The TRUE Horror's Networks and the activists in jail

Sunbeam said:
"Please re-read the forum guidelines. It appears you are vastly misunderstanding the purpose of this forum and the responses you have received. Before you continue to attack what goes on here, at least pause for a moment to consider the idea that you are mistaken and that you can easily close this web page and move on to things that interest you more without indulging in emotional attacks on people you don't even take the time to try to understand."




Whatever you say.

You can, also, consider that you are mistaken, or can you, will you, are you able to examine that closely?

Your posting privileges have been removed. I hope you find a forum more suited to your particular state of being.
anart said:
Sunbeam said:
"Please re-read the forum guidelines. It appears you are vastly misunderstanding the purpose of this forum and the responses you have received. Before you continue to attack what goes on here, at least pause for a moment to consider the idea that you are mistaken and that you can easily close this web page and move on to things that interest you more without indulging in emotional attacks on people you don't even take the time to try to understand."




Whatever you say.

You can, also, consider that you are mistaken, or can you, will you, are you able to examine that closely?

Your posting privileges have been removed. I hope you find a forum more suited to your particular state of being.

That got nasty really fast.

My "resistance" is exactly this, not being able to offer an opinion without being accused of having some "deeper issue", blah blah.

What a hatred of life. Makes me wonder about Sunbeam and Starshine's relationship, since it was Starshine's idea to get her on here. Starshine, I think your "Each one Teach one" signature should be seriously reconsidered, if you are looking to move forward. It seems to me like you have a lot to think about here.
Adaryn said:
Starshine said:
And the documentary of FR3 has not been mentionned yet too, from what I see. But maybe I'm mistaking.

This documentary is on the Fr website, along with an article about it:

This one is with english subs.

Mariama said:
If you start reading the (long) article that is mentioned in the other thread you will find answers to your questions.
IMO, there is no limit to the evil and depravity of these people. They (can) do whatever they fancy. Which is quite a lot.
You will also find out that at least 30 witnesses were killed, before they had a chance to testify. Thirty and then we are not even talking about the kids that have been murdered.

FWIW, you could have shared this in the other thread. It is the same topic. These networks are international. You can detect the same patterns.
I am now going to watch that youtube video about Stan. Take care, Starshine.
I will read the article, and I could have shared it in the other topic (if I had done a search about the networks instead of stan), which I will read also.

Now, I can see that the main topic derived a bit here... to personnal stuff.
And that was really not the purpose of this post.
I don't think Sunbeam wanted to generalise to all members, I don't agree btw though I'm sad to see what just happened.
littlebook said:
You people have SERIOUS issues.

You'll be smoke the peace pipe on that, no doubt.

Sunbeam, you've been banned again and this time your IP has been blocked. I suggest you get professional mental health counseling, because your issues are too large for us to address here.
Starshine said:
I don't think Sunbeam wanted to generalise to all members,

I think her subsequent post as "littlebook" disproves that idea (same IP address) - so it looks like you have a quite an issue on your hands there with your girlfriend.
anart said:
Starshine said:
I don't think Sunbeam wanted to generalise to all members,

I think her subsequent post as "littlebook" disproves that idea (same IP address) - so it looks like you have a quite an issue on your hands there with your girlfriend.

I don't think she's the forum's problem anymore at this point. Unless Starshine is interested in further discussing her or the relationship... OSIT.
Hesper said:
That got nasty really fast.
Maybe on the face of it, it seems that way. I personally think there was much simmering going on way before the boilover.

Hesper said:
My "resistance" is exactly this, not being able to offer an opinion without being accused of having some "deeper issue", blah blah.

What a hatred of life. Makes me wonder about Sunbeam and Starshine's relationship, since it was Starshine's idea to get her on here. Starshine, I think your "Each one Teach one" signature should be seriously reconsidered, if you are looking to move forward. It seems to me like you have a lot to think about here.
Indeed, and a good deal of fear as well. I also agree that you may have quite a bit on your plate regarding your girlfriend, Starshine. Perhaps even a good deal of resentment on Sunbeam's part from being coerced to join the forum instead of you trusting her enough to make her own decisions. If this thread is any indication, Starshine, there are deeper issues going on between both of you in this relationship.
Hesper said:
What a hatred of life. Makes me wonder about Sunbeam and Starshine's relationship, since it was Starshine's idea to get her on here. Starshine, I think your "Each one Teach one" signature should be seriously reconsidered, if you are looking to move forward. It seems to me like you have a lot to think about here.
Yes, it's an old one, from a band that I love. I'd rather say Each one Teach the one able to learn.

anart said:
Starshine said:
I don't think Sunbeam wanted to generalise to all members,

I think her subsequent post as "littlebook" disproves that idea (same IP address) - so it looks like you have a quite an issue on your hands there with your girlfriend.

