Jake Sully, Anonymous and "WhatIsThePlan" - PsyOps?

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Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Bluelamp said:
I was on forums for physics, religion, psychology, current events, etc. before coming here (via Ark's Quantum Future site just expecting to find physics). I'm still on those and via us going to facebook I'm on facebook groups now too. How does one fully avoid problems really when for me it's a research discussion thing? I cite Wikipedia more than SOTT/Cass/FOTCM but there's alot of really good information that's only SOTT/Cass/FOTCM.

I do actually cite the original article for SOTT but the best stuff is often the SOTT Focus. I also sometimes cite Laura's or Ark's or whoever's original source mentioned in the forum or other Cass/FOTCM cite or like in a recent facebook group post, kind of just post Laura's view next to Gurdjieff's view (ISOTM and SHOTW). With my personality I don't get anywhere near Administrator, I almost never post the original post, I'm almost always just commenting on other posts. Do I have to worry?

I actually was concerned about something similar. I mentioned the Cassiopaea project at a music forum once, but since nobody seemed interested except for one person who acted like a disinformation agent (he claimed to know it then showed a link to a weird new age site), then I decided to call myself to silence. Good I didn't insist =P
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Laura said:
Jakesully said:
Back in June I became involved in an activist forum called "What Is The Plan" as a moderator. I should never have gotten involved. This forum is associated with the network of communities known as "Anonymous". Having the moderator position, I was riding an arrogant ego trip, which led to a crash. (Note: I'm aware of the principle of the little I's and the machine, the mind of the predator, etc., but for the sake of simplicity, I'm writing in plain language.).

Can you explain how you found this forum? Who is behind it?

I originally found the forum through a link someone had posted on a facebook group called "ANONYMOUS VICTORY". The guy who started the forum goes by the nickname Mavendetta.

Laura said:
Jakesully said:
I had joined the other forum with the arrogant, stupid purpose of spreading the word about SOTT.net and LKJ's material. On that forum, when my personal info was released, I was accused of "recruiting for a cult", because I had posted links there to the Cassiopaea network of websites.

Were you not aware of all the attack we have been under over the years? Were you not aware of our policy of NOT going onto other groups sites/territory at all?

I'm sorry. I was aware of the attacks. I was not aware of this policy, but I know I should have been, and I should have asked.

Laura said:
Jakesully said:
I failed to fully notify anyone here of my interest in getting involved on that forum, or ask permission to post links and talk about the Cass network. And now it has led to negative attention on the Cassiopaea network, both from some parts of these "Anonymous" communities, as well as from the authorities.

Indeed it has. The attention from the authorities is because we have had to report it due to the fact that death threats have been made against us by these people.

I am extremely sorry that this has happened. The death threats were likely made with the express purpose of causing anxiety, not as a statement of intent. I say this because I'm aware that these people are mainly motivated by that pathological statement "doing it for the lulz".

Laura said:
Jakesully said:
My profound, egotistical error was in getting involved with that forum in the first place. I apologize for everything I've done, but I know a simple apology isn't going to fix the damage I've caused, nor fix my predator's mind, which I am still stuck with.

Again: how did you find this forum you got involved with, who is behind it, what data do you know about any of them?

The attacks (death threats) are likely not coming from people who are on that forum, but from other people/groups outside of that forum (What Is The Plan). I was told in particular that the people who released my personal information may have been connected to a certain website, and I apologize for the harsh language, but this is their url: motherfuckery.org. They are apparently based in New York City.

When WITP (What Is The Plan) started up, there was some acrimony from the users of a forum called WhyWeProtest.net. The acrimony, I think, was due to the perception of along comes this upstart WITP, upsetting the established status quo of Anonymous protests and activism. The latter forum community originally started as Enturbulation.org, and existed for activism against Scientology. I was involved on Enturbulation.org/WhyWeProtest from the start, in January 2008, until sometime late in 2008.

Jason (ocean59) said:
I would tend to agree with the others making the request for disclosure. Specifically, I am thinking of one line of an IRC conversation that was part of the 'leaked documents' concerning JakeSully released on WITP.
<Poppins> Telemachos: [name redacted] what's the deal with LKJ bro? You never told me you were into this -shite- years ago

This would suggest that the connections and relationships with these people goes back quite awhile.

