The TRUE Horror's Networks and the activists in jail

Starshine said:
Find a way to serve others and to be creative enough to share to those who want to. Before giving advices, again, I have to apply what I supposably know. I talk too much -to people who are not interested- about the virtues of some conceptions instead of applying those same, so I should keep my mouth closed more often. Misuse of energy fore sure.

That’s a good one to work on and will help in the long run. The things we may blurt out without thinking today have a way of coming back to bite us on the butt in the future, when we least expect it. Remember, always expect attack - especially if it will cause problems later on. If we keep poking our family and friends with a stick while they are happy sleeping, they will only grow hate us for it.

There’s also the STS aspect of determining the needs of others. When you pay attention, try to stay conscious and really look for when others are truly asking, more often than not you’ll find that very few people are interested in such ideas. In myself, I found that it was my own self-importance wanting to show the world how ‘clever’ I was in trying to speak about it, but in reality it was not so smart! Really I was talking at them, not with them.

It takes conscious efforts to control the urge to always talk about everything with everyone, we can learn a lot about ourselves in the process of Working on it.

The Worker is hidden in the workshop.
Alada said:
Starshine said:
Find a way to serve others and to be creative enough to share to those who want to. Before giving advices, again, I have to apply what I supposably know. I talk too much -to people who are not interested- about the virtues of some conceptions instead of applying those same, so I should keep my mouth closed more often. Misuse of energy fore sure.

That’s a good one to work on and will help in the long run. The things we may blurt out without thinking today have a way of coming back to bite us on the butt in the future, when we least expect it. Remember, always expect attack - especially if it will cause problems later on. If we keep poking our family and friends with a stick while they are happy sleeping, they will only grow hate us for it.

There’s also the STS aspect of determining the needs of others. When you pay attention, try to stay conscious and really look for when others are truly asking, more often than not you’ll find that very few people are interested in such ideas. In myself, I found that it was my own self-importance wanting to show the world how ‘clever’ I was in trying to speak about it, but in reality it was not so smart! Really I was talking at them, not with them.

It takes conscious efforts to control the urge to always talk about everything with everyone, we can learn a lot about ourselves in the process of Working on it.

The Worker is hidden in the workshop.

I think that most of us go through this desire to share what we've learned at some point or another, especially when we first find all this information that is so very important to us. As Alada has pointed out, it does take effort and will to keep quiet, to recognise that it is not up to us to force information onto others. We have no idea what their particular path is, and indeed they may very well dislike us for waking them from their sleep.

There is also the point that we do not want to prematurely awaken people who do have potential, because that could have the effect of permanently turning them away from information that they might have been open to WHEN they are ready, something only they can determine.
history said:
"I'm not a predator," said the wolf.

What is the underlying meaning in there ? Can you develop your answer ?

manitoban said:
Alada said:
Starshine said:
Find a way to serve others and to be creative enough to share to those who want to. Before giving advices, again, I have to apply what I supposably know. I talk too much -to people who are not interested- about the virtues of some conceptions instead of applying those same, so I should keep my mouth closed more often. Misuse of energy fore sure.

That’s a good one to work on and will help in the long run. The things we may blurt out without thinking today have a way of coming back to bite us on the butt in the future, when we least expect it. Remember, always expect attack - especially if it will cause problems later on. If we keep poking our family and friends with a stick while they are happy sleeping, they will only grow hate us for it.

There’s also the STS aspect of determining the needs of others. When you pay attention, try to stay conscious and really look for when others are truly asking, more often than not you’ll find that very few people are interested in such ideas. In myself, I found that it was my own self-importance wanting to show the world how ‘clever’ I was in trying to speak about it, but in reality it was not so smart! Really I was talking at them, not with them.

It takes conscious efforts to control the urge to always talk about everything with everyone, we can learn a lot about ourselves in the process of Working on it.

The Worker is hidden in the workshop.

I think that most of us go through this desire to share what we've learned at some point or another, especially when we first find all this information that is so very important to us. As Alada has pointed out, it does take effort and will to keep quiet, to recognise that it is not up to us to force information onto others. We have no idea what their particular path is, and indeed they may very well dislike us for waking them from their sleep.

There is also the point that we do not want to prematurely awaken people who do have potential, because that could have the effect of permanently turning them away from information that they might have been open to WHEN they are ready, something only they can determine.

