The TRUE Horror's Networks and the activists in jail


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Hi all,
I am so shocked. As my mother is, and as everyone (with a soul) would be.
I discovered the Horror's Networks a few days earlier. This investigation is in french, so I will summarize it for those who don't know about it.
I'm surprised there's no much about it on the board, even if there's some articles on the SOTT website.
So, to be brief :
It's about the Zandvoort Files and the Story of Marcel Vervloesem and the Elite Pedophile Networks, raping, torturing and killing children in front of cameras, which are pretty expensive snuff movies on those networks.
It's an international network, with Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, US, Portugal, Italy, Morroco, Thailand, and we can speculate this is enough to be worldwide. Notables are in it, it makes the link between Emile Louis, Dutroux/Nihoul, the missing ones of the Yonne, and so many other cases. Authorities of all countries have stifled the case, finally putting Marcel Vervloesem in jail, basically guilty to give so much interest to this case. Inversing the roles, it's almost funny to see what he has been through, and how far the "justice" can go. His story is just crazy.

Now, what's new ?
Stan Maillaud and Janett Seemann are in big troubles. They produced this documentary in 2010 and were working on the second one.

Stan Maillaud’s Affair in a few words.
Summary from the website

Stan Maillaud: The voice of London’s grandson, ex-gendarme who has moved over into hunting paedophile’s rings. He is currently on the run being penalised for doing the right thing (affaire Vincent) and has disappeared since the 22nd of September this year in the most suspicious circumstances.
He along with his team was investigating a paedophile-Satanist ring in Amancey in the area of Besancon in the east of France. He unfortunately had to run away while being checked “randomly” by the gendarmes. At that very moment Janett Seeman (his partner in life) and Jeremy Lehut (investigator) were meeting in secret the witness and victim. Jeremy and Janett are the only persons to whom the victim will accept to make a statement.
This meeting was part of a long investigation report that followed the first film titled (“the rings of horror”) which was a report on the powerful protection that these paedophile rings obtain from inside the French state itself.
The Amancey victim seems to be the 9th person who has testified in the framework of this report. Three uncut auditions are already on line: Veronique, Helene, and Sandrine.
The Sandrine’s file has been the excuse to justify the arrest of Janett, Jeremy, Sandrine and more just after they gave a public lecture on the situation (La conference d’Amancey). This was also the beginning of this committee of support. Janett and Jeremy were supposed to meet up again with the witness the following day in order to film the interview and the Belgium MP Laurent Louis had already given his approval for a Belgium protection for this witness. This victim is an adult and therefore remains free of her whereabouts.
Jessica X’s message explains very well Stan Maillaud’s reasoning and steps to bring a shocking proof in his film report namely a Flagrante Delicto of rape filmed. Jessica says she is ready to hand herself to the justice under the heading of complicity of Criminal Conspiracy.
These heroes have been depicted as criminals planning to rapt children by malevolent people, and it has been easy for them to do so. A general outlook of the situation shows that Stan and his team are very inconvenient for the high powers in place. Such a rebellion could not be let to happen.

The Dates
Saturday the 22nd of September 2012:
Stan Maillaud disappears near Amancey, in very suspicious circumstances
Thursday the 4th of October 2012:
Janett reports the disappearance of Stan through a web alert
Saturday the 20th of October 2012:
First meeting and public conference for the support of Stan Maillaud and his team in Amancey. First international meeting on the subject of paedophile criminal rings
Tuesday the 23rd of October 2012:
The arrest of Janett Seeman, Jeremy Lehut, Sandrine
Gachadoat (which is the mother of the little girl they wanted to interview) and others…

Why is Janett in jail
? The object is "conspiracy to commit kidnapping" while the truth is, they wanted to have the testimonial of Sandrine
Gachadoat's daughter that is another victim...