Yes, I knew this "Poppins" person while I was a user on Enturbulation.org/WhyWeProtest.net.

ignis.intimus said:
Jakesully said:
Back in June I became involved in an activist forum called "What Is The Plan" as a moderator. I should never have gotten involved. This forum is associated with the network of communities known as "Anonymous".

I think who and what "Anonymous" is and what they have done in the past is highly relevant here. I think you should enlighten us, and spell it out. For those who might not know who Anonymous is, and even for those who do. "Where" this group originated from is also highly relevant.

I'll get you started ... calling Anonymous a community is quite a stretch, insofar as most people here would think of the term community.

Anthropologist Gabriella Coleman gave a video presentation about Anonymous back in April of this year.


This presentation explains the entire history and culture of it all much better than I could.

To summarize it though, it originated on a website called "4chan.org". It has a long history, and as a concept it gives people the feeling of power and control. There are some (such as myself) who naively try/tried to dress it up and/or rehabilitate it, but due to the people/groups who are associated with it, and perhaps the very nature of it, such a thing is impossible. It's a concept that allows people to feed their egos and feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves, and overall, it has a bad reputation of hurting innocent people.
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Jakesully said:
I'm sorry. I was aware of the attacks. I was not aware of this policy, but I know I should have been, and I should have asked.

If you know anything at all about the Work and External Consideration, then it's really just common sense. The Work isn't a prop a person uses in life to bring attention to themselves.

js said:
I originally found the forum through a link someone had posted on a facebook group called "ANONYMOUS VICTORY". The guy who started the forum goes by the nickname Mavendetta.

What else do you know about this person and anyone else involved on that forum or the other forums you mentioned? The information you've provided thus far isn't very helpful.
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

anart said:
Jakesully said:
I'm sorry. I was aware of the attacks. I was not aware of this policy, but I know I should have been, and I should have asked.

If you know anything at all about the Work and External Consideration, then it's really just common sense. The Work isn't a prop a person uses in life to bring attention to themselves.

js said:
I originally found the forum through a link someone had posted on a facebook group called "ANONYMOUS VICTORY". The guy who started the forum goes by the nickname Mavendetta.

What else do you know about this person and anyone else involved on that forum or the other forums you mentioned? The information you've provided thus far isn't very helpful.

I am sorry. Both WhyWeProtest.net and WhatIsThePlan.org operate under a sort of "mob rule" where the admins/moderators of the respective sites pretty much stay out of the way and only perform the functions for which their roles are necessary. Admins/mods would also not be likely to know about the planning of any attacks, because such discussion would result in a ban from either site. It's most likely to be people connected to local "Anon" groups such as that motherfuckery.org (again, sorry about the language) site that I mentioned above. To tell you more specific information might require me to go into sensitive details, so I wonder if I may be able to say this in PM.
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Jakesully said:
..... To tell you more specific information might require me to go into sensitive details, so I wonder if I may be able to say this in PM.
Hi JS,

Yes, please do so. Please PM the specific details to any one of us moderators or administrators of this forum.
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

I find it a little funny if you read jake's post about being a man 2, blablabla, I mean, how many people would write a lot about becoming man 4, about the work, but interestingly just and precisely on a moment, and then just do completelly the contrary. Like those who get into a church, but be warned that after that person gets out, its a real monster.

If that anonymous people (aren't those that suit like V for vendetta?) are sending death threaths that mean this is really serious, and saying you were just stupid is not going to change nothing at all, maybe be the one desperately trying to fix all this.

Indeed, "The road to HELL is paved with "good" intentions."

edit: Heaven for Hell

Bluelamp said:
I was on forums for physics, religion, psychology, current events, etc. before coming here (via Ark's Quantum Future site just expecting to find physics). I'm still on those and via us going to facebook I'm on facebook groups now too. How does one fully avoid problems really when for me it's a research discussion thing? I cite Wikipedia more than SOTT/Cass/FOTCM but there's alot of really good information that's only SOTT/Cass/FOTCM.

You can't compare this with what Jake did, I mean jake did something in a moment where maybe he wasn't thinking at all, and I'm not trying to insult, see, there is the most basic lesson on psychology that talks about the subjective part of a human being, his mind and what that human being think is doing and the objective part, his conduct, that shows what that human is really doing. And this is just an example of what we can do in a subjective mode
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Jakesully said:
The attacks (death threats) are likely not coming from people who are on that forum, but from other people/groups outside of that forum (What Is The Plan). I was told in particular that the people who released my personal information may have been connected to a certain website, and I apologize for the harsh language, but this is their url: motherfuckery.org. They are apparently based in New York City.