Okay, a big issue as you say.
We met by talking about psychopathy, and a lot of other concerns that I was surprised to find a hear to talk to. She's 46, I'm 23. I love her, on many levels.
That's for the background, now she basically told me that I had to make a choice or she would cancel her trip. She says it's a cult, and she never really understood why I was spending that much time on Sott. Now I told her, I will not stop going on Sott, and she said, then we have a problem.. So, yes, we have a problem...

Why all that ? If someone had answer to my first post, it wouldn't have been a problem at all. It's because I sent a second one that I finally got an answer. When she saw the response, she was compassionate to me because she thought it was kind of mean. It's not really kind to say she should go to see a therapist, she just said what she thought there.
I've talk about that with my mother, she's upset about this situation, about the way you treated her, and, yes, you don't know her and everybody has issues. Eiru Eolas and ketogenic diet is great, but it's not fixing the murders of childs by psychopaths. I'm struggled since I love Sott and am certainly not objective, but I can tell that the two most important women of my life think that's too much.
Starshine said:
Hesper said:
What a hatred of life. Makes me wonder about Sunbeam and Starshine's relationship, since it was Starshine's idea to get her on here. Starshine, I think your "Each one Teach one" signature should be seriously reconsidered, if you are looking to move forward. It seems to me like you have a lot to think about here.
Yes, it's an old one, from a band that I love. I'd rather say Each one Teach the one able to learn.

anart said:
Starshine said:
I don't think Sunbeam wanted to generalise to all members,

I think her subsequent post as "littlebook" disproves that idea (same IP address) - so it looks like you have a quite an issue on your hands there with your girlfriend.

Okay, a big issue as you say.
We met by talking about psychopathy, and a lot of other concerns that I was surprised to find a hear to talk to. She's 46, I'm 23. I love her, on many levels.
That's for the background, now she basically told me that I had to make a choice or she would cancel her trip. She says it's a cult, and she never really understood why I was spending that much time on Sott. Now I told her, I will not stop going on Sott, and she said, then we have a problem.. So, yes, we have a problem...

Why all that ? If someone had answer to my first post, it wouldn't have been a problem at all. It's because I sent a second one that I finally got an answer. When she saw the response, she was compassionate to me because she thought it was kind of mean. It's not really kind to say she should go to see a therapist, she just said what she thought there.
I've talk about that with my mother, she's upset about this situation, about the way you treated her, and, yes, you don't know her and everybody has issues. Eiru Eolas and ketogenic diet is great, but it's not fixing the murders of childs by psychopaths. I'm struggled since I love Sott and am certainly not objective, but I can tell that the two most important women of my life think that's too much.

Starshine, it's your life and you need to go and make your own decisions. People's actions ALWAYS speak louder than their words and there are actions here that could provide you with a lot of information if you choose to see. We wish you well, no matter your decision for your future.
Starshine said:
I've talk about that with my mother, she's upset about this situation, about the way you treated her, and, yes, you don't know her and everybody has issues. Eiru Eolas and ketogenic diet is great, but it's not fixing the murders of childs by psychopaths. I'm struggled since I love Sott and am certainly not objective, but I can tell that the two most important women of my life think that's too much.

Starshine, we aren't about fake kindness here. Perhaps YOU need to re-read the forum guidelines? We are about finding something objective in this whole fake psychopathic reality. We are about growing up and being responsible and sharing/teaching that to others with honest, objective feedback. If a person can't, at the very least, achieve some level of objectivity, they can never do anything about psychopathic child murderers either because it is a huge war and requires seasoned soldiers who know how to master themselves under the most horrifying conditions.

You can see that little X up at the right hand corner of the screen, yes? So click it. That's something no "cult" will tell you. Instead, they'll talk about being nice and sweet...