This is just too much, I'm really struggled with that stuff. I can't sleep, Seeing all that, and all the rest that is going on.. this world is really sick, and I feel so bad.
I can't accept that, I feel powerless, thus I can't be light at all, it's destructive.

This has to be closely followed, by the way, it could be a question to the Cs, Where is Stan ?

Thank you for your attention..
Just saw that Scientology, the CIA, and MIVILUDES: Cults of Abuse is talking about that. An important link to add on the list that I haven't seen below the vid :

Children's rapes: End of Silence

Broadcasted at a late hour in March 1999 on FR3, "children's Rapes : the end of silence? " is no longer available from channel France 3 due to an" Executive Decision".

Martine Bouillon, prosecutor of Bobigny which reveals the existence of children mass graves in the Paris area during the debate at the end of the program, also author of the book "Rape of Angels," was mutated by the Superior Council of Magistracy (in which sits the President of the Republic) the next morning of the screnning of this documentary under the pretext of "breach of delicacy" and now refuses to comment on the case, saying only that she has "people to protect. "

Also, on the subject that I have not seen referenced on the forum :

Vicki Polin

To: ;
Subject: Henry Makow: Vicki Polin and Tina Grossman expose Satanic heresy within Judaism that engages in ritual human sacrifice -- cult established among members of Chicago's ruling class etc.
Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 00:26:51 -0700

March 31, 2009
Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

On May 1, 1989, a "nice Jewish girl", age 29, appeared on the Oprah Show and said her family was part of a Satanic cult that dates back to the 1700's.

Although they appear to be upstanding citizens --lawyers, doctors, police officers etc. -- they engage in Satanic ritual human sacrifice, incest and cannibalism, often in synagogues. They drink blood and eat babies.

She is describing the Illuminati which originated in the Frankist Movement in the Eighteenth century. Jacob Frank, born Jacob Leibowitz (1726-1791) led a major Satanic heresy that shook the Jewish world. They believed that the Messiah would return if the world went over to evil completely, so they encouraged all sexual licence and Satanic Evil as the ultimate Good. Financed by the Frankist Rothschild banking syndicate, they subverted all religions and national elites by assuming every religious and political hue. They took over Freemasonry and are now in the final stage of establishing their world government a.k.a "globalization."

The abuse Polin suffered is a textbook example of how Illuminati families --Edomite/Khazar--Jews and non-Jews-- treat their children. George W. Bush and Barack Obama may have suffered simllar trauma and, (like Polin,) have multiple personality disorder. Vicki is from Chicago and there is no telling how many Chicagoans surrounding Barack Obama are part of this Satanic cult.


Polin told Oprah that she witnessed babies sacrificed and consumed for the "power" this gave. These babies are bred within the extended family for this purpose. She said she was raped several times, and elsewhere says she had five abortions due to intercourse with her father.

Polin said her family was "extremely involved" in these practices. Her mother is "on the human relations commission of the town that she lives in, and she's an upstanding citizen. Nobody would suspect her. Nobody would suspect anybody involved in it. There's police officers involved in it. There's, you know, doctors, lawyers..."

"I mean, to the outside world, everything we did was proper and right, and then there were the nights that things changed, that things just got turned around. What was wrong was right, and what was right was wrong. That's what helps to create some of them to develop MPD."

Polin's therapist, Tina Grossman was on the show but edited out of the YouTube. She told Oprah that she had treated over 40 survivors from many states and Canada. They have never met each other yet say the "identical same things."

Ms. GROSSMAN: They are describing identical rituals, just the same as, since I'm Jewish, you could go to New York or California and describe a seder in one state or another and, as a Jew, you would recognize it. This is the belief system in evil and the power that evil gives you, and so it has these certain rituals, so they are very similar with all of the survivors.

OPRAH: See, but I am very surprised because the Jewish faith is the Jewish faith. And worshipping the devil is not a part of the Jewish faith. I mean, Jewish people do not worship the devil.