When WITP (What Is The Plan) started up, there was some acrimony from the users of a forum called WhyWeProtest.net. The acrimony, I think, was due to the perception of along comes this upstart WITP, upsetting the established status quo of Anonymous protests and activism. The latter forum community originally started as Enturbulation.org, and existed for activism against Scientology. I was involved on Enturbulation.org/WhyWeProtest from the start, in January 2008, until sometime late in 2008.

What is this "what is the plan" thing? What IS their "plan"?

Why in the world does anyone want to engage in "activism against Scientology"? Don't the people who choose that option have the RIGHT to do so? It's not much different from the Catholic Church, if you ask me. If that is what these activists are up to, they don't sound very much different from the Right Wing Authoritarians who supported Bush and Cheney and invading Iraq.
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Prometeo said:
I find it a little funny if you read jake's post about being a man 2, blablabla, I mean, how many people would write a lot about becoming man 4, about the work, but interestingly just and precisely on a moment, and then just do completelly the contrary. Like those who get into a church, but be warned that after that person gets out, its a real monster.

If that anonymous people (aren't those that suit like V for vendetta?) are sending death threaths that mean this is really serious, and saying you were just stupid is not going to change nothing at all, maybe be the one desperately trying to fix all this.

Indeed, "The road to heaven is paved with "good" intentions."

I believe the saying is "The road to HELL is paved with good intentions."
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Laura said:
Jakesully said:
The attacks (death threats) are likely not coming from people who are on that forum, but from other people/groups outside of that forum (What Is The Plan). I was told in particular that the people who released my personal information may have been connected to a certain website, and I apologize for the harsh language, but this is their url: motherfuckery.org. They are apparently based in New York City.

When WITP (What Is The Plan) started up, there was some acrimony from the users of a forum called WhyWeProtest.net. The acrimony, I think, was due to the perception of along comes this upstart WITP, upsetting the established status quo of Anonymous protests and activism. The latter forum community originally started as Enturbulation.org, and existed for activism against Scientology. I was involved on Enturbulation.org/WhyWeProtest from the start, in January 2008, until sometime late in 2008.

What is this "what is the plan" thing? What IS their "plan"?

Why in the world does anyone want to engage in "activism against Scientology"? Don't the people who choose that option have the RIGHT to do so? It's not much different from the Catholic Church, if you ask me. If that is what these activists are up to, they don't sound very much different from the Right Wing Authoritarians who supported Bush and Cheney and invading Iraq.

They don't protest the religion of Scientology, but the corrupt Church of Scientology organization and all of its abusive practices, such as their overly-litigious nature, their practice of "Fair Game" where they either sue or harass anyone who speaks out against them, and their practice of coercing female Sea Org members to have abortions, to name a few things.

In the two months that I was a part of that "What Is The Plan", the most that they could come up with was a vague framework of research and activism to force governments to be more transparent and less corrupt. Many of them really don't understand what they're getting themselves into, and they're setting themselves up to be infiltrated and vectored, just by putting so many people in one place.

It's quite possible that there are a lot of authoritarians and informants among them. The difference between right-wing extremists (fascists) and left-wing extremists (anarchists) isn't much. They're both willing to commit violence to get what they want. And if one looks at the results of their efforts, either form of extremism plays into the hands of TPTB. Not to mention that sort of activist cause just naturally attracts quite a lot of pathological and psychologically deviant individuals, who can more easily fit in to such a chaotic environment.

For the sake of clarification, the community of WhyWeProtest.net started in January 2008. WhatIsThePlan.org started about June 14th, 2011.
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Jakesully said:
They don't protest the religion of Scientology, but the corrupt Church of Scientology organization and all of its abusive practices, such as their overly-litigious nature, their practice of "Fair Game" where they either sue or harass anyone who speaks out against them, and their practice of coercing female Sea Org members to have abortions, to name a few things.

You realize this is a ridiculous statement, right? There is no 'Church of Scientology' without the 'religion of Scientology'. It sounds to me like these people are basically terrorists deciding what it is other people should and should not believe. Are they even vaguely familiar with the concept of Free Will?