'Tis too much proved - that with devotion's visage
And pious action we do sugar o'er
The devil himself.
Shakespeare's Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1

I don't think you are cut out for this kind of work.
Starshine said:
Let me tell you real quick, we just talked. ...We're separated since the end of august.
We met by talking about psychopathy, and a lot of other concerns that I was surprised to find a hear to talk to. She's 46, I'm 23. I love her, on many levels.
That's for the background, now she basically told me that I had to make a choice or she would cancel her trip. She says it's a cult, and she never really understood why I was spending that much time on Sott. Now I told her, I will not stop going on Sott, and she said, then we have a problem.. So, yes, we have a problem...

Why all that ? If someone had answer to my first post, it wouldn't have been a problem at all. It's because I sent a second one that I finally got an answer. When she saw the response, she was compassionate to me because she thought it was kind of mean. It's not really kind to say she should go to see a therapist, she just said what she thought there.
I've talk about that with my mother, she's upset about this situation, about the way you treated her, and, yes, you don't know her and everybody has issues. Eiru Eolas and ketogenic diet is great, but it's not fixing the murders of childs by psychopaths. I'm struggled since I love Sott and am certainly not objective, but I can tell that the two most important women of my life think that's too much.

Seems to me that as a result of the discussion on this forum over the past few days and what it has revealed, you may just have been gifted a "get out of jail free" card. It's up to you whether or not you use it though.
Expected answers

Jumping off the fence.
Back to your answers, I wanted to respond right away, but I really had nothing to say. So I just didn't. And this is probably better, I would have keep going on self-pity, and I was far too emotionnal to think clearly.
Also, there's the fact that I wanted to post something wise and to show one of the best I's I could have shown you, as for every posts, and lack of those. There's definitly a huge amount of work to be done, in and out.
But I've been thinking about all that everyday since, pondering your words, and what happened IRL. It's been quite a struggle, and I'd like to share it with you though I can't do this here by respect of privacy.

Laura said:
Starshine, we aren't about fake kindness here. Perhaps YOU need to re-read the forum guidelines? We are about finding something objective in this whole fake psychopathic reality. We are about growing up and being responsible and sharing/teaching that to others with honest, objective feedback. If a person can't, at the very least, achieve some level of objectivity, they can never do anything about psychopathic child murderers either because it is a huge war and requires seasoned soldiers who know how to master themselves under the most horrifying conditions.

You can see that little X up at the right hand corner of the screen, yes? So click it. That's something no "cult" will tell you. Instead, they'll talk about being nice and sweet...

'Tis too much proved - that with devotion's visage
And pious action we do sugar o'er
The devil himself.
Shakespeare's Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1

I've been especially moved, at the time, by this quote of Hamlet (which is also said by V at the beginning of the movie), trying to understand the meaning intended. What I understood from it is that I'm full of lies that need to be exposed, but if there's more to it and that you have some more insights that could explicit this, my hears are wide open.

I'm not searching for fake kindness, and re-reading the guidelines and some other threads, as Depression As A Stepping Stone (to Soul Growth) and Boardlurker? Read this!! made me remember the objective, and I would recommend it to everyone. I was not on the board that much, but I've not stop to read, I'm almost done with The Wave 8, understanting the reality more clearly, and facing myself more sincerely. Soon on Comets and the Horns of Moses. It's a long and tough road but I'm decided to continue. And I will persist until I succeed.
What is shiffting on those days is my behaviour toward life, in a more practical way. It's been really theorical knowledge until then. The dynamics of social interactions are clearer, the way the System of Control acts makes more and more sense. Challenges are fun, right ? I dare more to do new things, and I understand that I'm not alone, that we should never forget it. I have to beware of my internal considering, it's been ruling my life in its different expressions. I'm practicing EE more regularly, at least once a week since 2 months and it's been and is really effective on every levels. I also joined a massage school, which commits me to keep some physical balance for the good of both parts, plus climbing, competition against oneself.
Perceval said:
Starshine said:
Why all that ? If someone had answer to my first post, it wouldn't have been a problem at all. It's because I sent a second one that I finally got an answer. When she saw the response, she was compassionate to me because she thought it was kind of mean. It's not really kind to say she should go to see a therapist, she just said what she thought there.
I've talk about that with my mother, she's upset about this situation, about the way you treated her, and, yes, you don't know her and everybody has issues. Eiru Eolas and ketogenic diet is great, but it's not fixing the murders of childs by psychopaths. I'm struggled since I love Sott and am certainly not objective, but I can tell that the two most important women of my life think that's too much.
Seems to me that as a result of the discussion on this forum over the past few days and what it has revealed, you may just have been gifted a "get out of jail free" card. It's up to you whether or not you use it though.
I recognize some programs here, and this has been really important and useful to face them. I misused words, I was emotionnaly hooked on the above. I didn't know how to handle the situation that got worse and worse irl, I wanted to make it all good, and the consequences have been surprising, at the very least. It's all so subtle. I have my responsability for sure.
It's been a gift, I take it as it is and it has profound meaning to me, as all the sharing of infos that is going on around here, my gratitude for all of you has no words, I still have to find a way to express it through actions.