Ms. GROSSMAN: But before there was Christ and before there was a system of one God, there was Paganism- and it still exists in the world, and in many cultures, you still find the belief that there is strength and power in the actual consumption of human flesh or animal flesh.


In spite of the fact that both Vicki and Oprah said many times this behavior was not typical of most Jews, the B'nai B'rith-ADL attacked the show as "anti-Semitic." Oprah did her penance and obviously has been forgiven. Vicki was stopped on the street and told her testimony would start "another holocaust." Vicki's response was that denying these crimes was akin to holocaust denial. In July of 1989, she penned this statement and sent it to all concerned:

"Our society believes the myth that Jews can't be pedophiles, or abuse their own children. This is a "MYTH," they do abuse children; especially the Esau-Edomite/Khazar JEWS. There are even those who practice cannibalism, and perform human sacrifices. Believe me I saw it with my own eyes. I've come to the point in my life where I feel I need to bear witness. I have and will continue to until I'm sure what I had to endure as a child is believed by you and others like you. I will do whatever is possible so what happened to me doesn't happen to anyone else!"

Vicki became a therapist herself, moved to Baltimore and opened a practice. She has articles about the Frankists on her website. I attempted to contact her without success. But I found an extensive profile with interviews on Luke Ford's website. Included is an Affidavit from a rabbi Vicki contacted in 2004 regarding an exorcism of her cult upbringing. She described their evil ANTI-RELIGIOUS, ANTI JEWISH intent to him in these terms:

"The essence of her story was that there are currently many rabbis involved in this cult who brought their satanic rituals with them to the USA from Europe. That she was born into one of the Jewish families owing allegiance to the cult. She claimed to have been used as part of an organized child sexual abuse ring organized by the rabbi of her synagogue, and that the sexual abuse took place on Sifrei Torah Scrolls laid out on the floor of the synagogue. That the abuse began in early childhood and continued over a period of many years, through her teen years and into adulthood, and that she was only one of the many young children, boys and girls used in this manner. I did not ask for specifics of the rituals but she mentioned cannibalism, defecation and the sacrilege of sacred objects."


A friend believes that the Illuminati want power but he can't believe they worship Satan and eat babies. I certainly wouldn't invent such an implausible scenario. As J. Edgar Hoover said, "We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst." (Elks Magazine, August 1956.)

People like my friend have little knowledge of history. Does he really think over 180 million people could be massacred in the 20th century merely by accident? Hiroshima, the holodomor, the holocaust and 9-11 were the products of a single Satanic mindset. Does he think the steady decline of popular culture into degeneracy and obscenity is a coincidence? Does he think the gradual mainstreaming of incest homosexuality, pederasty and the occult is random? Does he think the destruction of higher education (in the humanities) and the family is coincidence too? (Forty per cent of US kids were born to single mothers in 2007 compared to 4% in the 1950's.) Mankind is in the thrall of a powerful Satanic cult intent on destroying and enslaving it.

As the therapist Grossman said, Vicki's claims are corroborated by many others. I have reported on them in articles like "Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture;" "The Root Problem: Illuminati or Jews?" and "Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy." I have an audio interview with Mary Anne on my site which refers to human sacrifices eight times a year. Both Svali and Fritz Springmeier have described Illuminati trauma brainwashing and satanic rituals. These activities are also practised by high level Masons and members of intelligence agencies like MI-5 and MI-6.

As long as we deny that society has been subverted by a Satanic cult, that our leaders are dupes or agents, we won't be able to address our predicament. As long as we smear truth tellers like Vicki Polin, we will either implicate ourselves, or continue to be accomplices in our own demise.

The logical outcome of this demented ideology is the destruction of everything we hold dear.
Obviously society needs a major cleansing but this won't happen as long as the levers of power are in Illuminati hands and the masses remain apathetic. Hopefully the economic crisis will alert many more people to the danger we all face.