I mean - on a really basic level, who are they to decide? With what psychopaths in world government are doing, they honestly think this matters?

j said:
In the two months that I was a part of that "What Is The Plan", the most that they could come up with was a vague framework of research and activism to force governments to be more transparent and less corrupt. Many of them really don't understand what they're getting themselves into, and they're setting themselves up to be infiltrated and vectored, just by putting so many people in one place.

It's quite possible that there are a lot of authoritarians and informants among them. The difference between right-wing extremists (fascists) and left-wing extremists (anarchists) isn't much. They're both willing to commit violence to get what they want. And if one looks at the results of their efforts, either form of extremism plays into the hands of TPTB. Not to mention that sort of activist cause just naturally attracts quite a lot of pathological and psychologically deviant individuals, who can more easily fit in to such a chaotic environment.

For the sake of clarification, the community of WhyWeProtest.net started in January 2008. WhatIsThePlan.org started about June 14th, 2011.

'jake', I gotta tell ya. Every time I read one of your posts, I know less and less. Is that on purpose or is your thinking just so confused that you don't make sense?
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Jakesully said:
They don't protest the religion of Scientology, but the corrupt Church of Scientology organization and all of its abusive practices, such as their overly-litigious nature, their practice of "Fair Game" where they either sue or harass anyone who speaks out against them, and their practice of coercing female Sea Org members to have abortions, to name a few things.

What is so different about the CoS's "overly-litigious nature" from any other organization that seeks to protect itself from attackers? And what is different about the hacktivists harassing them because they don't like them from CoS harassing people who attack them?

Why don't they go after the Laestadians who basically force their women members to have children until their bodies are worn out? Catholics who are against birth control.

See my point? People are allowed to choose to be coerced/bamboozled, whatever.

Sounds to me like there are some fundie Christians involved in this and that is really ugly.

Jakesully said:
For the sake of clarification, the community of WhyWeProtest.net started in January 2008. WhatIsThePlan.org started about June 14th, 2011.

Who started them? Do you have names? Clues?
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Laura said:
See my point? People are allowed to choose to be coerced/bamboozled, whatever.

An important point for me to remember ...

The little "I's" have a tendency to want to DO instead of focusing on acquiring KNOWLEDGE - I guess it seems to be easier, even if all that "action" will come to nothing.
I only now start to slowly realize how the mind of the psychopaths works. It really is a twisted world we live in and frankly, I still am shocked on a daily basis how they get away with it (eg war is peace in Libya).
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

nicklebleu said:
The little "I's" have a tendency to want to DO instead of focusing on acquiring KNOWLEDGE - I guess it seems to be easier, even if all that "action" will come to nothing.

A quote comes to mind:
ISOTM said:
"It was said, for instance, that somebody wanted to help people. In order to be able to help people one must first learn to help oneself. A great number of people become absorbed in thoughts and feelings about helping others simply out of laziness. They are too lazy to work on themselves; and at the same time it is very pleasant for them to think that they are able to help others. This is being false and insincere with oneself. If a man looks at himself as he really is, he will not begin to think of helping other people: he will be ashamed to think about it.
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

Laura said:
Jakesully said:
They don't protest the religion of Scientology, but the corrupt Church of Scientology organization and all of its abusive practices, such as their overly-litigious nature, their practice of "Fair Game" where they either sue or harass anyone who speaks out against them, and their practice of coercing female Sea Org members to have abortions, to name a few things.

What is so different about the CoS's "overly-litigious nature" from any other organization that seeks to protect itself from attackers? And what is different about the hacktivists harassing them because they don't like them from CoS harassing people who attack them?

Why don't they go after the Laestadians who basically force their women members to have children until their bodies are worn out? Catholics who are against birth control.

See my point? People are allowed to choose to be coerced/bamboozled, whatever.

Sounds to me like there are some fundie Christians involved in this and that is really ugly.

Yes, I understand the principle of free will, and I understand that many of these activists don't understand that principle.

It's quite possible that fundies may be involved. To articulate the various people who are involved in this activism against organized Scientology, it would include former Scientology members who've been harassed by organized Scientology, some "Freezoners" or those who try to promote the Scientology religion apart from the corporate Scientology entity, "freedom of information" activists (mostly those "Anonymous" who see the hacktivism as being a tool to expose corruption), and a whole lot of bandwagon jumpers who stayed around long after most of the bandwagoners had already left.

