maya (illusion/magic) - is a clue to the reason behind the extraordinary tale outlined in this thread:

High Strangeness, Adele Edisen and the otherworldly murder of JFK

I pretty much concluded that the bizarre events outlined were all undertaken as a necessary pre-declaration of the impending murder so that the laws of here for such an extreme STS intervention were properly met. In particular I was always struck by the fact that the driving 3D perpetrator, Dr. Rivera, seemed in some way possessed throughout and tellingly after the murder appeared to act towards his instrument of bewitchment, Adele Edison, with as much bemusement and shock as she did, as if he too had woken suddenly from a bad dream once his role in the cosmic drama was fulfilled having no real idea why he had done what he had done. High strangeness often has a deeper purpose to fulfill it would seem.

"Other events" could be a couple of things. None of them pleasant. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Indeed A Jay. I can't help but think this diplomatic frenzy around the whole dirty bomb issue could be connected to the 'other events' - even as cover for a growing fear of 'other events' arriving from above.... as we head into November and the deeper swell of the Tauroid's one has to wonder who is going to set the big one off first... my bet's still on nature as by this stage Nemesis has been well and truly been summoned by Hubris... popcorn time gets closer by the day....
Thank you, Cs, Laura, and All present, for this new session!

The times are making us all more sober.

Is everybody feeling the torture of the external world going to hell in a handbasket and nothing we can do about it? Do ya'll feel tortured, horrified, disgusted, amazed, revolted, helpless...

I'm actually amazed that I can still be flabbergasted at what I see happening daily! But, this is a good thing, to still feel revulsion at what is becoming the norm for parts of society.

Q: (hesperides) Do psychopaths automatically disintegrate through the 2nd death process?

A: Not exactly. A crystallized psychopath can become something akin to a demon.
⬆️ This is the awareness that I received a few years ago, that some demonic beings were once human. It was after an up close encounter, and battle, with a psychopath where I clearly saw what overshadowed him. His contempt for humanity was overwhelming, to be subjected to its intensity.

The second thing on my mind is that obviously my feeling of being a little scattered and feeling a little... I dunno, it's like... Well, like everybody else I just get really disturbed by what's going on. Sometimes I feel like if I don't have support, I can't keep going. I can't keep doing. I feel something like... I can't even begin to describe it. It's like there's something amiss.
⬆️ I know that feeling. This brought me to the realization that I'm at a point where my safety net is from the higher realms...I've been shown this over and over in life, but there was still support systems available...One after another, props that held me up were stripped away....until there was little else to do but fall back into the arms of the Divine. I see the same for you @Laura ; strong arms hold you up and are ready to catch you, if need be...💞
I haven't read it , I'll get there in the evening, but still a huge thank you to all the participants

Еще не читал, вечером доберусь, но все равно преогромное спасибо всем участникам
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