I'm surprised there's no reactions by the way, probably some of you have known that for a while, I'd like to know your points of view, how do you relate that to the System of Control and to the hyperdimensional realities.
The more I know about Stan, the more I have a true respect for what he did, and the testimonials are just so shocking.
The question remains, where is he?
Between what I thought was possible and what I just saw... I could say, as an analogy : Who needs alien abductions when you have children sacrifices made by "humans".

Mod note: Deactivated link to unknown source
Starshine, did you see this thread?,27533.0.html

There is lots to be found on this topic, OSIT. Just do a search.

As for the satanic abuse, that might be disinformation? At least the journalist of this article:

stated that there was probably not so much satanic abuse as people might be inclined to think. And he has done a lot of research in the area of pedophile networks and the torture, murder and rape of children. He is quite the expert.

I would suggest you start reading and watch the documentaries on dutroux and his networks.

As pedophiles have been in the news quite a lot recently you will find lots of articles on SOTT.
Starshine, I realise this is not an easy subject to look into, but please don't make assumptions that we have not. You are actually the one who is late to this discussion:,27533.0.html

Verloesem, Zandvoort, Dutroux and more have all been discussed here and on

And who is Stan?
Kniall said:
Starshine, I realise this is not an easy subject to look into, but please don't make assumptions that we have not. You are actually the one who is late to this discussion:,27533.0.html

Verloesem, Zandvoort, Dutroux and more have all been discussed here and on

And who is Stan?

Stan Maillaud, a French activist fighting pedophile networds and who mysteriously disappeared last September:
And yes, we have dozens of articles on pedophile networks on SOTT (Eng and other languages), not counting this forum and the thread Kniall gave the link to.
Mariama said:
Starshine, did you see this thread?,27533.0.html

There is lots to be found on this topic, OSIT. Just do a search.

As for the satanic abuse, that might be disinformation? At least the journalist of this article:

stated that there was probably not so much satanic abuse as people might be inclined to think. And he has done a lot of research in the area of pedophile networks and the torture, murder and rape of children. He is quite the expert.

I would suggest you start reading and watch the documentaries on dutroux and his networks.

As pedophiles have been in the news quite a lot recently you will find lots of articles on SOTT.

No I didn't see this topic, and yes I know that there's a lot that can be found on this forum, thanks.
I didn't search for Dutroux on the board. But I firstly watched the 3h41min documentary that Stan and Janeett did -schock-, I was mostly concerned about them, he disapeared, she is now in jail. Since, I'm still taking infos, there's a lot and it has been discussed. Right.
Their material is pretty heavy, and yes, he says that he has testimonials of kids about satanic abuses : Collective Rapes and 'The Big Master giving a knife to the elders to open tHe belly of a baby in the ritual'. Now, that's what he says, his assumptions. Is there much of that kind of rituals ? I wouldn't be surprised, really, but even if there's only one...
I've not read everything, but if I post here it's to discuss, I don't think it's noise, since this disappearing while they were collecting some more testimonials has not been discussed here.

I opened a new topic, because I wanted to put that in light, and also share. And the documentary of FR3 has not been mentionned yet too, from what I see. But maybe I'm mistaking.
Still, it has been discussed, it's still going on right now, if I'm not posting that much it's because there's already a lot, lot of infos between the forum, the books and the English/French Sott and other websites, and I'd rather talk to you in real life, it's not helping me when I want to talk about something that disturbing -because I'm searching some support-, to say that it has been discussed, I'm late, so I should pay more attention, read all and keep it all for me.
And there's a summary of Stan in the beginning of the post.

Take care people.
"I'm surprised there's no much about it on the board, even if there's some articles on the SOTT website."

I believe Starshine was referring to there not being much on the board about Stan Maillaud, not stating there is not much information on pedophile networks on SOTT.

I have to say that every time I stop by here, someone is accusing someone of something and on things that should, imo, not even be a big deal.