anart said:
Starshine, it's your life and you need to go and make your own decisions. People's actions ALWAYS speak louder than their words and there are actions here that could provide you with a lot of information if you choose to see. We wish you well, no matter your decision for your future.
Thank you.
truth seeker said:
Perhaps even a good deal of resentment on Sunbeam's part from being coerced to join the forum instead of you trusting her enough to make her own decisions.

Apparently she had told me she registered, though I wasn't aware she was until this post. But yes, she must have feel coerced to hear about sott, from the very beginning actually, we didn't agree on diet and smoking.
I know she will read this message, that's also one of the reason why I didn't want to answer.
It took more time than I thought to write it, but I'm glad I finally did it.
This feedback was necessary, I hope it could help in some ways.
Thanks for reading, and for the answers you provided me.
And for all the rest, again and again.
Starshine said:
Jumping off the fence.

It is a testament to the truth to still make that jump after a stumble.

S said:
I've been especially moved, at the time, by this quote of Hamlet (which is also said by V at the beginning of the movie), trying to understand the meaning intended. What I understood from it is that I'm full of lies that need to be exposed, but if there's more to it and that you have some more insights that could explicit this, my hears are wide open.

That's what I understand as well. But, applying the law of 3, there's always "more to it" ;)

S said:
It's a long and tough road but I'm decided to continue. And I will persist until I succeed.

Good attitude.

Succeed, from the Dictionary: "Achieve what one aims or wants to."

It seems one hypothetical aim of yours could have been to reconcile with the forum. Well we all know what it's like to stumble, so as long as you are sincere you would have "succeeded" in that aim. But perhaps it was unconscious, and you didn't know it was your aim, though your "machine" did. Making an aim conscious and explicit is scary. But it is the only way to consciously suffer, I think. What's next for you, Starshine? Putting this event and where you are right now in real life into perspective, what is the most important thing for you now?

S said:
I'm practicing EE more regularly, at least once a week since 2 months and it's been and is really effective on every levels. I also joined a massage school, which commits me to keep some physical balance for the good of both parts, plus climbing, competition against oneself.

Good, you're matching your words with action.

S said:
I misused words, I was emotionnaly hooked on the above. I didn't know how to handle the situation that got worse and worse irl, I wanted to make it all good, and the consequences have been surprising, at the very least. It's all so subtle. I have my responsability for sure.
It's been a gift, I take it as it is and it has profound meaning to me, as all the sharing of infos that is going on around here, my gratitude for all of you has no words, I still have to find a way to express it through actions.

Been there, got the love bite, and know how hard it is. It has the same flavor of the "first initiation" depending on the intensity of the burn. But it appears to have crystallized something inside you, based on your self-reported change in attitude towards life.

S said:
It took more time than I thought to write it, but I'm glad I finally did it.
This feedback was necessary, I hope it could help in some ways.
Thanks for reading, and for the answers you provided me.
And for all the rest, again and again.

You've gotten over a big hump, and deserve some major credit, OSIT.
Hesper said:
It seems one hypothetical aim of yours could have been to reconcile with the forum. Well we all know what it's like to stumble, so as long as you are sincere you would have "succeeded" in that aim. But perhaps it was unconscious, and you didn't know it was your aim, though your "machine" did. Making an aim conscious and explicit is scary. But it is the only way to consciously suffer, I think. What's next for you, Starshine? Putting this event and where you are right now in real life into perspective, what is the most important thing for you now?
Thank you for your answer, Hesper, I really appreciate it, as well as your questions. To "reconcile" with the forum is probably one of the aim, as my head moved 'yes' when I read what you wrote, but it was not so unconscious, nor the only motive. I had to because it really matters to me. And I waited to have more perspective before.