So true. I totally can relate to that. The thing is that when the information that one is searching for is most of the time not the kind that you can't share or without real substance, it's really alienating. Different recent experiences made me understood this point but having your reminder help me to stick with it. Thanks.
Starshine said:
history said:
"I'm not a predator," said the wolf.

What is the underlying meaning in there ? Can you develop your answer ?

Your thread started out about systematic pedophile rings, which is organized predation, and then turned into a discussion of personal predation and it made me wonder if it is ever clear in personal relationships who's the predator and who's not.

history said:
Starshine said:
history said:
"I'm not a predator," said the wolf.

What is the underlying meaning in there ? Can you develop your answer ?

Your thread started out about systematic pedophile rings, which is organized predation, and then turned into a discussion of personal predation and it made me wonder if it is ever clear in personal relationships who's the predator and who's not.


You are still being vague, and since this is a research forum it would be great if you were more explicit in what you mean. As for pedophile rings, it's nowhere else more perfectly clear who's the predator and who's not, so I don't really get your point.

I see from your previous posts that you have been asked to put a little more effort into what you say, so that people will better understand what you mean. This specifically didn't really make a lot of sense, and still doesn't to me. Hope this helps. FWIW
Hesper said:
history said:
Starshine said:
history said:
"I'm not a predator," said the wolf.

What is the underlying meaning in there ? Can you develop your answer ?

Your thread started out about systematic pedophile rings, which is organized predation, and then turned into a discussion of personal predation and it made me wonder if it is ever clear in personal relationships who's the predator and who's not.


You are still being vague, and since this is a research forum it would be great if you were more explicit in what you mean. As for pedophile rings, it's nowhere else more perfectly clear who's the predator and who's not, so I don't really get your point.

I see from your previous posts that you have been asked to put a little more effort into what you say, so that people will better understand what you mean. This specifically didn't really make a lot of sense, and still doesn't to me. Hope this helps. FWIW

This thread caught my attention because I have been interested in international pedophile rings for many years so I read it with interest and I was already quite familiar with Marc Dutroux and that whole abominable mess gunking up the Belgium government. Then the thread turned personal and since I'm already thinking a lot about predation in personal relationships, it struck me to comment that in personal relationships, ime, it is often hard to tell who's the predator and who is not and often, as someone pointed out in my newbie intro, it is both parties feeding off each other in various ways and degrees and not easy to discern who is the primary predator or if there even is one. I thought I was clear that the situation in Belgium was not what I was talking about but it seems I wasn't clear. Sorry for that. My first comment ""I am not a predator," said the wolf"" was regarding how easy it seems for some people, ime, to believe they are not a predator when in fact they are and I was referring to individuals in personal relationships, not organized rings of destruction where it is absolutely clear who the predators are.

Thank you for asking me to codify my thoughts. It helped me to understand that I still have many unanswered questions in the realms of personal predation.
history said:
This thread caught my attention because I have been interested in international pedophile rings for many years so I read it with interest and I was already quite familiar with Marc Dutroux and that whole abominable mess gunking up the Belgium government. Then the thread turned personal and since I'm already thinking a lot about predation in personal relationships, it struck me to comment that in personal relationships, ime, it is often hard to tell who's the predator and who is not and often, as someone pointed out in my newbie intro, it is both parties feeding off each other in various ways and degrees and not easy to discern who is the primary predator or if there even is one. I thought I was clear that the situation in Belgium was not what I was talking about but it seems I wasn't clear. Sorry for that. My first comment ""I am not a predator," said the wolf"" was regarding how easy it seems for some people, ime, to believe they are not a predator when in fact they are and I was referring to individuals in personal relationships, not organized rings of destruction where it is absolutely clear who the predators are.

Thank you for asking me to codify my thoughts. It helped me to understand that I still have many unanswered questions in the realms of personal predation.

Thank you very much for your clarity. Have you read the Narcissistic Family or the other psychology books recommended by the forum, like Redirect or Strangers to Ourselves?

I think we all have many unanswered questions with this, especially with how personal predation has affected us and how we do it to others. It's frightening because we all want to believe that we're good people, and that feeling good is the same as love. But until we hit that point where we see that most often the only thing that motivates us is hunger, and that that bottomless hunger is monstrous in its cunning, we easily fool ourselves into thinking we're not predators. But that's a hard thing to accept, especially if we rely mostly on false "self-esteem" and "self-confidence" to make it in life. Not sure if you're a Pink Floyd fan but, as Pink Floyd said, when that dam breaks, well "I'll see you on the dark side of the moon".