If Starshine or anyone missed something on this site, so what? Post the appropriate link or don't but how is it helpful to be condescending to someone who simply may have missed something for whatever reason?

Systematic, ritual sexual abuse and the murder of children on film is even more disturbing than anything else here, again, imo, and if someone is reaching out and posting how deeply disturbed they are about it, a little compassion is in order, don't you think?
Sunbeam said:
I have to say that every time I stop by here, someone is accusing someone of something and on things that should, imo, not even be a big deal.

Sunbeam I agree that it's not a big deal at all. However, you seem to be making it one. I wonder if perhaps you're more upset because Starshine's your boyfriend, as you said in your intro post?,29105.msg368513.html#msg368513

Or is something else eating at you?

And Starshine, it's totally natural to experience visceral disgust when confronting our psychopathic reality. That's why we have Eiriu Eolas. The link that Kniall provided shows that many others on the forum have already had those reactions, and we've done our best to learn from them. As for how we relate to hyperdimensional realities, well, we live normal lives and pay attention to reality left and right. The ketogenic diet gives us significant psychological and emotional protection. Don't think you can't post about how you feel, or what you find, but it's always most considerate to do a search and post on the relevant board first. That's what the others were getting at, I believe.
Yes, he's my boyfriend but if you continue to look for posts under my name, you will see there are none and that is because, as I stated, every time I stop by someone is attacking someone for reasons that are unclear, unwarranted, trying to prove superiority, and just a waste of time, imo, of course.

From what I've seen, many of you do your best to exclude others not in on your lingo, level of commitment, etc.

"Starshine, I realise this is not an easy subject to look into, but please don't make assumptions that we have not. You are actually the one who is late to this discussion:"

This reply was snarky. Period.

Again-- the systematic, sexual abuse and murder of children is the worst of the worst and, again, if someone is struggling with that information/reality, information about a reality that this site spends a great deal of time disseminating, then have some compassion and show some respect and cut out the snarky remarks.
Sunbeam said:
Yes, he's my boyfriend but if you continue to look for posts under my name, you will see there are none and that is because, as I stated, every time I stop by someone is attacking someone for reasons that are unclear, unwarranted, trying to prove superiority, and just a waste of time, imo, of course.

From what I've seen, many of you do your best to exclude others not in on your lingo, level of commitment, etc.

Sunbeam, do you have any specific examples when you say the above? Because this is a heavy accusation towards all the members who choose to participate here. I understand that both you and Starshine are quite emotional after having watched and learned about this horrific reality, but the rest of us watched it too, and felt as disgusted and terrified and hopeless for days, but did not come here to accuse everyone else. So what's really going on here?

Sunbeam said:
"Starshine, I realise this is not an easy subject to look into, but please don't make assumptions that we have not. You are actually the one who is late to this discussion:"

This reply was snarky. Period.

Again-- the systematic, sexual abuse and murder of children is the worst of the worst and, again, if someone is struggling with that information/reality, information about a reality that this site spends a great deal of time disseminating, then have some compassion and show some respect and cut out the snarky remarks.

Sunbeam, if you both read the thread posted above by Kniall, you would see how we all dealt with reading/watching this info, and it would have helped you too, deal with it now. You wouldn't have felt so alone and hopeless, because you are not alone, we too went through the same emotions. Most of us could not eat or sleep for days. I suggest you read it too.

Hesper said:
Or is something else eating at you?

This could be related?

Sunbeam in her intro post said:
I come to your work and your site through Starshine, my boyfriend, after a bit of resistance.
Starshine said:
Mariama said:
Starshine, did you see this thread?,27533.0.html

There is lots to be found on this topic, OSIT. Just do a search.

As for the satanic abuse, that might be disinformation? At least the journalist of this article:

stated that there was probably not so much satanic abuse as people might be inclined to think. And he has done a lot of research in the area of pedophile networks and the torture, murder and rape of children. He is quite the expert.

