Search results for query: Khazar

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  1. Aithin Tusa Fein

    Historical Geological-Climate Changes

    ...(Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1916) The name of the heroine in this story is Cesair, which is also the Irish word for Caesar, which is similar to Khazar, which was what the Turkic people called the Caspian Sea, the Khazar Sea, which was also called Daryā-i Xazar by the Persians, which was named...
  2. Akopirnas

    Boston Marathon Bombs

    ...Certainly, it's possible to mention Aryan-Caucasian aggression. Or how "to manage" it. More interesting that Tsarnaevs as Chechens have a Khazar-Jews origin, and, to put it briefly, this family can be mountain Jews. Probably, this factor has been...
  3. Starshine

    The TRUE Horror's Networks and the activists in jail

    Just saw that Scientology, the CIA, and MIVILUDES: Cults of Abuse is talking about that. An important link to add on the list that I haven't seen below the vid : Children's rapes: End of Silence Broadcasted at a late hour in March 1999 on FR3, "children's Rapes : the end of silence? " is no...
  4. R

    The Hungarian Language: One of the true wonder of the Earth since ancient times

    Hi Gandash & everyone, I’ve been distracted by other aspects of life (such as preparing for the next GFC) so apologies for not being here sooner. Anyway, Shijing is correct in that my evidence is not mainstream & the other evidence i promised hasn’t been assembled yet due to other higher but...
  5. M

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    But doesn't the time frame for Jewish movement northward toward Khazar Empire and Europe post-date the period of this mutation? So even if it came from 'outside' it is still from founding era of the religious-adherents population, and would have been in the migrating population group? Or am I...
  6. F

    Conversations With the Crow by Gregory Douglas

    ...have easily edited out a lot of his stuff. I was amazed at how much discussion involved the Jews, but also making the difference between the Khazar Jews versus other Jews. Crowley also discussed how the gassing at concentration camps was completely fabricated. It was also interesting to...
  7. Jakesully

    Jake Sully, Anonymous and "WhatIsThePlan" - PsyOps?

    Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration Yes, I understand the principle of free will, and I understand that many of these activists don't understand that principle. It's quite possible that fundies may be involved. To articulate the various people who...
  8. M

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    ...seemed to be some possible historic inaccuracies thrown into the soup by these guests. Is it truly a given that all Talmud-believers are of Khazar lineage? And thus only Khazarian Jews are responsible for the Russian Revolution, world revolution, and Zionism ? Did the origins of the...
  9. shijing

    Books on Khazaria

    That's true, and thanks for the additional info, dannybananny. The Pechenegs come up in a lot of Golden's stuff, and they seem to have been quite a big player at the time as well. He makes a big point about the fact that "Turkic" can't be seen too rigidly as a purely ethnic or linguistic...
  10. dannybananny

    Books on Khazaria

    But I wouldn't say only Khazar, that is Kabar influence(clan that revolted against Khazarian government and joined Hungarians), but there were also other Turkic nomads that settled in Hungary like Pechenegs and Cumans that assimilated with Hungarians, and later had privileges in Hungary to 19...
  11. shijing

    Books on Khazaria

    Nomads and Their Neighbours in the Russian Steppe: Turks, Khazars and Qipchaqs by Peter B. Golden The World of the Khazars: Peter B. Golden (Editor), Haggai Ben-Shammai (Editor), Andras Rona-Tas (Editor) I wanted to make a quick mention of these books, since Khazar history seems to be...
  12. shijing

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    ...conjecture. Bradley's coverage of the Ashkenazim is much better, and is largely accurate as far as I can tell. He gives an overview of the Khazar conversion to Judaism, followed by the break-up of the Khazar empire and subsequent invasion of the Mongols which pushed the Khazar (Ashkenazi)...
  13. Approaching Infinity

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    Found this, which is also relevant to the "1-4% figure", on Bradley's site. _
  14. Laura

    Nigel Kerner - Gray Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls

    on the topic of semites continued:
  15. Juba

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    Hi folks, excellent topic, history is always interesting especially when put on the side like Khazar kingdom and their adverting to Judaism. Here are some Ashkenazy=Khazar relations from many web pages: An important Khazar community remained in Kiev, and family oral traditions indicate the...
  16. D

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    Long ago, there was a Medieval Kingdom of Khazaria, 652-1016 AD that included part of modern day Russia, Ukraine, and a sliver of what is now Kazakhstan. This area was somewhat interesting in history because when considering the choice of Islam, or Christianity or Judaism the leaders of this...
  17. R

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    Hi all, i'm new on here so pls be gentle ;) anyhow, from my readings into ancient times the Khazar's were originally pagan, then around the 8th c AD their aristocracy converted to Judaism in order to avoid taking sides against the Christians & Muslims. There ensued a civil war when not all...
  18. E

    About David Icke & James Redfield

    Re: About David Icke & James Redfield
  19. E

    About David Icke & James Redfield

    Re: About David Icke & James Redfield
  20. E

    About David Icke & James Redfield

    Re: About David Icke & James Redfield Okay, I'm posting the bibliographies from Icke’s more well known books. He list all his sources at the end of each chapter, and then he has bibliographies in the back as well. He says in Alice in Wonderland that he introduced the reptilian hypothesis in...
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