Roger Waters from Wikipedia said:
I think it's a very simple statement saying that all the good things life can offer are there for us to grasp, but that the influence of some dark force in our natures prevents us from seizing them. The song addresses the listener and says that if you, the listener, are affected by that force, and if that force is a worry to you, well I feel exactly the same too. The line 'I'll see you on the dark side of the moon' is me speaking to the listener, saying, 'I know you have these bad feelings and impulses because I do too, and one of the ways I can make direct contact with you is to share with you the fact that I feel bad sometimes."
Thank you very much for your clarity. Have you read the Narcissistic Family or the other psychology books recommended by the forum, like Redirect or Strangers to Ourselves?

No, I have not. I will look for them.

I think we all have many unanswered questions with this, especially with how personal predation has affected us and how we do it to others. It's frightening because we all want to believe that we're good people, and that feeling good is the same as love. But until we hit that point where we see that most often the only thing that motivates us is hunger, and that that bottomless hunger is monstrous in its cunning, we easily fool ourselves into thinking we're not predators. But that's a hard thing to accept, especially if we rely mostly on false "self-esteem" and "self-confidence" to make it in life. Not sure if you're a Pink Floyd fan but, as Pink Floyd said, when that dam breaks, well "I'll see you on the dark side of the moon".

It's frightening because we all want to believe that we're good people, and that feeling good is the same as love.

Can you clarify this more please? Do you mean if we think we are good people that makes us feel good so we think that is what love is? Self love? Romantic love? Sorry, I don't get that.

I will also add that I am more than willing to cop to my dark side. That's never been a problem for me. I don't however find many people that are willing to go there, into their own psyche's darkness. That's just been my experience overall. As many of you here, I'm over the Love and Light nonsense. What is bothering me now is the other person in my situation thinking they are all clean and noble and enlightened when they did some really nasty behavior that is anything but. Hard to reconcile the cognitive dissonance that is battling in my brain.

Roger Waters from Wikipedia said:
I think it's a very simple statement saying that all the good things life can offer are there for us to grasp, but that the influence of some dark force in our natures prevents us from seizing them. The song addresses the listener and says that if you, the listener, are affected by that force, and if that force is a worry to you, well I feel exactly the same too. The line 'I'll see you on the dark side of the moon' is me speaking to the listener, saying, 'I know you have these bad feelings and impulses because I do too, and one of the ways I can make direct contact with you is to share with you the fact that I feel bad sometimes."

Oh yeah!


Editors: Sorry, I'm still not getting the Insert Quote right.
history said:
Hesper said:
Thank you very much for your clarity. Have you read the Narcissistic Family or the other psychology books recommended by the forum, like Redirect or Strangers to Ourselves?

No, I have not. I will look for them.

There are threads on the forum that reference them. I highly recommend reading them since this is what you're interested in.

history said:
Hesper said:
It's frightening because we all want to believe that we're good people, and that feeling good is the same as love.
Can you clarify this more please? Do you mean if we think we are good people that makes us feel good so we think that is what love is? Self love? Romantic love? Sorry, I don't get that.

No problem. We want to feel good (that's the bottom line). We have a million ways to accomplish that. But in relationships we do that by avoiding the thought that we are simply stealing "good feelings" and calling ourselves boyfriend/girlfriend instead of (in most cases the reality) "thief". We have no idea what love is. And we have no idea the horror that results because of that. So we avoid it. Does that clarify that idea a little bit?

history said:
I will also add that I am more than willing to cop to my dark side. That's never been a problem for me. I don't however find many people that are willing to go there, into their own psyche's darkness. That's just been my experience overall. As many of you here, I'm over the Love and Light nonsense. What is bothering me now is the other person in my situation thinking they are all clean and noble and enlightened when they did some really nasty behavior that is anything but. Hard to reconcile the cognitive dissonance that is battling in my brain.

I still highly recommend the psychology books I referenced as well as the diet and health section of the forum. You'll find some really important information in those places. I see you've been recommended a ton of reading, so my advice is take it slow but steady and ask yourself questions. No rush and no stress. FWIW
Hesper said:
history said:
Hesper said:
Thank you very much for your clarity. Have you read the Narcissistic Family or the other psychology books recommended by the forum, like Redirect or Strangers to Ourselves?

No, I have not. I will look for them.

There are threads on the forum that reference them. I highly recommend reading them since this is what you're interested in.