Your questions can lead to several answers, especially "what's next for you".

I thought about the concrete future first. On that point, the goal is get the diploma that will allow me to access to university studies (apparently the Access to Higher Education Diploma in UK) this year, it's on good way. Next, I'd like to follow studies in a 2 years technical degree, on management and protection of the Nature.

Sideways, to keep on learning on a daily basis, to internalize the inflow of knowledge, remember it, recapitulate it, and APPLY it. Find a way to serve others and to be creative enough to share to those who want to. Before giving advices, again, I have to apply what I supposably know. I talk too much -to people who are not interested- about the virtues of some conceptions instead of applying those same, so I should keep my mouth closed more often. Misuse of energy fore sure.
And, to participate into networking, more and more, also.

And, the most important thing for "me" 'now' is... to unveil myself.
I'm on the first stage :

Laura said:
First stage: this period consists in sustained self-observation with the objective of getting to know all the different "parts" of the self, the programs, what is "automatic" or mechanical, and what is not. While this stage proceeds, the seeker must continually be aware that what he is observing is a myriad of "i's" and that very little of what he observes is the real "i." once the seeker has become familiar with the spectacle of his many "i's" that constitute his personality, he must attempt to discover which of these "i's" are the ones that wish to dominate the rest. These are generally "i's" that exist due to lying to oneself or hypocrisy. These "i's" must be unmasked in the first stage of the work. Otherwise, any fusion that takes place will be improper and incomplete and based on a false reality.

In the quantum future school, we have seen many seekers who have come and gone for the simple reason that they cannot bear the unmasking of the controlling "i's" of the false personality. After studying this phenomenon for some time, we came to the realization that, in many cases, this was due to the fact that there simply was no possibility of fusion because the individual was an organic portal and did not have the higher centers to either motivate or fuel this process.

Lying to oneself sometimes takes on extremely finely shaded forms that necessitate total and sustained attention. To eliminate useless lying to others does not demand continual effort: one must simply watch to see that it does not slip into conversation. At the moment when the lie is on our lips a simple effort of attention is sufficient to stop it.

As for efforts at suppressing lies to oneself, they entail quite different and important consequences. Such lies grow deep roots of such psychological subtlety that it is difficult to uproot them. An example is the question of marriages or friendships where one of the partners, having realized that the union is in error, persists in trying to convince himself of the contrary. If he is of an affectionate nature, he will redouble his amiability towards his partner. The absurdity of the situation reaches its limits if the other partner reacts by adopting a corresponding attitude - without truly feeling any sincere or spontaneous glow of tenderness.

The danger from the esoteric point of view is that, by mere force of habit, such a situation takes on for one or both of the participants, the value of truth when it is, in fact, a lie. This kind of lying to oneself can go on for dozens of years with people who are amiable and of good faith, entailing generally tragic circumstances at the end.

The person who struggles against lying to himself must be forewarned of these difficulties and of the collapse of some, or all, of his greatest values, illusions, beliefs, ideas and theories about his world. The true, deep, inner work cannot even begin until the novice has passed through this general bankruptcy and has had all his "gods" thrown to the ground.

He will sometimes feel bitter regret as his beautiful dreams vanish, but at the same time, he will feel himself more and more liberated. His growing sincerity towards himself will establish an atmosphere of truth in his inner life. The law proclaims: "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

inner non-considering - or the ability to be brutally honest with the self with deep sincerity - is the crucial element of unmasking. The lies that one tells the self - either by programming from the exterior world - or to deal with shocks to the interior world must be done away with. An individual who cannot bear the truth can never know love. This conquest of inner lying is the sine qua non of success in esoteric work. This alone makes it possible to observe the work of the lower centers objectively. It is sometimes necessary to resort to force and violence against ourselves - those little "i's" who have taken over our lives. This is how we eliminate the roots of illusion within us, the mother of lies to ourselves.

I have my own rythm, but I already know I won decades, and how 'lucky' I am to be around here too.
Now, I have to make something about it. Or it would be a waste. A huge one.
My will has grown, my dominant I's are still there, and I still need to identify and recognize some, but the map is being made, which has to be completed with total and sustained attention, and I still forget too often in certain situations.
I also consider in a more profound way the 'we'.

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