I would suggest you start reading and watch the documentaries on dutroux and his networks.

As pedophiles have been in the news quite a lot recently you will find lots of articles on SOTT.

No I didn't see this topic, and yes I know that there's a lot that can be found on this forum, thanks.
I didn't search for Dutroux on the board. But I firstly watched the 3h41min documentary that Stan and Janeett did -schock-, I was mostly concerned about them, he disapeared, she is now in jail. Since, I'm still taking infos, there's a lot and it has been discussed. Right.
Their material is pretty heavy, and yes, he says that he has testimonials of kids about satanic abuses : Collective Rapes and 'The Big Master giving a knife to the elders to open tHe belly of a baby in the ritual'. Now, that's what he says, his assumptions. Is there much of that kind of rituals ? I wouldn't be surprised, really, but even if there's only one...
I've not read everything, but if I post here it's to discuss, I don't think it's noise, since this disappearing while they were collecting some more testimonials has not been discussed here.

If you start reading the (long) article that is mentioned in the other thread you will find answers to your questions.
IMO, there is no limit to the evil and depravity of these people. They (can) do whatever they fancy. Which is quite a lot.
You will also find out that at least 30 witnesses were killed, before they had a chance to testify. Thirty and then we are not even talking about the kids that have been murdered.

Starshine said:
I opened a new topic, because I wanted to put that in light, and also share. And the documentary of FR3 has not been mentionned yet too, from what I see. But maybe I'm mistaking.

FWIW, you could have shared this in the other thread. It is the same topic. These networks are international. You can detect the same patterns.
I am now going to watch that youtube video about Stan. Take care, Starshine.
Starshine said:
And the documentary of FR3 has not been mentionned yet too, from what I see. But maybe I'm mistaking.

This documentary is on the Fr website, along with an article about it:
"I come to your work and your site through Starshine, my boyfriend, after a bit of resistance."

Why am I not the least bit surprised by the continued quotes from my first and only post? Surely, I realize what I wrote is the only thing you know about me but if YOU dig deeper maybe you will have to examine within instead of just looking for some easy explanation as to why someone would hesitate to be here.

My "resistance" is exactly this, not being able to offer an opinion without being accused of having some "deeper issue", blah blah.

And btw, I was familiar with the realities of systematic, ritual child sexual abuse and murder long before I hit this site. I am not in a crisis because of what I know about that but others might be and it's insensitive to tell them they didn't look deep enough or read everything written here before they express themselves. That was my point and remains my point.
Sunbeam said:
"I come to your work and your site through Starshine, my boyfriend, after a bit of resistance."

Why am I not the least bit surprised by the continued quotes from my first and only post? Surely, I realize what I wrote is the only thing you know about me but if YOU dig deeper maybe you will have to examine within instead of just looking for some easy explanation as to why someone would hesitate to be here.

My "resistance" is exactly this, not being able to offer an opinion without being accused of having some "deeper issue", blah blah.

And btw, I was familiar with the realities of systematic, ritual child sexual abuse and murder long before I hit this site. I am not in a crisis because of what I know about that but others might be and it's insensitive to tell them they didn't look deep enough or read everything written here before they express themselves. That was my point and remains my point.

Please re-read the forum guidelines. It appears you are vastly misunderstanding the purpose of this forum and the responses you have received. Before you continue to attack what goes on here, at least pause for a moment to consider the idea that you are mistaken and that you can easily close this web page and move on to things that interest you more without indulging in emotional attacks on people you don't even take the time to try to understand.
"Please re-read the forum guidelines. It appears you are vastly misunderstanding the purpose of this forum and the responses you have received. Before you continue to attack what goes on here, at least pause for a moment to consider the idea that you are mistaken and that you can easily close this web page and move on to things that interest you more without indulging in emotional attacks on people you don't even take the time to try to understand."




Whatever you say.

You can, also, consider that you are mistaken, or can you, will you, are you able to examine that closely?
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