Will do. Thank you.

history said:
Hesper said:
It's frightening because we all want to believe that we're good people, and that feeling good is the same as love.
Can you clarify this more please? Do you mean if we think we are good people that makes us feel good so we think that is what love is? Self love? Romantic love? Sorry, I don't get that.

No problem. We want to feel good (that's the bottom line). We have a million ways to accomplish that. But in relationships we do that by avoiding the thought that we are simply stealing "good feelings" and calling ourselves boyfriend/girlfriend instead of (in most cases the reality) "thief". We have no idea what love is. And we have no idea the horror that results because of that. So we avoid it. Does that clarify that idea a little bit?

So we are constantly stealing from each other? Yes, I am aware of that. My recent concern is who stole MORE.

history said:
I will also add that I am more than willing to cop to my dark side. That's never been a problem for me. I don't however find many people that are willing to go there, into their own psyche's darkness. That's just been my experience overall. As many of you here, I'm over the Love and Light nonsense. What is bothering me now is the other person in my situation thinking they are all clean and noble and enlightened when they did some really nasty behavior that is anything but. Hard to reconcile the cognitive dissonance that is battling in my brain.

I still highly recommend the psychology books I referenced as well as the diet and health section of the forum. You'll find some really important information in those places. I see you've been recommended a ton of reading, so my advice is take it slow but steady and ask yourself questions. No rush and no stress. FWIW

Thanks again! :D
history said:
What is bothering me now is the other person in my situation thinking they are all clean and noble and enlightened when they did some really nasty behavior that is anything but. Hard to reconcile the cognitive dissonance that is battling in my brain.

That makes perfect sense. However I think if your peace-of-mind relies on the other person admitting what they really are, or the rest of the world seeing how they really are, then you are still giving them power over how you feel. It may be better just to come to some degree of acceptance that we live in a topsy-turvy world?
Mal7 said:
history said:
What is bothering me now is the other person in my situation thinking they are all clean and noble and enlightened when they did some really nasty behavior that is anything but. Hard to reconcile the cognitive dissonance that is battling in my brain.

That makes perfect sense. However I think if your peace-of-mind relies on the other person admitting what they really are, or the rest of the world seeing how they really are, then you are still giving them power over how you feel. It may be better just to come to some degree of acceptance that we live in a topsy-turvy world?

Easier said than done, right?

I wish I could find the exact quote that I read recently but basically it said that anyone that's going on and on about how enlightened they are is still just stuck in their Ego pleading for public recognition. That seems obvious, doesn't it? Well, not to the other in my situation apparently.

I'm also remind of this that I read here:

A Force of Nature
by Anna Valerious

"If you've withheld forgiveness from the narcissists in your life then I am sure you have experienced some particular accusations. These come from the narcissist and their sympathizers. They accuse you of "refusing to forget the past", "holding a grudge", "being resentful", "not letting go".

Boy, do I ever know that one! According to the Bridges gang, it's all my fault because I can't forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones and remove that pesky series of reports about Vinnie from the web! What an evil, unforgiving, un-spiritual, vicious, vindictive person I am (according to them, forgetting that they are the ones that started the whole thing, carried it on for months before I decided that I was not going to be a victim)."

No-one likes to be a victim or a fool.
I wish I could find the exact quote that I read recently but basically it said that anyone that's going on and on about how enlightened they are is still just stuck in their Ego pleading for public recognition. That seems obvious, doesn't it? Well, not to the other in my situation apparently.

Here it is:

"Internal considering is in very concrete terms man's natural enemy who seeks to prevent man from being himself. The predator will at all times prefer an illusion of virtue to the naked truth about itself. Still, it is not useful to morally judge or condemn the predator, just like it is useless to condemn a cat for eating mice. Still, one must disengage from identifying with this predator. Claiming to Work while engaging in internal considering is a contradiction in terms. The forms of internal considering can however be extremely subtle and one cannot always detect them, thus constant vigilance is required. The predator of internal considering may well claim to engage in merciless self-observation, to aspire to consciousness and being and any other virtues and even trick itself to believe it is progressing towards these goals while all the while only feeding its vanity and desire for recognition."
history, I just want to address the fact that we've effectively hijacked this thread from Starshine, which is itself not externally considerate. It is great that you've been expanding more on your thoughts, but perhaps it would be best to start your own thread to explore these questions of yours. Apologies Starshine.
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