But one has to wonder if it all wasn't a carefully organized plot by the CIA to "handle" Scientology, since it's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, appears to have been connected in some way to intelligence back in the 50's. Hubbard may have been crazy, but on the other hand, he may have known too much (especially about MKULTRA and the monolithic and ruthless conspiracy) and had to be silenced, and the organized Church of Scientology, to my understanding, was infiltrated and coopted by intelligence services back in the 80's.

I'm not sure how credible/unbiased this source is, but it tells the main story, that the original corporate entity of Scientology was infiltrated and dismantled.

The last corporate entity to practice the subject of Scientology was the Church of Scientology of California. In the early 1980’s a group of conspirators took over the Church. The conspirators dismantled the Church of Scientology of California and replaced it with three new corporations

Church of Spiritual Technology - CST
Religious Technology Center - RTC
Church of Scientology International - CSI

The above three corporate entities market the "Scientology Religion".

The way this is accomplished is that CSI alters, deletes, and fabricates LRH issues such as LRH HCOBs, books, and tapes. RTC then approves these alterations, deletions, and fabrications made to LRH issues by CSI. CST then accepts the "based on the works of LRH" issues and archives them in underground storage vaults "for future generations."

The above three corporate entities are co-conspirators in a fraud being perpetrated on the paying Scientology public. The executives of these corporations and Church promo make the false statement to the paying Scientology public that what they are purchasing and receiving is "pure, unadulterated LRH technology". They make this fraudulent statement while knowing full well that they have made thousands of alterations, deletions, and fabrications to LRH issues.


In 1981 the complete Church of Scientology in every nation on the planet had been bought by the biggest WHISKEY producer on Earth, the Canadian Jew Bronfman.

Now you will understand why the most important people in Scientology as well as all the original founders had left the Church at that time. Because since then the Church of Scientology is a Khazar-Jewish Illuminati organisation. Surprised?


However, ironically enough, to talk about organized Scientology being infiltrated by "CIA and Illuminati" on WhyWeProtest.net would result in calls of "moonbattery" (their duckspeak term for anything that doesn't fit within a vague, authoritarian, natural science worldview). It's quite possible that many of the local WhyWeProtest.net groups have been infiltrated and coopted as well. There are so many levels of possible obfuscation and "controlled opposition" here that it is mind-boggling.

Laura said:
Jakesully said:
For the sake of clarification, the community of WhyWeProtest.net started in January 2008. WhatIsThePlan.org started about June 14th, 2011.

Who started them? Do you have names? Clues?

I don't have names, but I do know how you could contact the individual owners of these websites (via private message on the respective forums). The individual who started the original Enturbulation.org went by the username "LE". He is no longer associated with that community, and hasn't been since about October 2008.

It appears an individual going by the username "da5id" currently owns and operates WhyWeProtest.net. Here, it's very important to understand that besides the admins/moderators of that site, it is not a hierarchical organization. Users pretty much do whatever they want, within the bounds of legality and the purpose of that website (Activism against organized Scientology, Freedom of Information, Net Neutrality). Thus, the overall culture of the community is ripe for the picking to be infiltrated and coopted.

As regards WhatIsThePlan.org, last I knew, "Mavendetta" still owned the forum, which is hosted on forumotion.com, a free forum host. It may be possible to contact him via PM on that website. The same is true of WhatIsThePlan.org as is true of WhyWeProtest.net, that it is a loose-knit, non-hierarchical organization.

There was one individual who had been involved in those communities for a long time, especially the WhyWeProtest.net community, who mentioned to me that he had been approached by the people who were involved in the release of my personal information, to try and get him in on it. He refused to be involved, and instead warned me about it. I'm going to see if I can get in touch with him via IRC and get more information from him. Edit: I just sent him a PM on the WhyWeProtest.net forum. I'll watch closely for a reply.
Re: I am egotistical, stupid, and extremely lacking in external consideration

[quote author=Jakesully]
I don't have names, but I do know how you could contact the individual owners of these websites (via private message on the respective forums).
As regards WhatIsThePlan.org, last I knew, "Mavendetta" still owned the forum, which is hosted on forumotion.com, a free forum host. It may be possible to contact him via PM on that website. [/quote]

If I recall correctly, when you first posted this thread and I checked out the related threads on WITP, a mention was made that Mavendetta had been DOX'd, or "outed" once also. Is that info not in your possession, available or accessible to you? It seems to be for the general public.
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